tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 29, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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watching. "a "ac360" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- we begin tonight with a fight of terrorism ta that are seen with two threads in the same story. the negotiations stalled for a female terrorist in exchange for a jordanian fighter pilot, and a japanese journalist. and that as the militant that was traded for u.s. pill tear member bergdahl has returned to fighting. and what is the latest now? >> well we are in a tense wait and we are hearing that there is
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no news for the proof of life on one side, and they have been waiting for the proof of life a ndand they have not had it through any stage many this negotiation or the bad news that everybody is dreading which is the pilot or the japanese journalist, mr. go goto has been killed. with every passing minute hope dims bshg, but they are keeping hope. >> and we have been told that the female terrorist, the would-be suicide terrorist would have to go to the border or ow would they have to wait for the proof of life? >> no they said they would not move any closer to a exchange until they have proof of life. and the latest demand was to take her to the border with turkey and syria's border with tur e key as opposed to the jordanian border to fly her h over there to do it, and take the positive step a ndnd they refused to do it without the proof of life. >> i want to ask you about the
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cnn reporting of the taliban members swapped out for bowe bergdahl returning to militant active activity which is potentially significant and precise about what this is and what it is not not. >> and what it is, and this is first reported by our barbara starr that one of the five there pictured on the screen, and we are not sure which one communicated by eltelephone or e-mail or chat rooms with a member of the taliban in afghanistan which, and remember this is being monitored by u.s. intelligence that they caught this communication which they took as a signal that this person was at the tempting or making arrangements to the return to militancy, and the person did not go to afghanistan, and they are still in qatar, and they reached tout take those steps, which is considered in violation of the agreement with these men while they were held in qatar. >> and more to learn on that and thank you, jim sciutto. and now joining us is national
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security analyst fran townsend and serving on external national security boards and also former navy s.e.a.l. dan and also ourthe author of a book on the female s females in the war. >> as jim sciutto points out, the longer it goes on the less likely there is any swap at all. the jordanians were right to not move her for the point of the swap without the proof of life. it is sort of standard here and no doubt they had the operational plans to do it if
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they had that and they are under tremendous pressure from the prominent family of the jordanian pilot to make it work if they k but they were right not to go any further without the proof of life. >> and jordan is a u.s. ally and the terror group isis does that change the equation for how the u.s. and other groups will deal with isis down the road? >> el this is the future. this is so successful and they are already winning. they are winning the propaganda battle, and fran brings out the obvious fact has the whole world is demanding that something be done and just like james polen and all of the other islamic pressure situations that the very discussion and the fact that we are having interview ss, and we are not the only network focused on that, and that means that they are winning the propaganda battle. they will milk it for all it is worth, and again, no positive
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signs that there is some form of a prisoner swap at this stage. time will tell. >> and kareem, the fact that isis is trying to get a female terrorist released is significant this in the way of propaganda for isis? >> yes, they are trying to be defenders of the muslim women. and we are seeing the image of sajida al rishawi behind bar ss in the hijab presenting a sympathetic face and she participated in a terror attack that killed 60 people including people at a bridal party and at weddings and i can't think of anything more gainsagainst the arab culture and she is seen as sim pa thetic be behind the bars. we need to tell the stories are of the women who are victims of isis and the women who are subject ed to subjected to the sexual slavery, and the women who were killed in mosul and iraq for opposing them that were killed.
