tv Wolf CNN January 26, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PST
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over the last days to prepare. i want to thank them all for their conscientious work. i remind you for sanitation which has a responsibility for clearing our roads, department of transportation when coordinates the upkeep of the roads, they have 6,000 mile of streets to cover. the equivalent of going from here to los angeles and back. and they're going to have to do that work constantly under intense pressure and that's again why i say to all my fellow new yorkers, we can help by getting out of the way of the sanitation vehicles by getting out of the way of the emergency vehicles so they can do their job. the latest forecast we have from the national weather service still has us around two feet of snow. but again, we have learned in past storms that can change at any time. storms can speed up, slow down. they can get smaller and bigger. we're preparing for at least
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what that forecast is suggesting if not worse. we certainly know we're going to have very high winds. we know we'll have low visibility. we know we'll have lots of conditions that make travel unsafe. we will give you constant updates as we get information. but everything we know so far makes clear you can't underestimate this storm. this is not a typical storm. it's going to pack a real punch and we have to expect heavy accumulation in a very short period of time. will is another crucial point. some storms come in in a measured manner. this is going to come in in a sudden spurt of activity. we saw some flurries this morning and that has largely dissipated. but what you're going to see in a few hours is something that hits very hard and very fast and people cannot be caught off guard. best thing to do stay indoors. stay off the roads. stay off the sidewalks. and this is something i want people to start acting on as quickly as possible.
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in the next hours, we want people who can get home to get home early. to get out of work aearly as can you, get home. it will not be an optional matter. as parts of our emergency declaration, i'm ordering that at 11:00 tonight our streets will only be available to emergency vehicles. so all nonemergency vehicles need to be off the streets of new york city by 11:00 p.m. tonight. and we will continue that emergency declaration until the situation is safe. so from 11:00 p.m. on tonight, no nonemergency vehicles on the streets and that will be the policy until we state otherwise. we need to let sanitation police fire do their jobs. this is the way we'll guarantee that. on the way home this evening, again, earlier you can leave,
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the better. can you take mass transit. that is a priority f you're driving, expect tough conditions with each passing hour this evening. go slow. take a lot of precautions. even walking, be careful as this storm will intensify very quickly. if you have any evidence if you happen to take for example, four hire vehicles if, you have any evidence of people taking advantage of this emergency to unfairly and illegally raise the prices of their rides, it is important to call 311 and report it. price gouging in the context of emergency is illegal. if you experience it please call 311 and we'll investigate right away. amplifying what i said yesterday, wament all new yorkers at the end of this had afternoon at 6:00 p.m. to stay
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out fof our parks. we will close our parks at 6:00 p.m. there will be the potential danger falling tree branches that can be very dangerous specially if snow accumulates so rapidly. so from 6:00 p.m. on all parks are closed. as for schools, we're announcing that school will be closed tomorrow tuesday. so please emphasize to your audience that schools will be closed tomorrow. in addition the regions exams that were scheduled for tomorrow will be -- >> this is bill de blasio that is speaking. i want to go to washington right now. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. we're following blizzard conditions from new jersey all the way up through new york all the way up to new england. this is the mayor of boston who is speaking right now. let's listen in. marty walsh. >> i urge everyone to stay off the roads before that as well. and the city of boston only emergency operational personnel
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will be required to report to work tomorrow. second the public schools will be closed tomorrow on tuesday and on wednesday. after school activities are canceled today. we're expecting snow removal at bus yards and streets will take some time as this storm goes through and ends. we're prioritizing our child safety and we want families to be able to plan for two days without school and not have to worry about that. boss son center for youth and families will be open this evening as usual. tomorrow 14 facilities will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for anyone who needs a place to go. trash collection will not take place on tuesday and will be delayed one day as of now. for neighbors with twice queekly collections, the tuesday collection will be canceled. in addition all community meetings planned for the next two days with the city of boston or involvement with city of
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boston are canceled. snow removal will be a major task. the snow will continue to fall at a high rate into tomorrow. i'm very confident our public works commission and his team. you'll hear from commissioner denny in a little bit. with help from contractors and other city departments, they have accessed 800 pieces of equipment. and with smart technology they'll be able to coordinate and target efforts more efficiently than ever before. i'm urging people to take the forecasts very seriously and take every precaution. check on your neighbors especially the elderly and disabled. clear your sidewalks the best you can but be safe. i avoided isd and special services to write up violations for city owned properties that are not properly cleaned as well. if we're going to be citing homeowners and businesses we're also going to hold ourselves to even higher standard. technology plays a vital role in these efforts. our department of innovation and
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technology will be providing support in every department involved in this effort. help is available through several channels. the mayor's hotline, 617-635-4500 will be running extra staff around the clock for the next two days and possibly into a third day if need be. so anyone with any questions around snow removal, anything to do with the snow please call the mayor's hotline, 617-635-4500. our social media and mobile technology strategy will be in full infect throughout the storm including our citizens connectout. anyone with a safety issue should dial 911. >> all right. that is the boston mayor marty walsh. we heard from bill de blasio as well. they're getting ready for a historic blizzard. they insist the blizzard warning is in effect and they are getting ready to deal with it.
