tv Smerconish CNN January 31, 2015 6:00am-7:01am PST
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welcome to the program. a stunning admission from outgoing defense secretary chuck hagel. in an interview with barbara star hagel admits he felt pressure from the white house to release terror suspects faster from gitmo. those comments come after reports surfaced that a gitmo detainee released as part of the deal that freed american p.o.w. sergeant bowe bergdahl may have made contact with suspected taliban associates. let's get more on this now from barbara. >> i began by asking defense secretary chuck hagel about the deal to release five detainees from gitmo in exchange for getting sergeant bergdahl back.
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and then an extraordinary moment of candor. >> not everyone at white house agreed with me. >> on what part of this? >> probably on the pace of releases. >> because you've been cautious? >> because i had the responsibility and i play my own game here and that is because by law i am the one, the one official in government charged with certification of release of detainees. >> have you had pressure? >> we've had a lot of conversations. >> what he is talking about is the pressure he felt to sign off on releasing more detainees and releasing them faster. secretary hagel made clear he was never willing to sign anything he wasn't comfortable with. barbara star cnn, the pentagon. >> for more on this let's bring in former u.s. delta force commander lieutenant colonel james reese. i think there is a big picture
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question that needs answering. what do we do when our guys or those of our allies end up in enemy hands? jordan may be making a swap for an iraqi would-be suicide bomber, the female but to answer that underlying question we first need to determine are we dealing with terrorists or are we dealing with an enemy that's akin to, say, the axis powers of world war ii the north vietnamese in the korean conflict you understand the question i'm raising? >> michael, i do. good morning. i think first off, we spend an enormous amount of time trying to decide what box to put these people in. i think we're wasting our time. the bottom line is they are enemy. whether they are the taliban, which the white house called an insurgent group, whether it's isis they called a terrorist group. i understand there's policies and these type of things that folks in washington kind of get around and sit around and discuss. but the end of the day does it really matter?
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my point is no it should not. there are enemy, we should treat them as our enemy. and the second part there, jordanians one thing we have got to stop doing is pushing our values u.s. values on top of some of our partners such as the jordanians who have their own issues they know how to do this and we need to sit back and let them as they are a major part of the coalition against isis. >> it's interesting that you say that because last weekend on state of the union i had the opportunity to ask white house chief of staff denis mcdonough whether the white house believes the jordanians should go ahead with that swap. watch what he had to say to me. >> should that exchange be made? should that kind of a swap be entertained with terrorists? >> you know our policy on that michael. we don't either negotiate or make exchanges or pay ransoms. we think that results in more cash flopting around with these hateful characters who will just have more ability to ply their
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trade. >> therein lies the distinction. we don't negotiate with terrorists at least that's what we say, but we do entertain p.o.w. swaps, in fact in that interview with barbara star chuck hagel says that he regarded bergdahl as a p.o.w. swap. that's why i ask the question into which category do these individuals fall? because that seems to govern how we're going to respond. >> michael, you're right. the problem is we get everyone everyone -- we got to get out of the box. terrorism is an act. when we start out we go my goodness isis they are terrorists. but now after a year year and a half we have got to have the mental capacity to pull ours also away from this what i would call a dramatic aspect of throwing terrorism out and saying okay they are conducting terrorists acts but they are acting as a nation state. now they are enemy, now there's other thing we have to take a look at and maybe help coach,
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teach and mentor the jordanians into doing this to get their people back if need be. >> you know it's interesting is when you say that they are like a nation state it occurs to me colonel, then they are the caliphate, then they are the caliphate that they are seeking to establish and it's almost as if we're justifying that stature if we treat them thusly. >> well michael, i'll disagree. i don't think we justify that they are the caliphate. i think everyone understands that saudi arabia is the true caliphate in the middle east. but they are attempting to do it. the bottom line is they are an enemy, but if you look at it parallel with the taliban, all right, the taliban, they have -- it's a political aspect the white house said the other day the reason they discuss with the taliban they wanted to leave the opportunity open to bring them to the table for discussion. at the end of the day, we have to have diplomatic discussions