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>> yes. and the picture we had up there initially of her is the one of her in the suicide vest. and this is the woman who attempt and she only failed to kill other people because she was not able to detonate the vest correctly. her husband did, and 57 people were killed in a number of attacks in 1997 in iman in a number of hotels. and so the jordanian pilot, does having him, and whether he is alive or dead does it give isis added leverage in the region? >> absolutely. i think that one of the things that isis is trying to do here is to sort of break up the coalition that has been put together to stand against them. there is increasing opposition in jordan to participating in the coalition, and i think that if the young pilot is killed that opposition will only increase. what has to happen now is that the international community has to stand together. we are seeing the demonstrations in tokyo saying that i am kenji and demonstration signs in jordan saying that all of us are
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him, and we have to stand together with all of the victims. there has to be a united front against the terrorist group. >> and fran, i want to ask you about the reporting of cnn that one of the taliban members, and we don't know which one that was swapped for sergeant bergdahl is now suspected of trying to return to terrorist activity, and that is not the say he has left qatar and entered the battlefield, but what about the attempt that he may be attempting to? >> well, we don't have the details of the communication as jim described it but frankly, the guys know that they are being monitored and it is not a secret, so you have to wonder what that is really about. and remember also n qatar, there was a taliban office, and so he hardly has to reach all of the way back to afghanistan in order to make contact. there is a bunch of things about this story that as the facts that we have so far that raise an awful lot of questions.
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that said, i will tell you, it is not surprising to me. these guys were released not because they had seen the light of day, and had turned themselves around. these guys were released as part of a political deal and policy decision on the part of the administration, so we should not be surprised. i also think that the female suicide bomber while she is and if if they could have the swap go forward, she is going to be lauded and videotaped and all sorts of propaganda that comes out of her. and you have to expect somebody like her will also go back to the battlefield and kill. >> and dan, you have a lot of experience as the hostage coordinator in baghdad, when you get a prisoner back, you can't control what happens after that. >> well, you can e predict the future, and we are seeing it on display, they are winning. isis the islamic state is winning by this very discussion that my counterparts are bringing up. absolutely valid point ss. and rishawi are going to to be one of the coordinates, and
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there is going to to be pressure to get out of the airstrike campaign, and again, regardless of what happens with the priz prisoner swap if if it is still on as a possibility, isis is winning this hostage terrorism working, and we are proving it. we can only expect more of it in the future. >> thank you dan o'shea and fran townsend and karina as well. thank you for coming on. and now, japanese men drawn to the region and another japanese man taken captive trying to tell his story are, and for a terrorist who is only alive because her bomb vest did not detonate and all of this in part of the triangle. see how it unfolds.
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>> reporter: this prisoner swap starts in iman jordan. this is a wedding reception under way, and this photo is taken moments be before the bride and the groom were seriously injured and both of their fathers were killed. in all, 57 people were killed manyin the three attacks. two of the bombers were husband and wife. the wife, sajida al rishawi, survived. my husband detonated the bomb, she says, and i tried to set off mine, but failed. al rishawi, an iraqi was captured in the aftermath and she was associated with al qaeda in iraq. and then a japanese man was captured haruna yukawa and
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another man who was there to report about it was captured himself, kenji goto. and his wife plead for his life. >> i beg for you to release him. >> and then a pilot was captured by isis when his plane crashed. his captors released this half naked picture of him when he was surrounded by militants. three people from different places now part of the same dangerous story. up next, we will learn who was flying airasia 8501 and what the crew was hear ging in the moments before the airline went down. >> and later, we will go inside of the courtroom for the opening statements of the former patriot aaron hernandez murder trial got under way. we will see how each side plans
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happening when things went wrong. from air aviation correspondent rene marsh. >> reporter: indonesian investigators say the copilot, 46-year-old remi manuel plasel while monitored the dpliegt. >> should have been enough time to make him capable of handling most emergencies, but this looks like it may have been an extreme emergency. >> reporter: plisel flew for airasia for three year ss and more than 2,000 hours in the a-320, but the captain had more than 6,000 hours and ten years flying for the military. one indonesian crash investigator used a model airbus a-320 to demonstrate how they believe things unravelled in three minutes and 20 seconds. according to indonesian authorities, flight 8501 cruised at 32,000 feet when it veered left, tilted to the side, wobbled and then climbed to 37,400 feet in just 30 seconds. the stall warnings which sound
