tv Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN February 22, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PST
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this is "gps," global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria. we have a terrific show for you today. first up -- is the self-declared islamic state really islamic? and what's in a name, anyway? >> al qaeda, isil and groups like it are desperate for legitimacy. >> how should we describe and deal with the phenomenon the president calls violent extremism. then how do we win the fight against the terror group on a new battlefield. i'll explain. also john chambers the chairman and ceo of cisco on disruptive technologies the state of the economy, and how the internet of everything will transform your life.
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finally, a fascinating preview of the next few decades in which the united states will stay right on top. you won't want to miss this. but first, here's my take. president obama stands accused of political correctness for his unwillingness to accuse groups like isis of islamic extremism choosing a more generic term -- violent extremeism. his critics say you cannot fight an enemy you will not name. his supporters feel his approach is too professorial. far from being a scholar concerned with describing the phenomenon accurately, the president is actually deliberately choosing not to emphasize isis' religious dimension for political and strategic reasons. after all, what would the practical consequences be of describing isis as islamic? would the west drop more bombs on it? no. but it would make many muslims feel their religion had been
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unfairly maligned, and it would diss heart disheartened leaders that continually denounced them as a group that does not represent islam. the islamic state is islamic, very islamic. the essay is an intelligent and detailed account of the ideology that animates the islamic state. these are not secular people with rational goals, he argues, they really do believe in their religious ideology. >> but wood's essay reminds me of some of the breathless tracks written during the cold war that pointed out that the communists really really believed in communism. of course many isis leaders do believe their ideology. the real question is why has this ideology sprung up at this moment and why is it attractive to a group, a tie nye group of muslim men these days. wood describes isis as having
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revived traditions that have been dormant for hundreds of years. exactly. isis has rediscovered even re-invented a version of islam for its own purposes today. wood is much taken by academic, turning a blind eye to isis for political reasons. "people want to absolve islam. it is this islam is a religion of peace mantra, as if there is such a thing as islam," he says. "it is what muslims do. . " right, there are 1.6 billion muslims in the world and perhaps 30,000 members of isis. he feels it's 0.0019% of what muslims do that defines the religion. who is being political, i wonder. ideology succeeds when it replaces some other set of ideas that has failed. sherri berman.
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across the middle east the ideas that have failed are pan-arabism, republicanism, nascent efforts at democracy, economic liberalism and secularism. the regime's espousing these principles have morphed into dictatorships producing economic stagnation and social backwardness. in some cases, the nation itself has collapsed as a project. it is in the face of this failure that groups like isis can say islam is the answer. this battle of ideologies can be seen vividly in the life of one man, profiled brilliantly by "the new york times." a middle class fitness trainer from cairo was interested mostly in making money and meeting girls. but his dreams began to crash into egypt's depressed economy and political turmoil, the article notes. he couldn't get a good job and began dreaming about leaving
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egypt, questioning his life choices, he then became drawing to a very different ideology a version of islam that is rigorous and militant. now 22, he fights for the islamic state in syria. during last ramadan season, he tweeted a photograph of a decapitated corpse. his post read "surely the holiday wouldn't be complete without a picture with one of the dogs' corpses." islam yaken is a true believer. but the question is how did he get there and what were the forces that helped carry him along? calling him islamic doesn't help you understand any of that. for more go to and read my "washington post" column this week. let's get started. >> we are not at war with islam.
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we are at war with people who have perverted islam. >> the president has gone to great pains to avoid framing the challenge against the terror group as one against radical islam. his critics have taken note and the article i mentioned has re-ignited this debate. in the article "the atlantic's" cover story graeme wood, writes "yes isis has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the middle east and europe. but the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of islam." wood the author of "what isis really wants" joins me now from yale university where he is a lecture you are in political science. joining us from istanbul, a fellow from brookings institute for middle east policy. and here in new york peter beinart, city university of new york and cnn political commentator. thank you all.