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or discussions with these enemy states because if we just continue in this bombing, fighting bombing, fighting you know it's that gerbil going round and round. >> thank you for your commentary. when army sergeant bowe bergdahl was swapped for taliban prisoners critics said it would put militants back on the battlefield. now u.s. military and intel against officials suspect one of those five freed prisoners has made contact with suspected taliban associates. at the time the obama administration praised bergdahl for serving the u.s. with honor and distinction. but members of bergdahl's platoon, the people who served along side him, are painting a different picture. they say he is a deserter and should face consequences for his actions. i spoke with one of bergdahl's platoonmates in june. this is what he had to say. >> desertion is a pretty strong charge. what's the basis for you using that to label this situation? >> basis is i believe it was
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premeditated. i believe before he went out on the mission he had planned to do exactly what he did, walk off. >> my next guest is a former army ranger sniper one of the greatest special ops sniper. the author of "the reaper." he has strong feelings what should happen to bowe bergdahl. what do you think should happen to bowe bergdahl? >> well tucmj is clear and it's punishable by death. >> right. presuming of course that there is a finding. right? as far as we know there's not been any such finding with regard to bergdahl. you say if in fact he is convicted in a military tribunal. >> exactly. yes. if he is convicted then yes, he is punishable by death. a lot of his teammates died and a lot of good men were wounded looking for bowe bergdahl. >> a lot of folks you know rightfully so, say we've got to support our troops.
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you see bumper stickers yard signs, you hear it said in whatever the town square might be. doesn't it mean a guy like bowe bergdahl until we know the circumstance should have been negotiated for his release, in other words that the administration did the right thing in bringing him back? >> i don't think they did the right thing by one, negotiating with terrorists. especially like when you trade five known high value targets essentially for a deserter his platoon mates called him a deserter. guys who were with him. i don't think that is supporting the troops when it comes from the white house. i don't think that is supporting us. >> secretary hagel you heard told barbara star he regarded bergdahl as a p.o.w. in fact he was saying he was under pressure from the white house to speed up the pace of gitmo releases. when it comes to bergdahl he has no regrets because he regarded him as a prisoner of war. do you think he was not a prisoner of war? >> i don't think he was a
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prisoner of war. he left his post in the time of combat. and i don't think that his platoon mates would go on tv and make public appearances stating that he walked off the post. why would they lie about that? >> i read your book and i learned that in a span of four months in mid 2009 you tallied 33 kills as a master sniper. of course because of american sniper and chris kyle there's a lot of talk in this country about snipers. here's the question i wanted to ask. is each of those 33 kills engrained in your mind part of your memory that you relive and have difficulty separating from? >> no it's not. i don't think about anything as far as the targets. i think about the one man i could not save corporal kopp. i don't think about bodies. i can't remember a face. >> what do you make of the controversy around american sniper. you know that some folks have questioned the role of snipers.
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>> well the controversy comes from people who were never on the ground never in iraq or afghanistan. so their controversy or what they say i take -- i don't really have anything to say about that. why would i listen to people who have not been in that position. >> nicolas irving thank you for your service. >> thank you. >> we're going to take a short break. when we come back he was back and now he's not. the inside story on mitt romney's sudden decision not to run again. and deflategate. the nfl commissioner faced reporters with tough questions. i'll talk to the reporter who asked him the toughest one.
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welcome back. count me among those stunned yesterday when mitt romney opted out of the 2016 race for the white house. i was convinced that he was jumping in not out. today, the back story emerging over what led to his decision. kevin madden was romney's senior communication strategist in his 2008 and 2012 campaigns. thanks for being back. ashley parker and jonathan martin have a good analysis in the "times." it paints a picture of jeb having outmaneuvered mitt romney both among political organizers and financial donors. is that your impression of what transpired? >> yeah. look one of the reasons that governor romney went through this third course of consideration of a third run was that he did worry i think that somebody with a general election profile, somebody who wouldn't be able to bring the party together wasn't going to emerge as part of that process. and so he started to get more active and considering it.
