tv The Situation Room CNN February 3, 2015 2:00pm-4:01pm PST
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would paint their faces black and sneak up on enemies in the dark of night. they captured thousands of prisoners and most of all they never failed. that's it for the lead. right now turn you over to wolf blitzer in the situation room. breaking news. vow of revenge. jordan says it will unleash its power in answering the death of a pilot. isis shows the pilot being burned alive in a catch. we are taking you inside the fbi's counter terrorism operation where there is very real concern about americans who have returned from fighting in syria. and most wanted woman. she has gone from wearing a bikini to wearing a full wear. we are getting more information on a paris terrorist as a new attack is carried out in france. you're in the situation room.
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>> a display of savagery that is even extreme for isis. the group has released images showing a captured jordanian pilot being burned alive in a cage. the word came while king abdullah was on a visit to washington. he is cutting his trip short. jordan will soon show proof of its power. very tough talk also from the united states. police say it will stand with jordan until the barbaric enemy is defeated. senator richard burst standing by along with correspondents and analysts. brian? >> there is shock, anger, outrage on the streets of amman, jordan and with that pressure on jordan's king to respond.
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the question is how will he strike back against isis? outside king abdullah's palace protests over the killing of the jordanian pilot. the king says he, too was angry. in a message he recorded in washington he made this vow. >> in these difficult moments it is the duty of the sons and daughters of jordan to stand together and show the meddle of the jordanian people. >> the top military spokesperson takes it further. >> his blood will not be wasted and the punishment of those who assassinated moaz will be swift. >> the king is under enormous
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pressure. this something he will feel personally and emotionally. >> howwill he respond? their solve and commitment will not change. as for its options, jordan could step up its involvement in the military coalition against isis could increase its already impressive intelligence network inside iraq and syria but jordan also holds a few prisoners. >> they could, in fact step up the executions of others that they have arrested or found people who supported the islamic state and speed up those trials. >> the jordanian official we spoke with could not confirm or deny reports that jordan as revenge for the murder will soon execute the failed suicide bomber who attacked a wedding party in jordan nearly a decade. she had been on death row for those attacks and recently isis had threatened to kill the pilot
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if jordan didn't release her. the optics might not look good for the king. >> there will be pressure on king abdullah to do more. they are fighters. their leaders. you don't want to get into this tit for tat and exbecause that lowers you to their standards. >> we're looking for answers to the horrific video. why did they choose to burn the pilot? intelligence officials in amman and washington will be poring over other clues. he is seen being interrogated in a darkroom walking alone in debris and eventually cuts to him in a cage. his orange suit is doused in axel rant a torch and then a trail of fire goes into the
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cage. it is horrific. >> the video does show the pilot. he appears to be calm and brave. >> he certainly does. he raises his hands possibly to pray possibly to avoid the flames. hello he lowers his head. he does appear to be relatively calm. >> thank you. as jordanians erupt in fury over the pilot's murder he is cutting short his visit to the united states and the jordanian military is pubically vowing to take revenge. let's go to amman right now. tell us what the reaction has been there. i understand crowds have gathered outside of the palace and they are crying for revenge? >> we have seen crowds on the streets of amman earlier this evening once this news broke outside an area where the family and tribe had been gathering over the past couple of weeks
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and people were showing up in solidarity there and also calling for revenge. we saw that taking place in a couple of other locations include ing including riots. people are infuriated. they are angry and in shock by what they describe by this barbaric act. absolute shock because some people here were hanging on to the hope that possibly there was talk of indirect negotiations that we had heard that he might return home but tonight this is a nation in mourning wolf this is a man they considered a national hero. so a lot of shock here and while the debate goes on about weather jordan should be part of that coalition against isis or not and this debate really heats up in this country, this evening this nation seems to be united and their anger directed at one party and that is isis.
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>> we know there are some isis prisoners in jordan right now. what is the expectation there? do they expect jordan to simply go ahead and execute these isis prisoners to seek revenge for the killing of the pilot? >> reporter: wolf we have not heard anything official this is a sentiment and something we have heard from jordanians over the last ten days or so. one isis came out and threatened to execute. we heard a lot of people hearsaying if that happens, jordan should respond with something similar whether it is other prisoners that jordan is holding. in its prisons it does have former jihadees other members of al qaeda. this is something that we have heard here but nothing official
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as of yet in what sort of response the jordanian governments will have. but lots of calls for that and other tough action when it comes to dealing with isis in neighboring countries. >> already. thank you. we will get back to you. joining us now the chairman of the senate intelligence committee. senator, thanks very much for coming in. what do you expect jordan to do now? >> jordan's got options with prisoners. they've got options with the partnership that the coalition forces have in syria but our hearts go out to the jordanians today, to the people. isis commits a horrific act and realize this is just as important to them in the middle east to have the security that they need so their children their families are protected. and that's why we have got a
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great coalition to fight isis but we have got step up our game. >> we know they beheaded the two japanese hostages american hostages british hostage. why would they burn this fighter pilot? >> wolf maybe we will figure that out. maybe we will collect some intelligence as to why they did this. listen this is a horrific violent group. we see things that in the 21st century you wouldn't expect to have happen and the truth is that's the type of enemy we're up against. this is a war and nobody knows it better than those in the middle east. we have got to get our hands around it here and decide whether we need to change our commitment to end this. >> the jordanian pilot is said to have been taken on january 3 but only released today. is there a good explanation for
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that why they waited a month? >> i think there is a lot of consistencies that we have seen with other tortuous acts. the orange jump suits and covered heads. most of them were probably committed long before the release of videos. there may be something consistent there. as time goes on we will get to the bottom of exactly what the time line is. >> the u.s. is flying f-16s, they are flying over jordan. if and we hope it never happens. if an person pilot had to bail out of his plane and captured by isis and they burned alive an american pilot in a cage what would the u.s. do? >> some of us are begging the administration now, let's re-think our policy. let's think whether or not our policy is right. there is no question that boots have to be on the ground at some time. whether they are u.s. boots is up for discussion but our
