tv State of the Union CNN January 25, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PST
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the president thinks if doesn't make any sense for us election. >> did the president invite this action by congress through his executive actions and his statements in the state of the union that he won't hesitate to exercise veto ability? >> you know i want to not pretend that i can somehow explain any motive for anybody else but the white house. let me tell you about the things we've done on iran and why the
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president thinks congress acting now will undercut that. we've isolated the iranians over the course of six years. we now have robust international multi-lateral sanctions in place and we have very aggressive bilateral sanctions in place. that's leaning to iran being isolated. its economy being in tatters, its ability to export itself oil at near record lows. so we're going to continue to do that. we can maintain that international unity by pressing through these last several months of negotiations. congress should just give us the time to let those negotiations play out. it doesn't make any sense for them to prematurely act on legislation that the president will veto if it's going to risk maintaining this international unity. >> congress should let us finish this job. does the passing of king abdullah mean the administration now will release the 28 pages pertaining to the saudis and september 11?
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>> this is obviously an issue that you have been working on for some time. this goes back across administrations. the president will be visiting riyadh to express our condolences and to underscore the important issues that we have going on in the region. i'm not going to get involved in the 28 pages now, michael, anymore than i did before. >> i got a feeling from the state of the union that it was a victory lap of sorts, and that it was the president saying, hey, the meattrics are all on our side whether employment gas prices the dow, the deficit. but there is a funk out there in the country, and i want to convince people especially throws in the middle class, it is okay to start being more optimistic about the economy. is that what he was really trying to do? >> the president did tick through several things that we've made progress on. unemployment from 10% down to 5.6%. 10 million people with now access to health care. health care costs at the lowest level in more than 50 years. now for four years in a row. more energy production, be that
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clean energy or oil and gas, in this country than ever before. that's leading to new jobs. there are good data. but the other thing the president said is there's a big unfinished piece of business and you put your finger on it. middle class families like the ones you grew up with in doylestown are the ones i grew up with in stillwater minnesota, have not seen kind of wage growth that they deserve. wages have been stagnant now for three decades. the president laid out a plan the other night that said let's make sure the wealthiest few give back a little bit and we invest in things like child care training community college. make sure we keep the good jobs that we have here and bring baltimore of them back home. that's what the president is going to do. he won't trim his sails on that. the middle class deserves a shot at this now. the crisis having been passed. now we got to get at the one remaining issue, which is how does a middle class get the fair shot that they deserve. >> final question. you may have grown up in minnesota but your folks are from boston. have the mcdonoughs soured on
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the pats? >> well ply dad was a big pats fan, going back a long long time. but i got a lot of stuff on my plate right now, michael. i'm a vikings fan. >> have you talked to the president about it? >> i haven't talked -- >> big sports guy. >> i haven't talked to him in the last couple of days. big sports guy. he's been on the road in india. >> denis mcdonough, thank you for that. when we come back strained relations with israel. why does america's closest middle east ally now seem more like a frenemy? and later, what's making the hit film "american sniper" strike a chord with u.s. moviegoers.
