tv CNN Special Report CNN February 3, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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good evening, 9:00 p.m. in new york and washington, d.c. jordan's king abdullah. reacting deeply, sharply, angrily to one of their own fighter pilot by isis. outrage and calls for retribution for earth shaking e are venge revenge in iman, jordan. burning to death of fighter pilot. only say apparently because we have not yet authenticated the video. there's no doubt about it and obviously not going to show it to you. there can be no doubt at all about the killers have done. they burned this man alive after stringing jordan and the world along day after day suggesting he was not already dead. he was, according to jordan's
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military who said he was killed exactly a month ago. the isis video is 25 minutes long, a fighter pilot being burned to death, remains bulldozed into the ground. correspondents on all aspects of this in jordan, the white house to the military effort. we begin with michelle c caasinski. >> reporter: maybe because of the feels there. kink abdullah cut it short. there was only 20 minutes. offering condolences and saying at the end, only steels the resolve of the international community to destroy isis. that's something that was echoed
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that happened earlier today between the king and the vice president. in that readout, it said the u.s. has this ironclad support of jordan and the strengthens the resolve of these countries to work together against isis, anderson. >> they talk about stealing resolve. the white house going to have any effect on the way the u.s.-led coalition in isis is run? >> reporter: it was interesting to hear in the president's own words after music of this broke. he said this would redouble the vindication, the vigilance, the commitment of the international community against isis. and the question was, what does that mean exactly? we're going to see some change in the way the u.s. is acting, in the leading of the coalition or its action within the coalition and the white house responded by saying, well, the coalition is always open to
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more, to people giving more and doing more, contributing more to that effort. but the president was referring more to the general commitment of the international coalition. so i think in the immediate sense, we're not necessarily going to see a change in the strategy on the part of the u.s. but we are likely to see more on the part of jordan and potentially other arab partners, especially when we already heard jordan talk about revenge in earth shaking response, anderson. >> the woman still held by isis? >> reporter: only that all resources are being used to try to secure her safety and return. that's what we heard consistently from the white house. they don't want to talk about future operations or give operational details or talk about potential other rescue attempts. only that those resources are being devoted to try to bring her home, anderson. >> michelle kosinski from the
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white house. the associated press reporting, there are a number of reports that the potential, the would-be suicide bomber that isis wanted back may be executed tomorrow morning. we have not been able to independently confirm that. kordesh is in jordan for us. is additional public reaction expected or are these demonstrations going to conti e continue. >> reporter: we do expect that, anderson. there's so much anger and grief in this country. we've heard in jordan, announcement made a few hours ago, all mosques will be hold. anderson, this evening, this is a country, a nation in mourning. this is a man they considered to
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be a national hero and so many over the past few days said they were praying for his safe return home. so much grief tonight. >> king abdullah, as we mentioned, now returning to jordan. is there a sense in iman about what kind of response in terms of the military that he might order? >> reporter: it's very unclear right now, anderson. we did hear the jordanians promising this harsh earth shaking retaliation that they're going to have. there will be a number of options, obviously, on the table for king abdullah, for his government. he's going to be under a lot of pressure to respond, especially here from the street, from the tribe of the jordanian pilot. things like wrapping up the military campaign that jordan's already engaged in in the fight against isis. also, there are some supporters of isis in jordan, possible crackdown on these individuals too in the country, and also, we've heard this call from the streets over the last few days.
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jordan is holding a number of jihadist prisoners, members of either affiliated with isis or from al qaeda in iraq in the previous year, so there have been calls to execute these prisoners who have been on death row, and also tonight, we saw some protesters holding banners that are saying that these prisoners should burn, like the jordanian pilot burned alive. >> asked for proof of life when there was a potential negotiation with proof of prisoners and appears he was already dead during all of that. now why are they now saying he was killed actually a month ago? >> reporter: it's unclear why the jordanians are saying that. it's believed it was a month ago but we did hear from jordanian officials this evening, anderson, that they believed that over the past week or so, that isis has been playing a
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dirty game, quote, as they described it because jordan has been engaged in direct channels with isis over the last few weeks since the capture of the pilot on december 24th. and they say that over the course of these negotiations, that they had asked for proof of life, any evidence to show that he's alive and they did not receive that which raised a lot of questions about whether she was alive or not and of course, we heard them again repeat these calls last week. clearly the jordanians had an idea he might not be alive at that point. anderson? >> thank you. president obama calling for new bombs, smaller emissions to pick up targets with less damage to others. these are all the kinds of items used sometimes daily against targets in iraq and syria by members of the united states coalition. jord jordan, of course, being a pivotal member in every dimension.
