tv New Day CNN March 5, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PST
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shment calling it a knife shower of justice for military drills the u.s. is conducting with south korea. ambassador john lippert was preparing to give a lecture after a man attacked him. >> he received 80 inches to close a four-inch gash to his face as well as cuts to his arm and hand. our coverage begins with andrew stevens live in hong kong. andrew? >> michaela this was supposed to be a pretty routine start to routine day for the u.s. ambassador to south korea. he was about to give the speech to a commission on peaceful reunification. he became the victim of a vicious and apparently politically motivated attack. a horrifying scene blood dripping down the face of u.s.
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ambassador to south korea, mark lippert. the diplomat undergoing nearly three hours of surgery overnight, receiving more than 80 stitches on his face alone. >> i'm bleeding here. >> lippert slashed by a ten-inch knife in the face and arms moments before delivering a speech in seoul on wednesday. the weapon slicing open his left forearm, damaging the nerve system for his fingers. the gash on his right cheek four inches long and an inch deep. south korean surgeons say if the facial injury was any deeper it could have been life-threatening. >> he's one of our top asia policy experts in the u.s. government. >> according to witnesses, the suspect, 55-year-old king ki jeong pushed the diplomat on to a table before assaulting him. bystanders tackling him to the ground as police rushed him out
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of the conference room. witnesses say they heard kim yelling anti-u.s. sentiments shouting the south korea/u.s. military drills must stop a reference to the annual war games which north korea sees as a provocation. norts say the assailant has a history of similar attacks. in 2010 kim received a suspended prison sentence for throwing a piece of concrete at japanese ambassadors to south korea. president obama calling ambassador lippert, wishing him a speedy recovery. the two close since obama started in the senate in 2005. lippert tweeting from the hospital doing well in great spirits, will be back asap to advance u.s./south korean alliance. certainly that was a brave and plucky tweet, chris for him to do. interesting, it does raise questions about security in south korea. the police saying the u.s. embassy did not ask for any
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additional security. you have to say mark lippert looking remarkably cool in the face of that attack. >> i could not agree with you more. >> it's spot-on how he handled this. but it does raise significant issues. let's talk about the issues here. we have cnn global affairs analyst and managing editor of "quartz," bobby ghosh and mr. daniel pinkston in south korea. beyond debate is how mr. lippert seems to have handled this cool under pressure. you're saying no surprise given his background. >> served in iraq he served with the navy s.e.a.l.s, he's a strong guy and a tough guy. it is it would have been a shock because you don't really expect this in south korea, a country where he is well liked. he walks his dog in the street among the public. his dog has its own twitter account. he's a popular figure there, although he's only been there for a few months. >> you dismiss it as a madman. >> this is clearly a madman. there are questions to be asked
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why the american ambassador was allowed to go to place without protection when somebody in the embassy intelligence should have seen a guest list this guy's name should have brought up a flag or alarm. >> he was a member of the council that the ambassador was going to address. >> they had reason to know this man who had the problem in 2010 was a registrant of the event. >> yes. >> an interesting point. mr. pinkston obviously south korea is a friend to the u.s. just the word benghazi gives context to what has happened to people in foreign service recently is this somewhat of a call that we have to be more careful in the united states about security surrounding our diplomats? >> well before i get to that point i want to correct the last comments in fact the individual kim ki jeong was not a member of that organization the korean
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council for reconciliation and cooperation. >> there was no reason to know? >> he was not invited, he walked up and was a walk-in guest. they allowed him to go into the event. so there was, the visitors were not vetted and they allowed him to go in and he took advantage of this. >> important distinction. >> please repeat the question. >> the question is because this happened at all, is this a little bit of a wakeup call that you do need security around diplomats in no matter where they are in the world now? it shouldn't be a maybe, it should be a must? >> i think that's correct. i've been to many similar events in south korea, and with democratization here it's very common that people allow different voices there's a feeling that freedom of speech and assembly has to be recognized. and occasionally at academic events for example or
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conferences, someone will come in and begin shouting statements and so forth, dissidents and they will let them have their say and they will suddenly be escorted out. this is very shocking. the violence that occurred in this case and i think ambassadors have to have tighter security high-level officials can be subject to these types of deranged attacks. >> just the fact just because mr. lippert handled it you know, with such strength doesn't mean that he wasn't put at great risk. we heard at least one source on it say this could have been life-threatening given the depth of the wound and how close it was to his neck. a slashing like this is not unheard of among south korea's elite. right? a former leader had that happen. a current lead centre. >> president park has a scar that goes down the right side of her face she was attacked in 2006 with a utility knife, 60
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stitches in the ambassador's case it's 80. i should say this is very very rare. now there are two incidents and that's pretty remarkable. but it's no trend. it is a modern democracy, there's not a huge there's not a tradition of current tradition of political violence if you like. and so it would have been a shock, it was a shock for everybody. >> mr. pinkston what isn't shocking is that north korea used it as an opportunity to throw some gas on the fire. how should their comments be interpreted? >> well it's quite sad, and deplorable. dy see the statement that their news agency released late this afternoon. regarding the attack. and it calls it a somewhat justified punishment that was delivered to the ambassador to the american war-mongers. this type of bad outcome is consistent with their state ideology.
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that views the u.s. as an imperialist that seeks to enslave the koreans. it's been modified by the greatest geniuses in the history of humanity. it explains all of their hardships in north korea and everything else so this type of event can be explained by their ideology. they claim it a result of the combined exercises that are going on now with the u.s. and the republic of korea and a number of other allies four or five other allied states as well. >> you don't see what happened to ambassador lippert into any type of window of instability in south korea, correct? >> no, i don't think so. there is a small fringe of people like this that will engage in violence or think that violence is justified. there's a slightly larger number that is sympathetic with the north and north korea's policy positions. but i don't think this is a majority or has any influence on overall policy.
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>> mr. pinkston thank you. mr. ghosh, as always. new developments in the emerging controversy over hillary clinton's use of a personal email account while she served as secretary of state. clinton herself now speaking out. cnn's brianna keilar has the details from washington. speaking out via twitter. >> she spoke out in a tweet overnight. this came shortly before midnight. the tweet saying i want the public to see my email. i asked state to release them. they said they will review them for release as soon as possible. and we've heard from the state department that they are going to do this. we don't know obviously how much how all of these will be released. some of them no doubt will be redacted. we expect this will take some time and the state department says that this comes after two days of controversy as we learn that hillary clinton used solely a private email account while she was secretary of state. and also that she owns the server that all of her emails
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were housed on. really allowing some protection from records requests. things that experts say were designed to protect her and really make sure that she had a tight control on some of these communications. this is obviously hillary clinton and her team after a couple of days trying to ratchet down the controversy that really seemed to be going on and it was going on unrelenting. so it also really speaks to this deep scrutiny that we see hillary clinton in. you know john when you look at this this gives us a preview of what we're going to see, as hillary clinton is very much the democratic front-runner. and we expect that she is just a few weeks out from declaring her candidacy for president of the you state. >> and faces questions from republicans and also democrats from republicans, too. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's big speech to congress barely seemed to
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budge the needle back home. look at the poll by israel's channel 2 news. 44% of israelis think the speech strengthened support for the prime minister. 43% said it had no effect. 12% say it weakened support for the israeli prime minister. another case of radicalization here in the united states. a 17-year-old virginia student accused of being an isis recruiter. the "washington post" reports investigators tracked him for more than a month before arresting him. right now he is charged as a juvenile. but prosecutors want to try him as an adult. federal investigators say he helped a man travel to syria, where it is believed that man joined isis. some scary moments aboard a u.s. airways flight from charlotte to denver. smoke reported in the plane's cockpit. you can see passengers using emergency chutes to evacuate the plane as soon as it landed safely at denver international airport. the flight's 164 passengers and crew were unharmed and they don't know what caused the
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smoke. you don't want smoke in the cockpit or anywhere else in the plane. >> it's encouraging when you see people doing what they're supposed to do in a situation like that. i'm impressed by the crew and the passengers on board. winter's grip is packing a new punch, gripping and punching at the same time. a monster storm is slamming much of the nation today from texas to massachusetts, 90 million people in the path. getting around this morning is awfully tough. let's get right to meteorologist chad myers with more. good morning, chad. >> i'm just -- man this is 90 million people in the grips of this warning today. and it is going to continue all the way from new york city what you see in new york right now is nothing like what it's going to look like as you drive home tonight. because the rain has been here all night. but the cold air is pushing in. and the cold air is changing the rain over to sleet and eventually over to snow. this is downtown memphis right now. not too many people walking the
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streets today i'm afraid. it's going to be an ugly day there. just like it's going to be in new york. you're changing over to snow now and the snows at least four inches. the same story for philadelphia for baltimore, for d.c. d.c. still raining now. it will change over to sleet and then all snow. still snowing in memphis, little rock. about to change turnover all snow there in nashville. the roads are slick, they've been wet all night. now it's getting down below 32 and everything will freeze up. even though it's getting to be the daylight hours, it's getting colder. because the cold front is moving to the southeast. taking the cold air with it. by the time we get to rush hour d.c. philly baltimore. all getting snow. airports are a mess. over 30% of the flights in and out of the u.s. this morning are canceled. there are the numbers, there are the official numbers. dallas had about two and a half inches of snow on top of the ice, they're at 538. those are cancellations in and out of dallas. if you're flying today, log on
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or call ahead. this will a tough day. >> i woke up this morning feeling like hmm, maybe chad everett got it wrong -- nope. right on time the end of the day will be a mission. a stunning indictment of ferguson missouri police the justice department uncovering systemic racism and a range of abuse against black citizens three members of the force under investigation, one of them fired. what comes next for that embattled missouri town. and lawyers for the boston bomber say -- he did it. mistrial? no strategy why they would say this, ahead. ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around barbara ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪
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pronounced is pathetic. cnn's ed lavender is in ferguson with more. ed what are the details? >> because of the findings in this investigation, three police department employees were put on administrative leave. one has already been fired. two others we're told will likely not survive the investigation. seven months after the shooting death of michael brown, federal officials have cleared police officer darren wilson of any civil rights violations. >> michael brown's death, though a tragedy, did not prosecutable conduct on the part of officer darren wilson. >> the justice report states that wilson acted in self-defense. giving legitimacy to officer wilson's report that 18-year-old brown had reached into his car to grab his gun. investigators agreed that forensic evidence supported officer wilson's testimony that after fleeing the confrontation
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brown turned around and refused to stop charging at him. discrediting witness accounts that his hands were up. >> the report uncovered extensive racism and a highly toxic environment within the ferguson police department citing a disturbing pattern of discriminatory and excessive force by police against black residents. >> our view of the evidence found no no alternative explanation for the disproportionate impact on african-american residents other than implicit and explicit racial bias. >> the report says officers singled out and targeted blacks for various petty violations and even more troubling? racist remarks in emails involving supervisors about the president and first lady. and disparaging comments about african-americans. >> the mayor of ferguson
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addressed the findings in this investigation late yesterday afternoon, but interestingly enough michaela the police chief did not attend the press conference late yesterday. >> very interesting. conspicuous by his absence. let's discuss this further. let's look ahead, mo ivory an attorney and radio host joins me and pastor robert white with the peace of mind church of happiness, a member of clergy united a group that helped protesters communicate with law enforcement during the protests in ferguson. pastor i know were you on the call that attorney general eric holder had with some of the community leaders. i'm curious what your sense is of the report and what your fellow community leaders are saying this morning? >> good morning, michaela thank you for having us. primarily as was stated in the attorney general comments yesterday, is what this report has done is basically put ink and paper to what we've already known. those of us in this community.
