tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN February 27, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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be sure to join us monday right here in "the situation room." you can watch us live or you can dvr the show so you won't miss a moment. thanks very much for watching. have a great weekend. erin burrnett outfront starts right now. next breaking news. the white house, the house votes no on funding homeland security. unless a last minute deal is reached the agency on the front lines and the war on terror will be shut down at midnight. one of leading critics of vladmir putin shot dead on a moscow street. who did it? george tekkai on the death of his long time friend. let's go out front.
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good evening. we begin with breaking news. the house fails to keep homeland security going. that's a big headline tonight. the department of homeland security will shut down unless congressional leaders find a last minute compromise as the seconds and minutes tick away. in a surprise twist congress voted down a bill to fund the department for the next three weeks. people thought this bill was going to pass. this is a real surprise. they want to force a vote on a senate approvaled version that would funds the department for a whole year. they will go into what's being called a partial shut down. thousands of workers will be furloughed. others forced to work without
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bay. dana bash is on capital hill. when i saw that vote going, i had a flash back to the financial crisis when we thought something was going to pass and didn't. the markets went and free fall. this was a big deal this didn't pass. what happens now? >> let me explain what happened in order to answer what happens now. what happened was the republican leadership thought they were going to get enough votes because they have such a big majority. they really do. instead, 52 republicans said no we're not going to do this. the reason why they voted no is because they didn't want to be seen as voting for anything that doesn't block the president's immigration plan. even though it was a three-week stopgap, it would not have touched the immigration plan. on the flip side the democrats, they would vote for this. the president said he would sign it. they all voted no in protest. i shouldn't say all. most of them voted no because they're trying force the republicans hand. they want the house republicans
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leadership to bring up what the senate voted on earlier today, which is a full funding bill to continue till the end of the fiscal year. we're in a very high stakes game of chicken here. down the hall you have the house speaker huddling with his members trying to figure out what plan b is. to answer your question we're not exactly sure what plan b is. they're trying to figure out what they can do to get enough votes to pass something. talking to republican leadership aids and senior members they're saying we're not going to let the department shut down. perhaps it's a seven-day stopgap just to continue funding for seven days and that way they with bring enough conservatives back on and say this is really short term while we try to work on your priorityiespriorities. at tend of the day when they do that i think the big trouble for boehner is he knows how the movie ends. there are not the vote even though they have republican control to cancel out the
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president's executive order. >> there aren't the votes on immigration. this raises questions about john boehner that he couldn't get this done. he couldn't get everyone in line. he couldn't get the bill right. what does this mean for his job? >> he has had so much trouble with his caucus for years since he took the gavel and became speaker. we've seen this movie before in various forms for so many years about obama care, not immigration. trying to convince his rank and file to stick with him on that issue. it's certainly not good but i think the reality is that we have to keep in mind and what i keep being reminded from top republicans here is that you can't replace someone with no one. he is clearly has some trouble but not enough trouble, probably to be deposed because somebody has to be speaker. at this point it doesn't look like there's anyone else who would get the votes to do that. >> thank you very much.
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pamela brown is outfront in washington. if they went ahead with this shut down an agency didn't exist before george w. bush created it what would happen? >> what we know of the immediate impact is the training of new hires. the dhs federal run law enforcement academy which trains i.c.e. agents would have to send home trainees this weekend. vital functions will be performed no matter what happens but 30,000 employees would be furloughed including 5500 tsa employees according to a homeland official we spoke to today. many of the agencies won't get biweekly paychecks. 200,000 essential employees will work without pay if this funding
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doesn't come through soon. that's a lot of people. 30,000 will be furloughed. dhs is saying this will have a big impact on its employees. >> thank you very much reporting from washington on this break story. >> you voted no. there were some republicans that voted no. it was an overwhelming number of democrats as dana is reporting. the department of homeland security could run out of money in less than five hours from now. are you ready to take the blame for that? >> no of course not. i voted no because we're in the exact same space tonight only three weeks from now. we knew we were going to be here three weeks ago, three months ago. the majority has got to make a decision to govern and that doesn't mean going from shut down to shut down pop it's the only solution that makes sense. if they do another seven days or
