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tv   New Day  CNN  February 20, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PST

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duty in hollywood covering the oscars. should have the vest on where's the vest? >> no vest no vest. >> stay safe. >> back here new developments in the war. a major fight brewing with isis on what could be the key battleground in iraq and that's mosul. u.s. had their hands full there more than once over the years, it's an isis stronghold and now serious talk that the u.s. may not only have to be back in the fight, but on the ground again. >> all of this happening as president obama calls for unity against violent extremism. the president is taking heat from both sides for his reluctance to use the words "islam" and "muslim." in describing the threats from isis. we begin our coverage with barbara starr at the pentagon. >> the pentagon revealing an iraqi plan to take back the city of mosul from isis. the way the plan was sketched out, the fight will begin in april or may.
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a force of 20 to 25,000 iraqi troops. being assembled, being trained to go to mosul. a lot of detail offered by the pentagon even the fact that peshmerga forces would help contain from the north and the west so isis fighters couldn't escape. the big question is still not decided, will it require a small number of u.s. troops on the ground to help pick out those isis targets? for the iraqi forces to strike. so you might ask yourself why all this detail? because we know the pentagon doesn't like to talk about future operations. maybe a little psyop, nonetheless the pentagon saying this is the plan. >> barbara, that's the plan thank you. and president obama marking the final day of a white house summit on extremism, saying that muslim nations have a particular challenge and responsibility to counter radical messages. let's go now to cnn's michelle
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kosinski live at the white house. and really as the president addressed this issue yesterday, michelle even though he wouldn't say muslim extremism, almost all of these programs that were discussed were targeting the muslim community. >> yeah and president obama took the time again to explain why the white house has had this stance. i mean this wrapped up with again, blunt talk at times from the president, and others saying that everyone has not just a role but a responsibility to try to prevent violent extremism. in particular speaking to muslim leaders, muslim communities, to be a voice to counter it. and he he hit those same points. at first of all, he didn't want to elevate terrorists to the level of some kind of religious leaders. that they desperately want that. and this is not a war against islam. >> none of us i think should be immune from criticism in terms
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of specific policies. but the notion that the west is at war with islam is an ugly lie. and all of us regardless of our faith have a responsibility to reject it. when peaceful democratic change is impossible it feeds into the terrorist propaganda that violence is the only answer available. so we must recognize that lasting stability and real security require democracy. >> well that's the goal there, i think the real take-aways from this are more funding to be spent on programs around the world to try to counter extremism. a deeper analysis of the problem. and the president announced this new program with the uae, a digital communications hub to try to counter all the messaging on social media that's been out there from isis and others. i think it was also interesting to hear from the director of the counterterrorism center. talking about what's not working. what could be done a lot better. first of all kind of early warning signs.
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identifying these in the communities. and he mentioned that there are good programs out there. these are very small, they're on a community level. but that's where the basis of extremism lies. he says those need to be expanded quite a bit. it's going to take time obviously, and in some cases a lot of time. but what was put out there, no the only from leaders in america, but from around the world are practical ideas, for example, the mayor of paris saying that when you look at the history of violent extremism in that country, you see a lot of school failures along the line. she's talking about possibly keeping schools open on saturday especially in vulnerable communities. chris? >> all right. appreciate the dissertation on how we got here. you got the fight for future. it's been 25 years so far. you have the urgency of the fight right now. and there's a battle coming that could be the biggest so far. it would have the most serious implications practically and
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politically. let's bring in the managen editor of "quartz," bobby ghosh and joining us former u.s. delta force commander, lieutenant colonel james reese, founder and chairman of tiger swan. mosul, it makes a lot of our best fighting men and women in the u.s. go ooh, not mosul. first question to you -- colonel, why do i know about this battle so far before it begins? loose lips sink ships, what's going on here? >> yeah chris, you know i heard everyone yesterday discussing oh my goodness oh my goodness we're telling them we're coming. first off, everyone knows this is coming. the iraqi forces are coming up the tigress river valley. the peshmerga are already outside of mosul. we have to keep one thing in mind -- mosul is a huge city. this is going to be a heck of a bloody fight when we finally get in here. one thing the iraqis the iraqis want to do -- we have to stop putting our western strategy on this is -- the iraqis wants to be able to give some time for
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the populace if they can get out of there, get them out of there. so they're not having the populace inside this fight. >> that's a key thing. i know that you say that the implications going on here are huge. people don't even understand it i'm going to have you explain it to us. you touched on a key point, bobby, that you've been discussing. this is the second most populated city. there's a play here on advanced notice that may hurt within the ranks of isis. how could this work to the advantage of the coalition, letting it be known ahead of time. >> the hope is that all of these young disaffected people from around the world who are flocking to the region to join isis maybe if you start talking up the battle of mosul, it will give some people pause. if you're a young guy in morocco and you're thinking of going to fight with the islamic state, when you hear that there's a big battle coming perhaps that makes you think -- i don't want to go right now. i'm not sure that always works. because for a lot of these
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people the prospect of going to battle is exactly ha draws them there. the idea of dieing in some glorious martyrdom is what draws them there. >> seeing videos of smiling training faces, hit-and-run adventures where they're obviously well equipped with assets -- not going to be the case this time. >> when you start seeing tanks circling the city maybe it sends a chill down your spine. that's the hope. the trouble is that this is a huge city. to get a perspective, bashar al assad's army in syria. very sophisticated army with no concern for civilian lives. have been going in and pounding isis with tanks, with sort of bombs from the air, with ground troops and they still haven't defeated isis. on their home turf. so that gives you a sense, the syrian army much better prepared much more used to fighting than the iraqis. >> we don't have turkey involved yet on the ground themselves. but at least they're helping to
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train. now there's talk that we're going to start helping the syrian rebels. i know you both think we're too late and a dollar short with that. at least it's something. but colonel size up the military campaign ahead. you said that you would liken this to what stalingrad in terms of what makes it such a hard place to fight. what can we expect going in there? >> any time you go into a military operations in urban train, mout operation like this. you are fighting 360 degrees, up and down asymmetric fight, everywhere you have to turn there could be a threat both for the good guys and the bad guys in this fight. it is a difficult fight. it's a slog it's street by street. and what has to happen for the coalition is that what we're doing pretty well right now, they're isolating isis in mosul. cutting off their supply lines, cutting off the ability to reinforce. the peshmerga to the
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north-northwest. they'll start to isolate. then we'll start pounding the isis positions, really starting to degrade them and then what we'd really hope for is isis decides maybe they say, no mas and puts up the white flag which i don't think is ever going to happen. and eventually we'll have to gain a foothold in mosul and take it street by street and eradicate isis out of mosul. >> we're looking ahead to the worst. there's going to be heavy civilian casualties. it's going to be bloody it won't be easy or quick. we've seen it in mosul even with the best fighting men and women on the ground. last point, bobby? there going to need to be an internal revolt. the people who live there rising up against isis. >> they're only going to do that if they're confident that baghdad has their back and right now baghdad hasn't proven that the baghdad forces walked away from mosul. left two million people vulnerable to isis. those people now have to be convinced that if you rise up against isis we will come and protect you.
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we won't leave you stranded there with your families. and sort of basically have isis come knocking on your door again. we have your back. we're coming in we've got you covered. now rise up and help us from within. unless that happens, this is not going to work. >> colonel reese, bobby ghosh, thank you very much. that's the big paranoia in that part of the world. the americans come in they help us and then they're gone and we're left with a government that doesn't have our back. a deep freeze bearing down on most of the eastern united states. 185 million people in 30 states gearing up for what will be and already is the coldest day of the season. cnn's ryan young joins us from a frozen-over niagara falls with, where this morning it feels like 30 below zero or as far as ryan is concerned, it just feels awesome. good morning, ryan. >> it definitely feels awesome, say that again, negative 30
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unbelievable temperatures it's very cold. but what a sight. they shut the lights off this morning for the falls and of course as daylight comes up we'll be able to see them better. as you look over the edge you can see the mist just pounding up. the water is still flowing, even though it looks frozen here. especially if you look back towards the wall. you can see the water coming over the edge. more than 20 million gallons moves through here during the winter. but this is a frozen iceland. if you see it with your eyes. we've been standing here with dozens of people as they've been enjoying the sight. it's become such a tourist attraction especially with the frozen iceland they have here. we saw people stopping to take pictures kissing each other. having a good time at the edge. i can tell you it is never frozen it hasn't frozen here in 150 years in terms of the actual body of water. so it is flowing. on the american side it's rock-solid shut. we're on the canadian side. take a look at the graphic just to see, just how cold it is across the country. you see it, lexington, kentucky
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negative 13. and here wind chill of negative 31. and i can tell you it's so super cold. you see boston your home town john they haven't been above freezing in the last 15 days. you can tell everybody here it is just cold. you can feel it on your face. it just does something to you. >> it's hard to talk. we can hear it ryan it's simply hard to make out words when it's as cold as it is. thank you for being there and braving the cold we'll check back in with you in a little bit. >> don't you think that's why people are kissing, they're trying to warm up their mouths? >> if you kiss somebody you won't ever be able to move apart. it will be one long kiss. >> he always has that theory. you probably want to know if there's any relief to this unbearable cold. chad myers, tell us when is it going to let up? >> it gets better on sunday. we have that to look forward to. and in new york you'll be above 40 degrees, but the temperatures in michigan right now are unbelievable. pellston michigan right now, 33 below zero. and that is not a wind chill.
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there is no wind. it's calm. 33 below zero. gaylord gaylord, michigan 32 below right now. wind chill factors across the northeast. 12 below, new york city 7 below d.c. so bundle up yourself the kids and the pets. it is 13 below in lexington, the old record is zero. you have broken the record by 13 degrees, you've shattered the record today and the highs don't warm up much. nashville, you get an ice storm at 30. dayton you'll get snow across to pittsburgh. another storm system coming out of the south. spreading ice for a while for nashville. but what you'll notice with the storm is you'll get ice and then it will just rain and it will be 36. so there's some relief. now it never warms up pittsburgh indianapolis or even into columbus ohio. you stay snow almost the entire time. there will be snow for new york city as well and it will change over to rain. watch the little period the little period one or two hours where it's a sheet of ice before it warms up. >> that's what it is it's not about the numbers, it's about the conditions and we want
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people to be aware. chad everett, thank you very much we'll check back in with you in a little bit. a stronghold into donetsk, the leaders of ukraine and germany speaking overnight, emphasizing that international monitors should be allowed to observe. meanwhile russian separatists in complete control of debaltseve. including a crucial rail hub, major development. we want to turn to new unrest in venezuela, the mayor of caracas was arrested. we want to get to cnn's rafael romo to this and a complete disregard for the idea of political opposition rafael. >> john good morning, it seems like the military operation, witnesses including his wife say as many as 150 heavily armed intelligence agents burst into his office breaking the door with a sledgehammer there was a lot of pushing before opposition mayor antonio ledesma was taken
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away violently. it was hours before the socialist venezuelan government acknowledged the arrest. the president said the mayor will be prosecuted so that he answers for that all of the crimes committed against the peace, security and constitution end quote of venezuela. last week the president accused the caracas mayor of being involved in a plot to overthrow the government. the mayor has denied the accusation, calling it the government's latest attempt to manufacture controversy and target political opponents. opposition leaders say he's targeting political opponents to shift attention from the country's multiple problems. shortages of goods and services are commonplace, back to you. >> thanks rafael. the nfl's oakland raiders and the san diego chargers are proposing to move to los angeles and share a stadium if they can't get new stadium deals done in their home cities by the end of the year. the proposed site is in carson california the stadium would be
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privately financed. both teams have seen attendance dwindle in their current aging homes, used since the mid '60s. the countdown is on for hollywood's biggest night, the oscars two days away. michaela pereira on the red carpet in hollywood. the anticipation we're feeling it all the way over here. michaela? >> the anticipation is pretty strong at 3:00 a.m. in hollywood. just me and the club kids are up. all of the vote something done. they have been cast. all that is left is the big glamorous show on sunday. hollywood's biggest night. now the producers are billing this show as a mix of magic and song. but as you're about to find out, the competition is really close. take a look. this morning, the countdown to oscar sunday is near at hand. the steep competition igniting debate. >> the oscars tend to do well when movies do well. this year you have seven of the eight best picture nominees with
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moderate or small box office success. and then you have this goliath. >> a driving momentum a box office record-breaker and independent heavy-hitters pushing political and social hot buttons. >> dr. king! >> the struggle for gay rights plays out in the "imitation game." >> what if i don't fancy germany in that way? >> it's illegal. they're looking for any excuse to put you away. and "american sniper," the i highest-grossing war film ever. >> if i can't see them i can't shoot them. >> critics call the lionizing of a sniper as a patriot and a hero both a pro war and an anti-war film. >> this one is just american hero he's a psychopath patriot and we love him. >> this as "selma" digs into racial injustice on the heels of heated protests in ferguson missouri. >> we're not asking we're demanding, give us the vote.