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what we saw was the second mitt romney got active thinking about a romney 3.0 jeb bush got much more active and recruiting donor, in recruiting the grass root activists so important in early primary states and got active recruiting some of the keet operatives that are crucial. i think you put all that together and i think that did have an impact on governor romney's decision. >> the statement seemed to exude confidence at least that he could capture the nomination but seemed to say, you know him better than i, it seemed to be between the lines saying i think i'd end this primary process so bloodied that i'm not convinced i would be the strongest guy to win the general election. >> that's right. the way i looked at it michael, it felt like governor romney was going through this tug and pull between the heart and the head. and in his heart i think he feels he would be a great president. so many of those who are close to him those of us close to him also believe he'd be a great president.
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but there is this reality. this recognition how brutal that primary prosells is and how divisive it could be if you have two very big campaigns with maybe 50 to $80 million shooting at each other all the way through a calendar ultimately that could hurt the party's position and the one thing that's driving governor romney is this desire to see a republican president come january 2017. so he knew this was much bigger than him and i think that's one of the reasons why he dropped out. >> kevin, i want to zabruder the tape. things i'd love to hear your expertise on. roll the first if you would. >> i've been asked and will certainly be asked again if there are any circumstances whatsoever that might develop that could change my mind. that seems unlikely. >> unlikely. this is like the clintonian what does is mean. that's not a definltive answer. >> i don't like when that door is not all the way 100% shut.
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look i think that is a nod to one of the elements that had governor romney considering this. that somebody may emerge he didn't think has the credentials to be a good general election nominee, may emerge in that primary process. and then there would be this need for maybe someone like him to bring together all of the different factions of the republican party and actually beat hillary clinton in a 2016 match-up. again, i think this round of consideration that he's gone through, we have crossed a rubicon to a certain extent. i think it's little chance that he can go back after having looked at this thing three times and then said no. >> i was eating crow yesterday because i went on "new day" and predicted he was about to formally announce he is getting in. so now i'm tell people you know-did say unlikely. one other aspect play that tape please. >> i believe that one of our next generation of republican leaders, one who may not be as well known as i am today, one
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who has not yet taken their message across the country, one who is just getting started, may well emerge. >> kevin, he said one who may not be as well known as i am today. that doesn't sound to me like a reference to the bush family. what's the relationship between he and jeb? >> well look. i think there is a very good relationship. they have a mutual admiration and respect. i was somewhat caught offguard by that as well. it did seem to me the wrong type of statement to make because so many folks are going to scrutinize every element of a statement that he would make like that. and maybe take it the wrong way about governor bush. look i think you could make a case that governor bush is not as well known and he would represent a new level of leadership inside the republican party. but it did seem like that was an opening for someone like a marco rubio or governor walker to cap toolize and again, further make the argument in a republican primary. >> i read it as a slight to jeb
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but maybe i'm scrutinizing too closely. final thought. gut reaction from you. the big winner yesterday is chris christie. i mean obviously jeb but christie now there is much oxygen to take a serious shot. >> i would agree. i think jeb bush and krils christie those are the folks with more fully developed national profiles that donors are going to look toward. remember this it's not always about donors. it's about voters. and some of those early primary states like iowa, new hampshire, folks like governor walker or marco rubio they have an opportunity to build a profile nationally one hand shake at a time. so it may help a little bit but there's a long way to go. like -- i'm not a betting man. i would have bet too so don't feel bad. >> i'm in good company. thank you. good stuff. >> coming up israel's prime minister coming to washington the white house fighting mad. is this visit threatening the special relationship between the u.s. and israel? when we come back big money,
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and the vatican. will pope francis end his reforms reach into the vatican bank amid new allegations of ties to nazis, murder, even corruption. the exhilaration of a new engine. painstakingly engineered without compromise. to be more powerful... and, miraculously, unleash 46 mpg highway. an extravagance reserved for the privileged few. until now. hey josh! new jetta?
