tv CNN Tonight CNN January 29, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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this is cnn tonight, and i'm don lemon. as you are getting ready to watch the super bowl this sunday, think about this the last patriot to score a touchdown is not even on the field, he is behind bars and can't watch the game. and in the season of the scandal, this is is the worst. former patriot aaron hernandez is charged with murder and his trial starts today, and the case gains cant him is not as slam dunk as it appeared to be. tonight tonight, we go inside of the courtroom. >> and plus, america, black or white, and it is back in the headlines with this malay and look at this caught on tape at a meeting in ferguson missouri that was supposed to be about
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reconciliation. >> and now an oscar winner is taking on race in america. kevin costner is here. >> our problems didn't start in august and they didn't start in ferguson. >> we have a whole lot to get to the night, but i want to start in a massachusetts e' court' courtroom, and miles away from phoenix where the super bowl will take place. aaron hernandez is behind a table where his murder trial is under way. susan candiotti has been following the trial, and two vastly different portraits of aaron hernandez. what stands out to you some. >> you rare right about that, don. aaron hernandez to hear the
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defense talk about it, he was having a time of his life, and star for the new england patriot s patriots patriots, and big time tight end, and he had just signed a $40 million contract extension, and did he like to party? sure said the defense attorney but this is a good friend of odin lloyd and he could not have done this to him, after all, he said that he was his friend in his opening address 40 times. and the lawyer said that aaron hernandez could not have possibly been a cold-blooded killer. >> why would he kill his friend? aaron hernandez had the world at his feet. he was planning his future and not a murder. >> and you got a poe p lar opposite view from the prosecution in the case. the lawyers, the prosecutors in the case saying that aaron hernandez is accused of being a
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cold-blooded killer who orchestrated the execution of odin lloyd along with two other co-defendants wo are being tried separately in the case. this is how the prosecutor described what happened after lloyd was murdered and the three men he said that came back to the house, and they are seen on videotape. listen. >> ernest wallace and carlos ortiz come down to the basement, and then you will see on the surveillance tape that the defendant is moving around and, and he comes down from the first floor into the basement, and moving around on the first floor, and you will see, ladies and gentlemen, that the defendant is standing outside of the entrance of the basement holding a gun. >> so in part, don, this could be the tape of the tapes. we will have to see how the jury thinks about or what they think about all of this. >> and interesting, susan, that
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odin lloyd, the victim was dating the sister of aaron hernandez' fiancee, and they were both in the courtroom. >> yes, that is right. you have the tale of two sisters here. you have the sister of aaron hernandez shayanna jenkins, and then on the ther side the girlfriend of the victim odin lloyd who is sitting next to the victim's mother ursula ward shane shaneah jenkins, and it was almost up comfortable to watch the lack of interaction, don. >> and i want to bring in judge glenda hatchet, and also i want to bring in the judge who presided over other cases.
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i want you to hear this part of the case where he had been shot. >> odin lloyd had been shot six times, and he had been kill ded and when the defendant and carlos ortiz and earnest wallace left are pr that spot, and they left odin lloyd there and left the evidence at the scene, they took the evidence with them and they created evidence of the cooperative effort and tried to and in some cases they were successful in destroying evidence. >> and judge sideeidlinseidlin, what will they have to do to prove it without a gun? >> well, it is a tough case and tough for the state or the prosecutor. usually the prosecutor they want a case with a smoking gun, and where there are witnesses observing the shooting of the victim.
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i'm surprised and almost shocked that the prosecutor could not cut a deal with the other two defendants that are going to be tried later on and i'm sure they promise edd with one of the defendants a cruise to the bahamas, and all kidding aside, i am thinking they would offer them a light felony or the misdemeanor, and the prosecutor would have loved to have one of the defendants to say, yes, hernandez was there, and he intended to kill the victim. even if he was not the shooter. >> judge hatchet, it does make it tougher, because there is no gun. >> it is going to make it really tough. they have to rely heavily, don on that videotape. of course the defense says it is not the gun, but it is a cell phone, but i agree with the judge. this is going to be an uphill battle because it is really a circumstantial case. it is gogoing to be hard, because at the end of the day, they have to prove, the state has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.
