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tv   CNNI Simulcast  CNN  February 23, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PST

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>> i like the last guy. just like, whatever, it's new york. >> from the devil baby to the drink baby, the fake baby game has come a long way on the "ridiculist". thanks for watching. the latest particular sickening claim from isis. tracking the british teenagers who went to syria to join up with terrorists. why north korea is bringing out the big guns. hello, everyone i'm zain aesh. >> great to have you with us. i'm john vause. this is cnn newsroom. a top u.s. official has told cnn, america's ability to track
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terrorists has been compromised by edward snowden. >> this comes as isis militants showcase their new video. >> reporter: isis advertising its brutality once again. parading captured kurdish soldiers in cages, like the one where the captured jordanian pilot met his death. despite distributing propaganda publicly on social media, today the head of the nsa admitted new blind spots in tracking isis as they've altered and concealed their communications in the wake of revelations by edward snowden. >> i would say it's had an impact on insights into twha terrorist groups around the world are doing. >> reporter: do you have new blind spots that you didn't have prior to the revelation?
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>> have i lost capabilities that i had prior to the revelations? yes. >> reporter: how much does that concern you? >> it concerns me a lot. >> reporter: still, isis has not pulled back its messaging on the web, releasing propaganda videos like this one, showing an isis training camp for children wearing camouflage and isis bandanas the terror group calls these kids their cubs. another clear and present danger was identified to the u.s. seeker attacks with the capability to inflict significant damage on the homeland. >> i think it's only a matter of time before we see destructive offensive actions taken against critical u.s. infrastructure. >> reporter: which states are capable of that? >> we have talked about china. clearly the russians and others have capabilities. we're mindful of that. >> reporter: still admiral
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rogers admits that the u.s. capability to deter such a cyber attack and prevent further spread remains premature. >> we're not where we want to collectively to be. this is still the early stages of cyber in many ways. so we're going to have to work our way through this. >> reporter: asked if foreign intelligence agencies are monitoring u.s. cell phone networks, admiral rogers made clear, it is very likely as well. that sort of surveillance taking place by other countries here inside the u.s. jim sciutto, cnn, washington. security is now tight at the mall of america. one of the biggest shopping malls in the united states.
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>> authorities staged a security lockdown at the sprawling complex in minneapolis on monday. that's after video from the somalia al shabab group called for attacks in canadian the u.s. and the u.k. it's the same group that attacked a kenyan mall. >> but here in the u.s. they are down-playing the threat. they say they know of any credible threats against any u.s. shopping malls. but lone wolf attacks are difficult to predict and prevent. >> anyplace americans congra gait is vulnerable to attack. you can't arrest somebody for having a bad thought. and with the availability of chemicals and automatic weapons in this country, we are at risk. >> minneapolis is home to the
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largest smauly population in the u.s. the smaul yan american community has said the safety of all somalians and all americans is of utmost importance to smauly americans. we remain to being at the forefront of defeating religious or political extremism. meanwhile, three british teenagers are believed headed to syria to join isis. >> it's not their fault if they don't find the teenagers. the reuters news agency says bring the britain took too long to raise the alarm. why did they leave their homes presumably to live out with
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militants? >> there have been a lot of theories including an isis bribe. some say more could have been done. >> reporter: they crossed through security and immigration, three schoolgirls from east london. they flew from london to istanbul believed to be headed to the border of syria. but what convinced the girls to leave their families and head to syria? and were there any red flags that police and families should have noticed? in fact one of their classmates left for syria in december. and police talked to the girls at the time warning them of the dangers of traveling to syria. but the principle says they were radicalized online not at school. >> students are unable to access twitter or facebook on academy
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computers. with such measures in place, police have advised us that there is no evidence that radicalization of the missing students took place at the academy. >> reporter: social media chats indicate that at least one of the girls were in touch with a girl who left for syria at the age of 19 more than a year ago. she runs a blog urging young muslim women to join isis giving them step by step directions telling them what to bring and what to dress. terrorist analysts say women are some of the most successful recruiters for isis online. >> as far as radicalization and recruitment goes women are better equipped at recruiting other women. in fact they would feel more comfortable talking to other women. saying what is it like what can i expect when i get there, having a woman communicate with you, that brings down the threshold for feeling comfortable to leave. >> reporter: but the families of