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>> the african-american-led feature sparking dialogue after being snubbed for most nominations. >> there's no real easy explanation for why it was snubbed. some people think the studio wasn't aggressive enough. oscar voters may not have seen it or connected with it. >> the resulting is all nominees are white. historical lack of diversity by the academy. >> from the class of 2014 thank you, thank you and congratulations and oscar's 87-year history, only 14 african-americans have ever won an acting award out of over 300 presented. so controversy aside, a lot of films and a lot of performances getting a lot of buzz but also a lot of those categories are down to the wire. it's anybody's guess how they're going to fall. a real nail-biter. hard to predict. we're going to try our hand at it anyway. two hollywood insiders going to join me coming up on "new day" to talk about their predictions for the big night, hollywood's chrissest night.
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chris, brianna, john i can't wait. >> i love who you're wearing, brianna told me not to say what you're wearing. i love who you're wearing. >> we're going to talk about that there's a little bit of push-back on that. people saying i'm more than the dress, i'm more than just the fashion. >> that's what berman says every morning, i'm not just my suit i'm not just my hair. >> so true. >> take a quick break, president obama admitting we're losing recruitment bat toll isis. how is the terror group able to convince so many young people to basically go die? we have what the best answers are to that question, and to stopping it. for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are thankful for many things. the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. our world-class service earned usaa the top spot in a study of the most recommended large companies in america. if you're current or former military
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the notion that the west is at war with islam san ugly lie. and all of us regardless of our faith, have a responsibility to reject it. >> that was president obama's during his three-day white house summit to combat extremism. he called on religious leaders to confront extreme ideologists that attract young recruits will the leaders heed the call? i want to bring in somebody who already is the executive director of the all-dulles area
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muslim society and he's intervened in several cases of young men being recruited by isis. imam thanks so much for being with us and give us a sense, i think so many people don't understand how isis in particular how it recruits young people and the methods that it uses to really sell its ideology. >> thank you for having me. as the american muslims always you know work with the youth and integrate them into society and have them to be part of girl scout, boy scout program, they are very alert that for any kind of targeting to the children. and most of the cases that i dealt with the parents who are the one who came to me and says we realize that our child being recruited or being talked to about violent extremist ideas.
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what the isis does it used the internet. and try to isolate children from their mosque from their parents, and to try to project itself as the only legitimate source of islam. and as we have heard many times, that isis does not represent islam in any way or form. it is the ideology that preach hate and islam is the theology of love and it is the ideology that preach death and islam is the theology of life. therefore when we talk to young people we explain to them that what you've been hearing is not the true message of islam and we help parents as any pastor or rabbi might talk to a child being recruited for gang violence to try to integrate that child back into the community. >> i wonder osama bin laden,
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when he was declaring jihad, in 1998 he he quoted the koran, he said fight and enslave the nonbelievers anywhere you find them. lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war. what do you say when you try to tell young people at risk that this is not the message of islam? >> i would like us to say in every religious text there's passages that can be taken out of context. and when i teach young people when i share with them the message of islam, i say to them look to the marvel of the prophet of islam. his message was a message of love and god said we send you as a mercy to the whole world. see how he dealt with his neighbor how he forgive other people who wronged him. how he engaged the entire community around him in the message of peace.
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therefore when isis or anyone who tried to teach the ideology of hate to young people quoting the koran and to them to try to legitimize violence we deconstruct those ideas by using the same text. >> the only way to address this issue from the ideological perspective is to use the same text to preach the message of love and peace. >> let's talk about the risk factors of those who are most vulnerable. it seems to be that they are men. they seem to be getting younger. we heard president obama say that poverty really puts some of these young men at a risk. but it sounds like talking to you and other muslim leaders, that it's alienation that's the bigger issue, right? >> absolutely. you're right. it's not about being poor only. there's many factors, and one of them is that the young people, when they engage in the virtual
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community, when they start talking to people in the internet and try to take their religious teaching from them that's where the problem starts. and that's why our mosque and many mosques around the united states have created program that really provide youth engagement program that made them part of the social fabric. we have the largest boy scout girl scout program in our mosque. therefore many people that who come to me they didn't go to the mosque. they have learned all of these things on the internet. >> it's such important work that you're doing, imam magid, thanks so much for coming on and talking to us about it. >> that's an important conversation. after the break, brianna, we have an arrest in the las vegas road rage murder. few saw this coming. wait until you hear who this 19-year-old is and the
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relationship he had with the victim. what does it mean to have an unlimited mileage warranty on a certified pre-owned mercedes-benz? what does it mean to drive as far as you want... for up to three years... and be covered? it means your odometer... is there to record... the memories. during the mercedes-benz certified pre-owned sales event now through march 2nd, you'll get complimentary pre-paid maintenance and receive your first two month's payments on us. only at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. i'm angela and i quit smoking with chantix. my children always wanted me to quit smoking but i resigned myself to the fact that it wasn't going to work. but chantix helped me do it. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it gave me the power to overcome the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior,
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bizarre twist -- overused
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phrase i'll grant you. not this time in the las vegas road rage case the teenaged suspect and the mom he allegedly shot dead were neighbors, ana ka braina joins us live from las vegas with the latest. what do we know now. >> this story has had so many twists and turns, police say they're still looking for at least one more suspect this morning. but they believe they have the man who pulled the trigger. and the shots. now remember this all started a little over a week ago. a mom was giving her 15-year-old daughter driving lessons, they were returning to their home when they got into a confrontation with another driver. it all ended sometime later with an exchange of deadly gunfire right in front of the victim's home. what looked to be a manhunt that was stretching far and wideneded up turning into a search for the boy next door. >> we know this boy. i couldn't tell you this before. >> a surprising twist in the arrest of a 19-year-old suspect
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in the murder of tammy meyers mother of four killed in an apparent case of road rage. robert meyers says his wife knew her suspected killer. >> we knew how bad he was, we didn't know he was this bad. >> eric nowsch junior shown flaunting drugs and money in social media posts faces multiple felony charges, including murder. one week after 44-year-old meyers was shot in the head -- a tense standoff with police thursday afternoon. the arrest just one block from the deadly encounter. emotions running high as the suspect's mother arrived on scene. >> turn your [ bleep ] phone off. then the victim's husband, robert meyers anger and grief boiling over. >> you treated my wife like an animal my son. there's the animal a block away. are you happy? >> meyers insists his wife was never an aggressor, while police previously suggested that tammy meyers went home dropped off her
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daughter and picked up her 22-year-old son who was armed, seeking to confront a reckless dryer. meyers argues his wife was afraid and instead fled the home trying to hide her car from the known assailant. but she came upon the driver again and shots were exchanged. >> the suspect involved in the killing of mrs. meyers is in custody and off the streets of las vegas. >> as the investigation continues, the meyers' family mourns the loss of a loving wife mother and grandmother. who they say once tried to help this troubled young man. >> he's probably watching this right now and i know he's got to feel bad. because she was really good to him. >> now nowsch faces charges of murder attempted murder and dischargeing in a prohibited area. he's said to have his first court appearance on monday. john? >> thanks so much ana cabrera covering the story in las vegas. the pentagon unveiling details of a spring offensive by u.s. and iraqi forces to drive
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isis out of mosul. that's iraq's second-largest city. officials say as many as 25,000 iraqi troops could be involved backed by u.s. air power. this is expected to begin in april or may. what is not known is whether any u.s. ground troops will be involved. mosul as we said is iraq's second-largest city the main isis stronghold right now inside iraq. >> at least five people were injured after two commuter trains slammed into each other in switzerland. one witness says a high-speed express train hit a slower-moving local train from behind. photos from the scene show the driver's cabin on one of the trains it's just ripped apart. no word on what caused the accident. the swiss rail system is known for its good safety record. a car bomb outside a care oakky bar left at least 10 people hurt in sown thailand. it was on a street loaded with bars and restaurants. so far, no deaths have been reported. thailand has been battling with muslim separatists in the region. so far no group has taken
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responsibility for the attack. fox news host bill o'reilly is defending himself that he -- left-leaning "mother jones" is accusing him about misleading news coverage dur the faulkland islands. by claiming he was in a war zone. o'reilly said he was in argentina during the war at the end of the war. this is on the heels of nbc suspending brian williams for six months for embellishing what he did during the conflict in iraq. well we'll be talking about this more. because we have to know now because of the williams example, what did he say, what is really true. and what's going to happen. we'll bring in some people who follow the media to help us do that. the defense rests in the "american sniper" trial. but not before taking a major setback. we'll tell you what happened and
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what it could mean. as for the film "american sniper," it's nominated for six academy awards including best picture. what are its chances of taking home an oscar? alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are ya? good. aleve. proven better on pain. in my world, wall isn't a street. return on investment isn't the only return i'm looking forward to. for some every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. our commitment to current and former
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. the defense has rested after two and a half days in the "american sniper" trial. but not before calling their experts, laying out their best testimony. one of the experts disqualified by the judge. how key? why did it happen? how big of a deal will it make for the defense team especially right as it was ending. let's bring in joey jackson, and midwin charles, criminal defense attorney. but not today, you've got to play the other side of it for me. this was, we've had a five and a half-day prosecution quick. two and a half-day defense, even quicker, i think it suggests joany, that these people are getting ready to go another round. what do you see about the timing of this and tell us what happened with the mental health experts. >> the timing was fine you want to lay out your evidence
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suggest to the jury that the knew what he was done. he knew right from wrong. as to the defense, i thought this particular witness was very effective. why was he effective? i thought he was effective in terms of evaluating the whole mental health history and just explaining it. and explaining that you know what there were pig assassins who were out to get this client. >> that's what it was, forget about his qualifications and what he knew. when he said that the guy told me that i thought chris kyled a chad littlefield, were half-pig assassins and i know i work with cannibals, the testimony was over right there, right? >> this is a director of forensic psychiatry at terrelle hospital. you're talking about a person who is credible and who put it all together to suggest to the jury. he said he did not have routh, post traumatic stress disorder but he had mental health history that affected his ability to distinguish right from wrong. when he started talking about
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cannibals and the smell of people getting cooked up and the fact that he really, that is routh, was not in his proper state, i thought it was effective. >> midwin when you look at this and you think the guy says lots of crazy things it doesn't mean he was legally insane. another expert comes out, the judge says i agree with the prosecution, you don't have a physician's license, you don't really measure mental illness, you just meet with veterans afterwards. that seemed to be a little bit of a nod that being sick is not enough. why? >> well what i find most interesting about that is being sick is not enough. that's one thing that i think your viewers should find interesting. i think everybody sees from "law and order" that when someone files a not guilty plea because for reason of insanity they think it happens often. but believe it or not, those pleas are not often successful. it's not just that you're sick. it's that you didn't know the difference between right and wrong. >> texas has a very narrow statute. >> at the time of the crime. >> so that means -- >> when he shot these two guys he just needed to know that this
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is not a good thing to do to these two people to kill them. >> right, and if you look at his actions after the fact they do not bode well for that defense. he fled. he went to his sister's house and said listen i took two souls. and she said you should go to the police and he said no no no i'm going to oklahoma instead. what does that say? it says i know that what i did is wrong and i'm trying to evade -- >> he said he knew it was wrong. >> generally i with dree with my esteemed counsel here. >> don't let him do that. don't let him sweet talk you. now he's going to get you. >> here's the reality. generally when you flee it shows consciousness of guilt. i knew what i was doing. but if you're paranoid if you think people are pig assassins, if you think i have to get them before they get me if you describe the trip to the range as a one-way trip that he thought that he wasn't going to get out of that and remember it was also explained his remorse, he was remorseful because he had to do what he had to do. and people who do things they have to do can still be remorseful. so i don't think -- >> but the prosecution can flip
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that that they can say he was remorseful because he knew what he did was wrong. i think the defense was done a masterful job of really laying out how sick this guy was. every single box was just check check check, which is what they are supposed to do. >> which is why they'll be victorious. >> i don't know, joey i don't know. >> this is a hard one. when you lose people it's always a horrible thing. but this was a high-profile person. chad littlefield was somebody trying to do something very special with his life. that's going to be weighed against how we see mental health. that's why the trial is so important. yes, chris kyle how we see mental health. everyone is going to agree on that jury. this guy was really mentally ill. it's a real problem and he should have gotten health. they're not going to use it in this verdict, very likely. >> i think what's important with this case is we are really seeing exactly how mental illness impacts those who serve
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this country. and when they -- >> and the legal system doesn't embrace it. >> and the legal system needs to sort of catch up with how to deal with these sort of defendants. >> i thought the prosecution being able to object to the first doctor that this they called, wasn't a doctor a clinical social worker. that's why not having his testimony, charles overstreet it was a big blow for the defense, you want more than one person to opine that he was insane. that is mr. routh. >> true they just did two and a half days but there will be a whole other round that we're going to see now and we'll break it down. >> battle of the experts, chris. >> thank you very much. >> a tough day for you, joey. >> every day is a tough day for me. thanks chris. we're just two days now away from the biggest night in hollywood. the 87th academy awards who is going to take home an oscar? who will be disappointed. we go back to michaela in los angeles, next.