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all the defense has to the is to keep poking holes and creating doubt. >> and susan, as everyone watched today, everybody could not help but notice and you sat in the courtroom behind the mo mother, and you could not help but notice that the mother was cry manage the open ging statements, right? >> e yes, and when they showed the photographf her dead son, you can imagine and when the description came as he was shot execution style, six times, and then apparently in the front as he lay on his back, she did start to cry, and she did leave the room but she cried quietly and left the room and yet, it was clear that you could watch some of the jurors, and they leaned forward and they watched her walk out, and then come back into the courtroom again. >> so it did, and the jurors did have a reaction then right? >> they did. at least they were observant, let's say. they didn't show any emotion ooet, but they were paying
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attention. >> and judge hatchett this jury is made up of 12 women and six men, and when they see odin lloyd for example, his mother ursula as susan said walks out, how does that affect the jury? >> it is going to affect the jury and not just along the lines of the sexb and just affecting the women, but people are human beings, and that is my experience is that people are touched, and you can't expect them not to have some kind of reaction even if it was not visible in the court today. >> and some of the video of never before seen that was taken by hernandez' extensive home security surveillance system moment s moments after the murder, and they say that he was holding the murder weapon that was never found, and the defense saying it was an iphone and it is not
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looking particularly like an iphone, and why would that video exist though if he were a killer? >> the video, the police think that the prosecutor's theory is that it is a glock. the glock is a gun of choice of the many of the police in america. and it is a gun that i used to wear on my ankle when i was in the courtroom and i thought that there was potential danger. it is hard to make out on the video what it is if it is a phone or weapon and some of the other evidence is hard against the defendant. the fact that the footprints are at the scene where the killing took place, and also, there is other physical evidence but be that as it may, the jury normally wants someone to say, i saw it take place. and they don't have that now in the prosecutor and they don't
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have that direct correlation be between the shooter and the victim. >> and also, i would say, too, to you, don, if i were the defense counsel in this case if i were planning a murder i surely would not come home knowing that i have a defense video system, so you will hear that a lot in the trial of the practicality of this and again, pushing the theory, that he was his friend, and we heard it over and over again in the opening statement s statements and the argument to the jury, and if you are going to be planning a murder why would you be so sloppy, although we have seen people be sloppy a lot. >> na has to be the last word of it and speaking of the jurors i wonder if the judge and the others wonder if it adds to the pressure as well. susan is going to be sticking around because we have a lot more to come on the aaron hernandez murder trial. when we come back i want to get the legal panel to weigh in on this, and why does the defense
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claim that the police targeted in on aaron hernandez. and why is there attention on the flashest super bowl commercial. >> i would like to order a pizza. >> ma'am, you have reached 911. to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. when heartburn comes creeping up on you... fight back with relief so smooth...'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum, tum tum tum...♪ smoothies! only from tums.
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criminal defense attorney and cnn legal analyst, and michael mccann is sports and law professor at the new hampshire school of law and susan candiotti is back with me. mark, i have said your names hundreds of times, but tonight, it did not work out as i wanted it to. >> that is okay. >> and susan, tell me about hernandez' demeanor in court today, suesan. >> well, he didn't change his expression much, and he was attentive to what was going on but interestingly i thought that when his own defense attorney was making his opening statement, i was watching him quite a bit, and oddly, he was rocking in the chair back and forth and back and forth and he did that for an extended period of time. i i'd like to add this don, one of the guests was wondering, gee, wouldn't it be important p the prosecution would be able to you know flip one of the other co-defendants in the case who have e pleaded not guilty but long before the gag order was put in place, i was speaking
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with the lawyer for one of them carlos ortiz, and he said that he had not been approached by the prosecution, and they don't seem to want to flip them. >> and mark geragos, i want you to listen to defense attorney michael fee. >> we are here because the police and the prosecutors targeted aaron are from the very beginning. as soon as they found out that aaron hernandez, the celebrity football player the new england patriot, was a friend of odin lloyd's, aaron never had a chance. it was over. >> so mark they are claiming that hernandez had been targeted, because he was a celebrity and a patriot's player and you have defended some high profile celebrities, and how does that change things? >> well, when you have a celebrity or someone who is famous famous, they do get a presumption of innocence once