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graeme, i should start by giving you the floor. i just discoursed on your article. the question i have really beyond what i mentioned was you insist the islamic state and isis is very islamic, fine. what does that change in terms of the strategy one adopts? i notice at the end of the article you end up endorsing pretty much obama's approach to isis. am i wrong? >> no, you're quite right. i think many aspects of obama's approach are exactly what i would take. however, knowing the enemy i think is very important. if we understand how the organization of isis conceives itself then we have some sense of what its plans are, how it motivates possible recruits. and how it presents itself. and to deny that it has any islamic character whatsoever i think is really to suggest something that simply isn't true
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and leads us to misguided approaches. >> a lot of islamic scholars and clerics have reacted to that article and versions of that argument saying look why do they get to define what's authentically islamic? we say it is not islamic, or at the very least as a debate. where do you come on? >> when it gets to a theological issue we shouldn't pretend isis approach to islam is equally legitimate as other interpretations. in fact it is a distortion and they ignore centuries of medieval islamic tradition. there is a tradition of legal pluralism, of intellectual pluralism, from the early days much the prophet. if we look at the so-called prophetic model isis claims to respect, from day one, when versus came down there was questions of what was god's intent and what was the context
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in which that verse was revealed. isis has no interest in intent or context. so in that sense they are violating fundamental principles of interpret targs of interpretation. so i don't think we can say isis is a medieval organization. they are distinctly modern. they are reacting against things they are reacting against things they don't like in the world. >> peter, when you look at the kind of religious rhetoric they use, do you sometimes think this is a cover for a power grab? these are local thugs on the ground who have kind of come up with a very elaborate ideology that maybe speaks to some people but that some of them may believe in it and some of them really just want power. >> i don't doubt graeme's very, very good piece which he suggests very, very sincerely. we as american policy we as a nation have done best when we have defined our enemies narrowly.
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we did not fight a cold war against communism. or when we -- for our most effective periods of the cold war. we allied with yoog slavugoslavia, a communist country against the soviets. we allied with klein against the soviets. we narrowed our enemies and therefore put more strength on our side. i think what's important about what obama is doing, he's trying to keep our enemies narrow. we are going to need to ally with people who may call themselves islamists in order to defeat isis, maybe people who call themselves jihadists, whatever that means, just as we allied with communists against the soviet union. we didn't fight all fascists in world war ii. we didn't declare war on franco's spain. while important, shouldn't be what drives american policy. >> the point i'm making is to deny that they are from this enormously diverse and contradictory tradition of islam and that's where they find their
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legitimacy. that's the discourse that they use and the rhetoric that they use would be false. to take peter's point, we certainly did not fight communism per se, or fascism per se. the point i'm making, not knowing what communism is, not knowing what nazism is that's more like the position that we're in right now. knowing the ideology allows us to separate and address things one by one. >> peter, if they are -- if isis is such a threat to so many other muslims and middle easterners, why not let them take on the struggle? >> i think another very different debate which is how much of a threat this is. i think that's another issue one which you've seen obama take a different position than many of his republican critics. i don't think obama thinks isis is a potential real threat but i don't think he believes that it is as great a threat as al qaeda was the day before september 11th, for instance. so i think obama's calculation about the amount of power he's
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willing to expend in fighting it is different. if you really believe isis was as great of a threat as many republican presidential hopefuls are saying, we should be sending ground troops. i don't think the evidence is at this point that they are. that's why i think the u.s. should be doing what it's doing. maybe it could be doing it more effectively. we're providing air power and trying in a very difficult set of circumstances to build up stronger allies on the ground. unfortunately we don't have great allies on the ground. >> when we come back, we're going to have more of this with graeme wood and peter beinart, talk about other controversies about america and the middle east including the increasingly public dispute between israel and the obama administration.