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♪ ♪ ♪ hurray for hollywood ♪ >> there it is people you're looking live at hollywood boulevard, welcome back to "new day," i'm michaela pereira live in los angeles along hollywood boulevard. i'm standing on the red carpet. which is covered in plastic to protect it from the elements we're two days away from hollywood's biggest night. los angeles has rolled out the literal red carpet. the town is abuzz ahead of the 87th annual academy awards. here to talk about all of the glamour and the fun and the nominees on the red carpet with me some of the things to watch for. i have pete hammond, awards editor for a girl we know a little bit about on "new day," nischelle turn ir entertainment host. and the only people on the red carpet are the crews and the camera crews, it's ready to go for sunday night. >> when you hear that song "hurray for hollywood" it gets me pumped. >> it's going to be hot on sunday it will be great is.
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>> it won't be super-hot temperaturewise, we'll talk about the forecast. >> talking about the star heat. >> i blame michaela. because last year at this time it was pouring rain. this year you brought the june gloom, what's wrong with you? >> maybe it's my canadian roots or something. i'm trying to bring the weather. let's talk about the year for oscar and i want to get to the picks that you have. not a big blockbuster year in terms of films, a lot of social issues taking the forefront. a lot of big heavy issues taking the forefront. >> there's a lot of independent films that are nominated this year. there's one big studio movie that's made $300 million, which is combined what the other movies have made and that of course is "american sniper." which is clint eastwood has ridden in here to save the oscars. the rest of them are an interesting mix of movies like "boyhood" and thoughtful movies like "selma" a powerful movie, controversial in some ways. you have "birdman" a movie
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nobody saw coming. and then a movie like "the grand budapest hotel". >> so quirky and fun. let's talk about your prediction predictions because you've been watching what's going on in terms of the race and also understand i think you do the mind of the 0s car voter. which is something you have to take into account when you're thinking about the predictions. so let's do the toughest category i believe, nischelle, we'll start with best picture. this one is not easy to predict. a lot of great, great films in this category. >> i think it's coming down to a two-horse race for this one. and that would be between "boyhood" and "birdman." if it was up to me i think it's going to be "boyhood." because of the innovativeness of richard linklater and his directing, the 12 years to make it the actors not being able to sign contracts, having to commit and do it. it was a good film. a coming of age film that i loved. >> now, pete your best pick for
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pic? >> "birdman" these are seen as the front-runners. >> they are, "boyhood" and "birdman" it's neck and neck with these two. but the industry seems to have gravitated towards "birdman." "birdman" is about a narcissistic actor and who is voting here? >> they can relate to that. >> but "american sniper" could be a sleeper. >> it's really close here with the way they count votes here. a movie like that could sneak in with its, with its votes. >> let's move on to best category. best actor. can we put your picks up on the screen? because you guys actually agreed on something. you both agreed that eddie redmayne -- shut it down give him the award and let him go home. >> well you know -- >> i wouldn't have said that a month ago. i would have said michael keaton a month ago. >> i'm hearing, i talk to a lot
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of voters and i'm hearing keaton redmayne but it's close. but eddie redmayne has been out here campaigning like he's running for mayor. >> yes, he has. >> he charms everybody. i've been in many rooms here with him and i've watched this happen and also i think he's got the role. he's playing stephen hawking, physically an incredibly difficult role. >> and at the end of the day, he was brilliant. >> brilliant. not campaigning aside, brilliant. let's go to best actress, another reason to see that you guys agree on something. because you all picked and i actually think that this is her year as well julianne moore. >> over due. playing a victim of early-on set alzheimer's. a very strong role. very powerful performance by her. she's always good this is her fifth nomination. >> do you think this is the year for her, nischelle? >> it is her year and she deserves it. the movie is heartbreaking and she gives a master class in acting in this film and she deserves it. it's hers we can put a bow on
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it, wrap it up and go home. ? she knows it believe me. >> i cannot wait. because you know what the dresses are going to be great this year i can predict it as well pete nischelle thank you so much. we want to know your picks apt home for the oscars tweet us by going to @newday and also if you're thinking about what you need to do on sunday -- i got to plan for you, tune in to cnn sunday night, don lemon andry hosting hollywood's biggest night, live on the red carpet. look at the picture of the two cuties that's trouble. live from the red carpet 6:00 p.m. eastern, 3:00 p.m. pacific. i'm in charge of keeping him in line on sunday. so it's going to be a great time. chris, we're looking forward to it and great to have the perspective of two insiders here in hollywood. >> you'll make it great. i'm telling you now, there's no "ade" in that lemon. a lot of news let's get to it. there's a major fight brewing with isis for what could be the key battleground in iraq. >> these terrorists are desperate for legitimacy. >> i think at the end of the
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day, they'll lose. but in the process a lot of people are going to die. niagara falls -- frozen. >> they're just chunks of ice everywhere. >> even florida is under a freeze warning. >> i'm feeling like i'm losing my nose right now. the anticipation is pretty strong. >> hollywood's biggest night. >> this morning, the countdown to oscar sunday is near at hand. this is "new day," with chris cuomo, alisyn camerota and michaela pereira. >> good morning, welcome back to your "new day," i'm chris cuomo, alisyn camerota is off, we have brianna keilar and john berman here with us this morning. the beautiful michaela pereira is where she should be on the red carpet in hollywood covering the oscars. >> living the life. >> you look gorgeous. can't wait to hear what you have to say. i miss you. the big news from here -- retaking mosul. this could be the biggest battle against isis so far. will it take u.s. boots on the
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ground to get it done? that's the question. now in a rare preview of military action the pentagon is revealing details of the major military offensive to come. including when it may happen. why? aimed at driving isis out of iraq's second city. hoping they have a better thought about it. >> and this comes as president obama urges muslim nations to step up and do more to help stamp out extremism. we have team coverage and we're beginning with cnn's barbara starr, live for us at the pentagon. good morning, barbara. >> good morning, brianna. according to the pentagon the plan looks like this it will start, they hope sometime in late april or may. a force of about 20 to 25,000 iraqi forces going against one to 2,000 isis fighters inside mosul. the u.s. still not decided whether it will put a very small number of people on the ground if they are needed. to help the iraqis pick out those isis targets in a dense urban area like mosul. that is something the president
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would have to approve of. the recommendation hasn't even been made. so why is the pentagon talking about future military operations? that's one of the commandments you never talk ahead of time about what you're going to do? it may be a bit of psyops it may be to encourage the iraqis maybe to show isis that the coalition is coming after them. and that they can't hold on to mosul. one of their prizes. but looking at it this way -- isis far from stupid. they know the battle is coming. they know the coalition and the iraqis are coming after them. the big question on the table is -- will those 20 to 25,000 iraqi forces really now finally be able to get the job done? chris? >> and barbara, we'll rely on you to see whether or not they'll wind up at some point having the aid of u.s. fighting men and women on the ground. we'll check back with you later. the big summit about extremism may have been at the white house. but the president's message to the allies was, you need to take care of your own house. let's go to cnn's michelle kosinski at the white house.
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michelle he was very direct about this president obama, saying the problem starts with you, and there's situations you must fix. >> there was that and also the fact that we have been hearing these strong arguments back and forth on both sides of the aisle for days now. over whether the white house should have more clearly articulated the role of islamic extremism. and so now for the second time during the summit now before these foreign ministers from around the world, the president addresses it. and explains it. >> these terrorists are desperate for legitimacy. and all of us have a responsibility to refute the notion that groups like isil somehow represent islam. because that is a falsehood that embraces the terrorist narrative. muslim communities, including scholars and clerics, therefore have a responsibility to push back. not just on twisted interpretations of islam, but also on the lie that we are
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somehow engaged in a clash of civilizations. >> so this was three days of talking with these people from more than 60 countries around the world. of course you ask, well what good comes of this now? as you may have guessed, it is complicated. here you have a global problem. but it has its roots in the individual within communities. and getting at that is not only difficult, but it can take a long time. you know it's interesting to hear from the director of the national counterterrorism center talking about what more could be done in a really practical level. he said programs that identify early warning signs. like in schools, or in religious institutions and also he said that there are programs out there that seem to be really useful. but they need to be expanded greatly and also as quickly as possible. other topics that we're going to see some action on in terms of funding and trying to establish programs are getting religious leaders to engage especially
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with young people. and programs that show young people that there are positive alternatives and opportunities, was a big one. i think one of the take-aways was that the u.s. is going to work with the uae on digital communications and trying to counter all of that messaging on social media. that's out there from isil and other terrorists groups. brianna? >> michelle at the white house, thanks so much. i want to bring in now congressman jim himes, a democrat from connecticut. he's also a member of the house intelligence committee. a key post there. congressman, thanks so much for being with us. and i want to talk to you first about what we just heard, we just heard barbara starr talk about, which is the pentagon now saying that there is an iraqi and kurdish military force of 20,000 to 25,000. this is being prepared to retake mosul in perhaps april, perhaps may. why is the pentagon talking about a military action before it's happened?
