tv Wolf CNN March 2, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PST
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ether jodi arias should live or die before murder her ex-boyfriend travis alexander. this morning the juror returned to deliberate. you might remember she was convicted in 2013 but the first jury could not decide on her sentence. so they hung and now it's up to juror number two. and if juror number two can't decide then arias automatically gets life in prison no parole. we're going to bring you the verdict as soon as we get it. thank for watching. wolf starts now. hello. i'm wolf blitzer. it's 1:00 p.m. in washington 9:00 in moscow. yfr you're watching from around the world, thanks strr much for joining us. unfirst were the israeli prime minister facing a friendly audience ahead of a troervel address. it threatens to strain the
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relations between netanyahu and the president barack obama. and it goes beyond the fact that the house speaker john boehner invited the israeli leader without consulting the white house. at the core of the controversy right now, nuclear negotiations with iran. prime minister netanyahu told the pro-israel lobbying group that tomorrow's speech is not intended to show disrespect to the president of the united states but to show that the safety and the security of israel is at stake. >> i plan to speak about an iranian regime that is threatening to destroy israel that's devouring country after country in the middle east. and that is developing as we speak the capacity to make nuclear weapons. lots of them. ladies and gentlemen, israel and
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the united states agree that iran should not have nuclear weapons. but we disagree. and the best way to prevent iran from developing those weapons. >> our global affairs correspondent is with us here in washington. elisse you were at the event, 16,000 people aipac supporterings were there. but he did try to ease the current crisis in u.s.-israeli relations. >> i think he tried to lower the temperature by saying that he has such respect for the white house, respect for what the u.s. has done for israel over the years but that he feels that he needs more discussion about the nuclear deals shaping up. israeli officials tell us that i know quite about what's going on in these negotiation in geneva and what the prime minister wants to do tomorrow is to lay out what he knows to be the deal and explain why it is that this deal is bad for israel and bad
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for the world. even though he tried to lower the temperature, i think that's also an effort to try to focus the issue on iran. make no bones about it. this prime minister is going to do whatever he can to try and put a wrench in the deal that's on the table right now. >> because in effect what he's suggesting is that the president of the united states the secretary of state of the united states the national security adviser, they're willing to accept the deal that he says could endanger not just israel's security but its very existence. that's a strong con kem nation of what the obama administration is doing. >> i've been in israel for the last month and there's a feeling in israel. three out of four israelis do not trust president obama, this white house on iran. they do not think that the u.s. has israel's interest in their fore foremind. to the prime minister said when he got on the plane, he said i'm going to be the messenger for all israeli people.
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he's going there to say this is a bad deal for israel. that's what he's going to lay out tomorrow. he feels that congress has mop been informed of the deal. he wants more discussion and he's going to urge congress to push back the march 24th deadline. >> you've been talk to israeli officials. you flew back to washington from israel on the prime minister's plane. do they acknowledge that behind the scene, background conversations with you that they totally mishandled this invitation from the speaker of the house and seriously under mining israel's relationship with a huge group of influential democrats? >> i think they wish that it didn't happen the way that it did. and i think the israelis feel they got played a little bit by house speaker john boehner in extending the invitation without talking to the white house. of course they could have mentioned it. but what the speaker did in effect was allow prime minister netanyahu to inject a partisanship into the u.s.