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extended to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. speaker baseballer didn't consult the president about the invitation and the white house is furious and now the criticism of boehner's actions is growing. "the new york times" is reporting that a top white house official is criticizing israel's ambassador to the u.n. calling him undiplomatic. to dig into this i'm joined by jeremy the president of jay street a democrat aligned pro israel group who feels the u.s. should be tougher with mr. netanyahu and his policies and rabbi, a supporter of netanyahu. gentlemen, welcome. rabbi, let me start with you. the way in which this invitation was extended to me seemed to signify that the partisanship that has been so much a part of the domestic narrative now spilled over into foreign affairs. that cannot be good for the u.s. >> i don't see it that way. i attended mr. netanyahu's about
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three years ago. it ha as lot of precedence. there are many foreign heads of state who address add special session of congress. this is a nation we the jewish people who experienced a genocide we had the 70th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz. one out of three turned into lamp shades and soap you have a moral responsibility and sacred duty to get the message out that iran is a genocidal power that repeatedly threaten annihilation of israel. what don't we get. the president of the united states is not an emperor, he is our head of state but we throughout the devine right of kings a quarter of a millennium ago, we don't go about our lives day and night afraid we're going to offend the president when there are three branches of government and the speaker of the house can invite who he wishes. >> i don't know that's the argument i'm making. i'm saying we're all looking at this the three of us looking at this in terms of what's best for israel israel has enjoyed
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unanimity in terms of support from both paerpts in this country. the iron dome when it came up for funding i think it was last august it was by unanimous consent of the senate. i'm suggesting to you that israel now risks the bipartisan support that it has enjoyed because now this becomes a political football. take another shot at that rabbi then i'll go to jeremy. >> he is addressing democrats and republicans. why is this partisan. israel enjoys bipartisan support. you mention iron dome. iron dome the missiles fired by joan 0 sidle hamas at israel cities represent a threat to individual citizens and civilianings. it's serious. iran however is a threat to israel's survival period. there are 6 million jews in that tiny land. one nuclear bomb can kill millions of them. iran has said that their purpose is that annihilation. so the prime minister of israel is coming to speak as one of the foremost experts in the enworld about the iranian nuclear program of which they have lied for more than a decade according
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to the iaea about how the american plan to engage them and negotiations for two years has not really borne a lot of fruit. that's indisputable. >> jeremy in this country you know if obama's for it i'm against it. if obama's against it i'm for it. all of a sudden now israel becomes an issue like so many others where people dig in and in a partisan realm. that's what i'm trying to express. >> i think you're right. that's the problem here. this is a cynical political ploy manufactured by don dermer two weeks before his election and kneecap the president of the united states in a domestic political sense here in the united states. and it doesn't play to israel's long term interests, in the face of all of the threats that the rabbi is correct are out there, whether it's iran whether it's the islamic state, other forms of islamic extremism, israel is under threat and its greatest ally and security interest is
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maintaining the u.s./israel relationship on a bipartisan basis and playing politics like this here in the united states undercuts that interest. >> this very week i read ari shavits's book my promised land. i was reminded of the fact there is more dissent in israel about israeli politics than in the united states. rabbi, i think that israel runs the risk of losing some of that unanimous support if in fact an issue like this is perceived as a political football. >> i disagree. the american people support israel not because they are aligned with a party but because of american values. israel is the only western style liberal democracy promoting american values in the middle east. the rights of women, the rights of gays of all people to protest their government without fear you don't see that in syria, lebanon, egypt, jordan especially iran, that's why the american people support israel so we're not at risk of that. now the fact is jeremy with all due respect ron dermer was my
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former student, my student president along with cory booker also student president. are you a mind reader. you said he organized this do you have evidence of that because i discussed it with him. can you tell us what evidence you have please? >> certainly all of the reporting has been that this was the initiative of and instigated by -- >> reporting. do you have evidence. where is your evidence? >> i am repeating back all of the conventional wisdom. >> why don't you quote it in the name of others. why did you say it. you owe apology on air unless you can produce any evidence. >> let mime respond. >> speaker boehner did invite the prime minister did the know about the invitation. he did not tell the administration the secretary of state. despite being on the phone with him for an hour long conversation the day before that's not the way to represent the state of israel to the united states. >> you're backtracking. now you're saying -- >> it's not in the best interest of the state of israel for this