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i'm asking you that because some critics are suggesting that this isn't necessarily a about psyops. this may be about politics. what do you say? >> well i certainly think it's a roll of the dice. look obviously signaling your intentions to the enemy is unorthodox way of approaching this. but remember one of the battles that's being fought right now, metaphorical battles, anyway is the battle for recruits. the more the disaffected young men, largely young men around the world or even in places like turkey think that there's a high probability that if they go to mosul, or if they go to northern syria, that they're likely to wind up dead that's not going to dissuade all of them. but it's going to dissuade some of them. it is a real gamble here. we've got some experience with this. we know two things one, the iraqi army has not distinguished itself in the last year with as a fighting force, and remember we did this once before. you know the finest fighting force in the world, the united states marine corps had a rough
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time retaking the city of fallujah many years ago from a similar band of terrorists. there's nothing uglier or more difficult than door-to-door urban fighting. so it's a bit of a gamble that the pentagon is taking. >> you say it's a bit of a gamble. do you think, certainly our expectation with some of the recruits is they're inspired to die for a cause. so isn't there also an argument to be made that telegraphing or saying outright that this force is going into to retake mosul that it might actually inspire some young people to join up and fight with isis? >> look, there's no doubt that some of the people that are part of isis some people are so out there, so on the fringe that they might move towards their own deaths or a suicide mission. we see that. but i don't think that's the majority of people. if you can take some people and keep them away that's that's a good outcome. but look at the end of the day, most of the people are making a
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rational calculation. even if some of the people are really truly seeking martyrdom, or whatever it is that they seek. >> the president has laid out a plan congressman, to win or attempt to win the hearts and minds and to deter people from joining up with isis. but you said that you fear there will be little discussion of a long-term strategy to stop terrorism at its source. what you heard yesterday from the white house, does it do what you think needs to be done? >> well it's a very small part of it. and yes, i have said over and over again that we spend in the united states congress so much time talking about how we're calibrated militarily and through the use of our intelligence community to go after the terrorists and we're pretty good at that through the various means we have of taking out their leadership. but very rarely does the congress of the united states sit back and say, wait a second what are the larger structural reasons that a, that terrorism and that violence is flourishing in the middle east?
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why are states failing? why did libya come apart at the seams and is now a failed state where isis is showing up? why is it that the entire northern half of iraq decided to go with a bunch of murderous terrorists instead of actually working with their own national army? what motivates a young man in cairo to decide that instead of living a middle-class small business lifestyle, they're going to go sign up with isil? those are deep and profound questions, if we don't get to them -- it has to do with failed states and people feeling like they don't have either economic or political opportunity. it has to do with you know imams, a small number of them preying on young men and vulnerable young men. if we don't address those issues 30 40 years from now we will still be talking about drone strikes and boots on the ground. i think the president's discussion of the last three days is important, but it's a very, very small part of the bigger picture. >> before i let you go congressman, fascinating
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personality profile coming out from the u.s. intelligence community of the head of isis abu bakr al-baghdadi, suggesting he's headstrong a relimgous zealot and he has an apocalyptic vision. what does the profile tell you about isis' motives? >> there's no question there's a real discussion happening in the media and amongst academics about exactly who these people are. and quite candidly right out of the box at the highest levels including the president, we didn't have a particularly good finger on the pulse of what this organization was. you know the president's unfortunate comments about this being the jv team to al qaeda that turned out not to be the case. so understanding who these people are, and though i think we're spending too much time on this. you know how do they relate to islam, is an important conversation. because yes, the leadership are these apocalyptic, insane is the wrong word but people who think they're bringing about the end of times. and we need to understand how we can make them look wrong in that
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religious interpretation. let's push them back let's show the islamic world that we can collectively beat these guys that they are in fact a band of ideologically motivated criminals and the recruiting will begin to be a lot less successful than it has been. >> that's the struggle we're seeing now from washington. congressman himes thanks for being with us. russian separatists are in complete control of debaltseve in ukraine. including a major rail hub. a week into the phantom cease-fire there. our senior international correspondent nick paton walsh is live in donetsk, where there was shelling overnight? >> well it was remarkable actually here in the separatist stronghold yesterday the most intense day of shelling on the outskirts of the city that we've seen in a long time since the truce failed in the early hours of sunday. again we heard some volleys today, it is measurably quieter, but the separatists have said that one woman was killed in the shelling yesterday.
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clearly, this is not a truce. and it has to come a moment surely where the ukraine, russia france and germany, their rhetoric catches up with the reality on the ground and people declare the minsk agreement to have been violated. debaltseve may have been the ukrainian defeat. separatists encircling that town and take full control of it. that could have been the bloodiest period of this conflict so far, ukraine is still counting its dead from that violence. perhaps later today we'll hear from the osc monitors in charge of looking at the cease-fire. assessing it but realistically we're far from a truce and a separatists now themselves in fact saying that if what they call ukrainian fire continues on their targets and territory here they themselves will step out of the minsk agreement. then we are in a very uncertain potentially escalation of violence here. just on the edge of europe. >> new level of chaos there, to be sure. >> nick please stay safe over there. let's change topics come back home here.
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will you tweet me a word that truly captures the weather? cold ain't cutting it any more not when tens of millions will suffer record lows and freeze warnings are issued not just across 30 states as deep down south as florida. cnn's ryan young, he ain't in florida. he's at niagara falls no more. ryan how you holding up and what's going on behind you? >> i'm holding up pretty well. it's pretty cold. not the same kind of temperatures i'm used to with the negative 31 wind chill. but, look this is absolutely beautiful. in fact so many people are coming to check it out, we'll have to show you this the sunrise is coming up so many people are walking this direction. so they can see what we are seeing with this beautiful sunrise. the mist coming up and the water flowing over. of course a lot of people are flocking here because as you can see, it looks like a winter wonderland. i'm standing in a snow globe essentially all of this ice is frozen. but they say the water is moving under it. and in fact they say more than
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20 million gallons of water is still moving through this area. people want to see this because it does look like everything is rock-solid. you look in that direction, you see people who are just coming from all around in fact we've seen people kissing and holding and taking pictures. all to get a glimpse of this. as we were sitting in our room and looking at it overnight, it was really majestic to kind of watch how the water has been flowing and this large cloud of mist that keeps rising up into the sky. now look this cold has hit the entire country. and in fact it is negative 17 degrees in lexington, kentucky. it is so cold there, of course here negative 31 wind chill. with the mist coming off the edge of the ocean. and then of course boston they face 15 days below freezing. if you look back here you can see all the solid ice that's around in this area. but it hasn't stopped people from walking around and enjoying the sunrise, there's a woman running by us a guy was holding some coffee. and his coffee actually froze in
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his cup. you can tell how cold it is out here. but still very beautiful. >> iced coffee. >> first of all, ryan you're the man for being able to talk that much that cold. did you a great job. it's good to have you out there. the coffee froze in the cup. amazing, that's never good. but it can't freeze the heart. people still out there. >> okay. >> thank you, chris. we do have some breaking news this morning, an attack by militants at a hotel in somalia has left at least eight people dead. the attack in mogadishu was a combination of a car bomb a suicide attack and gunfire. this is a hole frequently used by government ministers and army officers al shabab believed to be responsible. the texas attorney general said he's working to void the license of the state's first legally married same-sex couple. hours after sarah goodfriend and suzanne bryant tied the knot the texas supreme court granted
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the attorney general's request to block any additional marriages. the court stayed the rulings, declaring state's ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional. a county clerk issued the license to the couple citing good friend's ovarian cancer diagnosis. take a look at the live pictures of victoria harbor in hong kong. there's a dazzling fireworks show under way right now. going on right now. they are celebrating the lunar new year. a big chunk of the world is marking it today with displays like this all over. depending on where you are and how you translate this event, it is either the year of the goat the ram, or the sheep. so which is it? you decide. >> that was a baaaaad question. >> aw ewewe. >> as countdown to the biggest night in hollywood, will it be "american sniper," "boyhood" "birdman."
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big movies big competition, we have michaela pereira there to cover the big story. >> i'm glad i don't have to decide because the races are so tight. we'll talk about it more predictions, we'll talk with hollywood insiders, i want to show you the excitement that will be building as the preekd progresses progresses it's friday morning hollywood still asleep unless they're heading home from the club. i'm on the red carpet right now. it doesn't look like i'm on the red carpet. but i am. under the plastic. let's come over here is john berman the actual red carpet. they want to you know it's like a sneeze guard. they just want to protect it from the elements that's red carpet. for now we'll keep it under lock and key. there's about 500 feet of red carpet that goes down to the bridge that goes all over the carpet. i'll be standing up there come sunday. don lemon and all the other media types will be hanging out over here. say hi guys see all of those little white dashes and dots? those are the segments of where each of the correspondents from the media outlets from around the world will be standing
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that's going to be their office for the day on sunday. as for fans those of you that are lucky enough, get to sit, there's like 700 bleacher seats right up here john berman for some lucky guests who get to come here and watch the action unfold on the red carpet. now weather, last year you remember there was a torrential monsoon. we were under this whole carpet was covered in a tend. it was covered, but we still got dumped on. it did rain last year for the oscars there's about a 60% to 70% chance of rain in los angeles. i can't believe i'm even saying that on sunday. a high of about 61 degrees. nice temperature, but it would be nice to keep the rain off -- off our hair. because you know, we'll be spending hours in the salon to look glorious for the oscars we'll have more coming up the next hour. we'll talk about some of the controversy going on with this year's oscars. for now, live from the red carpet -- back to you in new york. where i know it's 1 degree. >> because you know all about
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beautiful hair all of it doesn't happen by accident. >> michaela looks great every day. >> chris puts on his hair very quickly every morning. >> if the terror problem is over enter, why was the counterterrorism summit over here? you're going to hear from someone who says it should have never taken place at least not where it did. and massachusetts senator elizabeth warren has maintained she isn't running for president. but she's finally talking about the reasons that people are pushing her to get into the race. john king will explain that "inside politics." i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now...i use this. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq.
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the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers.
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it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do.
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>> so the three-day summit at the white house, how to deal with extremism. the president wrapped it up. he's saying it's not islamic extremism. another question comes up the president saying this problem is over there with you, alliesing, you've got it take care of your own house. why was the summit here? let's discuss of confusion, with aaron david miller vice president for new initiatives and distinguished scholar at the woodrow wilson international center for distinguished scholars. how many secretaries of state did you help mr. mill centre. >> let's see. 15 or 16? >> you just can't get it right. >> a number of ours indeed chris. you've seen both sides of the aisle, let's start with the obvious if the problem is over
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there, should the summit have been over there? or is that too obvious? >> well i mean it would have been nice and i wrote this piece on foreign policy to make the broader point that unless the arab states own up to their own lack of governance or in the case of libya and yemen, no governance it will be extremely difficult to even begin to create a political strategy in order to counter this group. but it poses as you just articulated, a contradiction. because if democratization as the president has laid out is the key to fighting isis houston, we have a problem. because most of our allies in the gulf in particular the saudis the qataris, are hardly poster children for democratization and political inclusion. so i think the whole notion of a summit made in america, that is going to teach the arabs how to run their political systems or reform them i think frankly is a lost cause.