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regional partners will have to do it. every military leader has said you will not change the course of syria or iraq from the air alone. we're beginning to change it a little in iraq but not in syria. >> you know that none of the ash countries are going to send their troops in unless the united states leads. >> there is no question on that and i think the decision that this administration has to make is are we going to do the things to lead? and i hope it's under discussion at the white house today. we put those american pilots and those coalition pilots in jeopardy every time they fly over that air space. >> you want u.s. combat troops to go in there, presumably in significant numbers and try to fight and destroy isis. >> if i'm not convinced yet that it needs u.s. boots on the ground but it needs a con ten gent of boots on the ground. >> i don't see any other country, jordan is angry but i
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don't see them getting ready to send troops in saudi arabia kuwait, who else is going to send the troops? >> we can display the leadership without having the bodies. but with every day that goes on we get more recruits into isis. we don't kill as many in a day that they have in recruits. >> he was presumably killed on january 3. the video was released today. some people are suggesting that is because they wanted to time it with king abdullah's visit to the united states to embarrass him. they are very effective in their social media propaganda. do you buy that theory? >> i'm not sure that they are that smart. they know how to reach people with their message and the image that they want to show. i am convinced that the plans were released. they knew that they had
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individuals that weren't alive probably. isis is flush with cash this is a group that not only recruits well but they pay their terrorists on time. most of us would call that an army. >> and they stole all of that money from the banks when you say they are flush with cash. they have got hundreds of millions of dollars. >> absolutely. >> i want you to standby. we are following the breaking news, the reaction to the murder of this jordanian f-16 fighter pilot. we're standing by also the president of the united states and the king of jordan king abdullah. we will have coverage of that. much more coming up right after this. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective.
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>> take a look at this. it's the west wing of the white house. king abdullah getting ready to head to the white house and meet with the president. they both will be making a joint statement. jordan as you know is a key u.s. ally and is vowing revenge after isis burns alive a captured jordanian f-16 fighter pilot. senator, i just want to wrap up. sajida al-rishawi is the suicide bomber who failed at a wedding party. her so-called husband succeeded. she is convicted of terrorism. now there are reports in jordan
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in revenge or retaliation that she should be executed. >> she has been found guilty of terrorism and she has been on death row over there and jordan ought to follow their rule of law. the reality is she's an individual with direct ties to i.s.i.l. her brother, a committed terrorist as have been proven. >> you wouldn't have a problem with jordan executed? >> no. >> let's see what is going on on jordanian television. you will see basically they are showing off their tanks and their missiles their aircraft and they are playing marshall music under all of these images. they have got a pretty good military. it's u.s.-trained largely. these fighter pilots. what's going on. i guess they are getting ready to send a message to isis. what do you think? >> i think that the jordanians
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are very equipped to handle any regional problem that they might be involved in and their intelligence operation is extremely good and we are close partners so we will help them with whatever needs. they are an integral part of the coalition against isis. we need them. the question is what will the king's decision will when he returns home? >> if the king were to say you know what mr. president, he's about to meet with the president of the united states. mr. president, we're ready to take decisive action not only to degrade isis but to destroy isis. we need you, mr. president, the united states of america, to authorize joint operations. let's go in there and get this job done what do you think the president would say? >> i hope he would entertain the offer by the king. we can't forget i.s.i.l. controls an area within syria and iraq that makes any
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terrorist training grounds seem like a playground and the truth is you can't leave a group of 20 to 40,000 terrorists there to recruit, to train. it's just going to get worse and i think the king understands that and the jordanian people have seen the effects of that. >> do you think the american public is ready to see a major escalation in that part of the world given the ten years and the hundreds of thousands of u.s. troops in iraq and afghanistan and the price the u.s. paid in blood and treasure? >> wolf i left town sunday to fly back to washington and a woman said senator when are you going to stop letting them behead people? there are a lot of folks out there believing we can do that. we can't do that without a commitment a change in policy and a strong coalition throughout the middle east. we could put that together. >> these other countries in the region and later the visiting foreign minister is going to be
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here and he will be sitting exactly where you are right now. these other countries whether qatar qatar, kuwait are they ready to join in a serious operation? >> qatar has been an unbelievable partner but so has everybody in the region. i believe that we have got the coalition that we need. we just have to more clearly define what it is we're going to accomplish and determine what it's going to take to do that. >> what does it say to you that within a span of a few days two japanese hostages were beheaded and they released the video and now a jordanian pilot is burned alive in a cage after being tortured. you have got jordan and you have got japan. what is the isis objective in doing what they're doing? >> the objective is to put fear in everybody around the world that doesn't think what they think. through that they believe that
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there will be some conversion that we make. we have got to stand up for what we believe in. we have got to stand up against the brutality and horrific acts. >> i know you have only been chairman of the committee for a few days. you have been on the committee for several years. do you have confidence that u.s. intelligence is getting it right and knows what they are doing? >> we're drinking out of a fire hose right now with everything that is going on with i.s.i.l. with the number of geographic locations that al qaeda is in around the world, the take-downs in belgium, processing all of that data. these events allow us to get a little more information that makes us safe at home but trying to inject that into global security is a little bit tougher but with the great partners we have got we're making progress. >> thanks very much for joining us. the chairman of the senate
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intelligence committee. we're going to be going back to the white house. the president of the united states is going to be meeting with the jordanian king. we will have coverage of that once the king arrives at the white house they will both be making statements. we're following the breaking news for you. the burning of a jordanian f-16 fighter pilot, the video has been released. also isis in america, cnn exclusive. we're going into the fbi's counter terrorism center where there is deep concern about americans who have come back from the fighting in syria. and as france reels from another attack we're getting more information about its most wanted woman. the gun wielding girlfriend who has gone from a bikini to a full veil. lots of news happening today right here in the situation.
