tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 3, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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and thank you, and there has been an execution in jordan and new information coming in, and we have correspondents throughout the region following the story, and thank all of the guests here shgs, and live coverage of the breaking news in jordan continues now with john vass who is joining us from the cnn center in atlanta. -- captions by vitac -- i'm john vass at the cnn center at this hour the government of jordan says it has executed two prisoners in apparent retaliation for the brutal murder of the captured jordanian pilot. one of the prisoners was sajida al rishawi, a failed iraqi suicide bomber which isis had asked for jordan to release. jordan had considered swapping her for fighter pilot muath al kaseasbeh, but the deal was smashed when the video showed muath al kaseasbeh was burn eded alive locked inside of a steel cage. for more on this we go to amman, and we go live this hour with many of the jordanians had
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wanted this, and as they wake up this morning, what this is the reaction there? >> well, it is about 6:00 in the morning here, john and people are going to be waking up to this, and it is running as an urgent banner on the jordanian state television, and we expect that many people will be welcoming of this, and we have heard the calls on this on the streets of amman, and the hometown of the jordanian pilot. and the people have said that they wanted a response and the military and the government said they would retaliate and saying that their revenge would be equal to the tragedy of the jordanian people. what we know so far john prshgs the jor dandanian government, they are saying that two of the
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people convicted in jordan who were on death row were executed at dan. they are sajida al rishawi, and she is the former member of al qaeda in iraq who was involved in what is described as jordan's 9/11 the deadly hotel bombings of 2005 when three hotels in amman were bombed, and her vest failed to detonate and she was captured by authorities and the other is ziad karbouli who was a top aide of abu musab al zawahiri and he is the founder of the former isis leader, and he is killed in an air strike in iraq in 2006. and these two, john they had been on death row in jordan for the past few year, but this country had an unofficial moratorium on the death penalty up until december of last year
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when 111 people were executed and both were hanged to death this morning in amman. >> and jomana do we know if the de desition would have been made by king abdullah? >> well one would assume in this country john, that the decisions would be coming from the highest authority, and you need the approval and the signature of the king in this case and the go ahead to carry out such a thing or even to authorize such an important move such a very tough move, but the jordanian government john they have been under a lot of pressure. we saw that and we saw the calls on the street, and the anger on the jordanian streets has been directed towards isis and the jordanians blaming the them for what happened and of course there has been the fear that if the jordanian government, and if the king did not act fast to try to appease the streets to gifve them this strong retaliation fast the that
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some of the angerr may be directed towards the government because many in the past week or so would be blaming the jordanian government saying they would hold the government and the king responsible if he were to be executed because of course the pilot came from a very important tribe which is the backbone and the support of the jordanian monarchy, and they make up a large part of the intelligence forces and the military, and this is something that the jordanian ss are going to be waking up and welcoming no doubt. >> and thank you for standing by jomana, and we want to go to our chief correspondent jim sciutto on the phone. and so we in all likelihood believe that this order came from king abdullah who was in washington, d.c. with the president earlier, and is there any indication that he took this action? >> no indication. and the white house is not sharing that. they are referring to us the
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comment to the jordanian government on this. i can't imagine that a decision like this would happen without the king making that final decision. and it is interesting that we have been hearing from the white house officials today that the white house has been encouraging jordan to measure the reaction and the subtle message there behind the scenes would be not to overe reaction, and hard to define what overreaction is, but to take it to the opportunity to go after the ideology and to make it clear that isis does not represent islam aed on the get at the root causes of its support in the region which is widespread and even inside of jordan that there are groups and feeding this ideology et cetera. so there is some encourage of the white house to go that with path and not the react tit-for-tat, but of course i think that you would hear are
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from the white house officials that this is jordan's response, and jordan's right to respond that it is the same message that you heard last week when japan seem ed to seemed to be negotiating with isis over the fate of kenji goto and even the talk the ofre of pay paying ransoms, and we don't, but other countries can e respond in the way ss they feel necessary to respond, and the same reregarding jordan's response here. >> and what is the u.s. assessment of how isis is to likely respond now that two people have been hanged by the jordanian s jordanians? >> the assumption is that isis is going to do whatever it wants to do regardless, right? they are constantly raising the brutality stakes on themselves competing with their own, really for attention the and shock value. so you mow the assessment here is that they are go ging down the
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path, and they are going to go down the path whether or not jordan executes these two people or frankly whether or not the coalition is going to bomb the isis targets, and this brutality is on the campaign and the fact is that they were killing a lot of people, and in brutal ways before the coalition and the u.s. got involved so that sis the u.s. assessment, and the same assessment from other terror analysts, and this is well on the way long before you had the responses. >> okay. jim, we'd like for you to stay with us throughout the hour and also michelle kosinski is with us the white house correspondent in washington right now, and so michelle we now have the news that the two prisoners on death row in jordan have been hanged in retaliation for the murder of that jordanian pilot, and do we know if there is a reaction from the obama ad