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more now from jim sciutto, chief international correspondent. first of all, americans flying combat missions. obviously, the danger to them is just as great as it is to jordanian pilots. >> reporter: it is. i talked to two military officials tonight and asked, any adjustments being made, any enhancements made to security and to personnel recovery if the pilot bent down and enormous preparations made prior to the start of the campaign and no need to adjust those because they feel secure enough. one official say they are constantly reevaluating to make sure they're on top of this. this is a reminder that we talk about whether there are combat troops involved. there are combat pilots involved. it's dangerous even when flown thousands of feet above the ground. accidents can happen, planes can get shot down. there's still a danger there. >> regarding this isis video which obviously we're not showing, from the source you're talking to, any indication why isis changed their execution
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tactics? they've gone from beheading people in mass ways, individual beheading. there was a video recently of a young boy apparently shooting two russian hostages. >> reporter: you speak to the intel community, they're aware this is a group that profits from or believes it profits from maximum attention, maximum shock value. that's true in the beheading video and in a way, they have to top themselves because there's no one competing in this category. they're the most brutal already so the only way to top a beheading is to light someone on fire. it's a sick game. there's a lot of talk now about whether this kind of thing will backfire but i've talked to terror analysts who say you have to throw out your kind of cost/benefit analysis with a group like this because death is the goal here. death is how they recruit. death is how they scare. they believe that death serves their religious purpose. it's kind of like the way many look at north korea. you have to adjust your sense of
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what's here. they don't go through the same cost/benefit analysis. this may be a success even if it drives the rest of the world, including muslim world, angry. >> jim sciutto, appreciate the reporting. back home, learning more about a train crash in new york city involving a commuter train. we're going to get a report from the scene. these are the initial images that we are seeing. we'll have more on that ahead. also next, more on what it's going to take to fight and defeat isis. best from fareed zakaria, and one of the best former commanders in iraq. my name is marjorie reyes, i'm a chief warrant officer. i love the fact that quicken loans provides va loans. quicken loans understood the details and guided me through every step of the process. i know wherever the military sends me, i can depend on quicken loans. sir, we're going to need you on the runway later. don't let a severe cold hold you back. get theraflu... ...with the power of three medicines to take on your worst pain and fever,
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white house today. from former commander in iraq and veteran bob bare and fareed zakaria from fareed zakaria gps. the video that was out, which we're not showing, it seems to be a constant upping of the ante on the brutality to try to attract new recruits. >> it seems like it's an attempt to shock the world to get the attention of the world. but it's also part of a very bizarre sequence of events that i think this is very much plan b or plan c. remember what happened, anderson. they took two japanese hostages. they asked the japanese for $200 million. the japanese said no. they executed one. and then they decided, what we're going to ask for is this failed suicide bomber in jordan. this is the woman involved in a
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failed bomb in 2005, nine years before isis even existed. everyone forgot about her and no one could figure out why isis was interested in her. i think they needed to make up some demand was the first one hadn't worked. and then that goes awry and you end up with a gruesome barbaric spectacle. i'm not sure it tells you they're smart or strategic because it feels like something that meandered in a different direction they intended it to go. >> we've seen calls for action, king abdullah on way back. how do you expect jordanians to respond the failed suicide bomber from 2005? >> well, frankly, anderson, i hope they don't execute her. jordan is ruled by the rule of law. you don't execute people in
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revenge. another thing i like to say is you have to look at what's bizarre about this is the islamic state exists in tribal land, sunni arab tribal lands and alienated, i wouldn't say a potential ally but somebody who had lingering sympathy. so this group is completely ir rational and not going to do any good. >> alienated fellow sunnis in areas they controlled over time and led to the sunni awakening that the u.s. helped precipitate, do you see this having implications for isis that they didn't expect? >> this to me, anderson, if isis wanted to hit the trifecta of
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upsetting people, they've done it. they've upset the government skpft imams. the tribe, the institutions and the religions in one shot and we've had that kind of support from our enemy in iraq, we probably would have been able to end the war much quicker. what we saw in the awakening in 2006 and 2007 was the tribal leaders saying that al qaeda was too brutal for them. they wanted to revolt. it's not true, it's the tribal leaders stepping forward and saying these people are bizarre. we want them out of our territory. you're going to see the same thing now in that part of the world. this was a huge strategic blunder for isis. >> fareed, you believe it's essential for arab leaders to call out isis as what they are, a band of thugs, murderers