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six days or five week they can't avoid the problem they have. the problem they have is a big group of their members, are prepared to shut down the works. that's a terrible way to govern. >> are you going to vote against anything that isn't a year extension? to be consistent you'd have to vote no on all of it wouldn't you? >> i don't intend to vote to anything that doesn't get us a long term fix. if they said we can't do this by midnight. we'd like to pass something that gives us day, that would be one thing. if we're going to be back here in one day or three weeks, that makes no sense at all. >> i get your point that you want it done longer. president obama was with you on that point. he wasn't thrilled this was a short period of time but he said he would sign the bill even
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despite that. are you concerned you're hurting your party by really splitting with the president on this? >> no i don't think so. the overwhelming majority of democrats, as we seen in votes, both in house and senate don't want this to be a recurrence. i think if we go to another three week extension and another three week extension we're setting a precedent where we're going to be running the government in three-week increments. we're talking about homeland security that has very real, immediate security needs that have to maintain for the country. that's the worst form of governance possible. >> do you think republicans will change their minds? it sort of seems like this is a game of chicken. john boehner doesn't have the votes to get something long term. you won't vote for anything short term. within that i see a path to destruction. >> erin i think we seen this movie before as dana was saying. the way the movie has played out
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in the past is the speaker has to put forward these votes to placate the tea party members of his conference. when they fail as the one did today he's going to go back and say we can't keep just doing this. i gave you a shot. i gave you the chance to deliver the vote you couldn't do it and now we have to do something sensible. this is killing us as a party. i think that's where we're going to be where we end up. not a week goes by that we're not makeing arrests with people threatening this country. this is no way to run a government an not way to run the agency that defends the country against terrorism threats. >> thanks very much. >> thanks. next new details about the terrorist called jihadi john. here is a really important
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question were they radicalized by a college professor? one of vladmir putin's harshest critics killed in a drive by shooting in the center of moscow blocks from the cremlin. a stunning picture with the body lying there on the street. who did it? we'll be right back. is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. sometimes the present looked bright. sometimes romantic. there were tears in my eyes. and tears in my eyes. and so many little things that we learned were really the biggest things. through it all, we saved and had a retirement plan.
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jihadi john. people who know him say they are shocked to discover that he's the man in those horrific isis beheading videos. >> reporter: one of the world's most wanted terrorists now has name to go with the face that has terrorized so many. mohammed emwazi. news that he's jihadi john came as a shock. >> i know mom and dad and brother and sister. it's not jihad. >> reporter: those who knew him and family describe him as a quiet young man. >> he was local guy. very powelite. we see him to pray at our mosque. i saw these things yesterday and i was surprised. >> reporter: his grades allow him to enroll in the university of westminister for a degree in
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computer programming. at the campus where he studied fellow programming students say they are shocked. >> they can change their mind about what they do with their life. it goes to show people do change. >> reporter: the university is one of several uk universities that have been accused by some analysts in british media alike of creating conditions that allow radicals to openly engage with students. the islamic society invited a controversial muslim cleric to talk. that's been postponed due to increased sensitivities. many say that the role of universities is to engage students in open debate over controversial issues. what the university tells cnn, quote, condemns the promotion of radicalization terrorism and violence and then adds with other universities in london, we're working together to tackle extremism. >> there's been several cases of
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individuals at uk university being involved in terrorism and convicted of terrorist activities. the former head of the islamic society college of london later tried to blow up an airline in detroit. >> reporter: now it seems there's another. erin the questions being asked tonight right here in london was it and what point was this eloquent middle class, educated graduate from the university just behind me at what point was he radicalized. according to cage he was radicalized because of the way security services here dealt with him. he felt he said he felt imprisoned. he felt too much pressure. he felt trapped, harassed
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targeted and intimidated. that's what he told them. many officials do not buy that. they say that before he even went to tanzania in 2009 on this supposed safari he had already been radicalized. those are the questions the authorities will no doubt be looking at tonight. >> they will. thank you very much for that report. this happening at a college, at university. there's serious details emerging about a teacher who taught one of the four teenager who is may have tried to join isis flying to turkey. that teacher was actually once accused of being an al qaeda terrorist. we have new details on these teens and a teacher with possible radical ties.
