tv CNNI Simulcast CNN March 7, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PST
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>> end of the road. ♪ ♪ -- captions by vitac -- signs of iranian influence in the fight against isis. iraq's military reliance on its neighbor is making some u.s. leaders nervous. also -- >> i can never forget what it felt like to be there on bloody sunday. >> remembering a pivotal day in u.s. history. 50 years have passed since bloody sunday. and one year after a plane carrying 239 people vanished so many questions still remain about malaysia airlines flight mh 370.
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welcome to our viewers in the u.s. and around the world. this is cnn. i'm natalie allen. we begin in iraq where isis has again destroyed cultural treasures and artifacts during outrage across the globe and iraqi official says the militants bulldozed the site of the ancient syrian city ever nimrud. some call this a cultural cleansing by isis as they destroy history and heritage. >> it is a huge loss and tragedy for the whole of humanity and, of course my reaction is one of anger because we do believe that the destruction of heritage, the deliberate i would say, destruction of heritage in iraq becomes part of the warfare and also it's part of a strategy of cultural cleansing that
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exterminates already with the looting of sites, with the persecution of minorities, attacks on people and destroying the incredible cultural diversity of iraq and also of its priceless heritage. i think the way they construct their strategy of erasing the culture and heritage is disappointing. >> nimrud's culture is the latest to be destroyed. the tomb of joan a was destroyed in a bombing last year. the great mosque of aleppo, once one of the oldest reduced to rubble in 2013. insurgents bombed the great mosque of samara in 2005 and in 2001 the giant buddhist in
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afghanistan more than 1500 years old were destroyed in explosions set by the taliban. of course it's not just historical relics but hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians who could be caught in the cross hairs of isis. 350,000 people in the syrian city of deir ezsor. across the border you'll see some progress in defeating isis. iaqi supporters captured a town on the outskirts of tikrit. they can cleared isis from the town of al baghdadi. that's critical because it's near a key base where u.s. marines are training iraqi troops. iraqi forces drove isis from several villages south of al
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baghdadi baghdadi. all of this while the u.s. is keeping an eye on iran in iraq. iraq's military reliance is making some leaders quite nervous. >> reporter: the latest u.s. military assessment, most of the fighters here are iranian backed shia militia with iranian weapons fighting to reclaim the city of tikrit. iran's farsi language heard here and field commanders look at their plan. iran watching them happy to have the iranians do the bulk of the ground fighting but worried again it could open up a cauldron of shia versus the sunni violence. >> for the sunni and shia
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sectarianism that has happened for years, it could be strategically disastrous. >> reporter: they worry the government could become a tragic country of iran. the risk is that it all falls into iranian hands. >> in terms of ensuring that our resources don't migrate over to shia militia, there's no easy way to be absolutely certain that that can't happen. >> reporter: the u.s. wants iraq's prime minister to guarantee a government and military with sunni representation vital to stopping sunni support for isis. abani just announcing his security forces east of fallujah and west of ramadi are launching new operations in the sunni heartland. iraq's reliance on iran apparently working in eldur south of tikrit which baghdad
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says has been liberated. a potential u.s. victory of sorts. they're advising the military. they've been liberated according to the coalition. don't count on the u.s. joining forces with iran. >> there is no cooperation between us and the iranian forces. we're going to have to count on the iraqi government to do those things necessary to number one, ensure that things don't trend towards greater sectarian violence. >> reporter: there may not be formal cooperation with iran but a senior u.s. military official tells me that when coalition war planes aren't in the skies, when they are flying the bombing missions the u.s. tells the iraqis where the planes are and relies on the iraqis to tell the iranians to stay away. barbara starr, cnn, the
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pentagon. westerners were apparently the target at a shooting in mali that left at least five people dead. two people are under arrest. it happened in the capitol at a nightclub that is popular with people from the west. one witness tells cnn the shooters were targeting foreigners specifically caucasians. one french citizen, one belgian, and three people from mali are among the dead. a police officer and a guard were killed in the street as the attackers left. a bomb in egypt's now delta region has left one person dead according to egyptian state media, 11 others are wounded in that blast which happened outside of a bank. the person killed was a police sergeant. there's no word yet on who might be responsible. an american missionary is now free after being captured in central nigeria nearly two weeks ago.
