tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 1, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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from atlanta and the prime minister of israel is in the nation's capital, washington d.c. for what is the most controversial visits of a head of state to our nation in quite a while. let me bring in elise labott and traveled to washington d.c. and joins me on the line. elise, you spent 12 hours on the plane with benjamin netanyahu. what was he like? what was he doing? joo he >> reporter: joohe was working on that speech the entire time. we were finding whether there was symbolism in the movies we were watching. we watched "the imitation game" which as you know is the award-winning story of the genius that will crack that nazi code and save hitler -- europe from hitler and indeed the prime minister does see himself as making this kind of last-ditch effort as churchill, the former british prime minister did in 1939 warning about the nazis. you know i talked to israeli
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analysts and they say he sees himself faded in that way and we were talking in the back the journalist aides came back and talked to us about what the prime minister was doing and he's holed up and really trying to make that speech stronger and in fact one of the pilots on the plane said that he heard coming out of the cabin that the prime minister was yelling stronger stronger no that's not strong enough and obviously the prime minister sees this as a really important moment for him, poppy. >> that's interesting color into what these moments were like as he prepares the final touches on his remarks to congress. let me ask you this elise. so much of the pushback has been on the timing and secretary of state john kerry said yes, he's welcome to come and the timing is odd and he didn't address the white house about it. his election in israel is march 17th. the deadline for the nuclear negotiations between the u.s. and iran is march 24th. any talk about the timing here and why he didn't come after his election if he wins? >> the election on march 17th
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doesn't decide who the next prime minister is and there are days after about who will form the government. he doesn't win or lose on march 17th and he felt that the deadline was coming up. s rail might not even know who the prime minister is by march 24th and so he felt that this was important to do it now. a lot of israelis whether it's analysts whether it's officials or journalists do believe that he would have been doing this anyway whether there was an election or not certainly this does give him an election boost because he is -- this is his issue. >> right. >> he is seen as a one-trick bone ney israel, thepony in israel and the more he can get israelis talking about it that makes him seem strong in their eyes. it could backfire. >> a group of democrats in congress reached out and asked
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if he would meet with them privately and he said no and the republicans and he didn't want to look like he was playing politics and that's not getting a lot of attention, but should it? >> well i think he understands the and what officials say is he wants to depart sannize which is why he declined invitations to speak to conservative think tanks as he also did to democratic groups and democratic senators. in the end he will be meeting with a bipartisan group of senators, people from both parties in the senate. i think that he understands how partisan this is and not only that this has become an issue in his election as you said but also that the israel issue has become partisan in the united states and the support for israel has always been a bipartisan issue, and he understands. i think that's what he's going
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to say in his speech to apac, the pro-israel lobby on monday at their big conference. i think he'll try to mend fences a bit and say he understands that israel needs to be a bipartisan issue and always has been and always should be. >> we'll be watching. elise labott our global affairs correspondent, thank you very much for the insight. no doubt you've been up for many hours on that plane, that long trip over here to washington. thank you, elise, very much. to russia now, vladimir putin's critic boris nemtsov was supposed to lead a rally protesting russia's involvement in ukraine and he was murdered less than 48 hours ago and today's rally in many ways turned into as you see, a huge tribute to him. tens of thousands of demonstrators marching throughout moscow and left leaving flowers at the shooting scene and his assassination taking place yards away from the
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kremlin. putin vowing to punish whoever is responsible for the murder and russian police looking for a male suspect with short hair wearing blue jeans and a brown sweater. and the shooter likely used a russian-made pistol and let's put it in context, joining me is foreign columnist michael weiss and he interviewed boris nemtsov in 2013. when we were speaking last hour michael, you made the point that you were surprised to see how strongly vladimir putin came out condemning this murder. why? >> usually when critics of his government are killed under very suspicious circumstances he doesn't mention them by name. his preference is to sort of relegate them to the ash heap of history as sort of irrelevancies in terms of russian culture and society. in this case he did come out, i mean very swiftly to say that you know this was a provocational-seeming crime that