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adminvation some. >> no, and we just left a gathering with some officials not long ago, and right before we found out this news and they had no indication of it just before it happened, and we weren't really talking about that but there is no immediate official reaction as of yet. we have reached out to the white house, and we did hear from the state department earlier talking about this possibility, because we knew that it would be a possibility, and that jordan all day, really talking about the blood of this pilot not being shed in vein and it would not go in an unpunished way, and so the response of the white house to support jordan and in executing the people they have held and the e response was earlier, that we stand with jordan and what their response is going to be, and we don't want to get out ahead of
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anything that might happen. we don't want to prejudge what they will do and so really the u.s. wants to show the support of jordan all day, and es especially since the king was here and visiting with the president and other top administration officials, and what we have bneen hearing from the administration in these words is that the u.s. has iron clad support for jordan can, and that this is only reinforcing the resolve of the two countries to fight isis together. we are waiting to see what they will say specifically as e relate s to relates to the executions, but we expect it to be more support, and if it was something that was not expected that these people were not already on death row, it might be something different, and the u.s., you know, would say something to the effect of that we would not want to fight brutality with more violence but because of the circumstances, and the show of
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support, and the fact that jordan is a significant partner, and regional arab part merner to the coalition, we expect nothing but more support for them. >> michelle cosyn ski on-- michelle kosinski on the phone there from the white house. and now, the hanging of the two prisoners there on death row this morning and what else can we expect in terms of the military action are from isis or continue to go it alone from jordan or will they continue to go in the u.s.-led coalition, jomana? >> in the past week when we have felt the pressure in the hostage crisis that they were dealing
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with we have heard jordan not back down and feel a moral obligation to fight the extremism in the region. that sis the same sense that we are getting from the king. it is highly unlikely that jordan is going to withdraw from the coalition in reaction to this and the messages that are coming from them are saying that it is only going to add to the resolve, and make them want to fight. we are probably go ging to possibly see a more stronger harsher response and at least this sis the rhetoric that we are hearing from the officials and this could be a military reaction. of course jordan has its own jihadi problem that goes back years, and we can see that the country here, the security forces are cracking down even further on isis sympathizers and supporters john. >> likely to be a dramatic increase in the security across jordan as they wake this morning because of the threat or the
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possible reprisals coming from isis? >> it is unclear what will happen, john. there is concern in the prop xwan propaganda video, because at the end of the video they purportedly show what is members of the jordanian air force pilots that isis claims are taking part in the coalition airstrikes and they list their names and pictures that they say are of these pilots and they call for attacks to target them in jordan offering a bounty for going after them. so there is concern of any retaliation or attacks that we might see coming in response to this, but it is unclear at this point in time, john are where it is going. we sauw a lot of apger on the streets of amman late last night. it was late in the evening, and we can expect to see more today, but so far this does seem to be
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a united country, at least directing the anger towards isis. today, we could possibly be seeing the demonstrations taking place, and also, there is a call for unified prayer to take place at noon at all mosques across jordan so at least for now, there is one enemy for the jordanians it seems and it is isis and people are just shock and really enraged by what they have seen so far. >> and thank you, jomana, and when we look at the situation inside of jordan you are mention ing mentioning a lot of isis supporters. what about the possibility of the sleeper cells, and what are the possibilities of the jordanians of domestic attacks being carried out by isis cell ss? >> jor adan is known to have one
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of the very intense intelligence networks, and that i have foiled many terror attacks since the deadly hotel bombings, the suicide bombings that were claimed by al qaeda and iraq carried out november 9th, 2005, and over the past year we have been in towns in jordan and one town specifically where we met a number of isis sympathizers and the government told us at the time that the number of isis supporters in the country are a few, and that they had detained a large number of people believed to have either taken part in the war in syria who had joined isis or other extremist groups there, and they had everything under control in the country, at least this is the message that the jordanian government has wanted to put
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out, and that they have everything under control here and their security forces are still powerful, and able to intercept any sort of attacks or plots by these groups. >> and finally joe manny na, you said ha that there were mixed feelings in jordan of those who want increased action against isis and ramp it up, and take it to them, and some who believe that jordan should not be a part of the u.s.-led coalition at all. is there any way to know who has the majority and where does it lay lie lie? >> it is very difficult to tell john. it could change easily and situations could change, and very unclear at this point in time. but since september since jordan joined the coalition, and we have been speaking to people here. you have some who believe that jordan should not be taking