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they have been charged, but they also come under a great deal of scrutiny during the investigation, and people want to attach their case to a celebrity, because obviously, it raises the profile of the investigation. but once the jury is in there,r then you do get the presumption of the innocence when you are famous and not so much when you are infamous, and he is clearly famous, and the makeup of the jury being predominantly e female is going to be extremely helpful to him, and all case ss if not most cases are decided in the jury selection, and this is all of the earmarks of the pro defense jury from what i have seen so far. and harkening back to what susan said there was the ray lewis and another famous football player who was on trial for murder, a a murder, and they ended up flipping him in the trial, but in that case, he was on trial with the other two co-defendants who were ultimately acquitted,
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but many this casein this case the great thing for the defense, they can sit there because they are not on trial with him, and they can point to the other two and say, those are the guys that did it and he had no motive. >> and mark just because it is a jury made up of women and they are not that sensitive and he can't bat his eyes to the women, and the women say, okay, you are not guilty. >> well right. i ag i agree with you, that is never going to happen, and it is not going to be a male-female thing, but what you do have is that you are going to be having females, i think that are going to take a look at the guy who is famous and somebody who by all accounts who is very presentable, and he has got the resources here to combat a prosecution which is expended an incredible amount of resources to prosecute him. all of those things come into play play, and they are helpful. >> and michael, hernandez was cut from the patriots less than two hours after he was arrested
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and bob kraft and the head coach bill belichick are on the prosecution's witness list. how could they be used in the case? >> el well, don, we will see them used, if they are used at all to provide some evidence following the murder of odin lloyd. there were reports that there were conversations between hernandez and kraft and belichick. those are not that instrumental. to me what would be more significant is if aaron hernandez makes the use of drug cans or the concussions part of the defense. as a way of saying that he didn't have the mental wherewithal to plan a murder. it is possible in that context both belichick and kraft could be called to testify, and it would be important to hear what they have to say about his health as a player and did he suffer psychological injury, and today, we heard michael fee talk about odin lloyd and aaron hernandez smoking marijuana all of the time.
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a that may play a factor in the case. >> do you believe that he will be convicted? >> i believe he going to be convicted, but of second-degree murder and not first degree. i don't believe they will get him on the case that it is premeditated premeditated. >> mark geragos? >> i don't believe it is going to be a first-degree murder case and right now, the prosecution has the uphill battle. >> thank you, everyone. thank you, michael, mark susan candiotti. and report some breaking news for you. an attorney for suge knight is reporting to cnn that the rap mogul was involved in a fatal hit-and-run incident that took place on a movie set that left one man dead. since we have you here mark your reakction to this, and suge
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knight involved in the shooting of one of the clients, chris brown, and you represented chris brown, and what do you make of what is happening with this alleged hit-and-run? >> well, i will tell you something, he has got enormous problems because he has been to state prob state prison before and if they say it is intentional, it is not going to surprise me if the prosecutors here in l.a. charge it as intentional murder case. if that is the case, suge has enormous exposure. >> okay. thank you, mark, for giving us the feedback on that. >> and now, countdown to the super bowl, and tom brady is battling a cold. will he play on sunday? and marshawn lynch, the seahawks' running star ramps up the battle by what he says to
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reporters. uh-oh. the name your price tool. she's not to be trusted. kill her. flo: it will save you money! the name your price tool isn't witchcraft! and i didn't turn your daughter into a rooster. she just looks like that. burn the witch! the name your price tool a dangerously progressive idea. they challenge us. they take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best interactive entertainment begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall," the first multi-player game built and run on microsoft azure. empowering gamers around the world