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phyllis sortor was captured where boko haram does not operate. they wanted a ransom of more than $300,000. u.s. officials won't comment on the release but say negotiations were involved. well it still seems impossible that a plane carrying 239 people vanished, but it did. and it's been a year since mh 370 disappeared and what happened to it remains a complete mystery. as suzanne malveaux reports, the search goes on. >> reporter: one year later and still nothing. the search team still insists the debris field is here on the ocean floor, a location they say satellite data reports to. above the water surface search crews are still weathering cyclones and 50 foot waves. below, mountains, trenches volcanos make up the treacherous terrain. 40% of the priority search zone
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has been covered but no wreckage recovered. and with no real clues as to what happened to the boeing 777 after it lost radar contact an hour into the flight which took off from kuala lumpur theories abound. a recent "new york times" report cites the rogue pilot option. they think that the pilot and co-pilot intentionally took the plane off course. there is no evidence that either had motive to do so. the chief of the malaysian airlines says they had no reason. >> the captain is a very capable man. >> the sister urged people to stop blaming her brother. she said as things stand today, with no tangible evidence none of you have any right to blame
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captain shah for any wrongdoing. as an average student in school he would not have been able to master mind such a plot. nobody knows why the plane lost contact. some theorize there could have been a massive electrical problem, a cockpit fire or a cabin fire turning it into a ghost plane. >> why isn't hasn't shown up yet, that is the true mystery of it. if it had crashed in the way we think it did, to hit the water and break up into pieces there would be pieces somewhere. >> aviation analyst jeff wise carried on his own theory. russian operatives who took the plane. none of these theories can be proven or disproven until some shred of the plane is found. even then we may never know exactly what happened. >> the families of those on board the plane still wait in agony for any news about their loved ones.
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to remember the passengers and crew a can'tle light vigil was held on kuala lumpur. at least one woman is holding out hope her husband is still coming home. >> translator: this year has been very painful. i don't know what happened. for me this is a torture. it's changed our life a lot. i hope the plane will appear soon that my husband will come back soon. now that we're in malaysia we also hope the malaysian government can meet us instead of avoiding us. >> we remember those days and those days are still here one year later. let's go down to anna coren. she's live in kuala lumpur. certainly you have talked to so many of these families in the past year you've covered the search anna. certainly understand that they're holding out hope. they just want to because they just don't have any answers. that woman is certainly not
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alone, is she? >> reporter: no, absolutely not natalie. i think she puts it very well. this is torture. it has been torture for all the families of the 239 people on board mh 370. we are now hearing from some of those families that they are angry that this interim report which will be released by the malaysians tomorrow is, in fact going to be released on the day of the anniversary, the one year anniversary since the boeing 777 vanished off the radar. they say that it's insensitive, that they could have picked another day. now this interim report is expected to be a technical investigation. it's made up of an international committee. on that committee we're talking about australia, the united states the u.k. china, france singapore as well as boeing rolls royce. so certainly a lot of bodies involved in this report which is
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expected to have 600 pages. we had heard from the malaysian government that the families are going to receive that report before it is made public but as i say, hearing from those families today, they are furious that it is being released on the same day of the anniversary. they say they could have picked another time to release this information. we certainly caught up with the transport minister and asked him with the overwhelming criticism about the way that malaysia has handled this crisis in particular with the families. they feel like a nuisance. the media has known before they have been informed. take a listen to what he has to say. >> these are such details. this report come to us and
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specify all the objects that are under sea base so i think that to say that we didn't give details, not true. i think we should further engage them. >> you're saying you should further engage them. has not enough been done? >> you see, it's not that. if they feel that they are not given enough then we will do more. >> reporter: yeah malaysians saying there have been lessons learned in this tragedy. certainly they have improved their protocols as far as security goes. remember that there were two passengers on board, two iranian passengers that were holding false passports. they will also improve their flight tracking system which, of course extremely important considering the plane vanished from the radar, natalie. >> all right. anna coren, thank you from kuala
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lumpur. join us for a cnn special report as told by correspondents like anna who were there when the plane disappeared and have continued to follow the search for the flight and in talking with families. and as you just heard, the authorities. our international viewers can watch the special sunday at 8:00 p.m. in hong kong right here on cnn. remembering a dark day in america's past. >> the bridge of selma is almost a holy place. it is a place where people gave a little blood to redeem the soul of america. >> we will go to selma, alabama, where 50 years ago civil rights activists were attacked by police for demanding the right to vote. also ahead here this hour scientists are learning more about the lost oceans of mars. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy?
