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tv   Forensic Files  CNN  February 8, 2015 12:30am-1:01am PST

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imprints they were a beautiful family, a striking raven haired couple with their delightful little girl. in 1995, mother and daughter left home for a shopping trip and were never seen again. the search for answers would lead investigators into a world of evil, fantasy, and perversion. peace and quiet, that's what attracts many to limerick,
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pennsylvania, a small town an hour's drive from philadelphia. people who live in limerick say it's a wonderful place to raise a family. jimmy and lisa manderach lived here with their 19-month-old daughter, devon. on a sunday afternoon in september of 1995, lisa manderach told her husband that she and devon were going shopping. >> i'll be back in a few. >> she said she wouldn't be gone long. jimmy stayed home, watching football. by dinner time, lisa and the baby hadn't come home. >> jimmy said that his wife had handed him the diaper bag and said, i'll be right back. in other words, i won't be long enough to need a diaper. she wasn't back that fast. he started panicking, and no one else could understand why he was panicking. i thought he was
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overreacting when we hung up. i realized that it was a sunday. where could she have possibly went, being this late? so i did call the police. >> family and friends told police that the manderachs were happily married. >> if one was gone for an hour, they called each other. i'm here. i'm on my way. i went to here. >> to see if lisa manderach ran off with the baby, police looked to see if her luggage or toiletries were missing, but they were not. jimmy told police his wife said she was going to a shopping center about ten miles from their home. when police arrived, they found lisa's car in the parking lot. there were no signs of foul play. lisa and devon were nowhere in sight. the grocery store was the only one still open, and family members searched through the entire store. >> and i said to the girl, please page lisa manderach. when she didn't come, i knew right away something's wrong. i said to my sister, she's not
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in there. >> later that afternoon, police received some terrible news. some hikers in nearby valley forge national park found the body of a baby girl. >> they were walking along a trail at the base of an embankment. the embankment was approximately 50 yards up to one of the access roads, so the baby's body was between the top of the embankment at the road and the walking trail. >> the child appeared to have been tossed from the road above. she was fully clothed, but bruises were clearly visible. jimmy manderach's brother positively identified the body. >> i kept saying, it can't be devon because where's lisa. my husband said to me, it's devon.
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i was pretty much not sure. my first words were, how did she die? >> an autopsy revealed that devon had been manually strangled to death. but investigators found no forensic evidence on the body, not a single clothing fiber or hair. the news stunned family members and everyone in the little town of limerick. >> ordinarily, young children are victims of a parent or a paramore or something like that and it's a heat of passion thing or a baby cried too much or something like that. >> in this case, i found it very unusual that jimmy was not able to go in and look at his daughter. and i admit that that intensified my suspicion that perhaps jimmy was involved in devon's death. >> despite the suspicions, jimmy manderach denied any involvement with his daughter's death or his wife's disappearance.
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as night fell, police feared they would never find lisa alive.
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jimmy manderach said he was at home alone, watching football on the day his daughter was murdered and his wife disappeared. >> they were his everything to him. i think it would have been harder for him to wake up any day and imagine them not being there, and when they weren't, it literally ripped his heart out. >> jimmy said he gave devon a cookie before she left with lisa to the store. at first will was some question what we could do to verify his story. when we found her car, the cookie and the pretzel rod were in the car. it may not be of any scientific value, but it helps verify the story. >> and one of the neighbors said jimmy's car was at home all afternoon, which confirmed his alibi. investigators looked into other leads. >> the fact that the car is parked there leads us to believe that devon and lisa reached the parking lot. now, were they abducted at that
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point? did they go in, or were they abducted on the way out? >> they learned that a local motorcycle gang met earlier that day near the shopping center and wondered if lisa and devon had some sort of contact with them. jimmy's beautiful young wife would have an easy target. >> lisa was gorgeous, very pretty. she was like snow white. she had black hair, very fair skin. she was just very pretty. >> an intense search for lisa began in valley forge national park the day after devon's body was discovered there. helicopters, bloodhounds, and a cadaver dog combed the 3500 acre site. at the shopping center, police asked employees and customers if they had seen anything suspicious the day before. no one recalled seeing devon, lisa, or any members of the motorcycle gang.