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big game is a rocky road and the controversies have not calmed down yet. rachel nichols has more. >> it sis one of the more bizarre weeks in super bowl history and today is no different. today, the koncontroversy surrounding marshawn lynch reached a fever pitch. for days he has been protesting that he address the media by showing up for public appearances for long enough to avoid a public fine and refusing to speak except for short phrases. this is tuesday. >> i am here so i won't be fined. hey, i'm here so i won't be fined. i am just here so i won't be fined. >> reporter: here's wednesday. >> you know why i'm here. you know why i'm here. they know why i'm here. you know why i'm here. you know why i'm here. >> reporter: but finally today, lynch let loose and he was not happy. >> i don't know what story, you
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rare trying to get out of me. i don't know what imagine, you are trying to portray of me and it don't matter what you say to me, and i come to y'all event and you shove cameras and microphones down my throat, but in my home in my environment, i don't see y'all, but y'all are mad at me. >> reporter: strong words, but lynch's battle with the nfl's media requirements may not be relatable to most americans. nfl tom brady's issues on the other hand certainly are, because it started with a cold that started with with the kids and spread to him and his super model wife gisele and the issue may be that he cannot call out the calls the plays the team. >> and it ran lu the house, and i'm glad it happened earlierr in the week and i'm feeling better. i ran around yesterday and i
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expect to be 100% sunday. i am ready to go. >> reporter: meanwhile, richard sherman is facing his own parenting issue. his girlfriend is pregnant with his child, a boy. would he choose the soupuper bowl or his son's birth? >> well shgs, he is going to be a disciplined young man and wait for after the game. we have thought about it, and we have things in play if that happens, and we will cross that bridge if it gets there. >> reporter: and don, i am relieved to hear that gisele gets the sniffles like the rest of us, and it is nice for us mere mortals, and that richard sherman is making deals with the unborn for him to do a solid and wait a week.
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but sherman is really a critic of the commissioner roger goodell, and he says why should marshawn lynch have to talk every week if the commissioner doesn't, and he has a point but roger goodell is going to be talking tomorrow and one thing to look out for is his state of the union as they call it, and he gives it every super bowl, and it is going to be interesting now that we finally get to hear from him what he is going to be hearing to say. >> and for us guys who are sniffling, and tom brady is a mere mortal the as well because i have been doing for it a week now. and rachel, stay with me, because i want to bring in roxanne jones, and pete najarian a contributor to cnb bshgsb cnbc's "fast money," and why are you here? and why are you worried about the integrity of the game? are you worried that goodell can
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continue on? >> well yes, i am because we have had concussions, and domestic abuse, and questionable calls in key situations and now we have cheating and somebody cheated, and it is not the first time. i'm a big football fan. >> and i know, you are a writer, and can he say anything tomorrow to reassure you. >> well, he said something before the game and now we have to go into the biggest game with a cloud over it, and questions, and as a fan, i deserve more than that, and otherwise, don't talk to me about the sanctity of the game. >> and what do you want to hear from roger goodell? >> well, two years ago he addressed everybody, and he came out, and roger good del said that the biggest risk to the league is complacency, and now, two years later, how about the complacency about the decisions that they never made a decision on. and because of that, i want to know how the progress is going so far in this whole awareness of the domestic violence and
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how do they move forward from here, and what are the disciplinary actions, and can they get together with the nflpa? and you wrote an art can kl for the, and you got death threats because you said that the patriots should not with be playing sunday. >> yes shgs, that is right. >> and you said, no time for the stalled investigation. >> exactly what he said. we are on the precipice, and the nfl fans have been taken through the mud, i think, and the sport is in trouble, for many different fronts. and i think that we have deserved quick decision-making in this case. he did not have to come to a conclusion goodell, but he should have said something, and heard from belichick and some scientist, and brady, i don't know what happened, and it turned into the big circus and i expect more than that from the nfl. >> and rachel is it is goodell feeling the pressure? any signed or indication that he is feeling the pressure or is he just sort of you know
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blowing it off or rubbing it off of the shoulders? >> well, don, there are 32 people that roger goodell has to answer to and none of them are talking on this panel right now. the owners of the nfl are pretty happy with roger goodell, and this is a $9 billion business, and if you want to know how happy he is with them and the last reported salary for a year was $44 million, and that is not as much as your salary, but that is going to let you know where he places the value, because he has made them a tremendous amount of money, and the super bowl this weekend is expected to be the highest rated television program of all time. you can charge $4.5 million for 30 seconds of commercials, and that man is keeping his job. >> and yes, it is 25 of 28 of the top television shows are all sports nfl-related shows. i have to ask you about the marshawn lynch, and is he just acting here, and the brand? >> if he is, he is doing an unbelievable job, because the promotion for the brand, and this is all about the beast