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killing muslims, as much as anybody else. >> i would agree with both the other guests in this gives the opportunity but they have to present this in the right light. the first thing they have to point out and the king of jordan is the perfect person to say this, he's considered to be a decemb descendant of mohammed. but burning of somebody dead or alive is profoundly hostile to islam iic traditions. secondly, they're killing muslims for no apparent purpose. you've got this sort of present this in an ideological narrative that defeats the ideology of isis. it's the only guy standing up for you, the ordinary sunnis. the arabs tend to be quiet in moments like this. and have we heard from the saudi
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regime? >> you see huge protests when "charlie hebdo" push publishes a cartoon but not huge protests against isis. >> that's a cartoon. that's lines on ink paper. here, you have somebody burned alive and leave aside the protests, shouldn't we be hearing from the major imams? and here's the opportunity. you have to cast this in that light in order to get the ideological charge you need. petraeus did a very good job of that, of encourages the sunni tribes to revolt. >> right but how vulnerable is jordan? this video that's been released, beyond the murder, it's also, it ends with them showing the photographs of some other
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jordanian pilots involved in the effort, publishing the bases that they believe to be living on, and giving, putting on a target on their back, giving out a hundred dinars to anybody killing a yjordanian pilot? >> i think this is going to be an important political step for the king. the tribes, until now, had their doubts about this. they said, it's not our war. why should we be bombing the sunnis in iraq and syria when there's a proiranian government in baghdad. we're on the wrong side. they were complaining vociferously with the king in private and now the tribes see these people have gone beyond the pale. there's no remedy and we can't deal with them. the tribes in saudi arabia and the rest of the middle east and i think even if the gulf where there's some support for the islamic state, i could see this
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turning around and i think that's the only positive note to come out of this barbarity. >> it's hard to see the results. from your vantage point, how do you think it's going? >> well, from the standpoint of the coalition that was conducting operations prior to this, i believe and from what my contacts are telling me is going swimmingly well in iraq, better than they would have expected right now, the iraqi army is coming back to the forefront. it's still a little bit sporty in syria but that's where this is going to help as well if king abdullah can actually calm the tribes a little bit. this is a guy who will contribute greatly because of this past military experiences. not only with special operations forces and aircraft, but also with intelligence and the ability to get inside the tribal lands in syria. this is a huge step forward and in an area where we didn't have great coverage, we had good coverage in syria but in iraq,
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we're seeing some big successes and i think as the spring continues, we're going to see better success against isis because the tribes are rebelling and the government is beginning to get its act together. >> general hurt lee, appreciate you being on. bob bear, just ahead. breaking news. deadly car crash in new york city and at least six people killed. details ahead. also up ahead, the measles debate. overwhelming majority of scientists and doctors say there's no debate at all. we answer your questions about vaccines ahead. that detergent was like half the price! and we'll have to use like double! maybe more! i'm going back to the store? yes you are. dish issues? get cascade complete. one pac cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. now that's clean. why do we do it? why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people? why are we so committed to keeping you connected? why combine performance with a conscience? why innovate for a future without accidents?
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a deadly commuter train accident during rush hour earlier this evening in westchester county where a metro north train hit at least one car, at least six people have been killed including a motorist, five people were killed on the train. again, these are early reports. at least a dozen others were injured. apparently happened in the bedroom community of valhalla, new york. according to wabc, jeep cherokee got stuck on the tracks and gates went down, went to check on the damage and was struck and killed by the train. that's according to wabc. again, at least a dozen passengers were injured and the earlier reports indicate six people have died. five of them from the train itself. continue to update that throughout the evening. turn now to the measles outbreak. at least 214 people have contracted measles since january 1st, declared eradicated.
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outbreak reignited the case against vaccines. overwhelmingly, scientists say it's a no brainer. get your kids vaccinated but some say it's more of a gray area. first chris christie, rand paul and now sean duffie of wisconsin is weighing in at least. here's what he said if he believes all children should be vaccinated. >> for me, choice as a parent. i know my kids best, i know what morals and values are right for my children and i think we should not have an oppressive state telling us what to do. the community might say, mr. duffie, if you don't want to vaccinate your kids, don't send them to school. that may be fair but continue to let parents make these decisions for their kids. >> ask your questions online. we tackle more of those questions with chief medical correspondent sanjay gupta.