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israeli relation which you know has never been in tl in all of the years. aipac, 16,000 people saying how important a bipartisan relationship is. then what he did was kind of open up the door for the white house to inject themselves into the election that's going to go on in a couple of weeks. this white house does not like prime minister netanyahu and i don't think they would like for him to win the election. >> the idea for this speech before a joint session of congress was not boehner's, it tease israeli's idea. they came to boehner and hi said okay good yd. then they worked it out in a rather awkward way that's hurt the u.s.-israeli relationship. the prime minister's speech before congress tomorrow morning is not just creating divisions here in the united states. israelis disagree about the motive and the timing of the speech. cnn's kate bold win has that part of the story. >> the culture and the israeli people themselves so there the opinions here on their prime
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minister'sdy sigs decision to speak before congress. a recent poll suggests that the public is split down the middle. i saw that firsthand at this dipper party. this man thinks it's wrong and all about reelection. what do you make of it? >> i think this is a classic move of distracting the voters from domestic issue to foreign policy. >> you think this is a campaign move? >> tote by. >> melinda disagrees. >> i'm amused by the amount of power that the left seems to give to netanyahu. he wins he is giving a speech on a topic that he knows a lot about and that's important to us. but it's still just a speech. >> just a speech. but its focus remains a central issue concerning all israelis the threat of a nuclear iran. >> every israeli, no matter what their politics on some deep
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level feels a deep sense of insecurity about our own survival. >> do you think anything that netanyahu says in the speech can push the needle on the negotiations with iran. >> one way or another i think netanyahu isn't going to be the reason that america make this decision. >> i agree. i'm just worried that he will be blamed for it. even -- >> will he be given credit the if -- >> and i doubt he will be given the credit. it's lose-lose. it's a bad idea. >> most people think that the speech is not going to affect the negotiations with iran. most people are concerned about this warfare between the united states and israel. >> this professor is an expert on the u.s.-israeli relationship. >> there are many crisis in the relations, but this one is the worst. >> you really think it is the worst? >> because it has been lingering for a long period of time. there are very little trust
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between the two leaders and the kis agreement and crisis is about almost everything. >> back at the dinner table, these israelis hope this doesn't mean irreparable damage. >> it goes so deep and on so many levels. yeah we're going through a bad time but we'll get over it. >> kate is joining us live from jerusalem. the prime minister said that the united states and israel will weather the storm. that seems to have the view of some of the people you've been talking to there in jerusalem. but israelis are deeply worried about the states of the u.s.-israeli relations right now. >> reporter: i think you're absolutely right. i think they would like to say that the bond between israel and the united states is much more than a controversy or personality differences or deep dislike between the leader of their country and the leader of the united states. they're hopeful that the bond is
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that strong. but there is concern about what this episode, if you will what kind of damage it could do to the relationship. is there a chink in that armor. there is fear that this speech could be counter productive to that relationship. just look at the length that netanyahu went today in his speech before aipac talking about how strong the bond remains, the alliance is strong. that in and of itself suggests there's concern amongst his people at home. there's a lot of polling going on right now obviously they're very close to the end of this election, wolf. one of the questions that was asked, they asked whom do voters believe, do they trust the most to protect the u.s. relationship. fewer than a third of those, fewer than a third of likely voters said they trusted netanyahu to protect their relationship. >> yeah the israeli elections
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two weeks from tomorrow. and i have no doubt at least part of the reason the prime minister wanted to come here to washington to address congress he thought this was going to help him politically in his bid for reelection. it's a very close reloex. right now he might not be reelected. but to a lot of the experts over there, suggests this visit may have backfired from his narrow political perspective. kate is going to be back with us later today in "the situation room." back in the united states there's increasing backlash over the israeli's prime minister speech before congress tomorrow. not just coming from the democrats. later, she's a 23 ukrainian model, the girlfriend to the outspoken written of the russian president vladimir putin. the only witness to his murder and now she is speaking out. you're not you. tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol®.
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when the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu addresses congress tomorrow, there will be dozens of empty seats, seats that would normally be okay fied by democrats who instead have decided to boycott the speech by a visiting prime minister of israel. let's get one of those member senator bernie sander, independent senator from vermont vermont. you have decided that you won't go hear a speech from the visiting prime minister of israel. it's pretty unprecedented, isn't it? >> yes. >> has that ever happened before when a prime minister comes to the united states and a group of democrats or republicans for that matter decide to boycott the leader of a friendly ally? >> i think you're right. that's unprecedented. >> why have you decided that it would be best from your perspective to not go sit in the chambers and the house of representatives and at least give him the courtesy of what he has to say? >> a couple of reasons.