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these three schoolgirls hope they will be stopped from entering syria. >> one thing is for sure that isis seems to be successful in using online sites like twitter and tumblr. >> ash carter spoke about fighting isis and he warned that social media has become a key tool for terrorists. >> the first of the most recent eras of terrorism was kind of internet-fueled. this isil thing is social media-fueled. it's different. it's got a different technological enabling to it. >> and there have been several successful attempts to keep foreigners from traveling abroad to join terror groups. france say it is has just confiscated the passports of six
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people who were allegedly going to syria. 40 more people will be banned from leaving the country as well. about 400 french citizens already believed to be fighting with militant groups in iraq and syria. france isn't the only european country which now has the authority to seize passports of alleged joeihadis. officials in the u.k. have confiscated 25 passports as well. that strategy seems to be unlikely to prohibit stopping three teenage girls now believed to be on their way to syria to join isis. peter berger joins us now from washington. so the bottom line here, at least one of the girls was apparently using someone else's passport. >> reporter: yeah, as you know john the british have had a substantial problem. british officials tell me that 600 british citizens have gone to syria. they have canceled or refused to issue people's passports. they've even revoked people's
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citizenships in eight cases, but, you know if you do the math on the numbers that they revoked or canceled it's really relatively small compared to this large number that have gone. >> and in the case of these three british teenage girls which there's been a lot of reporting about over the last couple days. it seems at least one of the girls who was traveling on her sister's passport she was following at least 70 extremists online. shouldn't that have been a red flag for authorities? >> yeah or indeed her family. but the point is that a lot of, you know a lot of parents who have teenagers really don't have much of a sense of what they're doing online whether they're visiting extremist websites or something else. and it is the case john certainly, that social media can be tracked by law enforcement. it's perfectly legal to look at twitter and facebook accounts. and people do have these pretty
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active social media presences if they're engage with isis. but in this case obviously these teenagers just fell through the cracks. >> by following these extremists though online she would have been exposed to horrific videos the beheadings does that add to the lure of isis part of the grooming process? >> i'm not sure. it is a puzzle. isis presents itself as the defender of islam and all that and yet, it's clear from their videos that many of their victims are muslims, and surely people who follow though stuff would see that. perhaps they're absorbing the other message, which is that we're creating this utopia in syria. and that's what's appealing to them. what's unusual in this wave of foreign fighters or recruits is the number of females that are going. this is not something we saw in previous jihads in bosnia or
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iraq. and i think they're being enticed by the idea that the perfect caliphate is being created. >> we have these reports now that these three girls were spoken to or contacted by police back in december. no concerns were raised back then which then essentially, if you look at the time frame, they've now been radicalized in just a few weeks? and as the british prime minister david cameron said, just by sitting in their bedrooms while being on the internet, does that make any sense? or surely there have to be some other underlying issues here. >> i think it could make sense. in the united states we've seen teenage girls from colorado go all the way to frank further on the way to syria before being apprehended. we've seen teenagers from chicago. they're coming from middle class, american families. so i think that people radicalize quickly online. people fall in love online. so why wouldn't they necessarily
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be you know somehow the online world can be a very emotional one for certain people. >> so if these three young teenage girls actually make it to syria, actually manage to join up with isis what sort of future are they looking at? >> a very dangerous one. let's start there. nicole mansfield who went over to syria, she was an african-american woman from flint, michigan. she got killed. you go over there, you don't know what you're doing. it's the most dangerous war of the modern era. these kids have no idea what they're doing. so i think they're looking at a very dangerous future. >> thank you very much peter bergen. >> and you can get much more on this story at our website,, including how the scottish teen turned isis bride grew up. hear what her family has to say talking from their affluent home in glasgow. when we come back the south
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korea and u.s. are gearing up for their military exercises. plus leaked documents are contradicting a claim on iran's nuclear situation. i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit with my android from tracfone, i can... order more shaving cream. pay the electric bill. keep towels piping hot. get kids to sit still. play beard styling tunes. learn new razor tricks. hire a pro waxer. post before and after pics. i can do all that with my android from tracfone. 90-day plans start as low as $20. unbeatable nationwide coverage. no contract. for a limited time save $20 on
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any tracfone android smartphone. tracfone. do everything for less.
