tv CNN Tonight CNN February 16, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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aud audience audience. have a great evening. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ that was interesting, wasn't it? you know what they say, it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game. chris and i didn't play well we sucked right? but i want to say that it was an honor to play for help at usa, the charity we played for and for all the charities, it was an honor to play for you. now on to more serious business. this is cnn tonight. i'm don lemon. president obama back at the white house after a weekend away. he's got a very full plate as worldwide terror takes center stage. egypt launching strikes against isis. revenge for the slaughter of 22 christians as 42,000 people
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mourn the victims of terror in copenhagen this weekend. the sounds of gunfire caught on tape obtained by the bbc. [ gunfire ] that suspect showns at a boxing club, apparently swearing allegiance to isis on his facebook page before the shootings. nearly 8 in 10 americans want congress to give the president authority to use force against isis. but 47% disapprove of how he's handling the battle against them. >> ed let's talk about the new cnn poll. americans are unhappy with the president's handling of the war on isis. >> correct. only 40% of the american public supports the president's
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handling of this war against isis. 57% disapprove. that indicates an american public that is worried, that is scared. we're seeing the isis aatrocityies in the headlines. 21 egyptian christians beheaded on a beach in libya. we've learned of the americans who have been killed james foley and kayla mueller, the aid worker. this has the american people concerned. there's a slight uptick in the support to send u.s. ground troops to fight isis. 50% are still opposed. back in november the numbers, 43% in favor, and 55% opposed. a long ground war is not something that the white house or democrats in congress want to see, don. >> athena talk to us about the
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latest on the egyptian strikes against isis. >> we know they're in retaliation for the beheading of these coptic christians that the egyptian government launched at least two air strikes against isis targets in eastern libya. the foreign minister of egypt told erin burnett they hit ten targets that were related to training and storage facilities for isis. and so their thinking they're hoping there wasn't a lot of collateral damage they were targeted strikes, but clearly this war seems to be expanding. >> athena jones at the white house. i'm going to pamela brown in copenhagen. what's the latest you're hearing about this gunman? >> well here in denmark, don, authorities have said that they knew about the suspect, 22-year-old omar al husan
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because of his gang ties and the connection he had with violent crime. but he had extremist ties as well. just before the shootings, he posted on his facebook page a pledge allegiance to the leader of isis al baghdadi before he went behind me to this free speech event and opened fire killing one person here and going to a synagog after that killing one person there. we learned today that he was just released from jail just a couple of weeks ago and there are indications he grew increasingly radicalized in jail. we've heard this story before. there are similarities between what happened here and the suspect there, amedy coulibaly, radicalized there. people on the ground say there's a growing problem of people trying to recruit people like this suspect with violent backgrounds, in order for them
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to come over and join their cause. >> you spoke with a woman inside the synagog at the time of the shooting. what were you told? >> that's right. i spoke to her, it was her daughter's bar mitzvah when the shooting took place. they were having a great time. someone ran in said turn off the music, go downstairs to the safe room. the children were upset. no one knew what was going on for two hours. she said it was horrifying and she got really emotional, talking about her friend dan who was killed outside the synagog. here's what she said. >> all i could think about was, of course dan, and his family and how are we going to show our gratitude and -- yeah. so it was scary.
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and it was a very violent experience as you would say in danish. >> there have been folks who have said after the shooting that they wanted to leave denmark. i asked her if she felt the same way, she said no i'm danish i'm proud to be danish, i'm staying here. don? >> thank you very much. i want to tushrn now to john miller in new york. thanks so much for joining us especially on this holiday. what are your sources telling you about the attacks in copenhagen? >> i think what we're seeing of the attacks there is what we've seen before. we're developing a model and that is you see a suspect emerge who is part criminal part loser, part seeker, who is buying into this narrative. and the narrative promises three things. it promises valor for somebody who feels that they're not being seen they can be a hero.
