tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 22, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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i'm don lemon, thank you for watching. here is "ac360." -- captions by vitac -- p a change of powerp closest alliesclosest allies saudi arabia. kingr king abdullah hasking abdullah has died. he has been ill for some time. tonight, saudi television replaced television with koranic mes messages. this is part of a pilgrimage and how many turned up to mourn the late king. but observers say that the crowd
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seemed larger than they ordinarily would be at this hour. his hand picked successor king solomon is relatively young by saudi standards. the king that is chose enn will be vital to the united states as well as the economic clout they hold as the world's leading oil exporter. there is a lot to talk about. nic robertson is monitoring the situation there, and so is bob bear baer who has seen it all in that region over the years, and christiane amanpour joining us via phone.
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d when he officially took the throne but he was still considered a reformer. though a reformer in a very conservative context of saudi arabia. >> reporter: well, anderson, that's right. king abdullah was king far short of time. he was ruler of saudi arabia since 1995. sort of dates back to when his predecessor king saud developed a debilitating stroke. he's the man the united states and the rest of the world has dealt with for the last 20 years. he has had several very important initiatives and very thwarted in some ways, relationships with the united states.
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back in the early 2000s, for instance, king convinced the arab league to present an unprecedented agreement to recognize israel. in 1967. that hasn't happened but that plan is considered still the basis of what might eventually be a peace settlement, or a big part of it. obviously, he was also very, very anti-iran. saudi arabia sort of led that arab part of the anti-iran coalition and he has, that has been a real hallmark of saudi policy the last years or more. saudi arabia was not at all pleased with the obama administration's attempt to sort of have a nuclear deal with iran or any kind of agreements like that. saudi arabia also disagreed very strongly with the united states over policy towards syria, saudi arabia wanted a syrian moderate sunni rebels against bashar assad to be armed and that caused a huge amount of friction with the united states. and interestingly, saudi arabia also refused to take its seat in the security council. it was made to have the arab seat in the security council and it considered that an ineffective position and didn't take it. so it's a very close ally of the united states but very prickly too. >> nic robertson, we're just getting a statement from president obama on king abdullah's passing. it's with deep respect that i
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express my personal condolences and sympathies of the american people to the king and the people of saudi arabia. i have always valued king abdullah and have had candid respect for his convictions, and his steadfast and passionate belief this the relationship for a force of stability in the middle east and beyond. a lot of people do talk about him as a reformer, but again, reforms, it's obviously a very conservative kingdom. the growth of the secret police under him was extreme. there's a lot of people saying he wasn't much of a reformer at all. >> and there were others who would say he did achieve some things. he did give women a limited voice. he did try to sort of move issues forward for them.
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you know, there was an expectation when he came to power that women might be able to drive. you know, as strange as that may sound, they still can't drive in saudi arabia. he didn't ever achieve that, but some of the things he did do to sort of open up society a bit, he created one of the first coeducational universities and created a large educational establishment for girls as well. and when he was criticized by some of the country's more conservative religious leaders, he had some of them removed from their position. this was a man who could move but would, albeit, within the limitations of saudi society. it's, you know, the most important thing for the saudi leadership when you're in power or right now passing power over to the next king to king solomon now, is the continuity
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and the stability and the population should understand that the region should understand that. you know, the saudis do live in fear, the royal family does live in fear that there could be a popular uprising and securing a strong shift in power, a seamless transition, is important for them because there are human rights blogger just recently sentenced to a thousand lashes, given 50 a week. situations like this really point to the fact the country may not have moved forward very much but certainly, king abdullah, he tried to move forward in some areas and he himself respected and stopped the flogging of this blogger in the last couple of weeks. these are small steps, that's an indication of just how conservative the undercurrent is in saudi arabia, anderson. >> bob, do we know much about the solomon, who it seems is going the replasce him? there are some accounts that say that he is much harder lined, more conservative than abdullah and if abdullah was a huge reformer, there are other people that he could have made his predecessor. >> anderson, he's a half