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this police department along with other municipal police in court have disproportionately attacked basically the african-american community in the st. louis county area. >> validation from the community members and community lead tlers, not a surprise as the pastor mentions mo. so what now is the big question right? where does the city go? where does the community go? do you think it's a question of cleaning house, structural change? what do you think needs to happen? >> michaela good morning. i think it's all of those things i think it starts at the top. file that there's already been a certain amount of disrespect for the report by us not even hearing from the police chief, jackson. i would think that such a first step would have been for him responsible for all these police officers 50-plus police officers responsible for what happened under his reign with the michael brown situation. i would think that he would be the first one to step up and say, you know what it is now time for me to resign. i thought he would then next
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take steps to deal with the mayor. deal with some of the judges some of the officials that have been blatantly a part of this racism that has come out in the report. but we haven't seen that. so i'm hopeful that you know only you know it's been out only for a day. i'm hopeful that those are the next steps there are recommendations of course from the justice department that they will have to you know ultimately hopefully sign a consent decree and begin to make those steps. what about the damage to the residents that this has caused? i would like to see some of the sentences that you know innocent people were sent to jail. lost their jobs. weren't able to feed their families. i'd like to see some damages, maybe some kind of civil class action lawsuit. something that begins to help people repair their lives. because i just -- yeah. all the damage that's been caused by this racism. >> mo brings up a good point. i think one of your frustrations has been the whole investigation by the doj was reactionary and not particularly preventive.
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in terms of that what further would you like to see? >> we've seen this pattern throughout the country when you look at all the investigations the department of justice has done it's always been in reaction to. michaela you talk about moving forward, but it's impossible for this community to move forward with the same folks in charge that allowed a city to burn we have a governor who promised to protect businesses and homes, but blatantly left an entire portion of this community unprotected. we have mayor who said there's not a racial problem in ferguson and this report proves there's a racial bias. >> let me ask you more about that mayor. because i think that's very interesting. we had heard him say that he doesn't believe there's a racial divide in ferguson a month later he clarified those comments. yesterday he spoke very differently after the report came out. do you have confidence in this mayor, in your community? >> what we have conference in is that our government is positioned that the people must speak. if we want this mayor out, we
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have to get to the polls and we have to make a change from the voting booth. we can't trust someone who comes in one day, and then repeatedly blatantly disavows himself from the situation. yesterday at the press conference he was late. and then he did not accept any questions from the media. they kept the protesters from being involved at the press conference so he's constantly showing by his actions and by his words, that he's not interested in what's going on in this city. and so -- with these protesters are doing is that we're calling for the police chief to step down. the mayor to step down. the city manager to step down. and for the people of ferguson and the surrounding municipalities to be able to express themselves through their vote and through the proper representation. >> we know within the police department some employees are already under investigation. and some of them have been suspended, one has been fired already for those heinous racist emails. some referring to the president as a chimpanzee.
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other horrific things were said in those emails. mo you expect more heads to roll? >> yes, but i mean one head is not enough. nor is three. i agree totally what he said about voting. but there also has to be a breakdown of the systemic cooperation between different city offices that allow these things to go on. so it's not just the reaction of the mayor to say like oh now i realize there's racism. he knew there was this stuff going on. but there was systemic cooperation between the police force, the courts the prosecutors, everybody in that city cooperating to keep this system of racism going. that has, that takes more than three heads rolling. >> nobody will disagree. that this has to change. and some sort of dismantlement, some societal some structural change has to happen. pastor we know that's not going to happen without a cost. we know that ferguson struggles with finances already. all of this is going to have a cost. is the community prepared for
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that? >> well i think we've seen with some of our local municipalities that have made the change from just using ticketing to fund themselves. we have the city of normandy, that has a similar system like ferguson had, and they've been able to make those changes. yes, there's a cause, yes, there's a taxation on the citizens. but i believe as a taxpayer i'm willing to pay an additional cost to have proper policing proper court procedure, than to continue to allow the situation that's taken place. another thing is that as much as the focus is on ferguson there's 91 or 81 other municipalities that need to take focus, that yes, this happened in ferguson but the rest of them have to begin to make systemic changes so that this won't be another incident. >> and this is why so many eyes are on ferguson to see how it is handled there. a lot of communities, a lot of cities are watching this. mo ivory, we appreciate it pastor always a pleasure to have you with us. thanks so much. we want to continue the
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conversation online tweet us @newday or go to a lot of outrage to be sure and full disclosure attorney general holder also said the report proves that officer wilson was acting in self-defense. a lot of people are going to pay attention to that part of the findings as well. i wish we could avoid it but here is the truth -- 100 million people from texas to new england, in the eye of yet another damned winter storm, thousands of flights, schools, roads, all shut down. we will tell you what to expect based on where you are. we have disturbing new video shown to jurors in the boston marathon bombing trial. capturing just the horror in the moments right after the deadly attacks, a powerful start for the prosecution, but also a surprising start for the defense. when salesman alan ames books his room at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before
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. he did it not something you usually hear from a defense attorney. but that's exactly what happened in the boston marathon bombing trial. the defense attorney saying simply, it was him. the question for jurors will be why and whether or not he should die for what he did. cnn's debra feyerick has the latest. >> in opening statements the defense team for dzokhar tsarnaev made one thing perfectly clear -- it was him.
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hoping jurors will now focus on the influence his brother had, to carry out the senseless attack. and spare dzokhar the death penalty. jurors saw four never before seen videos of the bombings. bloody bodies laying on the ground. first responders scrambling and the shock and dismay of onlookers, these videos shown in court yesterday during the trial. images that make an impact. >> i can move. i'm with her. >> this point of view video on the ground level revealing scenes of terror, with some images too gruesome to show. tourniquet tourniquet. >> legs shattered by shrapnel from the pressure cooker bomb lay on the ground. their blood staining the pavement. in court some of those victims testify about the blast. sydney corcoran a high school senior told the jury she could
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feel a tingling in her body. she said she knew she was dying. her main artery had been severed. videos show people rushing to help the injured. this was the scene inside marathon sports. a running store located at the finish line. the blast shatters windows causing confusion in the store. you see people running out. some bombing victims stagger inside and clothe something grabbed off the store shelves to make tourniquets to save so many who simply came to watch a race. debra feyerick cnn, boston. >> stunning images there. the u.s. ambassador to south korea is in stable condition this morning. ambassador mark lippert is recovering after being attacked with a knife. slashed, he was jumped from behind cut in the face and arm by a knife-wielding man as he was about to deliver a speech in seoul. the ambassador was in surgery for more than two hours.
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he needed 80 stitches to sew up those injuries. the president of south korea calls this an intolerable attack on the south korea/u.s. alliance. so from texas to massachusetts, 90 million people under some sort of winter warning, watch or advisory thousands of flights have been grounded or canceled. school districts forced to close. that's a fedex truck, right? jackknifed because of the ice on the road in texas. just hanging off the side of the bridge. fortunately, enough of it was on there to keep it stable. the driver okay. >> you don't see it hanging off, it's terrifying. a pakistani man accused of conspiring with and supporting al qaeda has been found guilty by a u.s. jury of plan doing bomb a british shopping center. prosecutors say the 2009 manchester plot was part of a three-pronged plan that included attacks on new york city subways and on a news room in denmark, none carried out.
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new information may lead the ntsb to reopen the investigation of the 1959 plane crash that killed rock and roll ledged buddy holly, richie valens and the big bopper. it's said that equipment errors may be to blame not operator error. some of us know of this tragedy because of the song "american pie" the day the music died. >> the musical legacy. the truth can never come you know whenever it comes, it's good enough for them. the iranian foreign minister says a nuclear deal with the u.s.? very close. christianne amanpour sat down with the foreign minister with an eye-opening interview, why is iran more optimistic than the united states. hillary clinton responding for the first time to reports she used a private email account
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to conduct business as secretary of state. critics claim she's hiding something. we are going to tell you what the former first lady had to say. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda.
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two days after israeli prime minister beng min netanyahu warned the united states about a nuclear nightmare with iran iran's foreign minister is accusing israel of hysteria. want to turn to cnn's chief international correspondent christianne amanpour you just interviewed the iranian foreign minister mohammed javad zarif. where does he say the talks are, any progress? >> well he says they have made some progress. and important progress all sides, he said to me he described it as close to an agreement. though of course as we all know there's no agreement until every issue is decided. he talked about the need to from their point of view agree to lift sanctions, he said you can't have sanctions and an agreement. he also spoke about the effect or the lack of effect that prime
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minister netanyahu's speech had on the negotiations. i asked him, as they were deliberating what was the fallout from the speech at the u.s. congress. this was his answer. >> well there was no effect on the negotiating table. but i can see that he is trying and some people who associate with him try to create an atmosphere an atmosphere of list tearia an atmosphere of fear-mongering based on lies and deception. that try to prevent a deal from taking shape. and i do not see why, because, the only reason the only explanation that you can have here is that some people consider peace and stability as an existential threat. because a deed cannot be threatening to anybody unless you want conflict intention and distrust and crisis. >> that's the view from iran. he says everybody is making a good-faith effort to get this
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done. the foreign minister including secretary of state kerry, are leaving the formal negotiations and now it's the working groups who will continue. he said he'd be back in geneva switzerland, march 15th to continue. we have an end of march deadline for a framework. just to see whether a proper agreement can be signed by the formal deadline in june. john? >> there's not much time left. they're getting back at march 15th the 24th also a date to watch here. before we talk more about the nuclear discussions, i want to talk about what's going on in iraq right now. the iraqi military around along with some shiite militias are trying to win back the city of tikrit. a sunni-dominated city that's been under isis control for some time. there's talk of iranian direction of the assault on tikrit. what did the foreign minister have to say about that? >> well there is iranian involvement. you know that the pictures are
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being broadcast around the world of the chief iranian general, a notorious and infamous figure for many reasons, he is directing the fight against isis. he's directing the shiite militia, he's i guess trying to help the general iraqi forces and there are many iranian advisers. this is what the foreign minister had to say about it. >> we've been assisting the iraqi people. everybody knows that without their assistance things would have been different. in iraq. we are in iraq in terms of advisers. and other support. but without military personnel underground, fighting forces underground as you say, boots on the ground in order to help this very serious global fight against these extremist and terrorist groups. we hope that this could unite all iraqis. >> john. this is really interesting,
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because at the highest levels of the u.s. government as well. they are saying that the iranians are doing precisely as the foreign minister said. although i think people think there are iranians in the fight. general dempsey told congress that if the iranian involvement can push isis back it will be a positive impact. as long as it doesn't create sectarianism. as long as it isn't a shiite-dominated iraq and the sunnis left out at the end in all of this. >> benjamin netanyahu said a lot of things that a lot of people including president obama disagreed with. but he said some things that i imagine the white house does agree with that rirn is a sponsor of terror or supports questionable regimes throughout the world. he talked about the idea that iran one of their state the purposes is to continue to annihilate is real.