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if we're going to beat i.s. we're going to beat it through a military and political strategy that demonstrates in effect that what i.s. is trying to do create a state and expand it simply isn't possible. and that raises a key military question. we have to demonstrate that i.s. essentially can't expand and ultimately can't deliver to the constituents that it presumes to include, within its realm. that's the key. and i think that's where america really can play a lead role. >> do you care about the american confusion over what to call or this this purposeful not calling the enemy islamic? >> yes, i care a great deal. first, you know clarity and honesty are really important. if we can't even describe the challenge of the enemy we face in honest terms how are we going to begin to defeat it? and the reality is the president is right. are we at war with islam? no. >> nobody says we're at war with
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islam. >> exactly. >> there was a holy war going on because of them beheading the christians. that's what he does. nobody is saying we're at war with islam. it's whether or not the guys fighting us with the coalition are islamic and they all say they are i don't understand why he avoids it. >> we are at war with a radicalized version of islam and we trivialize the nature of this threat by assuming that these people even though their behavior is gangster like and criminal. we trivialize the problem by suggesting that this is some sort of generic kind of terrorism. i.s. is basically drawing on the norms of war in the 8th century of islam. crucifixions beheadings the enslavement of women. all of these things were mentioned in an islamic context centuries ago. and this is a very islamic group. it may be a perversion. a distortion. a criminalization of the religion. but let's be clear -- we can't
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afford as the president suggested, to describe these people as the jv's of al qaeda, this is a much more serious threat and we ought to recognize it instead of willfully denying the fact that this has anything to do with religion or islamism. it does. you know all religions, chris are, open to interpretation and to the allure of false prophets. and in effect i think that's what's happened here. but to deny it? to suggest that we're fighting violence and extremism? no that's it's a long war and we got to get the description of what it is we're confronting right. >> and also feeds the phobia in america of islam in general. think it winds up defeating its own purpose. because people say why won't he call it the obvious, maybe there is something wrong with those and it goes back to the perversion goes back to the days of the crusades. last question for you today, aaron, where is the hope if the allies in quotes if the allies
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are people that isis can use as proof of why they need to radicalize in the first place, how do we get our allies to help address the real problem of stopping the need for an isis? how do we get people who won't do it to do it? >> i think the odds of getting the arab states to reform to democratize, chances of that are slim to none. the odds of crafting a, an alternative message that's going to be more competitive and more alluring than the one i.s. has crafted, i think the chances of doing that are slim to none. i return to where i started -- the goal here has to be a military and political strategy, which our allies have to participate in. to block i.s.'s expansion into iraq to demonstrate that they can't expand and they can't deliver the kinds of services electricity, water. good governance we must make their caliphate fail.
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and if you know if i'm 65 and i'm persuaded that the world's most compelling ideology isn't nationalism, democracy, even capitalism. it's success. because success generate constituents and success generate power. we have to demonstrate on the battlefield, and to the extent we can in the political arena, that i.s. has failed. that's the way to beat this. but it's going to take time chris. a lot of time. >> i want to take the stardust off of another word see they're not effective. aaron david miller thank you for helping us understand better as always have a good weekend, sir. could chris christie be facing more trouble with his expected 2016 white house run? is jeb bush taking all of his potential donors? john king will be exploring that, "inside politics," next. across america people, like basketball hall of famer dominique wilkins, are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes... ...with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar
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the coalition is taking on the biggest battle yet in the war against isis. the pentagon wants you to know when why and how. details of a spring offensive by the u.s. and iraqi forces
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officials say as many as 25,000 iraqi troops could be involved. backed by u.s. air power and advisers. we don't know what that will mean yet. it's expected to begin in april or may. and also what's not known is if our troops are actually going to be deployed. now mosul is iraq's second largest city. an isis strong hold and they've had it since june. very important. an american missionary has been freed in colombia after allegedly being linked to rebels russell martin extendle was arrested after allegedly providing support for a rebel group in colombia's decades-old civil war. but a judge said there wasn't enough evidence to keep him in jail. stendle isn't off the hook the attorney general will continue its investigation and can appeal the judgment. a surprising move from a federal advisory board on health easing warnings on fattening cholesterol in food. a report published by the dietary guidelines advisory committee shows that dietary cholesterol has little or no effect on the blood cholesterol
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levels so food like eggs and shrimp don't pose a risk. it recommends limiting added sugar to nor than 10% of your daily calorie intake. here's a man who is oh so sweet. let's go "inside politics" with mr. john king. >> just three words for you, pitchers and catchers a good day, it's a good day. let's go "inside politics," with me nia malika henderson of the "washington post" and jonathan martin of the "new york times." let's start with the headlines politicians get up and say chris christie is going to be grumpy. both "the new york times" and the "washington post" front-page stories about trouble in trenton, he's thinking about running for president, but jeb bush is starting to take the establishment money. including people who have previously backed chris christie. here's what the head of christie's super pac says we're just kind of getting things going, jeb has been working it for a year chris hasn't. jeb has been in the game longer he's got the bush family name
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and legacy. we've got to compete with that. a little bit of dog ate my homework right? >> yeah because if you compare bush's strategy a shock and awe strategic and they're being slow and donors don't want to see that. if you look at how he's doing in these different states if you look at his internals in iowa and new hampshire, the more he's out there, the more that people don't like him. he was at 45% in terms of unfavorability and he's at 54% now in iowa. not the numbers also not looking good in new hampshire. he's got to figure something out. one of his aides said there's, there's not a finite amount of money in donors out there. actually there is and people are out there scooping that up as he sort of waits on the sidelines. >> it's not just jeb, scott walker is moving that that space and others. >> two bad things happened to christie in the last couple of months first of all, jeb bush ran. and second of all, scott walker has gotten off the block pretty fast and gave a nice speech in iowa being politics that goes
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from a nice speech in iowa to a huge moment in iowa where it's all self-reinforcing so his poll numbers get a pop which creates more stories, which creates better poll numbers, you know how it goes john. the fact that you've got two establishment ones that are getting attention and money, is a problem for christie. is it fatal? not necessarily, it's early yet. but there does seem to be as my colleagues write in today's "times," there seems to be an odd, breezy unconcern from christie about this challenge that he's facing right now. >> he thinks the power of his personality will he can sort of plow through it and make up for the delay. i haven't told -- i've been told by a couple of people that he's been grumpy at his own team. >> his whole appeal is so it's so buyiographical and so about him. not necessarily about his vision for the country or his record it's wrapped up in his persona.
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>> his personality. if he can't sell that then he's got a problem. >> we were talking yesterday morning, about the former new york city mayor, rudy giuliani at a private dinner in new york with scott walker the wisconsin governor and likely presidential candidate in the room. saying that he didn't want to say it it's a horrible thing to say, but he didn't think president obama loves america. he did a couple of interviews where we wondered if he would try to clean it up. he said no i don't believe president obama loves america not like my generation. he said some people thought it was racist. i thought that was a joke. since he was brought up by a white mother a white grandfather, went to white schools and most of this he learned from white people this isn't racism it's socialism or possibly anti-colonialism. the mayor clearly believes what he believes. sometimes in politics when you say something, it's good to go out and further explain it. either clean it up or cement what it is you meant. i think this is proof in this case sometimes it's also good to just go away. >> but we flow that giuliani isn't that kind of person and it
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reminds people of why a lot of new yorkers didn't really like giuliani very much. he was a very divisive figure. there was a moment when he was america's mayor on the cover of "time" magazine that's passed and he's living off the fat of the land in some ways in a cable news staple at this point. i think it does for these candidates who are going to be out there running in 2016 it reminds us of how difficult it's going to be in terms of engaging with people who are freelancing and saying stuff like this. that is offensive to many people. >> yeah. i mean what happens is that the next question is for walker -- do you agree with that or not. >> and walker punted yesterday, saying i'm not going to judge mayor giuliani new yorkers speak bluntly. you can't over time if you want to lead president's lead you have to make judgments, pick a cabinet cabinet, cut a deal with iran you have to make judgments and decisions, we'll see if governor walker learns from this. help me explain this. draft elizabeth warren folks want her to get into the race. they want her to run against hillary clinton. she's consistently said no no
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listen to her yesterday where she says still no but i get it. >> i don't think this is about me i think it's about the message. americans understand that the game is rigged. and they've had enough of it. they're ready to fight back. they want a washington that works for them. i think that people are getting more engaged politically and they're seeing through a lot of the rhetoric that politicians have been throwing out there for a long time. they want to see some real change and i, i think that's what we work on. >> what i love about this is she says it's not about me her staff still says no. but the draft warren movement is spreading these comments, saying see, she gets it we can still get her in. >> what it is about her and it is about the message, it's about her unique ability to deliver that message in a way that no one else really can.
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hillary clinton certainly can't, she's tried to channel elizabeth warren hasn't been able to. this will make some people excited in the draft movement. it's not going to happen. >> it shows how eager those draft folks are to get her in the race. the same talking points she uses everywhere she goes. it's in the context of a question about this effort to get her in the race which she uses as a vehicle to talk about the great movement to change washington. but it's still the same talking points. >> the game is rigged. lastly congress is about to debate authorization of use of military force so the president can wage war against isis. a huge debate about what to do. some liberals are afraid to give the president any war-making authority. they're skeptical. some conservatives want to give the president very robust war-making authority. listen to ed royce, he wants to go he's thinking it would be a good idea to go beyond a war against isis. >> do you personally i don't know what the committee will do but would you support giving the president the explicit authority
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to strike at the iranian nuclear capacity if they don't abandon it themselves? >> i think it's a good idea i will tell you, hugh there are two jihads goes on. one is the isis jihad, which you andry familiar with. and the other is something that's not being talked about that much much. that's the jihad coming out of iran. >> the jihad coming out of iran. yes, they support hamas, they support hezbollah, they support very unhelpful players in the middle east. is this congress going to in this resolution that they can't agree on anyway just specifically about isis going to include iran? >> no this is the fear that a lot of people have about an open-ended aumf that it's a slippery slope. we believe that iran is going after isis so it would be weird in the amuf that's going after isis to go after iran. which is in some ways coordinating with us to try to defeat isis. >> i don't think congress is
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going to pass a resolution authorizing the president to go after iran. >> it shows awe shift between the most conservative members who need to debate this and the liberal members. which tells me it will be interesting to see if they can come up with a final draft that the president likes. >> that will a debate worth watching. 0 on a cold day, 4 degrees when i got in the car. the only thing that kept me warm was pitchers and catchers red sox nation. see if the cuomo guy treats you nice after that. >> john king thank you so much. make sure to watch john king and his "inside politics" panel break down the best political news of the week that's every sunday at 8:30 a.m. eastern. a lot to talk about this week. so did you see any of the oscar best picture nominees? you will never believe who did not. controversy at the academy awards, we'll take you live, to los angeles. woman: it's been a journey to get where i am. and i didn't get here
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neighborhood. >> look at that hollywood boulevard in the heart of hollywood, los angeles is looking good. final set-up is under way. all the votes are in. not all is sparkling here in hollywood. though there's a little bit of controversy brewing ahead of the big night. a report out that 6% of oscar voters haven't seen all of the best picture nominees. let's bring in joseph katz executive editor of the wrap.comth and pete hammond awards editor for gentlemen, always good to have conversations with you. off the bat we have to talk about the diversity issue. and joseph i want to talk to you about that and get your sense. a lot of buzz about the lack of diversity in the oscars. 20 acting nominees out of this year -- they're all white. do you think the academy has a diversity problem? >> the interesting thing, think it's more a hollywood cyclical casting issue this year.