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like this, were blaring and then suddenly, the aircraft began to fall. once below 24,000 feet, the plane disappeared from radar. alan deal is a former ntsb crash investigator. >> the fact that the aircraft was wobbling could be due to one of two things. one, the automation was shutting down and now they were having to take over and fly manually, or two, the actual turbulence was inducing g-force movements in the pilot's hand on the control stick causing the wobbling to get worse. >> reporter: investigators say the crew was properly certified and the plane had no history of problems. despite the indonesian military's withdrawal from the search, the hunt for the 90 bodies still missing will continue. well, investigators have submitted the preliminary report but they would not release it at today's briefing and it's unclear if and when they will. this could just be the investigators being very careful because this is a preliminary report and the facts could
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change. now, as it relates to the pilots, it is not uncommon for the copilot to be at the controls. they oftentimes take turns. rene marsh, cnn, washington. >> clues, no answers and better ideas of the questions investigators have been asking and joining us is cnn safety expert david susie. the pilot actually flying the plane, does that mean anything to you? the copilot often at controls, right? >> yes, as rene said, copilot is often at the controls. you want to make sure especially junior copilots have more time at the controls so that they have the experience to move into a more senior position later. so it's not uncommon at all that that would occur. >> in an emergency situation with the copilot flying it, does the pilot step in, take control? >> no, you would think that he might, but in fact, in cockpit resource management, which is
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what's been really focused on by the faa over the last ten years, the point is they need to keep their head in what they're doing, so in emergency situation, the copilot would have continued to fly the aircraft and the pilot would have been assessing the situation, and looking for alternatives and what choices do they have and how to respond to what is going on and that is what the pilot would have been focusing on at that time. >> when you hear a stall warning, and the stall warnings going off, this may be a dumb question, does that automatically mean the plane is definitely in a stall? >> well, there's a couple of phases of the stall warning. until you get a stick shaker, other indications from it, but it's quite alarming, obviously, when that goes off as you heard in rene marsh's piece. it's loud and it warns you and you know what's going on. there's no question about it. if you don't take immediate action right away, you're stuck in a situation you can't get out of. so you do react to it right away. this is a little bit perplexing
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to me how the wobbling went before the air climb. that's interesting to find out, certainly what happened in that scenario. >> why would a plane climb almost 6,000 feet in 30 seconds? >> well, really, it was only 3,000 feet in 60 seconds but if you do that up for a minute, it's 6,000 feet per minute. that's how the calculations work on that, anderson, but nonetheless, it's very fast. an air show, you watch a fighter jet come through and take that steep climb, that's only about, that's about 3,000 feet per minute. 3500 feet per minute. this was very, very fast, very, very steep. the aircraft isn't capable of doing that on its own without completely stalling and all the air speed converts into a stall, and that aircraft comes down without any wind over to the wings, and it has no chance of flying. >> why would somebody do that? to avoid a weather system or
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something that should not be done at all? >> no, it's not something that should be done. in fact, i have a question as to whether the pilot induced the climb at all. in the situation he was in when you have thunderstorms building this way, backside of that thunderstorm comes around behind the aircraft, so you have a tailwind, as soon as the aircraft hits the upslope, the wind shear, that speed of the air changes significantly, it could very well be that caused the aircraft to climb very steeply and very quickly in putting it into a stall at that point. >> interesting. david soucie, appreciate your expertise. just ahead tonight from nfl superstar to murder defendant, what jurors heard on day one of the aaron hernandez murder trial. and the latest round of snow and winter misery in necessity new england. the details are ahead. his campbell's chunky soup. it's new chunky beer-n-cheese with beef and bacon soup. i love it. and mama loves you. ♪ ♪
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16 months later, dropped the tight end after he was arrested in the shooting death of a 27-year-old man, odin lloyd, a semiprofessional football player dating the sister of hernandez's fiancee. both men there for opening statements. susan candiotti reports. >> reporter: in opening statements, lawyers for aaron hernandez cut to the chase, asking what so many fans of the former star patriot want so badly to know. >> why would he kill his friend? he was planning his future and not his friend. >> but prosecutors accuse hernandez of orchestrating odin lloyd's murder, shot six times in an industrial park. codefendants ernest wallace and carlos ortiz pleaded not guilty and are being tried separately.