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date obviously. how would anybody know that. there might be too ways that that january 3 date is actually what happened. one way would be if there were u.s. intercepts of isis communications. we know that the u.s. intelligence community is intercepting those communications every chance they get. jordanian intelligence services also very strong on the ground. they talked to an awful lot of people in iraq and syria. they know a lot about what is going on. it is always possible they have some trusted agent in the area that heard or saw something or had some report. but right now struggling to confirm exactly when this might have happened looking at every frame of that video for any clues. >> what are you hearing from your sources about the calculations facing jordan's king abdullah.
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>> as king abdullah flies back he has a number of things to juggle and the u.s. military the administration also a partner in this. his partner derives from not just the tribes which are very strong in jordan the pilot's family being a member of a very significant tribe in that country but also the jordanian military which is very close to the u.s. i have traveling with the jordanian military in afghanistan. they are very loyal to the king. it is a very small group. he personally knows his top commanders. he knows many of the troops. many of them know him. he is out and about all the time. king abdullah as he decides what he wants to do has to juggle what the tribes are saying what the people on the street are saying and what the jordanian military might want to do about all of this. it's a very delicate calculation. he wants to insure clearly that some of these demonstrations on
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the streets of amman, around jordan don't get out of hand. that it doesn't become destabilizing but the jordanian military also very strong on moderate islam so he is going to want to be seen as obeying the laws of islam in whatever he decides to do. >> let's not forget king abdullah is a military man trained in the military. he has a strong history there. barbara, thank you. with us in the situation room why would they wait a month if they really did burn him in that cage on january 3, why would they wait a month to release the video. >> i don't know. that sounds like an enormous mistake because they lost any bargaining power that they might have had. now the prop began taganpropganda factor is going to backfire. when is the last time you had a
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muslim mob that was not screaming death to america but get revenge on isis which is essentially saying team up with isis. i think it is a huge mistake. >> paul how likely is it that jordan will go ahead and execute this female convicted terrorist, sajida al-rishawi convicted of a suicide bombing killing 60 people. >> it is possible that they is a step they may take. she is on death row. the only reason she was not executed back in 2005 is because jordan had a moratorium on the death penalty but i believe the death penalty has been reinstalled in jordan. it's possible that that will be a step. the americans and others will be encouraging them not to take that step but focus on taking the fight to isis in syria and
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iraq. and of course jordan has very significant intelligence capabilities in syria and iraq. back in 2006 jordan played a key role in the u.s. air strike that took out zarqawi. >> the intelligence military and political relationship i assume anything jordan does will be in coordination with the united states. >> i think it will be. and i think we're fortunate in this case because the king of jordan are probably among the best heads of state in the world. reasonable rational respected by their people respected by their military. and i think -- i don't know if they will execute this woman. they may say she was not isis leave her out of it. >> standby. we have a lot more to go over. up next we have an exclusive look inside the u.s. government's command center where they are now tracking isis
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it is pubically vowing revenge after isis shows video of a captured jordanian fighter pilot burned alive in a cage. right now the isis threat in america, cnn justice correspondent pamela brown has gotten some exclusive access to the counter terrorism center where there is a very real concern about isis in america. you're getting new information, pamela. tell our viewers what you have learned. >> we had the rare opportunity to sit down with the head of the fbi's counter terrorism division. we talked about a range of terrorist threats and one of the questions we wanted answered is whether there are sleeper cells in the u.s. >> have you seen people in the u.s. coordinating to launch an attack? >> we have seen individuals collaborate, of course. >> in the u.s.? >> yes. >> so are there isis cells in the u.s.? >> there are individuals that have been in communication with groups like isil who have a desire to conduct and attack
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yes. >> that are living in the u.s. right now? >> correct. >> michaelstein says these are a few individuals who are loosely associated. >> i think the term sleeper cell is overly simplistic. i think the threat is much more complicated. >> a frightening reminder of that type of threat? the deadly paris attacks. french citizen ss went on separate rampage rampages. >> are you concerned in light of what we saw in paris that there could be an american here in the yits who united states that there is somebody like the brothers that we may not have insight on? >> of course we are. we want to track.
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>> could you tell us how many americans are training the terrorists overseas? >> i won't discuss numbers. i won't discuss specific numbers. i will say that the fbi in partnership with the intelligence community, we tracked several buckets of individuals. >> are you not telling us a number because you're not willing to or because we don't know all of the americans who have come and gone. >> i'm not telling you a number because i don't want to tell you a number and i'm for sure underestimating the number. we know what we know but there is a number that is greater that we don't know. >> there is a case of the florida man who went back and forth to syria undetected. >> we are coming for you. >> he ended up dying over there when he was fighting. are there other similar cases like that where we have sort of lost track of americans going back and forth?
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>> i would be lying to say that there is not. of course. the volume the numbers, the ease of travel we don't track individuals leaving the united states to vacation in europe. once you get to europe you can easily get down to turkey and from turkey down to syria so it's a challenge. >> and there are americans who we believe have actually fought alongside terrorists who are now back on u.s. soil? >> we have an identified small number of folks who we think fought alongside terrorist groups and returned, yes. >> why were they not prevented. >> for the most part we didn't know about them before traveling. >> why haven't they been arrested. >> if intelligence tells me that someone traveled to syria and fought on behalf of or supported a terrorist group like i.s.i.l. and then returns to the united states that's one threshold but
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the threshold by which we can prosecute is completely different. >> he admits u.s. law enforcement alone cannot stop a deadly attack on the homeland. >> in the majority of cases we know that someone recognizes that change in behavior that radicalization, that family member or friend chooses not to intervene. by not getting involved the story ends in a similar fashion and that's death. >> to that point, he says there is a growing trend of young american girls and women being lured to fight through social media. he has seen kids as young as 13 years old recruited by isis. he says that is because, wolf isis is pushing out a false narrative on social media but of course the reality is much different. most of the time the end result is death. >> they are so good in recruitment. that deeply worries the fbi i'm
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shire sure as well. chilling. still ahedad, we're watching for signs of revenge. they are vowing revenge after isis burned their pilot to death in a cage. also new details of how the most wanted woman in france turned into a radical jihadist. except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. and when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure.