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have hit a new low, while the collapse of yemen's government is likely to make the u.s. fight against terror an even tougher challenge. here now, congressman adam schiff ranking democrat on the house intelligence committee, and jon huntsman former governor u.s. ambassador and republican presidential candidate. governor let me start with you. you are a civility guy. you're the co-chair of no labels -- >> i'm a results guy. problem solver. >> nothing wrong with that. so, too, is congressman schiff. >> yes, he is. >> with regard to what's taking place on this extension to the in-fight with prime minister netanyahu, did partisanship just jump into the realm of foreign policy. >> the prime minister has a very important message to bring to the american people. i think there's nothing more development right now than nuclear development in iran and the implications for the region and the world. he's beloved in congress and he can speak any time he wants. but the way in which the invitation took place, the parts partisanship slipping into
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foreign policy i think it will put a real damper on what traditionally is the head of state to head of state relationship that governs foreign policy and it will for some time. i think that has been forgotten in all of this. >> congressman, should those who oppose the way in which this was handled, who are in congress perhaps yourself nevertheless attend that address whether it takes place in march. >> yes, we should. but i agree completely with the governor. i think this was a terrible mistake by the speaker. it used to be at least the goal that politics ended at the water's edge. now it only begins there. i think for us to extend an invitation two weeks before the israeli election gives israelis the impression we're trying to meddle in their politics. and i also find it extraordinary that a world leader would be invited before the congress effectively to lobby in favor of a bill that the president opposes. i just think it's harmful to the u.s.-israel relationship and i think it was a very well ill considered decision by the speaker. >> in your capacity as a former
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united states ambassador indeed to china, what kind of precedent has just been set here? >> well i can't remember historically where this has ever lapped before so i can't point to you where this that is happened. i think the implications are fairly profound. i think it is going to impact the head of state to head state dynamic in a relationship that's terribly important. pt the u.s. and israel have a very important and special relationship. we have regional matters to take care of we have a free trade agreement. we're close people to people. iron dome cooperation has been very good recently. so there is a lot to champion in the relationship. i have to think this is not representative of a good trend between the two. >> your capacity as a member of the intel commit let me ask you about yemen. it seems as if yemen is the afghanistan of pre-september 11. in other words, this now is ground zero for terrorist activity. what is it about yemen, what was it about afghanistan? i ask that question so that we can anticipate what will become the next breeding ground for al qaeda and isil.
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>> well afghanistan is a very good abject lesson for us. many people are urging us to move in a more full-throated way into yemen. we've seen after a massive occupation a very long occupation of afghanistan, that a large american troop presence on the ground is not necessarily the answer so i think there is a natural and understandable resistance to jumping too hard too fast. and for that reason i think a lot of the criticism of the president is wrong-headed. at the same time there is a very real risk here if the hoo houfis try to run this country that a dynamic could take place very much like we saw in iraq where if the sunni tribes in yemen feel they are being ruled by a shia clan with the support of iran they're going to be thrown into the arms of aqap. and this will be an opportunity undoubtedly for al qaeda to exploit and so there are certainly some lessons to be considered in afghanistan, but there are also some very very
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vibrant warning signs about the course of action in iraq recently that we need to pay attention to in yemen. >> you need a scorecard, gentlemen, to keep track of what's going on in the middle east. iran is an enemy in many respects yet joining us in a battle against isis yet supporting the houfis in yemen. what i often hear from people they say there's nothing we can do about it. we ought to stay the heck out of it. there is an isolationist trend i think in the country, governor. what would you say to those folks? >> well i would say that is a very bad trend. there is a role for the united states because good governments don't exist right now in the region. so what gives rise to a lot of the bad behavior at a lot of the transnational problems we're experiencing? it's illegitimate regimes. whether it is libya, whether it is syria, whether it is iraq, whether it is now yemen. saudi arabia is now going through a new transsignificance with the transition with the new king they have to look to the kind of leadership and the kind of capacity building that can work
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and lead toward legitimate governments. i'm not sure there are so too many places other than the united states. so there is a role for us to play not only on the security side. i'm not talking about more troops into the old places where we've been in the past but we do need to secure the environment such that our interests are protected and we do have to work with local regimes in building capacity toward legitimate good transparent governments. peace the problem today, that's leading to ungoverned territories where you see a lot of the bad behavior take place. i think a lot of the bad behavior generally that we're seeing in the region. >> congressman schiff the president cutting short his visit in india to pay his respects in saudi arabia. i get the impression that's more than "i happen to be in the neighborhood." speak to the relationship with the saudis please and its importance. >> well it is a key relationship. i'm glad the president is making the trip. i think it is a very good call. saudi arabia is in a period of transition in its leadership. happily, it looks like the in you leadership will carry on many of the policies the close
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relationship of the united states that we would like to see. i think that's very positive in particular. the deputy crowned prince is very western educated close to the united states very strong in counterterrorism efforts. so i think there will be a continuity in the relationship that's important at a time when saudi arabia's under enormous strain with iran reaching greater influence in places like yemen, in places like damascus in iraq as well. saudi arabia feels very beleaguered. it is an extraordinarily important relationship for the united states and these personal matters like the president's trip really have an impact. so this is an important relationship. and one last point i would make on that is saudi arabia's going to be critical in not only cutting off some of the financing to groups like isil but also in attack being the ideological struggle ofgoing on condemning the perversion of islam that we see in isil.