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it's in effect from central new jersey all the way up to the canadian border. it includes two of the biggest cities in the united states. we're talking about new york city and boston. that means whiteout conditions are already possible in some places. from space, look at. this the winter storm looks like a giant smear from south carolina all the way up to maine. over the next 24 hours, we can expect to see two to three feet of snow on the ground from new york city up to boston and beyond. high winds will cause huge drifts making snow removal very difficult. thousand of utility customers should be prepared to lose power. this potentially is an emergency situation. salt shovels, food and water, they're selling out in area stores as people stock up for what could be a crippling mess that lasts for days. california will impose a travel ban at 9:00 p.m. eastern tonight to keep drivers off the roads in preparation for the worst new york's governor is already
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taking extraordinary precaution as head of the storm. >> the few measures that we're going to put into effect number one, i'm declaring a state of emergency from sullivan ulster county south. declaration of a stage of emergency allows me to waive certain laws and regulations. so it actually allows the government to move faster. >> cnn is covering this potentially devastating storm from every angle. just ahead, we'll speak to emergency manage. officials from massachusetts and pennsylvania. we'll use cnn's roving cameras to give all of us a better look at road conditions here in the united states. this is an ugly situation that is about to get a whole lot worse. and there's other news we're following here as well including
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a small drone, yes, a drone that has crash landed on the white house grounds just outside the residence on the south lawn of the white house. you see secret service officers. they're canvassing the area. they're looking for evidence. we're going to tell what you the secret service has discovered about the investigation so far.
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tore toric blizzard that is approaching boston and new york. 60 hillon americans could be affected. we're watching it closely. our meteorologist chad meyers is outside of the time warner center in the heart of new york city right next to central park w emergency state of emergencies now declared in at least four states one of the top priorities for us is to get people off the roads before the starm really hits. once it hits it's going to be potentially a disaster out there wlachlt is going on? >> you just don't want -- you don't want people stuck on interstates, stuck on a road with nowhere to go with people crashing in front of them. it can happen in an instant. ten minutes before it was perfect and then all of a sudden you're at a stand still. it is time to get home and it's time to stay there anywhere from new york city almost down to philadelphia and especially out towards boston and into concord and bangor maine, which could pick up a foot or two of more snow than what you're already seeing right now. it's beginning to stick in new
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york city. we're expecting a good 10 to 14 inches here. it won't be the foot of snow it's the fact that it will be blowing. though winds may gust to 75 miles per hour in boston. and that's the problem because boston you have a chance of picking up between 24 and 30 inches especially the higher elevations around the birkshires that's where the 30 inch snow totals will be. even though it may be less in new jersey or back toward morristown, new jersey maybe only six inches there because it is a quick change. it's a quick change from 20 to 10 to 5 to nothing right across the forecast area that we're standing in right now. get inside. take care of the pets and take care of the elderly as the governor was just saying the pets can't take care of themselves. the wind shear will be a problem. the temperature will be 20. if the winds blowing 60 that's a wind chill of 20 degrees below zero and all living thing feel that.