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getting ready to make a man with a knife slightly wounded two french soldiers today and they were patrolling near a jewish center in the southern part of france. the suspect, who was apprehended, who has the same last name killing four jewish men inside the store though officials say they don't know if the two men are related. we're getting new information about the woman who lived in paris with the attacker at that supermarket. let's bring in our senior washington correspondent, joe johns. what are you learning? >> well wolf, amedy boumeddiene is the reason that the french government is pressing hard to try to locate her. france's most wanted woman, believed to be in syria, a picture of terror. newly discovered pictures
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obtained from cnn shows a young woman from bikini on a beach to an islamic radical. if captured and questioned the 26-year-old hayat boumeddiene is a potential gold mine of information. not just about the paris attacks but also about everything that isis and al qaeda and how women get recruited. >> we better learn the role of women as backbone to these networks already in the past and especially in the context of syria and iraq. >> reporter: there are questions only boumeddiene can answer whether she was a common law wife first or the instigator who helped her husband amedy coulibaly go from a criminal to total terrorist gunning down a police woman and killing four more people at a supermarket. among the clues to boumeddiene's state of mind found in her
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personal effects, a copy of a jihadist group authored by a woman who made clear her intentions to wage war on the west in this cnn documentary in 2006. >> it was osama bin laden who stood up against the biggest enemy in the world, the united states. boumeddiene and coulibaly visited at least once with a radical recruiter. but the post uncovered other details. at 8 years old, her mother died placed at a group home at age 13 and she met one of the kouachi brothers who attacked "charlie hebdo." >> they think they will find through this organization and their ideology some kind of recognition that they couldn't have in their normal life. so yes, indeed by both means, they are andttracted one to the
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other. >> as clear as day in behind boumeddiene was not seen as a threat before the paris attacks. now authorities in france are realizing they should have paid much more attention to her. >> they certainly should have. thank you very much joe johns. let's bring back our terrorism analyst, paul cruickshank. this attack by a knife, the two soldiers patrolling outside of a jewish center this follows the isis video calling for attacks on the french. do you think there is a connection here? >> there could be a connection. just today there was a video released calling for knife attacks on french police in france by isis supporters and then we saw this attack by the niece of coulibaly who was trying to get across the border and returned to france and then
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carried out this attempted attack today. so quite possibly a connection. isis have been repeatedly calling for these kinds of attacks in the west. also in the united states knife attacks, gun attacks, running people over with cars that kind of thing in retaliation for these air strikes against iraq and syria. wolf? >> is it just a coincidence that these soldiers have the same last name? is it a coincidence or might they be related? >> we don't know that at the moment. it's being reported that it was just a namesake. it's a fairly common name and amedy coulibaly was malayan, as i believe this individual was in nice that launched the attack today. authorities will be looking at any possible connection. obviously a huge coincidence that they have the same name.
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>> indeed. paul stand by. we'll get back to you as well. coming up a key u.s. ally vowing revenge after isis burns to death a caged jordanian f-16 fighter pilot, king abdullah. he's getting ready to meet with president obama in the next few moments. we'll have all of the breaking developments. the future of the market is never clear. but at t. rowe price we can help guide your retirement savings. our experience is one reason 100% of our retirement funds beat their 10-year lipper averages. so wherever your long-term goals take you we can help you feel confident. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve
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happening now, revenge against isis. angry crowds in jordan are demanding an eye for an eye after their captured f-16 fighter pilot was burned to death. retaliation could happen at any time. president obama is being consulted at this hour. will the coalition crack or go stronger? i'll speak live with a foreign minister of a critical u.s. ally and a base for strikes against
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isis qatar. plus we have new information about the taliban detainees who were exchanged for a u.s. soldier and whether they are now in contact with terrorists. and catastrophic war. a new united nations warning about lethal aid against russian russian. this is the breaking news. tonight, jordan's military is promising what they call earth-shaking retaliation against isis terrorists who put their captured pilot in a cage set him on fire and watched him die. the king of jordan is here in washington. he's getting ready to meet with president obama at the white house this hour. they'll discuss this new level of brutality, targeting a muslim country and one of the critical members of the u.s.-led coalition against isis. the foreign minister of qatar,
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another important arab ally of the united states he's here in "the situation room" right now. our correspondents and analysts are also standing by. they are covering all the angles of this breaking story. first, let's get the very latest. our chief national security correspondent jim sciutto joins us. jim? >> wolf tonight i'm told that jordan is planning a broad-base response. the king now gauging public reaction and support in jordan. if the execution was intended to weaken public support for the fight against isis tonight it has had the opposite effect. in jordan tonight, mourning and anger. hundreds gathering in amman and the home town of lieutenant mu'ath al kaseasbeh demanding revenge. isis releasing gruesome images of the captured pilot, burned alive, confined to a cage raising isis' already brutal
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terror tactics to a new and shocking level. jordan announced that the killing likely took place a full month ago and vowed what a spokesman called quote, an earth-shaking retaliation. >> translator: his blood will not be shed in vain. their punish will equal the tragedy that has befallen the jordanians. >> reporter: this horrific news follows king abdullah's trip to washington. he's returning home early. president obama expressed close solidarity in the military coalition against isis. >> it's just one indication of the viciousness and barbary of this organization. and it i think, will redouble the vigilance and determination on the part of a global
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coalition to make sure that they are degraded and ultimately defeated. >> reporter: the pilot was captured in late december when his f-16 jet went down over syria. kaseasbeh's fate came probably before goto's death on sunday. they said they would release goto for the detainee held in jordan being held for a suicide bombing. jordan repeatedly demanded proof of life for the pilot, which it never came. now it turns out that lieutenant kaseasbeh was killed weeks before the negotiation began. >> if he was killed weeks ago after his capture, this was all
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a charade. >> reporter: the video ends with new threats to other jordanian pilots. it lists names and ranks of several photos and offers a reward to isis to kill them. it's an alarming threat to a country that was home to the founder of al qaeda in iraq, zaal za kaur ree and is known to have isis supporters. >> look at these pictures of the west wing of the white house. king abdullah is due to arrive there. let's go to our white house correspondent michelle kosinski. this meeting is very significant. king abdullah is cutting short his visit to the united states. he's going to get right back to jordan but he and the president decided that they need to consult and that's what is happening right now.