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brother, he was the full brother of king fayed. he's one of the sudary seven. when he was governor of riyadh, the intelligence community was very concerned about the relationship with the wahhabis and connection to bin laden, and very conservative. judging by his past, he will not be sort of a healing force that king abdullah. king abdullah was a fantastic king in the saudi complex. he kept a lid on the place from challenges from iraq, yemen, to egypt, he took them all on, he did a wonderful job. so i think his passing is a real loss for us and the saudis. >> christiane bob baer nic robertson, and we will check in with you later on for more developments and more breaking news in the middle east, and the last one just like this one is very important to the united
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states' interests. the senior state department official satd the united states embassy in yemen is pulling out more personnel because of security concerns. earlier today, yemen's president stepped down shortly after the prime minister and captain resigned. the capital sawnaa has been rocked by chaos since rebels seized the presidential palace this week. rebels still hold the kidnapped presidential aide despite agreeing to receive him. jim sciutto joins me now. the situation in yemen, serious ramifications for the u.s. >> no question. the u.s. presence there is essential to keeping up this essential relationship in the fight against terrorists, specifically, al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. the embassy staff on the ground serving that political relationship but also a military presence on the ground, a military relationship that's been key to those drone strikes that have helped kept al qaeda in the arabian peninsula under wraps to some degree in yemen. they haven't pulled out all
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their staff, the military staff that remains key to that program but if the situation deteriorates further, it is possible that you could evacuate all u.s. personnel. >> i also want to talk about, there was a figure given out today in a press conference, a figure of 6,000 dead in isis members dead so far, isis killed 6,000 killed. what did chuck hagel have to say about that? was that information supposed to be released, is that accurate, is chuck hagel secretary of defense standing by that? >> i heard various revies on that today. we did get confirmation from central demand is 6,000 is the u.s. estimate, to be clear, that's the estimate of number of fighters killed since the start of the campaign some five or six months ago but i heard from some other officials they weren't comfortable, that seemed high, thousands was a better estimate but it's interesting to see secretary hagel today didn't seem comfortable with any such estimate. here's what he had to say.
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>> it is a measurement, but it is not the measurement. i was in a war where will was a lot of body counts everyday. we lost that war. >> hagel, a vietnam war veteran, the body counts didn't prove to be at all accurate in showing u.s. progress during the vietnam war and clearly, the secretary doesn't want to go that way again. >> so the u.s. ambassador who put that figure out there the 6,000 figure did he go rogue this is it is mot something that the -- it is not something that the administration appeared to want out there? >> i don't know. it circulated within the pentagon or whether certain officials wanted it out there or not, clearly, secretary hagel and some others i spoke to on background in the pentagon did not want the figure out there and part of the reason is because it's an estimate, it's an assessment from pilots at several thousand feet. it is not a hard number.
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they do want to give some ben benchmarks as to the progress there and it is one of them. so that is what it is a benchmark, but not a e definitive one. >> thank you, jim sciutto. there's a lot more to get to tonight. quick reminder, make sure you set your dvr, watch "360" whenever you want. next, speaking out about deflate-gate. what the patriots quarterback on whether he and others in the organization did anything wrong and deadly shooting by a police officer, this time caught on dash cam. the video and the questions it raises when "360" continues. simply type in a name and you're taken on a journey. a journey that crosses generations. and continents. all to tell the most amazing story. yours. discover your story. start searching for free now at
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the indianapolis colts in the afc championship to get to the super bowl. coach belichick said all the talk of underinflated balls was news to him. >> i was shocked to learn of the news reports about the footballs. i had no knowledge whatsoever of the situation until monday morning. i learned a lot more about this process in the last three days than i knew or had talked about in the last 40 years coaching this league. >> belichick said tom brady's preferences on his footballs are something that he can talk about in more detail than he can as a coach. brady spoke just a few hours ago saying his team won fair and square, he didn't do anything to alter the balls in any way, he said. brady asked if anyone else with the patriots might have done anything wrong, here's what he had to say. >> i had no knowledge of anything. i had no knowledge of any wrongdoing of any -- >> are you comfortable saying nah? >> yes, i'm very comfortable saying that, as far as i know. i don't know anything and i also understand that i was in a locker room preparing for a game. i don't know what happened over