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the first open most important everybody knows constitutionally and unprecedented, the president of the united states is the leader of the country in foreign policy. the idea that speaker boehner would politicize foreign policy to the degree of not even consulting with president obama about netanyahu's visit is to me extremely unfortunate. >> bub that's the speaker. you want to blame netanyahu for what the speaker did? >> netten ya shoe is a sophisticated politician. he would have picked up the phone saying speaker boehner has invited me we want to work closely with you. how do you feel about it? the second point, in israel it's a hard fought election. it's not certain that netanyahu would win. but i do not like the idea that two weeks before the election in the foreign country the prime minister is using u.s. congress as a prop and a photo
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opportunity for his reelection. that's wrong. >> she spoke on the sensitive issue at aipac earlier today. listen to what he said. >> the last thing that anyone who cares about israel the last thing that i would want is for israel to become a partisan issue. and i regret that some people have misperceived my visit here this week as doing that. >> has israel become a partisan issue? >> look when you have a very partisan congress and the speaker invites mr. netanyahu without speaking to the president of the united states of course it's a part danisan issue and i think mr. netanyahu understood that. >> and you think the idea of this speech was speaker boehner's idea or the prime minister of israel's idea? >> i have know idea but they're both big boys and they understand that the leader in foreign policy the president of
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the united states. the other issue underlying this is the difficult negotiations with iran to make certain that iran does not get a nuclear weapon. and you know, i get a little bit upset that we have some politicians who try to be tough on foreign policy. it's good policy. stand up to iran. and i would remind those people they were tough in the war on iraq tough with saddam hussein and led to the worst foreign policy blunder in the modern history of the united states. the president is trying to negotiate a very difficult situation to see that iran does not get a nuclear weapon. >> so when netten ya hub says for the u.s. it's a mat are of security but for israel it's a matter of survival, you say? >> the president has made it clear and virtually every member of congress supportings the concept that iran will not get a nuclear weapon. but i want to see us do that without having to go to war. a war in afghanistan and iraq is enough for me. >> i do not remember a time when
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so many members of congress, like you, supporters of israel jewish members of congress, members of the congressional back caucus have decided to boycott a speech from the visiting prime minister. how do they fix this in. >> i think from day one from the establishment of israel as a state there has been overwhelmingly strong bipartisan support for israel. i think that will continue. i am simply upset that speaker boehner made this a political issue when it should not have been. >> you're thinking of running for the democrat presidential nomination in time. your decision to boycott the speech by the visiting prime minister of israel how is that impacted -- politically, what's been the reaction you're getting? >> i have no idea how it plays out politically. in my state there are some people who have written called and supported and some people do not. >> is it leaning one way or the other? >> no. >> more positive or negative to your decision in.
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>> i think it's pretty neutral. >> but you're getting some criticism? >> we're getting support and kriz schism. >> thank for coming in. so what do the americans think about the republicans invitation to the prime minister of israel to speak before members of congress. we're going to have much more on the political fallout of this controversial visit when we return. but jim has afib, atrial fibrillation an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto®, jim's on the move. jim's doctor recommended xarelto®. like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem that doesn't require regular blood monitoring. so jim's not tied to that monitoring routine.
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he said the address to the members of congress tomorrow is not intended to slight president obama. >> my speech is not intended to show any disrespect to president obama or the esteemed office that he holds. i have great respect for both. >> let's bring in our chief national correspondent john kingary gloria borger. he says the u.s. and easy real will weather the storm. they've got a lot of work to do. >> they do. he's come under a lot of criticism in this country as well as at home about whether he should be here this close to an election. and i think the big question people are asking is does his rocky relationship with the president endanger the strong relationship between israel and the united states of america. and if it does that's a real problem and he's getting flack at home for that. but he's in a very tight election, wolf as we all know. he's playing his base in the
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party because his move here to talk about iran is popular with them and that's what he's going for. >> security front and center. will the relationship survive? of course it will. will the relationship survive? of course it will. but he also said in future years. he's well aware in future weeks and months the dysfunction between him, the personal relationship is quite dysfunctional and there's no question it could not get any bet near the short term. the question is will it get worse. >> when i was talking to a senior democrat who was debating whether or not to go to the speech -- and the question this democrat was asking is does netanyahu's appearance here add anything to the sum total of knowledge about what we know about the iran sanctions debate? is he going to tell the american congress anything different than they already know from hearings and meetings with the aelt meeting with the white house?