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kind of debate to be happening on cnn. presilsly what has happened -- >> organized the lecture, now you're backtracking. do you stand by what you said or will you apologize to him? >> the issue isn't whether i apologize or not. the issue here to discuss is whether or not this is good for the state of israel and for u.s./israel relationship. >> a gentleman would stay i'm sorry. >> i am sorry if i did misstate that but the point is that this is not good for the state of israel. not good for the u.s. relationship. >> can i say this isn't this indicative of the family squabble that you're earned about. exactly the point. we shouldn't be on cnn in this kind of debate. this politicizing of the issue that is risking that bipartisan support you talked about and why it would be better for the speaker and the prime minister to delay the speech until after the election until after the
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congress has considered the iran sanctions bill and take it out of the political fight and put it back on a solid bipartisan basis. >> gentlemen, thank you both so much. i wish we had more time. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. coming up next kor republican shin murder and the mob. some of the scandalous revelations in a book that you ever covers the dark side of the vatican bank. the author of the expoe joins me. all eyes on arizona for the super bowl but there is controversy around the big game. commissioner roger goodell answering tough questions. they challenge us. they take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best interactive entertainment begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall," the first multi-player game built and run on microsoft azure. empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought
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americans are looking forward to the first visit to the united states by the immensely popular pope francis later this year. among the pontiff's responsibilities he is the head of the vatican bank founded in the midst of world war ii. next week a highly anticipated book will be released the result of a nine-year investigation by the author gard pozner. the book is more than 700 pages and includes 200 pages of footnotes and paints a picture of murder double dealing and fraud surrounding the bank. gerald pozner joins us from miami. i'm fascinated by how you got into this subject matter. you are an accomplished author yourself educated by jet you
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wits you wrote on nazi doctor joseph mengeli. intriguesed by the idea that his path had been paved by the vatican. what did you find out in that regard? >> you are right it came to me when i was in buenos aires in 1984 i got into the federal police files, the secret files that hid the argentinian past with nazi criminals and in those files when i was researching the story of josef mengele i saw some of the fugitives that arrived in south america with wanted tags on their head were held with vatican pass portds. that seemed i wanted to look at. i slowly got involved with it and then i found the publisher willing to do a book. i discovered the story was much bigger than the church and a few nazis. it wals a story of money that extended before world war ii and after. >> why does the vatican have its own bank? >> you ask a question a lot of
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people ask all the time which is why does it have it at all. it has it balls we forget that it's not just one of the largest religions but it's a sovereign country and used as a bank both as a central bank but as a combination sort of almost as an offshore bank. it didn't have a bank until the middle of world war ii. why then because the americans and the british were looking to make sure that no country even so called neutrals like the vatican were doing business with the nazis. one of the top money men said if we have our own bank we stay off the radar. that's how it was started. >> if you say to me the word bank i think of an institution that pays taxes, an institution that has obligations to shareholders an institution that is committed to turning a profit. and from reading your book i think i learned that the vatican bank is none of the above. >> no. it's remarkable that it has only one shareholder, the vicar of christ on earth, the pope.
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the pope runs the bank at his direction. it has no direction to turn a profit and files as you realize always been closed and secret. they used to destroy the files every 10 years. the thing about the vatican bank that is unusual is that it's a bank sitting in vatican city that's really sitting in the middle of a foreign country italy. it's this own sovereign nation in the middle of rome. wealthy italians mobsterings, all they have to do is find a friendly priest or cleric inside vatican city to take pal lots of cash across the street deposit it in the vatican bank no wall around it and it's free from italian tax authorities, investigators, drug investigators or anybody else. it's a wonderful safe haven for too often it's abused because of that. >> you and others have written of collusion between the nazis and the leaders of the church. but in this book you take it a step further. you actually make the case that the founder of the bank was a nazi spy, make that case.
