tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 26, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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during the llama chase because the llama drama is continuing tonight. you will not believe this. there are llamas on the loose in vancouver, washington north of portland. llamas are out on the lam. beware because they spit. thank you for joining us. set your dvr to record anytime. anderson starts now. hey, good evening. thank you for joining us. the end of a day we learned the identity of the isis killer known as jihadi john we are learning about the search for what could be his latest young recruit recruit. four canadians maybe more potentially in syria potentially part of the fight already and we learned today from the director of counterterrorism center more than 40 westerners have gone off to fight for isis so far. that total including 180 americans according to the director of national intelligence and possibly those young canadians. our paula is there. >> reporter: we know sometimes they were radicalized the
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families alerted local authorities first they were missing. i it became apparent in a few days they went to national security officials and went to the middle east likely trying to get to syria in the hopes of joining isis. and the fact remains, anderson that these families are frantic right now trying to figure out what actually happened to their children. >> so their exact location right now is not known. >> reporter: no and in fact security officials on the ground in turkey are trying to help canadian officials but as we just discussed, anderson there are many westerners right now that security authorities are trying to track, and it's a huge problem. and the trail has, in fact gone cold. and once they step over to syria, it is very difficult to figure out exactly what's happened. >> you reported the canat canada started revoking passports. that did not happen here. >> reporter: we covered it for years and talked about in
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britain, what's different in the canadian cases? these families are alerting authorities. the problem, in these cases, it didn't happen early enough and a lot of parents are speaking out in canada saying i want those passports taken away from my children. when they find out what's going on and alert the authorities, they have the legal power to revoke the passports. fortunately, it didn't happen in this case and anderson you know tonight the quebec public security minister saying she's finding that radicalization is a growing problem here in canada. >> paula, i appreciate the reporting. paula newton from canada tonight. the young british man from a well off family with a college degree has become the global voice in some cases of isis. today, we learned from a number of sources including several highly placed intelligence officials that the isis executioner you see there with the english accent who first appeared in the murder video of american james fauxoley is a londoner. jihadi john is actually mohammed
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emwazi emwazi. talked about the news and what she thinks should happen to him. >> i think all the families will feel relief once there's a bullet between his eyes. >> they might just get their wish. cnn telling barbara starr this man is considered a high-valued target right now. we have more on how he came to be identified from our chief national security correspondent, jim sciutto. >> reporter: he's been the voice of some of isis' most brutal terror videos. calm ruthless and with a distinct and surprising british accent. >> our knife will continue to strike the next of your people. >> reporter: now u.k. authorities have identified terrorist known as jihadi john as mohammed emwazi a 26-year-old british national born in coupkuwait but raised in london. would not publicly discuss his
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identity but said jihadi john is a top terror target. >> in the mind of the president, he ranks highly on the list because that individual is responsible for the murder of americans and the president is determined to bring to justice. >> reporter: it was the broad appeal from a well off family earning a college degree in technology at the university of westminster and until his travel to syria in 2012 enjoying a life of privilege. >> he was a diligent, had workrd working young man. polite quiet. everything you'd want a student to be. >> reporter: today, his friends never saw signs of his future as a terrorist. >> he was such a beautiful young man. really. you know it's hard to imagine, but it's not unfamiliar for us. >> reporter: emwazi's path to
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radicalization may have happened when he went to tanzania a safari a present from his parents. he was deported to the u.k. authorities suspecting his true intention to travel to somalia. in 2010 detained again by counterterrorism officials in britain. two years ago later, emwazi is believed to have traveled to syria where he joined isis. his friends claim mistreatment by british authorities set him on a path to terrorism. >> our entire national security strategy for the last 13 years has only increased alienation only increased people feeling like they don't belong. >> and jim sciutto joins us. now it seems like he was on a path already if authorities are correct. that's why he went to tanzania. u.k. authorities knew about this guy going back to 2009. hindsight i guess it's easy to say, but clearly, they didn't do