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did the foreign minister voice those concerns? >> not in this interview, but i asked him that many times before. they claim they don't have any intention of going against israel annihilating or innovating or any other way. they call it rhetoric, has nothing to do with their foreign policy. all of these other things like sponsoring of terrorism, like the effect they have for instance in propping up bashar al assad in syria, all of this is something that the west the united states does not like. plus the whole idea of an iran/sunni conflict a shia/sunni conflict and balance of power in that region is destabilizing and concerning. to that extent what most experts say is that let's get the nuclear deal done because that is the most important thing to do. there is no way that we can do what benjamin netanyahu wants, which is a complete overhaul and change in one fell swoop of iran's foreign policy.
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>> christianneysthristiannee amanpour thank you so much. hillary clinton speaking out for the first time since it was revealed she has her own email account, even her own servers, she says she wants the public to see her emails. so why doesn't she release them? is it that simple? real transformations can happen as much inside a person as out. that's why you should take the listerine® 21 day challenge. use listerine® and over 21 days you'll experience a transformation. take the listerine® 21 day challenge and start your transformation today. (mom) when our little girl was born we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru
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hillary clinton breaking her silence about using personal email during her four-year tenure as secretary of state. she said she's asking the state department to release her personal emails to the public. if she has them why won't she just release them. let's bring in cnn political commentator mark lamont hill and host of the ben ferguson show ben ferguson. mark lamont hill. answer the question if you've got your own servers, release them. >> this is not a very good situation for hillary clinton. she's managing it by saying i have 55,000 emails i want the state department to vet them i want to see what's going on before i release them. >> she has more. >> she's still doing some vetting about what she's
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releasing and what she isn't. it was a bad move on her part. not just because it makes her look less than transparent. because it brings benghazi back into the equation. she wants to run as far away from as possible. >> on the flip side the argument could be made if she was doing state department business conducting business with other officials, all of that would be on their email servers, so it's not all is not lost. >> you have the issue that many people are saying that her chief of staff had a private email account as well. so how many people are using private email accounts? if you have hillary clinton who is deleting her emails and you don't know every person she sent an email to there's no way that the state department can figure out every person she emailed. whether it be inside our government or outside our government. i would assume there's a lot of emails that hillary clinton wrote to foreign leaders and people in other governments, you think they're going to call america or call congress with a subpoena and say hey, we've got 33 emails we found or five emails or 100 emails from
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hillary clinton and this is putting her in an incredibly bad situation. for her to say, i'm requesting the state department emails america isn't that naive or dumb, she's the one that has the emails and a lot of them have probably be deleted from her server and we'll never see them. >> we don't know them. we don't know hillary clinton's intentions we don't know what hillary clinton deleted. we don't know that she's somehow exacting pyongyang or somewhere contacting iraq and from her aol account. that's sort of the narrative that people are spinning let's not overstate what hillary has done. >> we don't have a clear premise of a legal foundation. this 2009 law went into effect after she left. there's no real-time line the duty to record was certainly on her. >> there were reports coming from cybersecurity experts that say they were warning her staff that her email account was not
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going to be safe. it would be monitored, it could easily be hacked. and so they basically said we don't care and in fact some of them have said hillary probably didn't know about it because it was such a strong decision on her point to put a server in her house, and to make sure that she ultimately controlled the emails and what america would see. and she knew this when she was doing this. she's a lawyer she's smart, she understood why she chose to do this to protect herself, so we could not see transparency with her time in office. >> the fact is that the clintons are very savvy. they are very very calculating, it's really hard to suspend the disbelief that they could not possibly have understood what was going on. >> they completely understood what was going on. mitt romney understood what was going on. sarah palin understood. >> sarah palin had nothing to do with it. >> other politicians have been caught using private email accounts including sarah palin and mitt romney. they have something to do with
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this conversation. i think it's a problem for everybody. i think hillary clinton has an issue here. i'm less concerned with the substance of the issue and more concerned that it drags hillary back into a messy conversation she doesn't want to be part of. >> they're going to say everybody super-skritcrutinizes us. >> dr. ben carson we did an interview here he came out with his thoughts about being gay being a choice. let's take a listen as a reminder. >> being gay is a choice? >> absolutely. >> why do you say that? >> because a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight and when they come out, they're gay. >> okay. that was his supposition. mark lamont hill he said you won't disagree with that. i didn't want to disagree with that i didn't want do give any validation to such an absurd premise. sometimes when someone says something that wacky, you let it
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go. i don't know who goes into prison maybe -- i didn't want to engage. but that as a basis for homosexuality. how does someone as smart as a ben carson maybe one of the best pediatric neurosurgeons ever arrive at that conclusion? >> it gives rise to the idea that he may be brilliant at this one thing, not anything else. every comment he's made about homosexuality seems to defy normal understanding of how things work. he's confusing desire and practice. because people have sex in prison doesn't mean that they're gay. it doesn't mean they're transformed into gay in prison. >> there's flo validity to the premise. the science is there, here's what matters politically, ben, for you, the next piece of sound, some christians are coming out. he's got a lot of supporters saying he's just living his faith. he says he was set up. listen to this. >> it was a 25-minute interview. that chopped and you see what
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part they emphasize. we talked about some really important things. none of that was brought up. but i did learn something very important, for certain networks never do a pretaped interview. i'm not going to talk about that issue any more. because every time i'm gaining momentum, the liberal press says let's talk about gay rights and i'm just not going to fall for that any more. >> ben, i did not edit a word of that section of the interview and we covered several topics. should this be an end to his presidential aspirations or do you think he just lets time heal with his base? >> i think time is going to heal this. i think welcome to the big leagues, one of the reasons why ben carson is so popular, is because he's not a scripted politician. he's not a guy that sits in a room with 35 people and goes over and over again and answer so he's like a robot. now he's probably going to become that. based on the fact that he was trying to have a blunt
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conversation and he did not articulately well describe his feelings his later statements in the day showed he had a different real thought on this. this is ben carson's fault. i think he'll be able to overcome this. i think he's a very smart guy. and in politics unfortunately, we claim that we really want blunt people that can sit back relax and have a conversation. but you know what mitt romney and those guys like jeb bush that people say you know you already know what they're going to say before they answer this is exactly why they have that strategy. >> we have to leave it there, je we've got a lot to get to. ben ferguson mark lamont hill always a pleasure to have you with us. a lot of news let's get to it the u.s. ambassador to south korea slashed in a bloody knife attack. >> the host country is responsible for the security of the ambassador. a monster storm is slamming much of the nation. >> the roads are slick, pretty bad. i'm outraged.
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you're targeting people. >> ferguson police officers routinely violate the fourth amendment. never before seen videos of the bombings. >> his own defense attorney going as far as saying it was him who took part in the bombing. this is the guilt phase of the trial. the evidence is overwhelming. >> announcer: this is "new day," with chris cuomo, alisyn camerota and michaela pereira. >> good morning, welcome back to your "new day," alisyn camerota on assignment. john berman joining us and breaking overnight, the u.s. ambassador to south korea, slashed by a man spewing anti-american comments. the north koreaens jumping on the situation and hailing the attack as deserved punishment. >> ambassador mark lippert needed 80 stitches to close a four-inch gash to his cheek. the knife-wielding suspect known well to south korean official who is are expressing shock and deep regrets this morning.
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>> mark lippert is expected 0 spend the next couple of days in hospital as a precautionary measure. it's been a day that he could never in his wildest dreams expected. it started off routinely, he was invited to south korean council for peaceful reunification. it was a fairly standard speech and then all of a sudden he was a victim of a vicious and apparently politically motivated attack. >> help me. >> horrifying scene. >> help me. >> blood dripping down the face of u.s. ambassador to south korea, mark lippert. the diplomat undergoing nearly three hours of surgery overnight, receiving more than 80 stitches on his face alone. >> pressure and i'm bleeding here i'm bleeding here. >> lippert slashed bay ten-inch knife in the face and arms moments before delivering a speech in seoul on wednesday. the weapon slicing open his left forearm, damaging the nerve system for his fingers.
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>> how is my face looking? >> it's big. >> the gash on his right cheek, four inches long and an inch deep. >> south korean surgeons say if the facial injury was any deeper it could have been life-threatening. >> he's one of our top asia policy experts in the u.s. government. >> in this new surveillance video, you can see the suspect, 55-year-old kim ki-jong, leaving his home and arriving at the venue. >> according to witnesses, once inside, kim pushed the diplomat from behind on to a table before assaulting him. bystanders tackling him to the ground as police rushed him out of the conference room. witnesses say they heard kim yelling anti-u.s. sentiments shouting the south korea/u.s. military drills must stop. a reference to the annual war games which north korea sees a as a provocation. authorities say the assailant has a history of similar
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attacks. in 2010 kim received a suspended two-year prison sentence for throwing a piece of concrete at a japanese ambassador to south korea. president obama calling ambassador lippert, wishing him a speedy recovery. the two close since obama started in the senate in 2005. lippert tweeting from the hospital -- doing well and in great spirits. will be back asap to advance u.s./south korean alliance. michaela it does raise the question about security measures in place. the seoul police do say that the u.s. embassy did not ask for any specific security for that speech. which was seen as pretty routine. and you would have to say watching the reaction of mark lippert to that i attack he was unbelievably cool and calm given what had just happened to him. >> andrew it's amazing to think that he recovered in that way. kept himself collected. want to turn to former new mexico governor and former u.s. ambassador to the united nations, mr. bill richardson. he's made multiple diplomatic
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and personal missions to the koreas. an expert on the area. and we're glad to talk to you about this mr. ambassador. first of all, are you so surprised that someone could get so close to ambassador lippert, to have this kind of violence happen to him? >> well i am surprised, first of all, south korea is a friendly country to the u.s. secondly this man has had a history of violence. third, i don't know the details, but if the u.s. embassy did not ask for security at this event, this is a little bit concerning. because our ambassadors, our personnel around the world, are now being attacked more. they've become more targets. even in friendly countries like south korea. so i'm surprised that on many fronts especially since south korea is very strong on police and law enforcement, and security. i'm not blaming them. this was obviously a very senseless act. but i wish that there had been
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better security procedures in place, in this specific event. >> we have learned there was no request from the u.s. embassy for security there were three officers at the entrance. and that there were 15 more on standby. obviously they quickly hustled to get the ambassador out and into safety and to the the hospital to be treated. do you think it's going to change u.s. policy for our ambassadors, given the state of the world? should it change? >> it should change. i believe that the u.s. embassy, whenever there's an ambassador making a public event, whether it's a friendly or unfriendly country, should ask for a police assistance from the host country. which has the primary responsibility. and then the u.s. ambassador has what is called diplomatic security two or three, maybe four individuals in an armored car that are very well schooled. that are protective of the ambassador's functions. but this is not just something that affects u.s. ambassadors. we should think about all our
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personnel overseas. military civilian because look the world is so volatile. especially in the middle east. in unfriendly countries, i would hope we routinely have these security procedures in place. but now in friendly countries, this is one of the friendliest allies that the u.s. has. south korea. >> and that is concerning. there's u.s. military drills with south korea began earlier this week. i'm curious, since you know this region well we also know this attacker was against those talks and those drills you get a sense that there's more opposition to those exercises within south korea? >> there is opposition. i think a majority of south koreans support the u.s. military exercises that are taking place. but this is a very tense period. april is when the u.s. and south korea had these military exercises. the north koreaens have shot a
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miss until protest. it increases tensions during this period. he's a member of the group called a reconciliation council, 180 individuals, and they're protesting this at a time when tensions are increasing. because we don't know north korea's true motivations under this new leader. they appear to be more aggressive. they probably will test-fire more missiles after the u.s./south korea military exercises this coming month. so it's a very tense period right now. a tinder box in the korean peninsula. >> we want to turn our attention back to ambassador lippert as we end here. he was said to be well-liked. he walked freely in the neighborhood, walking his dog said to have his own twitter account. former navy s.e.a.l. thus maybe why he was able to keep so calm in the face of such violence. i want you to take a listen to what his father had to say. it's important to remember that
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these people have family members and loved ones who care about them deeply. let's take a listen. >> when i saw him, i was distressed because he's ours he's one of us i think his whole experience was traumatic and i think that was part of his expression, i think he would look at it as a sign of weakness if he left. and i don't think he wants to do that. and number two, think he totally enjoys the people of south korea. i'm proud of him. i mean he's serving our country. you know i think this is a risk. how do i feel about him? i feel proud of him. >> as he should. and the fact is that as an ambassador you serve the country. you're tlefr in a host nation. but you don't anticipate this kind of violence coming to meet you. >> very true. i think the concern here is this is an outstanding ambassador he's totally dedicated. but we should make every effort that all our personnel are properly protected.