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>> reporter: right. he's meeting with president obama before he rushes back to jordan to deal with this crisis. while he's been here in washington he also met with the vice president today, secretary of state, members of the foreign relations committee and when you consider that the king of jordan was here just in december meeting with president obama, that speaks to the significance of this relationship and we know the important role that jordan has played as a regional partner in the fight against isis wolf. >> what does this mean for the president's strategy and his efforts to try to destroy isis going forward? >> reporter: i think what jumped out as interesting from the president's own words today is when he talked about this latest brutal murder by isis causing a redoubling he said of the vigilance and determination of the coalition, well what does that mean? that we're going to see some difference in the u.s. strategy? from jordan we're hearing talk of revenge and an earth shaking response. the white house is committed
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internationally to the fight against isis. from the pentagon they were asked the same question today and they said that they are not going to fight about future operations. i think what they might say more in the immediate sense is not a change in the u.s. leadership of or action within the coalition but likely more from at least jordan and possibly other arab partners. wolf? >> stand by. we'll be hearing from the president of the united states and the king of jordan at the white house. we'll hear what they have to say. let's go live to jordan where cries for revenge against isis are growing louder. what's the latest there? >> reporter: wolf so much anger here in jordan on the streets of amman. we saw hundreds of people this evening taking to the streets as the news broke. people are in shock, really and
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there had been some hope over the past week or so with these talks of possible negotiations possible prisoner swap that the pilot could return home. of course many are just absolutely shocked by the news this evening. and as you mentioned, calls for re revenge, calls for burning of the prisoners of isis in jordanian prisons and they hope that their government will respond, something that we have heard from the jordanian government and the jordanian military tonight, wolf saying that they are going to retaliate and it's going to be a harsh retaliation. while there's been a debate ongoing in this country about whether jordan should be part of the coalition against isis or not, this is a debate that's ongoing but just this evening, wolf, we get a sense of a united country with its anger directed towards isis right now. >> jomana we've been monitoring jordanian television and the
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incidents that we are seeing are significant, we see the tanks and fighter jets and the missiles with marshall music being played underneath. it sounds like they are getting ready to take military action against isis. is that a fair interpretation of the images that the jordanian government is putting on jordanian tv? >> reporter: wolf it does feel like this country right now is declaring a war. it's declaring a war that has been ongoing. but right now with one jordanian soldier killed this is really shaken this whole nation. it has shaken its military and top leadership and they are under a lot of pressure to respond. what kind of response is this going to be? we're going to have to wait and see how king abdullah -- how the government here is going to take action. but a lot of pressure on them to strike back at this point in time. >> all right, jomana we'll get back to you. she's joining us live from amman
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where the anger is intense. joining us now in "the situation room," the foreign minister of qatar. thank you for joining us. >> thank you, wolf. >> if this was a qatari fighter pilot, whose plane went down and then burned alive in a cage by isis what would qatar do? >> i would like to have a moment please wolf on behalf of the state of qatar to pay our condolence to the family of lieutenant kaseasbeh and the government of the kingdom of jordan for this brutal crime against the pilot. no one want to be in this situation, wolf. no one will predict what can be done in such a situation. >> what would you do in a
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situation such as this? king abdullah is in washington and flying back to jordan tonight. he's got to make some major decisions. >> well in no situation we don't blame him on any action that he would think to do. >> whatever jordan does qatar would support? >> we always stand firm with our ally to fight terrorism, whatever it is. >> because, as you know there have been suggestions that qatar has not necessarily been fully supportive of this war on terrorism, the money from qatar suggests that maybe there's a permissive atmosphere that you've allowed money to go from individuals in qatar to isis, to which you say? >> this is not true wolf. qatar does not endorse terrorism. we always stand firm with our ally the united states of america, to combat terrorism wherever it is. >> so you're with the united states right now? >> absolutely. >> there are thousands of u.s. troops in qatar right now,
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right? >> yes. the americans are our friends and they are present in qatar. >> i've been to those bases. there are maybe 8,000 american troops right now in qatar. and from which they launch air strikes against isis. is that right? >> they are, to be honest with you, the terms of the operation i don't have exactly. but, yes, we have the bases on qatar and the bases on the other ally countries and we have one objective in this is to combat the terrorists. >> so you're with the united states on this war of terrorism. have you launched air strikes in iraq or syria? >> well technically, there is a technical issue but we are the ally and we are doing our role in the allies. there is some technicality on the accountability. this is what maybe -- >> but you have an air force, right? >> that's right. >> and you're capable of launching air strikes? >> absolutely.