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i already feel like we're the most connected but i think this solo date will seal the deal. sure! i offer multi-car, safe driver, and so many other discounts that people think i'm a big deal. and boy, are they right. ladies, i can share hundreds in savings with all of you! just visit today. but right now, it's choosing time. ooh! we have a winner. all: what? [chuckles] he's supposed to pick one of us. this is a joke, right? that was the whole point of us being here.
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okay. welcome back everyone. israel's intelligence agency pea have disagreed with the israeli prime minister. they obtained leaked documents claiming a claim benjamin netanyahu made back in 2012. >> he made that at the u.n. general assembly. he told the gathering that iran was very close to building a nuclear bomb. >> if these are the facts, and they are, where should a red line be drawn? a red line should be drawn right here. before before iran completes the second stage of nuclear enrichment necessary to make a
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bomb. >> it was a speech most remembered by the wiley coyote cartoon bomb which netanyahu hell up. and we have more now from jerusalem. >> reporter: the guardian and al jazeera say they have documents that differed significantly with netanyahu on the assessment of iran's nuclear weapons capability. this dates back to 2012. you remember when benjamin netanyahu addressed world leaders at the u.n. in 2012. he held up that drawing of a bomb with a red line claiming that iran was less than a year away from reaching a milestone in its nuclear weapons capable. but the guardian and al jazeera claim to have a report shared by a south african spy agency a month after that speech showing that israel's intelligence agency felt that netanyahu's statement was exaggerated.
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now neither statements leaked out gives a timeline and cnn cannot verify these documents. for their part they say there is no discrepancy. a slaily spokesperson says there is no discrepancy from the notes and netanyahu's declarations. cnn, jerusalem. we have this just in. a late attempt to spare the lives of two australian drug traffickers has vailed in indonesia. the president denied clemency. six australian prime ministers all begged for clemency but they are not budging. they were sentenced to death in
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2006 for their role in a drug-smuggling ring. the pair's lawyer says they plan to appeal once again. okay. and on to another story we're following. an egyptian court has postponed the retrial of two al jazeera journalists. they were convicted of supporting the banned muslim brotherhood, a charge they both deny. both men were released on bail earlier this week. fahmy has been critical of the prosecution. >> we have been pointing that out for the past year or so about, you know how this prosecution is faulty however, al jazeera's negligence has given them more firepower. >> and a third al jazeera journalist peter greste was actually freed earlier this month. after the break, round two
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of the winter weather slamming parts of the united states and icy roads causing big troubles for drivers as well. when we come back we'll take a look at how long the storm will last this time. national gives me the control to choose any car in the aisle i want. i could choose you... or i could choose her if i like her more. and i do. oh, the silent treatment. real mature. so you wanna get out of here? go national. go like a pro. discover card. hey there, i just got my bill and i see that it includes my fico® credit score. yup, you have our discover it card so you get your fico® credit score on your monthly statements and online...for free. that's pretty cool of you guys. well we just want to help you stay on top of your credit and avoid surprises. good. i hate surprises. ahhhh ahhhh are you ok? nope. we treat you like you'd treat you. we've already given more than 175
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another round of brutal weather is stretching all the way to the south. take a look at this pileup. amarillo in texas. happened early on monday.
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no one was seriously hurt. >> the slick icy roads were a major problem throughout texas, but fortunately members of a jeep club in dallas volunteered their time to help cars and big rig drivers if they got stuck. i'm sure a lot of people were grateful for their help. >> pedram javaheri is with us. the problem is dallas for instance they've got an entire season's worth of sleet and icy rain in a day or so. >> and they're not used to this type of weather at all. >> that's the theme this week. a lot of cities not used to it are going to get in on the snow. there's one piece of good news. across a lot of the major cities crimes have been down significantly because of the cold. >> because of the cold weather. >> in new york city they went 12 consecutive days for the first time in several year, without a single homicide. >> you may freeze to death. >> exactly. want to show you the expansive area across the united states. the cold weather has been the theme.