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what's the purpose of this? >> he didn't do that today. didn't provide any new information today. but he said the substance of the speech will be delivered tomorrow the more technical parts of his opposition or concern with the u.s. and the other members of the security council are doing. >> he's trying to be more diplomatic today. saying i regret this so partizan. trust me i respect president obama and his office which he needed to do. he needed to do for the domestic audience here and for the political audience back home. as he gets into nuts and bolts, they're openly distrusting, the accusations of lying. but the other players, philosophically this is a snapshot of who the president is and who the prime minister is. the president saying of course we'll negotiate. the prime minister says they're evil. you can never trust them. don't waste your time. >> so the question is if net
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netanyahu goes before the congress and explains why this is a bad deal gets specific with it and explain why he thinks the administration cannot negotiate with iran what does the administration do in response that that? do they just let him leave without saying anything? how does this white house respond to what he's going to say to the united states congress? will they use sur gantss on capitol hill to do it? because if they think they're going to get a deal secretary kerry is at the negotiating table right now. we're know more about that in 72 hours. but to your point. it's a republican congress, a republican senate and a republican house. if the president needs to get something ratified, they're going to have no choice but to rebut. >> he says he doesn't need to do that. >> but that will be another great debate in washington about
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executive power. >> the "wall street journal" poll shows that nearly half of all americans believe that republicans should not have invited be netanyahu here without first checking with the president. never mind democratic congressional leaders. >> i don't remember a time john i'm sure you don't, any near gloria you have bernie sander the independent senator from vermont, e other jewish members of the house and senate tim kaine, senator from virginia members of the congressional black kau sus who have publicly decide they're not willing to shy away from it. they're not even going to listen to the prime minister and the president of the united states is snot even going to talk to him. not going to have a phone conversation with him. that underscores the rupture that's occurred here. >> underscores the personal nature of it between prime minister netanyahu and president
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obama. speaker boehner assent this invitation after president obama's state of the union address. the prime minister accepts it. here in the states and our close friend israel you have politics front and center. it's one of the most pressing challenges of our time but at the moment it's wrapped heavily in pop ticks. >> it's also very pure netanyahu as we were talking about before we came on the air. this is someone who likes toing it up in american politic pps you'll remember in mitt romney's attempt to gain the presidency he sort of winked and said you know romney and i knew each other, we're good friends. he met with romney. when romney was abroad. so i think that this is not the first time we've seen netanyahu kind of try to get involved in american political life. >> the prime minister and his political advisers thought this was going to help him but it
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might have turned out to be a political blunder. a lot of israelis are concerned about the current state of the u.s.-israeli relations right now. stay with cnn tomorrow for complete coverage of the prime minister's visit to the united states. don't miss our special coverage of the prime minister's address before a joint meeting of congress. our coverage begins tomorrow morning 10:00 eastern. up next, secretary of state john kerry is in switzerland right now with talks with iran. they're making progress right now but that doesn't necessarily mean a deal is close. we're going live to switzerland when we come back.
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welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer reporting from washington. recent tensions between israel and the united states have a lot to do with the ongoing talks with iran over the nuclear program there. secretary of state john kerry is in switzerland where the talks are taking place and had this to say about the progress right now. >> any deal that we would possibly agree to would make the international community and especially israel safer than it is today. that's our standard. so our team is working very hard to close remaining gaps to reach a deal that insures iran's nuclear program is exclusively
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and verifiably peaceful. we've made some progress, but we still have a long way to go and the clock is ticking. >> let's go to our chief national security correspondent jim sciutto joining us from switzerland. so when is the deadline jim and what are the major sticking points as far as we know right now? >> reporter: well two deadlines actually and a number of remaining sticking points. the end of this month were march, for a framework political agreement, and then a final agreement by the end of june. it is possible you would get a framework deal and the whole thing could fall apart as you work out the details. sometimes the final details are the toughest ones to get through. a couple of major disagreements. one of them today, saying that iran has still not provided details answered questions on past suspected effort and weapon zags. this is something that the u.s. and the west have been asking
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for months. as the deadline is approaching they still don't have an answer. another disagreement is this the iranian foreign minister saying that iran wants all of the economic sanctions lifted at the beginning of an agreement. it's the west position, the u.s. position that those sanctions would be lifted gradually so that the west maintain leverage. even as they're getting closer on a lot of the points those are may jr. disagreements. a few minutes ago when secretary kerry wrapped up the first of the many meetings over the many days in the hotel just behind me. >> a lot of analysts believe that the u.s. the other members of the security council, they might be able to reach a deal with this delegation with this group of iranians a deal that might be supported by the president. but the supreme leader the ayatollah go along with it? there is a real concern that maybe the political leadership
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would accept the ternls but the ayatollah would not. how realistic is that concern. you've been to oi ran. you understand what's at play. >> reporter: it's a major concern. you have real division. we talked about the division in the u.s. or even the division between the u.s. and israel. you have division in iran. you have a president rouhani who is more forward. he ran for president on a platform of being more open to the west and perhaps being willing to give up a little not all, but a little on their nuclear program. the supreme leader much more of a hard liner. it's been interesting in recent weeks, you've heard some more open statements from the supreme leader talking about the possible benefits of the deal or saying that iran would still be iran if it's made an agreement with the west. but you know it's the negotiators here that have to convince the west go home and convince their boss to get a
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a self proclaimed isis court ordered some of them free. the man also know as jihaddy john apparently considered suicide in a series of e-mails with a brit imp activist group, he complained about his treatment. in an e-mail sited by the daily mail saying that authorities made him feel like quote, a dead man walking. meantime the found are of twitter says he and his employees are being threatened by isis. an online post by isis made the threat because of twitter's attempts to shut down isis accounts. with me now, james spader marks and peter bergman. this campaign to retake takrit right now, that's relatively mo test considering what will be necessary to retake mosul. is this iraqi government a bluster right now or is it serious? >> no. i think it's very serious.