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>> we're back with graeme wood, shadi hamid, peter beinart. thanks again for joining me. in your very interesting article in "the atlantic," one of the parts i liked is where you distinguish between al qaeda and isis and its goals. you point out al qaeda had facial traditional kind of islamist goals. really i would call them almost modern arab concerns. for example, the issue of israel. isis does not seem to have those. isis' goals are more theological and they want to create a caliphate. they want to create true interpretation of sharia. does israel fit in at all? how does isis think about it? >> certainly isis is no fan of israel. but israel's many point for isis is certainly it's propaganda value, but also its place in the apocalypse. isis believes it's foretold
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armies of islam will eventually rally around jerusalem after being defeated actually. they believe after conquering a large area of land eventually be reduced to a core of 5,000 fighters around jerusalem. that's one of the most common ways jerusalem is referred to in the propaganda of isis. >> shadi, when i listen to what isis is propagating, increasingly sectarian nature, sunnis don't like the she yazias, the kurds. it does feel like the great charge against israel and the great cause of the palestinians is essentially receded and does suggest that a lot of people who said this was always a kind of rhetorical ploy and never had that much deep currency in the arab world were correct. >> if we look at many, if not most, islamist groups i would say they do care to one degree or another about israel but it is striking how little that seems to figure in to what isis
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says and does. 7 in this sense, isis is much more focused on muslims. there's no one it hates more than apostate. because if you're a muslim and you refuse to uphold the religion you are apostate in their eyes. then there's, of course, shias, which are a target of anger and hatred throughout the middle east. in that sense with al qaeda obsessed with the west, isis is very focused on iraq, syria, the immediate surroundings. they hate arab rulers more than they hate israeli leaders. that should affect how we react to them and how we think about the threat they face. in that sense they are less of a direct threat on the american homeland but very much a threat to middle east stability. we're talking about an extremist expansionist state in the heart of the middle east. >> peter, what i want to turn
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your attention to is the increasingly public dispute between the united states and israel about iran. you've read these reports. the state department spokesman publicly in a sense confirmed that the obama administration believes that israel and prime minister netanyahu personally apparently has been leaking incorrect information about the iran nuclear deal. in addition it feels that he is making an end run around them and going and speaking before congress. what to make about all this? >> the reason this clash is so fierce, it goes to the heart of the legacies of both men. benjamin netanyahu sincerely believes he is winston churchill in the 1930s. the only person wise enough and brave enough to sound the alarm about a potential -- about a potential nazi-like threat. barack obama sees himself as much more again to richard nixon in the 1970s, trying to make, look at the possibility of making an opening to iran which would be like an opening to
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china which would rejigger the entire power balance in the middle east and allow america to solve problems it can't solve now and put itself in a much stronger position. it's not just that these guys don't like each other. not just that obama is a democrat and netanyahu plays footsies with the republicans all the time. but it really goes to the core of how they see themselves historically. >> is israel, netanyahu, going to throw a monkey wrench in the iran deal? >> i think the lesson of conflict between the united states and israel is this -- when it comes to the palestinians, israel wins. the united states just does not care enough to pay the political price. when it comes to an issue that is considered core to american national security like will we go to war with iran. make no mistake, if this deal fails and we have new sanctions, we will be on a path to war. that is not an issue that barack obama or any other american president is going to allow an israeli leader to have veto
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power over and i think obama has made that very clear to people in the democratic party. i think by and large they are going to stick with him. >> peter beinart, graeme wood, shadi hamid, good to have you on. up nesh -- the up next, u.s. found a new battlefield on which to fight isis, twitter. we will tell you whether it is working. ps looks after all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don't know exactly. kid: what if you're not happy? does he have to pay you back? dad: nope. kid: why not? dad: it doesn't work that way. kid: why not? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab
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now for our "what in the world" segment. throughout its history as a superpower, the united states fought not only on the battlefield but also tried to win over people's hearts and minds through diplomacy, public messaging and other efforts. that other battle now has a new frontier, on twitter and other forms of social media, and it has not been led by the world's technology super power -- the united states but by the medieval theater of isis. isis has embraced social media with a zeal and savvy that has been startling. the group supporters issue 90,000 pieces of social media every day according to the state department. jane berger, conducting a study of isis's twitter usage
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commissioned by google estimates that the number is closer to 200,000, mostly generated by less than 2,000 accounts using a very thought-out high-volume method. even with twitter suspending some isis accounts berger says they are very prolific in producing new media. all tolled he estimates there are still 30,000 twitter accounts used by isis supporters. because they tweet so much, they can place higher end search results and get their material on other twitter sites. this week the obama administration announced an effort to fight back. "the new york times" reported nat administration is reorganizing it's response to the isis campaign. expanding the state department's center for strategic counter-terrorism communications to coordinate a multi-agency effort, drawing on hundreds of government twitter accounts, the center will also coordinate messaging with muslim leaders and scholars who would likely have a better chance of influencing potential isis