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plants will dry out quickly. the pets and kids and you may be outside. so please take care of yourself. >> if you're talking about 60 or 70 mile an hour winds in addition to two or three feet of snow those are near hurricane proportion winds, right? >> yes. and hurricane proportion waves as well. significant beach erosion from maine to massachusetts along the cape and all the way down even to long island sound and new jersey and place that's got hit so hard by sandy's erosion will now be eroded again with waves. i believe now probably approaching 30 feet crashing on shore as the wind pick up to that 60 or 70 mile per hour range. >> what a potential disaster unfolding. all right. thanks very much chad. we're going to get back you to in massachusetts. they certainly are preparing for the worst right now. people are stocking up on essentials for the next several days. as we just heard from chad the state could get more than two feet of snow in some places maybe achz as three feet of snow combined with very high winds. 60 miles an hour.
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maybe 70 miles an hour. here is what the massachusetts governor charlie baker said at that news conference we had just a few minutes ago. listen to this. >> we have declared a state of emergency effective immediately. we will implement a statewide travel ban infective tonight at midnight. peter, thanks very much. i know you're getting crazy up there right now. we heard the worng from the governor, from the mayor of boston. how bad realistically do you expect things to get? >> we're talking right now, wolf about, maybe all time top five storm when all is said and done between the wind coastal flooding and the two to three feet of snow across the state. >> are you ready for this? >> we think we are. i mean it's not new for us. maybe worse than usual. but we have a whole bunch of people in here yesterday. we have our planning in place.
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we know how to handle snow up here. the problem is with the coastal flooding and the winds, they're really going to impact people. hopefully they'll be cooperating and letting folks being able to do their jobs. >> the flooding and the winds, forget about the snow for a moment. people are going to lose power very quickly and it will be 20 degrees. what are they going to do? >> well right now we're expecting literally hundreds of thousands of people to be without power. we're working with the communities as far as setting up shelters. as far as getting generators out there as well. but as i said this is not new to a lot of people. but we want to keep people safe and hopefully they'll listen to the local emergency management directors whether asked to evacuate. the high tides are going to be about 4:00 a.m. this morning. so people should move out ahead of the high tides. >> and what about the elderly? people who can't move? if they lose power, what is going to happen? >> in many communities, we've got outreach going and in which we know who those people are, who are going to need some extra
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assistance whether it's travel whether it's just warnings or whether it's you know a warm place to stay. so we have this process in place. hopefully we won't is any catastrophes out of this. >> good luck you to and everyone in massachusetts. all of the areas of new england, new york pennsylvania new jersey peter judge is the emergency management spokesman for massachusetts. coming up another security breech at the white house. ghet a two foot wide drone, yes, a drone, crashing into the grounds right in the middle of the night. we're going to tell you how the u.s. secret service responded. stay with us for this plus the latest on the blizzard that's crashing in on the northeastern part of united states. listen up... i'm reworking the menu. veggies you're cool... mayo, corn are so out of here! ahh... the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals. 9 grams of protein... with 30% less sugars than before. ensure, your #1 dr. recommended brand
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take a hook at this. we have live pictures coming in from pittsburgh now, pennsylvania. one of several states with an emergency declared already. people are watching what's going on. this is a blizzard of historic proportions hitting the northeastern part of the united states. the national weather service here in washington isn't prone to exaggeration is uses terms like life threatening right now. we're going to get back to the latest but there is another important story we're watching right now as well. at the white house, the u.s. secret service is now investigating a major security breech. early this morning in the middle of the night, a small drone crashed on the south grounds not far from the residence of the white house. the two foot wide helicopter came in a low altitude. the secret service is speaking to a person of interest in the case.