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saudi arabia is one of the leading authorities in terms of islam, as well as the sunni leadership in the region. so they're going to play a vital role. >> finally, i would be derelict in my duty if i didn't ask you. mitt 3.0. can that dog hunt? >> we'll see. technology has not yet been developed. >> well said. thank you, gentlemen, appreciate you being here. his bid for the 2012 presidential nomination failed. next i'll ask former senator rick santorum why he thinks he can win in 2016. and later, on this 50th anniversary of winston churchill's death, his grandson reflects on what made the british prime minister and giant among world leaders. don't even think about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? he has that dry, scratchy thing going on... guess what? (cough!) it works on his cough too. what? stop, don't pull me! spoiler alert! she doesn't make it! only mucinex dm packs 2 medicines in one pill to relieve wet and dry coughs
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many of the republican party's 2016 presidential hopefuls are in iowa this weekend courting the conservative faithful. one of them former pennsylvania senator rick santorum joins me now from sioux city. great to have you here senator. >> thank you, michael. good to be with you. >> in 2012 you won 11 states including iowa. if mitt is not in this thing, two seem that by rights you are the front-runner. and yet, you don't appear to be treated that way. why is that the case? >> why don't you ask the reporters? i don't really care whether i'm treated like the front-runner or not. we're out working to deliver a message like we did yesterday in des moines that for us to be successful as a country, the republican party needs to step forward and be a unifying party in america, has to be a party
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that not just is pro-growth but also pro-worker to help those who are struggling and hurting and systematically doing so in america. so front-runner whatever doesn't really matter. if you have a good message, you deliver that message well and you have a background in experience to back it up i think things will work itself out if we decide to get into this race. >> the message that you're best known for is usually a message on social issues. it seems that this cycle is going to be a cycle determined largely by foreign policy matters and also by economic issues. make the case that rick santorum is prepared on both of those. >> well really there isn't anybody else who's looking at it that has any kind of significant national security experience. as you know michael, because you covered me when you were in philadelphia on the radio program, we talked often about national security because i was eight years on the armed services committee where i was a subcommittee chairman for all of those eight years. i worked in a very strong
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bipartisan level. never in fact had an amendment to any part of the bill that i brought to the floor that was ever amended i without bipartisan support from my ranking members. we always did it in a way that was above politics. i think that's very helpful. secondly i authored two major pieces of national security legislation, foreign policy legislation. interestingly enough one on syria, a rather important place. again, a bill that was offered and opposed by president bush when i offered. in fact, he vee meanthemently opposed it. the second one was on iran. again, president bush opposed it fought me on the floor of the senate. joe biden and condi rice fought me on the floor. rice sent a letter opposes sanctions on the iranian nuclear program. and within six months they both flipped their opinions in both cases. it passed unanimously in the united states senate.