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look at this. pick your choice. just about every location 20 to 30 degrees below average. that's right there in texas where you saw the pileups in amarillo in the u.s. state of texas. but want to take you across to the great lakes. this was the perspective in the past 24 hours. the great lakes of the united states over 84% covered in ice now. about a year ago when we had that significant cold spell, the great lakes were about 20% lower in ice coverage. and a year ago in march we peaked at 92% plus. and we're already exceeding where we were 12 months ago. the great lakes, go back two weeks a the fifth of february about 50% of the great lakes were covered. then you fast forward to the 22nd, you push up to 84%. pretty rapid incline in the ice coverage. and pretty expansive area in the united states 25 million people
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dealing with wintry weather. radar imagery shows you sleet, snow in northern alabama, pushing into the northern portion of the u.s. state of georgia. the hartsfield/jackson international arnt willirport will have the most canceled flights. look by wednesday afternoon, another round of possibly wintry weather pushes in towards portions of the southern united states where they don't typically see this. you could see a couple inches north of the city of atlanta on up to memphis and little rock. all of them getting in on snowshowers. we have winds blasting through this region. severe weather possible across the northwestern corner of the couldn't nepts. strong winds, large hail possible along northwestern area
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areas of ireland. very powerful winds, could easily get to 55 and 60 kilometers per hour. all week we've had these blustery winds around northwest europe and travel disruptions there. >> both sides of the atlantic, not good. >> the heart of winter. >> 24 days to go. >> that's the count down. >> we'll talk to you soon. despite a cease-fire agreement, fighting rages on in eastern ukraine. >> what russia's president says about the possibility of all-out war with ukraine. that's next. plus north korea unveils new technology as the u.s. and south korea prepare for military drills. financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ susan ] my promotion allowed me to start investing for my retirement. transamerica made it easy. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow.
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your dad would've loved this place. you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow he's out there. there's a guy out there whose making a name for himself in a sport where your name and maybe a number are what define you.
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somewhere in that pack is a driver that can intimidate the intimidator. a guy that can take the king 7 and make it 8. heck. maybe even 9. make no mistake about it. they're out there. i guarantee it. welcome to the nascar xfinity series. just at half past the hour. we'd like to welcome back our viewers in the united states and all around the world. you're watching cnn newsroom. i'm john vause. >> and i'm zain asher. a top official says leaks by
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edward snowden have compromised america's ability to track terrorists. isis showcases new videos hostages in cages. and a young scottish woman who became an isis bride believes she may have used social media to convince three british girls to join isis. they flew to turkey last week. turkish authorities are now trying to find them. and the mall of america in minnesota had a lockdown drill after al shabab named it in a propaganda video over the weekend. the terror group called for terror attacks on malls in the u.s. the united kingdom and canada as well. shopping areas in the u.s. have been upgradeing security since the four-day siege at a mall in kenya.
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leaked documents show israel's intelligence agency contradicted benjamin netanyahu's claim that iran was close to building a nuclear bomb. they say there's no discrepancy. we haven't verified the documents. it is that time of year to renew tensions on the korean peninsula. that's because the u.s. and south korea are gearing up for joint military exercises. >> they say these are purely defensive. but north korea is never shy saying this it is a prelude to war and its own military is ready. here's our paula hancocks. >> reporter: the bigger the explosion, the more impressive the fly by the bigger the smile. north korean leader kim jong-un appears to have a fondness for the military dramatic.
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as supreme commander of the korean people's army he spent more time visiting military barracks and soldiers last month than any other public appearance. the state ideology of military first is alive and well. >> a dictator managing his dictatorship needs to ensure that the military and security forces are loyal, so that's part of that going on surveillance missions or monitoring all of the commanders going out, giving field guidance to ensure that they are loyal. >> reporter: pyongyang spends almost a quarter of its national income on the military, according to state department estimates. far more than anywhere else in the world. a focus that comes at the expense of its economy and people. the military unveiled new technology this month, test firing new anti-ship missiles as well as regular missiles.