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enough. >> reporter: we saw this with the kouachi brothers in paris with the paris attacks. they had been on french authorities' radar. a lot of these potential recruits take steps that are worrisome but not enough to be sure to indicate that they're going to carry out jihad join a group like isis. from just a perspective, you can't track and arrest everyone. two, from a legal perspective, oftentimes the first illegal step that these guys will do is try to hop on that plane to go to syria. we have that case with some of these brooklyn suspects just yesterday. that's when they were arrested when they got on the plane. in this case jihadi john got on the plane in 2012 and continues on the horrible path and last summer he became the jihadi star appearing in the videos. >> it's got to be so frustrating for law enforcement and intelligence officials with connections with them who took him into custody from time to time but not enough to actually hold him. today, the director of national
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intelligence, james clapper, he gives new information about the number of americans who actually tried to travel to syria. >> reporter: he did. he raised that number to 180 and keep in mind so this figure as you say, it's people who have either gone to syria and iraq successfully including the group such as isis or have tried to go some of them killed there. so it's a broad number. it's an estimate but the estimate has jumped. last year that number was around 50. it creeped up to the 70s. it creeped up to 100. a short time ago, it was 150. it is growing and partly it's growing because more people are attracted and also growing, anderson, because they're making a better effort to keep track of these people but, you know, that's a worrisome sign. it's not to the level you see in european countries, several hundred in the u.k. and in france et cetera. but still, that's a significant number and that's already a difficult group of people for u.s. authorities to follow. >> yeah. jim sciutto, appreciate the update. thanks jim. >> yeah. the killer in question grew up in a city in london that was
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a hot bed for radicalization before isis existed, something maajid nawaz was in and now joining us with counterterrorism official phil phillip mudd. they've known for a while and keep it on the down low. now it's out there, does it that make easier or harder to capture him? >> i don't think capture is likely. first, get the intelligence not only where he is today but where he is tomorrow and second take the risk of putting somebody -- i suspect over time he will be identified and killed either by u.s. forces a syrian striker among extremist groups. i can't imagine despite what they say bringing back for justice he's going to come out of there. >> maajid it's interesting. we've talked about and a lot of people focused in the past about radicalization and other things that lead to it, poverty, lack of opportunities, sense of
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humiliation. he wasn't poor. he went to college, had a degree in computers. it seems like there's no boundaries anymore for somebody who actually may be attracted to this stuff. >> well yes, anderson. i've written a piece for one of the national newspapers "the guardian" comparing it to racism. whether educated or not, it's an excuse for their own insecurities and islamist ideology is the same. not only graduated from westminster in london but others who controlled the student union, not just the islamic society but the student union in that university were affiliated with my own former organization the first group to popularize the notion of reestablishing a caliphate. the idea of recreating an islamic state effects in a disproportionate way the highly educated born and raised in britain. >> what is the appeal though?
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you believe, what it's personality traits or leading somebody to this in a case like him? >> probably. once they tried to work out whether he's british, kuwaiti or muslim both. that combined with charismatic recruiters such as al bagg da dehdadi, the so-called caliph. and western born muslims to this ideology. >> filipp phillip, if another country was interested is the fact he's british, does that play in? >> i think theoretically, a country, can you imagine someone targeting a u.s. citizen with a drone strike and not telling us if it's a close ally? this is a pretty clear case though. if you look at somebody involved
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in terrorism and what we call in the business an imminent threat not only involved in murder but most likely today, i don't know how you stand back and say, look because this is a citizen of a close ally we won't take a shot. this guy is clearly over the bar. >> is it likely he's actually a high level or just happens to be the guy they picked to talk on camera because he's got the accent and able to speak english? >> i think this story is misleading. he's a target not because he's operational command. you would think, he's a big player. i would say, he's not my top tier target. the guys running the organization training. that said in the 15 years of this war, somebody with this magnetic appeal across the explosion of social media, you wouldn't have targeted this person 15 years ago. but because of the magnetic appeal and ability to reach out, he's got to be on the list. >> maajid you're concerned about people having sympathy for this guy and almost make excuses for why he was radicalized
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because this group cage lays for the british intelligence agency. >> yeah. i mean look. i know the guy from cage. i went to university with him. these guy are islamist sympathizers. i have seen him spoke at a rally outside of the u.s. embassy in london alongside me supporting groups such as ezhezbollah, hamas. they subscribe to the ideologies. it's no surprise they've been spending the day on british media defending mohammed emwazi. in fact the spokesman for cage basically said mohammed emwazi was a beautiful young man as he knew him and then he actually shed a tear live on air when he was reminiscing over this so-called jihadi john and yet didn't shed any tears for any of the victims of this beheader. others that this man brutally murdered.