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>> there odin lloyd was shot six times. >> reporter: the gruesome details and crime scene poe toes too painful for lloyd's mother, who breaks down in tears briefly leaving the courtroom. next to lloyd's mother is shaneah jenkins, engaged to odin. engaged to hernandez is her sister shayanna jenkins. sisters with split loyalties. shown getting into a car with hernandez, lloyd, and ortiz. taken by hernandez multicamera home security system. allegedly minutes after lloyd's murder. in his hands, they say, the suspected murder weapon that's never been found.
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>> they'll tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that that appearance is unique. that means guilty. >> reporter: as hernandez rocks side to side in his chair, defense lawyers fight back. suggesting to jurors that the object might be an iphone or ipad and asking if hernandez committed murder, why does that video still exist? >> the evidence will show that aaron hernandez wanted to destroy the recordings on that video system, he could have. but he did not. >> reporter: defense attorneys say hernandez would pay lloyd to buy him marijuana. >> odin was known as. >> reporter: cnn obtained this showing blunts made by lloyd for hernandez. a joint found next to lloyd's body, something prosecutors say links the victim and his alleged killer. >> that joint is later analyzed and determined to have odin lloyd's dna.
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>> reporter: by law, prosecutors don't have to provide a motive, but they hinted at one claiming hernandez was angry at lloyd over an argument at a club two nights earlier. but defense attorneys say it's not true. >> ladies and gentlemen, the evidence will show there was no reason. there was no motive. aaron hernandez did not murder his friend odin lloyd. >> susan candiotti with us now. she was in the courtroom all day. what was the dynamic between the victim's family and hernandez's family? >> reporter: anderson, it's fascinating to watch. in particular, you have two sisters sitting on opposite sides of the courtroom. on the one hand the fiancee of aaron hernandez who is sitting with aaron's family shayanna jenkins and on the ther side is shaneah jenkins who was dating
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the victim in the case odin lloyd, and she is sitting next to his mother and it is unkom uncomfortable to watch, and it must be awful for them, too. >> susan, appreciate you being there. in their opening statement, the defense argue the police targeted hernandez because of his celebrity. the question is, will jurors buy that theory? joining me now, criminal defense attorney mark geragos. you defended certainly a lot of celebrities. how does it change things? the fact someone's famous, does it make it easier or harder to defend them? >> i always think that there's a difference. i think if you are famous you get a presumption of innocence, and if you are infamous, you have a presumption of guilt. in this case, he's famous. i think he gets a presumption of innocence. there's a predominantly female jury, i think that works to his benefit as well and this is almost an entirely circumstantial evidence case. while jurors say that can be as good as direct evidence, the problem for the prosecution in this case is, there is no
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literally no smoking gun, no literally no literal lyly confession. they will have to piece it together and overcome the idea of why would he have murdered this guy? kind of splintered the family apart. and today, when you saw the opening statements the contrast of styles and i think that it was immense. i think the defense put it to the jury and did a very remarkable presentation. >> it's interesting though guys. we reported last night a number of things that appear to be damning evidence several months ago when he was first charged, disallowed by the judge a text message that odin sent shortly before he was killed saying nfl, that he was with nfl. that's basically been disallowed by the judge. right. both the nfl, and she made the
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right decision your honor did, and it is hearsay and no evidence that it was a dying declaration, and clearly it wasn't and so that stays out, and also, the prosecution wanted to further demonize him, if you will, by talking about the other two crimes that he is charged with and that is disallowed, and so the jury is going to be focused like a laser on this crime. did he commit this crime? and there is not going be a side show in terms of other stuff that is irrelevant to the judge's exclusion. >> you said a lot in the past the case is won and lost in jury selection. you pointed out the majority of jurors are women on this case. why do you think in your opinion works to hernandez's favor? >> well, the idea that you've got an nfl football player, and i think people think, you'll want nfl football fans, things of that nature, it's kind of counterintuitive. i think here you've got a, by all accounts, a presentable good looking defendant who's getting a good defense, who is famous and you have basically grasping
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at straws for motive. i think depending on the female, you hate to make generalizations but i think that plays to a predominantly female jury. i think at this point, it's really the prosecution that has the uphill battle which is, you know, not always the case as you well know. >> this may be a dumb question but does an attractive witness, does that impact things? can that? i guess it must. >> absolutely. it's not a dumb question at all. there's study after study that will talk about whether somebody is attractive and how jurors, percentagewise, will end up believing that person more, except the one time that doesn't play out, as if you've got an attractive female defendant, females are usually death on that.