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let's bring in tom fuentes, he is a former fbi assistant director. it's pretty worrysome if you're the secret service. you're the law enforcement. a drone comes in. you don't know if this is some 14-year-old kid that got a drone or some al qaeda sympathizer wanting to send a message you're using drones to kill us in yemen. we can use drones too. they're investigating all of this right now. >> that's true wolf. there have been drone threats and drone plots on sending them into the capital with explosives attached to them and these drones you know they go from a foot or two in size to wing spans of 10 feet and can carry 50 pounds of explosives. the idea that you can just fly one into the white house or into the capital is worrysome. especially because of how do you stop it? >> there is no real air defense systems around the whouts that can small a small drone and blow it out of the sky in advance of coming in is there? >> no the other thing you have
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to consider is whatever weaponry you fire at the drone, the bullets and rockets will be landing somewhere in washington either across the street and hitting people that may be out there or landing in homes or businesses. so for the secret service to go out on the lawn and start shooting at these people like it's pheasant season that's not going to be an accurate solution. >> think about what the israelis have that u.s. dome they use if a rocket comes in they can intercept that rocket if it's going to a populated area or something. i don't know if those iron dome systems work against a drone though. >> probably work just fine. you would have all the explosive material and debris falling on people. that will be falling on people in washington d.c. which would probably be a tourist hazard i'm sure. >> how do you investigate? let's say you're the secret service. you have to investigate. you got this drone. it remains and landed in the south lawn of the white house. i'm sure there are serial numbers. what do you do to find out who is responsible? >> we're back to all the other investigations social media.
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who is bragging about this? somebody is going to be very proud of themselves if they're able to pull this off. they'll get on social media and the hope is that somebody will alert the authorities to you know, go and investigate this individual. and look into it. and then see if the individual if there say rortd of that person. >> they say they're talking to a person of interest right now. what does that mean? >> that means that's probably what happened. they got a lead to go after somebody to question them about it. and maybe find records of that person purchased a drone and by the way, where is your drone? what did you purchase? if they have an online record of that they can match it up to the one they recovered on the lawn. >> and let's be precise, the president and first lady in india. they were not on the residence. but their two daughters and mrs. obama's mother, the grapdndmother they were in the white house at that time. a lot of other people as well. all right. we're going to stay open ton of this story and figure out who is responsible for flying a drone
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over the white house and crash landing it on the south lawn of the white house. not far from the residence. coming up, we're going to get back to the other top story we're following. states of emergency in philadelphia to boston and just ahead of a massive blizzard that is moving their way. we're going to have the latest on what could be a crippling winter storm. stay with us. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology
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of tomorrow. a massive, massive blizzard only hours away. they're telling everyone get off the roads quickly. get to shelter. stay there. that's the no nonsense message to some nearly 60 million americans in the path of the storm moving into the northeast. the brunt of it won't arrive until later this evening. thousands of people are getting ready, thousands of flights, i should say, have already been canceled or delayed. three feet of snow in places. the storm developed high winds that pushed the snow into towering drifts. sometimes the winds can reach 60 or 70 miles an hour. people in connecticut, take a look. people are stocking up with supplies ahead of a statewide travel ban that takes place at 9:00 p.m. eastern later tonight. officials across the region are stressing how much snow is about to fall. people that have been through it
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before they're echoing that that warning needs to be heard. >> we are facing most likely one of the largest snowstorms in the history of this city. >> i don't like shoveling. i don't like snow. it's gorgeous. >> sooner or later, we're going to get hit with a big one. this may be the one. >> the only thing we promised to do after the last year's storm was get a generator. and i didn't do it. >> the power of moving water can really pick up rocks unbelievable size easily the size of your fist. >> cars were driving down this road during the storm and the rocks came over and they can go through someone's windshield and damage their car. large enough wave that could end up getting washed out. >> i'll believe it when i see it i guess. i'm hoping it won't be as bad as
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they say. >> you should not underestimate this storm. assume conditions will be unsafe. assume that you do not want to be out in this storm. when you can stay indoors, stay indoors. when you can stay off the roads, stay off the roads. >> we heard a little while ago up in massachusetts that this could be among the worst five storms ever ever to hit that area. let's go to boston right now. alexandra field is checking the roads. what are you seeing right now? >> yeah they are, wolf. this is a city used to a lot of snow. people are being warned this could be very significant if not a historic snowfall. we're driving past the public garden now. there is a little snow on the ground. really snow is just starting to come down. schools were open today. a lot of people went to work today. a lot of people are also out stocking up and preparing because the brunt of this storm is still a couple of hours away.