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act now, and get this document shredder free. that's a $29 value. ♪ or go to try lifelock risk-free for 60 days and get this document shredder free -- a $29 value -- when you use promo code go. call now. 50 years ago today hundreds of african-americans marched peacefully from selma, alabama, to montgomery for the right to vote. police attacked them with night sticks whips and even a rubber hose wrapped in barbed. that day lives infamously as
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bloody sunday. president obama and 100 members of congress will be in selma for the anniversary. john lewis had his skull fractured that day. athena jones has his story. >> the bridge of selma is almost a holy place. it is a place where people gave a little blood to redeem the soul of america. in this city people couldn't register to vote simply because of the color of their skin so they had to change that. >> reporter: john lewis, who has spent almost three decades in congress,s was just 25 years ago. >> i can never forget what it felt like to be in that experience on bloody sunday. we came to the highest point. down below we saw a sea of blue. alabama state troopers and behind the state troopers we saw men on horseback so when we got within hearing distance of the
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state troopers -- >> you're ordered to disperse go home or go to your church. >> the major said, troopers advance. i thought over and over again, they going to arrest us. they came clubbing us beating us with night sticks trampling us with horses. i went down on my knees. my legs went out from under me. i thought i was going to die. >> reporter: he was carried back to the church where the march had begun. it was there he issued a challenge to president lyndon johnson. i stood up and said i don't understand how president johnson can send troops to vietnam but cannot send troops to selma, alabama alabama. >> reporter: after bloody sunday president johnson spoke to congress. >> it is wrong, deadly wrong, to deny any of your fellow americans the right to vote in this country.
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it's not just negros but really it's all of us who must overcome the crippling legacy of bigotry and injustice, and we shall overcome. >> he was the first american president to use the theme song. i looked at dr. king tears came down his face. i started crying. i didn't like to cry in front of people but i cried. president johnson federalized alabama national law, called out parts of the united states military to protect us all the way from selma to montgomery. >> reporter: on august 6th president johnson signed a landmark voting rights act ensuring that all citizens could vote regardless of their color.
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it was bloody sunday that helped make that day possible. it's also why lewis returns to this bridge every year. >> the vote is powerful. it is the most power full nonviolent tool we have in our democratic society and i don't want people to forget that people paid a price. >> reporter: athena jones, cnn, selma, alabama. >> what a story and a remembrance. cnn will mark the 50th anniversary of the march on selma with live coverage throughout the day. be sure to stay with us for much more on the historic day. we'll be right back.