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there were two children's stores at the shopping center. employees at annie sez did not recognize lisa and devon as customers the day before, but a customer at the shop your kidz & mine said she remembered seeing them in the store around 3:30 when she was paying for her items. >> we were able to track down that transaction on that journal tape. in fact that was the last entry on that cash register journal tape on that day. we knew that devon and lisa were alive in that store. >> your kidz & mine was owned by a woman named ruth fairley. her 22-year-old son, caleb, had been working alone in the store that sunday. police contacted caleb fairley by telephone. he told them he hadn't seen anyone resembling lisa and devon in the store, but he agreed to meet with detectives to look at
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photographs. when he arrived at police headquarters, investigators noticed that he was wearing makeup. >> i went and got a wet paper towel and asked him if he would wipe the makeup off his face. it literally made my hair stand on end because you could see that they were perfect scratches from fingernails on his face. >> he told police he had been out mosh dancing the night before and that someone had accidentally scratched him. mosh dancing was a popular fad at the time, which involved a crowd of dancers slamming into one another. investigators discovered that fairley had told friends something different. >> he initially said, oh, i had to break up a fight at work, you know, i took the trash out the back, there was a fight in the alley, and i had to break it up.
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there were three guys on one, and i had to break it up. that's kind of a chivalrous nice thing to do, helping someone out that's in trouble. >> a background check revealed that caleb fairley was a former high school choir boy with no past history of criminal violence. but in 1992, he had been accused of sexual harassment. >> there was a female jogging along the road, and caleb pulled up along the road next to her and made lewd remarks as to what he wanted to do with her. >> friends described caleb as peculiar. he lived with his parents, was a loner and was fascinated with vampires. >> this is a very scary guy. he served a search warrant on his home, and he found out he was a real pervert. had all kinds of strange sexual devices and various other perverted stuff. >> he spent most of his time reading pornography and playing fantasy games like dungeons and dragons.
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>> we have encountered numerous people, particularly people in somewhat unusual murders like this, who are either devotees of the dungeons and dragons game. there may be some connection between that type of role playing game that need to live in a fantasy world. >> friends say fairley would often dress up as a vampire in order to live out a fantasy depicted on one of his t-shirts, a vampire ravishing a woman who bore a striking resemblance to lisa manderach. >> he had a thing for women of a certain appearance. in a number of the game products, that particular appearance is idealized. it had to do with very pale skin. they were very thin. they'd have darker hair. the fact that that particular physical stereotype was en vogue, it would show up in all the artwork. >> fairley denied any involvement in devon's murder and lisa's disappearance. was it possible that fairley had
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more to hide than scratches?
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there were no signs of a struggle inside the clothing store where lisa manderach was last seen, but detectives did find some clues.
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a shopper said she saw someone vacuuming in the store late sunday afternoon, just minutes before it closed. and a local news crew reporting seeing the same thing early the next morning. in the store's vacuum cleaner, police found several strands of long brunette hair, which had been forcibly removed. without a body, it was impossible to tell whether it was lisa's. to analyze the carpet, investigators used an ultraviolet light which causes certain substances, like bodily fluid, to fluoresce. in the back part of the store, the ultraviolet light revealed several suspicious stains. the stains were saliva, which tests showed was from little devon manderach.