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needs to be punished and he's personally meaning putin, will oversee the investigation. a lot of observers of rush a contemporary and historical russia and myself included have made the assassination of sergei kurov in 2004 and this was a high-party oible fishl, a communist, orchestrated by joseph stalin to have a dragnet of the opposition figures in the country. so i've seen a lot of people and pulitzer prize-winning historian of russia make this claim and people inside russia are thinking along the same lines and that goes to show you the climate of fear and paranoia and uncertain uncertainty that now persists in russia and what's next? >> what he said to make a difference as he described it in a "newsweek" article to assert whatever power possible
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do you believe that this assassination in any way lessens that dream becoming a reality or do you believe that other opposition leaders knows that this can come with the territory of opposing power if that was part of what led to his death? >> certainly what nemtsov dedicated his entire political career to has not come to fruition unfortunately within the span of his own life and i think it's sill toe make predictions. if you had asked anybody in 2010 can you imagine 100,000 people lining the streets of moscow to the party of crooks and thieves in a stolen parliamentary election and they would have said no and that exact thing happened a year later. in this case i've seen a lot of harping on the actual numbers to turn out at this event with the pro-nemtsov rally. >> right. >> think that's beside the point. look you know there is a mass feeling in russia now that you know that this government vladimir putin, he's going to be in power for a very long time and he might outlast stale inin in
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terms of tenure. there is a noose circling around the neck of all free-thinking and critically minded russians. i talk to these guys all of the time and dha say it's the worse they've ever seen it since putin came to power. i've seen people in circles discuss the re-so etvietization of russian society. they seem ostentatious and russia is not a total tearian state, and it's an authoritarian one and it's pregnant with history. our u.s. state department described it as a virtual mafia state quoting a spanish counterterrorism magistrate involved with alal exandrin err net i don't think on which was almost certainly ordered assassinated in the streets of london in 2006 by the fsb and
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probably with the permission or the direct order of mr. putin himself given that he was e radiated with a nuclear isotope. this is a very dark time in russian history and what happens here on out as they're going to be internal coup? is there going to be a revolution? how does the country implode or fall apart? this is something on everyone's mind they talked to inside and outside russia. >> but we'll see inside russia. this is a president who is enjoying an 86% approval rating. >> right, but i mean the circumstances of that have to be interrogated as well. >> when everyone is getting their news from television and television is spouting what the government -- >> and compares the u.s. ambassador of russia to a pedophile and saying the cia is responsible for everything. >> we're out of time i'm told but i can talk about this with you prefer. boris nemtsov had a very fascinating conversation a candid one with anthony bourdain last year. he told bourdain he was
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increasingly concerned how president putin could be undermining the political system. you'll see this discussion at 7:30 eastern right here on cnn, the bourdain interview special with boris nemtsov. >> an ad in the new york times is being recalled for perverse and outrageous and targets an obama adviser likening her to genocide. take a look at that. we'll talk about this with the rabbi behind the ad next.
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susan rice has a blind spot. genocide. it was taken out by shmuley bothaiak. a senior official at the white house told cnn, quote, let me read this to you, the ad is being widely met with revulsion that it deserves. frankly, the ad says more about those who supported it than it says about susan rice. the rabbi joins me now. he is defending this ad. thank you for being with me. for a lot of people looking at this and a lot of people in the jewish community who have spoken out about this they call this incredibly disturbing and i'm wondering first why did you do this and do you think it is constructive? >> firstly, what's truly disturbing is that the administration is negotiating with iran without to actively repudiate -- >> sir, we'll get to that in a moment, but i would like you to answer my question. >> it was helpful? >> why doing it in this way was
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constructive. >> susan rice was on charlie rose and the prime minister speaking out to oppose a deal that would leave iran within 12 months of a breakout to a nuclear weapon could destroy the fabric of the america-israel relationship that has to be responded to. if the national security adviser of the united states of america has an issue with the leader of a nation with genocide sifrmly lysichl -- we all have a -- like schreb neebinga and kos -- and iran is threaten the annihilation of the jewish people. it is perverse that these negotiations are taking place without a demand that iran first totally renounce their genocidal intent against the jews. >> the american jewish committee called this revolting. the anti-defamation league called it perverse. the jewish federation of north america called it outrageous.