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washington was told last october that there are concerns about the rate of pyongyang's development in a number of areas. >> the capabilities include several 00 ballistic missiles. one of the world's largest chemical weapons stockpiles a biological research program and the world's largest special operations force as well as an active cyber warfare capability. >> reporter: eminent joint military drills between the u.s. and south korea are annoying north cray as they do every year. more north korean drills and shows of strength can be expected as well as an uptick in the country's rhetoric. but most believe this should be a calmer training season than 2013 when tensions were higher on the peninsula than they have been for years. >> for more now i'm joined by paula hancocks live from seoul, south korea. the joint exercises are
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scheduled to begin in about a week or so. north korea said that they would be a moratorium on nuclear testing if the u.s. scrapped its plans. i'm curious what washington's reaction to that was. >> reporter: well zain this is a routine request. this happens every year really for north korea. they say they want the drills to stop. washington has said they're defensive in nature. they won't stop them. and they've rejected the suggestion by north korea because basically north korea said they wouldn't carry out any nuclear tests if they stopped these drills. we heard from a state department spokesman say that it's an implicit threat saying the u.s. should stop something routine and then north korea won't go ahead with something that's against u.n. security council resolutions. so he this say it's basically a false choice. so that was rejected out of hand zain? >> and also paula, i'm just curious. how much do these annual
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training exercises destroy any chances of diplomatic changes between north and south korea. >> reporter: it's not clear how much they believe their own rhetoric in that this is a prelude to an invasion. we had some comments in an opinion piece saying that the opportunity for dialog and diplomatic solution has disappeared, referring to the it's not clear whether pyongyang believe this is is a prelude to invasion or whether they use it as an excuse to increase these propaganda messages. >> and given the state of north korea's economy, these drills are clearly a drain on its resources. okay paula hancocks live for us
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in seoul. thank you. we're now hearing from the family of american aid worker kayla mueller. she died while in captivity by isis. >> reporter: kayla mueller's family breaking their silence for the very first time saying while the white house did try to save kayla mueller, ultimately u.s. policy was put ahead of their daughter's life. 26 year old kayla mueller didn't just want to help the syrians, she needed to be there. her parents, breaking their silence to nbc news just didn't know how far she was willing to go. >> reporter: did you know that she was planning to go to syria? >> no. >> reporter: what do you think you would have thought, had you known? >> well of course as her mother i wouldn't have let her go. you know i would have talked
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with her. >> how many mistakes have we all made in life that were naïve and didn't get caught at. kayla was just in a place that was more dangerous than most. >> reporter: once hostage, her capture mirrored others in many ways a civilian grabbed by isis the threat of death. but there was one difference. >> i really feel that we had a chance to get kayla out, because we were in communications with them. unlike the other families. but how do you raise $6.2 million? >> reporter: even if they could, kayla's parents would be breaking u.s. policy and violating law, giving money to a terrorist group. then that vital kpun cation with kayla's captors fell apart when the u.s. traded five taliban detainees for american soldier, bowe bergdahl who was held by the taliban. >> that made the whole situation worse, because that's when the demands got greater, larger.
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they realized that they had something. they realized that well if they're going to let five people go for one person why won't they do this? >> reporter: why? because kayla mueller is a civilian. bowe bergdahl a u.s. serviceman. an unfair distinction to determine which american hostages to negotiate for say the muellers. >> i actually asked the president that question. when we were in the white house. yeah. that was pretty hard. >> i think they wanted to. but i think again, it's the policy. >> reporter: the white house defended the policy to not negotiate with terrorists for civilians, saying overall it makes americans safer. >> the president is confident that his administration did do everything that was possible within the confines of that policy using our military might, our intelligence capability and diplomatic influence to try to secure the safe release and return of kayla mueller. >> reporter: late last year,
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president obama did order a review of u.s. hostage policy as part of that. they will be looking at how the u.s. government coordinates and communicates with the hostages' families. cnn, los angeles. okay. on to another story we are following. russian president vladimir putin says a war with kraeb is unlikely. he was answering a question from russian media regarding the conflict in the neighboring country. mr. putin described any possibility of war as an apocalyptic scenario. he also said he did not see a need for another meeting to resolve the conflict, like the one held last week in minsk. he also stated that crimea independently chose to be with russia, and that needs to be respected. meantime sergey lavrov is placing the blame for problems in ukraine and the middle east on the united states. lavrov accuses the u.s. of unsavory methods in regime change in supporting an illegal
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coup in ukraine a year ago. >> meanwhile kiev accused russia of violating the cease-fire in place. they say they refuse to pull troops from the front lines as long as they are under attack. >> the disagreements between the two sides did not stop donetsk from reviveing an old tradition. >> here's our diana magnay. >> reporter: rebel soldiers listen out for their names, a roll call of men honored for their service in battle. today in donetsk, it's a holiday, defender of the father land day. light entertainment for the troops even a wedding ceremony. i asked one woman, beaming in the winter sunshine why she has