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place in the air strikes, and jordan should not be a part of the coalition, but others who feel that jordan has always been a target for extremist groups in the region. jordan is now bordered by two countries with with the isis presence and this country should not only rely on the support from allies from countries like the united states but it should flex its own military muscle and show that it is capable of protecting its own borders, and so you will hear different opinions right now, and we will have to wait and see what happens after this period of mourning and anger what sort of calls we will be hearing from the jordanian street. >> we are expecting king abdullah to arrive in jordan in in six hours, 5:00 a.m. local time here and noontime there. is he expected a televised address? >> we did see a televised
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address here from washington, d.c. from the can king recorded message, but there rare calls on the state television asking the people to show up at the airports in amman around the time of the arrival of the king to show their support, and the unity of the jordanian people. one thing that would be expected of the king, john s to reach out and visit to the family or the tribe of the muath al kaseasbeh, and it is very important right now to show solidarity and that they are with the tribe, with the family as they mourn, as has been as he has been described by the jordanian officials that muath al kaseasbeh was not only the son of his tribe and family, but the son of all jordanian, and so we expect to see something to that effect. an also, the king is a military
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man, as we have seen him in the past going out to the borders here in jordan where there is increased security over the past couple of years where he has spent more time with the troops and maybe more of the military image as jordan promise ss this harsh retaliation. >> thank you joemana karadshah in jordan. and this morning, two death row prisoners were hanged this morning, one for the failed bombing on the hotel ss in 2005 and another female terrorist. and so lieutenant colonel
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francona what do you think about the isis prisoners there? they are feeling their future is bleak? >> yes, the calculation is going to be not changing the strategy much. the woman and the man that were hanged are not going to be inkreescreased are revenge by isis, because it can't be any worse than it has been so the executions were more to satisfy the demand for action of the king of the government. as jomana said they were people out there on the streets demanding that the government do something. we knew it would happen. we knew it would happen fairly quickly, and it has happened. >> and you mentioned that they probably can't get any worse,
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but they mag tonage to do it each time. do you know anything about the number of hostages they hold? >> well everybody focuses on the number of hos sajs they care about, and there is an american being held, there and you have to assume that the future is very, very bleak. absent some sort of rescue attempt, it is very, very difficult to secure her release. >> and given the fact that the jordanian pilot, at least to the jordanian pilot was killed a month ago h there issago, there is no clearly no interest in swapping the the pilot porfor the would-be bomber? >> yes, john, that is as if they acted too quickly before they realized what they had. the this pilot was a real bargaining chip that the jordanians would have done things to get him back, because
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he had come from a very established family and one that supports the jordanian family and i'm not sure they knew what they had, because of poor intelligence or they just didn't care. i know you have seen the video of how gruesome it is and i cannot imagine it getting the any worse. >> when you look at the military calculation, by king abdullah and the senior leaders within the jordan military, what are they looking at, balancing the domestic concerns of jordan what the capabilities are? >> exact lyly. if you look at what is the threat to jordan? well, there is a argument as jomana e referenced this is what many feel it is not jordan's fight, and we should not be conducting any air strikes or exercises into syria, but if you look at in the ground, as isis went into iraq they came down into the southwest, and they approached the jor dandanian border,
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and the syrian border, and controlled the road system out there, and gone as far to the border, and minor skirmishes so those in jordan who believe it is not their fight, they have not read isis' literature or seen the new map, because clearly jordan is a target for that. what is the jordanian calculation for what military action they might do somewell, i think that the jordan yans are smart enough, and they are great military planners, and i have served with the jordanian forces, and they know what they are doing, and they know it is foolhardy to launch an attack without being part of the coalition. what we will see is the king being part of the more of the coalition offering more jordanian commitment and more of the use of the air bases and that sort of thing, because when jordan commits, they can be a real force, but they can't do it alone, because they require the coalition refueling and e electronic warfare, and sup
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pofrt, and so everybody is welcoming their wep port but we don't want them to run off to do something without being a part of the coalition. >> and that is the question, what could they do on their own that the u.s.-led coalition has not already done? >> well, they could mount their own independent air strikes and go after their own targets, and launch air strikes on the ground and that is going to be very good and they have trained for us for decades, but we don't want them going out there on their own as without part of a coalition plan, because the synergy of all of the group ss working together is much better than one country acting without thinking it through. and the white house has called for a measured response. i think that the the white house wants to do it as part of the coalition, and don't go off independently, because when you do things like that you will tend to increase your losses. so we want to make sure that everything is done the best we can and be devastating and bes
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forful, an -- let's be forceful and not hasty. >> thank you, colonel. thank you for being with us at this hour and thank you for that. we will have much more here on cnn of the executions in jordan in retaliation for the execution of a jordanian pilot. lead to tooth decay and bad breath? well, there is biotene specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants... biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth.