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it promises belonging, to someone who's an outcast, that they can be a part of something. and it promises empowerment for somebody who feels that they're ostracized or isolated. and that's reaching people on the margins. we know that from the three attacks that occurred in canada in september, from what we saw in paris, particularly the second suspect that pamela talked about -- coulibaly -- who was a guy with a criminal background who just got out of prison who met the other suspects there. but this is what we're seeing, don. >> you mentioned canada and just in the last six weeks, what happened in europe very similar attacks, people are sitting at home on this holiday wondering, are we next? is this going to happen here? are we a big target? >> so we are next. but remember we're not next. we were first. meaning, we had september 11th. we lost 3,000 people to a plot on u.s. soil but that was an
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organized plot from the corporate structure of al qaeda. what we've seen since then over 200 cases targeting terrorists on u.s. soil. and of those, probably 70 have involved plots against u.s. interests, mostly on u.s. soil including plots against new york and we've seen the lone wolves. we've seen the people recruited online. in new york city zale thompson who was a guy who very much fits the model we talked about, don, a guy in the margins who is failing at everything. he bought the narrative, channelled his anger to it and attacked a police officer with a hatchet and was killed by his partner. >> you used to work at the fbi and now at the new york city police department. what's going on inside our intelligence agencies now after this recent attack? >> what's going on inside fbi is what's going on inside the new york city police department and what's going on in the los
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angeles police department and my good friend chief downing out there and their intelligence bureau what they're all doing, they are trying to keep up with the information and the threats coming in, and they're trying to do the kind of triage which is how do you sort out who's a loud mouth, who likes political speak with a tinge of violence and who's really dangerous? as rime siti'm sitting here talking to you right now, i have an office full of people who are sorting through those, looking for, what's the targeting package, who do we focus on? who do we put aside? because as you saw in europe there aren't enough people to cover every single threat that emerges on some levels. you have to figure out which are the ones that look serious. >> the nypd tracking new yorkers traveling to syria. other police departments are doing the same as well. what are other precautions that are being taken?
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>> i think i just described it in that you can track them going, it's more important to track them coming back. but what we're also looking for is who is on the other end of this narrative, who looks like they're about to act on it. >> but it was tough for him, because in some of the attacks i've spoken to you about, we asked about intelligence failures. and you say, it depends how you look at it. this one was tough because he didn't pledge allegiance to isis until shortly before the attack. would he have been someone that you're looking at? >> you put your thumb on the pulse of this problem which is that al qaeda's headquarters would have a plot between the moving parts of a global terrorist organization. it gave us a lot of opportunities to pick that up and stop it especially after 9/11 as it became more
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intelligence-led on the federal side and the local side. but in canada, in paris, and what we have just seen in copenhagen is something where there appears to be minimal preoperational planning almost zero conspiracy with others, in a lot of cases, paris aside, and when a message comes over a laptop and the thoughts in someone's head it's hard to get in between that. >> i'm up against the break, you know how this works. the white house is hosting a summit on counter violent extremism this week. take us forward to that summit and what people will be talking about. are you attending the summit? >> no. this is new york -- sorry. it's los angeles, minneapolis, and boston. we have the marathon bombing city l.a. where they're deep into their community relations, and minneapolis where they have the somali community. so the white house meeting will be the eureka moment where they say, government can't do this
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how do we empower the community to get the counter-narrative to cut through the terrorist narrative and do it with credibility. >> thanks so much. >> thank you. >> we have more ahead here on cnn. when we come back eyewitness to terror. she was just beginning her speech in copenhagen when shots rang out. plus the trial of the man accused of killing the real life american sniper what a deputy overheard, and what it might tell us about the motive for killing chris kyle. come on out, flo! [house band playing] you have anything to say to flo? nah, i'll just let the results do the talking. [crowd booing] well, he can do that. we show our progressive direct rate and the rates of our competitors even if progressive isn't the lowest. it looks like progressive is not the lowest! ohhhh! when we return we'll find out whether doug is the father. wait, what? sometimes the present looked bright.