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recruits, reports the "times." the center established in 2011 has already begun a think again/turn away campaign trying to convince those on the fence that joining isis is the wrong choice. the overall strategy is three-fold according to the agency's previous director alberto hernandez in a 2014 speech. to contest the space that has previously been ceded to terrorists to redirect the conversation highlighting jihadi groups' weak spots, such as the fact that muslims are often their victims. finally, to unnerve the adversary, getting inside their heads, like they do to us. preventing would-be terrorists from joining isis might be less about altering their theology than appealing to basic human instincts. an al qaeda scholar noted a growing number of micro level studies of jihadi recruitment
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downplays the role of doctrine and emphasizes the proximate incentives involving emotions. the pleasure of agency the thrill of adventurism, the joy of rom rodry. in other words recruiting is about go ifg young men something big and bold they can be part of. figuring ow the right approach is not easy. it's an alchemy more art than science. so how is the united states doing? it's difficult to quantify progress. generally the reviews we've seen have been mixed and the budget for the center is only about $5 million a year, a paltry sum compared to other foreign policy initiatives. but the idea is interesting and battlefield important. perhaps the state department needs to call in some of the people who ran the president's digital campaigns in 2008 and 2012. they seemed to know how to use social media and they also know how to win. up next, cisco system builds and
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runs what is often called the arteries of the internet. what does ceo john chambers see as the future of today's most powerful technology. [ male announcer ] you wouldn't leave your car unprotected. but a lot of us leave our identities unprotected. nearly half a million cars were stolen in 2012, but for every car stolen 34 people had their identities stolen. identity thieves can steal your money, damage your credit and wreak havoc on your life. why risk it when you can help protect yourself from identity theft with one call to lifelock, the leader in identity-theft protection? lifelock actively patrols your sensitive, personal information every second of every day, helping to guard your social security number, your bank accounts and credit, even the equity in your home -- your valuable personal assets. look. your bank may alert you to suspicious activity on your credit or debit card. but that still may leave you vulnerable to big losses if a thief opens new accounts in your name or decides to drain your savings,
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my next guest says one day every country, city company, house, car and other physical things will be digitized. what he calls the internet of things the increasing interconnectedness of people and objects will be life-changing for many people but disruptive for many industries. john chambers is the chairman and ceo of cisco, the world's largest manufacturer of data networking equipment. he has been the ceo of that company for an astonishing 20 years. >> fareed, it is a pleasure to be with you again. >> thank you. give me a sense of the internet. it seems like something we now can't imagine life without. but what are we not seeing that's going to happen five years from now?
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>> if you think about the interin et in the first generation all of us understand lou it's changed our lives. multiply it by five to ten fold, that's what the next generation internet will be. it's going to be the digital era where the last two decades were around the information era. as that occurs economic value by merely connecting things, not the whole value of the internet but connecting things will be about $19 trillion around the world over this next decade. that's the u.s. economy. >> so average middle class family in the united states, in the western world, what will their life look like? when they have this internet of things that you talk about. >> yes. so if you think about it, let me start with the business. when either parent goes to work in the business, most likely their company will move from being a retail company or bank company or manufacturing company to a digital company. specializing in retail and
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manufacturing. that's where ge is going, that's where walmart is going, as an example. you will automatically turn on and off devices in your home in terms of starting the dinner or changing the temperature, et cetera, it will change life in a very positive way. it will generate a lot of jobs but it will be disruptive to many industries. it will be an environment where if you don't change as a city or country or as a company, you will get left behind. so it will be disruptive. >> what do you mean when you talk about cities. you wrote a terrific piece in "foreign affairs" about cities really become being the new frontier. >> so maybe first cities and then countries. barcelona is probably the best example in the world. in fact they were voted most innovative city. in new york created 40,000 jobs in this transition. the ability to look at each of these in teenagers, how they do public transportation and services, public services to the citizens. how they basically manage their traffic control how they do street lighting. think about it from the
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country perspective. israel was the first country to make the change. all three political parties, simone perez, netanyahu's party, third political party, finance minister said this is about gdp growth digitizing can make a difference in one to three points gdp per year. secondly about job creation. it's about health care to every citizen delivered to their home or wherever they wan, education the same way. many people don't realize, there will be a digital era occurring. it will start with probably france followed by germany, uk northern europe be with, and southern europe. >> a lot of people are very gloomy. they don't think euro will survive, europe will survive or at the very least will be troubled and have to deal with slow growth for a decade. you're not there. >> not at all. we said nine months ago betting on europe, government had their act together, becoming digital countries. they yundz it understand it by cities. i'm even more bullish on the
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u.s., however. >> what makes you more bullish on the u.s.? i think i'm right you're with the other party in the united states, republican. >> but i like democrats, too. >> would you say that when you look at how the united states has handle the great recession, between monetary policy, fiscal policy, recapitalization of banks, at least it looks to me we've done it better than anybody else. certainly if you look at japan and europe as the other alternatives. >> i think you're probably, fareed, you and i agree on most things. i think this time you're a little bit generous toward government. i think we've done it purely on the strength of the american economy and american people. i don't think it's because of government. i think the government has done a very average job. i think it's because of our basic concepts of job creation and business able to recreate themselves. >> what about the issue of jobs. a lot of the things you're describing sound transforming and, as you say, disruptive. but a lot of people say they don't really create those many jobs.