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mode, the brand, and when you look at what he is able to do this week, and he does not mind to pay the fines, and maybe he is going to be paying the fines, and we don't know yet, because he is showing up and doing whoo he is asked to do, but look at the brand exposeure that he is getting getting, and what is that worth to him? >> i am surprised by how passionate people are about whether or not he should speak, and some people say, well, they don't pay him to speak, but they pay him to u play good football. >> yes. exactly. >> and rachel this is everything that has to do with the outcome, and we heard from katy perry today. >> yes, i know. this is a big moment for you don. and i have to say that she won the press conference over starting out much like you saying that i am just here because i don't want to get fined. and she promised america that knot manage the halftime
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performance would not be deflated, and so it is important that the nfl and the patriots may be letting you down america, but katy perry is not. >> and is that like an nfl bustier? >> well shgs sit, it is looking deflated to me. >> oh, thank you, guys. >> oh no that is dangerous territory. >> and rachel nichols, host of the nfl super bowl special with dan marino and the seahawks head coach pete carroll, and drew brees saturday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. and make sure that you are going to tune in. thank you, everybody. appreciate all of you. when we come back the advertisers are paying $4.5 million for a 30-second commercial but the nfl is giving time away for this spot. >> i would like to order a pizza delivery. >> ma'am, you have reached 911. >> i would like half pepperoni and mushroom. >> you know that you have called
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911. >> do you know how long it will be? >> ma'am, is everything okay over there? do you have an emergency or not? >> yes. out that stock? sure thing, right? actually, knowing the kind of risk that you're comfortable with i'd steer clear. really? really. straight talk. now based on your strategy i do have some other thoughts... multiplied by 13,000 financial advisors it's a big deal. and it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. sir, we're going to need you on the runway later. don't let a severe cold hold you back. get theraflu... ...with the power of three medicines to take on your worst pain and fever, cough and nasal congestion.
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it breaks you free from your toughest cold and flu symptoms. theraflu. serious power. [bassist] two late nights in tucson. blew an amp.but good nights. sure,music's why we do this,but it's still our business. we spend days booking gigs then we've gotta put in the miles to get there. but it's not without its perks. like seeing our album sales go through the roof enough to finally start paying meg's little brother- i mean,our new tour manager-with real,actual money.
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nfl running a public service announcement during the super bowl that may get more attention than the commercials. it is part of the anti-domestic violence cam can pain-- violence campaign, but will it make the league's handling of the issue? joining us is ron goldman and juan carlos arian and he is director of healthy familyies. let's play this psa and then we will talk about it. >> 911 operator. 911. where's the emergency. >> 127 brenier. >> what is going thereon? >> i'd like to order a pizza for delivery. >> ma'am you have reached 911. this san emergency line. >> yes, half pepperoni and half
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mushroom. >> you have called 911. this san emergency line. >> do you know how long it will be? >> is everything okay over there? do you have an e emergency or not? >> yes. >> and you are run able to talk because -- >> right, right. >> is there someone in the room with you? just say yes or no. >> yes. >> okay. it looks like i have an officer about a mile from your location. are there any weapons in the house? >> no. >> can you stay on the phone with me? >> no. see you soon, thank you. [ hang up ] so kim, it brings you in and we don't see bruises or blood, and it is very different from the ra ray rice video that we saw earlier in the season, and what is your reaction to this? >> well, yes, my heart is racing and the fourth time today that i have seen it or
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listened to it. it is compelling and powerful and it is telling us that we don't have to see the bruises to be touched by it. as a society, we are desensitized to violence, and this is a powerful way to hit us in an emotional place that we are not used to. >> and juan this psa is showing how creative women have to be in order to get away from the, from their abusers. does this in any way destroy some strategy or survival technique for certain women? >> well, this particular case which was based or inspired on a real story, maybe, you know, it will not happen again that somebody calls for a pizza, but the truth is that you were saying that victims of the domestic violence and the sexual assault, and they victims are inkred incredibly creative, and any opening for them thaey will take