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as a gunman stormed the cafe in copenhagen my next guest was addressing the crowd at the free speech forum. the bbc obtained a recording of her speaking as shots are fired. >> yes, it is freedom of speech, but -- and the turning point is "but" -- why do we still say "but" -- [ gunfire ] >> unbelievable. as i said, terrifying moments for those inside the cafe. joining me now exclusively is ina who was inside speaking.
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this must have been terrifying. you stopped right away as soon as you heard the gun shots? >> yes, that's right. i think that being -- in a way, being ready that something like this can happen i just -- i think, developing the sense of being ready and expecting that any kind of attack can take place. again when we speak with freedom of speech and laugh at the drawings and protest violence in the street we should be ready to accept new conditions for freedom of speech that we have today. and just being ready, i think -- well i was the first one who reacted. because of course you definitely could see on faces of people that nobody could expect that something like this could happen in copenhagen even though we all -- >> so what did you do? >> well once we heard shots, as you can hear i stopped talking and the first thing was, you had
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thousand thoughts in your head. and you thought, is it a joke? is it the sound of something else? is it fireworks? or what that could be. but i immediately jumped under the stage. and i was on the floor, under the stage and people started to try to hide themselves under the tables. they were covering themselves with jacket desperately trying to -- believing that this could protect them. because the shots were continuing for so long just behind the door of the room where we were in. and one of the organizers of the event, opened the back door of the event and people were running out of the street in different directions and we were screaming run run, run, as the shots were continuing. the situation was really chaotic. >> i want to ask you because you were friends with "charlie hebdo" and the cartoonist with you is now in hiding. did you think, your
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participation, i think you spoke and said that you thought your participation may have had something to do with it. do you think that you were the target? >> you know, i think -- well when i had been invited to this event, organizers informed me that they do think that the presence of lars and my presence and the topic of the event, freedom of speech blasphemy in art, could be a reason for provocations. this is why they organized the security and protection. but right now, we should not ask ourselves who personally has been an attraction to this attack would have been an attraction. it's our ideas, it's the ideas that we were carrying. it's the support to plurlism and wish to celebrate freedom of speech. our ideas have been attacked. >> inna thank you, we're glad you're okay and we appreciate you joining us here on cnn.
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>> i'm joined now by the former director of the cia's counterterrorism center and author of 88 days the kandahar a cia diary. also with us now lebanon columnist and lieutenant colonel james reese, retired delta force commander and lieutenant colonel and former military attache to syria. michael, an attack in paris, arrests in belgium, now an attack in denmark, saturday's attack was very similar to what we saw in paris, an attack against free speech and anti-semitic attack. you heard what she said. it was an attack against their ideas and freedom of speech. how severe is the threat particularly for jews? >> i think it's rather severe. it's not just a terrorist organization any longer. we're well beyond the post 9/11 period. one of the things isis is trying to do is one-up al qaeda.