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the latest on the breaking news. the jordanian government has hanged two prisoners in retaliation for the murder of a captured pilot muath al kaseasbeh, and one of the priz prisoners was sajida al rishawi, a failed iraqi suicide bomber who jordan was willing to exchange for the pilot for any home hopes of the deal evaporated when isis released a video showing muath al kaseasbeh being burned alive locked inside of a cage. and now isis says that murder took place a month ago. and now, we are joined by our reporter in amman, jordan joe emunah k can arads hshgts a-- jomana karadsh karadshah. what more can you tell us? >> we know that the hangings had
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been carried out. sajida al rishawi who had been convict and on death row since september of 2006 when she was sentenced to death for her role in the amman terror attacks of november 2005 and also ziad caribouly who was a top aide of the founder and leader of al qaeda in iraq and that is the parent organization of isis, and al karbouli was sentenced to death in 2007. both had been on death row for the past few years, but jordan has had an unofficial moratorium for the death penalty to halt it for a few years, and only resuming the executions in december when 11 people were executed. so jordanians are going to be waking up to the news that many here on the streets in amman,
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and other cities have been calling for late at night when the news of the apparent killing of first lieutenant muath al kaseasbeh came out, they had been calling for revenge saying that his blood should not be wasted and that they wanted to see their government act. this perhaps is the first sign of their government taking action. >> and this is unlikely to be the last of the action taken by the jordanian government. there is a lot of pressure on king abdullah to continue to act. what is he expected to do? >> well, it is really unclear right now, of course. it depends what sort of reaction we will be seeing today and in the coming days here in jordan. will there be more pressure on the king to crackdown and carry out more military operations against isis and other extremist
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xroup hs n xroups in the region or more pressure on jordan and the government and the king to pull out of the coalition? it just depends what we will be seeing on the streets and of course, it is very important the government will be looking to see what kind of reaction there will be on the streets of amman and other jordanian cities. right now at this point in time what we have seen overnight here is that the ainge over the jordanians is directed towards one party, john, and that is isis. people are shocked, and they are enraged by what they have seen. there is of course that concern, that once that subsides if that feeling changes that some will start to blaming the government and the king for what happened. we have heard similar accusations over the last ten day s days in the hostage crisis with some of the jordanians including members of muath al kaseasbeh's tribe saying that the jordanian government and the jordanian king will be responsible if
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something should happen to the pilot pilot, and now we have to wait and see what happens. at this point in time it seems like a country that is united in the anger towards isis. >> and jomana, it is obvious why sajida al rishawi was executed, because she was the center tot failed prisoner swap but why was ziad karbouli, why was he singled out for hang something. >> we don't know what isis had been demanding, but we know indirect negotiation ss taking place between the jordanian government and isis, and saying they with were having the indirect communications to secure the release of muath al kaseasbeh, and we don't know what was demanded in the course of the indirect communications for his release, if any demands were made at that point. isis certainly did not make any public demands or offers to release the pilot, but there had
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been speculation, and talk in jordanian media, and we have been hearing this for the past month since the capture of muath al kaseasbeh in december 24th, there is speculation that isis might be demanding the number of individuals associated with zarquawi the founder of al qaeda in iraq which is the parent organization of isis that they could be demanding their release, so these two names had been circulating in jordan and there had been discussion, but nothing official, so those two, john as you have mentioned, they have been on death row for some time. >> and jomana, you have been describing the background of al qaeda being the father of isis, but there is a great rivalry now between isis and al qaeda, so do we know why isis wanted al
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rishawi and possibly the other prisoner who was hanged karbouli? >> the isis of today, if you talk to any analyst, it is the original vision of abu musab al zarquawi of jihad set up and this is the brutality and the caliphate that he had envisioned would take place, and we have seen it picked up by isis implementing the vision of zarquawi and so there are close ties and links e between the two organizations, al qaeda in iraq and isis. and these, there have been speculation why sajida al rishawi and why these names circulating? these two have ties to abu musab zarquawi who had been kill ed ined
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in a u.s. air strike in 2006 and sajida al rishawi's brothers were fighting alongside zarquawi in iraq and the other brothers were top aide ss, so it is unclear though, john, what impact if any this is going to have on isis or any reakction they are going to have to this. we do not know if the demand for the release of sajida al rishawi was even a genuine demand or if they really wanted to see her release or trying to put jordan in that very difficult situation or position over the past couple of weeks. >> thank you so much jomana karadsheh, there in jordan. and there is also a likelihood or more retaliation. and so let's talk about that with our panel. james, if we can start with you what are the military options here with the jordanians what can they do at this point?