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but other than that with witnesses, attractive presentable witnesses who are more like us and us being the jury, that's, they can relate to, that's significant. >> interesting. mark geragos, thanks as always. just ahead, the new york times blow on police with his way home from yales hospital. and nearly levels a maternity hospital. how many may have been trapped in the rubble. details on that ahead. the identity thief who stole jill's social security number to open credit cards destroying jill's credit and her dream of retirement. every year, millions of americans just like you learn that a little personal information in the wrong hands could wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft. and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock offers the most comprehensive identity theft protection availabl e. if jill had lifelock's protectio n, she may have been notified before it was too late. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to
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look what happened in st. louis last night in a public meeting to discuss the creation of a civilian-run police oversight board. the packed room erupted after the business manager of the police union and woman appeared to get into a shoving match. tensions obviously still running high in the wake of the michael barren shooting. that was meant to smooth relations with the community and the police in the wake of police shootings of young african-american men, one of the most illuminating voices was charles blow, who talked a lot on this program for fear of his son's safety. last sunday, his fears appeared to come true. he was walking from the library when a campus police officer stopped him at gunpoint.
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he did told by the police officer, got on the ground, hands raised. later, he was told that he fit the description of a burglary suspect and went back to his dorm safe lyly eventually. here's what charles wrote in his column. this is the scenario i've always dreaded. my son at the wrong end of the gun barrel on the concrete. what if he panicked under stress, had i come close to losing him? triggers cannot be unpulled, bullets cannot be called back. i'm reminded of what i have always known, but what some would choose to deny, that there is no way to work your way out, earn your way out of this sort of crisis. in these moments, what you've done matters less than how you look. yale wrote, detained in the vicinity of a reported crime and closely matched the physical description including items of clothing of the suspect even though the officer's decision to stop and detain the student was reasonable, the fact he drew this wep on in the stop requires
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a careful review. charles blow joins me tonight. when your son called you, told you what happened, what went through your mind? >> make sure he's okay physically and psychologically. he was shaken. i could tell in his voice he was shaken and i was trying to make him feel better. try to stabilize him because i couldn't get there, but i was trying to make sure he was okay first and let him tell me his story. >> because you and i have talked so often on this program on conversations you've had with her son. i'm wondering if that ran through your mind, the conversations you've had. you said you're glad you had the conversations, upset he had to utilize some of them. >> when he told he what he did in response, i realized that he had done all the right things. and, you know, part of you is happy that he remembers and he did it properly and followed the script. and part of you is incredibly sad that he would have to use it.