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>> reporter: smart, kind and normal. that's how many are describes 18-year-old shymi. a bright student missing in the middle east and possibly on her way to join isis in syria. students say she was well liked and social. >> what was your impression of her when she was tutoring you? >> i just thought she was really smart. she's a normal girl. >> did you get the impression then that she was very religious? >> no not really. just like normal talk. >> reporter: normal talk. that's how it seemed to those who knew her until she went missing earlier this year. one of four possibly more young people from montreal whose families fear they have been lured into joining isis. >> reporter: students say they were quite shocked and learned the news this morning as it
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spread through a social media circle. three of the teens attended this community college across town and one attended classes taught by muslim preacher who has been accused by the college of spreading hate speech in the classroom he used for teaching arabic and the koran. police alleged he was an al qaeda sleeper agent who received training in afghanistan. he spent six years being watched by canadian authorities but in 2009 courts determined he was not a security threat. he says he only met one of the missing student onss on a couple of occasions and just trying to integrate young muslims, not radicalize them. >> we are facing three major problems. this is the main problems. until now we don't have one case of radicalization. somebody wants to go to other
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countries to join terrorist group. >> reporter: still class vs been suspended from campus while police try to determine what could have lead these teens to join isis. >> the teacher says he didn't have anything to do with it. who know ifs that's the case. if it is who does he say radicalized the kids? >> reporter: he's pointing to a lot of social media we heard about. he talks a lot about security agencies. he has an ax to grind with this. this further alienates people and convincing them in one shape, form or another that they have to take action. it is so similar to what we hear from some of the community people coming out of london as well where jihadi john was.
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no one is buying it and saying what needs to happen is there needs to be more engagement with these young people at an early age and definitely for the families to come forward as soon as possible. >> thank you very much. the police allege the teacher of one of the teens was an al qaeda sleeper agent. obviously one of these students is missing, maybe trying to join isis. do you think it's a coincidence? >> no i don't think. i think obviously he's trying to justify everything. profiling it's known as an injustice collector. that's what this guy is doing. he's trying to make -- same thing we heard jihadi john using the excuse he was being bothered by security services. he's being bothered as of this professor, because of what he's spouting off to his students. maybe he referred them to
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websites or books. he's playing the victim card here rather than the opposite. >> you're talking about students here. in this case these teens also well educated. jihadi john wasn't to university degree in computer programming. the people who live near him educated. >> people say isis is lack economic opportunity. they have nothing else going for them so they go join isis. that's not what we're seeing in these cases, right? >> no it's not. it's not the norm. start at the top. bin laden, one of the wealthiest families. you work your way through the ranks. they're not radicalized because of poverty. they're radicalized because of shame and guilt for the way they are leaving this seventh century version of islam and returning
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to a modern civilization and guilted back into that or they're just living a western life trying to enjoy life and acclimated to a new home and radicals try to take them out of that and say you've left the muslim world behind. >> how are they supposed to do that when you're saying it's not coming from a single place. it's not coming from a single country, it's not coming from a single socioeconomic group. how do you find them? >> it's not really the responsibility of fbi or any security service that needs to do this. this needs to be done by the people around them. you heard the individuals that attended the mosque and they say he seemed like a normal guy. somebody knows he's not just
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normal. those people need to be held accountable when they radicalize to the point of turning to violence and the people around them do nothing. >> thank you very much. it's a good point. of course as tim points out you hear from the people how nice and gentle and wonderful. you hear it in everything. the jihad case when you hear about murders. you never hear anyone say i saw it coming. one of putin's most vocal critics shot and killed when you're looking at the domes of the cremlin behind him. u.s. special forces are training troops to fight terrorists. we have an inside look at this fight. we have the answer to the viral question of the day. there is an answer. i'm sorry, a lot of you are wrong.
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one of russian president vladmir putin's top opposition men murdered. she was he was shot in the back under the body bag. you see the domes of the cremlin. this according to russia state news agency. tonight president obama speaking out condemning the brutal murder. the white house calling for the russian government to conduct a prompt and impartial investigation. fred is out front from moscow. there are many who will look at that word impartial and roll their eyes. what you hearing about the shooting? >> reporter: it was a brazen attack. it didn't only happen right close to the cremlin.
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it happened in an area that's frequented by people at that point in time. it leads away from the cremlin to the main river. a man hunt under way. here in moscow searching for the possible assailants. they describe this as a woman who had recently come here to visit him from ukraine. she's being questioned. >> what are people saying about.
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you're talking about a man hunt. they are moving forward with an investigation. does anyone believe such an investigation would be above board, impartial? >> reporter: not really. you have to take in light of the fact that he was a man who feared for his life in this country. he gave an interview a couple of days ago whether he was afraid of vladmir putin and might try to kill him. he said certainly. that's no way to suggest that might have been what happened but this is man who has spoken out against the government in the past. he's been arrested for several times for doing that. most importantly, spoke out against the conflict in ukraine. one of the interesting things about this point in time is that in about 24 hours time there was supposed to be a large
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opposition rally in moscow and he was supposed to targeted against russia's policies in eastern ukraine. there will be a lot of people questioning this. at this point in time the investigation is still in its early stages. >> thank you very much reporting from moscow. jim is outfront. anthony bourdain was in russia. they were talking about food in part. i want to play a portion of this episode. anthony asked him about this exact issue. here is what he said. >> so we were supposed to be dining at another restaurant this evening. when they heard you would be joining me, we were uninvited. should i be concerned about having dinner with you? >> this is a country of corruption. everybody can press you and destroy your business. that's it. this is the system.