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certainly there's coordination with central command to ensure if something goes saidideways. the lessons learned that they can get from aboperation in takrit right now could be applied to a much larger proposal in mosul. >> you think the iraqi army is going to show up this time and deliver a knockout punch in there's a lot of symbolic value here. >> no i'm not saying that there's necessarily going to be a huge positive outcome. but they have to get in the fight and they have to be able to bruise themselves and get some scar tissues before they take on a larger challenge. >> the release of the 19 or so christian by isis people wondering why would they do that h. there are some reports that they got paid got ransom and they released them. what's your analysis? >> that could be.
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but if we take isis at face value saying that the shia court released them they are people of the book jews christians are people of the book under islam. the you basically sort of say yes, i'll pay taxes or i'll donate to charity, you know under islamic rule they should be released. isis you know -- this is a rare example of isis following legitimate islamic law. >> does that bode well you think necessarily for the 200 owe christians being held? >> it may be. unlike the yazidis, isis you know, was quite happy to enslave the yazidis. with the christian, it's a different matter. >> what do you make of the leaders of twitter that they're in trouble right now, they could be in danger, these isis threats because twitter deletes the pro-isis accounts. >> they need to keep doing that. every publication were every
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media outlet has an editorial board. they need to do what they're doing. the fact that isis is putting the threat out should not surprise us. >> do you think they're realistic? do you think they're serious? >> i don't think they're serious. twitter and other social media have, you know terms of use and basically isis is not, you know they're not following the terms of use. you're not allowed to have threatening material stuff that's calling for people being murder nd. twitter has been slow to take these down relative to some other. but they've got the mcan starting to take these down. >> jihadi john, the e-mails, he was blaming the way that the british authorities tweeted him for his decision to join us with isis. we saw the videotapes of him beheading various hostages. >> absolutely insane that he would put this on the british authorities or some form of incarceration incarceration incarceration, his punishment for being a british citizen. >> he said i felt like a dead
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man walking because of the way that the british authorities treated him in airports and other places. >> they had good reason to treat him that way. he was trying to join al shabaab. the idea that his treatment of british authorities led to him beheading people is insane. >> thanks for joining us. >> thank you. an outspoken yitic of the russian president vladimir putin is murdered inwithin site of the kremlin laws. we're going to hear from the woman who was with him when he was gunned down.
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♪ ♪ we have some new developments in the death of boar lis nemtsov, the severe critic of putin who was gunned down in moscow. the killing appeared to have caught on surveillance camera. mr. nemtsov's girlfriend who was with him at the time of the shooting she's now speaking out describing what happened the night of the shooting. our senior international correspondent ivan watson is in moscow for us. what is she saying about the friday night events? >> reporter: she isn't providing a lot of detail. she's spoken to one russian tv channel from the apartment where she's been staying. she says she's been interrogated basically by the russian security forces for three straight days since the murder and is under police protection. but again she's a 23-year-old
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ukrainian girlfriend of boris nemtsov. take a listen from an excerpt from her interview. >> translator: where did boris's killer appear from? >> translator: i don't know. i didn't see because this was happening behind my >> and by description, did this person react to your request immediately or started calling? >> translator: when i turned i only saw a light colored car, but i didn't see the make or number of the car that was leaving. >> now, duritskaya she wants to go back to home to ukraine basically right now and is not free to go. again, she's a key eyewitness here. she was asked whether or not she'd be able to go to emtsov's funeral and she said she's not freebasicallye icallybasically to leave the apartment where she's watched by russian police. >> she's only 23 years old. a fashion model. what's happening, meanwhile, over there at red square?