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advantage of them, and we have to be ready to listen. >> and at first, it draws you n because you are thinking, what is this about? if you see someone abusing, you know, but this is going to draw you in and 30 seconds, is that enough in the superr bowl, roxanne? >> no, it is not enough. i am glad that we are having the conversation at the super bowl but in no way does it make me forget the culture of domestic violence in the nfl. and so i would not p be too congratulatory to the league because it is a marketing campaign and there is no erasing, because it is a do-good, and they love women who are 45% of the audience. they have a lot of work ahead of them. >> a lot of work. and this is a different ad here and this is a group called ultraviolet which is also going to be playing in the super bowl. here it is. ♪
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>> let's take domestic violence out of football. paid for by ultraviolet. >> this group also has ads on "sports illustrated."com, and what do you think? >> i don't like it. i don't like it at all. >> i don't either. >> and you talk about domestic violence and then a hit like a tackle. who thought of that ad? i don't like it at all. it is awful. >> and for me i mean, both of the ads, there is a slightly missed opportunity, and there is no conversation about education and prevention which is the next step. there is an opportunity to listen which is a great call to action but we are not educating or empowering or hitting the young kids a about the healthy relationship s relationships and healthy boundaries, and me as an advocate, that is where i want the conversation to continue to go >> thank you. and we will talk much more about this, and thank you, kim, and giancarlo and roxanne.
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>> and when we come back, we will talk about something that tackles something that we talk a lot about on this show kevin costner is here, and we will talk about his film "black or white." actually have a whole lot of unused vacation days, but where am i gonna go? i just don't have the money to travel right now. i usually just go back home to see my parents so i can't exactly go globe-trotting. if i had friends to go with i'd go but i don't want to travel by myself. someday. male vo: there are no more excuses. find the hotel you want, and the flight you want, and we'll find the savings to get you there. sunday dinners at my house... it's a full day for me, and i love it. but when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. i don't like asking for help. i took tylenol but i had to take six pills to get through the day. so my daughter brought over some aleve. it's just two pills, all day! and now, i'm back!
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we talk a lot about black or white on this show but the tensions that exploded in ferguson are in some ways the tip of the iceberg and what we say and don't say about race when we are behind closed doors should be part of the conversation as well. all of it is subject of the new film called "black or white" and kevin costner produced the film and stars in it as well. and he joins us now and you are the real deal when it comes to talking about race. >> well, i don't know that i am, and i don't know that i have a answer, but i know that when i see something that mirror ss the times that i am living in, i feel some obligation at that moment to make sure that it gets made. that is what happened. >> and a it could not be more timely with what is going on when it comes to race and as i noeknow that you went to ferguson with this movie. >> yeah. >> and i want to show you something that happened in ferguson and then we will talk about it.
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now, this is supposed to be a meeting to bring people together. black and white started to fight. what is going on here, kevin? >> well, we are going to have to burn white hot. we do. these problems did not start in august and they didn't start in ferguson and it is a vail that that -- a veil that has been over this country, and there are people who are marginalized and if you are not black, it is difficult to empathize with what happens here. >> and how did you get there? >> it is not that i got there, but i grew up in a place called compton and when i say "grew up" it is a loose term, because i was there for the first eight years of my life and my extended family, and my immediate family and i was very conscious of these words. i don't ever remember them said
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in anger, and i don't ever remember them saying that they weren't callous or ignorant and people's feelings and so i have saw it, and i have used those words. >> and you have used the n-word? >> yes, multiple times. >> you have. >> yes, nin my teens, and there is one day playing against other athlete, and don't forget we are talking about 1955 to 1963, of course. and so i can say that and the if i guess maybe you have never said it or maybe the greatest majority of people out there have never said it, and i h never said that in anger, but i look back and i realize that i had to put that word in my rear-view mirror and it is an ugly word, and i said so in the final speech of "black and white." >> and the movie, it opens up tomorrow, and it is about a 7-year-old biracial girl and the