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in the back of your mind, you're hoping against hope you'll never have to use the advice and then he had to use it. >> does the fact that the police officer involved was african-american? does that change at the equation in your mind in any way? >> it doesn't for me because we have the conversations with our kids, we don't say if you run into a white police officer, behave like this and this, and a black police officer, you don't have to worry about that. do whatever you want to do, jam your hands, jump around and talk back. we talk about the police in general. and i am very happy that when he turned around and saw whoever was with the gun he didn't behave any differently. he saw a difference and an officer and he followed the very same script. you know, a bullet doesn't know the color of the finger that pulls the trigger. it doesn't care. bullets don't have emotions,
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they have directions. i think we as parents have to remember that, it's not so clearly delineated in terms of who your kid might run into as an officer. >> do you believe race played a role even though the officer was african-american, do you believe race played a role? you've come under criticism of some conservative sites, a race hoax. in your original article, you didn't mention that the officer was african-american. >> in my articles, i have been writing about this for for years now, and i have stopped almost altogether mentioning the race of officers, period. >> is that conscious? >> it was a conscious decision on my part and i tell you what, it became more and more clear to me that it was more about culture of the police officers dealing with these young black men than individual officers
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dealing with these young black men. to me, it started building up like this is bigger than just them. i started to just, not like a crusade but my own comfort to say, i don't need to mention these races. >> because you believe there's sort of a police culture which views young men of color differently. >> well, i believe that the data says that these young men of color are being treated differently and i don't know what it is about the culture in the police departments that is creating that dynamic but there's something at play there. so i just started on my own to just stop doing it. >> i want to read you something that yale university, put out a statement saying in part what happened on cross campus is not a replay of what happened in ferguson, staten island, cleveland or so many other places in our time in the united states. to that, what do you say? >> i'm very happy the police chief and dean called and were
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very apologetic and since then, the police officer called my son and my son said that he was very apologetic and that is going a long way that ferguson did not go. he could see that it was a human being, and he was very apologetic about something. my son asked why he did draw a gun on him, and he said it was an active investigation, and he could not comment on that but he was able to talk to the him like a actual human being. >> the yale police department, they're also conducting an investigation. they're saying the fact that the officer drew his weapon during the stop requires a careful review. >> everything that happened there, other than the gun pulling, i would have been perfectly okay with him. stand to the side until you
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figure out, make sure it's not him. i think he would have appreciated that. it's the kind of, that use of force and used that quickly without even asking a question knowing that asking whether or not he would kind of willingly submit, that was the problem. and what i'm hoping will come of this, i got the impression from the dean and the chief of police that this was not standard operating procedure, i'm hoping that investigation will lead to that being explicit and that i will never have to worry again about anybody else's kid having a gun pulled on them when they're leaving a library. >> charles blow, i appreciate you talking to us. charles blow of the new york times. just ahead, they have barely put this behind them and now new england being told to brace for another winter storm. how bad is it this time? plus, protesters swarm henry kissinger and senator john mccain lashing back with choice words. we'll have that ahead. grand prix race car made history when it sold for a record price of just under $30 million. and now, another mercedes-benz
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more snow is the last thing new england needs or wants after the record snowfalls that buried many areas this week. just finished digging out in the worst areas along the coast. the damage of the property is being tallied upright now and a new storm posed. the question is how much. we go the chad meyer, and what
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should the northeast expect, chad? >> not what we had on monday. it is nice to be inside, anderson, i will tell you what because it was a cold storm. this is a a small onebut there is another one behind it. so about three to four inches for boston. portland, maine and into nova scotia. that's the area really hit with this storm. here's the snow right now. even an inch or so in new york city could make slick spots on the streets but you don't see an organized pattern of heavy snow. kind of a fluffy snow that's going right on by. that's the winter storm warning area though. so for parts of new hampshire down to gloucester and maine and significant smoenow in nova scotia. as it hits the atlantic, it will do the same thing as it did on monday. bow out, trying to make a nor'easter but because of the position here, not here, farther to the north. maine, nova scotia and the bay