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al qaeda still has these claims to fame of waging these spectaculars and committing attacks against western targets. isis which now rules an expansive territory the size of great britain, does not want al qaeda to steal its thunder. it considers itself the growing jihadi concern. so this competition is being played out in the streets of europe. and i'm sorry to say, it will come to america as well. >> and you heard, john miller the nypd counterterrorism official here saying we've already been attacked but yes, we are a target for another attack. lieutenant colonel, the suspect swore allegiance to al baghdadi right before the shooting spree. do you think he's a lone wolf or had ties to extremists like coulibaly brothers in paris? >> this looks like
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self-radicalization and meeting with other people and this is a very dangerous precedent that we're seeing here. because this could happen in any capital in europe and as michael says, it's going to come to the united states because we're no longer dealing with organized -- i'm sorry -- organized terrorism. now we're doing -- anybody can sign up for this. anybody with a computer has access to this radicalization. many of these attacks came right after isis told people to do this. so they do have a following and the people are adhering to that following. >> speaking of coming right after, the perpetrator was recently released from prison. we see that in a number of some of these self-radicalized men and women. how can the intelligence better monitor radical groups in prison? >> well i think it's like any sort of human intelligence target. you need to have people who are reporting to you from the inside. so it's a matter of turning people having informants in
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these groups so that you can get a better idea as to who among them if and when they are released is actually going to take this ideology and try to bring it to a violent form. >> i want you to hold this thought, i'm going to ask you the question now. i want our audience to think about it. when you think about two attacks in europe in just the last six weeks, can we avoid boots on the ground? that's the question. think about that. stay with me. up next isis extends the reach of its savagery beheading 21 christians in libya. can the terror group be stopped. keeping his brain healthy and focused with aarp's staying sharp. with online mind sharpening exercises developed by the top minds in brain science. and exercise and stress reduction tips that can impact brain health. so he's ready for the real possibilities ahead. if you don't think top of my game when you think aarp then you don't know "aarp". find more surprisng possibilities and get to know us
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to the latest isis execution video, that egypt is striking back against, is there a way for the u.s. to avoid boots on the ground in that region at this point? >> there is what i'll call an economy of force for boots on the ground. we've already got them. we also know that sooner or later, we're going to have to help these arab countries with some of the enablers and the special equipment and some of the strike capability that only the u.s. has and brings in. and the president talked about it and we're prepared to do that. but we have to be able to prepared to do it's great to see the egyptians, the jordanians the arab coalition will meet in a month to talk about these issues. we have to give them and help them continue to have the momentum. once we gain the momentum we want to help them do that so yes, we'll have an economy of force of boots on the ground eventually. >> but not everyone has the resources that the u.s. has. egypt, for example, that's going to be tough. >> correct. just like the egyptians if they
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continue to do this we need to now, again, from the back side give them logistics, extra funding to help them accomplish that mission, which keeps us out of the way in direct combat. >> sticking with you, colonel reese, let's talk about this latest isis execution video. what struck you as you watched this new brutal isis video? >> well don, for me it's an apocalyptic franchise that's coming out of isis now. what i saw was, when these guys came walking down the beach in their black robes, it brought us back to the early days of isis in syria and into iraq. but then you had the one leader who's all dressed out in the camouflaged camouflaged, which now we see isis in the syria-iraq theater wearing that to show a more structured military outfit. it shows me isis is trying to push into libya.
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they have what i believe are mercenaries, there's a lot of folks military age that don't have the money to become mercenaries. isis will develop them in use them to bring isis ideology into libya and continue that fight. >> robert you say that this new video of part of a branding exercise. why do you say that? >> i think the extremists that we saw depicted in that video were not people who traveled from iraq or syria. these were not people who were recruited as part of a vanguard with emissaries that came from isis. these are local extremists people who may have links to go back to the previous fight in iraq under al zarqawi, but people who are engaged in that fight inside libya and who want to take on the brand of isis. they don't just want to be local extremists they want to be part of a global movement. that's what they're proclaiming in that video. >> michael, what message do you think they're sending to christians around the world? >> we're coming to get you.