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i think what i'm wondering is what is your goal? what do you hope that this ad accomplishes? >> i want -- we have to raise consciousness in america to the indiscriminate slaughter of innocents that takes place around the world and america in action. we quoted ambassador samantha power who was susan rice's successor as saying that susan rice in 1994 refused to label the rwandan genocide a genocide for partisan political purposes and therefore susan rice should go out of her way as saying that by her own successor in a pulitzer prize-winning book to be extra sensitive to the mass indiscriminate slaughter of innocents to genocide. we have iran lying to the world about a nuclear program for more than a decade and the united states is in the midst of negotiations with that government without first demanding that they renounce their intentions to destroy the jews. >> and we'll talk about this more after the break and with this ad and let me pull it up so our viewers can see it with this ad it is image that that
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you place with susan rice next to skulls and susan rice has the blind spot genocide. what is the action that you would like to see taken immediately in response to this because you even -- you even had madeleine albright coming out and speaking about this is aing anyone watching history can see ambassador rice is a patriotic public servant, conscientious voice versus genocide and staunch ally of israel. what do you want to see happen sir? >> we want the american public to stand up to our government and be a democrat or republican and demand that we use american power to protect innocents that are being slaughtered in places like the central african republic darfur and against israel. how can madeleine albright say that when the immediate successor to susan rice ambassador samantha power quotes susan rice as saying in a national security meeting in 1994 that we cannot label rwanda a genocide because it will affect democrats in the midterm
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elections? that is a historical fact and the reason those pictures are there, those are skulls from a church in rwanda just outside the capital. i was in that church. 800,000 people were hacked to death and the united states did nothing. we have to begin to intervene in genocides. god gave us this military power and all of these resources in order to protect african children who are being hacked to death and in the middle east or anywhere else that is our responsibility. >> are you at all surprised by a reaction by these organizations, the american jewish committee, the antidefamation league and all speaking out against this. did you expect support in this? >> our organization doesn't have our principles and convicts determined by popularity or by praise. we believe in the infinite value and dignity of human life. we believe the united states has to intervene when it comes to genocides. we believe that susan rice should not be condemning the leader of a tiny little middle eastern country which is facing a nuclear threat from the
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foremost sponsor of terrorism around the world. she should not be saying on national tv that he has no right to speck out and if he does he will harm the relationship of the united states. that's a form of bullying and unfair. this country believes in freedom of speech but don't silence him. >> we'll have to take a break. more with the rabbi after a quick break. [ female announcer ] if you don't think "i've still got it" when you think aarp then you don't know "aarp." life reimagined gives you tools and support to get the career you'll love. find more real possibilities at
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all right. before the break we were talking about this ad. let's pull it up for you. it was in "the new york times" this week and it's an image of susan rice paired alongside the phrase susan rice has a blind spot genocide. let me bring back the rabbi whose organization put out the ad. executive director of the u.s. campaign to end the israeli occupation. thank you, gentlemen, for both being with me as well. let me get yousef in here rabbi and i'll get back to you, as well. what is your take on this ad? what do you make of this ad. >> i think it's unfortunately, part of an effort to attack an administration that is attempting to act in the american national interest to resolve an issue of international concern with its partners on trying to make sure that iran is in line with its obligations under the non-proliferation treaty and what we've seen instead is this effort by folks like the rabbi and by benjamin netanyahu to