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the course of the process with the footballs. >> joining me now is fox sports analyst mike pereira the former president of officiating for the nfl, and eric kester who worked as a ball boy for the chicago bears, and nfl reporter ben voe lynn. -- volin. we'll start with you, ben. he threw his quarterback under the bus today, how so? >> well, when bill belichick gave his press conference, he gave an 8 minute opening statement and he said, hey, don't look at me. i know nothing about the ball inflation. i've got bigger things to worry about on game day. you heard him say i learned more about this in the last three days than i learned in the past 40 years and said, ask the other guy. tom brady can ask him how he likes his football. usually you see the buck stops with me and i take responsibility. he didn't do that. he said i'm not at fault here and you have to talk to the other guy. >> so, ben, it's absolutely
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known for sure that 11 of the 12 balls were underinflated? >> all we know for sure is that the league sent the patriots a letter monday that said our initial investigation reveal s that you had several footballs underinflated and they have to do a more formal review. and tom brady said it is 24 footballs that they have had to have 24 reviewed because of inclement weather. the 11 number came from an espn report. that's what everyone has been going on this point. all we know is several footballs were found to be underinflated. >> so eric, brady said the footballs didn't feel different to him. as a former ball boy, you said if the ball was deflated, you would have noticed it, correct? >> well, it's really hard to say. as a ball boy, you spend a lot of times with the footballs and
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the quarterbacks do too. you prepare the balls with the quarterback for the week leading up to the game and the quarterbacks are particular about the way that the footballs feel in their hand, and a change in pressure can be e detectable if you really are feeling for the pressure. >> so you're saying a quarterback would know the difference? >> if he's looking for it, but i do have to say in the heat of the game with everything going on, i can totally believe that brady might not notice a drop in pressure in between quarters or plays. >> eric, who actually, from the time the balls are checked by the refs, where are they? >> the ball boys bring them to the referees at that point. they're inspected. after that in my experience, we would bring them out straight to the field.
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at that point, warm-ups would happen and a lot of people at that point start getting their hands on the footballs and throughout the game. it's the ball boy's responsibility to keep track of the balls but ultimately, there's a lot going on and the ball is moving around a lot. i will say given everything going on, the thousands of fans around, media cameras everywhere, i think it would be very difficult to sneak off with a dozen football ss and deflate them without someone noticing. >> belichick is saying that in his whole career, never talked to any player or staff member about air pressure in balls, no knowledge of steps in the balls of preparing the game ball. does that make sense to you? >> yeah, probably does. i don't think coaches spend a lot of time reading the rule book, period. it's a set routine for the officials, but most people say, 12 balls each team but just
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pointed out by eric, i think it's 24 balls by the home team in inclement weather. but the pounds per square inch has never really been a consideration, although if you look back we had an incident in usc with lane kiffin with underinflated footballs there which made it easier for the quarterback to throw. so it is not the first time that it has happened and the one thing that i would disagree with that even though bill say has he was not aware with all of the procedure, and i get that i do think that it is easy to deflate a football. we talked about it before simply put the needle this the ball and the air comes out. it is something that you can do away from the cameras, and as far as the quarterback not feeling the difference you know you have had the monday morning quarterback, and the rich eisen show that have taken two footballs of two pounds difference of pressure and they had a hard time telling the difference and so it is not
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something that the officials would have noticed, but i do believe that if the quarterback knows that he is throwing an underinflated ball not only will he get a better grip, but subconsciously, it will affect him, too. >> eric is it possible weather had an impact on the balls? and again, you said that you spent a lot of time obviously with footballs. is it possible that they naturally deflated? >> i have heard that theory, and people have put it to the test. and the quarterback aren't really taking the balls and really thinking much about the way their pressure feels at that moment. it really would take a pressure gauge to truly tell that big drop in pressure occurred, whether from the weather or something else. >> ben, didn't one of the
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players from the colts when he intercepted a ball say he noticed a difference and brought it up? >> well, the player, dequall jackson didn't intend any of this to happen. >> what's funny is the colts player d'quall jackson came out today say ging he didn't notice it was uninflated and never intended any of this to happen. supposedly, he intercepted the football far over to the sideline and a colts sideline attendant who got the football and then noticed it was underinflated and he informed the coach who informed the general manager who informed the league and they informed the officials.