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in fact, if you look at what a lot of this technology is doing is getting rid of jobs. >> so this the question i think people have to take a hard look at. let's use the innovation age. president clinton did an amazing job. i'm from the other party, as you know. he did an amazing job on really driving the internet and information age. many people in the early '90s when he started down that path, people said it's going to displace jobs, not going to create jobs. fast forward the last six years of his administration, 22 million jobs. real gdp growth and real income growth for average american citizen up over 16% each. >> that's almost 20 years ago. >> yeah. the concept was exactly the same. this is when you come from the next generation of the internet. i.e. everything is the digital age. exactly what the leadership of france understands and germany understands, that if you build the infrastructure right -- and this is the infrastructure of
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the future. this is the high-waysway highways railroads and education system. you then will create jobs at a pace you haven't done before. so while there will be jobs destruction, like with the internet, many jobs destruction, you will move those jobs to other areas. our country in the u.s. is the best at realigning industries quickly. what i found fascinating is the french leadership got that even quicker than the u.s. leadership does at the present time. >> john chambers, always a pressure to have you. >> fareed, it's a pleasure. coming up next, my next guest says the future of the united states is surprisingly sunny, but in his case he explains it's all because of geography. when we come back.
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maybe what matter is really topography geography, literally the land it ef. that's it's why the united states with its extraordinary rivers and ports has a unique advantage. but will that geopolitical luck last? listen in on my recent conversation with peter zan, the author of a terrific new book called "the accidental super power -- the next generation of american preeminence and the coming global disorder." peter, pleasure to have you on. >> pleasure to be here. >> the big point of your book is america is in an inenviable position. i want to touch on why geography and demography and these structural factors really inform your analysis. you start out by pointing out that america has one of the world's most enviable markets
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because of rivers. explain that. >> it really comes down to a balance of transport. how easy is it to move things in your system versus beyond your system. water transport costs about 1/12 of what it costs to move things by land. and that's assuming you already have the infrastructure in place. once you add roadways, ports, it's a 50-1 advantage. >> that's why you point out throughout history civilizations and cities have always started on rivers or ports. >> almost all the successful ones whether it is the french chinese, japanese and so on. but in mod tern timesern times, the united states has over 17,000 miles of these waterways. that's more than everybody else put together. >> more than the rest of the world put together. >> absolutely. >> by comparison, what is china and germany? >> china and germany, just over it,000. the rest of the world, just over 200. >> you have these great river systems that allow you to get goods out. then talk about america's port advantage. >> ports, it's a whole different scale. because of the intracoastal
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waterway in essence half of american frontage is protected. there's barrier islands that protect everything. you have all these indentations in texas that have more combined port potential. potential. not actual ports. potential than all of east asia. the geography is absolutely sublime. there's nothing like it anywhere else. >> the three largest ports in world are in america. >> san francisco bay area, puget sound and chesapeake bay. >> that's the advantage in terms of transport. you also point out that the united states has enormous advantages demographically going forward. it's the only rich country in the world that is not aging, you know, fast in the way japan and even germany are. tell us about some of the surprising elements here. what's also true is demography is not working to the advantage of many so-called developing countries. >> absolutely. there is a problem throughout the developing world that has something that was experienced a little while ago in the developed world. urbanization rates increased so
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much. that has generated growth, industrialization, urbanization that is good for economic growth. when you move people from the farm to the city, all of a sudden children are a luxury good. that happened so fast in so many places the birth rate has collapsed. so places like indonesia or like brazil are now aging at three and four times the rate that they are in western europe. >> wait, brazil is aging at three times the rate of western europe? >> absolutely. >> you look at japan aging fast, europe aging fast. the u.s. remains privileged. but we point out it's also going to be isolated, separated from the world. explain how that works out especially with regard to energy. >> sure. i'm not sure if i would use the word "isolated." "retrenched" would be a better word. united states is discovering global trade system is dependent on it. united states doesn't really use the trade system. right now it's about 90% of gdp america's total involvement, which is less than some
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countries like bolivia and kyrgyzstan. >> germany is something like 38 -- >> 50. >> 50. >> the united states is the the least involved international economy as a percentage of gdp. a lot of that is disappearing. it used to be that 5% of our gdp was imports of energy products. well, because of shale, we've gone from importing about 12 million barrels a day to two, once you figure out north america as a chunk. within two years north america is going to be energy independent. what opec is doing with shale, the price war, is not really working. shale production costs are now below $50 a barrel. they are cost competitive. so the war is pushing out russian siberian crude or north slope crude or albertan or north sea crude but not the shale patch. >> if you had the crisis in the middle east, this has always been the concern, prices of oil skyrocket. some people say, well it doesn't matter whether we're importing it from the middle east or not.