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>> so when you say technical -- >> with the range that you can get there. >> so they have to be fueled from qatar all the way to iraq? >> this is why we want to buy an f-15. >> you want to buy u.s. f-15s. i want to be clear. you don't have a problem with the u.s. launching air strikes from the air base in qatar against isis targets in iraq or syria? >> as i told you, our position is firm in combatting terrorism, whatever it takes, we will be standing. >> were you surprised that these isis terrorists burned alive this jordanian pilot? did that surprise you? >> indeed it is a barbarian act and nothing to do with muslim at all. >> this horrific video is about 22 minutes, the whole video. but at the end they show him in a brutal way in this cage beaten
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and then they pour some sort of gasoline on him and then they send a torch in there and they light it and they watch -- you can watch him actually being burned to death. 26-year-old lawsuit tanieutenant in the jordanian military. >> it's shocking to be honest to see the scenes and i'm speechless to say how, you know barbarian this act is. >> is this a turning point, do you believe, when you talk about the arab street? because isis has had a lot of support out there. social media, the recruits they've taken over huge parts of syria and iraq right now and seem to be on the move. >> but in this scene, wolf this is nothing close to islam. it's the islam of mercy. this is no way, you know someone who can cover islam on
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this act. >> this is by the way -- we're about to see king abdullah's motorcade arrive there in the west wing of the white house. they are going to be pulling up there momentarily. we'll see king abdullah get out of his limousine. we can hear the sirens coming down pennsylvania avenue and they will be pulling into the white house. i want to quickly -- minister bear with me. i want to go back to michelle kosinski at the white house. this meeting was hastily arranged wasn't it michelle? it wasn't object then the schedule of king abdullah. he wants to get back to jordan. >> reporter: right. he's arriving right now. it wasn't on the books. it wasn't expected for today but we fully expected that they would meet at some point during his visit to the united states. again, they just met in december. he would take the time to meet with the president and now that's going to happen. obviously a much different tone than it would have knowing that this video was released today
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during his visit and that may not have been a coincidence, wolf. >> and we see the vehicle that has king abdullah of jordan there. that's clearly an armored vehicle pulling into the west wing of the white house, security clearly very very tight for the visiting king of jordan. king abdullah is going to be going into the west wing. he's being received by a protocol officer there. he'll go into the west wing. the foreign minister of qatar khalid al attiyah is joining me. i assume you've met king abdullah. he's going through an awful time right now. an f-16 fighter pilot was burned to death maybe a month ago but the video just released today. what is going through your mind as you see the video at the white house? >> i can understand the situation that king abdullah is
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in and to address the family of the pilot. we have to wait and see what happens with his meeting with president obama and then we can, you know find out what is the new approach that they are going to take. >> but i just want to be precise, that whatever they decide let's say there's a joint u.s./jordanian retaliation, revenge as the jordanian army chief said today, qatar will be with the united states and jordan in this fight against isis. >> absolutely. we don't want to at this stage, to jump conclusions but we have to see what is the result after the meeting of king abdullah. but let me put this straight. the whole war now is a war against terrorists and everywhere. and this is -- we have to be all together standing by each other to combat this terrorists.
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>> mr. minister stand by if you can. i know you have a lot going on. please stay with us in "the situation room." we're going to hear what the president of the united states says king abdullah says. i want to hear more about what qatar is up to. much more of the breaking news coming up right after this. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil.
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says what king abdullah says this in the aftermath of the release of the isis video showing the burning of a captured jordanian f-16 fighter pilot. there you see him right there. it's a story that we've been covering. there's the pilot, lieutenant mu'ath al kaseasbeh. we're going to get back to king abdullah as soon as they start speaking. this is controversial and involves the nation of qatar. barbara starr is joining us. what are you learning? >> more details, wolf about a situation that only underscores another potential threat to national security. one of the taliban detainees in qatar received two visitors with possible ties to the network
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believed to be the one who made a phone call to an extremist contact. it's what president obama says he hoped would not happen. >> the release of the taliban who were being held in guantanamo was conditioned on the qataris keeping their eyes on them. >> reporter: one of the visitors said he was a relative but after the u.s. learned these visitors had possible terrorist connections, it notified afghanistan to be on the lookout for them a u.s. official says. it's not clear if anybody now knows where they are. the u.s. isn't saying which of the five detainees is the concern. >> two of them were senior commanders who were responsible for the death of 5,000 minorities in afghanistan that had lick kwiquidated. >> reporter: mu'ath al kaseasbehllah
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fazl was the army chief. and the interior minister khair ulla said wali khairkhwa was said to be associated with and mohammad nabi omari has tied to al qaeda and other militant groups. there may be nothing to prevent them from going back to fighting. >> besides notifying folks that the terrorists have gone back into business there's very little at this point that they
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could do besides their continued operations. >> always the worry, wolf that they may return to the battlefield. >> barbara starr, thanks very much. we're here with the qatari foreign minister. mr. minister you see the president of the united states there is king abdullah. they are in the oval office. i want to listen in and see if we can hear what they are saying. ement. they were just speaking themselves. you have a picture of them sitting in the oval office. khalid al attiyah is joining me.
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you're watching these five now and there are reports from barbara starr that one of them has tried to make a connection with a network which supposedly was not going to happen. are you watching these five? >> let me start with this wolf. we've been asked by our ally to help with this. there is so many steps and mechanisms in these procedures. we take this matter very seriously. we have the first contact between his highness and president obama and then we have the agreement. >> you negotiated the swap was there your idea to do the swap?
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>> no. we've been asked to do this swap and we stand for our friends. >> who asked you? >> i wouldn't like to speak of the details but i want to tell you this we looked into this very seriously. >> these are five bad guys right? >> they have been released in an agreement. i can tell you, if we see behavior we'll be reporting this to our ally. >> to the united states? >> yes. >> did you see one of them try to make contact with the taliban, the haqqani network, with terrorists? >> this is not true wolf. this is not true. the news which we are hearing is not true. there is a close monitor. there is a close corporation between our agencies. >> between the u.s. and qatar? >> absolutely. absolutely. >> so you're watching all these five guys 5 2 4 hours a day, 7
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days a week? >> absolutely. >> when will they be able to leave qatar? >> i cannot reveal the details of that. >> but it will be this year sometime? >> i can't -- >> i think that's been public that's been announced. >> i don't know the exact date. >> when they leave, they can go back to the battlefield, they can go back to al qaeda, they can go back to the haqqani network? and so the u.s. agreed they will stay for, what a year in qatar and then they will be freed? >> i cannot talk about the details but the thing i can assure you is that we are working closely to fulfill the obligation of that agreement. with the cooperation and coordination with the united states concerned agencies. >> so the u.s. is with you as far as -- i know you've been meeting with the secretary of state, john kerry, with other u.s. officials.