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you can't throw blame here because this was so unexpected. this was a member of this group, but at the same time our security procedures the host country's security procedures especially in this very turbulent times. and i think if there's a message to the congress it's fund diplomatic security to protect our embassy personnel. let's not have another benghazi let's not have another attack on american ambassador in a friendly country. just increase those security procedures. our people that represent us to deserve that protection. this unrelenting winter churning up another monster storm this one slamming the nation from texas up to massachusetts, 90 million people could be hit with snow and ice, a whole lot of school districts closed today. thousands of flights are grounded or delayed. we have team coverage. starting with cnn's miguel
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marquez, live at new york's laguardia airport. i like to call it the pit of despair. good morning, miguel. >> well i like to call this winter's last hurrah. the situation here is relatively normal despite the cancellations. you can see the snow which is rain and sleet for most of the evening has now turned to fairly heavy snow. the tower here as you look off into the distance beyond laguardia it's gotten heavy. there are over 2500 cancellations here. the worst hit is dallas. 634 there. in philadelphia there are 405. reagan national 337. and liberty international airport in newark is 324. here at laguardia this is american terminal here you can see just a smattering of cancellations. 277. cancellations here at laguardia. so far. but you can see the terminal as well relatively normal.
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people getting on their planes waiting for a little bit longer but getting out of here so far. chris? >> miguel marquez, in the odd position of being in an airport, but going nowhere. we'll be back with you soon. so who is going to get hit the hardest? and when will things clear out? meteorologist chad myers joining us with the information. miguel calls it winter's last hurrah. false optimism? or does he have it right? >> i hope he didn't just jinx us honestly. here's the problem with the storm today, chris, new york d.c. philadelphia baltimore -- all the big cities, it's raining or changing from rain over to snow. and tonight it will be ten degrees. so the roads are not going to thaw if you don't get them salted they are going to look like the walkways in central park. if you still get the snow on to a wet road and the road turns to 10 degrees, it's an ice skating rink and that's going to happen to all of the big cities and all of the big roads that don't get salted really quickly.
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by this afternoon we're going to be down to 18 20 degrees, everything is going to freeze up. the bridges are going do freeze first, so watch that look at the numbers from kentucky through ohio and tennessee, those are the snow totals back out to us we're not going to see that kind of snow in the big cities because we're seeing the storm's last hurrah four inches easy in new york city, five to six in d.c. philadelphia baltimore and some spots could pick up eight to ten in the highest elevations up here to the west of d.c. it is still snowing in memphis, it's been snowing all night. snowing in nashville. the cancellations we're talking about, 2500 it sounds like a christmas eve snowstorm. not something that happens in march. but the snow is in every big airport except for atlanta. we're going to see a lost cancellations, they're growing by the minute. >> the trickle-down. if you're traveling, you heard it from chad call the airport, the airline, find out what the plan is. the latest and biggest challenge to obamacare is now in
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the hands of the nine supreme court justices the court hearing arguments on wednesday of the lee gallegality of federal subsidies. cnn's jim acosta is live at the white house with more. >> good morning, michaela. legal experts are saying that this challenge to obamacare at the supreme court could send president obama's signature legislative achievement, obamacare, into a tailspin. supreme court watchers were noting how the liberal justices seemed to be siding with the obama administration. the conservative justices were lining up with the challengers to the law. so all eyes were on the swing vote on the high court, anthony kennedy. he seemed to be skeptical of the challenger's arguments about the case. the issue is whether or not the people who live in the 34 states that are basically run by the federal government their health care exchange are run by the federal government whether they can receive subsidies from the
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federal government that's essentially assistance to buy health care. but the white house is sort of amazingly is saying all throughout this process, they don't have a back-up plan if obamacare loses. here's what they had to say. >> we would see millions of people lose their health insurance. we would see prices likely go through the roof. and there's not a whole lot frankly that the government could do about it. other than congress passing legislation to fix it. >> now health care experts estimate that more than seven million americans could lose their health insurance if obamacare goes down at the supreme court later on this summer. house speaker john boehner says republicans in congress are trying to craft a plan that would essentially serve up as a back-up plan to americans who lose that coverage. but john this congress has trouble getting anything passed these days. and as we know obamacare is sort of radioactive material up on capitol hill it's anybody's guess as to whether or not they
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could actually pass a back-up plan. >> the notion that the congress could pass something got a laugh inside the supreme court yesterday. a 17-year-old virginia student accused of being a recruiter for isis. the unidentified teen was taken into custody last week. the "washington post" reports that investigators tracked him for a month before arresting him. right now he is charged as a juvenile, but prosecutors want to try him as an adult. federal investigators say he helped a man travel to syria to join isis. the keystone pipeline proposal dead on arrival again. republicans vow to keep up the fight to get the pipeline built. accusing the president of killing jobs and hurting the nation's energy security. gop presidential hopeful dr. ben carson apologizing for saying being gay is a choice. and prison sex proves it in an interview with me on "new day," here is the full screen. i realize that my choice of language does not reflect fully my heart on gay issues i do not
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pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. i regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive for that i apologize unreservedly to all that were offended. now unsurprisingly the comments sparked a firestorm and criticism. the whole interview is online. that relevant part was not edited at all. >> can i give a recap here over the course of a few-hour period he's apologizing for the statements that he made. saying that they were wrong. apologizing if they offended anyone. then he did an interview with handy last night where he said it was a gotcha interview. he was cornered and basically saying you know it's not my fault. he was apologizing and dodging at the same time right? >> speaking out of both sides of his mouth is what you're saying? >> maybe he can be a politician after all. >> the irony is i have people in the lgbt community coming after me saying cuomo, you hammer people in situations like that why didn't you hammer them hymn? i was caught flat-footed, it was
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such an absurd notion i didn't want to give it any more attention than what it deserved. >> hillary clinton saying she wants her emails released. well they're her private emails why doesn't she just release them? john king will have the latest on "inside politics." a lot of reaction to the doj's scathing report about a pattern of racism by the ferguson police department. none more poignant than that of michael brown's parents, we'll speak with the family's attorney, next. e market is never clear. but at t. rowe price we can help guide your retirement savings. our experience is one reason 100% of our retirement funds beat their 10-year lipper averages. so wherever your long-term goals take you we can help you feel confident. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. i am totally blind.
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the justice department releasing a searing report about the ferguson police department outlining systematic discrimination and racial bias against african-american. in another report the doj says it will not seek federal charges in the death of michael brown. joining us is derrick parks, the attorney for michael brown's family. counsel good to have you on the show. let's start with the finding on darren wilson. not only did they say they're not going to charge him, but attorney general eric holder saying it was self-defense. what happened with michael brown. very different than a lot of the speculation going into it. your take? >> without question you have to listen to the other words that the attorney general said yesterday in his press conference when he said that he couldn't meet the federal environment, the conduct when some of the things that happened when michael brown and officer darren wilson on the street that day in ferguson was of issue,
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and however -- >> the attorney general did say it was self-defense. what's the issue? >> i'll give you an example. one of the issues that the family took issue with the doj was the fact that whether or not michael was shot from the back or not, which was an issue. now they obviously determined that most of the shots came from the front. however they had to agree with us with the fact that three of the medical examiners who participated in this investigation realized that one of the bullets to the back of the arm could have come from the back. when prosecutors make decisions, they make decisions based on the fact whether or not they think they could be successful in prosecuting the person based on the evidence that's there and given the fact this was a federal situation on amendment four of the constitution. they thought they couldn't meet that high standard. >> they would have to prove that not only did wilson kill michael brown and wrongfully so, but he did it because it was on the basis in this case of his race.
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i'm just saying the words self-defense are going to go a long way for supporters of darren wilson. that part is to be continued. i know you have civil actions in the works with the families. the other part of the report though a much more clear and obvious problem with the ferguson police department. when you hear about the jokes of president obama, no the one cop but like a pervasive culture and they were targeting blacks trying to raise money on their backs. when you hear these kinds of things it's like from a bygone era. >> very much so chris. i think it justifies the mindset of michael brown's family at the beginning of the case back in august. when they demonstrated to us as their lawyers they had great distrust in the investigation that could take place, knowing what we know about that department it was clearly justified as to why they would be very distrustful of that police department in their community -- >> you said to me early on when i said hands up don't shoot. we don't see the fokts for that
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yet in michael brown. you said one, wait for the investigation, two, it's a theme in this community. they've seen this too many times. you see this as justification for what you suppose in the beginning? >> for sure. for example, think about the international interaction between michael brown and darren wilson when he tells michael brown to get the f on the sidewalk. that's the mindset and the environment that existed in this city. now we have the support from the justice department reports, from they've went through and did the investigation and saw a lot of things that many of us in the general public would never have seen had they not done their investigation. >> a lot of people cynics saying well you know this is how cops are all over not true. not these kinds of numbers, 8% of the officers you know having such low numbers, of minorities on the force. having african-americans accounting for 90% of officers' use of force, only 67% of the population. trying to raise all this revenue. the question is can you fix it?