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if you want to look at leadership leadership that fought both parties, that had a good prescient view of what was going on in the future and had people come around our point of view i think we have a pretty good track record on that. >> you were joined yet at congressman king's event in iowa by a whole host of potential republican candidates for the presidency. someone that was not there is former florida governor jeb bush. he said something friday night in san francisco. i'd like to show it. i know you'll be able to hear it. then you can respond to this. roll the tape. >> immigrants are an engine of economic vitality. we need to find a path to legalized status for those that have come here and that languished in the shadows. there's no way that they're going to be deported. no one is suggesting an organized effort to do that. >> is he right, senator, that immigration is the engine of economic vitality? >> i would say -- in fact i talked about this extensively yesterday. immigration can be if
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immigration's done the right way. there is a barbara jordan who you know very well chaired the last immigration panel that was put together to try to find a bipartisan solution to immigration reform back in the '90s. she made the comment which is absolutely true that immigration policy in america has to put america and american workers first. so yes, there is -- are changes to our immigration laws that need to be made that focus the immigration policies on where we need certain skills or certain people to come to this country to help gin up and encourage our economy. but, unfortunately, the current legal immigration system is not that. we bring a little over a million people a year into this country on average over the past 20 years, and most of -- the overwhelming majority are folks who are lower skilled or unskilled. and as a result of that they're filling up a labor pool whereas you know michael, there is not
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a booming growth of unskilled labor jobs in this country and we're bringing people in who will compete against a lot of american workers. in fact since 2000 the number of native born americans working in the workplace has gone down. there are fewer americans working today who were born in america than there were 15 years ago. all of the new jobs created are going to people who were not born here because they are willing to work for lower wages. >> what i've always said is that the same type of individual will risk it all to come to the united states even illegally, has those same traits and characteristics that make him or her an entrepreneur. react quickly to that because i want to move on to something else. >> well i would say, again, if you look at the skill levels of the people who are coming and the jobs that they are taking. they're not necessarily entrepreneurial jobs. they may end up eventually the next generation et cetera. but i would just suggest that the reason you see median income
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dropping the reason you see median wages stagnate be is because we have record levels of illegal immigration. i won't say shut it down but the last time we had this surge in immigration was the great wave between 1880 and 1920. and after that great wave there were two bills that were passed 1921 and 1924. they both passed almost unanimously in the house and is that the. why? because they put politics aside and they did what was best for the american worker. >> the senate voted this week 98-1 that climate change is not a hoax. if rick santorum were still in the senate would you have supported that. >> is the climate warming. clearly over the past 15 or 20 years the answer is yes. the question is is man having a significant impact on that number one. number two, and this is even more important than the first, is there really anything we can do about it. and the answer is is there anything the united states can do about it? clearly, no. even folks who accept all of the science by the alarmists on the
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other side recognize that everything that's being considered by the united states will have -- not almost. will have zero impact on it given what's going on in the rest of the world. >> so is your answer do nothing? >> well the answer is do something. if it has no impact of course do nothing. why would you do something with people admitting that even if you do something, it won't make a difference. >> senator, thank you for being here. >> my pleasure. . chris christie was among the other potential 2016 candidates who addressed the iowa freedom summit. how the new jersey governor fared with this uber conservative audience -- next. if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes.
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it's great to be back in the great state of iowa. >> i've read a lot of stuff before i came out here to the summit. don't they know i am from new jersey? >> god bless the great state of iowa. >> i always feel so welcome when i come to iowa. >> like hillary clinton, i, too, have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles. but unlike her, i've actually accomplished something. >> back in iowa where believe it or not -- the sweater vest was born. >> is hillary a new democrat or an old one? >> i am seriously thinking of running for president. >> those are some of the 2016 gop presidential hopefuls who spoke at saturday's iowa freedom summit. the gathering was also notable for who was not there. jeb bush and mitt romney no-shows. but cnn's peter hanby was on
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hand and joins us now from des moines. peter, i too, like the donned, am seriously considering running. does anybody there believe it when he says it? >> reporter: no. he's not running for president. this is the third or fourth time by my count donald trump floats his name about president. the writers who write he's serious about there are contributing to the problem and encouraging him. sarah palin said similar things over the weekend, that she is "interested" in running for president. the back story there, michael, is that she went into the marriott des moines bar the other night and a bunch of reporters asked her if she was interested she said sure? why not? so she wants people to know that she's interested and being interested so that people write stories about how she's interested. but neither of these folks are going to run for president. there are two kinds of candidates at the event tomorrow. there are people who are serious about this who are hiring staff, raising money and laying groundwork in iowa. there are people who are there for the free media attention.