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there are a lot of warnings that are going out to people though. we've been driving around and we've been seeing road signs that say blizzard expected monday through wednesday. plan ahead. governor charlie baker spoke a short while ago and he has now declared a state of emergency. he is taking things one step further. he has issued a travel ban beginning at midnight. they want people off the roads so that they can get the equipment on to the road and mobilize 700 pieces of of equipment, 35,000 tons of salt to be deployed as this snow comes n a lot of it expected overnight. and into the day tomorrow. and then not really trailing off until wednesday. this will be interesting here in boston. they've only had ten inches of snow so far this winter. that is well below average. this storm over the next couple of days could put the city well above average. again this is a city that isn't a stranger to snow. they had a really big storm in 2013. this is a place where people do know that they need to heed the warnings when the warnings are coming so clearly from officials
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as they are in this case wolf. >> they are. thank you very much. >> near hurricane size winds, 60 miles an houshgs 70 miles an hour and that will cause major flooding from the atlantic in that entire northeastern region. people are really worried that power will be lost for hundreds of thousands if not millions of people in those areas. this is a real potential catastrophe on the way. up next we're going to get the story from pennsylvania right now. we're going to speak with the director of their emergency management agency for warnings and preparations. lots going on. you're looking at a live picture coming in from pittsburgh right now. startup-ny. it's working for new york state. already 55 companies are investing over $98 million dollars and creating over 2100 jobs. from long island to all across upstate new york, more businesses are coming to new york. they are paying no property taxes no corporate taxes no sales taxes. and with over 300 locations,
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much of it is across new england, new york new jersey pennsylvania as we've been saying one of the big dangers in any storm like this one, big dangers involves the roads. our brie onan todd is on the road in new jersey west of atlantic city. brian, what does it look like where you are right now? i know it's about to get a whole lot worse. >> it is about to get a whole lot worse, wolf. this area just starting to get hit with this system. it pushes to the northeast. as we mentioned, we're outside franklin township new jersey on state road 40. we're seeing the snow starting to hit. we've got a three camera vehicle equipped here. you can see my camera on me. then we're going to switch to the camera that looks right out our front windshield. you can see some of the precipitation hitting us. state officials are telling us when this storm is at its peak they expect it to be one to two inches per hour coming down from this evening until about noon
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tomorrow. we're going to cruise over a bridge now. you see it out our front window here. this is i believe state route 55 that we're crossing over now. state -- the governor of new jersey chris christie just said a short time ago they're getting 3700 trucks ready to deploy across the state, spreaders, contract snow plows, everything they can muster to get out here. it's just starting now. we're going to pull over. you're going to see a third camera capability. this is what we're able to show viewers throughout the day. my photojournalist is going to pull over here. and i'm going to get out of the vehicle and show you what this capability is. what we're going to be able to show viewers as this blizzard is at its peak. getting out of the vehicle next to state road 40. you can see the conditions are getting a lot worse. i can look into the dash camera right here and narrate us as oliver gets the camera ready here. these are the road conditions that are starting to get worse right at this hour wolf. the governor is warning that the
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trans transit system in new jersey may be shutting down at 10:00 pm pl eastern. here along state road 40 looks like it's not stick right now. again this is the hour when this is really supposed to start hitting and start sticking. so this is just the beginning of things here in southern new jersey. we're going to be pushing up towards the northeast toward the new jersey coastline a little further where it's really supposed to get bad in the coming hours. >> get ready for the near hurricane size winds that are going to be under way at the same time two of three feet of snow is dropping and temperatures are plummeting. brian, we'll stay in close touch with you. pennsylvania certainly won't escape the force of this winter weather system. we've got richard flynn on the line right now. he's the director of the pennsylvania emergency management agency. mr. flynn, thank you very much. how hard do you expect pennsylvania specifically philadelphia and other areas to get -- how hard hit are these areas going to be?