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showed no remorse for the deaths and no consideration for the family and this is typical of a half-truth narrative of playing the victim constantly and blaming foreign policy blaming torture. i have opposed guantanamo bay and on the george bush jr. just because we oppose the invasion of iraq or guantanamo doesn't mean islam is the solution. this has to be debunked. >> maajid nawaz and phillip mudd thank you. take you inside the terror group's empire and the way to counter that message. look at one of the latest propaganda videos destroying precious artifacts at a museum in mosul. why is this something to brag about? the answer says something about the interpretation of islam.
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i have got to update my ink. again, breaking news. canadian authorities saying at least four young people from quebec province left the country last month. the cbc reporting they now reported militants in syria. back in america, we learn how the case against three alleged isis reporters in brooklyn began.
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daeb deborah feyerick saying it was after a post he allegedly wrote on a web site threatening to kill president obama. the threat was brought to the attention of the secret service last summer. investigators say that all three men spent time online apparently becoming more radicalized. one official telling the new york times there's no indication they were mote vaited by anything they heard at places of worship. that leads back to the machine that jihadi john was a part of. without a production film more credit or publicity than something like that deserves we want to briefly explore how they operate. our randi kaye investigates. >> reporter: you might think this is a commercial from the tourism board of canada. it's actually a video from isis posted on social media aimed at convincing why to be jihadis in syria. >> islam in syria, i come from canada. >> reporter: andre, a canadian convert, was the ultimate pitchman for isis until he was
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killed fighting for them. but even that won't stop would-be extremists from searching out isis online. connecting in member-only chat rooms but is it that easy to contact isis online? >> when these wannabe isis say they're e-mailing, are they? >> it's a representative. >> reporter: it's available at all sorts of languages including english. why aren't they shut down? >> some of them are hard to find. what are you going to do, shut down all of twitter or facebook? there's one called v contacte. if you're from uzbekistan or kazakhstan you have the language you have russian. you can easily link up with networks on here. >> reporter: and find somebody to go do jihad with? >> sure.
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>> >> reporter: it's that simple? >> yeah. >> reporter: in fact using this uzbekistan web site. this is one that crucifies others and sub jewujugates. >> it's designed to attract jihadis because they show people going after, yazidis, christians whatever. >> reporter: even more frightening? hooking up on social media may mean these wannabe extremists assign them deadly tasks from afar. >> stay where you are. we're radicalize you and then teach you how to build a fertilizer bomb in your facebook. >> reporter: a dangerous directive from a group whose popularity is only growing
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online. randi kaye cnn, new york. >> we want to dig a little deeper now to the means and methods of radicalization. we are joined by graeme wood who recently posted "what isis really wants." what attracts some people to isis you write that western recruits are, quote, ready to give up everything at home for a shot at paradise in the worst place on earth. explain that. what is that appeal? >> reporter: so >> these people were trying to leave the united states. they may have been looking for ways to attack the united states but they really wanted to go to syria in the islamic state buzz they think to fulfill their destiny as muslims and really live their religion they have to be in the islamic state. we don't know exactly the motivations of these particular people but that's usually why
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people are going there. >> how do you begin to counter that kind of propaganda? how do you compete with an organization that's promising, you call it kind of a death cult and promise nothing less than paradise to the people they recruit? >> i think you have to acknowledge exactly what is being offered. and then show it's not actually there. if they think they have a utopia that they're going to you can show them that actually there's a place full of unequity no better at providing for citizens and allowing to live a nice pious life. i think you've got distance toward making that propaganda not so attractive. >> the video isis released today of militants destroying artifacts in the mosul museum in iraq i'm reminded of destroying the statues of boou da back in 2001. >> it gets to the heart of what this movement is. an attempt to get rid of all
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competing civilizations and cultures. when they do control a place like mosul, i am surprised it took them this long to attack the statues with hammers. so much in mosul they could go after and already destroyed mos. they've already destroyed shrines. they want to purify everything around them so it only follows the particular variety of islam that they follow. >> michael wright in randi's piece, said while they destroy on camera they sell a lot off camera. we've been hearing for month the trade in antiquities is a source of income. >> yes. they are certainly very active in sale of antiquities. things reach the market that have come through their ends. essentially, they have no value for these things at all. they would love to trade them for cash. they would also be happy to pulverize them and turn them