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>> well john they can continue to do the air strikes which they are doing to support the coalition. we could see a combined arms operation operation. the jordanians are very capable of doing that and when i say combined arms, they have can use the arm power or the artillery and move up to the syrian border and look at the targets that isis has along the euphrates river valley or where iraq and syria and jordan come together and one of the pieces or they have a great and special operation force, and maybe they are going to be looking at the targets with a cross border air assault in and strike the targets and move out, so they have great options, and the coalition to support them if they need be, and do it unilateral lyly if need bun be, and we will see what king abdullah decides to do with the armed forces. >> and what do you believe you
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will be seeing from the armed forces, mark? >> i will see what king abdullah does when he rethe turns to s toreturns to the country, john. the execution of two of the multiple prisoners there. these are to calm the streets, and he is trying to get an understanding of the people the tribe s tribes that he is trying to pull together in this regard. i disagree with jim a little bit, because i don't believe that you will be seeing the combined armed operations any time soon but you will be seeing an increased intelligence and intelligence sharing, and continued operation within the coalition air forces and perhaps some additional defenses along the border with syria and jordan. those are the things that king abdullah and he has written a great book called "our last best chance" and he wrote it a year
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ago about the palestinian/israeli crisis, but it is a calm measured leader who wants the do things the right way, and he is trying to coordinate the actions of the tribes and the government institutions and the military in jordan and that is extremely difficult in the next few weeks as they recover, but all of this is new to him. it is a new scenario, which he and h many others are addressing for the first time. >> but, mark if the they ram republican it up and they do go off to isis in some big way, isn't this what isis wanted isn't that what the video is about, goading a member of the coalition into some all-out confrontation? >> partly john. but they were not respecting the reaction of the combined tribes and institutions of jordan. this is going to come as a great surprise to them. as you stated earlier, if they were attempting to goad at the targeting and the killing of
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muath al kaseasbeh was a ridiculously ridiculously bad strategic move on their part. as some of the guests stateed, he could have been used as a bargaining chip and they did not so that shows the disarray that is occurring at the strategic and the operation level at isis. a they have been they have been wounded and lost a lot of the key leaders and they are winging it in their area s areas, and it is going to be coming back to hurt them. >> do you agree that isis is making a blunder and strategic mistake? >> i do and i don't. we have watched them and isis is trying to get the momentum back. they are using it to try to bring it from the momentum and i do agree from general hertling they made a miscalculation that they felt it would do some fraction or friction within jordan of the five tribes and
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king abdulelah and what they did not count on unity here. in jordan it has gone back and forth. we have seen the fracture lines happen but like king abdullah, and i call him the warrior king, because he understands both sides, but he brings a calmness to it, and he has the measured responses, and right now, there is a unity within jordan and when he lands, you will see king abdullah to be a warrior king to push the unity of the country. >> and the domestic intelligence says that isis is brutal and unforgiving and efficient, and what is going on right now? crackdowns and sweeps in those areas of where there is pockets of support for isis? >> i will go first,r and absolutely they are cracking down just like we saw in france and several of the european countries. it is happening in a lot of
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areas, and they won't put up with the terrorist activity or coordination in the country. and jim is familiar with this from the the background, but there is going to be a great deal more terrorist sharing with the coalition and it is critical with jordan to have more sources within syria to help the targeting of the coalition forces. so it is going to be extremely beneficial and helpful to the coalition cause. >> and why wasn't that information already being shared shared? >> i think that much of it is, but there is a security element within the country, and king abdullah, as you recall, he is losing a lot of his young men to isis as well. they are one of the contributors to some of these jordan is one of the contributors to a lot of the terrorist movements.