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the player jackson said they were using colts' footballs towards the end of the half. so there's so much out there that's still unknown. the nfl is being very tight lipped about this. i asked them several questions about the process of this investigation and have they interviewed tom brady yet. he said he hasn't even been spoken with. the nfl is tight lipped and not much sunshine at all into this investigation. >> dan, i think that bears repeating and is important what you just said. there's been a lot of reporting on this, a lot of people talking about this, certainly, but the actual hard facts, it seems, aren't all that hard at all. >> you're right. the nfl is saying very little. all they've done is confirm that, yes, in fact, they are reviewing this. and supposedly, they have people in foxborough this week and it's been four days now. so i thought it was pretty safe to assume, yes, they had spoke with tom brady and bill belichick, all the key figures. bill said they haven't spoke with him yet. the league is only four hours down. you'd think they could speak with tom brady. not sure about the league offense, why they're not providing anything with this. you'd think after the ray rice fiasco, they would so we have more confidence in their investigations. >> all right. ben volin, thank you, eric kester, mike pereira. a lot more making news tonight, including a police stop that turned fatal and caught on tape.
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>> show me your hands. don't you [ bleep ]ing move! don't you [ bleep ]ing move! i'm going shoot you. the dead man was african-american and so one waswas one of the police officers which did not stop the decision to shoot. you can see it for yourself next. alka-seltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. oh, what a relief it is. you want i fix this mess? a mess? i don't think -- what's that? snapshot from progressive. plug it in and you can save on car insurance based on your good driving. you sell to me? no, it's free. you want to try? i try this if you try... not this. okay. da!
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stop sign, a routine traffic stop. bridgeton police on the passenger side of the car. just seconds later, the officer jumps back, pulls his gun, seemingly stunned by what he saw inside the car. it's all captured on police dash cam video on december 30th. this is where everything changes between the officers and passenger jerome reeve, a 36-year-old african-american man who had been in trouble with the law before. >> show me your hands. show me your [ bleep ] hands. don't [ bleep ] move. don't you [ bleep ] move. get him out of the car, we got a gun in the glove compartment. >> reporter: a gun in the glove compartment. watch as the officer on the right with his own weapon in his right hand uses the left hand to pull out of the car what appears to be a large sillver gun. watch again. >> don't you move. >> reporter: suddenly, the warnings escalate. >> you're going to be dead, i tell you. you reach for something, you're going to be [ bleep ] dead. i'm telling you.
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>> reporter: officer daiz appears to know reed, likely because he was one of the arresting officers last august when reed was picked up on charges including resisting arrest and drug possession. reeds also had been arrested six times by bridgeton police since 2009 and reportedly spent about 13 years in prison for shooting at police officers. on the dash cam video, reed can be heard telling the officer he isn't reaching for anything and then this. >> he's reaching. he's reaching. >> reporter: it's unclear but reed sounds like he is saying he's going to get out of the car, his hands at his chest. >> no you're not. no you're not. don't [ bleep ] move. >> reporter: shots fired. officer daiz, who is black, appears to fire first, possibly as many as six shots.
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officer roger worley who appears to fire once from the other side of the police car. reed collapses on the ground. the driver of the car who had both his hands visible out the window is handcuffed. the chorus of angry bystanders. use of deadly force when the officer reasonably believe such action is immediately necessary to protect the officer or another person from imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm. for now, both officers are on administrative leave while investigators look into how a routine traffic stop ended with one man dead, all in just about 90 seconds. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> people look at that video, see such things. a lot to talk about. legal analyst, mark o'mara and sunny hostin. best known for defending george zimmerman and lapd officer david clinger who currently teaches criminal justice at the
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university of missouri in st. louis. so do you believe the police officer was justified in shooting this man? >> you know, i don't think that's clear. when you look at a case like this, the question remains the same. was the force justified and when you look at the use of force policy in new jersey, that officer had to believe he was in imminent immediate danger of death or great bodily injury, anderson, and the bottom line is he's getting out of the car, they've already retrieved the gun they've found in the glove compartment and his hands are up. i've said it time and time again, hands up is the universal gesture for surrender. why if someone is surrendering, why do you have to shoot to kill? >> sunny, it's interesting. we talked about race a lot in the wake of ferguson but this shooting, the officer is black, the passenger killed also black. do you think that changes some
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how the way people look at this? >> you know, i don't think it should. certainly many times we talk about race when it comes to interactions with police officers, and certainly, there is that racial bias that sometimes plays a part, that implicit bias that sometimes plays a part, but in large part, this is an issue of policing and anderson, we've talked about this time and time again. you know, we understand that police officers have a very difficult job, everyone understands that they are scared as well. but when you have a video like this which, in my view shows an officer who is very, very agitated, very tense using unprofessional language, expletive ridden commands, screaming at this young man, i've got to tell you, you know, it just doesn't seem to me that the appropriate decorum was taking place and that, for me, calls into question this entire incident.