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undercut the effort by the administration to advance this agreement which would be in the american national interest. so it's really i think, inapproach and in fact dangerous when we have foreign leaders coming to the united states to challenge a president who is trying to keep the united states out of war. the reality is the american people are tired of going into wars in the middle east which could be completely avoided and what is happening today is that this effort and this ad and mr. netanyahu's speech and other things like that are trying to make the path to a far more hasty and trying to make confrontation far more likely and americans are just tired of this. >> if we have the sound, i do want to play for you what susan rice did say on pb, is this week talking about, we don't have the sound, but what she said is she believes that prime minister benjamin netanyahu coming to speak and address this joint meeting of congress is destructive to the fabric of the relationship between the united states and israel. the rabbi is saying look this
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is a response to that comment which he and others found deeply offensive. >> well it's not just him speaking here that is destructive to the fabric of the relationship. it's the policies that he represents right? it's the policies that he represents in -- in the occupied palestinian territories where he runs a regime that's denying the basic human rights of palestinians. the expansion of israeli settlements against international law and stated u.s. policy and the hasty move towards confrontation with iran despite the fact that america is working with its allies around the world to try to avoid that. these are the things that are putting mr. netanyahu in direct confrontation not just with the white house, but with an american people who is tired of this approach and is growing concerned about what is happening to palestinians at the hands of this israeli -- >> let me bring in the rabbi, but your response to yousef. >> you know in 1938
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czechoslovakia was dismembered by england and france and germany, nazi germany in a conference that they were not allowed to attend. just imagine that. everything was about their future and security and they weren't allowed to be there. iran is negotiating with the united states and israel is not allowed to be at those negotiations even though iran is in close proximity to israel and threatened the annihilation of israel. the prime minister of israel said if you won't let me be at the negotiations let me talk to the legislature and the national security adviser of the united states that speaking out will destroy the fabric of a relationship. do we not believe in the first amendment? what is going on here? why are they attempting to silence the prime minister of israel? that's the only question. why is this administration so threatened by what he's going to say? it's only a speech? is anyone threatened by what we say? yes of and i don't agree, but we don't silence each other and our ad was a direct response to that
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that you have a government threatening a second holocaust of the jews 6 million jews who live in israel and we are not going to be silent. we were silent in the 1930s and '40s and that resulted in 10,000 people being gassed in auschwitz. jews do not walk into gas chambers and we will rattle the cage and we're vocal and we deserve to live and we are tired of being shot in copenhagen brussels and france and we are going to be vocal and if it makes people uncomfortable, we're sorry. >> thank you very much. we have to get a quick break in. i'm back in a moment. with centurylink you get advanced technology solutions from a trusted it partner. including cloud and hosting services - all backed by an industry leading broadband network and people committed to helping you grow your business. you get a company that's more than just the sum of it's parts. centurylink. your link to what's next.
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this just in to us hire at cnn from south korea confirming that north korea has fired a pair of missiles. taking a look at the map there, south korean officials telling us that the two missiles fired from north korea were short range ballistic missiles. they landed in the sea. the timing not a complete surprise. united states and south korea just beginning a 45-day training exercise this weekend. we'll keep an eye on this and we will update you on any other developments that we get. also let's continue about the top story of the day. it is a high-stakes speech by a u.s. ally but his visit is exposing major division in our own political system in washington. republicans, house speaker john boehner inviting prime minister benjamin netanyahu to talk about his concerns over nuclear negotiations with iran in front of a joint meeting of congress