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do you think this could be fixed by changes at the top? or do you believe what people are suggesting which is do get rid of the police force there altogether? >> i think that what the attorney general also said it's going to take a deepening cleaning of this department to change it the problems here are systemic and go to the core of this agency. so it's going to take a major overhaul in this department and everyone has their own opinion as to what type of change will be made in the leadership. is it my decision without question this report calls out and screams for change. >> i know you've been reaching out a lot during this period of learning about this area of the law and being involved with the families the brown family. has anybody come to you and said i've seen another situation like this. or do you think we're dealing with a really rare problem that has to be rooted out and made the example? >> no two things chris, number one, we're here in the st.
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louis, missouri area. a clear change there of the department that have similar problems however, i think if you did a little bit of searching around the country, there's places even in my own home state, where you see court systems that are putting heavy fines, on the backs of poor people and putting them in a bad situation, i think at some point when you start to study how we in this country how we find people how we punish people how we put them up for probation, how we administrator fees it's a serious situation, so it would be very interesting if at some point that we do some sort of study to how we find how we administrator, punishment in this country. especially the financial component. there's some places that are way overboard. >> and how we monitor police also and have community involvement, so it doesn't get to this point. one last stat african-american drivers twice as likely as white drivers to be searched during traffic stops, only 26% less likely to be found in possession
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of contraband. darrell parks, thank you very much for your perspective. we look forward to hearing from the family. what do you think about this? in light of the new numbers, the new reports, tweet us at new day or go to"new day." drama in court on day one of the boston marathon bombing trial, jurors seeing graphic images of the scene. a surprising move by the defense. we'll talk about it all with our legal experts next. 's our new trainer ensure active heart health. crowd: yayyyy! heart: i'm going to focus on the heart. i minimize my sodium and fat... gotta keep it lean and mean. pear: uh-oh. heart: i maximize good stuff like my potassium... and phytosterols, which may help lower cholesterol. major: i'm feeling energized already. new delicious ensure active heart health supports your heart and body, so you stay active and strong. ensure. take life in. no matter who you are, if you have type 2 diabetes, you know it can be a struggle
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the u.s. ambassador to south korea out of surgery and in stable condition this morning. he was slashed with a knife. mark lippert is recovering from a two and a half-hour operation to close a four-inch wound to his face. the ambassador was attacked by a man spewing anti-american sentiment. just about to deliver a speech in seoul. police in georgia investigating why a shooter terrorized a neighborhood before taking the life of an officer. fulton county police officer terrence green, a 22-year veteran, was ambushed by manuel mangesha after responding to a
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911 call officers were told the suspect was banging on doors and firing a gun around the neighborhood. other responding officers opened fire wounding the suspect. he's in custody in the hospital. last night's nba game between the grizzlies and the rockets, a sideshow. the main event, this a fan seeking a half-court shot worth $25,000. >> i love that! and a scholarship. better than that the dude got carried off the court here. that is a night that man will never forget. >> respect. >> that's solid. >> watch it again. >> that was not some heave that was a man who had been practicing that shot and -- >> luck was on his side. well done. >> i don't he's so much of the round ball. but i feel like john king probably played rugby. >> he's a very formidable man with good hair. >> he cuts a formidable swath. what do you say? >> it all works. >> i might make a free throw, half-court? that's a great shot good for
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him. great to do that in a packed stadium. >> and carried off the court, awesome. >> and of course everything today is captured on film. michaela let's go inside politics on a busy day, with me layera lisa blair of bloomberg politics and ed o'keefe of the "washington post." if you're trying to do something big and important, send a tweet at 11:35 at night. the tweet i'm mentioning came from former secretary of state hillary clinton. we've been talking for a few days about her private email server whether she violated the spirit or the letter of federal regulations by keeping her email outside of the state department. when she was secretary of state. people have been screaming about this there were subpoenas issued yesterday by congress. i want the public to see my email. i asked state to release them they said they'll review them for release as soon as possible. okay. obviously a lot of political pressure a lot of complaining from democrats that this had not been handled well.
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what's the next page? >> well i think the next page is continued, this is not going away the republicans have subpoenaed a bunch of these emails. they see this as a major attack line for them. they can push this nature i have been that the clinton, that hillary clinton is secretive, she'll do anything to win politically. it's a narrative that's trailed her since the 1990s, they're hoping to reincarnate that image for new generation. i don't think one tweet is going to solve this problem for her. >> republicans love this this is everything for them this is all the questions about the past and what the clintons this is benghazi this is raising questions about her tenure as secretary of state, which speaks to the broader arguments about foreign policy. which all republicans are eager to talk about right now. they will do everything in their power to keep this in the news every single day. to see congress jump in and help the presidential candidates by issuing subpoenas shows you this is what to expect for the next year and a half. >> to your point about one tweet is not going to answer this. obviously she was facing pressure to do this. not from republican demands, but
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a lot of democrats saying why are you putting us through this. we moved the whole party into your port. we're waiting for you to be our next nominee. why are you doing this to us. the question now is is it just i assume we're only going to see emails sent from the personal account that mentioned the state department. that mentioned official business i don't think we're going to see, i'm not trying to be flip here chelsea's wedding planning or emails to bill when he's traveling the world or emails to friends, things like that. >> what the clinton folks have said is they've released nine out of ten emails have been released by the state department. ed state department can now release them to the congress and the world. of course they selected that nine out of 10 emails which is why you've seen the white house not leap to their defense. nobody other than those in the clinton team involved in those decision know how the emails are selected which makes it hard for even other democrats outside of that orbit to defend these decisions, nobody knows how they were made. >> most people see the issues through their political prism. democrats are out there saying
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there's no evidence she did anything wrong. colin powell did something like this. why are you picking on her? republicans say hey, wait a minute we were trying to get documents from you in the state department reporters say hey, wait a minute we filed freedom of information requests for documents in the state department. if you have your email server at your home in chappaqua, you can slow down or stymie those requests. he's also wondering because it was a private account, could somebody else like the chinese have hacked into it? >> i want to you assume that secretary clinton would have used her personal email account to email somebody else in the state department on a personal email account. there would be no way for that document to be captured by the state department. so if you had an a story and you wanted to send a foia request, how would you know what to ask for? these are both personal accounts being used? >> it is an interesting point. more and more people in the government use personal accounts either exclusively or in
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addition to their government accounts. and since secretary clinton was emailing somebody else at the state department one of her top political aides and sent it to a g-mail account or a yahoo account, is that covered? >> no it's been a problem for the obama white house and a problem for the bush administration. karl rove was using personal accounts or rnc accounts for personal business. there's no good rule for this and congress who can't agree on what day it is aren't going to decide what is permissible and this stuff is going to continue to fester. you know i think most americans can understand that sometimes the personal and the professional mix, the question is to what extent this will resonate with voters. there's polling out there this morning, we're going to talk about. we have no sense yesterday yett why -- >> people close to her are not all that worried. some say it's a bs story so what. here's one of the reasons,
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whatever their rationization, gwen pea a new poll out this morning. elizabeth warren says he's not running. bernie sanders says he might. 56. if you're at 56 and there's nobody else even above 15 you don't sweat these things. i'm not saying you shnt but you don't sweat these things. >> the question is not whether someone says i'm not going to vote for hillary because she didn't release her emails. it's hard to see a voter, i suppose someone could, making decisions solely on that factor. the issue is how it becomes part of a broader narrative that republicans have been working hard for over a year to define her. as out of touch. as elitist. as you know secretive, as not playing by the rules and this they love this story, republicans love this story. because it plays right into what they've been pubbing for, 18 months. >> 56% is lower than what she's been in the past. >> she's been 60 61.
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>> will this resonate with democrats who are worried and say we have to have somebody out there kicking her tires to get her ready for the race. >> one of those people has been is martin o'malley the former governor of maryland. he decided he's not going to run for the open senate seat. he's going to keep his feed fete in the presidential race. was interested when you saw another, many of you might not know chris van holland. a democratic congressman from maryland. chris van hollen would be in line to be the speaker, if the older generation steps aside at one point. it's been a debating point. what this told me you know these guys very well chris van hollen has made the calculation, maybe i would be speaker if the democrats are going to take back the house, but we're not going to take back the house for eight or ten years probably. so i'm moving on. >> democrats looking for a primary anywhere in the country.
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move to maryland. it's going to be hot. you've got chris van hollen. you've got baltimore area representatives, you've got a kennedy potentially considering the race. it has the makings of a really messy contest. but he gets in this is man who was responsible this cycle, was supposed to be responsible this cycle for raising money for house democrats, it shows you how eager he is to get out of the house that he's running for the senate. >> that tells you that he's looked at the numbers as closely as anybody and the democrats don't think they're getting the house back any time soon. >> we showed you the democratic numbers, the republican race a lot more interesting, no front-runner this one will be fun for a while. scott walker 18 jeb bush 16 chris christie 8, mike huckabee 8, ben carson 7, cruz jindal santorum there's no front-runner on the republican side. that battle is going to be fun. >> scrum. john king, thanks so much. the attorney for the accused boston marathon bomber dzokhar tsarnaev made one thing
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the boston marathon bombing trial finally under way, it began with a stunning admission -- dzokhar tsarnaev's defense attorney told the court that her client did it carried out the blast that left three dead injured hundreds more. so how will this affect the trial? what's the strategy? i'm joined by julia khayyam, a senior national security analyst and paul callan cnn legal analyst, criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor. mr. callan counsel, help me out here the defense attorney goes up in the opening statements and says -- it was him. pleaded not guilty but she said it was him. what's going on here? >> very strange opening in a murder case usually the defense says -- prove it prove that i did it prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. here she says my client committed the crime. but i'll tell you one thing she
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didn't say, and this is the most important thing -- she didn't say -- he's responsible for it. and that's what this trial is about. >> why are we here now? we're told this trial could go on until june. what does the prosecution argue for the next month or two months if the defense says he committed the crime. >> the case is all about the death penalty, it's not about who did it. the defense has conceded he committed the crime. but they're saying he was brain-washed by his brother and he deserves the mercy of the court and the jury and does not deserve the death penalty. this is going to be a two-month battle about life or death, not about guilt or innocence. >> it is all about the sentencing which is why, paul they are now arguing over a key piece of evidence here. this is the boat. this is the boat where dzokhar tsarnaev hid out for hours and hours as the manhunt was going on. as the shoot-out was going on. the defense says they want this entire boat to be part of the evidence riddled with bullets. why is this important to them?