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they've sent that message before in iraq haven't they? isis bills its campaign has won against the crusader jewish spirs, the crusaders being the united states. i think there's another message embedded in this one. which is we are now a stone's throw away from eu territory, close to crete and italy, it's northern libya here. this is supposed to be terrifying. isis has always said -- their caliphate may expand from syria to iraq but they have global ambitions. al baghdadi himself said if we're lucky we'll conquer rome and move on to spain. so they have a presence in europe. and the other thing they do they say, if you guys if you can't come join the jihad in raqqa or mosul, stay where you
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are and perpetrate attacks. that's fine. so you'll see isis-inspired attacks elsewhere. >> colonel, all arrows do seem to point back to syria. >> well syria is their headquarters now, the basis of the caliphate, that seems to be where the direction is coming from. that's why al baghdadi issues these proclamations that many of his followers adhere to. so there's -- this is getting worse as we see this diversification of isis throughout the region. it's not -- and it's not limited to the arab world. we're seeing this happen in afghanistan as well. members of the taliban switching from the taliban to isis. we see people in yemen switching from aqap to isis. so this is an expanding problem. what has to expand is the activities against it. as colonel reese said this meeting in egypt is the first step. but this requires immediate action concentrated action on
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the part of the coalition. the coalition can no longer be bound to operations in iraq and syria. we have to address this wherever it is. and to michael point about the threatening of rome that was not only literal, but symbolic talking about europe and christian dom and at some point they're going to go after a nato country, and i think that's going to be yet another step that we have to deal with. it almost seems like isis is doing the coalition building for us. >> colonel, i want to know why you said you believe isis is using islam as a crutch. explain that. >> don, i do. most of these people coming in we've seen that online they're buying islam for dummies. they're trying to -- there's a small element of it abbackar they'll use that but i don't think they're using that as their major piece. a lot of it has to do with
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economy. thank you very much. when we come back we'll hear about the trial in the man accused of killing american sniper chris kyle. what eddie ray routh told police. ...and if necessary, it will even brake all by itself. it is a luxury suv engineered to get you there and back safely. for tomorrow is another fight. the 2015 m-class. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. ♪ ♪ ♪ first impressions are important. you've got to make every second count. banking designed for the way you live your life. so you can welcome your family home...
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the movie "american sniper" is up for six oscars but the real-life drama is taking place in a texas courtroom where today the jury heard the accused killer's taped confession. >> in the tape from two years ago, he looks far different than he does today. he's dressed in the same clothing he wore to the gun range. one of the investigators notices blood stains on routh's boots. this was recorded after routh surrendered to police and a few hours after the killings. routh starts with a rambling and incoherent answer when he's asked what happened. he said, i keep talking to chris, there's a few dozen chrises in my world. and every time i talk to another man named chris, it was like talking to the wolf you know. the ones in the sky or the ones that fly, you know the pigs.
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routh then becomes obsessed with talk of his soul. you can't just keep letting people eat your soul up for free you know. it's not what it's about. it's about having a sole that you have in you for yourself. there are tons of people that are eating on my soul right now. the detective asked, who did you shoot first? and routh said the one i could clearly identify. he's talking about chris kyle here. i knew if i did not take out his soul he was coming to take mine next. >> he was in the grip of a psychosis. a psychosis so severe at that point in time that he did not know what he was doing was wrong. >> the interrogation video lasts 90 minutes. he complains about the handcuffs being uncomfortable. he's left alone and tries to put on a pair of glasses. he asked for a cigarette. the investigator asked routh, after you killed them, what did
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you do next? routh responds, i fled i didn't know what else to do. i didn't know what was right, i didn't know what was wrong. i mean i know what was right now. the investigator would come back to ask him repeatedly if he knew that killing kyle and littlefield was wrong. after first answering he didn't know each time after that he said he knew it was wrong. the detective asked what he should tell the victims' families. he said he would tell them i'm sorry for what i've done. >> mental illnesses, even the ones that this defend may or may not have don't deprive people from the ability to be good citizens to know right from wrong. >> because this is an insanity case the question of whether or not he knew what he did was
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right or wrong is the central issue. it will take the jury to that day, so they can hear and judge for themselves and study his state of mind and draw their own conclusions. >> we saw him as he was being interviewed. but how is he responding in court, ed? >> you can tell from the videotape how much he's changed physically in the last two years. i saw him today, he had several conversations with his attorney. but what stands out is what we've seen in the last four days don, he's just constantly taking notes. we don't know what he's writing or taking down but he's been deliberately taking notes constantly throughout this entire trial. >> thank you very much. how will the videotape confession impact the outcome of the american sniper trial? our judges will weigh in next.