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have they complained to you at all about the way that you've been dealing with these five taliban detainees? >> i never get a complaint about our colleagues. >> nobody has complained? >> no. >> so they trust what you are doing but part of the deal is that these five guys would be able to leave and go do whatever they want? >> let me put it this way. they not only trust us but they are with us. so they are with us. we have a joint monitoring. that's the obligation on the agreement. >> any more deals that you're working on right now? >> not one i -- >> what? >> i don't call any now. >> foreign minister -- >> i'll tell you. >> you'll let us know if there is. mr. attiyah, thank you for joining us. a very, very hectic horrendous news day. thank you for coming in. up next our terror experts
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are standing by with new information about theis horrendous act by isis. i'll talk to a top american diplomat who is standing by. real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ alex ] transamerica helped provide a lifetime of retirement income. so i can focus on what matters most. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica.
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meeting with president obama over at the white house to discuss the latest isis horror the murder of a jordanian pilot who was caged and burned alive. it looks leak that vehicle is leaving the west wing of the white house. i think king abdullah is there. michelle kosinski is there. he's in that armored vehicle, is that right? >> reporter: right. he's leaving now. the mood in there was described to us in one word. somber given that situation. you saw that they didn't make any statements as were hoped. that might have been because of the time being so short as he now rushes back to jordan to deal with things there. we can expect a similar line of conversation between the king and vice president today. they condemned the action of isis in the strongest possible terms and expressed what was called an iron-clad support for
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jordan by the u.s. and also saying that this would only reinforce the resolve of these two countries to defeat isis together. also interesting today, wolf we saw the president put out this unusually long and detailed statement on the death of this pilot, almost eulogyizing him, saying that he will personify the bravery of a true son of jordan. we don't usually see statements like that. the president saying that these human values stand in opposition to the cowardice and depravity of isis. and saying that if the point was to weaken the resolve, it will have the opposite effect and only still that resolve, wolf. >> all right. they spent about 20 minutes together in the white house. the king obviously, anxious to get home to jordan. there's a crisis right now. michelle thank you.
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jordan's military is preparing for what one official calls an earth-shaking response to this isis brutality. let's dig deeper with our counterterrorism expert philip mudd james reece, foreign minister marwan and jane harmon. you know jordan you know king abdullah. you were the foreign minister. what's jordan going to do? >> i think the king is going to go back to a very united country and that's the most important development, even more important than the retaliation. we saw this situation ten years ago when another predecessor of isis bombed a hotel and killed 60 people. i suspect they will be even more united now. >> what about this earth-shattering response revenge, revenge. we see these protesters and they
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want revenge. what does that mean? >> one can probably expect intensified air strikes. i don't think we'll get into sending, you know ground troops. there is certainly a public call for the isis terrorists in jordanian prisons who have already been sentenced to death to be taken and for that sentence to be implemented. >> to be executed right away? >> to be executed. >> what about the woman terrorist, sajida al resh shawrishawi. do you think they will execute her? what is president obama going to do now? he says the u.s. strategy is to ultimately degrade isis. this may be a turning point. >> let me applaud your network for not showing the video and not showing any freeze frames of the video. i think it's very responsible. it was a good thing to me that no statement was made after that
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white house meeting. i think king abdullah should speak first to the jordanian people. he called for the coalition to stick together. i think it's jordan's first move here and and i don't know the sentences of the people. certainly not burning them to death. that would be barbaric. but the other piece is this pilot was part of a very important tribe in jordan. we don't understand well enough tribal societies. you asked about a tipping point. isis may have blown it. i don't think they understand it either. tribal alliances across into syria and iraq with these jordanians are going to end up causing an enormous enormous backlash. >> all right. philip mchl philip mudd what do you anticipate? >> there's a couple of things
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you have to anticipate. strategic moves over the next few months and years. you have to have the target to respond to and an intelligence picture built up over time to give you those target options. i think the jordanians are signaling that they will be with us in a year's long fight against isis that will have a lot of reverses. but if you're looking at perfect targeting tomorrow that allows you to show reaction overnight, i don't think you have the targets to do that. >> what about that colonel reese? this is a new level of brutality by isis right now and you heard the foreign minister of qatar saying that he thinks this is a potential turning point. i assume for jordan when they say that they are going to have earth-shattering revenge, they mean it? >> wolf phil is right. the targeting is not going to come out in the next couple of hours but what you'll see here is just this. isil made a mistake. we watched this with zarqawi, too, in iraq.