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>> prosecutors want to bring in a panel of the boat in which he scrawled in his own blood a variety of very very explicit things about why a bombing occurred. >> i'll get to that in a second. i'm talking about why they want why one side wants the boat in and one side doesn't. the defense wants the entire boat brought in to provide the context of the statement. in other words to say that scrawling wasn't about his planning to do the bombing, that was his response to the attack by the police on him, which caused the bullet-riddled boat and other problems that preceded that. >> also foster a sense of victimhood. he was hiding in that boat for hours and hours. >> juliette kayyem let me bring new, there was a picture of the note scribbled on the side. it says the u.s. government is killing our innocent civilians, but most of you already know that as a muslim i can't stand to see such evil go unpunished we muslims are one body you hurt one, you hurt us all. now i don't like killing
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innocent people writes dzokhar tsarnaev it is forbidden in islam, but due to something, it is allowed, all credit goes to and it's unintelligible right there. when you look at that juliette what does that tell you? >> so i mean it tells a lot about his mental state at the time. i actually view that note as a bit of a sort of ranting of islamic cliches. i mean there's nothing actual delay unique in it. it comes out of sort of just him seeming to take a script from what someone might write before they are killed. i think the reason why it actually then is so relevant is because as paul was saying this is all about the death penalty and what we're seeing already set up is some theory of the case in which there's a bad brother and then there's the good and in quote brother, dzokhar, whose parents left him with this brother who is radicalized, he's a pot-smoking college student who didn't know what he was doing. it's all about whether they can create enough sympathy at this stage. i think the note sort of goes to
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that. here's a kid who really just is not a very unique very sophisticated thinker and he's just sort of playing along with some higher plan that was set up. either by his older brother or even others. >> so paul juliette me we're all from massachusetts, we're all local people, we know everyone in and around boston is connected to someone affected directly by the marathon bombings. the prosecution knows this juliette. it's a small town. and one of the things that's going on is they're playing new video from just after the attack. just horrific images from one of the running stores there that was nearby. also from the street corner. juliette you know how is this playing up there in massachusetts? and the jury all from there, how do you think video like this will affect them? >> i think it's just i think it actually is bringing it back a lot of memories. i'll tell you from living here the city actually has moved on. it has, not a city that's traumatized by this in the way
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that these images might suggest. i mean the "boston globe" cover today is the big three words, "it was him." this is obviously a focus of some part of this the city and of course the victims. but what's sort of remarkable about the case going on just down the street is actually people are just sort of going on with their lives. and i think that is good. i want to say quickly one of the most amazing things about this case is it's happening in a federal district court. i think that's a great statement. that this wasn't take ton a military tribunal or treated as some scary terrorism case. this is just a criminal case. and bringing it back down to reality is a good thing. >> well these videos show the reality in some ways remind us all of the reality of what happened there that day. juliette kayyem thanks so much and paul callan thanks so much. michaela? hillary clinton now coming forward about the controversy regarding her email. is her response enough to silence her critics?
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now." that means chief business correspondent, you see her right there, christine romans in the money center. is it true christine. sper lock had it wrong. >> mcdonald's is not going to sell chickens raised on certain antibiotics. it could change the entire industry. the fast food giant under huge pressure to deal with millenians with higher food. >> americans are saving a record amount for college in 529 plans, record. the total last year $248 billion. that's up 9% from a year earlier. the average account size has doubled in the past six years to about 20 grand, folks. 20 grand covers about one year at a public school so keep saving. after all of that saving which schools give the best value? according to pay scale, harvey mudd gives students the best
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return on investment. also in the top three, cal tech and stevens. do you notice a trend, guys? they all have a heavy engineering. nine of the top ten best return colleges all big, big engineering schools. >> a lot of parents going to pay attention to that. thanks christine. the u.s. ambassador to south korea attacked by a knife wielding man. north korea saying he deserved that kind of punishment. who exactly was behind that slashing?
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i need an ambulance fast. >> the u.s. ambassador to south korea slashed in a bloody knife attack. >> the host country is responsible for the security of the ambassador. >> it was a really bad move on her part. >> she wants the public to see her e-mails. >> i don't think one tweet is going to solve this problem for her. >> a monster storm is slamming much of the nation. >> the roads look pretty bad. >> i'm outraged. you're targeting people. >> get on the ground. >> ferguson police officers routinely violate the fourth amendment. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo, alisyn camerota and
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michaela pereira. good morning, this is your "new day." john berman is joining us because alisyn is on assignment. we have a major headline. the ambassador to south korea is exhibiting unusual poise after being slashed in the face and arm as he was about to deliver a speech in soule. the ambassador suffered four inch gash to his face needed 2 and a half hours of surgery, 80 stitches to close the wound. >> he feels fine this morning and he feels he should make a complete recovery. the president of south korea calling this all an intolerable attack on the south korea/u.s. alliance. andrew stevens is giving us all the details. >> that nasty cut that required stitches won't have long lasting
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damage but there could be nerve damage associated with it. a way to save it. >> there's a face in korean peninsula. >> a horrifying scene. blood dripping down the face of u.s. ambassador to south korea, mark lippert. the diplomat undergoing three hours of surgery overnight receiving more than 80 stitches on his face alone. >> pressure. i'm bleeding here. i'm bleeding here. >> lippert slashed by a 10 inch knife in the face and arms moments before delivering a speech in soule wednesday. the weapon slicing open his left forearm damaging the nerve system to his fingers. the gash on his right cheek four inches long.
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an inch deep. >> it could have been life threatening. >> he's one of our top asia policy experts in the u.s. government. >> in this new surveillance video you can see the suspect, 55-year-old king ke jong leaving his home and arriving at the venue. according to witnesses, once inside kim pushed the diplomat from behind on to a table before assaulting him. bystanders tackling him to the ground as police rushed him out of the conference room. witnesses say they heard kim yelling aunt-u.s. sentiments shouting the south korea u.s. military drills must stop a reference to the annual drills which north korea sees as a provocation. authorities say the assailant has a history of similar attacks. in 2010 kim received a suspended two-year prison sentence for throwing a piece of concrete at a japanese ambassador to south
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korea. president obama calling ambassador lippert wishing him a speedy recovery. the two close since obama started in the senate in 2005. lippert tweeting from the hospital, doing well and in great spirits. will be back asap to advance u.s./south korean alliance. >> certainly this is going to raise, chris questions about the security that surrounds u.s. ambassadors, not just in south korea but worldwide. the soule police saying today that the american embassy didn't request any additional security measures, any special security measures. certainly that is going to be very very closely looked at now. >> thank you for the reporting, giving us the background. let's discuss those issues now with ambassador mark lippert raised by this attack. the democratic senator from vermont patrick leahy by phone. ambassador lippert is a former staffer for leahy. he works on the committee for foreign service.
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senator, thank you for joining us. we were all so impressed by how mark lippert handled this with such poise given the depth of the injury. tell us about who he is as a man and how he and his family are handling this. >> i think one has to know mark to realize he is an extraordinarily accomplished person. he is somebody who whatever the issue is knows it extremely well. i know how valuable he was when he was in my office but he's also somebody who's outgoing friendly. he and robin, his wife, who's wonderful, they both tried to do the same thing. they would get out with people be with people show the face of america, and with him it's a face that we want shown. that's what diplomats do and he really worked very very hard at it. i mean this is a terrible thing. both my wife and i were so shocked. we heard about it.
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i immediately contacted robin and mark to see how they were doing, but he was doing -- i guarantee you he'll be out with the people again. >> he tweeted that. >> that's the person he is. >> he tweeted that right away while he was recovering. he handled it so well that you actually had to, as a broadcaster, kind of make people realize the urgency of the situation because he was so calm during -- which is obviously, as you say, a testament to his character. now how about the issue that grows out of this about security. yes, he was in a friendly area but given the climate around the world right now is it time that security for our diplomats isn't a maybe or circumstantial, it's a must? >> well i think in most places there is security available, but i think that most of our ambassadors prefer not to have a lot of security around them because they don't want it to appear that they are isolating
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themselves from the people -- you know from the country that they're in. they want to show the openness of america. they want to go toward them. >> but is that practical given the threat? >> i think in this case it is probably not practical. i think that there will be more security around both the lipperts in the future, but i -- knowing mark he is going to do everything possible to be still outgoing and where people can see him. he walks usually from his residence to the embassy. he doesn't go in a car or floatilla of cars. i think he tries to be as open as possible. the koreans themselves want him to have more security. but i think people have to realize every one of our ambassadors, they go to
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represent the united states, of course they face certain threats, but they do that because they're loyal americans and they want america well represented. mark is probably the epitome of that. i testified at his confirmation hearing saying if we want to send the face of america, here's the man to do it with, and we have. i understand the south koreans are very upset by this and i -- i am -- applaud their sentiment toward him. right now we just want him to get better and i -- there will be a balance on security. there has to be. >> right. >> the most important thing is for american ambassadors to be able to be with the people of the country to show the face of america. >> they have to do their job and do it safely. the irony is not lost that you're putting ambassador lippert out there as the face of
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america and it was his face that was attacked and it was the grace that showed the handling of the attack that speaks to the strength of his character and his commitment and made him that much more of an impressive individual at least to us back here covering it. final word senator, what do you respond to in terms of what north korea put out here the ugliness of how they said this was justified? do you dig my phi theany phi the remark? >> no the stupidity and isolation that comes from that country doesn't deserve a response. >> all right. senator leahy, i know he's not just a colleague, he's a friend, and please extend our best wishes to the family. we look forward to covering when he gets back to work. >> thank you very much. take care. >> all right senator. you, too. mich. something that's affecting a whole lot of americans today, winter roaring into march like a lion. a storm slamming 1/3 of our nation texas all the way to massachusetts. look at these pictures right here. snow hitting philadelphia. 90 million people we're told are
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in the storm's path. thousands of flights have been grounded and delayed. school districts forced to close. chad myers is the man responsible. i mean he is the man who has the information you need to know. hey, chad. >> i have extra padded shoulders today. i'll tell you what, here's what has happened in a lot of cities already. it was raining yesterday, changed to sleet and then to snow. that transition is happening right now in new york city happening in philadelphia eventually to baltimore and dc, changing over. inches of snow feet of snow from kentucky into ohio. the temperatures are falling, the cold front is pushing to the south. so rain in d.c. especially south ward but already snowing in dulles already snowing in new york city. in fact i have a picture of new york city right here. we're seeing in central park the walkway is completely snow covered but the road still okay. the problem is tonight, new york city you get down to 5. that's not going to be liquid anymore. everything is going to be frozen. and it's not going to have a
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chance to evaporate because it's still snowing. same story at philadelphia baltimore, d.c. get home stay home. don't go out. tonight's the night. the transfer to get home is going to be a real mess. it's a train kind of day if you know what i meena cross parts of the northeast. take the subway because driving through anywhere tonight is going to be a headache. flying today is also going to be a headache. here's what the airports look like. over 2,000 airport delays already. this is about 40% of all flights in and out of the northeast are gone are off the board right now. be lucky to get there later on tonight. you probably don't even want to try. john. >> all right, chad myers. don't even try. give up right now. chad thanks so much. appreciate it. this morning hillary clinton doing some damage control over the escalating controversy of her use of a personal e-mail account while she was secretary of state. mrs. clinton herself is speaking out or i should say tweeting out. cnn's brianna keilar in our washington bureau. good morning, brianna. >> reporter: good morning.