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>> bad things seem to happen to the critics of government. >> i say russia 19th century, not of 21st. >> critic ts ofs of putin beware. he wound up spending ten years in prison and labor camps. alexander accused state security services of organizing a coup to put putin in power. he was poisoned by a lethal dose of palonian. the former ukraine president, poisoned, disfigured and nearly killed by a toxic dose of poison. i'm not saying official russian bodies had anything to do with it but it's mighty suspicious. >> whoever did this very much wanted everyone to know who done it. everybody understands. >> of course.
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>> everybody is meant to understand. >> everybody understands everything in this country. >> that is a pretty incredible thing. anthony had that conversation with him and talked about being disinvited from restaurant and the fear of worrying about what you have to eat. >> he feared for his life. he gave an interview two weeks ago that said he feared for his life. if you look at the track record as anthony was detailing there of past critics or opposition leaders in this country it's not good. a younger opposition leader is in jail. he was poisoned with radioactive palonium on the streets of london. i covered this story. british authorities called it the first radiological terror attack.
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the radiation was traced all around the city. one of the suspects is the vice speaker of the russian duma. what does that tell you about what is rewarded in russia? hi calm out with statement tonight. he said in his words it does not matter if putin gave the order for this. he said in russia today bloodshed is the prerequisite for loyalty. people might be inclined to do this kind of thing because they would believe they would be rewarded whether or not there was a official order. this is real collapse of civil society in russia that's taken place over ten years. this is not just an internal problem because russia and the west are going head to head now in ukraine over this. one final detail. one of his colleagues says that he was working on a paper
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detailing russian forces in eastern ukraine. he was going in a very sensitivity bone this russia and it shows possibly how that is punished. >> thank you very much. this is the stuff you think of as stuff of fiction. this is reality. the former president of georgia. good to have you with me. i know you knew boris. you knew him well. you dined with him. you had glass of wine together and dwrukyou talked about this issue of poison. >> i mentioned it. i'm really shocked because we had lunch with him together last week. i asked whether he was scared to go back to russia. he said he shouldn't be scared of the arrest because putin would not arrest former level
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government officials. i mentioned the glass of red wine might be more dangerous than the arrest. he seemed to agree. you are dealing with a mafia state. the whole climate makes it impossible for people to walk around freely and walk around life. >> is therefully any question about who did this? putin said that will be an investigation and saying it was a contract killing implying done by somebody else. who do you think is responsible? we discuss with boris because he came here. he wanted to meet me because he was preparing his position on ukraine. he wanted to reach out to tell them the truth about what has happening in ukraine. he was telling me about some russians doing this job with
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him. i'm head of the consult for so he was interested in the position of ukraine government. i cannot blame anybody concretely. one thing is very clear. the climate of intimidation fear the corresponds about the fact that killers are being promoted in russia nobody was punished they killed was promoted to become a high level official in russia. you reward your hit man. that's what's happening inside russia and projected outside
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russia. >> thank you very much. pretty incredible when you tell that story, that chilling moment with a glass of wine. >> i'm really shocked. look what they have done to this great country. it will land you in violence. the world should be careful. all of us should be very careful with this out there. >> thank you very much. the former president of georgia. u.s. special force vs been training soldiers to fight the world's most brutal terrorists. we have exclusive access to one country's military forces as they are taking up arms. that exclusive is next. leonard nimoy died today.
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access as one country ice military issing the fight to the terrorists. arwa is outfront. >> reporter: weather conditions have resulted in poor visibility forcing the helicopters to fly quite low. we're with one of the region's most feared military forces and also apparently one of the most effective. some say heavy handed. after coming under attack this unit gave chase following the militants right across the border into northern nigeria. we were invited along with the top brass. the convoy to the front is heavily armed, packed with troops.