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even just that the field this year didn't really -- didn't really offer up enough performances that were diverse actors. if you looked at the field, everyone came down really hard on the academy once again. like the oscar voters are so racist or there's no diversity. but if you really looked at the performances that were offered up this year was not this plethora of performances like last year lupita was the best actress winner. next year if you look at the field -- >> but there will be people that will push back look back and say, wait wait dald oyelowo, as martin luther king jr. the first time that movies have dealt with martin luther king jr. in a leading role of a movie. but there were 30 great actor performances. i thought jake gyllenhaal was great in "nightcrawler" he
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should have gotten nominated as well. >> there will always be people that get left out. but there are people who say you look at the oscar class of 2015 there's no diversity, not just among african-americans and other minorities but also the fact that there's no diversity in the field of gender. in cinematography and directing, there's no women nominated. >> and no women nominated for writing. this is a problem for the industry. they need to put more people to work to make more movies so the academy had a wider range to choose from. last year they did "12 years a slave" this year not so much. i did think david oyelowo would come up with a best actor nomination. >> "hollywood reporter" is releasing a series of articles. they say they spoke to and interviewed amon eded anonymous academy voters and are releasing excerpts from their conversations with them. this is what one person said what no one wants to say out
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loud is that "selma" is a well-crafted movie, but there's no art to it. if the movie would have been directed by a 60-year-old white male i don't think that people would be carrying onto the level they were. do you think this is fair assessments of the average academy vote centre. >> i do not. i talked to a bunch of voters this does not represent the academy. this is one person i think the "hollywood reporter" pulled this out to be sensational, quite frankly. this doesn't represent the people i talked to. everybody has got a different opinion, to paint the academy like this is to say essentially, they're racist. and i don't believe that they are. >> but, wait now we have to point out, joseph i know you used to work at "hollywood reporter" the fact is the average academy older, is male is caucasian, there's something to that no? >> no i agree with pete here. i do. i think, i think it's like one segment you're talking like what is it 6,000 academy voters total? i mean this is one voter.
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i agree, i think it's -- could there be racism? amongst some voters? absolutely. >> okay. let's talk about the voting. because right now, that is the it's done. it's in the books, it's done for another year. but it's but it's a really secretive process, guarded under lock and key. >> guarded at price waterhouse. only two people will know the results. nobody can break that. we'll never know who kamtcame in number two. nobody knows how it comes out. the way they count for best picture is very difficult, it's called preferential. so your number two and number three choices on that ballot are just as close as number one in a close race like this year is going to be very close. >> ten pictures in the best picture category. eight this year. but it's a little different from in years past. some of those early indicators some of the gild shows -- gild shows and the critics award shows as well. so we'll have to wait and see.
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i want to say thank you to you, pete hammond. joseph catz joining us from the l.a. bureau. i want to ask you folks from home. you've probably seen a lot of those homes. you've probably had conversations around the dinner table. do you think the oscars have a diversity problem? it's a conversation many are having. tweet us @newday or go to join us don lemon and i hosting hollywood's biggest night. that's sunday. we can't wait for it. hopefully the weather will hold. chris, brianna. >> mich i am torn. you look so gorgeous. you've got that lemon from you. >> are you trying to borrow money from me? >> no you know how i feel. it's deep and strong. that lemon killed me on the quiz show and i can't let it go. >> we'll check back with you this a second. how about this one, fox news host bill o'reilly you know who he is he says listen i didn't
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cnn money now. our chief business correspondent christine romans is in the money center. >> walmart at long last raising the pay of many workers. they'll get $9 an hour and go up to $10 an hour. fixed schedules also coming. that's critical for people working more than one part-time jobs. will more retailers follow
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walmart's lead? many employer groups saying we would have liked to have seen this a long time ago. intrigue and rumor this morning about apple's designs on making a car? apple is being sued for poaching top engineers from a company that makes batteries for electric cars. the latest evidence that apple may be pursuing an electric vehicle. apple didn't invent digital music, digital music player or the smartphone but apple revolutionized both companies. google refr volution niezed car companies. tesla, watch your back. >> thanks christine. the biggest battle yet against isis. iraqi troops hoping to retake the second largest city in the group with stakes so high. will the u.s. be able to stay out?
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the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. flo: hey, big guy. i heard you lost a close one today. look, jamie, maybe we weren't the lowest rate this time.
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retaking mosul. this could be the biggest battle against isis so far. >> these terrorists are desperate for legitimacy. we must recognize that lasting stability and security require democracy. >> brian williams may not be the only journalist with credibility
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problems. >> he has a bigger audience than anyone else on cable news. >> we are not the story. the journalists should not be the story. >> we're live here in hollywood. >> the glitz, the glamor the red carpet. >> hollywood's biggest night. >> the countdown to oscar sunday is near at hand. >> announcer: in is "new day" with christ cuomo, al list sin camerota and michaela pereira. good morning. welcome to your "new day." it is friday february 20th. just after 8:00 in the east. alisyn is off. i am fortunate to be here with brianna keilar thank you very much and jon berman. the one and only michaela where she should be looking royal in hollywood. covering the oscars on the red carpet. you look beautiful. a major military offensive is being planned to drive isis out of mosul. that is isis strong hold in iraq. it's the second largest city. this is an iraqi mission with the backing of the united states but already questions are being raised from iraqi
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commanders about whether the mission can really succeed without the united states on the ground. >> this as president obama calls for unity against extremism despite taking heat from all sides for his reluctance to use the words islam and muslim in describing the terror threat. let's begin our team coverage now with barbara starr. she's at the pentagon. barbara, explain to us this reasoning behind talking about a major offensive coming in the spring talking really about when and where it's going to be. why is the pentagon putting that out there? >> reporter: good morning, brianna. the pent goneagon is saying this is the iraqi plan to retake mosul. that's the first point. there are some iraqi kurdish commanders already expressing some doubt saying that iraqi forces simply aren't ready to fight. the plan as articulated by the pentagon 20 to 25,000 iraqi forces including some peshmerga, local police and security forces moving to take mosul in the april and may time frame.
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that's pretty soon. a lot of those forces still need to go through the u.s. backed training. why are they talking about it? the pentagon will tell you that isis inside of mosul, isis all over iraq already knows obviously that this battle is coming. this is no secret. this is the real prize, to retake mosul, iraq's second largest city back from isis control. but it's a plan with a lot of questions and question number one for president obama, will he be asked by the pentagon to approve a plan to put a small number of u.s. troops into that battle to help the iraqis with their targeting? chris. >> this is what we were worried about, barbara. it comes down to this. let's see what happens. we'll check back with you if any developments come up. so the president does not see the problem as muslim but he does seamus limbs as the solution namely allies countering people breeding extremism. what's the word from there
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michelle kosinski. >> reporter: we heard the talk both ways from the administration here. we heard some more pretty blunt talk from the president wrapping up this summit clearly feeling like he still needed to address this. the white house hasn't clearly articulated the rolf islamic extremism and hammering home those points again, that first of all he doesn't want to further elevate or legitimize terrorists to the level of religious leaders. that's what they want. he don't want to fall prey to their bait that this is a war against islam. at the same time he's calling on muslim leaders and muslim communities to actively counter that ideology. even though this was a global summit it was really focused deep within communities. you may well ask, what is going to come out of all of this. we know that there will be more summits and more talk but more funding for programs that do things like try to identify early warning signs, engage young people programs that support democracy, job training more opportunities for young
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people. that was something we heard over and over again as a real need. also for these programs to propagate. we're also going to see the u.s. and uae collaborate on something they call a digital communications hub to try to counter all the social messaging that's out there from terrorist groups. jon. >> michelle kosinski at the white house. thanks so much. joining us in the studio fareed zakaria, host of "fareed zakaria gps." thank you so much for being with us. word from the pentagon that the iraqis are planning an assault on mosul this spring. that's iraq's second largest city. what reason do we have to believe that the iraqis are up to this? this is the same iraqi military that melted away from mosul six, seven months ago. >> that's a very good question. it's important to know why they melted away. they melted away not because they don't know how to fight and
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they have weapons. they know that. it's not a technocratic problem. they are composed of sunnis. they didn't want to fight for the baghdad government because they think that's a shy identify government -- shiite government that oppresses them. has that been solved? if the baghdad government has the confidence and loyalty of its soldiers look the iraqi special forces were trained in jordan and the jordanians are very good at this stuff. the kurds are very good. there are a lot of very good tighters ers fighters here. the larger question is is there an iraq to which they feel loyal. the jury is out on this. the iraqis feel they have made some progress and the new prime minister has made some progress. that's the litmus test. it's technocratic. what are they willing to fight for? so far you haven't had enough sunnis willing to fight for the government of iraq. >> can i ask about the other
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issue that's in the news in the battle against isis is president obama choosing not to use the word islamic when referring to them as terrorists. he calls them violent extremists not islamic terrorists. if you can, fareed connect the dots. how does his use of words or choice of words here help get isis out of mosul? >> well it doesn't. you know you've got to fight fire with fire. the only thing that will get isis out of mosul is a very strong armored assault on mosul. these are in a sense separate issues. the question he's trying to find out is how do you prevent -- donald rumsfeld had a very good memo once in which he said the real question isn't how many terrorists are we killing but how many are they producing? are we killing more than they're producing. the president is trying to get at the production end. how are these people alienated from society and why do they become terrorists? and part of that effort is this white house summit. the key to why he's doing that
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of course in terms of accuracy he's wrong. they are islamic extremists. this is radical islam. you can call it what you will. the reason he's not doing it is political. he's not trying to be a scholar getting this right, he's trying to figure out what will be most useful in aligning the west with the large majority of muslims who don't -- so i call up a few people in jordan. i said do you like the way the president is describing this? and they said 100% we do because our government keeps saying day in and day out isis is not a muslim organization. they're not islamic. we are the real muslims. they're the arabics. so from that point of view it helps a lot of the mainstream muslim community that is trying to in a sense ex-communicate isis. >> you talked, fareed in a column you have out today in the washington post about a 20-year-old egyptian man who was trying to be a personal trainer. the economy in egypt falls
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apart. now he two years later is in syria fighting for isis. the president has said focusing really on poverty is the cause that makes some of these young men so vulnerable. but is it poverty or is it alienation or is it both? >> you know it's a very complicated mix. let's throw into this the repressed energies of young men. >> teenage angst? >> sexual energy all kinds of things. but the central piece of that brilliant "new york times" piece is that you realize here's a guy who wants to you know meet girls, make money, be a fitness trainer. egypt's economy goes nowhere. he can't get a job. he then gets interested in politics and he starts aligning himself with these new political parties thinking that he'll be part of egypt's democracy. the democracy collapses and you get the return of a military dictatorship. what you have is economic stagnation political alienation. the guy feels frustrated. tries to leave egypt to get a job somewhere else. that feels just right.