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>> yes. you're right, wolf. we obviously activated a state of emergency operation center and governor declared a proclamation zast of emergency in preparation for statewide event. now the good news is obviously the western and central basically spared at this moment. we're focused in as you pointed out very clearly the southeast. we've activated the national guard. we'll have about 150 droopztroops in that area. headed by our department of transportation is relocating snow plows and additional resources to that area. all the county emergency management agencies are going to get hit significantly, they're activating to full levels. and we're at this point no significant events have occurred. but we're focusing in on tonight and obviously over the night and tomorrow. and we are certainly concerned. we're concerned about our neighbors in new jersey and
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prepared to assist them as need philadelphia requested. >> yeah. we're all concerned about students the young people. we're concerned about the elderly and mr. flynn, i know you have your hands full over there. we'll stay in close touch with you as well. thank you very much. good luck to everybody in pennsylvania. to keep track of the weather by the way where you are, you can always go to go there any time. you'll get the latest information. we're going to have much more coverage of this historic blizzard coming up. also isis now changing demands for the release of a japanese hostage. we'll tell what you they want and the challenge japan is now facing in meeting this new demand. lots of news happening today. stay with us. how much money do you have in your pocket right now? i have $40 $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all.
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all right. this story just coming in from spain. a greek f-16 fighter jet has crashed at a spanish air base. there you see the smoke. a defense ministry official telling cnn that at least ten people have been killed more than a dozen wounded. it all happened during a nato training exercise there. the jet crashed during takeoff hitting other planes on the ground. no word yet on the national alts of the casualties. but major, major disaster there. a greek f-16 u.s.-fighter jet crashing on takeoff in spain. the united states has now closed its embassy in yemen's capital. the move is in response to last week's government rez igs nations. the state department in
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washington says they have limit add bilts to assist with emergencies for u.s. citizens who may still be in yemen. last week the u.s. pulled out some personnel. they pulled them out of the embassy as a precaution. the president, prime minister cabinet, all in yemen. they resigned last week after anti-american shiite forces took over the capital. kurdish forces appear to have won a grueling four-month battle against isis in syria. the syrian observatory for human rights now says the kurds have retain the city of he could bannyban -- coba kobanism. 1300 isis fighters were killed during the clash. that is the estimate. coalition air strikes led by the united states and shelling left large parts of kobani completely destroyed. isis has now changed the terms for the release of that japanese journalist still being held hostage. earlier the terror group wanted $200 million when they held two
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japanese citizens. our will rippley is in tokyo with the latest. >> reporter: wolf this is proving to be an extremely difficult negotiation process for the japanese government. they have a special envoy on the ground in jordan right now but with isis making all the rules, setting all the conditions and often not following through, there's very grave concern about the one japanese hostage still alive. the lead story on this isis controlled radio station -- the execution of japanese hostage, an isis supporter posted this grewsome image over the weekend, he is in chains holding a photo of his friend's headless body. the propaganda video has a voice claiming to be his. and a new isis demand instead of a ransom a prisoner exchange. isis wants jordan to release convicted terrorist al rashawi, a failed suicide bomber for her ties to the terror group's
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founders. >> the japanese government is pulling out all the stops, trying to leverage all of the contacts. >> temple university agent studies professor says bringing goto home alive is critical for shinzo abe, the hostage crisis unfolded two days after abe pledged $200 million to the coalition against isis. >> what he >> what he did is signal to isis i am on the side of your enemy and pated a bull's-eye on japan. >> japanese newspapers are showing pictures like this protesters outside the prime minister's residence. >> the u.s./japan relationship, that is the cornerstone of japanese foreign policy. >> reporter: longtime analyst keith henry points to the policy to never goergt withgotiate with terrorists. james foley, he was later
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beheaded. japan called for goto's immediate release saying the government is working closely with other nations. >> show the world japan can stand up for something, and in this case stand up against terrorism. >> reporter: taking a stand comes with a heavy price. goto's mother in agony. "i'm a mother" she says. "the cannot bear this." the question can japan bear the painful consequences of standing up to a brutal enemy like isis? such a difficult time for so many people in this country, but there really is a sense of urgency for the prime minister to do whatever he can to secure the safe return of kenji goto. that may be difficult because the prisoner has ties to al qaeda in iraq formed in 2004 and in 2006 became isis. and jordan has its own prisoners in the hands of isis including a jordanian pilot they've been trying to get released for quite some time.