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she is tweeting out. she's having help from aids. this came a little before midnight. here's what it said. it said i want the public to see my e-mail. i asked state to release them and they said they will review them. the state department saying they are going to do that. this is a process that is going to take a lot of time because as we understand it they will be released -- reviewed and then released from the 55,000 pages of e-mails that hillary clinton and her team already handed over to the state department last year but that have not been made public at this point. of course all of this is in response to calls for more transparency after it was revealed in the last couple days that hillary clinton while secretary of state was using solely a personal e-mail address to conduct government business and then we learned yesterday that she actually owned the server that her e-mail was operating on. the question now is is this going to be enough for critics, and even many observers here
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chris, bus, again, these are the e-mails she has already turned over to the state department meaning she and her team have been that first line of discretion. they have been the ashrbiters deciding not an independent entity. >> now you have the whole facet of they're calling on the state department to release them. if they're private e-mails and they have a server it continues. we look to you for guidance. brianna keilar thank you so much. earlier this morning, benjamin netanyahu's speech to congress barely moved the needle back home. look at the poll by israel's channel 2 news. 44% of the israeli people think the speech strengthened support for the prime minister. 43%, no difference. 12% weakened support for the prime minister. a 17-year-old virginia student accused of being a recruiter for isis. the unidentified teen was taken into custody last week. washington post reports that
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investigators tracked him for more than a month before arresting him. he is charged as a juvenile but prosecutors would like to try him as an adult. he helped a man travel to syria to join isis. breaking news this morning, ring link brothers and barnum & bailey circus just announced they will phase out elephant ads by 2018. the associated press is reporting this move is in response to growing public concern about how elephants are treated. those elephants that are currently in the circus will go to the company's animal conservation sanctuary in florida. some are already there. there's 29 animals that already live there. the rest will be phased out by 2018. >> think about that. think about the history here. over 100 years an elephant's in circuses and now the biggest circus going to stop it. >> why do you think it takes until 2018? >> i don't know. it has to be a business decision. they have to figure out what else to do. since the '90s more than 30
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elephants have died. i don't know how many from age, how many from something pernicious. they cite that moms and calves are separated. they use training hooks. the culture is moving away from that. so the justice department's damming report reveals rampant discrimination in the ferguson missouri, police force. whatever you can imagine, this was probably worse. we're going to tell you what the report said and, more importantly, what will be done about it.
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the justice department releasing a scathing 102 page report detailing a pattern of racism and systematic discrimination against blacks in ferguson, missouri by the police department period. cnn's ed lavandera has the latest. ed the more you read the worse it gets. >> reporter: you know chris, many of the anecdotal stories that are talked about in this length ri reporty report issued by the department of justice many citizens say they relate to extremely well.
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months after racially charged protests in ferguson a new justice department report is exposing the ugly and pervasive culture of racism that ignited the unrest. >> our view of the evidence found no, no alternative explanation for the disproportionate impact on african-american residents other than implicit and explicit racial bias. >> reporter: the justice department's report reveals a pattern of practice of racial discrimination of african-americans by ferguson police and municipal court employees. it's filled with specific cases and shocking racially offensive e-mails targeting the president and first lady. one e-mail depicts president obama as a chimpanzee. another includes a photo of a group of bare chested women dancing in what appears to be africa with a caption that reads michelle obama's high school reunion. community leaders in ferguson are outraged. >> if they will say that about the president of the united states what do you think they
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will say about poor black men and poor black women living in a racialized area of this city? >> reporter: the searing report shows that african-americans made up 93% of arrests, 88% of cases where force was used by police 90% of citations and 85% of traffic stops. they faced that kind of discrimination at the hands of ferguson police day in and day out for years. in one example an african-american man was pulled out of his apartment after an argument. when he told police you don't have a reason to lock me up the officer responded using the n word and said i can find something to lock you up on. the report paints a scathing portrait of the efforts with officers using minor traffic and other violations to raise money for the city. >> these actions taken by these individuals are in no way representative of the employees of the city of ferguson. we must all work to find issues of racial disparate in all aspects of society. >> reporter: many residents here in ferguson say that what they have seen in this report and
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what they have 1k350er7bsed themselves is just outright harassment over the years, but despite the mayor speaking out briefly, john it was the police chief who did not appear at that press conference and has not spoken out publicly since the report was issued. >> ed lavandera thank you so much. i want to talk a whole lot more about that. i want to bring in chris king along with reverend starssky. chris, let me start with you here. this report in some ways as the first day of the rest of the ferguson police department's life and the police chief, tom jackson, not even there for the release, chris. what does that say for you? >> it says that they're trying to make a deal to get him to go away is what it says to me. if i was the mayor of ferguson thank god i'm not, but i would have opened that press conference by saying i accepted the resignation of chief tom jackson today. this report shows that we don't have a professional police department. >> reverend wilson is there any way given what's in that report
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given the contents of what that report says has been going on in ferguson, is there any way the chief should be allowed to keep his job? >> i think the chief has to be thoughtful about what's best for the community, what's best for the region. quite frankly, this is something he could have considered a long time ago. could he have taken this action by now, but it is also the case of the city council that the city manager, who really has chief administrative responsibility in the city of ferguson should be thoughtful about how they can have an opportunity to move forward if this is, indeed the first day of the rest of that police department's life they have to be thoughtful about who they want to guide it, how they want it overseen and the report suggests they need to totally reorient the thinking and orientation of policing there. this requires culture change which requires leadership change. >> to continue this metaphor should the police department even have a life anymore? one option would simply be to disband it hand over jurisdiction or policing duties to st. louis county or one of
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the areas around there. do you think it's capable, possible even to fix things? >> no. darren wilson came to ferguson from the jennings police department another poorly run and racist police department. it was dissolved and they contracted for police services with st. louis county which has 850 cops. ferguson has about 50. so look at the scale. the scale is reflected in the professionalism. st. louis county police department is flawed and it's under a collaborative review with the cops division of the department of justice and we can improve that police department but we shouldn't have a ferguson police department. >> reverend wilson talk to me now about what you are going to do. how does this affect your job in the coming days and weeks as you talk to city leaders, the elected officials there, the appointed city managers. >> well, first and foremost this work that we're doing through the commission is regional work. and while we do have this particular input about one particular police department we recognize that you could go a couple of miles in either
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direction and you're in another city where quite frankly you could have run this same study and you could have these same kinds of results. bell found neighbors which is nearby has some similar kind of things that we find in this report coming out now about them. so what this does is this gives us an opportunity and an assessment tool from a third party expersonal to the region to be thoughtful about all of our policing. to be thoughtful about what true community policing actually is what it means to have the community engaged, to have police to be accountable to them. so this becomes a tool in our work. we've seen the reports posted through the commission so far. this needs to be input for our citizen law enforcement relations group and, quite frankly, it becomes validation not just for the truth of the testimony we've heard from citizens but also from some of the early priorities coming out of our working group for citizen communications and working relations. how many folks are going to step up receive this report and
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honor that it's not just about one municipality it's rather about a regional approach to policing that needs to be reoriented. >> chris, you keep nodding your head agreeing with reverend wilson here. is that because you simply are not surprised at all by the findings of this report, that you agree with the suggestions inside of it and you think the way forward is obvious now? >> well i'm agreeing with starsky because he's right, what he's saying about our regional fragmentation. ferguson is very typical of north county municipalities. the department of justice has a mandate and congressman clay has urged them to take this mandate to extend the review. if you listen closely to the attorney general, he said other municipalities and i don't think they're not done looking. if they're not done looking they're not done finding other police departments that don't deserve to be police departments. >> talk to me a little bit about
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the process yesterday. look since august things in and around ferguson have been complicated, that's being euphemistic. they've been messed up largely in the way this has been handled from the beginning. chris, what did you think about the way this information was released yesterday after being leaked in the days before. >> very very very bad decision by the department of justice and did i let my feelings being known to our direct contact there. i felt manipulated as a journalist myself. st. louis is the african-american newspaper of missouri and certainly the eastern half of the state and we have a national voice to the black public and for us to have to read a leaked report, i had to get it from a reporter i know in washington, d.c. i was very personally insulted on behalf of our readers that we had to be manipulated. give us the complete report. let us read it and don't manipulate what we think about the report. let us read the entire report and we should be talking about
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it after we've read it. >> thank you so much for being with us. good luck going ahead because the work is just beginning there. let us know what you think about this. you can tweet us @new day or go to facebook. leave us your thoughts. some of you may be at risk of losing your health insurance. the supreme court taking on a make or break obamacare case this week. why your coverage could be compromised ahead. okay...listen up. i'm here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. ohhhh. okay veggies you're cool. mayo, corn dogs you are so out of here! ahh... 'cause i'm reworking the menu. keeping her healthy and you on your toes. the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals antioxidants and 9 grams of protein. i see you cupcake.
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time now forty-five things you need to know for your "new day." number one, mark lippert, the u.s. ambassador to south korea is in stable condition expecting to fully recover after being slashed in the face and arm by a knife wielding man in soule. a winter storm slamming the nation from texas to massachusetts. thousands of flights have been canceled. a whole lot of school districts forced to close. hillary clinton is asking the state department to release e-mails from her time as secretary of state. this is her first comment on the controversy after exclusively using a personal e-mail account during her tenure as secretary of state. day two of testimony in the trial of accused boston bomber
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dzhokhar tsarnaev. on wednesday they watched video from the scene. tsarnaev's defense said he did it but argues he should not be put to death for the crime. in a few hours michael brown's parents speak out about a justice department report. we're always updating the five things you need to know so go to for the very latest. john the keys to living a longer healthier life. a combination of factors can lead to dramatic improvements especially when you reach your 40s. we're joint by cnn chief medical correspondent sanjay gupta for today's "new day" new you. we also admittedly are probably all in our 40s on this set. yes. yes. yes. check, check, check. >> i think i'm the old man here. >> i don't know. i don't want to point fingers at the middle guy. we've long known the body and the spirit benefit from being
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healthy and being physically fit and having some of those things in our belly. >> right. >> but it's more than that right? it does more for our brain, too? >> right. what i find interesting about the science is it's really showing how much benefit you get from some of these things. in the past it was you do the exercise you do the healthy eating. it's good for you. how good? now we have a better idea. it's never really too late. in the first study they talked about people in their 40s. they were basically trying to figure out what kind of physical reserve they have in their 40s. they did treadmill testing and other things. what they found is if you built up your physical endurance in your 40s, 20 years later their cognitive abilities tended to be higher. >> you reap the benefits. >> the brain volumes tended to be bigger. >> fascinating. >> did well on cognitive exams perhaps because of the better blood flow the more antioxidants their brains were
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bigger. >> there's married couples looking at each other in their 40s saying honey, there's no excuse. we have to start now. it's good to know that because you didn't do it in your 20s and 30s, there's still time. >> there is. >> we all lead busy lives, we can work out, do these things to make sure the fridge is stocked with the right things. stress has got to be a component that can counter act all of that good stuff, isn't it? >> it can. it can counter act it even if you are physically fit otherwise. that was the headline that came out of the next study. even if you have great physical fitness. if you are not resilient to stress, that's going to be a problem. they tested people in the military went through a significant amount of question nars upon entering the military. one question is how resilient are you to stress as a teenager and now in your early 20s. they found the people least resilient, not that they didn't have it, they didn't handle it as well were more likely to have cardiovascular problems later in life.