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>> i found a document in the national archives the first time it's public disclosed in the book it's an instance in which american intelligence has an interrogation with a top nazi spy inside of italy who ran all of their recruitment and he draws up a chart who was running the nazi intelligence system inside italy. there is the name nugaro under milan, the name of the person running the bank. it raises the question was the top money man during the war actually a spy for the nazis, a double agent, dealing with the nazis in order to turn intelligence over to us? the reason you can't answer that question 100% i can only raise the question is michael, the vatican stiff armed me in nine years of research. i applied to get in they rejected me. i asked to talk to dozens of people they turned me down or ignored the requests. and i'm asking through you, here on cnn, with an international audience on pope francis if he is serious about reform with all due respect to open those files
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up. release the holocaust files inside the secret archives release the vatican's world war ii files buy pius xii so all can look and determine who or who was not helping the nazis. >> the final question the book reads like fiction. money launderer, mobsters slush fundsment you mentioned pope francis. has he taken steps to clean up the vatican bank? >> he's the new sheriff in town no question. he is arrived with a lot of vigor and has taken steps that really are shaking it up but i know this from the history of studying this bank. it takes more than just one person coming in and passing tough rules. the bureaucracy is the system that's corrupt. and unless he makes those changes permanent, unless he has people to follow up once he passes away and a new pope comes in it will revert when reformer popes came in back to its bad old ways. he has to stay the course. >> thank you. good luck with the book release.
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everybody wanting to know if goodell would drop the hammer on the new england patriots for so called deflategate. all he said was that the investigation is ongoing and no decision has been made. the question still lingers whether goodell will even punish the patriots considering his close ties to team owner robert kraft. rachel nichols posed a tough question to the commissioner. let's take a listen. >> rachel nichols from cnn. you guys faced a lot of problems over the past year that have a wide range but a lot of the issues have in common is conflict of interest. when you do something like hire an outside investigator like ted wells into the patriots investigation you are still paying him and robert kraft is still paying you. so even when you do everything right in one of those situations, it opens you guys up to credibility gap with some of the public and your high profile players. what steps can you guys take in the future to mitigate some of
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those conflict of interest issues? >> well rachel i don't agree with you on a lot of the assumptions you make in your question. i think we have had people that have uncompromising integrity. robert mueller is an example who i think you asked me the same question last fall about a conflict of interest. their integrity is impeccable. ted wells' integrity is impeccable. these are professionals that bring an outside expertise and perspective. and their conclusions are drawn by the evidence and only by the attempt to try and to identify that truth. so i think we have done an excellent job of bringing outside consultants in. somebody has to pay them rachel. so unless you're volunteering which i don't think you are, we will do that. but we have the responsibility to protect the integrity of the league whether we have an owner, that's being investigated
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or a commissioner that's investigated. they are done at the highest level of integrity and quality. >> rachel nichols is in arizona and joins us by phone. everybody's parsing that answer. what did you make of it? >> you know look. i have been given this opportunity. there were questions about this perceived conflict of tra that the nfl had. one of those high profile players in the league. questioning conflict of interest between robert kraft and roger goodell. to pretend that doesn't exist seems a shame. the question is how do you mitigate those. how do you prevent the idea if you do everything right, if you do a thorough and complete and fair investigation, not to have the public trust and not to have the trust of your players. how do you take other steps to make sure that those
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investigations and those results feel more solid to people. i think there are a lot of fans and some players who have spoken out saying they are looking for that. and so the nfl will explore that. >> i had a bar room debate earlier in the week with a buddy talking about the impact of deflategate and i said it's going to be great for the super bowl. and now i'm looking on line and seeing the tickets are going for 8 grand appeals. do you think deflategate contributed to the hype and interest and ticket prices? >> i certainly don't think it's hurt. look you have two great teams in the super bowl. high profile fan bases, and big name players. so you can't discount those issues as well. but sure. the nfl has been on major newscasts for weeks. it led the evening news deflategate on all three major networks when all three one night. i mean i think that anything that keeps the nfl in the news is generally good for the nfl and everyone has an opinion on