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of fundy, snow for you. winds 50 to 60 miles per hour. what boston will see, probably around two to four inches on up farther to the north. you see the bombs, that's two or three feet of snow up to nova scotia. there's boston, somewhere between 4 and 6 on the euro and the 2 to 4 to the gfs and we looked at all of these last week. portland, maine, you can be the winner or the loser. that's about it. >> all over the map there. the storm on the horizon though for early next week, how bad? >> you know where it's starting? it's starting on saturday on super bowl party day, i guess, here in the west. rain in flagstaff, rain in phoenix and snow in the mountains, gets its act together and runs across the country. i think we get to d.c., this is a d.c. storm for now. i understand we're five days away, i reserve the right to change my mind on its location but the bull's eye looks like d.c., it could be 100 miles farther north. you look at new york again and
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this is a 6 inch snowfall. >> chad, you're starting to party for super bowl on saturday? >> yes, because i have to go to sleep on sunday to wake up for monday morning, so i don't get to watch the bowl. >> there's a lot more happening tonight. amara walker has a 360 news brief. >> reporter: three dead after a shooting at kabul's airport. u.s. military officials say it's looking like an insider attack but under investigation. a gas explosion at maternity hospital is caught on camera near mexico city. at least two people are dead and more than 60 others injured. most of the hospital is left in ruins. officials are fear inging ta that babies and mothers could still be trapped in the rubble. the mayor say ss that it seems that a gas delivery truck malfunctioned and causing a leak and then the explosion. on capitol hill, protesters interrupted a senate hearing featuring henry kissinger and
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call for the former secretary of state to be arrested for war crimes. senator john mccain blasted the demonstration. >> you're going to have to shut up or i'm going to have you arrested. if we can't get the capitol hill police in here immediately, get out of here you low life scum. >> new york city firefighters rescued a boy who wandered on to the frozen bronx river. reportedly a girl with him who fell through the ice into the water but managed to get herself out before firefighters arrived. >> wow, scary stuff. amara, thank you very much. the ridiculist is next. going to make you smile. to showdown! i'm jerry rice here discussing the big race between the tortoise and the hare. my guest is stephanie branton. jerry, i'm going bunny. shocker. not really. you see, the hare's "thoracic limbs" allow for greater extension and elongated strides. look for the hare to leverage this advantage.
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ok. how much money do you have in your pocket right now? i have $40 $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪ ♪
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time now for the ridiculist and the story of a young man pulled over by the police in cobb county, georgia. citation, no big deal. happens all the time but wasn't speeding, didn't make illegal turn, not texting, not a burned out taillight. he was pulled over for indull canging in excessive deliciousness. >> the officer explained to me that he had observed me eating a
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burger for more than two miles. >> that's right. the guy was doing more than driving under the influence of a double quarter pounder with cheese. remember, this is in cobb county. you would think a place that shares its name with a delicious salad would be more lenient in food policies but alas, you would be mistaken. >> even though i was not exceeding the speed limit or driving erratically, he said you can't just drive down the road eating a hamburger. >> that's news to me. if eating while driving strikes you as an unusual thing to get pulled over, especially in the united states of drive-throughs, you're not alone. affiliate wsb spoke with experienced traffic and dui attorney who couldn't sink his teeth into the concept either. >> there was no accident here so the fact that the man was charged with eating while driving is a first. if this was the law, i'd have to hire more attorneys, because everybody does it, including me. >> reporter: georgia law does not explicitly ban eating while
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driving but has a vague provision that would apply here. senior legal analyst and supreme court expert, jeffrey toobin. >> here's what the georgia law says. a driver shall not engage in any actions which shall distract such driver from the safe operation of a vehicle. so as far as i'm concerned, it comes down to what food. spaghetti, problem. salad, big problem. anything with rice, an even bigger problem. but a burger? that's not a big deal. you could eat a burger, you can drive too, but the problem, of course, would be if anything unexpected happened, but hey, some people can just do it all. >> jeffrey toobin can do it all. that's pretty much case closed. the guy who got pulled over has a court date next week. sir, feel free to use the previous clip as exhibit a. just in case we suggest eating
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lunch before you leave for court because you never know when the food police are in hot pursuit. that does it for us. morgan spurlock inside man, is next. hey, america. where would you like to spend your hard earned wages? the mall, a new car, how about the doctor's office or a hospital? we americans spend more on our health care than any other country in the world, but at least that means we have the best health care, right? well, not necessarily. u.s. health care is complicated and expensive. even if you have insurance. and for the millions of americans that are uninsured or underinsured, what are the alternatives? where do you go? you might just have to go on vacation. this year alone, an estimated 1.2 million americans will get some sort of procedure overseas.
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