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we're still affected if it's $200 a barrel oil because oil is a global commodity. >> right. but that linkage is breaking down. as it moves to formal self-sufficiency, you have to remember they can't import oil from the united states, it's illegal. glue you're not going to have the sort of broad spectrum political support for exposing the united states on purpose to geopolitical risks. >> the price of oil might decouple and as a result the middle east crisis will mean more expensive middle eastern oil, but not west texas crude? >> and we're seeing the start of that already. there's already about a $5 disconnect despite that american prices are more reliable, more sustainable and pure crude, not high sulfur. all we need now is some sort of shock on the supply side to drive that factor home to the markets, then in a fundamentally new world, energy trade, security everything.
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>> so when you look at this world you're describing, it seems pretty mess with cunning -- >> "messy" is the right world. >> from germany, china, all of them that seem to be doing well are going to start floundering? >> the reason they have done well is the u.s. set up a free trade system that encouraged interaction and put its navy four times more powerful at the service of the global commons. energy independence among other things the fact that our market is stable is ending that relationship that commitment. when the rest of the world is upon spoke patrolling its own system and there's no one to broker what that looks like that's where resource wars come in. what we're seeing now is the final days months maybe couple years of the old system that the united states arbitrated we're very close to the beginning of the new. >> a fascinating, particularly
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for me, because it describes in some measure i was trying to get at but you take it in so many interesting and fresh directions. peter zahn glad to have you on. >> glad to be next. president obama is pulling most of the troops fighting ebola out of west africa. is it mission accomplished? stay with us. something years now. thinking about what you want to do with your money? daughter: looking at options. what do you guys pay in fees? dad: i don't know exactly. daughter: if you're not happy do they have to pay you back? dad: it doesn't really work that way. daughter: you sure? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab.
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down to 50 men and 50 women from more than 30 countries, which brings us to our gps challenge question -- which country has the most representatives in the mars 1 finalist pool? russia china, the united states or the netherlands? stay tuned, we'll tell you the correct answer. this week's "book of the week" is david boas's "the libertarian mind." people often wonder what it means when someone describe himself or herself as a libertarian, including people like rand paul, allen greenspan and peter thee. he does a superb job of explaining the idea and he does it with passion. for anyone interested in politics this is a valuable resource and well-written book. and now for the last look. it is challenging for americans to have their children stuck at home during the seemingly endless winter weather, so
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imagine just how arduous a nationwide half-year sky hiatus would be all why battling a dadly epidemic. this week thousands of children returned to skee in liberia for the first time in over six months. classes were back in session in some places once hands were washed and temperatures were taken, of course. according to reuters, the ministry of education in liberia hopes all schools will open in march. the return to school is encouraging, but the world has not yet seen the last of the largest ebola outbreak in human history. as you can see from thinks charts the number of ebola cases in the most affected countries -- guinea liberia and sierra leone -- has decline. according to the w.h.o. a total of 128 new cases were reported this week with only two in liberia. on this side of the world, president obama announced that
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all but 100 u.s. troops deployed to fight ebola in west africa would come home by the end of april. the president stressed that the american mission was not yet complete that while ebola simmers, it's still a threat. >> it's an ember that can light a new fire. the troops are heading home children are back to school. when will west africa and the world truly be out of the woods? experts say the number of cases must be zero for 42 days twice ebola's incubation period or this terrible epidemic could reignite. we'll be counting and hoping. the correct answer to the gps challenge question is c, a third of the finalists hail from the united states. if only we could get that kind of public interest in nasa. after all, according to the oecd the united states does have the biggest space budget in the world at roughly $40 billion a year. china is next, with an annual budget of $6 billion, which
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incidentally is the exact amount mars one estimates will be the cost of sending just 9 first four people to mars. thanks for being a part of our program this week, i will see the next week. \s . happening right now in the cnn "newsroom." >> if anyone is planning to go to the mall of america today, they have to be particularly careful. >> homeland security secretary jeh johnson responding to attacks on shopping malls. plus minnesota's battle as a recruiting ground for jihadis. and we are still losing them. is it terrorists in midwest here in the united states? it is. >> there is a
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