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when i was in northern iraq one of the concerns was the al qaeda concerns was coming from jordan to iraq. and so he is playing some fine political movements to coordinate the actions of the government, the military and the tribal authorities. >> and last question for james. is this an increased threat for western targets, and some kind of lashing out by isis or as we have heard from others isis will do what isis will do? >> no, i don't. i think that we have to continue to be aware of what isis is putting out, what they are training and what is coming out of there, but i don't see a response by isis striking back at the west, because of what the jordanians did. i do agree that the jordanians had a fantastic intelligence collection both domestically and internationally. they worked with us for years in iraq and they helped us to kill
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zarquawi and they did a great job with the intelligence groups and some of the special operations soldiers to whittle down the al qaeda aspects in there that eventually now became isis with baghdadi, but like you said, i don't see it as n imminent threat othe west because of this response. >> okay. colonel james reese and general mark hertling thank you for being with us at this hour to give us the insight ss of what to expect in the coming days. and we will be right back with more on the breaking news in a moment. financial noise financial noise financial noise
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welcome back and breaking news this hour. jordan has respond odd the stunning act of brutality of isis. one is the hanging of a would-be bomber sajida al rishawi, and a woman that isis had demanded jordan set free. the hangings happened a day after isis released a video of the graphic killing of the jordanian pilot who was locked in a steel cage and burned alive. and now, at lot of focus on sajida al rishawi, and she said that the only regret in life is that the explosives did not detonate back in 2005 and what else do we know about her? >> well john when her name
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started to circulate when we heard isis talk demanding her release over the past couple of weeks, many jordanians were wondering, why sajida al rishawi. here is a look at who sajida al rishawi is. >> reporter: sajida al rishawi, a convicted would-be suicide bomb bomber try and sentenced to death nearly a decade ago. in 2005 she was part of a group of e jihadists dispatched by predecessor of al qaeda in iraq to destroy jordan. and a group including h her husband hit three hotels in amman and it was the worst attack in jordan. the capture was aired on television when she said that her vest did not detonate. >> translator: there was a wedding ceremony and there were women, men and children and my
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husband detonated his bomb, and i tried to set off mine, but i failed. >> reporter: a moratorium of the death penalty kept her alive. she was asought for release in exchange for the japanese hostage kenji goto but it e never happened. then there was the horrific release of his death just days after they released the execution of kenji goto and then today the release of the video execution of muath al kaseasbeh.
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>> they said that it would not be something that it meant for her to go if it was the release of their pilot, but as we heard from the jordanian ss, they were calling for her execution, and they wanted to see a woman who reminds them of a dark day in the history of the country gone and something that really reminds them of what a target jordan is for terrorist groups, and in this case, john, of course, it is seen as revenge by many here in this country for the death of a man that many viewed as a national hero. >> jomana they are also calling for executions of every jihadists and terrorists held by the jordanians and is in the end of the hangings as far as the jordanians are concerned? >> we do not know, but what we do know, john, is that sajida al rishawi and ziad karbouli are two members of al qaeda from
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iraq and their names have been circulating since the capture of muath al kaseasbeh. their names have been circulated as possible possible prisoners of the jordanians that could exchange alka sabahis aalkassabeh for. and they do have supporters in jordanian jails, but we don't know if there is going to be more straight away or not, but this is something that is sure to appease those on the streets calling for revenge to try to calm down the apger that we have seen on the streets for the killing of the jordanian pilot muath al kaseasbeh. >> and given the level of anger
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and outrage in jordan, because of the way that the jordanian pilot was killed did the jordanian king have much choice because h this is pretty much on the cards. >> this is something that seems to have been expected but there was some hope john for some time over the the past couple of weeks when isis basically brought up the name of muath al kaseasbeh into -- the hostage negotiations that there was hope that he would be alive and that the jordanian government would have a chance to give isis what it wanted and so a lot of people said, give them what they want and bring him back home and this is something surely we had heard from the family and members of his tribe. but, again, if we listen to what the jordanian government was saying, he was executed shortly
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after he was captured. the jordanians believe that he was killed on the 3rd of january. that is a month before this video that was the apparent killing came out. so it seems that the jordanians as they were saying john that they had open channels and the indirect channels of negotiations taking place for some time trying to secure his are release, but it is unclear if they knew all along that he was killed or not. what we do know is that the jordanians knew that they had been demanding in the course of the indirect e negotiation ss proof of life, and something they repeated late publicly last week proof of life and that is what raised the questions here about whether he was alive or not. >> jomana, that is the second sun rise that you have seen in the story on that live shot location, and we appreciate the hours that you have put in for us there in amman.