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a flag of stalin. stalin was also fighting against fascism, and he won, she says. we also want to have a victory like he did. stalin also brought catastrophic hunger to eastern ukraine. but that's forgotten now, in a city where russia can do no wrong. this is all about meeting the people's needs. their most basic needs food, putting on a show for them. also a chance for the rebels to really drive home their agenda, which seems to have a very clear message. >> the people here think that ukraine is between russia and usa. >> reporter: in amongst the hugs and good cheer, there's also a sense this war is not done. >> translator: there is no way back. we will fight to the last. we must finish what we started. >> reporter: a little girl mini
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rebel in the making recites the poetry her grandma taught her, an anthem. i ask god for the rebels' victory, she says. they will kick out the fascist filth. how many people must suffer? how many children? how many old people? she speaks the rebels' language. wants to fight on their side when she's old enough to carry a real gun. diana magnay cnn, donetsk. still to come here on cnn, we have new details about a man accused of killing a las vegas woman after apparent road rage incident. we'll hear from the suspect's attorney who says this wasn't a case of road rage at all. also what investigators say happened between two drivers that caused this car to end up here.
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i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit welcome back everyone. we are seeing some pretty scary images from the u.s. state of maine. police say a case of road rage ended with one car sub merged in an icy river. >> everything started with two cars coming down the roadway bumping each other. one went over an embankment and into a river. they got out very quickly, unhurt but very cold.
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>> extremely lucky, with the way the wind chill the temperature of the water i'm amazed they were able to get out of the vehicle in time. the lawyer for a man accused of killing a las vegas woman says his client was afraid for his life. the shooting happened after an alleged road rage incident. >> the victim and suspect knew each other. cnn spoke to the suspect's lawyer who said this wasn't a case of road rage at all. >> reporter: when eric nowsch walked into the courtroom, the victim's husband was there to look into his eyes. the meyers have said a loot about what happened the night tammy meyers was killed. it was a road rage incident that turned deadly. it turned out the victim and suspect knew each other. robert meyers telling cnn he didn't think it was worth mentioning to police because
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they did not suspect nowsch was directly involved until the day he was arrested. now for the first time we hear few details of the suspect's side of the story. his attorney sat down with us. was this a case of road rage? >> we can say with some confidence there was no road rage. >> reporter: can you tell me anything about what he's saying happened? >> what we know is that a story kept changing that it was an illogical story. there's a sequence of illogical and untruthful stories that come out one after the other that just lead you to the inescapable conclusion that you cannot depend upon what the meyers family is saying occurred that night. >> reporter: the meyers family says it is the defendant who is lying, not them. police are still investigating the case. the prosecution says this is not a simple case, but a case of murder nonetheless. >> you know i don't want to get into the specifics because it would take me about 30 minutes.
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it is not a straightforward case. it is not a garden-variety run of the mill case. we all know there are certain nuances to this case. but at the end of the day, this young man is charged with a senseless, stupid act of murder. and we intend to prove it in court. >> reporter: are you going to say that this is self-defense is eric nourk going to say i was defending myself? >> reporter: which ild kates he was there, he was in that car at some point. did he indicate he was afraid for his life? >> yes, he was afraid for his life. >> reporter: the suspect's attorney says someone pointed a gun out the window at nowsch before the shooting. he says he nor his son threatened anyone. defense attorney conrad clause says his client did get death threats and the police report doesn't add up. >> what i'm saying is that for
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one reason or another, according to brandon mires, tammy myers asked brandon to forgo calling the police and to go out with her looking for somebody somebody that we now know they knew was erich nowsch. we know later after the police were questioning brandon as to why they went out looking for erich, that the reason he supplied after the fact after his mother was dead the story they're providing after the fact is because of this fake road rage situation. there will come a time when we are going to be a bit better prepared to present an evidence-based version of these events. >> reporter: sara sidner cnn. now we move away from road rage to pretty much a bad day at the beach. >> a boat ran up the beach and crashed into a restaurant in
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florida south of tampa. authorities say it happened during dense fog. local media say firefighters had to shore up part of the building to rescue a passenger who had suffered minor injuries. politics took center stage at this year's academy awards. up next we'll show you who said what after the break. it's more than the cloud. it's security - and flexibility. it's where great ideas and vital data are stored. with centurylink you get advanced technology solutions from a trusted it partner. including cloud and hosting services - all backed by an industry leading broadband network and people committed to helping you grow your business. you get a company that's more than just the sum of it's parts. centurylink. your link to what's next. hey, girl. is it crazy that your soccer trophy is talking to you right now? it kinda is.