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now here's the irony. so the president talked about poverty. he also talked about the need for democracy because the thing you see in the arab world is that all these regimes are very repressive. what isis says is we are the alternative to this retched reality you have. you know who used to talk like this george w. bush. this is one of the points that bush used to make that we can't keep supporting these dictator dictatorships. we can't give them a carte blanche. that's what's producing the terrorism. >> let me ask you a quick question because one of the questions that comes up with the islamic or whatnot to call is that it hurts president obama at home. it feeds phobia. now we see rudy giuliani come out and say i don't think the president loves america. big backlash. it sounds certainly outrageous but what do you think that does to the optics for the president at home? >> so i think at one level you have to say this failed. this is a wonderful quote from peter fever who worked for bush. he says any time you have to
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start talking about your talking points you know that things are not going well. but i think what this represents is the president saying i'm going to govern the way i think is responsible to govern. >> he's got a major leader here, giuliani. people respect what he says. he says you don't love america. >> i'm guessing the president when they thought up this strategy somebody must have said to him, you know fox news will go crazy and the president said i don't care. you know i think that he's decided i'm going to do what i think is the responsible thing to do here in this struggle and i know it's going to -- it's going to -- you know, this is red meat for certain part of the political spectrum. he seems to be aware of that and, you know this is such a consciously chosen strategy that i am not going to use that word. frankly, he's used it in the past. >> sure. >> in the interview with me he said when i asked him are we at war with radical islam. he said let's not kid ourselves, this problem emanates from muslim communities.
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so he's very aware of the reality. he's made a political decision that it helps his cause to do it the way he's describing and he knows some republicans are going to go crazy. he doesn't seem to mind. remember he's only got 18 months left of his presidency. i think he's governing the way he wants to govern. >> thank you so much fareed. it sure is cold right, from new york to florida, all the way down. it is record-breaking temperatures on most of the eastern coast. 185 million people in 30 states gearing up for what's already turning out to be the coldest day of the season. cnn's ryan young, very happy even though we would say maybe that he drew the short straw here as he's bundled up in niagara falls with more. ryan. >> reporter: very cold. in fact first three live shots you barely can feel your face because any exposed skin you can definitely feel it. but you have to be happy about the sight that you see behind me. you almost feel like james bond in terms of just looking over
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the edge and looking at the water flowing. this is niagara falls. what a beautiful sight. so many people flocking here during this frozen wonder land. you can see this. you can see the water flowing over. some images show you a frozen picture. the water is still moving here. more than 20 million gallons flowing over creating this large mist. this is a time that photographers like to show up to take the picture of the beautiful sunrise. sunrises are free so you can obviously enjoy this picture. now what we were just told is actually the ice builds up so high down there sometimes it gets ten stories high. that's how much ice just comes through this area. the american sides back in this direction behind that mist looks frozen but we can see the water rolling off the edge. this just compounds the coldness that's been throughout the area. we're going to show you this graphic that shows you how cold it is across the country. kentucky negative 13 right now. it's been a lot lower than before.
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boston hasn't been above freezing in the last 15 days. where we're standing negative 30 wind chill. it is very cold but people still keep coming here to enjoy the sight. i've got to tell you, my crew has been standing outside with me the entire time. we love the view but it is very bone chilling cold. >> sure is ryan. but he's you know having a good time. so we certainly appreciate him being there. >> he doesn't have a choice. i don't know if he's having a good time or his face is stuck that way. >> he's making the best of it. all right. some chaos in caracas to tell you about. a mayor arrested accused of plotting a coop. police smashed into his office and carried him away. very dramatic scene. this comes after a protest against nicholas maduro. months of violence left dozens ded. the mayor is facing overdue justice for undermining the government. the fda is issuing a warning for medical scopes linked to a super bug. scopes inserted down the throat
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may infect people with a bacteria. the fda says the design makes it hard to clean. now questions are being raised whether it can be sterilized well enough to prevent infection at all. a very close call for a police officer in michigan caught on dash cam. the officer standing there just outside of that car and this one sliding off the highway very suddenly coming out of nowhere. it hits the disabled vehicle. somehow that police officer narrowly avoided being crushed. he actually got thrown into a ditch behind the car. he was taken to the hospital. he is thankfully expected to be okay. >> wow. rudy giuliani going a step too far. a step further than that. not only refusing to apologize for saying president obama doesn't love america but repeating it. we're going to show you what he said and what many republicans are not saying ahead. and bill o'reilly says he'll put the man who called his war
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reporting into question into the kill zone. he says he doesn't have a brian williams problem, but people disagree. what did he say? is there any there there ahead. sometimes the present looked bright. sometimes romantic. there were tears in my eyes. and tears in my eyes. and so many little things that we learned were really the biggest things. through it all, we saved and had a retirement plan. and someone who listened and helped us along the way.
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because we always knew that someday the future would be the present. every someday needs a plan. talk with us about your retirement today.
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mr. mayor, do you want to apologize for your comments? >> not at all. i want to repeat it. it's my opinion. i do not detect in this man the same rhetoric the same language the same love of
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america that i detected in other american presidents that i did in democrats. i think it guides a lot of the things that he said and a lot of the things that he does. >> you know that man, former new york city mayor rudy giuliani backing up not backing off comments that president obama doesn't love america. giuliani has received a surprising little amount of pushback for what he said from members of his own party. let's bring in congressman tim murphy. he's a republican from pennsylvania. we're going to him really about the american sniper trial and eddie ray routh's mental health and lack of help and what does it mean about pts and what it means in this trial. congressman, having you here when one of the guys on your team says something like this we do have to touch on it. what do you make of the mayor's comments? >> well you know that's his opinion. i think the focus should be on the president's comments with regard to how we need to deal with isis or isil. i know a lot of my constituents are concerned when we can't
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really define who this enemy is and they are really at war with an enemy that continues to assault other faiths other religions even within islam. what you don't define you can't defeat. and i think perhaps the mayor's comments relate to a lot of the frustrations americans have about this. i think that's also where the president needs to get with congress and talk with us more about some of his requests for military force because right now for him making statements about this is an unemployment problem really doesn't fit well with the american people. >> right. doesn't make them hate america. just a quick follow. do you think members of your party have to come out and say the president -- we don't believe the president hates america? we don't endorse the comments about him being raised by a white woman making this okay? >> no. that's inappropriate. i don't -- that's not where we should be going, trying to say what's in the president's mind. let's go with what we need to be focusing on and that is the folks with isil who have great harm to the world. >> do you think we've ever had a
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president who doesn't love america? isn't it a natural thing to believe president obama loves america? >> i'm assuming every president like members of congress love america. they want to do what's right. we may disagree on some aspects here but i'm not here to ascribe any untoward thoughts about the president or anybody. >> let's leave it at that. you're not the one who said it. so american sniper trial, it's going on. chris kyle chad littlefield lose their lives. we're having a big raging legal battle there. you get on the phone to me right away and you say this is the issue playing out in real time with mental health. the family the friends, they knew this man was mentally ill. they tried to get him help. the va wouldn't keep him in place there. the system doesn't work. you say that this is the problem on display in the worst way, true? >> absolutely true. this goes on many times in our country, whether it ends up in the tragedy of suicide or homicide or victimization, mentally ill. several parts of this are playing out and once again this
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is in the media limelight on a very tragic case. families are barred from having input on cases where someone has mental illness. many times doctors say we can't listen to you and we can't tell you what's going on. they will not accept family's background information, history. it isn't just va hospitals but other hospitals also discharge people instead of listening the crisis. understanding ptsd symptoms do not include violence do not include aspects of someone having some homicidal behavior. it's very important with pts and ptsd we do not equate veteran's behavior and actions with violent behavior but we also don't have a place in this country to treat people with mental illness. the va and other places don't have enough assets to work with veterans. this is the problem that plays out in america all the time. once again, tragedy hits the news because of a lot of problems we have with treating people and we know we can treat
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them. >> you've been very strong saying by the way, the overwhelming majority of mentally ill people are not violent. that's not the point. >> that's right. >> you have to stop them before they become monsters but untreated any mental health issue can wind up destabilizing somebody and to hear from routh's mom, okay just let's put her words up there so you can remember. this is a mother she knew her kid was trouble. she goes to the va in dallas called and they said they were releasing eddie and that i needed to pick him up. i objected and said he's not repeated ready. that's the reality of the system. there is no control. >> exactly. >> there is no forced holding of somebody unless you meet a very high legal standard? >> that's right. legal standard based upon some 17th century antiquated law system saying unless you say you're in imminent danger of hurting yourself or someone else they won't keep you. you can go down the path and look at these cases whether it's adam lanza, jared loughner look
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down these cases of these individual or mass homicides or other things you notice a number of things. one, the person was either not in treatment or under treated or had stopped treatment. you see issues where parents are trying to get help and they're blocked by some hipaa laws which prevent that. not enough hospital beds et cetera. so this continues to play out. this is where i think it's the outrage that people ought to be feeling about a broken mental health system. i released a report last week in my role as chairman of oversight investigation committee, federal government 112 agencies. the general accounting office says they don't work together. they have no accountability for what they do. so even though the federal government's spending $130 billion, it's outrageous that it's not really focused on helping families in crisis. and then we end up with problems like this. >> just to take it back to the trial, what does it mean to you that despite all the obvious evidence of this man's delusions, incredible mental health instability, that the law in texas especially is so narrowly defined that if you
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knew what you were doing was right or wrong, the illness doesn't matter. do you think that we need a cultural and legal evolution in how we understand mental illness and see it as a disease instead of as an excuse? >> we do need to understand severe mental illness. the schizophrenias bipolar and other severe mental illness. we need to understand that's a brain disease. we need to stop thinking of a cosmic thing where it's i'm okay you're okay it's your word against mine. there are groups that denied the reality of the brain concerns about delusions and hallucinations. we have to get out of that mode and understand this is a brain disease, there are treatments for it and we get to people early in their life, particularly in their teens and young adult years. it makes a big difference. what happens with someone with severe mental illness, they have a 25 year shorter life span and worsening of symptoms. our country when we closed the hospitals and did nothing with them what we did is putting more in jail more homelessness
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more in emergency rooms, more suicides all the data is going against us and we need to change our system. >> irony is this case is a perfect demonstration of how the system doesn't work how the legal system doesn't reflect the urgency and reality and the victim chris kyle and chad littlefield, they did recognize the problem. they were trying to help people like the man who killed them. representative tim murphy out of pennsylvania thank you for being with us tim. i look forward to continuing this conversation congressman, because the need is great. >> thank you so much chris. >> brianna. thanks, chris. bill o'reilly said he didn't lie. "mother jones" begs to differ. did the fox news anchor fib about the war decades ago? we'll have a look ahead. here in san diego, we're building the first one ever to run on natural gas. ships this big running this clean
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will be much better for the environment. we're proud to be a part of that. when heartburn comes creeping up on you... fight back with relief so smooth...'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum, tum tum tum...♪ smoothies! only from tums. i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit
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relying on iraq's military to retake mosul from the militants. 25,000 forces supported by u.s. air power. the mayor of venezuela's
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government arrested. maduro says the mayor should be punished for his efforts to disturb the peace. las vegas teenager accused of shooting a mother in a road rage incident was her neighbor. eric nausch is facing charges including murder. they plan to call the medical experts to the stand. they will rebuilt defense testimony that eddie ray routh was schizophrenic and showed signs of psychosis before killing. and a brutal record breaking deep freeze is moving east. millions in its path. high temperatures will be 20 to 30 degrees below average in many of these states. we're always updating the five things to know so go to new day for the very latest. brianna. >> thanks jon. today "cnn heroes" recognizes a young man who found his calling at an age when most of us don't even know how to tie our shoes. when joshua williams learned
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there were 50 million people struggling to eat in this country, he decided to spring into action. this 13-year-old hasn't slowed down. start signing in people. when i was 4 1/2 years old i found my purpose in life. we're going to help around 100 families. we're going to give them food. >> josh's foundation has no age limit. as long as you're able to pick something up, come out and help us make a difference. since i started i have given out over 650,000 pounds of food to over 30,000 individuals. >> whew! >> one tuna? >> one tuna. we need enough for everybody. >> right now we have over 1200 youth volunteers. >> thank you. >> perfect. >> i'm grateful to know there's still young people that cares for other people. >> it's very important to develop connections and relationships with these people
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that we're helping. >> god bless you. god bless you and thank you. >> if you want to make a difference i have three bits of advice for you. one, use your passion and purpose in life to help make a change in the community. two, get your friends to help. >> 1, 2, 3! >> and, 3, never give up. >> whew! >> great work by joshua. >> right? >> that's amazing. >> he's so young but he's teaching us all the things we need to know and, wow, what a great mission. we support ya. we support ya and we'll keep following you. we're going to take a break. bill o'reilly says he is ready to go to war. the question is, will that be the first time? a media outlet is saying o'reilly misrepresented his war coverage alikening it if that's a word to brian williams problem. we have what o'reilly said and we'll debate whether it should matter.