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with just maybelline and former chief judge who presided over the casey anthony trial. i have a lot to get to. the court watched a 90-minute confession from eddie ray routh that happened after the murders. and at one point he was asked what he told his sister. he answered this. i told her i had to kill men today. it wasn't a want to. it was a need. i had to to get out of that situation i was in today. routh also said later in the confession. he said i knew if i did not take out his soul he was coming to take mine next. that's him in his own words. does that sound like an insane person to you? >> it sounds like a person who is deeply disturbed. a person who may be in a psychosis, but the other side of the coin don, is the fact that he had been drinking and he had been doing marijuana laced with
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maybe formaldehyde. the question comes up is is he mallingering also or is he suffering from a psychosis? it's not clear-cut at this time. >> so following a string of bizarre comments from routh, he was asked -- do you want to weigh in on that, judge? because i have a quote for you, but go ahead. >> i think what it says about him he's going through and when he brings up the drinking and the narcotics, that it's voluntary. so we remove that. and then the question is was he crazy, or was he going threw a psychosis, or does he have a mental condition? when i read the account of his statements and his confession i said to myself, i don't think the prosecution -- that's really in the prosecution's favor. >> why not? >> i think clearly shows that the man was deranged. one minute he's talking about, i had to get them before he came to get my soul. what are you talking about, he
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came to get my soul? and i had to get that chris -- i had to get that chris because he's coming after me. he thinks he's still at war. >> one more quote here. i said i fled i didn't know what else to do. my adrenaline was so high. i didn't know what was right and what was wrong. well, i know what was right now. i let you know. then he said you know what they did today was wrong? you understand that? and routh says yes, sir. so he never denied anything after the murders in this confession. so how do you think that is going to play out in the jury's decision judge perry? >> well it's going to play but you got to look at some other statements he made. he made the statement, i shot them because they would not talk to me. he also talked about the fact
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that he basically ambushed and killed them. they did not know that they were being assassinated. so those are going to be factors that the jury's going to have to look at and balance that against his bizarre behavior. and the question is going to bore down when the shrinks talk about whether or not there is any evidence that he is faking his sickness greater than what his sickness is. >> okay. the court -- >> well he's -- >> go ahead, judge. >> he said -- then he also talked about every time there's a chris in my life and there's another chris, and there's another chris. so he has a psychosis of these chris people he had to get them before they got me because he believed he was being attacked. so there are a number of ways to look at his testimony. then he started talking about the pigs in the sky and all kind of stuff that made absolutely no sense even to the point that the detective said he's inaudible.
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he's making no sense, i don't understand what he's talking about. so he's sitting there talking to him and saying he's really not making sense now, and the stuff he's saying is mum bow jumbo. then he walks out the room and leaves him and comes back in. so the tape is so -- he talks to him a minute leaves comes back. so you don't know. this is not a continuous conversation. >> let's talk about -- >> never do you have him saying i killed -- these are questions being put to him. where did you shoot them and when did you shoot them. >> let's talk about his state of mind before he did the shooting. today in court they heard voice mails that were left on chris kyle's phone from the killer eddie ray routh. here's what he said this is the voice mail. he said, i was going to call you to talk to you about this dreary day we're having. you know it's kind of a -- kind of a sad day when it rains.