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new nasa research suggests the red planet was at one point very blue. scientists believe about 4 billion years ago an ancient ocean on mars held the same amount of water as earth's arctic ocean. cnn's adam dunaghy looks at how instruments on the surface helped find these lost oceans. >> reporter: mars 2015 a planet of rock and red dust. but it wasn't always like this. ridges like these in the martian
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hint that water once flowed here but was once a mystery until now. according to new research from nasa this is mars around 4.5 billion years ago, a planet with a vast ocean covering nearly 20% of its surface and as deep as the mediterranean. mapping the waters of mars required data from the red planet itself and even some from right here on earth. >> it's a collection of knowledge of meet logic records, spacecraft and ground bases that have allowed us to get a nice picture of how water evolved on the planet. >> reporter: key to the discovery were measurements of this rare form of water. it contains a heavier form of hydrogen which prevents it from leaving the martian atmosphere and being blown into space. the higher concentration allowed scientists to concentrate how much more water the planet had. current estimates show only 13% of the original martian water
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remains on the planet with most stored as polar ice caps. the rest like much of mars's atmosphere was slowly lost. as well as adding a splash of blue to the red planet this new data bolsters the idea that mars may have teamed with life. >> ultimately we can conclude the idea of an ocean covering 20% of the planet which shows habit habitability. >> reporter: it will finally tell us if there was once life on mars, one of the many mysteries that the planet still holds. cnn, london. >> fascinating. derek van dam joins us because he covers earth but, oh, my goodness wouldn't you want to cover mars too? look how fascinating what we're learning. >> yeah it is. all that research up there by nasa is so critical for everybody if we were to put you, me, any human on the face of the
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red earth. >> maybe we came from there. >> have you heard of the mars 1 expedition by any chance? the crews that are training to go to mars by 2024. it's actually occurring right now. >> you mean just like the regular earthlings? >> yes, i interviewed one of them. >> did you know the little catch 22 about that one? >> they don't come back. >> that's right. one way journey. i'm taking it you were not an applicant? >> i wasn't but isn't it amazing. so thousands were. >> 200,000, i believe. >> see if it happens. >> all right. i'll sign up. >> anyway back here on boring old earth. >> back here on boring earth, apparently we've got some weather to talk about, but this one is almost unearthly because we had wind gusts that were i mean phenomenal natalie. we're talking about 150, up to 200 kilometers per hour all thanks to a very localized wind that occurs over the adriatic
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called the bora winds. it grounded a ship across split croatia on friday. take a look at this. overturning 18-wheeler trucks. this localized wind spread into parts of northern italy as well creating this scene at one of the ski resorts in the dolamites. those are gondolas. several hundred people stuck in these cable cars. narrowly escaping what was a dangerous situation. now we had helicopters come in and rescue them. basically what happened was this 130 kilometer per hour wind gusts knocked over one of the trees onto the kablgs that carry these gone these gondolas and people feared if they continued to run that they would ultimately run into a big problem. they saved those people everybody was safe but it was incredible to see the devastation that these winds can create. you can see the storm system responsible for this strong
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wind. it's just churning across parts of the adriatic. split croatia. wind gusts measuring 162 near the dolamites. wind gusts of 136. you can see the strongest winds along the coast of croatia even stretching towards slow vain yeah albania and northern greece. this is a very localized wind event. it's all thanks to the mountain regions that help funnel this down to the coast creating the damaging winds. natalie? >> we are hardly a boring old planet, are we? >> no. >> we're fascinating. >> maybe we need to go to mars. >> i don't know. i like all the weather here. i'm going to stay put. i think earth's pretty beautiful. thanks. >> thank you. it is belt tightening time in the kremlin be. why russia's president is taking a pay cut. we'll tell you about that coming up. >> hands up, don't shoot.