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>> mark, i mean, does the language matter? a gun was found in this vehicle. the guy who was killed, he reportedly served a lengthy amount of time in prison for shooting at police when he was a teenager and one of the officers involved in this incident knew who he was, arrested him for a different crime just last year. i mean, do you buy sunny point of sort of the decorum? >> what's interesting in this case to see how it develops i disagree to the exthaent this off is ser was all up set, i dising a gree with sunny. disagree with sunny that he was upset. actually quite calm when he came up to the scene. i can recognize someone not only arrested before in a drug charge but much more importantly, he was somebody who shot a police officers before and that he's a felon and when you see a gun two feet away from a felon, that's going to ramp up the officer's fear. >> can i address that, because where, again, i am blaming the
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dead guy, the victim, we're going over his past criminal history and saying that is appropriate to take appropriate action, bottom line, martha stewart spent time in prison as well. so should martha stewart when she gets stopped get shot not be given the benefit of i just think it's ridiculous. the doubt? >> but sunny, isn't that -- >> should be shot. >> sunny, isn't that apples and oranges? i guess if martha stewart was buying stocks, you might give her a little closer inspection on her stock performance and what stock she's picking. if a guy has been arrested for shooting at police and a gun is found in the vehicle. >> when he was -- >> but those are elements that clearly would be in somebody's mind if they had that information. >> look, i mean i think we have to make it clear, he was 13 years old when that happened. we don't know all the facts surrounding that. he spent time in prison, paid debt to society, got arrested
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again, paid his debt to society and now is like every other citizen. >> i need to disagree a little bit. >> it's okay he got shot. >> the relevant question is this. was the officer reasonable in using deadly force and in looking at that question, then the officer's perception is very relevant and if the officer's perception is, this is jerame reed who has shot at officers before and a convicted felon and that makes it relevant. not just we killed a previous felon but what he was thinking in the split second he had to think it and reed refused to listen to a number of specific commands. >> to follow on one point, what the supreme court has ruled and all officers are trained in terms of a review of it is to
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the totality of the circumstances. we need to know what was going on in the officer's mind. how much information did he know about this individual, how much information did he know about this criminal past, standing in the officer, he was arrested before and he would know about the previous time he spent shooting at the police and tally the circumstances, as your other guest pointed out, a felon, a gun in close proximity, officers are trained with an ex-felon with a gun, dangerous sign and then spent hard time for shooting at police, greater threat level and all of that is reasonable for an officer to believe and the question becomes at the moment the shots are fired, was it reason for him to proceed that his life was in jeopardy? if he's told stay in the car and he doesn't, he forces his way out of the car and hands up is one thing, versus hands coming towards. and i can't tell from that video exactly what was going on. so that's why i think, once again, we have to wait to see what the entire investigation discloses about all these crucial points.
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>> okay, david clinger, i appreciate you being on. mark o'mara, sunny hostin. >> thanks for having me. well, coming up next, with all the consequences of getting the shoot or don't shoot decision wrong in their life or death consequences, how officers are trained to get it right. we'll show you technology that brings police so close to life and death encounters, some police react physically like it's the real thing. a police encounter left someone else dead. work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are ya? good. aleve. proven better on pain. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. [ m'm... ] [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® (prof. burke) the more you learn about your insurance the more gaps you may find. like how you thought you were covered for this... (pirate) ahh, haha! (prof. burke) ...when you're really only covered for this.