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on tuesday morning. president obama, though not consulted about this invite. the president will not be meeting with the prime minister. the white house really saying they wished that they were consulted. let's talk about this with atlantic media editor peter bynart. thank you for being with me. >> my pleasure. >> i read what you've been writing about this and i would like you to address it. you wrote that you believe that the president, president obama understands israel through the lens of liberalism while netanyahu understands it through the prism of security and strength. do you believe that that is fundamental to the difference and the divide between these two men right now? >> to some degree. i mean benjamin netanyahu comes from a political tradition in which israeli permanent control over millions of millions of palestinians who lack citizenship, the right to vote in the country that controls their lives in the west bank who live under military law is considered normal and acceptable
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and justifiable on israeli security grounds. barack obama going back to when he ran for president starting in 2000 has always been very very uncomfortable with that as israelis are and netanyahu is not and they come from a different political difference and now you see this playing itself out in iran. >> i want you to listen to this sound this morning from senator dianne feinstein. she's going to hear the address and she's not a supporter of the timing of it. she is an american jew, and here's what she said. >> he doesn't at all -- >> does that bother you when he says he speaks for all jews. >> yeah. i think it's a rather arrogant statement. i think the jewish community is like any other community. there are different points of view. so i -- i think that arrogance does not befit israel. >> peter, what do you make of those comments? >> i think she was referring to benjamin benjamin netanyahu's claim that
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he speaks for the jewish people. he doesn't. he was elected by israelis inside original israel and outside of the green line most people don't have the right to vote but he was never elected by american jews or french jews or australian jews so no we may be interested in what he says. many jews like me feel a very strong connection to the state of israel but there's been a longstanding principle going back to the creation of the state of israel that israeli leaders do not have the right to speak for diasporate jews. he's not our president and not our prime minister. >> and what is the difference between the president now benjamin netanyahu and itzhak rabin and sharon. do you think at the end of the president's term we can get to that place or should we expect it? >> no. because are because itzhak rabin, like bill clinton, wanted the creation of a palestinian state.
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he was serious about that. he was in the beginning of a negotiating process that in rabin stayed in power would have moved us in that direction. even ariel sharon was closer than benjamin netanyahu is. there's a larger gulf between president obama and benjamin netanyahu. plus benjamin netanyahu has been playing some pretty strident politics with the republican party. in 2012 when he invited mitt romney to come speak in israel. so there is a partisan gulf here that you see between a democratic president and a likud liko prime minister that you didn't see with sharon or itzhak rabin. >> thanks for joining me tonight. quick break. we're back in a moment.
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when it comes to jesus and the history, how do we separate fact from fiction? a new series on cnn premiering tonight attempts to do just that. take a look. ♪ >> an unprecedented cnn event. ♪ ♪ >> he didn't vanish. ♪ ♪ >> without leaving a trace. >> for the first time in history we are able to place these relics. >> and grasp something that changed the world. >> this is really the moment of truth. >> this is the story of jesus. >> the rock upon which the church is built. >> an icon of scientific obsession. this extraordinary defined in archaeological piece. >> what do we really have here.
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why did judas betray jesus? somebody chose to write this. the science does matter. is this the shroud of jesus? >> what are the clues he left behind? ♪ ♪ >> faith. fact. forgery. "finding jesus" premieres tonight at 9:00 on cnn. that is a sneak peek of a fascinating new series kicking off tonight on cnn, "finding jesus." let me bring in our guest john jackson, founder and director of the troud center. you are part of this premiere episode, and i saw it and it is absolutely fascinating because you go down to literally the fibers of the shroud of turin. what was the most difficult part of your research in tall of this? >> i presume you're talking about our scientific expedition back in 1978.