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welcome back to cnn live coverage. i'm natalie allen. here are our top stories. isis has again destroyed cultural treasures. treasures, this time bulldozing the ancient assyrian city of nimrud in iraq. all of this you're seeing could be gone. this comes weeks after this happened. isis militants destroying
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artifacts in the mosul museum. two suspects are in custody after a deadly shooting in mali. it happened in the capitol at a nightclub popular with westerners. at least five people were killed including someone working with the e.u. delegation to mali. brazil's top court will investigate dozens of politicians in connection with a multi-billion dollar corruption scandal. the scam may have funneled money from state-run oil company to political parties. the heads of both chambers of congress are among the ones under investigation. 50 years ago today hundreds of african-american civil rights marchers were beaten by police in selma, alabama, in what is now known as bloody sunday. they were demanding the right to vote when they were attacked. more than 100 members of the u.s. congress and president obama will be in selma for the anniversary and we'll be there, too. the u.s. justice department
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says it found rampant racism in ferguson missouri's criminal and justice system. two police officers have resigned after racist e-mails were uncovered which was ordered after the deadly shooting of a black unarmed teenager by a white policeman. >> it systematically was biased against african-americans in that city who were stopped, harassed mistreated abused called names, fined. it was an oppressive and abusive situation. >> the report does challenge one charge protesters made against the officer in the shooting. >> hands up don't shoot. >> hands up don't shoot. >> hands up. >> don't shoot. >> hands up. >> don't shoot. >> that the rallying cry there that became so popular around the country, many said michael
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brown had his hands up and was surrendering but the report says otherwise. here's more now from sarah side ner. >> reporter: what really happened the final moments of michael brown's life? the justice department investigation makes it clear. the evidence does not support the mantra still being used by some protesters. >> don't shoot. >> hands up. >> don't shoot. >> reporter: instead, the department of justice found that is quote, inconsistent with the physical and forensic evidence and in some cases witnesses have acknowledged their initial accounts were untrue or witness accounts were not credible including the witness closest to brown when it happened. brown's friend dorian johnson, whose words helped spark the mantra. >> his weapon was already drawn and he shot again. once my friend felt that shot he put his hands on the earth and started to get down but the officer still approached with the weapon drawn and he fired several more shots. >> attorney general eric holder
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supported the investigator's findings. >> i recognize that the findings in our report may leave some to wonder how the department's findings can differ so sharply from some of the initial widely reported accounts of what transpired. america's justice system has always rested on its ability to deliver impartial results in precisely these types of difficult circumstances. >> reporter: despite the evidence laid out by the department of justice that michael brown's hands were not up when officer wilson shot and killed him, the hands up don't shoot movement lives. >> we know for a fact that he's dead whether his hands were up or not, he's not here and he didn't have a weapon. >> reporter: but the argument is that if he wasn't surrendering then there's a justification, with which is what the doj and grand jury found. >> to me that's a repetitive tactic for black males when dealing with the police. you can root back to slavery
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with that tactic where you kind of -- you have to find a way to villainize the victim. >> reporter: but an attorney for michael brown's family points to witnesses in that same doj report who say brown's hands were up briefly. >> there's a difference between hands over your head and hands up. that's one clear distinction we've seen when we've reviewed the report. >> reporter: the head of the st. louis police department says this is an example of why the community and police can't see eye to eye. the gulf of distress is as wide as it's ever been. >> it's not completely surprising. you know it's become so engrained in these protests and in the minds of people who believe that something happened on august 9th that didn't. >> hands up don't shoot. >> reporter: just today a group of ferguson protesters traveling to selma still chanting the same mantra. but we did notice one difference this time their signs read, we can't stop now.