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that's really separates me from most of the other bloviators. i bloviate about stuff i've seen. they bloviate about stuff they haven't. >> is that really the case? last night "mother jones" questioned whether bill o'reilly has a brian williams problem when it comes to the days of covering the war in the '80s, particularly the falkland wars. o'reilly said he was in the falkland islands and he was experiencing the war and o'reilly said he was never in the islands. he said he covered the story from the buenos aires. daniel schulman the senior editor of "mother jones" and brian stelter, host of "reliable sources." you think you've got this?
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>> do we think we have the story? absolutely. >> he didn't say falklands in general? i'm going to play the opposition on this one. he didn't say i was at the falklands situation? context doesn't -- >> the story really speaks for itself. he's claimed to have been in a combat zone in a war zone during the falklands conflict. the only place combat took place during that war was in the remote falkland islands which were 1200 miles from buenos aires where bill o'reilly and the rest of the press core is. the combat situation he says he was involved in now was a very violent protest that took place after the war was over. now it was violent, but this was not a combat situation. bill o'reilly has also claimed that the argentinian troops opened fire on si vail yans and killed many people. we could find no evidence that people were killed and tho soldiers opened fire on civilians. that's another aspect of this. i'll tell you one more. he said that his colleagues at cbs at the time were cowering in
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their hotel and would not go out to cover this protest. bob bob scheefer says that's not true. >> no coward. >> no coward. >> or is it puffery? big shots tend to do that and you hate bill o'reilly. >> absolutely not. it is puff ri yes. i think he's to some extent inbe flating his experience covering wars but the fact of the matter is is that bill o'reilly has gone to dangerous places he has gone to iraq he has gone to afghanistan. he really doesn't need to embellish this stuff and suggest that perhaps he's been in firefights. we've asked him about this. he said he's been shot at. he said he's been involved in covering firefights. he would not respond to our questions on that. >> because he doesn't like you. brian, let me ask you something. what do you think? that's true. he doesn't like what the outlet does. >> eight or nine other outlets last night once your story went online. they purposely ignored "mother jones" and then when it --
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>> he's angry at you. >> they made it very personal. what's striking about o'reilly's response is the antibrian williams. o'reilly started calling your colleague david coran a gutter snipe, a liar a left wing assassin. i think o'reilly was talking less about your allegations and a lot more about the personalities involved here. i'd still like to hear more from him about why he was saying the phrase combat situation. >> if he's in buenos aires and says i was covering the falklands, is that good enough or do you wind up putting him into a different standard? have we created a false standard with brian williams let alone now bill o'reilly? >> i don't think we've created a false standard. we're seeing more scrutiny as should be applied to some of the most famous figures on television and television news. o'reilly could say i was in a violent protest, in a violent situation. i've stared death in the face. he could have said that. by talking about a war zone by talking about a war situation he does open up to scrutiny here.
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>> the fact is he did cover the conflict and so did the other reporters who were there but they didn't cast their experience as he did. and by the way, i had to look up what gutter snipe meant. i had no idea. >> bloviator isn't the best word to call himself either. that suggests a little bit of an integrity problem all by itself. but, look what this comes down to brian's been with us from the beginning on this he's been all over it i'm worried about going after people for everything they say and how they say it. i think that it creates -- brian williams may be out of a job because of this. do you think that that's a legitimate level of scrutiny to come after these guys on in the talk lands, at the falklands? he's been in other wars and done things? how harsh do we get at these things? >> we're journalists and it matters what we say and how we say them. we have to be as accurate as we can be. there's a lot of distrust -- >> you know people have a tendency to pump up war experience. i don't like it. i'm always scared when i'm over
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there. there's a currency of that in our business. it's like pumping up the macho. i think a lot of people do this. >> that's offensive to the guys that are out there, the dexter filkinsens the james foleys those guys who are out there really putting everything on -- >> got a lot of them at cnn. >> absolutely who are putting everything on the line to bring back the story. >> and the same men and women at fox who do it for fox news as well war correspondents who are out there. with o'reilly it seems like this was a credential for him, something he could cite to say he had experience. he did. as you said he had some experience in war zones and covering important conflicts over the years, but to go into that level of detail seems to have opened up the criticism. by the way, you know i think this is something that started with brian williams and doesn't end with brian williams. to your point, chris, groups like media matters which have been targeting o'reilly for years are going to point out other examples of things they seau really has fibbed about. >> this matters more though. when you say stuff about war, that's the thing that caught me
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by surprise about williams. when you lie about that i think the sensitivity to the troops and everything else winds up playing into it. brian williams nbc ended up taking him off the air. >> i think fox is a different network than nbc. fox is a network -- look at the response. they immediately put o'reilly on the phone with a bunch of reporters to attack this story. they were on the offensive. i think they knew this was coming. this was something that was hidden in plain sight for a while. you all reached out to other reporters to do the digging to verify it. people have thought for a while. let's put it this way, if you don't like bill o'reilly you've believed he's puffing up his resume. >> low bar. >> brian stel ter, you're part of the family always a pleasure. dan schulman thank you. could go a lot of different ways. we'll see how it plays out. >> thanks so much chris. the red carpet is rolled
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out. the champaign is on ice so who is taking home the big prizes at the oscars on sunday. we'll have the expert's picks live next. ilor, and my daddy. thank you mom, for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are thankful for many things. the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. our world-class service earned usaa the top spot in a study of the most recommended large companies in america. if you're current or former military or their family, see if you're eligible to get an auto insurance quote. the world is filled with air. but for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily anoro ellipta. it helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. anoro ellipta is the first fda-approved product containing two long-acting bronchodilators in one inhaler.
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i'm going to do my best not to sing along to paparazzi because i really want to. welcome back to "new day." i'm michaela pereira live in hollywood. 48 hours now. celeb bring the tis will be getting ready for the biggest night. the oscars are sunday. the season has mostly been predictable so far but will sunday bring any surprises? we have two people we can ask. cnn entertainment commentator and senior west coast editor of vanity fair nischelle turner. also cnn contributor. part of the family here. they join me live on the red carpet. it's covered for safety sake. >> i feel like michaela and the michettes with my mic. >> right off the bat we have to talk about the fact that a lot of these races for oscar are tight. some of them are going to be down to the wire. the one of all, the category best picture, which i think is probably the most argued about
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category this year. i want to put up the predictions that the two of you have. i think you're going to see something very interesting. both of you chose the very same film. >> great minds think alike. >> why did you pick this film as your best pick? >> i think it's a family movie. it just resonated with so many people and i also think that sheer achievement of it. to shoot a movie over 12 years, a commitment that the directors make that the actors make. you know for two weeks every year they went back to this project. i just think it's the kind of thing that hollywood loves. they're so good. the angtors, richard linkletter ethan hawk. >> terrific performances. >> i love the jushourney of the film. it was the coming of age film. it wasn't my favorite film of the year. >> your favorite film was? >> "gone girl." i know. i loved it. i'm sorry. >> i loved that book too. let's move on to actor. here's an interesting category, too. a little different for best picture. a lot of great, great, great
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performances here although there could be an upset, again, show the lady's picks. you were on the same page once again. you both picked eddie redmayne. terrific performance. steven hawkin. >> he was brilliant. eddie has been campaigning. we don't see actors always do that but i think he feels like listen i did a damn good job on this. i deserve this oscar. i'm going to put myself out there for it. i definitely think he does. he transforms into this. he was masterful into this. you believed he was steven hawking. >> krista i think people were thinking maybe, maybe, maybe this could be michael keaton's to take away? >> i think this is the one that is a crowded category. it's between these two guys. there are rumbling that bradley cooper could sneak in there for "american sniper." you watch the gild. i think it's going to be between
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michael keaton and eddie. >> i'm a flip-flopper. a month ago i said michael keaton. >> you changed your tune now. let's move on to best actress. this could be her year. a lot of people are hoping -- >> this will be her year. >> all three of us are kind of in the same boat here for best actress, julianne moore in "still alice" a beautiful film. >> julianne moore, no matter what she's in she's always good. i feel like she could have won an oscar any year she's been nominated. i think this year all roads are pointing. >> fifth time is the charm. it's her fifth nomination. she carried this film. yes, we saw kristen stewart, alec baldwin in it but this was julianne moore's film. it was about her. she was brilliant, masterful. this is her oscar. >> we're got the girls here. we can talk about it. who are you most excited to see on the red carpet. >> julianne moore. >> she is tom ford's gal. this could be one of those days where the golden light will be on her.
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>> three years ago at the emmys she had this black and white tom ford dress on that i thought she -- it gave me chills how beautiful she looked in that. i've been begging her every time i see her, i say please please please wear tom ford again. i hope she does come and i hope she wears a dress from here to santa monica. i want to see a train. i want to see her do it. >> i agree with you, nischelle. julianne moore is always a treat. i want to see what mary coutiard is going to pull out and also emma stone. she will be playful, fun. this is her first oscars. >> speaking of first oscars neil patrick harris, we can't wait to see what he does. >> he'll make someone disappear on stage. i'm serious. >> krista and nischelle turner always a delight. let us know what you think about your picks for the oscars. tweet us at "new day" or go to facebook. plan for your sunday. join don lemon and i at 6:00
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p.m. eastern. i'm going to be taking care of don lemon. hosting hollywood's biggest night on the red carpet. 60% chance of rain. not going to rain on be my parade i'll tell you that. chris. >> we've got a good stuff that will be right up your alley. this little boy has his heart broken. nobody shows up to his birthday party. so what makes this the good stuff? you're about to find out.
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>> announcer: the good stuff brought to you by angie's list. join now at angie's time for the good stuff. 6-year-old glen beradi, beautiful, autistic has a 6th birthday party. invites the whole class. great? why? because nobody came. >> to see the look on his face killed me inside. >> who are these other families that didn't show up? glen's mom said glen refused to smile for days. where is the good stuff part of this? here. the mom, so frustrated, puts the story on facebook. the response amazing. almost as soon as she posted it dozens of total strangers and their kids started showing up with figtsgifts. fire department shows up sheriff's department pools money and buys gifts and the best gift of all a flyover from the department's helicopter.
6:00 am
how good is that? with such a horrible beginning. well we're trying to -- the local affiliate that helped us with the story. they tried to find out from the family. we don't have the details about why it didn't go. >> good stuff. >> it is good stuff how anybuffer stepped up. good to you. enjoy your sixth birthday my man. we'll see you next year glen. you're a good boy. a lot of news this morning. let's get you to the "newsroom" with carol costello. at least it has a nice ending. >> yes, absolutely. i appreciate that. happy friday. have a great day. >> happy friday carol. >> thank you. "newsroom" starts now. and good morning. i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. the u.s. gearing up to take isis down. military sources now putting out the word of a massive spring offensive. here's what we know. the u.s. will play a key role in


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