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closing arguments are expected this week in the so-called american sniper trial. eddie ray routh was accused of killing chris kyle and chad littlefield at a gun range. after eight days of testimony a motive still remains unclear. routh's lawyer argues the former marine was insane when he shot the two men. prosecutors call routh a troubled man who struggles with a personality disorder but not insanity insanity. chris kyle's widow paid tribute to her husband. she clutched the former navy s.e.a.l.'s dog tags. she went to the ceremony to represent her husband and support the people who made the movie "american sniper", representing what she called real veteran families. the film won an oscar for best sound editing.
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hollywood is well-known for a left-leaning town. and activism was at the forefront. of . >> we take a look at some of the most memorable moments. >> reporter: the 2015 academy awards had everything the media loves. paparazzi, pageantry and politics. >> it's our time to have wage equality once and for all and equal rights for women in the united states of america. >> i pray that they can be treated with the same dignity and respect of the ones who came before and build this incredible immigrant nation. >> there are more black men under correctional control today than were under slavery in 1850. >> reporter: with a massive audience the stars dove head first into pushing their progressive politics but like so much else put out by
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hollywood, this isn't new. marlon brando set up activist sasheem little feather up for how native-americans were portrayed in the movies. >> he very regretfully cannot accept this generous award. >> reporter: the film "hearts and minds" won and a statement was read from the viet cong. >> the academy is saying, quote, we are not responsible for any political references on this program, and we are sorry that they had to take place this evening. >> reporter: michael moore's 2003 win for "bowling for columbine" turned into a rant against the bush administration. >> our democracy was hijacked and there's a squatter at 1600
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pennsylvania avenue. >> reporter: same-sex -- conservatives noted that the people have voted on this year's best picture, and their pick is "american sniper". though it only won one award last night for sound editing. >> "american sniper." >> reporter: hollywood's pick was the third to win a best picture in recent years. a film about an actor who fears irrelevance. >> there seems to be a disconnect between what the average moviegoer wants to see. >> of all the movies nominated best picture, it's way down on previous years, certainly
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"american sniper" has taken the lion's share. if the box office is indication they were not exactly in synch with the audience out there. >> exactly. >> and it seems that the audience out there wasn't really tuning in either to this year's academy awards. hundreds of millions did watch worldwide, but sunday night brought far few viewers in the u.s. than expected. >> that's right. that's about 36.6 million americans watched the oscars this year. sounds like a lot, but it's actually down about 16% from last year. that's when ellen degeneres, very popular host. and that's the lowest number in terms of viewership since 2009. >> yeah, the numbers were so low, but the show was boring, and so a lot of people took to twitter. they were tweeting all night long about t check out our website. you can see some of the twitter-worthy moments, including sean penn's immigration joke which fell horribly flat.
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>> a lot of people were talking about neil patrick harris and how he fell flat too. a couple in india is leaving their entire estate to an unlikely family member their pet monkey. the couple had a falling out with their extended family and they don't have any children. >> so there, they adopted the monkey ten years ago after his mother died. the monkey is said to inherit the estate. he gets a home as well as a nice plot of land. lucky chimen. >> thanks for joining us. i'm zain asher. >> i'm john vause. back after this break for another hour of news, live, all around the world. watering, lemons are squeezing and stomachs are growling. or is it just me? every minute between you and red lobster's lobsterfest feels like an eternity. and who could blame you for craving our largest variety of succulent lobster dishes all year? dishes like dueling lobster tails. with one tail topped with creamy shrimp and a second tail stuffed with tender crab. i was hungry already
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just work. works? works. works! works? works. works. girls on the run. britain struggles to track down three teenager whose want to join isis. a new report says israeli intelligence contradicts netanyahu. we welcome our viewers in the united states and all around the