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so spending the time not just at the gym but also learning how to deal with stress in ways that are going to be healthy, reap rewards long term. >> so many people use exercise as a stress relief. also finding other ways to balance that stress is important. >> yeah. and there are people who exercise they get their stress relief that way. not always. >> that's true. >> what is your resill zblensienceresilience? >> good question for self-improvement. this stuff, the good stuff. it is about the good stuff. we've heard about the mediterranean diet. does that still hold up? >> last time i talked to you you asked an interesting question. how are they doing in the mediterranean areas. is it holding up there? that was an interesting question. this study addresses that question. this was done outside of athens and they found people take a look at the number 3,000 greeks of all achblgs, looked at their various eating hab bilgts.
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>> fish olive oils. >> grains vegetables fruits all of that stuff. as a general rule. some fish some wine they tended to have it was amazing, nearly a 50% reduction in likelihood of having cardiovascular disease. these aren't small, incremental improvements. if your concern right now as you watch this i don't want to have a heart attack. i don't want to have heart problems later in life. what can i do that's pretty convincing? that sort of diet really does make a big difference. >> new day, new you. chris, you heard the doctor say, some wine. some is key. >> i'm off the sauce. >> oh, okay. >> i'm off the sauce for lent. >> you said it, not me. >> sanjay he smiles. he says mean things. all right. so the better shape you're in, the less you have to worry about the next story, which is is your health care going to be compromised? it could be reality for some of you. the supreme court is taking
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another look, different issue, at obamacare this week. what will happen this time ahead. >> announcer: "new day," new you brought to you by temperpedic. i love how it conforms to my body. with tempur-pedic the whole bed is comfortable. it's the best thing we ever did for ourselves. it's helping to keep us young. (vo) visit your local retailer and feel the tempur-pedic difference for yourself. hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good.
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being taken away. it is an issue before the supreme court. big challenge to the affordable care act obviously known as obamacare. so let's bring in senior legal correspondent, author of the o. jeffrey toobin. let's brief this case, shall we. let's get a little iraq action here. the issue, the rational and the analysis. we'll leave the conclusion to the side. what is the question? >> the question is what does the law mean? this is not a question about the constitution this is a question about what the terms of the law mean. the obama administration has always taken the position that the law allows for subsidies for people who buy insurance either on the state based exchanges, which are in i think 14 states or in the federal exchange which is in 36 states. the plaintiffs in this case
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which are a group of conservative legal organizations brought this case they say the only way you can get a subsidy is if you buy insurance on the state-based exchanges and the almost 10 million people who buy insurance on the federal exchange don't get subsidies. if the plaintiffs win, they low lose their subsit dis. most of those people will lose their insurance. that's the stakes in the case. >> people say it made it to the supreme court. they must have a really strong case. that's not always true. but if they do prevail why would they? >> they would prevail because there are four words in the law. this is a 900 page law. the argument comes down to four words and the four words say the exchanges where subsidies should be given are exchanges established by the state. established by the state. that is the argument of the plaintiffs.
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it means only if you buy insurance on an exchange established by the state. the government the obama administration argues that within the context of that law and the other sections of that law established by the state includes established by the federal government. >> they're saying the state is just a euphemism for government in general? >> correct. a term of art, as they say, that it includes the federal and state government. >> so now the supreme court technically won't be weighing the impact of their ruling on people right? it's what their reckoning of the law is. but what's the truth? are they going to think about how big a hit this would be? >> you bet they are. the supreme court doesn't operate in a vacuum. the reason the atmosphere in that courtroom was so electric yesterday, the reason why we care about this case so much is not because we care about four words is we care about 10 million people and that was hovering over this case. it didn't come up a lot in the
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argument, but several times the justices mentioned the millions of people who have a stake in the outcome, and i think john roberts, even though he said very little at the argument which is very uncharacteristic to him, that was to me the big surprise of yesterday of how little john roberts said. roberts knows the place of the supreme court in the american life is very important. he is the custodian of the court's image and he is going to be very aware of whether this court is going to take insurance away from 10 million people. >> all right. now there is this tantalizing question will this affect the next big case which is equal protection of same-sex marriage. is there any reason to believe that justices trade off on cases like that? that all right, we gave you this one but the next one we're going to take which is actually suggesting that there's
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political motivation? >> chris, this is one of the hardest questions to deal with from the supreme court. it's issue of intent motive. what are they thinking? what are they saying? it came up a couple of years ago when they struck down the voting rights act. something that progressives kbard a great deal and a day later they struck down the defense of marriage act, a very pro gay rights there. there was a tradeoff there. i certainly don't think this was done in any sort of explicit way, but the justices are aware of their political place in the society and that is not a foreign thought. whether it will move any votes, i kind of doubt that. the thought will have occurred to them. >> we'll see how it plays out. appreciate it as always. ahead, have you ever wondered what it's like to be a commercial beekeeper? morgan spurlock was put to the
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test in his upcoming episode of "inside man." for example, do we really know where our honey comes from? span than their parents. it's a problem that we can turn around and change. revolution foods is a company we started to provide access to healthy affordable, kid-inspired chef-crafted food. we looked at what are the aspects of food that will help set up kids for success? making sure foods are made with high quality ingredients and prepared fresh everyday. our collaboration with citi has helped us really accelerate the expansion of our business in terms of how many communities we can serve. working with citi has also helped to fuel our innovation process and the speed at which we can bring new products into the grocery stores. we are employing 1,000 people across 27 urban areas and today, serve over 1 million meals a week. until every kid has built those life-long eating habits, we'll keep working.
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knock it out, fast. with abreva. normally people wear pants. yeah that's why i'm hiding captain obvious. not very well. i found you immediately. you know what else is easy to find? a new hotel with the app. i don't need a new hotel room, i just need to get back into this one. gary? it's wednesday gary! i know that janet! is more helpful than janet. welcome back to "new day." in tonight's episode of "inside man" morgan spurlock tries to answer a question. why are entire colonies of honeybees dying off?
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>> in a short time working with george i'm experiencing for the first time dead bees tons of them. >> what are the most losses you've ever had over a winter? >> you know a couple years ago we had 17% and we were really wondering what the heck was going on because we've done an awful lot of work to fix and repair and rebuild and so forth. so we just don't -- the way i always put it we don't allow our colonies to fail. it's very expensive. >> is it getting worse? >> it's kind of scary. i'm always amazed that we made it. it feels like we're this close to just losing it. >> wow. >> let's bring in the host of "inside man" himself, morgan spurlock. >> hi. >> good to see you. >> good to see you. >> why did you want to become a beekeeper? >> the bees are vanishing, it's going to destroy our food reliance. we don't understand how much we need bees for everything we eat.
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it's not just the plants and vegetables but even the seeds come from pollen nation from bees. it could be a devastating probability. >> you have more insight into what was happening. it was the headline for so many months. >> it's still falling. the bee population is continuing to fall. there's multiple reasons for this. a lot of this is the tremendous amounts of pesticides and herbicides. it is the cell phone towers they're saying is still a contributing factor to the amount of technology that is now within the bee population and there's -- there have been mites that have been brought over. as we continue to bring bees from other countries, we're bringing other diseases with these creatures. it's destroying what's a local population. >> most of us see bees as a huge pest. >> yes. >> but you figured out -- you found out because you were inside they're vital. >> they're vital. what's incredible is there is an entire industry of guys george is one of them, who are now trucking bees all around the country because we can't rely on wild pollen nation.
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you can't rely on bees to travel around. >> you rode with him? >> i was on the bee highway for a little while. >> let's talk about that. getting inside and working with bees you have to be quite patient. >> you have to be patient. >> quiet, respect the queen. >> didn't get stung once. >> you didn't? >> how? >> my whole crew got stung constantly. you guys are too -- you see you're too sweet. they know that. they want to get a taste of you. me? >> got a little edge to you? that kept the bees away. >> that's right. the bees are like i don't want to eat that moustache. >> you're like the bee whisperer. >> good bees i'm here for you. >> so were you able to identify what the problem is? >> well i mean i think it's multiple factors. >> why not in that case do away with the pesticides? >> that's the question. how do we do it? there are so many pests that we need to deal with and now how do we do that? how do we create herbicides and
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pesticides that don't hurt the population. >> it's being taken seriously? >> you want it to be taken more seriously. we live in a country where people don't worry about things until it's a problem. we don't go to the doctor until it's a heart attack. this is in very much the same realm that we are going down a path that we need to make this a real priority. >> even in the suburbs here around new york people are beginning to be their own personal beekeepers because of this problem. >> i know. >> is that the answer backyard bees? >> i think that is a help. people who want to be backyard beekeepers put them on the roof i looked into doing it at my neighborhood -- >> my girlfriend is like we're not putting bees on the roof. not yet. not yet. there are a lot of people doing that. >> if you're an avid gardner, you know the symbiotic relationship. it's a compliment to a gardner if you have bees flora and fauna coming into your garden. >> it's easy. there are companies where you get the kit, they give you the
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walk throughs online. there are instructional videos on how do you care for them. couple hundred bucks you can have your own hive. >> i think you turned us into beekeepers. >> we're going to do it. >> put it over in the corner. >> because there's an outfit. we love a good outfit. >> we do like thatment don't tell chris. >> morgan great to see you. thanks so much for coming in. be sure to tune in to "inside man" tonight at 9:00 p.m. >> good to see morgan spurlock is keeping beesy. >> that is a good stuff. >> we need it after that.delivered it to that truck. here in san diego, we're building the first one ever to run on natural gas. ships this big running this clean will be much better for the environment. we're proud to be a part of that.
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and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our angie's list app. visit today. ♪ all right. it's time for the good stuff. today's edition galveston island texas. it's been overrun by prerchts. an anonymous artist is making beautiful hand painted beaded hearts wrapping them up with an encouraging note and putting them places for anyone to find. 240 much them so far. >> wow. >> this is term. why is this happening? >> kindness. when you feel that kindness you
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go out and you do something kind for someone else. it's brought me so much joy. >> isn't that nice? the only catch, the people who get the gifts are supposed to post their stories on the artist's facebook page and they have been inspiring. one little girl finding the gift on the anniversary of her grandmother's death and it made her feel better. another man receiving the gift on his birthday and it was his only one. >> leave gifts around for people to find. wow. just amazing. >> i think it kind of gives you hope in people because you're like well, that's really nice. >> that is really nice. >> so many people actively trying to make the world a bad place. it's great to hear that there are other people on the other end saying no, i won't stand for it. let's see it. >> especially bejewelled. >> you have a bedazzling kit. i've seen that. >> i'm down with both bejulg and bedazzling. >> the 11:00 show will be incredible. >> a lot of news. let's go to the "newsroom" with carol costello. >> good morning. have a great day.
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"newsroom" starts now. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. good morning. i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. we do begin with breaking news from the fbi and the department of homeland security who are warning police today -- they're warning police across the country about a disturbing trend involving young americans and isis. cnn's brian todd joins us now with more details. good morning, brian. >> reporter: good morning carol. we have this from the fbi and the department of homeland security. this is according to a law enforcement official who spoke to our pamela brown about this development. this official says that the fbi and the department of homeland security have sent a joint warning to law enforcement agencies across the country about the concern of a growing trend of girls and boys wanting to fight with isis. this is in the wake of the arrest and detention of a 17-year-old young man from northern virginia. we reported on this last night and this morning. this
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