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i assume security has been tightened in the aftermath of this shooting. >> reporter: it has. the russian security forces they vow that they want to bring the killers to justice. they've offered the equivalent of a $50,000 reward to anybody with any information on the killing of boris nemtsov friday night. i just came from that area. what is so striking about the geography of this is that basically nemtsov was killed just outside of red square. it is arguably one of the most closely monitored heavily guarded places in all of russia because it's right next to the kremlin, right next to lennon's tomb right next to the offices where russian vladimir putin goes to work every day. the area is bristolingling with
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security cameras. it's remarkable that somebody could manage to kill anybody in that area using a gun and somehow manage to escape and until now the russian security forces say they have not captured any suspects. now, supporters of boris nemtsov, members of his political party have basically said they've raised a lot of questions about that. how is it possible some of them have toled any what they describe as police state, that the killers could get away from outside this arguably a ring of steel of security forces and that's led them to question the sincerity of the russian government's efforts to try to bring the killers to justice here. >> as you correctly point out, closer videocameras all over the place. so far we've seen one little snippet that doesn't show a lot but i assume russian authorities have a lot more video that you're going through presumably. we'll see what happens. all right. thanks very much ivan for that report. authorities in bangladesh meanwhile have arrested the
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prime suspect in the murder of american blogger avijit roy was hacked to death on the streets of the capital last week. he and his wife were returning from a back fair in dhaka when they were attacked by men armed with machetes and knives. roy's wife was seriously juried. the suspect posted photos of the crime scene within minutes of the attack. roy's parents say the suspect also threatened to kill their son in social media posts. extremists resented the blogger for his writings which were critical of religion. coming up a brand new report says hackers may be able to access the u.s. air traffic control system. we're taking a closer look at what this could mean for pilots for passengers. stay with us. use... it's a full day for me, and i love it. but when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. i don't like asking for help. i took tylenol but i had to take six pills to get through the day. so my daughter brought over some aleve. it's just two pills, all day!
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we're learning of a disturbing new report on the safety of the united states air traffic control system. a congressional watchdog agency is calling on the faa to address weaknesses that they say leave the system vulnerable. let's bring in our aviation and government regulation correspondent rene marsh who's working the story for us. rene what does the report say? >> this is a report, 41 pages. it's very alarming. essentially they say that the nation's air traffic control system is weak and vulnerable to hackers. now, the faa's computer systems they are critical helps air traffic controllers communicate to pilots when it's safe to land when it's safe to take
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off. and also keeps the planes at a safe distance apart. a hacker could interrupt all of that. needless to say, that could be catastrophic. there are thousands of planes in the air at any given time. so what are the problems? according to this report, the faa lacks adequate ways to protect sensitive data. the faa also lacks adequate ways to protect unauthorized access to the computers. now, it doesn't detail word for word what the weak points are because essentially they do not want to lay out a blueprint to wreak havoc on airspace. the agency does say in the report until the faa effectively implements security controls the weaknesses gao identified, are likely to continue. operations of air traffic control. and unnecessary risks. so again, very alarming.
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i spoke with senator bill nelson. why this is happening and when the problem will be fixed. >> sounds pretty alarming to me. let's stay on top of this story for our viewers. rene, thank you very very much. the trail blazing u.s. senator barbara mikulski is stepping aside. today the 78-year-old ynmaryland democrat announced she won't run for re-election when her term runs out next year. she'll leave as the longest serving female in congressional history having served in the hounts house of representatives and later in the u.s. senate for the past 39 years. all that since 1976. senator mikulski was also the first woman chosen to chair the powerful senate appropriations committee, though republican victories pushed her from the chairmanship to ranking member this year. barbara mikulski united states senator from maryland won't be seeking re-election. that's it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'll be back 5:00 p.m. eastern
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in the "situation room". for our international viewers, "amanpour "amanpour" is up next. for others "newsroom with ana cabrera" starts now. good afternoon, i'm ana cabrera in for brooke baldwin. we begin with a video that is intense and disturbing. it shows nearly half a dozen los angeles police officers surrounding a homeless man on the city's infamous skid row. he was a robbery suspect. a scuffle ensues. there is a tasing. what happens next is chaotic and ultimately deadly. the suspect is shot to death in broad daylight. it was all caught on tape. we're going to show you what happened. i have to warn you, you might find this disturbing.
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