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>> right. >> i think the hardest part was to try to choreograph and to make sure the protocol for getting all of the science that we were there to get would happen. as leader of that team at that particular time it was a very difficult effort to accomplish, but we did it. we got the data that we wanted. >> what's interesting is that was in 1978 and since then science has improved a lot and since then carbon dating has been done of the shroud of turin and another cloth that is said to have wrapped jesus' head and the blood stains are matched on to one another and there are a lot of questions and when you leave watching this first episode and i don't want to give it away to our viewers and what are you left thinking? yes, we have the answer that this was indeed the cloth that wrapped jesus or are we still questioning that? >> well i think that this is something that everybody should
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engage themselves with to become part of the process of understanding what we have here because the very possibility that we might have the burial cloth of jesus in actuality is something that we have to get this one right, and so we have to insist upon the best science and historical inquiry that we can. >> finally, before i let you go what do you make of why people find this particular -- the shroud of turin and the subject of this first episode so fascinating? why does it fascinate believers and non-believers so much? >> well i've had the privilege of being able to get over 2,000 presentations on the shroud in my time here and i -- my thought is this, that the shroud touches, if it's authentic, it touches the central christian belief in the resurrection which is christianity's answer to our
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♪ ♪ all right. the iraqi military has launched a mission to retake the city of t tikrit. it's a former city of saddam hussein and the military commanders are in iraq this weekend and they're overseeing the start of what they call a liberation of cities north of baghdad. let's talk about this with our exports michael weise who just
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wrote a big book on isis and james reese, our global affairs analyst. let me begin with you, colonel reese. let's talk about north of baghdad and how significant this is because we've watched isis spread so successfully through syria and iraq. is this just important rhetoric coming from the iraqi government or is this important action that could be effective in tackling ice snissis isis. >> no this is effective what we have to do against isis. unfortunately, there's not a lot of western reporters covering this as a matter of fact i don't think there are any north of baghdad in the samara province and so the problem is there is a lack of communication coming out of there. this is big. the prime minister was up in samara. they actually kicked this assault off to move to tikrit which actually really began about the 11th of february that brought this piece in. so right now you've got iraqi security forces along with
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peshmerga military units up there and really surrounding tikrit. we've gotten back spiker fob that most of our listeners will remember from the iraq war and we had a large american presence at spiker and right now this will be the next piece. we take tikrit and they keep walking their way up toward mosul. >> i want our viewers to read some of this interview from our own fareed zakaria and fareed asked him if this is a western fight. >> how should the west handle it? should the response to isis be essentially an arab response a muslim response or should the west be in the lead? >> this has to be unified. i've said this to leaders both in the islamic and arab world and the world in general. this is a third world war by other means. this brings muslims, christians and other religions together in this generational fight that all
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of us have to be together. so it's not a western fight. this is a fight inside of islam where everybody comes together against these outlaws, so to speak. >> what do you think of that? i thought it was very interesting to hear king abdullah's entire interview talking about how islam and muss lamb muslims have to fight against the per vekdzversion of their own faith. >> to michael weiss? >> it puts pain to the idea that there is nothing about the islamic state that has to do with islam. muslims have the obligation to confront the organization and he's giving the game away a little bit there. he's quite right. one of his pilots ss mutilated in the most brutal fashion in a cage exhibited in a video around the world. jordan has absolutely taken on the right rhetoric and the right tone about confronting that.
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my question is are all of the arab countries and the coalition, do they have the stomach for this fight? because eventually i do foresee ground forces being deployed. if i might just back up a little bit about the siege of tikrit that's under way, i have to differ with the colonel a little bit here. this is not a fight that will be led by the iraqi security forces or the kurdish peshmerga. i'm afraid that's not the case. it will be led by the shia militia groups by iran and all over social media right now there is a photograph of seoul manny, the commander of the commander guard corps in iran standing in camp spiker a former u.s. military base essentially rallying the troops. i see this as it's going to be a very bloody very nasty fight because essentially you have these shia militia groups some of whom have been accused of ethnic cleansing going into saddam hussein's hometown. this is going to be nasty.