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rains will come and rains will leave. i guess that's what they do. all right, talk to you later, bye. >> that could be a classic example of someone in a mood swing because of alcohol. and alcohol intoxication will cause people to go to sad moods. the bottom line in this whole thing is whether or not he knew the difference between right and wrong. there's going to be no question that he suffered from a mental illness at some time during this. but at the time of the homicide whether or not he knew what he was doing was wrong. >> but considering the confessions and the voice mail, how could he not be ruled insane, judge mablean? >> that's what i'm saying based upon what i read of the confession i don't see any way you can't say he was insane. he did not make a complete sentence that made sense. and when he answered i knew it
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was right or wrong, that's the detective leading. did you know it was right then? what did you tell your sister? a confession is look, i was out on the range we were shooting the gun, i decided that something happened and i shot those people and now i'm sorry and i realize i shouldn't have. but this man is not saying that. he's -- you know he's being led to answer certain statements and there are moments of lucidity. >> you think he's being coerced? >> no not coerced, but he's being -- the question is leading. when you ask a leading question you get the answer that you want. so that's what the detective was doing. that's how he got the, quote, confession him saying, i knew it was wrong. >> less than 30 seconds left. considering all the attention that will be devoted to "american sniper" this weekend, six oscars you presided over the casey anthony trial. how much is this attention going
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to influence what's happening in that courtroom if at all? >> it shouldn't influence what's going to happen in the courtroom. hopefully the jury is not watching any of the coverage and listening to us debate these issues tonight. >> that's going to have to -- >> so it shouldn't have any effect. >> that's it. thank you, judges. appreciate it. coming up the alternative to shoot to kill the hi-tech innovation that could save suspects' lives. [engine revving] [engine revving] [engine revving] ♪ introducing the first-ever 306 horsepower lexus rc coupe with available all-wheel drive. once driven, there's no going back. lease the 2015 rc 350 for $449 a month for 36 months. see your lexus dealer. e financial noise financial noise
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police officers sometimes have just a split second to decide whether to use lethal force on a suspect. but a new invention may give them another option. sara sidner has more. >> this is the alternative. >> it's like an airbag for a bullet. >> it looks like a toy that attaches to a real gun, but it's nothing to play with. the new device is intended to give a suspect one last chance to live. >> put the knife down sir! >> reporter: when police decide the situation is dangerous enough to use lethal force. >> it was created by a retired sheriff's officer. he did not like the fact that people were being shot when the officers have time but no other option than lethal force. >> reporter: the makers say it's
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for use only when an officer has three seconds or more to react. what does it do to the body? >> it will be like getting hit with a hammer. >> the bullet travels about 1/5 the speed of a bullet. >> can it kill you? >> there's a possibility it could kill you, but it's very slight when you compare it to a bullet. >> reporter: after nine years in development, it's ready. it comes as police across the country face intense scrutiny and post over the killings of unarmed suspects. so far, there is only one police department in america that has decided to test the device. ferguson missouri. yes, that ferguson. the department that became the catalyst for nationwide protests against police tactics, after its officer shot to death unarmed teenager michael brown. >> why is ferguson looking at this device? >> this is something that we just happened to run across.
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especially considering the outcry about saving lives. even lives of people that you're trying to apprehend. that this might be something that was worth looking into. >> but some former law enforcement officers have huge reservations about it saying it could do more harm than good especially to officers. >> these situations escalate virtually instantaneously. if you had such a device available, to be quite frank with you, you could not transition to lethal force fast enough to save your life. >> the makers of the alternative say their tests shows otherwise. the device only works for the first shot. intended to stop not kill a suspect. but if that doesn't work, the gun is ready to fire lethal rounds in a split second. everything disengages from the weapon and the officer is ready to go with the bullets when needed. >> however the device has not been tested in real-life situations on real human beings. with the outcry of police
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tactics, for now, it's just an alternative, but in the future it just might save a life. sara sidner cnn, san diego. >> thanks sara. i'll be back here tomorrow night. ac 360 starts right now. >> good evening, thanks for joining us. a freight train carrying crude oil has gone off the tracks and it's burning out of control right now in west virginia. the governor declared a state of emergency. you see the fireball right there. we're working to get as much information as we can on this breaking story. we're going to bring you the latest details shortly. also tonight, a dangerous night on the road in places where snow rarely falls, like it's falling tonight. and more snow in new england. we'll have the latest on all of it. we begin with another country joining the battle against isis. drounl drawn into it by yet another isis horror show. egyp
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