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if you are just joining us we are talking about another police encounter that left someone dead. >> hey, jerome if you reach for something, you are going to be [ bleep ]ing dead. >> put your hands there. keep your [ bleep ] hands right there. he's reaching. show me your [ bleep ] hands. no, you're not. no, you're not. don't you [ bleep ] move. [ shots fired ] don't you [ bleep ] move. >> the entire new jersey incident last month took about a minute and a half, the decision to shoot, only split seconds. the stakes this time and always, life and death, which puts the focus understandably on training
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police get to try to get it right for everyone's sake. kyung lah with a new way to have officers train to make the important decision they'll ever face. >> you need to calm down. >> no, you need to calm down. >> reporter: a man being questioned suddenly turns, slamming a police officer with a snow shovel. the suspect is shot and killed by police. >> you have to put your hands back on your head. >> reporter: this suspect, at first calm with police officers, rushing for a knife in his car and tries to stab the officers who shoot and kill him. >> i didn't see the knife. >> reporter: then there's this encounter. an officer responding to a domestic violence call in a seemingly routine chat for several minutes with this man, tries to pat him down for a weapon. you can see the gun, five shots strike 24-year-old officer tyler stewart of the flagstaff, arizona, police department, killing him. officer stewart never had a
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chance to draw his weapon. moments later, the suspect used that weapon to kill himself. >> you're at gunpoint. >> reporter: body cameras, part of a growing arsenal of technology in policing giving us an intimate view of a cop's life. from the challenges to the life and death choices. this officer devastated in front of a dash cam as he discovers the suspect he thought was armed was not. the suspect died after the officer shot him, a police shooting determined to be justified. as hard as this is to watch, technology in policing. >> in the past, officers never had the ability to see this, so now we're learning from the mistakes or really just finding out if the officer has done the right thing. >> reporter: not just after the shooting, but before. >> have multiple subjects fired, one down in the arcade. >> reporter: this is henderson police officer, kohlman. in 11 years, never had to shoot
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a suspect but has to train to do it and know when not to. this is a 300 degree simulation created by bertra used by 200 law enforcement agencies. gunman is in a movie theater. the gunman hits officer cole man twice and makes one terrible mistake, shooting at off-duty cop. >> as we have time to look at it, you see he's got. >> it looks like you're still sweating a little bit. >> it's an adrenaline rush. makes you cold, clammy. this is where i want to learn from my failures, instead of being out on the streets and failing there, this gives me an edge to fail here and succeed on the streets. >> reporter: how realistic does this feel? >> very, very realistic. because now he's trying to work through multiple. >> reporter: the retired police officer said the goal of the 360 system is to make this as real as possible. the trainee wears an electric
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impulse box. the gun is an unloaded but real weapon. the screens imitate what it's really like on the streets. >> i can escalate branches, deescalate. i'm listening to what he's saying and giving responses. >> drop the gun now. >> reporter: even for a veteran, this is humbling. >> it hurts my hearts and feelings to know i did something like this in a scenario but i learned from it. >> reporter: so tomorrow thanks to today's technology, he is a better and safer officer. kyung lah, cnn, las vegas. >> split second decisions. up next, $40,000 seized by police in a traffic stop and the driver didn't even break the law. police do this all across and he's proud of himself, signed autographed photos of himself with his k9 and huge bundles of cash. gary tuchman's investigation when 360 continues. and the premiere of morgan spurlock's "inside man."
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state and local governments and take money pr you if they believe it is part of some criminal activity. some think it is an outright stealing. gary tuchman investigators what he thinks is happening to drivers in a small nevada. >> reporter: you're looking at a desolate stretch in nevada, two hours of east of reno. if you were driving on i-80 with cash in your car last year, this could have happened to you. >> how much money you got? that's not yours, is it? i'm seizing it. >> reporter: this is humboldt county sheriff's deputy, lee dove, about to seize $40,000 from the driver, not charged with a crime or traffic violation. attorney john olson represents the the driver and is this in the process of organizing a class action suit who believe that this is nothing more than thievery. >> i get the receipt, and it is not much he took, and it says if they want to protest it they will take his car, too.