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one of the major concerns i hear from parents is so many vaccines are given in a short period of time, is there a danger in that and is there a danger of spreading vaccines over a period of time as some parents do? >> with regard to the first, this idea we're taking too many vaccines, that's a problem that's become unsafe in some way, there's no science to back that up. and something we put together to make that point. it's a graph that shows how much of a load of vaccine we used to give and take a look back in 1980. 3500. that number doesn't really mean anything to you but that's the amount of antigens, sort of the vaccine given to people and now, we give about 125, 150. you can see that line in 2015. during that same time, autism rates went up. so despite the fact that we in fact give less vaccine now -- >> that's interesting. >> the autism rates have gone
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up. it's an interesting point to make. no science to suggest we give vaccines to the point because so many of them it's unsafe. delaying vaccines could be a problem in that there's a longer period of time where kids are unvaccinated. so either if you're giving the vaccine late or giving the booster shot late, the kids just aren't getting their full immunity as early as they could. they could more easily get the virus and get the infection and more easily spread it. >> you agree with it? >> i do agree with it. and actually, we try to bunch the vaccines together as much as possible because that's where the convenience of the family. in one time, one place, save a lot of discomfort and angst with the kids. that's a good thing and never been shown to have any problems whatsoever when you combine them. >> sanjay, kyle siegel wanted to ask this. can people vaccinated carry and
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spread the disease they've been vaccinated against? >> yes. the answer is yes and here's the reason why. first of all, getting the vaccine doesn't give you 100% protection. it may get you close to high 90s, 97%, 99%, but not 100%. there's just some people that don't seem to respond to the vaccine, despite the fact you give them the vaccine, you're trying to teach their immune system how to fight the virus, their immune systems just don't work. so those people could be vaccinated still get the infection and still spread it. so you know, those are the two groups that sort of come to mind. >> dr. redd lener, the misinformation out there particularly online. justin williams say why does a movement like this gain traction despite countless debunking? >> this is befuddling to all of us. scientists think if you give them the facts, people do the
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right thing. but sanjay talked at length about this. people have very strong belief systems and ideological pressures to believe one thing versus another or they're politically motivated, that that kind of drivers will actually trump science, unfortunately. so there's a lot we don't know but it's a mysterious process and some people will be rational, say, here's the information. i'm going to follow this. and other people will basically disregard the information or interpret it in ways that will allow to keep their original belief system. >> we should also point out that the percentage or numbers of parents that don't get their kids vaccinated is much smaller compared to the percentage of parents who do vaccinate their kids. because we hear so much about the people who don't vaccinate, some parents think there's this huge amount of parents who aren't vaccinating their kids and gives them cover, where they
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actually learn the vast majority of kids do, it makes them feel comfortable. >> that's a good point. if we didn't have social media amplifying what is a very tiny group of people refusing to vaccinate their children, it would probably be a non-issue, in fact. >> i'm bombarded by people on twitter who are part of this anti-vaccination movement. you look at the number of people actually following them, you look at the number, it's a small group of die-hard people who are pushing this. >> exactly. >> sanjay, lisa o'keefe wanted to know what about people allergic to things like neomaiciy. >> yes, it's for some sort of bacterial contamination. it's a little inactivated virus, in this case, measles, mumps and
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rubella. allows the inactive virus to be suspended and in the antibiotics. i should point out the merasol, a mercury preservative is not and was never in the mmr, this measles mumps rubella vaccine. having said that, people can be allergic and oftentimes, manufacturers can create without a particular component. eggs, for example, is one of the big allergies associated and people can make these vaccines, in particular for those individuals without eggs or give some medicines ahead of time to try to diminish the allergic symptoms. >> sanjay, thank you very much. and dr. redlener as well. in argentina, was it suicide or murdered because about to drop a bombshell about the massive old terror attack? the deadly mystery up next. skagway, alaska... e th happened to come across quicken loans online...