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and there were other stains nearby, which turned out to be semen. a blood sample taken from caleb fairley matched the semen found on the carpet of the store. although this was certainly an unusual piece of evidence to find in a clothing store, it wasn't proof of a sexual crime. and police could find no physical evidence that lisa manderach had been inside the store. >> if we didn't find lisa, all we would have is a weird guy with scratches on his face who lies a little bit, and we didn't have anything to tie him to the crime, so finding her body was of utmost importance. >> police confronted fairley with the potentially incriminating evidence found in the store. then a shocking revelation. fairley said he knew where lisa was and offered to lead police to her but only if prosecutors
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agreed not to seek the death penalty if lisa was found to have been murdered. >> the only mistake that he makes is agreeing to lead us to the body. that turns out to be a mistake, but at the time, given the information that he had, that was the right, logical decision for he and his lawyer to make. turns out they were wrong, but their error was to our benefit. >> prosecutors accepted the terms, and fairley led police to an industrial area near the store. in an overgrown wooded lot next to the health club fairley belonged to, police found lisa's body in heavy brush. lisa was naked except for a black lace top pulled up around her neck. the body was posed in a sexually suggestive position with her hair covering her face. >> it's not unusual to have someone try to cover the face of
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her victim as if they're trying to hide from the gaze of their dead victim. >> and lisa's hands showed signs of trauma. some of her fingernails were broken. others had been completely ripped off. the autopsy revealed that lisa had been manually strangled. her body was badly bruised. her ribs broken. tests also showed that lisa may have been sexually assaulted. scientists discovered some foreign fibers on lisa's blouse. they were similar to the ones that were seen wearing on the day of the crime. the hair found in the store's vacuum cleaner was compared to
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lisa's hair and was also found to be microscopically similar. finally, investigators subjected the biological material found under lisa's fingernails to a dna test. that test revealed the skin under lisa's fingernails belonged to caleb fairley.
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caleb fairley was arrested and charged with two counts of murder, aggravated assault, theft and abuse of a corpse. prosecutors believed that he lived in a fantasy world and that lisa matched his image of the perfect woman. when fairley saw lisa and realized that she and devon were the only shoppers left in the store, he locked the door. the forensic evidence shows that fairley attacked lisa behind some high clothing racks out of street view. but fairley under estimated lisa's strength. she fought desperately for her life and that of her daughter, scratching and clawing at fairley's face. during the struggle, lisa's ribs were broken and her body badly
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bruised before she was strangled to death. afterwards, fairley strangled the baby. saliva from the baby leaked on the carpet and fibers from fairley's shirt were transferred on to lisa's blouse. there is evidence that fairley sexually assaulted her. fairley washed and vacuumed the carpet that night and again the next morning. he carried the bodies out the back door. he drove to valley forge national park and dropped devon's body there. then he drove to the industrial
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park where he elaborately posed lisa's body. his cleanup attempts weren't able to hide the forensic evidence of the struggle and the biological evidence under lisa's fingernails. caleb fairley pled guilty to the charges but claimed the murders were not premeditated. the jury didn't agree. >> takes a very long time to strangle somebody to death. you have to cut off the blood flow to the brain for four minutes. that's a long time. >> fairley was convicted of two counts of first-degree murder and sentenced to two consecutive life terms. >> caleb fairley is an evil man and evil people have evil thoughts. this fantasy woman walked into the store and his evilness drove him to commit these terrible crimes.
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>> to this day, the family is still haunted by the cruel and senseless murders. >> why devon? devon doesn't make sense to me. you can almost picture as to what occurred between caleb and lisa. but devon just -- devon was less than two years old. >> i would like to buy him a weekend furlough and give him to my brother, jimmy. that's what i think of that. >> the saliva, the hair and the dna evidence told the story that lisa and devon could not. >> if we didn't have forensic evidence we got from lisa's body, caleb fairley would welcome certainly be walk around free right now. >> i keep the mug shot
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photograph of caleb fairley with the scratches across his face in my top desk drawer and it's just a constant reminder of the evil that's out in this world. despite days of diplomacy, there is little optimism for a cease-fire in ukraine. that's ahead here this hour. also, coalition airstrikes pound isis targets in syria and iraq. we bring you a report from the front line. and no let up for the u.s. east coast. more snow is coming. and why channelling creativity through drugs has a long history in silicon valley. hello. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. you're watching cnn live coverage. i'm natalie allen. three days of intense


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