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into dust. >> the article you wrote for the atlantic really fascinating, i encourage people to read it. isis is very islamic and i wonder what kind of a response you got to that. when you got on the program, you were talking about how many people in the muslim world say, they're unislamic. they're defiling the religion of islam, but you're saying according to the isis interpretation they're following very strict codes and teachings from way back. >> yeah. there's the distinction i would draw between being islamic and the right variety of islam. almost all muslims say they practice the wrong islam but the traditions are the same islamic texts that are recognized as holy by all sunnis certainly, and we're talking about the koran, the sayings of the prophet and the actions after the prophet. it's a selected reading of the texts and one, again, almost all
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muslims reject. but it's definitely an islamic tradition just as the christian tradition. >> one thing you wrote about, they're isolating and focusing on the violent text and teachings as opposed to non-violent ones. >> yeah. that's right. they are really looking into this tradition and they're definitely finding ways to emphasize things like crucifixion, like beheading of the postates. they are looking for any way but not making these things up is the main point i'm trying to make. there are texts they look to selectively reading but within the islamic tradition. >> graeme wood, appreciate you being with us. up next, more breaking news could not come at a worse time. given all you just heard about growing influence, department of homeland security is about to run out of money. congress just punted again on funding. go to washington and try to
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all the isis development with news at least four young canadians have joined syrian militants and director of national intelligence james clapper said last year was the worst on record for terrorism. congress has not gotten that message with less than a day and a half until the department of homeland security runs out of money, lawmakers have given up for the night. dan dana bash from washington. does it look like it will shut down? >> reporter: probably not. it looks like tomorrow hours before the deadline comes for it to actually do that and shut down the house is going to pass a stopgap measure to keep it funded for about three weeks, and the senate is probably going to do the same. i share some caution that democrats in the house are the leadership i'm told say we're
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done with kicking the can down the road. we want to fully fund this department. it's incredibly important. if enough democrats oppose it and some conservatives who would never vote for a spending bill anyway this could be in big trouble but looks like that's the plan to barely keep it going. >> john boehner was asked about the house's next move and had kind of an interesting response. i just want to show that. >> it's going to be a clean v dhs funding bill. have you had this discussion? >> we make decisions, i'll let you know. >> i don't know what to make of it. >> let me translate. i'll be the boehner whisperer. he was not trying to kiss that reporter. he was saying kiss my you know what because this was the umpteenth question that he refused to answer. legitimate questions we were all trying to skchlt look. look the department is running out of money. you're not saying your next move
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and simply wouldn't answer. that was his way of doing so it was kind of vintage boehner, but in the vacuum not knowing what that was, it looked odd. >> all the time of things changing in capitol hill probably people rolling their eyes congress not doing it again. >> reporter: they should be. it's part of the reason why in the senate this week you saw the new republican majority back down. i mean they caved politically because in making the decision between standing up for what conservatives want them to do, which is fight the president's policy every step of the way or showing that they can govern mitch mcconnell and his colleagues said we got to show we can govern. it's too early out of the gate to do otherwise but house republicans have a completely different situation, different dynamic. so they're still fighting the fights we were reporting on last year and the year before saying we've got to, you know stick to our guns. that's why we still have the same fights despite the fact it's complete republican control
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in the congress. >> dana thanks very much. let's get the latest in other stories we're following. amara walker has a "360" news and business. >> hi. appear argentinech an argentine judge accused president kristina fernandez covering up in buenos aires. showing carlos ortiz buying gum and cigars at a gas station shortly before odin lloyd was killed. the gum in the white towel draped around ortiz's neck link the men to the crime. calvin klein gown made a splash but now been stolen. a thief lifted it from her hotel room. the pearls alone are estimated to be worth $150,000.
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and in sun city arizona, an impromptu rodeo. something you don't see everyday i can promise you that. chasing two wily llamas. they were used for therapy and they got out and made a run for it, as you see, they managed to evade capture for about an hour. some quick lasso action from john rhone led to the capture. the other llama captured definitely not the kind of thing you see everyday. >> it was amazing to see the guy in the back of the pickup truck. he was really good. >> you don't really see that, ropers lassoing. >> thank you very much. just ahead, at any moment, jodie arias will get her fate. it's been a long journey. we'll have the latest on deliberations and why it's taken so long to get to this point.