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we asked bill to travel to argentina and here's what he found. >> reporter: in the apartment, 51-year-old alberto nieseman found dead, a bullet to his head. 22 caliber pistol at his side. initial accounts say suicide but in a country that politics are intriguingly complicated as the national dance, the conspiracy theories begin to twirl. at newsstands, at caves, the conclusion is simple. murder. led in part by a controversial 61-year-old president, kristina k kurshner who said she knows it's no suicide, it's a murder all part of a plot against her but the question lingers, who would do that?
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>> it's a very crisis. because the prosecutor have been killed, murdered, suicide, but his death. >> reporter: was scheduled to testify in front of patricia bulrich's after found dead. allegations she said have proven true could reveal a bombshell about the worst terrorist attack in argentina's history. pointing to a massive cover-up between iran and argentina's ruling administration led by president christina fernandez kurgener. working by phone. >> 15 hours later, he was dead. >> reporter: since his death, the nearly 300 page report released. >> the most important
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information in the investigation of nismin is that the argentine government want to take away the responsibility of iran in the bombing of amia. they want to destroy the investigation of the argentine justice. that is the most -- >> reporter: you believe that's the core of what he found out? >> that's the core of the investigation of nisman. >> reporter: on july 18, 1984, with ammonium nitrate fertilizer parked on the buenos aries, at
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9:53 in the morning, exploded killing 85 and wounding hundreds. over the years, mired in intrigue and allegations of corrupt and incompetent police work and finally in 2006, one prosecutor issues arrest warrants for 8 iranian nationals all by now believed to have fled back to iran but after 20 years, no one has ever been brought to trial or even arrested. it was the prosecutor nisman who first accused iran and iran's former president of being behind the attack and on the eve of his death it was the prosecutor now alleging his government and iran for conspireing to cover it up. cash-strapped would get oil and iran get argentinean grain and conveniently, worst terror
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attack would remain unsolved. for luis chiveski, news of a possible cover-up by government is yet another blow in his 20 year search for justice. this must have come as a complete shock. his daughter paula, died in the bombing. she was just 21. are they willing to tell the truth, you don't know? the truth, the facts into the investigation into the prosecutor's death are hard to find. nisman was under protection of federal police surrounded by body guards but on the day before his death, he reportedly told his body guards to take the weekend off. the investigating prosecutor's office mobbed daily by a rabid press has issued only tidbits of information on the killing of those tidbits fueled endless media speculation. one report that says no gun
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powder was found on nisman's hands has some say this was a suicide make to look like a suicide, a murder. suicida, suicide, no matter how impractical that may be. first get into the security of the building and then into the building itself, finally getting into a coated elevator to the apartment to get inside the participant, kill nisman in his bathroom and get out while locking from the inside. sound implausible? yes, but this is argentina. nothing gets in the way of a good conspiracy. last week, president christina fernandez appeared in a wheelchair from her home to propose yet another conspiracy. she believes the prosecutor's death caused by rogue agents in argentina's own spy community and the rogue agents try to
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create a murder mystery to incriminate her. she has announced plans to dissolve the nation's spy agency. but suspicions took another leap. alberto nisman had an arrest warrant. it was found in his garbage can. congresswoman bullrich said all faith in argentina's justice system has been destroyed with one bullet. >> if the judge and the prosecutor are investigating nisman death, say that it was a suicide, nobody will believe it. >> fascinating. drew griffin joins us now. the fact that prosecutor draw up an arrest warrant for the president indicate he did believe she was somehow involved in the cover-up. >> reporter: yeah, just more of the mystery. he draws up the arrest warrant but doesn't release it or file
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it with the court. just leaves it in the trash. warrant alleges what he alleged in his report to congress that president kurchner and others were deliberately trying to obstruct this investigation in the jewish bombing to work out a kind of deal with iran. it does call for the president's arrest in the warrant but again, anderson, he never filed it. he's dead. we don't know why he threw it in the trash, if he did throw it in the trash. >> despite all the suspicions, it could be a suicide. >> reporter: yeah, over the weekend, dna results were returned on the gun, on his clothing, bullets, all matched one person, him. alberto nisman found with a bullet in his head and gun at his side but i'm telling you, 70% of the country believes it's a murder still. >> based on what you reported, this awful bombing 20 years ago, will it actually ever be resolved? >> reporter: the odds are against it. they can't get a prosecutor