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sarah sidner cnn, ferguson missouri. it is being called one of the biggest data breaches in u.s. history, and u.s. prosecutors have now filed charges against three international hackers accused of stealing nearly 1 billion e-mail addresses between 2009 and 2012. the suspects from vietnam and canada allegedly used the data to spam the e-mail addresses with product promotions netting over $2 million. it's unknown at this time which e-mail companies were hacked. when she was u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton signed a department memo discouraging the use of personal e-mail accounts for official business but now she's under scrutiny for the very same thing. clinton has handed over thousands of e-mails to try and prove she did nothing wrong, but as cnn's brianna keilar reports, the con pro versy isn't going
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away. >> reporter: the firestorm over hillary clinton's use of personal e-mail while secretary of state dominated the state department briefing friday. >> i'm not a spokesperson for her office. people may have been confused about that this week. >> reporter: reporters asked if clinton failed to follow the e-mail rule she signed off on an internal department cable from 2011 said employees should avoid using personal e-mail to conduct government business but state department spokeswoman marie harf downplayed the guidelines calling them -- >> helpful tips when you're using personal e-mail. this is a guidance on best practices. it's certainly not regulations. >> reporter: a scathing e-mail said he shouldn't use personal e-mail while conducting personal business. gracian said he was very surprised at the double
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standard. at clinton's request the state department will review 55,000 pages of e-mails the obama administration instructed her to turn over. she turned over anything having to do with her work at the state department but harf conceded they are taking secretary clinton's word for it when she says she is turning over what's relevant. she abided by the policy even when it touts a procedure she didn't follow. >> did they receive e-mails from secretary clinton when she was secretary of state? >> that i do not know. the president has a very firm policy that e-mails should be kept on government systems. he believes in transparency. >> reporter: some political observers wonder if the controversy leaves an opening for any other potential democratic candidates to challenge clinton's expected run for president. former maryland governor martin o'malley is traveling in the coming weeks to the early states
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of iowa and new hampshire. >> it is real. >> reporter: and passing on a chance to run for a senate seat that will be vacated. >> there's rumors that martin o'malley may run for the race and challenge hillary. hillary's not going to worry. who's going to run from being totally unknown to beating her for the presidency. how does that ever happen? >> reporter: hillary clinton will speak saturday night as part of the clinton global initiative in miami, florida. it's unclear she'll answer any questions about her e-mails. russian president vladimir putin is slashing his salary by 10% amid the country's worst economic crisis in years. low oil prices and stiff economic sanctions imposed by the west are the few reasons for the recent collapse of the ruble and soaring inflation in russia. putin also ordered salary cuts for all the members of his
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administration. the pay cut will cost putin about $14,000 a year. the south american association uniser has pledged to help venezuela keep basic food medicine and basic hygiene products on the chef. they met with nicholas maduro. many venezuelans have been force the to wait in long lines to get basic items such as milk and toilet paper. venezuela's economy is on the brink of collapse because of plunging oil prices the high cost of living and political instability. we explain the current state of the country and how it got there. >> reporter: despite being one of the world's top ten oil-producing nations, more than 25% of venezuelans live below the poverty line. >> we have an issue with the video on that story. we'll try to get it back working and get it to you a little bit
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later. venezuela owes $11 billion in debt payments this year alone. some experts see the country defaulting in october when the government must pay $5 billion. well if the circus is coming to your town something may be missing from your show. the elephants got a reprieve. we'll talk about that next. [ male announcer ] you're smart about protecting your identity. but you can't control everything. it seems like every day there's another data breach,
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the greatest show on earth will soon be without the very animal it uses to symbolize the organization. ring link brothers circus plans to phase out the use of the elephants. it has been repeatedly criticized and sued for its use of the animals. i spoke with the president and ceo of the humane society who called the change an historic moment and talked about other animals circuses need to stop using. >> i liken this to a berlin wall moment for the animal protection movement. the atmospherics have changed that one of the companies that refused to change with so many protests and criticism, they have decided that it's not in their economic interests to continue to showcase elephants in traveling acts. i mean really a momentous sort
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of decision at least symbolically and we're excited at the humane society of the united states humane society international. this is a big moment for us in the movement to stop sort of needles, frivolous uses of animals. we can have circuses without victimizing animals in the process. >> right. because we know about the isolated cases of these elephants being abused but we have learned about elephants as they're very social, err this' very intelligent, very close knit families out in the wild. so this is just something -- it will be like caging a human who exists in a family structure until it's time for them to go out into the big lights? >> right. it's more than just the elephants being struck with a bull hook which is like a small broomstick with a sharp metal implement at the end.