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>> how much of a pivot to the right did chris christie make. that's the real substantive question that i wanted to ask. >> yeah. i think for reporters there, it was kinds of most interesting angle of this event. because, as you mentioned, of those establishment candidates jeb bush and mitt romney were not here. christie plays in that same lane but decided to come out here kiss steve king's ring and make a play for the conservative base. look he didn't say substantively very much different than what he usually does whether he goes to conservative events like cpac. he's been to iowa almost a dozen times. he talked about how, yes, he has differences with republicans. you're never going to find someone who agrees with you 100% of the time. but he did stress his pro-life credentials. he talked about how no one ever thought a governor who was opposed to abortion rights would get elected in new jersey. he said look i won 51% of hispanic vote. 20% of the african-american vote. i can win. so he kind of pivoted to a message of electability. one other thing that was
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interesting, plikle. lemichael, a dreamer protester protester, stood up yelled at him during his speech. he did this whole schtick where he attacks the protesters. the crowd ate it up. it was a pretty good introduction for him on that side of the republican party out here michael. >> what kind of a message was jeb bush sending? what kind of a message was mitt romney saying in not being being there? are they saying we're not going to compete in iowa? >> i think jeb bush is sending two messages. one is that his politics on immigration reform specifically don't gel one bit with steve king's and many of the republicans who spoke yesterday and many of the people that i talked to in the audience. and secondly he wants to lower expectations in iowa. no one wants to show too much leg too early and become the front-runner because if you're the front-runner you're
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probably going to lose if you are a front-runner this early. so they are interested in iowa. jeb bush's people are but they just want to take it slow and steady. romney's case is a little bit different because he's only been kind of in the race so to speak, for a few weeks now. so he's still in this space where he's trying to figure out if he's actually going to run. he's lird a fewhired a few people to help on a volunteer basis. he's still figuring it out. romney still confronts a blitz of the same problem. i think he has a little bit more good will with the gop base because he's been the nominee and the standard bearer for the party than jeb bush. but he still has to figure out if he is actually going to run. >> yesterday when i watched i thought this is an illustration of where it went wrong, in my opinion, nor the gop last time. because if you go in there and you placate that crowd and you hit them with all the applause lines, you're dealing yourself a deaths nail in a general election if you win the nomination. just my two cents. peter hanby, thank you for your
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report. we appreciate it. when we come back "american sniper" hits its mark. we'll talk with two iraq war veterans who now serve in congress about why the new film has sparked such strong reactions among americans. hite. crafted with two ristretto shots for bolder caramel-ly espresso. whole milk... steamed to a sweet velvety microfoam delicately poured, so the espresso rises to the top. the perfect union of bold and sweet. simplicity is its own artistry. why do we do it? why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people? why are we so committed to keeping you connected? why combine performance with efficiency? why innovate for a future without accidents? why do any of it? why do all of it? because if it matters to you it's everything to us.
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would you be surprised if i told you that the navy has credited you with over 160 kills? >> mm. >> do you ever think that you might have seen things or done some things over there that you wish you hadn't? >> oh that's not me no. >> what's not you? >> i'm just protecting my guys. they were trying to kill our soldiers and i'm willing to meet my creator and answer for every
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shot that i took. the thing that haunts me, or all are all the guys that i couldn't save. >> clint eastwood's "american sniper" shattering records at the box office an fueling a nationwide debate about the legacy of the iraq war and the troops who fought there. with me now, republican congressman adam kinsinger of illinois. both of my guests iraq war veterans. congressman kinsinger, what is it about this movie? this is making a bigger impact than, i would rg aargue, than "the hurt locker." >> in terms of me bringing me back to iraq for instance i saw it. what really drew me into this movie was how you see chris' very drawn to go back that like i have to go there's more i have to go, there's more i need to do. i've always felt that. in fact there is not a day that
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goes by now that i don't think about it. you miss the brotherhood of it. you think about all the things you could have done. it was fantastic. quickly, i remember meeting with a veteran ply self-amyself a few years ago. i said what's going through your mind? he said i just want to go back. he had been injured, he had two purple hearts and he said i left my brothers and sisters there, i want to go back. it was the most realistic of capturing that essence of what the iraq war felt like. i thought it was great. >> congressman, the movie sparked a conversation with me not only about war, about 40%, 50% of this is about family dynamics ptsd. i know you've been saying that the country needs that kind of a conversation to talk about the social the familial dynamics of what we've asked of these men and women. >> well i think one of the most important things to remember is that when we go to war, we are actually bringing our families with us. sometimes in some dynamics it is actually more difficult for our family members when we are at war than the actual soldier or