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willing to come forward to pick up the case that nisman left unfinished, there's so much intrigue and political hot potato going on with this investigation and some genuine fear because we've got a prosecutor that many people believe may have been killed because of what he was alleging. >> fascinating case, drew, appreciate it. thank you very much. up next what, a juror in a murder trial aaron hernandez did to get kicked off the case. s susan candiotti was inside the courtroom. she joins us next. the world is filled with air. but for people with copd, sometimes breathing air can be difficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily anoro ellipta. it helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. anoro ellipta is the first fda-approved product containing two long-acting bronchodilators in one inhaler. anoro is not for asthma. anoro contains a type of medicine that increases
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ok you are outside and you are safe but what do you do now and that's where the red cross came in... . we ran out of the house just wearing our pajamas. at that point just to even have a toothbrush that i could call my own was so important... . know it just makes you feel like a person again. every 8 minutes the american red cross responds to a home fire or other emergency. you can help. please donate now. for now on the break news north of new york city, the deadly train collision that hit a jeep at a train crossing killing the driver and five people in the train. at a least a dozen others have been injured and joining us on the phone is matthew spill lane who is a news reporter, and a
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what do you know about this? how did it happen? >> well w we don't know how it happened, but somehow, a train and oncoming car ha was go g ino cross the tracks and a car collided, and at this point, we don't know who or what was at fault, but we know it is fatal. multiple fatalities and a dozen people injure and hectic scene as people are trying to piece together what happened. >> and most of the people on the train, and there were hundreds of people on the train, and from hundreds of reports, many were evacuating through the rear of the train, and do you know where they are now? >> yes, at this point most of the passengers have been clear predators the scene. what happened immediately after the train stopped, the passengers very directed to a rock climbing facility that was across the street that was
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turned into a holding scenter until they figured out what to do with the authorities, and then it was disorganized until they started to call for rides and others walked to local restaurant, and others were in walking distance, and others did wait and authorities did organize buses to pick up passengers and bring them to the next train station, pleasantville north and then they could be taken home by, and that. >> and thank you for the update, but still, the number of fatalities as matt said from other sources, five people on the train kill and one person, the driver of the vehicle which is said to be stalled or on the train track, itself, killed. we will continue to follow this throughout the evening. we want the latest on the other stories that we are following.
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am ma ra walker for the 360 bulletin. the daughter of whitney houston and bobby brown, bobbi kristina brown has been moved to a hospital after being found unresponsive. and suge night has pleaded not guilty for murder of hit-and-run. he then e pleaded chest pains, and if convicted he could face life in prison. and shcharli"charlie hebdo"g to return to printing on february 25th. and 55 years after "to kill a mockingbird" harper lee will release a new book which is completed in 1958, but set it aside to complete the pulitzer
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>> reporter: aaron hernandez lose loses an ally as a female juror gets kicked off of the trial on day three after a judge questions her fairness. >> the juror expressed an opinion that the effect that in the absence of a weapon, it would be hard to convict. >> reporter: that opinion could have helped the defense, because the 45 caliber gun used to kill odin lloyd is still missing. pr prosecutors say that the former new england patriot tight end is seen holding that weapon in this home security video minutes after lloyd's death in 2013. his girlfriend was breaking down in tears on the witness stand tuesday describing the moment that police called to tell her that lloyd had been shot dead. >> what did you learn? >> that odin was dead. >> reporter: prosecutors have lloyd on video getting picked up at his house in a car driven by
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hernandez and taken the industrial park near hernandez' home where he is shot h six times. after learning that lloyd is s o his street to see if everything is okay, and wonders if everything is the same thing? >> when did you see him? >> never. >> reporter: and then she says that hernandez consoles her. >> he asked me if i was okay. he put his hand on my shoulder, and kind of rubbed my shoulder, and told me that he had been through this death thing before, and it is going to be better with time. >> reporter: and jenkins' sister, hernandez' fiancee was a acting secretly receiving texts and messages from hernandez, and then she borrows the sister's
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car saying that she needs to run to the bank. and then prosecutors say she used the car to throw out a garbage bag to throw out that still-missing murder weapon. >> and susan candiotti is joining me, and what can you tell us about the juror that was dismissed? >> yes, on day three, the juror said that there was credible evidence that the juror had been talking about the case for the last year and a half, and she wanted to be on the jury, and she was discuss canning evidence and that she was inadmissible, and that she had misanswered questions on the questionnaire that she had attended far fewer patriot games than she had. so now we have 17 jurors instead of 18 which shows you how important it is to have the extra alternates, anderson. >> thank you, susan candiotti. thank you.
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