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we passed through the town until they arrived a few weeks ago. the area we're heading to sold yours are soldiers are saying they were attacked. we see a handful of women. the remains of motorcycles often used. we can't see what they're shooting a. the distinct hissing of bullets close by. our vehicle move forward past a body they tell us is of a militant who had been shooting
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at our convoy. we don't see a weapon. soldiers say they grabbed it. we see about half a dozen bodies left to rot. the soldiers find a child. they want him to tell where the flighters fled to. he seemed terrified and confused. the soldiers view anyone survivors here with suspicion. the war is murky and very dirty. u.s. special forces on the ground in africa. part of the annual exercise. keep for the united states according to one special forces operator we spoke to is containing and defeating the threat before it reaches america. erin. >> thank you very much. incredible report from arwa.
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leonard nimoy who was in star trek. the actor died today. he was 83 years old. george takei is joining me. thank you so much. you and i were talking in the commercial about how he was a friend to you, came to your big documentary debut last summer even though -- president obama talked about him calling him a friend. long before being nerdy was cool there was leonard nimoy. cool logical. spock. inspired generations of scientists and astronauts. what do you remember the most about him? >> he was a brilliant innovative actor but he also worked collaboratively. he recognized the important contributions made by everybody. i think that's what made him a good director as well. since we had been working together for a long time as a
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director he could speak to us in shorthand. so his many many gifts included his ability to work with many people. >> which is not always common. i mean it's a rare gift when people truly have that. >> it is. >> his character on star trek it showed no emotion because he was a vulcan. that was the character, he played it well but you knew him differently. as a man, his heart and soul. what was he really like? >> he was a great friend very supportive. he played disar in equis on broadway. i did the same role at east west players. he came down to see me in it. and it was a little daunting to know he was in the audience because he was so brilliant in it on broadway. so when he came backstage, i said to him, well how did i do? and he smiled that wry smile of
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his and said you are better. now, obviously, that was his very charming way of avoiding the question. but he had that kind of wit about him to the situation. >> and kindness. and you talk about how he greeted people with the spock phrase live long and prosper. he took that to heart? >> he did. so much -- the vulcan greeting was something he introduced part of the jewish faith. >> you're so good at doing it. i have to train my fingers to be able to do it. well george, thank you so much for copming on. >> thank you for remembering him. he was a great guy. >> good to have you with us. thank you. outfront next everyone has been asking what color is the dress. guess what there is an answer and you are either right or you are wrong. you'll find out what you are after this.
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the closet? >> blue and back. >> tan and white. >> blue and black. >> reporter: i saw white and gold and everyone who said differently is nuts. not since the monica lewinsky scandal has there been such a frenzy over a blue dress. but maybe it's gold. >> i hate it. >> it's a conspiracy by the white and gold people to make the blue and blacks look crazy. >> reporter: how can people look at the exact same photo and see different colors? better ask an imminent ophthalmologist. >> people know they exist but in the 30 or 40 years in their careers, they've never seen a single picture bring out the difference like this one is. >> reporter: what? taylor swift tweeted, i'm confused and scared. ps it's obviously blue and black. speaker of the house boehner concurred on #thedress. >> all conceptions are on wiring. >> reporter: julia said individuals differ in how we
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perceive color and there's something about the lighting the angle and the digital quality of this image that makes our brain susceptible to processing it by adding or subtracting white light. does anybody get this? >> i can officially said the color is royal blue with black trimming. >> reporter: the company that sells the dress for $77 said sales of this particular design are up 850%. then they start making it in white and gold. >> if i could find a dress that changed colors for different people i would buy it. >> reporter: but in this case it's the image, not the dress that changes color. for some it changes right before their eyes. >> now the black is gold. i know i'm old, but i'm not dead yet. >> reporter: you're confident that you understand this? >> well -- >> reporter: while scientists grapple, legos made their own version of the dress and those runaway llamas that captured america's heart were soon wearing black and blue and white and gold. this is like the mona lisa of
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ophthalmology. jeanne moos cnn -- >> leonardo would have loved this. >> reporter: new york. >> i knew she could get the llamas in there. i saw it as gold and white, then black and blue and now both. i think i'm truly certifyiably insane. be sure to set your dvr for outfront anytime. anderson starts now. good evening. john berman sitting in for anderson. as we all sit here right now, there is chaos in congress. pure disarray. the breaking news no one knows in whether less than four hours the huge and vital department of homeland security will run out of money. and with the growing threat of isis this could not come at a worse time. a short time ago on the house floor, a watered down stopgap compromise most common denominator piece of legislation that would fund the department for just three weeks failed to pass. our dana bash has been following the
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