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tonight the fate of convicted murderer jodi arias in the hands of a jury for the second time. the sentence could come at any moment. the name is familiar but details are fuzzy. believe this we understand. arias faces possible death sentence for killing former boyfriend, travis alexander. her first trial was broadcast nearly two years ago. tonight, jean casarez has the latest but first reminds how she got here. >> reporter: the jodi arias murder trial first began in january 2013. >> this is not a case of who done it. the person who done it the person who committed this killing sits in court today. it's the defendant, jodi ann arias. >> throughout the trial, you'll learn more about jodi arias, much more about jodi. you'll find she's an articulate
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bright young woman who is a very talented artist and photographer. but most of all, what you'll learn is that jodi loved travis. >> reporter: arias was accused of stabbing her exboyfriend, travis alexander 20 times and shooting him in the head. the premeditated crime, juan martinez said came after alexander realized he wouldn't marry her. the two had a volatile relationship and much came before the jury. salacious audio from sex tapes. >> remember the first time you and i grinded? >> reporter: journal entries by arias. >> i wish that suicide was a way out, but it is no escape. >> reporter: jodi herself taking the stand for more than two weeks. >> there's a lot of that day that i don't remember. there are a lot of gaps. i don't remember the poses of the pictures. i remember them now that i've
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seen the pictures, but i didn't remember them until i saw them. i remember taking pictures i just don't remember the pictures themselves even though we looked at them. and now i see them i remember them. >> what factors influence your having a memory problem? >> usually when men are screaming at me or travis doing the same. >> that affects your memory? >> it does makes my brain scramble. >> reporter: driving from california to alexander's home in arizona bringing with her, her grandfather's gun. after sex ka paids caught on camera ariana martinez said went in for the kill. >> so get the knife. and she took the knife and stabbed. >> reporter: the defense said arias was emotionally and physically abused by alexander and when she couldn't take it any longer fought back. four months after the trial began, arias was convicted of
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first-degree murder. >> we the jury duly impanelled and sworn and action upon our oath find the defendant sd count one first-degree murder guilty. >> reporter: but the jury deadlocked on the second phase. should jodi arias live or die for her crime? >> jean we just got word that the jury left for the weekend. >> reporter: they have and they're not going to deliberate on friday. we were waiting all day to see if there would be a verdict. there is not. now they have the weekend. but the day started this morning with the jury asking a question can we have a list of all the exhibits? i mean that really shows how serious there are and there are many exhibits. because this repenalty phase began in october. this is the fourth month of it. and i do want to say and later, they brought a lot of food today including a crock pot, a male juror brought a crock pot, which i've never seen before but saying all that this is the
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most judicial function we've had in this country. this is a penalty phase of life or death. they're deciding whether she lives or she dies. and it will take a lot of deliberation. it should a phase like this. >> no doubt. jean, thanks very much. appreciate it. just ahead, the misery the latest winter storm left in the wake across the south and gary tuchman who's been on an ice breaker in the frozen lakes. we talked to him last night and we'll show you what they're up against tonight and how much progress they're making. and i didn't get here alone. there were people who listened along the way. people who gave me options. kept me on track. and through it all my retirement never got left behind. so today, i'm prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. every someday needs a plan. let's talk about your old 401(k) today. meet the world's newest energy superpower.
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from texas to carolina the fourth storm dumped more than a foot of snow on alabama. nine inches in parts of northern georgia. heavy snow and ice caused widespread power outages in north carolina and every state the storm's path icy roads and snow turn roads treacherous. drivers stranded overnight on i-65 and air travel took a hit. nearly a thousand domestic flights cancelled. even states used to brutal winters, index topping out. frozen nearly every square mile of the great lakes. gary tuchman took the short straw. he's in the great lakes seeing what they're up against. >> reporter: the coast guard cutter hollyhock, out for duty. >> we'll be here ice breaking. >> reporter: ice breaking duety in lake huron.