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even though the prospects do not look good, prime minister shinzo abe publicly saying he'll do whatever he can to work out a deal to bring kenji goto home. >> will ripley in tokyo, let's hope for the best. the director steven spielberg looks back to his first visit of the auschwitz death camp as the world marks a somber anniversary.
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visit to auschwitz. >> i didn't know it was my calling until schindler's list came into my life. i even shot outside of the gates of auschwitz. it is a place that will stay with you, literally all you have to do is visit it once and it will stay on you for the rest of your life. it's unimaginable. so therefore, i don't try to imagine it. i have quite a vivid imagination, but i won't take my imagination to auschwitz. it was one of the most efficient killing machines that anyone has ever experienced throughout history. macht frei. i smelled the hopelessness. i went into the barracks and i imagined, and i watched the scribbling and i saw the carving
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and i saw some of the artwork. i felt the hopelessness then i'd suddenly see a flower that someone painted on the wall and i realize through all these years of hopelessness there was, in fact hope. there were little -- there was evidence of maybe there is going to be a few future for me and my family. maybe. and in most cases, that wasn't to happen. the first time i visited, we were absolutely appalled at one thing. the tour guide who took us through aushchwitz was organized. never mentioned the word jew. and never mentioned the numbers. just said many innocent people were killed here. and did not mention that the jews had been murdered at auschwitz. that kind of upstaged i was angry about that for a long time. but when i walked down the rail line to the end of where ltsthe
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tracks end and i went over to where the crematory were i just felt the ghosts. i just felt the ghosts. i didn't feel that i was destined to tell the story until i visited poland for the first time. and went to auschwitz and spent time on the actual locations. it suddenly occurred to me that this was something more than a movie, that the movie was going to be a foot in the door but the door that i needed to open was these testimonies. >> people were taken away to the gas chamber. >> and disseminate them all over the world. founding the survivors of the show of visual history foundation in 1994. this was my second bar mitzvah. i've been adopted by thousands of survivors. i feel like their grandson. my wife and i wanted to go back
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to auschwitz and pay our respects. a rabbi took us and we said a prayer. he asked me to come over where the remains of the crematory laid and put your hand in that water, in that sort of like mud hole. i did. it was soggy. it had been raining. i put my hand in there and i brought my hand out, and there was white sort of bone meal all over my hands because the remains of everyone over those years of mass murder rained back down on to the earth excuse me and they're still there. and the remains of everyone murdered at auschwitz, they're still there. in the ground. and that's something i'll take to my grave. >> steven spielberg. we should all be grateful to him. for our international viewers, cnn's special report "voices of auschwitz auschwitz" will air tomorrow
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evening. for viewers in north america it premieres wednesday night 9:00 p.m. eastern. i hope you'll see it. 70 year since the liberation of auschwitz. that's it for me. i'll be back 5:00 p.m. eastern in the "situation room." "amanpour "amanpour" is next for our international viewers. our viewers in north america, "newsroom" with brianna keilar starts right now. hi there, i'm brianna keilar. here in new york. where people are right now under a state of emergency. this city and much of the northeast bracing for a blizzard of historic magnitude. the official word do not take this blizzard lightly. it's being called potentially life threatening, and it is on the way. threatening to shut down much of the east coast from new jersey, all the way up to maine and canada. 58 million people are in the way of this thing, and are expected to be impacted in one way or another. >> this is not a storm to take
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