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marine in combat because we actually have full 100% knowledge. i heard some horror stories from my mom and my wife when we took some casualties in my platoon that didn't know whether i was dead or alive for a couple of hours and the amount of trauma that caused them. reingrags. reintegration. i certainly had problems coming back. i think it is a good conversation to have about doing everything we can do to make sure these men and women who sacrifice months and sometimes years of their lives have the opportunity to accomplish the american dream like anybody else. >> congressman kinzinger this also sparks a conversation about the role of snipers. lou do non-snipers in the military regard their brethren who are snipers? >> for years i've worn the name of christopher horton killed in pachi, afghanistan. was a sniper. i've worn his name. they are fantastic people. keep in mind when you hear somebody say that snipers are cowards, they're hiding behind they're one that wasn't, here's
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one that was killed. they are the overlords, they are the folks protecting us. they are the folks that are protecting the guys on the ground from threats that they don't see. it is essential. and for anybody that would attack a man or a woman in the military for the job they do -- you see it in the movie where chris has to do some things and he's not celebrating it. obviously it bothers him and it really gets to him. but he knows that he has to do that to save the lives of his brothers and sisters. >> you are making reference obviously to michael moore who sent an e-mail to "state of the union." in part the e-mail said in part "i said nothing about the film and certainly nothing about chris kyle in the message i sent out." he also says this -- there are only two movies about the iraq war that have grossed over $100 million. mine and clint's. that would be an interesting discussion to have. >> snipers are a totally different breed of men. i served with a lot of snipers. we unfortunately, lost a lot of snipers. i got to pull security for them
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once in a while. they're just great warriors and they're just a totally different breed of military person. i think people that are in the infantry combat will obviously understand that they're just awesome, they're great to have. but they are entirely different from the door kicker like myself and a bunch of other guys but they're great to have in combat with you. >> can i say something real quick to michael moore? >> yeah please. >> your movie is no comparison to "american sniper." i would never see michael moore's movie and "american sniper" talks about american heroes. we all know his tweet was referring to this movie. maybe if he doesn't have the name in there, maybe it was just something random. we're not that stupid. >> chris kyle is a patriot. i think chris kyle is a hero. i want to be clearly understood. something that troubles me about this story is the need for embellishment. i don't know why, whether it's jessica lynch, whether it's the tillman story -- and i could rattle off a number of these instances where there is just a hell of an underlying story of
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american heroism, nevertheless something along the way seems to get blown out proportion. in this guy's case was he on the roof of the super dome picking off looters? apparently not. did he try to kill two people who tried to steal his pickup truck? apparently not. jesse ventura. ventura served his country. >> i don't know about those details. i know this seems to be a very accurate deics pickspiction of it. this is great, in america, sports figures are our heroes now or singers or whatever. we need true americans that are willing -- it is is not even the fact of war. it is somebody that's willing to fight for and live for something beyond their own personal life. i'm going to tell you the youth of america need examples like this. even if you don't go to the military it is the idea that life is about something bigger than you. and that's why i think this story resonates. >> congressman, it doesn't hurt to have bradley cooper in the lead role. right? as congressman kinzinger says we need more heroes like this
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and it helps tell the story. >> if i'm ever in a movie, i'd like to have somebody like bradley cooper anybody tall skinny and good looking. but look we have to remember kyle was a human being and we are all human beings. we as combat veterans go and we do some amazing stuff but at et end of the day, we are still human beings and we get affected by the war and our families get affect by the war. war is something that's truly a traumatizing thing to a young man or young woman. and no matter what we do no matter what movie or book we write, it is always going to slow that. there's no way to deny that. >> maybe he's got the answer to my question which is take a long, lard look at any hard look at any one of us. there's going to be some stuff. >> you sit almost in some cases it is like the fishing story -- the fish ends up get being bigger. not saying that's the case in his. i don't know all the details. but look all i know is an amazing hero and somebody we ought to really look up to. a great plern.american.