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>> and michelle kosinski is the live correspondent from washington washington, and she is going to join us with more on that. and now, you have spent some time with members of the administration this evening, and do you know if they were aware that this would happen and has there been any reaction so far? >> no. we weren't speaking specifically specifically, and we weren't asking that question, so whether they had an indication of that, it is really not clear. we knew that it was a possibility, and something that ha been talked about all day and we heard from the jordanians not just a response, but revenge, and earth-shaking reaction as they put it to what had happen ed toed to the pilot. so it is something that had been brewing in the background as a - real possibility in addition to whatever more they would contribute to the coalition against isis. we now know that we are not going to be hearing a response from the u.s. administration tonight.
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their first reaction to the reaching out to the national security council was to say that we refer you to the jordanians for a reaction or for more information. so we have taken that to mean that they are looking at the situation, and waiting to the speak possibly to officials in jordans, and they are kind of taking some time to put a response together. obviously, the u.s. administration is go ging to have to respond to questions about this, and to react to this. and the obvious question being that do you support what jordan has done, and we expect to hear from the u.s. government that it is jordan's decision, and we respect the decision and there is the course of the courts and the progress of law to reach the point where these two people on particular were on death row already h. so we expect the u.s. the support jordan's decision to do
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this, and how much farther they will go as far as getting into the specifics about this remains to be seen, john. >> and michelle, there was a meeting earlier today between president obama and king abdullah hastily arranged. and so was that a meeting of substance or just poe toe-op? >> well seeing the executions happen so quickly after that meeting, there has to be some discussion as to how the jordanians would react to the killing of their pilot, and would there be something along the lines of the executions, and what were they planning to do in response to the coalition, but what the official readout of the meeting was very brief. expected. expressions of condolence hs, and the support for jordan and there was a strong statement at the end of it though from the u.s. side saying that this is
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only reinforcing the are resolve to defeat isis together and in fact the word destroy in fact. destroy isis together. and so the substance of the conversation they did not get into any detail of that. >> okay. thank you, michelle kosinski on the line there from washington with the details about that meeting between king abdullah and president obama. there is another breaking story to report from taiwan. a transasia airplane has crashed into a river in taipei. they say that the plane was on the way are from taipei when it crashed into a bridge. rescuers are on site and some pas sen passengers have been pulled to safety. in the u.s. seven people have been killed in a commuter train crash north of new york city. officials say that the metro north train struck an suv stopped on the train tuesday night. one of the people killed was in
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that vehicle. the other six were on the train, and another 12 were hurt. u.s. transport officials are investigating the cause of the crash. before we go this hour a recap of the breaking news. jordanian authorities have hanged two prisoners which appears to be reprisal for the isis brutal killing for the pilot muath al kaseasbeh, and one of the prisoners hanged was the failed suicide bomber sajida al rishawi and jordan had been willing to exchange her for the pilot. she had been on death row in am amman since 2006 for taking part in a failed well, because her bombs did not detonate during an attack on three hotels there in 2005. but when isis released the video showing hawkeyes's ging muath al kaseasbeh's murder he was locked inside of a steel cage that provoked
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outrage and anger across jordan and many demanding revenge, and that was at dawn by the hanging of two prisoners who had been on death row for many years. we will take a short break and be right back. ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ (dad) we lived... thanks to our subaru. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome;
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hello, everybody. we have breaking news this hour. we would like to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. >> breaking news, two prisoners executed in jordan. >> swift retaliation for the brutal isis slaughter of a downed jordanian pilot. plus a deadly commuter crash in new york. jordan has executed two prisoners, retaliation for the isis murder of a captured jordanian pilot. >> one of those prisoners was zaj sajida al rishawi. >> jordan hoped to trade her for the fighter pilot, moath al kasasbeh. but any hopes for a deal were smashed on tuesday when isis
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