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father is fighting with the grandmother? >> yes. >> and i am thinking of the things as they are, and the hand that she has been dealt, and we need to talk about a shared custody. >> not going to happen. >> oh? >> you are welcome to visit. >> you don't want her down here, elliott, do you, down here in the black folks. >> no don't start. >> get her a little black tutor, and take care of her soul. >> what is wrong with you? >> well, you don't want to admit that there is a there-there. >> and i love this h clip because there is a divide between the plaque and white. and you say, any time anyone wants to shut down the conversation you invoke race. >> well, it is not the only way that you do it, but you can also shutdown a conversation by walking away. whatever happened in ferguson today, somebody walked away and it breaks down. the beauty of the movie is that
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a lot of the people can watch it and for two hours, they can see things that maybe they have said in their life or maybe things they wish they had said in their life and they are not going to be able to walk away, and sit there in the movie, and say, am they person or that person? i though that the octavia and anthony mackey, personally they felt that they could say things that they wanted to say their whole lives not only for themselves but for their generation. >> why did you want to do this, and this is not the first time, but you put up $9 million of your own money, and the studios did want to make it, and why? >> well, the studios are fine and they all liked it but it did not fit into their slate, if you will. so i get that. and you know my job is not to complain about them, but my job is in my own mind is that if i fall in love with something, how do i stay in love with it? i don't fall out. and so i had to kind of look to myself ultimately at the end of the day, and i had to drill down and explain to my wife that i thought that we should make this
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movie. movie. >> it is not the first time that you have done it. >> no, it is not. >> and you did it in the 1990s and broke the barriers with "body guard" with whitney houston. and you wanted to play the love interest. >> and those issues were brought up, and you want to think about those thing, and it is a business. who is the best actress, and maybe in somebody's mind maybe it is not the best business that whit whitney be it, but for me, i don't know if i am like the mongoose playing with the koebcobra, i never felt the dang canner, but i felt that the prettiest girl and the prettiest girl in the world who could really sing was whitney houston and i don't know who would not really want to kiss her. >> and i say that because of what is happening with the academy awards and the "selma" and the voters and 77% white and 54% males, and under age 50, and diversity is coming up with hollywood, and you have been dealing with wit early on. >> when you see the numbers, that is right. and if the white community can think about things, then, yes,
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the whatever voting body being a e reflection, and whoever is serving the community, if it is a bigger refleck shup of the community they are serving, that is smart. that is when we go hey, this this. you have to really get under skin of it. it is hard. it is hard. it is not the easiest thing, i think, for white people to relate that way. it is not a crime but it is admitting that it is not easy. and so when we look at that it is better that body be more diverse. and it is better that the police community be more diverse, and it is like, you go okay that is right. we move along. we move along, and that is what we have to do. i don't know what this movie does. does it bump the conversation one inch? well, the if it does, then i have done my job. >> i think it will. i think it will. it is going to be interesting to see what happens and again, it opens tomorrow. and as you say, we move along here, and we will talk about your career, and i will ask you your oscar predictions next.
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to win? >> well, what is going to happen is that people are going to be seeing the five movies or the the ten movies and the academy awards are go g toing to be different and people are going to be watching and the winners' lives are going to change and the name in front of it, and so it is a cool thing, and don't be too cool for school, and the academy awards are going to be movies that nobody has seen and one more thing, somebody gets to see a speech or two, and somewhere in the united states and somebody says, i think that i can do that, and that is what i want to do. and that is what i think that can happen when the oscars are working at their very best. and some filmmaker finds their way there that can change a lot of lives. >> "black and white" opens tomorrow. go see it. >> it is one of those movies. i feel like it can take us a place right alongside "field of dreams" and "dances with wolfs" and bull durham" and it was hard to make, and it is one of those patterns of the rock trying to go uphill. >> you get it done. thank you. and thank you for watching.
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"a "ac360" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- we begin tonight with a fight of terrorism ta that are seen with two threads in the same story. the negotiations stalled for a female terrorist in exchange for a jordanian fighter pilot, and a japanese journalist. and that as the militant that was traded for u.s. pill tear member bergdahl has returned to fighting. and what is the latest now? >> well we are in a tense wait and we are hearing that
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