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>> i do want to get the colonel back in here shaking your head. your response. >> michael is right. it's a three-pronged attack by both the iraqi security forces the peshmerga and there are some shia militia up there. there are several of them up there and some of the local villages northeast of the tikrit have asked for some of those militia to come up as the iraqi security forces. so i think we need to be careful who we're throwing the rocks at here. it's a three-pronged attack and everyone is trying to work together and it's not a pretty picture, but the iraqi security forces and the prime minister are really trying to push this thing together and muqtada al sadr pulled back some of his shia militia after the shia senior -- senior religious leader was killed in baghdad a couple of weeks ago. >> michael weiss and colonel james reese thank you very much. n logon to and
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it's rolling out some very new technology. it says it serves 50 million households and businesses some of those customers could be seeing some pretty cool upgrades when they walk into their local branch in just a few months. for chase customers an atm card could soon be a relic. the bank is testing technology that will let you withdraw cash by tapping your phone, swipe your finger and enter a verification code your pin and get access to your account. these layers of protection add security for customers. this flashy atm is a bid to keep up with consumer demands in an age when people expect better faster and more convenient banking and the bank isn't stopping there. it also has a pilot program called chase pay which will work much like paypal does on retail websites but it will be linked right to chase accounts and credit cards. and it's encrypted for security
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much like apple pay. chase says customer card numbers are never shared and merchants don't have the ability to store information. all of this new technology actually saves chase money. that's because 42% of customers still use tellers to deposit money versus 48% at atms and 10% on mobile. the last is the fastest growing of the three. up 25% year over year and it's also the cheapest for chase to process. just 3 cents per transaction. that's huge because customers make hundreds of millions of them each year. chase calls it the branch of the future but it feels more like what customers want right now. speed, technology and ease without extra cost. >> now poppy, just to put this into context, the bank is making lots of changes to reduce cost in its vast retail network. it has 5600 branches across the country and it's planning to close 300 by the end of 2016.
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>> and of course when you look at technology like this you wonder jobs right? and fewer people needing bank branches and i know we need things and they have been getting better. what do you expect to see in the jobs report? >> the investors and economists and the fed itself wants to see the continuation of additions to the job number. we're expecting 230,000 jobs to be added to the economy, but that is not the only headline that investors are going to be looking at. they're also going to be looking for wage growth and that stagnated last year. we want to see more of that and that's really important, poppy. >> it is so important. so important, not just the headline number. i know you'll have the news for us on friday morning. thank you, christina, i appreciate it. good to have you on the program. she just talked about wages and the gap, income inequality and we'll hear a lot about it and we'll hear more as the presidential campaigns start to get more on track. the ceo of goldman sachs sat down with me and i asked him about income inequality and said
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look this country doesn't have a problem creating wealth. here is the problem. listen -- >> you have said that income inequality is destabilizing. a destabilizing factor in this country, and i'm wondering what you think it could mean if there is not improvement in say, the next five years. we saw what the lack of economic opportunity has done in the middle east for example. are you worried about social uprisings? >> no. the american culture is not that way. we went through a great depression with unemployment rates at 25%. we're not there. we're not destabilized. it is destabilizing. when people aren't happy and people think the economic system isn't working for them we've done a better job in this country at creating wealth than we have at distributing it and we have to do a better job and it behooves everyone to join in. the people that are the beneficiaries aren't necessarily the cause of it. in other words, if you ask people to vote are you for
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inequality? everyone would say no. the rise of technology the winner take all market i think we all have to get together and work on this problem. it's everybody's problem. >> so other than growing the pie, what can be done? where does the responsibility lie? >> one of the things we have to do which is the easiest thing which is we have to supply to the general public and cheaply or freely freely all of the things that the very well to do can buy for themselves that the poor don't, that are the predicate for success later in life so training education, housing, those are things that the wealthiest people have and the poorest people don't have and if you don't have it you lose your access to the escalator that can take you up and through the middle class and higher. and so what we have to do is if you collected revenue from the whole which means in a progressive tax system and the wealthier people and not write checks to people but rather
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invest it in education, housing, those benefits will disproportionately to the neediest elements of society. >> i just feel like people know this but it doesn't happen. we have a political system that's a little bit stick and it's very very hard to move things along. harder than it should be. >> all right. we talked about a lot more, china, oil prices hillary clinton, just go to and click on the lloyd blankfine interview and see the whole thing right there. -- captions by vitac -- 7:00 eastern and you are in the cnn "newsroom." a lot of news this sunday evening and we begin with this a key witness in a russian murder mystery is being held under armed guard in moscow. i'm talking about the female companion of vladimir putin critic boris nemtsov. the 23-year-old model was walking home with
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