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this gives us a great opportunity here to step back and be the consultant for the coalition of the arab countries here and allow them to take a lead and allow us to help guide, mentor them into what they can do and literally turn this into the arab coalition fight against isil. >> marwan muashar, you're the foreign men foreign minister. do you understand why isis may have waited a month to release this video if in fact he was really burned to death on january 3rd? why would they wait a month to release the video? some suggest maybe to coincide with king abdullah's visit to the united states to embarrass him? >> that could be. i have no way of telling. but what i do know is that the king message that this is a war of values a war to determine who is going to speak on behalf of islam is going to resonate much louder now if isis by
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doing this thought they would take the jordan society with them they made a mistake. >> you want to make a point? >> yes. two more points. this will galvanize people on the ground and if we need targeting information, i think we'll get it from people who haven't been giving it to us. but the second point is i and others have been calling for a counternarrative against these people. this is our counternarrative. it is our barbarism and uncivilized behavior. they are just creeps and terrorists. this is anti-islam. i want all of you to stand by. much more on the breaking news coming up. we'll continue our special coverage here in "the situation room" right after this. sir, we're going to need you on the runway later. don't let a severe cold hold you back. get theraflu... ...with the power of three medicines to take on your worst pain and fever, cough and nasal congestion. it breaks you free from your toughest
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we're covering the breaking news jordan's king abdullah is heading home. its military says it's preparing for an earth-shaking response to this new level of isis brutality. our experts are here in "the situation room" but first let's go to our chief national security beyondexpert jim sciutto. what else are you hearing? >> you're hearing from the jordanians and seeing real
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muscle flexing. if you see this video that accompanied the military statement in response to the killing, all of jordan's fire power there, including that f-16 there, of course that's what lieutenant kaseasbeh went down with. jordan is considering a broad base response to this. what could it look like? it could certainly include military action taking advantage of some of those military assets that you're seeing in that video there and you also just heard across from you there, wolf the former foreign minister of jordan making sure it can also include the execution of prisoners in jordan isis prisoners who had already been sentenced to death, although the death penalty had been put under a moratorium in jordan. that includes former isis commanders as well as the failed female suicide bomber offered as a possible exchange for the pilot. so you have these whole range of options and then these early signals from the jordanians a sign that they are going to have a very strong response. and really wolf they need a
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strong response. when you look at the protests on the streets of amman and the home city of this pilot, the angry cries for blood, in those exact words, the king is going to have to respond in some very strong way. >> phil mudd for days now i was saying if they killed this pilot, jordan will respond in a brutal way and clearly they are going to do something. >> that's right. you've got to look at two targets. first, the king is not just the head of the courtntry. he's responsible for the security of his people. you're going to be seeing something over the next few days about isis military installations. for example, the military presence or paramilitary presence of isis in syria. the background question though is who is responsible at the leadership level for the killing, the murder of this innocent airman and that question is going to take months to resolve to get enough target specificity to go after the people who did this act. >> this is a critical moment
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marwan >> this is a critical moment for jordan right now. >> i totally agree with phil. jordan has to have a strong response to satisfy people. at this stage -- >> i'm sure jordan and the united states will be on the united states given the close alliance. stand by. an escalating war and death toll in another part of the world. we'll talk about the crisis in ukraine and the u.s. response. becoming more dangerous by the hour. [car revving] [car revving] ♪ ♪ [car revving] introducing the first ever 306 horsepower lexus rc coupe.
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we're following the fiercest fighting scene in europe in a long time. that's where the battle between government forces and pro-russian rebels. the battle has killed more than 200 civilians according to the united nations. he's back here in washington for a few days. apparently 5,000 people have been killed have died in the fighting in the last few months alone. that's an accurate figure right? >> that's the undated u.n. figure i saw released this morning. it's a real tragedy, obviously, because 5,000 lives have been lost but this is a chosen tragedy. it's man made tragedy. there's so much bad happening and this is a chosen tragedy
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caused by russian actions on the territory. >> you believe russian troops not just pro-russian but russian troops have moved into ukraine in big numbers and fighting ukraine military forces. >> since the end of december the russians have passed hundreds of pieces of heavy military equipment. they have been reenforcing the separatist. we know they continue to provide tactical support on the ground. this is an ongoing escalation they have mounted. it happened several time. we saw it at the end of august. they have never observed the cease-fire that they signed in september and we've seen an ongoing step by step escalation. it's really mounted in the last few weeks. we seen the death toll. >> i want to be precise. russian troops in big numbers are in ukraine fighting the military not just the rebels but the remember members of the russian military.
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>> there are russian operatives who provide tactical support on the ukraine. i assume coordinating the delivery of the weapons that the russian continue to provide. >> it's one thing to provide weapons. it's another thing to provide troops. you used the word operatives. what does that mean. >> therese are people working for the government. whether they call themselves volunteers. we're they are people serving. there's a much larger number of separatist fighters who they have provided these heavy weapons to. we're seeing massive amounts. they are providing tanks, rockets. that's the direct cause of the skyrocketing violence and death toll. it's a manmade tragedy. >> yesterday at the white house the president's deputy national security advisor and he said the
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president will meet on monday. the chancellor of germany, and they will consider whether to start provideing lethal weapons to the ukraine and whether to further strengthen sanctions against russia. what's going on here? >> as the president said from india after the tragic shelling of the civilian area about ten days ago, the escalation that has opinion caused by russia's massive supply changes the situation on the ground. it changes the situation on the ground. we will continue to evaluate the range of options in response to that situation to make sure our reaction is appropriate, calibrated to that situation. >> have to make major decisions. i want you to look at this video. nick payton walsh went to the airport.
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it was a beautiful brand new airport. hosted major international football game soccer game. it's been levelled. a brand new airport is now destroyed. >> that's true. this is the kind of destruction that russian vs brought all across the territory. right now there's been for several days now massive shelling of a town 13 kilometers away from the line the russians agreed to, back in september where civilians are trapped in basements. there's terrible suffering going on. the shelling of the pro-russian separatist continues taking a huge toll on civilian lives. >> we'll stay on top of this story. thanks very much for coming. that situation is getting worse. remember you can follow us on twitter. tweet me tweet the show. you can watch us live. dvr the show so you won't miss a moment. thanks very much.
4:00 pm
erin burnett outfront starts right now. breaking news. isis most bar baric video yet. a jordanian pilot burned inside a cage. jordan vows revenge tonight. we talked to family who refuses all vaccination for their son. my guests are the leading experts on vaccines. a the one time new england patriot star on trial for murder. why did the judge toss out a juror today? let's go outfront.
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