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>> and a terrific story. thank you both so much for being here. hey, next -- my conversation with the grandson of winston churchill about the man who led great britain through its darkest hour and why he still matters today. when it comes to good nutrition...i'm no expert. that would be my daughter -- hi dad. she's a dietitian. and back when i wasn't eating right, she got me drinking boost. it's got a great taste and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. helping me stay more like me. [ female announcer ] boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to
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anniversary of the passing of a man regarded by being at the person of the 20th century. british prime minister winston churchill. sir nicholas somes is churchill's grandson and has been a conservative party member of the british parliament for 30 years. earlier, i spoke with him about his front row seat to history. sir nicholas thank you so much for joining us. >> hello, plikle. >> we all know of his impeccable record as british prime minister. how was he as a grandfather? >> well he was a very affectionate. he was charming. he loved his grand children. he loved us being around the place as long as we didn't whistle, which is what he hated. and as long as we didn't tint fear with his writing. but apart from that, we had a free run of the place. and of course he built a paradise a kind of garden of eden. it was the most wonderful thing to play there in all those
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streams and rivers and pools and all the great walls he built. and to be with him but just as a very affectionate grandfather. >> sir nicholas you were in your mid teens when your grandfather, winston churchill, passed. did you as a young lad recognize his stature, his place in history? >> well i don't think i did really. you see, i grew up from a very young age, to the age of scratch -- i went away to school when i was 9. so i saw him all the time. i saw limb every day that he was there. so to me he was just a very loving grandfather. i don't think it ever occurred to me that he was anything more than that. though i have to say, i went to my youngest brother's christening with my grandfather and i remember being amazed aged about 4 that there were tlouzs and thousands of people who were there cheering him and i wasn't
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quite sure why. >> your mother lady mary somes, had a front row seat for 20th century history. unfortunately, she passed not too long ago. what memories were most pronounced for her having personally witnessed? >> well i think my mother was the youngest of my grandparents' children. she grew up at shartwell with my parents. the older siblings as it were left the nest. i think she was probably closest to them all. she accompanied my grandfather on many of these trips abroad. she was in the army during the war. she signed up whether she was 18 years old and served in the antiaircraft part of the gunners. and she was regularly accompanied by my grandfather. so she met iceeisenhower roosevelt, stayed at the white house with the roosevelts stalin truman all these great
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figures who, to us are great icons of earlier days were familiar territory to her. she was a very intelligent and clever woman in her own right and she wrote very clearly about all this. and it was always a source of great pride to hear her talking about it. >> 50 years ago this weekend there was an unprecedented outpouring by the british people and for the next several days culminating with his burial. i think it is safe to say, sir nicholas there was never anything like it prior and there's never been anything like it since. >> well i don't think there really has. i mean it was the passing of a man -- i mean i marched in the funeral procession behind the gun carriage and i remember seeing the faces of thousands and thousands of people. literally stricken with grief. i mean he was a person who had grown up who they had grown up with who had been by their side throughout the war, which was only very kreerecent for many people
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there. so i think it was a very somber dig need and rather harrowing affair actually. >> he played such a role in crafting his own legacy. i think, for example, of the fact that he wrote a six-volume series titled "the second world war." 50 years on would winston churchill be satisfied with his legacy? >> well i hope so. he was not a very vain man. i think he'd be very honored that people remember him in the way they do particularly in your country where his memory is cherished. i mean here we have to keep alive the memory of churchill. and part of this weekend and these celebrations this weekend will be to remind people of who he was and what he did. >> sir nicholas soames what an honor to have you on the program and thank you so much as we honor the memory of your grandfather. >> michael, lovely to speak to you again plikmichael. been wonderful to talk to you, too. >> thank you. clears. in typical winston churchill
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fashion, the british prime minister's epitaph reads -- i am ready to meet my maker. whether my maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me that's another matter. thank you for watching "state of the union." i'm michael smerconish. find me on twitter if you can spell smerconish. "fareed zakaria gps" starts now. lmplts . in is gps, the global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria coming to you from davos, switzerland, the home this week of the world economic forum. we'll begin today's show with the death of a king. king abdullah of saudi arabia. the custodian of the two holy mosques. saudi arabia has been an island of stability in the midst of the firestorms of the middle
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