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it. right? >> i have to submit my prop bets. you have insight on the color of the gatorade that will be spilled at the end? >> i hear that purple is a long shot and orange is the favorite. is that right? >> you know i have to tell you i love that stuff. i love like wagering. will it be over or under for the anthem at the beginning of the game. that stuff contributes to the fun. have a terrific day tomorrow. >> thanks so much. i'll see you guys soon. >> rachel nichols. hey, up next snow day after snow day in the northeast. and to add insult to injury the east coast is bracing for another big storm. we'll have the latest on the storm's path next. listen up... i'm reworking the menu. veggies you're cool... mayo, corn are so out of here! ahh... the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals. 9 grams of protein... with 30% less sugars than before. ensure, your #1 dr. recommended brand
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many of us just dug out and now we'll get whacked again. here is meteorologist ivan cabrera in atlanta with the latest. >> ivan i think this time we'll share the ms.isery with folks across the midwest. this will be a widespread event. let's take you through the storm hour by hour headed out of the southwestern u.s. already snows saturday night from nebraska into iowa and, yes, chicago, this one is for you as well.
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anywhere from six to 12 inches of snowfall, if not a little more. the latest runs are indicating higher totals here. we'll have to watch that in chicago. sunday night, still snowing then the storm heads off to the east coast. new york is going to start off with snow and mix a little bit. that will keep the totals down three to six inches. to the north of that we've got the piles of snow from the last winter storm, the blizzard really. boston is now looking at 12 to 18 additional inches of snowfall. you can imagine that. there are the winter storm warnings posted for the midwest. then we head east where the winter storm watches are flying as well. let's take you to what we think will happen as far as the totals. you see the swath of eight to 12 inches from chicago and it moves into the northeast. maybe you want to go to the super bowl. nice 67 there. big time snow once again across the northeast. >> i just saw my house under the five to ten-inch mark. i'll get ready.
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high drama on capitol hill. why senator john mccain got fighting mad with protesters targeting henry kissinger. tertainment begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall," the first multi-player game built and run on microsoft azure. empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. this cloud turns data into excitement. this is the microsoft cloud. thoughtfully crafted and intelligently designed. with available forward collision warning and new blind spot monitor and a 2014 top safety pick plus rating.
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capitol. a small group of demonstrators be readed henry kissinger at a senate armed services committee meeting. they're from a group called code pink calling for his arrest on war crimes. kissinger sat there stow eckley. he negotiated the end of that unpopular war, but not before he ordered heavy bombing to bring north vietnam to the table. all the noise didn't sit well with the new committee chair, john mccain a former p.o.w. of that conflict. he lashed out after he ordered them removed by capitol police.
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>> i've been a member of this committee for many years and i've never seen anything as disgraceful and outrageous and despicable as the last demonstration that just took place -- you're going to have to shut up or i'm going to have you arrested. if we can't get the capitol hill police in here immediately -- get out of here you low life scum. [ applause ] >> the whole scene was appalling. henry kissinger served this nation with distinction. he's 91 years old. i say the statute of limitations has run out against him. at a certain point you have to
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give him a break. senator mccain i was thinking the same thing, but that doesn't mean you should have said it. thank you so much for joining me. don't forget you can follow me on twitter if you can smell smerconish. see you next week. -- captions by vitac -- a jetblue plane nearly crashes into a small plane. you'll hear from a passenger on board who describes the close call and what the airline is saying about this near disaster. >> outgoing defense secretary chuck hagel holding nothing back. he sits down for an exclusive interview with cnn talking about pressure from the white house to release more prisoners from guantanamo bay and whether the u.s. may need to spend troops to iraq. she could have spent decades in prison. this week she went home as a new de
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