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70% was frozen last year and a central ship traffic that can't move. the hollyhock one of nine u.s. coast guard vessels that cleared the way. the first 30 minutes are quiet because we haven't hit the ice but that's going to change eminently. a two-day mission has now begun to help escort two canadian commercial cargo vessels back to their home port in ontario. the vessels are still hours away from us as we travel at 10 knots. u.s. and canadian coast guard work for both countries. justin is the commander officer of the hollyhock. >> we use the weight of the ship where the front of the ship or bow is made to ride up on the ice and the weight crushes down
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to break the ice. >> reporter: after being on the ship for a while, you tend to forget you're on a lake. you feel like you're on a glacier. this is l inch8 inches of snow on top of a foot of ice. the ship is constantly vibrating. it creates the feeling of being in a rock tumbler. the sun goes down. nine falls. another day begins and then we see the ships from afar. the ice breaking mission is about to pay its dividends. the big ship named the algo steel. >> the day progresses from what we saw yesterday evening into this morning, i'm fairly confident we'll be able to get you down through the cut. >> reporter: the algo steel is one of the quicker wins. the ship that transported a shipment of salt to the chicago area. the henry jackman also able to
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bring salt to northern illinois. after the delivery headed up north to lake michigan and south on lake huron before getting stuck. this coast guard vessel has literally created a watery path blazing a trail so jackman can follow us and get home safely. a short time after, it got stuck. hollyhock had to go back. but now safe. two of 367 ships the hollyhock assisted this winter and aiding $300 million worth of cargo. >> knowing what we can do to assist the movement of the commercial vessels and the impact to our economy, to keep the products moving to keep the power plants open to keep these industrial productions running, it's very satisfying feeling. >> gary joins us now. it's cool. i had no idea these ice breakers are out there in weather like this.
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it's admirable stuff they're doing. why did they do that did not not go behind the hollyhock? >> that commonly happens. one ice breaker, one in front and one in back. sometimes they get stuck. it's not out of the ordinary. they got it working and about 15 minutes away from the end of a 27 hour mission. the two canadian missions on the canadian side and we pull in to michigan on the united states side. and the 45 crew members on this vessel will get a day off tomorrow before beginning another multi-day mission on saturday. >> gary thank you very much. i know you've been working really hard out there and not easy. i hope you get a couple days off. maybe a cocoa or a jug of wine or something. take you to the far corner of the world. the island nation in the pacific to get incredibly close to an active volcano part of the new series the wonder list with bill
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pacific where you can get extremely close to a live volcano. it's amazing. take a look. >> behold mount yast sir, one of the most accessible live volcanos anywhere in the world. >> it's based around the daily and nightly eruptions, occasionally we hear now walking into the heavens. >> it's so surreal to come out of this lush thick, green jungle and then find a moon scape. as you get closer, hear these per percussive booms and then just
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stand here. >> that is cool. bill weir join me now. the visuals, everything about it. explain the idea behind it. you're really traveling to a lot of incredibly remote places. >> the idea was she'll turn my age in 2050 and will there still be wild tigers in india, how many species go extinct? for this episode, if there's still a hawaii without hotels out there, a bali before bird joints and we saw this amazing place that was such a great test study in values. you know some tribes can't wait for tourists to arrive. they want hotels on their islands. they're willing to give up their lives as fishermen.
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others like the tribe on the volcano doesn't want part of the modern world. they worship as a god and think trudging up there is disrespectful. and then low lying islands. so they worry about climate change as well but fascinating people and we got to these places. in the middle of nowhere, the cell phone signal was stronger. >> they're beautiful images. you had a small hardy crew. were you using drones? >> we used a drone. we didn't use them much in the show because it's difficult to use in many countries because it's so disorganized in regulations. but in thanawasu, it was perfect for the volcano. we had way too much gear. i was checking in. >> he never carries any gear.
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>> the moment i turned up i turned up and just all of these cases. this was the start. you didn't quite realize. we had to get it on a ferry. and it was up like five flights of stairs. >> 17 bags. but i had been a fan of a camera nerd. phillip is generous with his knowledge on the web site. >> i see you with the camera too. >> i took thousands of still photos and learned a lot from him. but i said i want your look. i want to capture these amazing places in the most cinematic way possible. >> you get a sense of how quickly the world is changing. >> everywhere you go. you can hear from a climbtologist the alps the glaciers are melting in the al ms but then you go to fishermen in banwattsue and makes you realize how all of our little decisions in our lives add up to big seismic changes. >> it looks incredible. i'm so excited to see it.
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great to have you back. phillip, thank you. congratulations. incredible work. "the wonder list" debuting on sunday at 10:00 p.m. that does it for us. mmm. lunchtime. how are those chips? tasty, right? ever think about what they come in? no? it's called a bag. you're going to throw that bag away right? ever think about where it goes? me neither. it's estimated every american grows out about 7 pounds of garbage a day and average of 202 tons over the course of a lifetime and that's just us. where does it
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