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seeing an animal struck and, you know, of course empathizing with what that feels like is part of it but as you're suggesting it's much broader than that. it's containing the elephants for 22 hours a day shipping them in box cars on the road, not being with the family group, not being able to migrate. not having any sort of normal social elwill heements where we are fascinated by the animals, but we humans are so curious we can figure out other ways to entertain audiences to not doing this to among the most intelligent animals in the world. the big animals that need to be the focus of our discussion now are tigers and lions. the doe mess city dated animals
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ponies dogs they are doe mess city dated, they can interact with us they have done so for thousands of years. wild animals, especially top predators, the biggest predators in the world like tigers and lions, don't readily submit to a 180 pound person in a three ring act. the reason that they exhibit submissive behavior is because of fear and that's really the training techniques that go into the whole circus apparatus. what you don't see is what we must focus on in terms of our ethical responsibilities. >> ringling brothers has between 40 to 50 elephants and will phase them out. we'll continue to follow this and perhaps report on where these elephants get to go and live out their lives in rehab somewhere nice hopefully. sunday is international women's day, and as women around
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the world get ready to celebrate, there was an unusual protest set up by a small group of men in kabul, afghanistan. they wanted to show solidarity with the women of that country by marching through the streets wearing berkas. >> reporter: protesters dressed in blue birkas marched through the streets. take a look as these protesters lifted their veils revealing they're actually men. there's an old saying you don't truly know someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes, or in this case their burqas. >> the wearing of burqa is imposed by men on women. we are here to share our solidarity and we will cover our face with a burq. >> reporter: about 20 afghan men put on burqas.
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many carried signs. they felt like it was a prison. many would agree during the hard line rule the taliban forced women to wear burqas in public. to some the garr meant is a symbol of oppression. >> translator: this move by men is a good one. they want to feel what it is to be a woman. this is a protest against women. >> reporter: reaction to the march was mixed. a few observers laughed and heckled the protesters. several said supporting women's life supported them. >> translator: we as women object. >> translator: my advice to women is if they are out on the street they have to be covered. today's protests against the
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burqa is a western move and women should not be deceived because islam gives women the best rights. >> reporter: after the march while the men removed their burqas many women across afghanistan will continue to wear the controversial covering. cnn, atlanta. climbers in mexico they have found the mummy phied remains of two men who went missing in 1959. a group of hikers found the frozen bodies at the top of mexico's tallest peak. officials are digging up as much evidence as possible but had to quit early after toxic gases started to surface. they say they'll go back to retrieve the bodies when it is safe. my goodness. well running into animals is a risk of course when you're out in the wild kind of like this. >> run into a car. >> ouch! >> we'll encounter the buffalo. we'll show you next.
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time. >> they stopped the car with no place to turn off. they turned off the emergency flashers and sat and waited with the 2,000 pound barrelling down on their nissan xterra. >> they watched as the bison got closer and closer and closer. >> don't run into our car. >> holy crap. >> the audio pretty much said what i was thinking. i thought they were going to hit us. >> i don't know if there was an issue with that bison or it was distracted. >> tom told us he's been coming to yellowstone for over 40 years. he's never seen a buffalo attack a car. >> car. >> holy crap. >> we really thought that it would be an interesting video and that they would run by at a full run, full gallop. really never anticipated that they would crash into the car. >> and speaking of the car, it needed about $2700 worth of repairs. >> buffalo 1, xterra zero.
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>> run into our car. >> holy crap. >> buffalo 1, xterra zero. >> maybe that buffalo was confused. we hope it's okay. thank you for joining us. i'm natalie allen. my colleague george howell picks it up from here. stick with us. you're watching cnn. -- captions by vitac -- 6 television announcer: mattress discounters'
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priceless artifacts destroyed. the latest move by i.s.i.s. militants. it's been 50 years since the u.s.'s bloody sunday. one march in selma, alabama. and who can forget that dress, the one that broke the internet. now, it's being used for a worthy cause. we will explain. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm george howell. this is cnn newsroom. we start this hour in iraq. security forces there are making progress on several fronts in the fight against isis. iraqi troops supported by a shia militia, recaptured a town on friday on the
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