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he won't do any official adapt to that but there is no lawsuit, and foch fit chur -- and forfeiture and take the money and run. no police reports, no lawsuit. no forfeiture lawsuit which is generally what's done. take their money and run. >> reporter: the traffic stops called interdictions by authorities, by civil asset forfeiture in which cop ss are allowed to seize money if they believe it's part of a criminal enterprise. >> they take the money, they go back to town and put it in the bank. >> reporter: deputy dove was so proud of the stops he began autographing photos of himself with his k9 dog and huge bundles of the confiscated cash. and on the highway, he berated motorists. >> you cannot be driving it.
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i'm convinced you stole money, you make your way with the cash and stuff, but the cash, that's going to be seized. okay? you are up to no good. >> reporter: this kind of language is very disturbing to mike allen who happens to be deputy dove's new boss just elected as the new sheriff after campaigning with the promise to end this kind of activity. >> i thought this can't happen. all the information isn't coming forth. >> today, how do you feel about it? >> after i viewed a video tape, i feel that this, these highway needs to be looked into and people's rights are not being violated. >> reporter: records show deputy lee dove was trained by desert snow, an oklahoma company responsible for training thousands of police nationwide in roadside tactics ranging from catching terrorists to seizing cash from motorists. so we wanted to ask deputy dove about this, why he thinks this in any way is appropriate. it was night fall when we walked up to his fence at his house. we have a question for you.
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i'm gary tuchman from cnn. no answer. but as we were leaving, ewe were pulled over by some other of deputy dove's colleagues. we were pulled other by some of the department colleagues. why? the deputies told after a visit. we'd done nothing wrong but one of the deputies told us, quote, lee's been having a tough time. a few minutes later, we were let go. >> i've lived in totalitarian societies, i was in bulgaria before the fall of the wall and the iron curtain and it's real spooky. i think this is one aspect you'd be worried about, but even more than that, i think the average traveler traveling on the interstate highway in this country would never imagine this kind of thing happen to him. >> reporter: the attorney sheriff say both is investigating the situation. the attorney adding he has been informed that deputy dove and one or more of his colleagues
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are being investigated for at least 38 similar forfeiture stocks. new sheriff said the stops have now been suspended, but is deputy dove with the department? yes. sheriff allen would not say if he is off of active duty while the investigation is ongoing, but he is still being paid. what about the $40,000 seized from this driver? it has been returned as part of an out of court settlement. >> gary tuchman joins us now. it's fascinating to hear these reports. what happens to the money after the police take it? >> the police spend it and the district attorney's office spend it. different kouncounties who do the forfeitures have different formulas for how much they get. but they spend the money, it's all legal. supposed to be for professional purposes, to approve a police station, buy new weapons, buy new cars. they're not supposed to use it for dinners and bowling parties. some have done it over the years but pull over people they really
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believe are human smugglers, it's all good but people they know are innocent? it's all bad. >> hmm. gary tuchman, appreciate it. thanks for staying on top of it. just ahead, breaking news out of saudi arabia. tonight, king abdullah has died. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson®. i have the flu with a runny nose. [coughs] better take something. theraflu severe cold won't treat your runny nose. really? alka-seltzer severe cold and flu relieves your worst flu symptoms plus runny nose. [breath of relief] oh, what a relief it is. mommy! hey! ♪ music ♪ ...the getaway vehicle!
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died at the age of 90. his half brother the koun prince salman is the new king. do we know much about crown prince salman? nic robertson joins me again. do we know much about salman? >> he certainly had a lot of experience as an administrator. he was a governor of riyadh for about the last 40 or so years. he's viewed by some as a conservative. others have told me that he is also had something of a moderate as well. that seems conflicting, but bottom line here is this is another old man, 79, and not in the best of health, anderson. >> in terms of, i've read a lot that's he a staunch supporter of wa wahhabi
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wahhabism and if abdullah wanted more reforming, there are other people he might have selected. >> the problem he would have had doing that is that it's not only him involved in the selection as a counsel that appointed to oversee the election because >> nic robertson, thanks. that does it for us. morgan spur lock "inside man" starts right now. robots. they've been promised to us for generations, autonomous. today, technology is advancing so rapidly that we might be on the cusp of the new age of robotics and artificial intelligence that we've dreamt about for so long. the question is, are we ready for them and are they ready for us? ♪ ♪
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