tv New Day Saturday CNN March 7, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PST
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this is cnn breaking news. we begin with breaking news. two suspects have been arrested to last weeks murder of boris. thank you for intrusting your morning to us. i am christy paul. >> and i am joe john in for victor black. good to be back. >> let's get to the breaking news. one week after a vocal critic was gunned down russ octavia media reporting that two suspects are now under arrest. >> russ octavia opposition leader boris nemtsov was shot
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after walking over ai bridge from dinner. >> joins us by phone, and matthew, thank you. what have you learned this morning? >> well, there's a head of the sfb and that's st. successor organization to the kgb, so they're appearing on russian state and saying that two suspects have been detained over the murder of the russian opposition of boris. there's a huge pressure to get to the bottom of this killing and make some arrests. the russian president has spoken and condemning the killing
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saying that the murder was shameful and these killings in russia should come to an end. making some process and today that apparent process and two people have been named. people from the north cob could say region. the russian investigators found the get away car that they used to get away from the crime scene after the shooting took place on friday night. it was forensic evidence that they they were able to make the arre arrest. >> how far is this from where he was killed? >> it was at the other site. it was a long long way from the
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area itself. the north caucus is the most and extremely violent area. there are two extremely broad de conflicts there with forces and rebels fighting for a separate state. that rebel movement has spread across and there's an ongoing there and it's obviously vile tile. i think that we should stress that just because these people were from the north, does not necessarily mean that motive for the killing of boris was linked with that. it's become a lawless place. there are hired guns that often do the dirty work of organized criminals. it's possible that they were selected and ordered the killing because they were not anything to do with what boris stood for
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or the opposition activities. i think at this point we should hold off judgment if it was a link directly beyond the killers to the north caucus. >> i understand that. . matthew, thank you for making that clear for us. matthew chance there live for us in moscow. >> now, cnn and former fbi joining us this morning. tom, what do you think of this situation? we hear of the killing, are we to believe that this is the rebels or extremists or should we be ail little skeptical of the picture that's being painted for us? >> well, we should be skeptical and i think that he made statements early that he suspected that it could be
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extreme groups and it could be isis and it could be anybody but him or anybody but the authorities, so we don't know. as matthew chance just said and he is exactly correct, murder for high in russia is no problems. they have many killers for hire. that's what will remain to be seen if we will see it. >> do you think that we will see more people arrested? we have started with two people. >> yeah, we may see more depending on what information they provided if they know who hired them. they could have been hired o were given the target or done work on the target and did killed him, so we don't know. we have to wait and see.
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we're at the mercy of the russians in this case and who they want to pin it on. >> yeah, and people that were arrested will take the focus of pew tan? >> yeah, in fairness and if we want to do that, they did not -- it was high fractured and a lot of fighting within the groups. he is at an all-time high and we know that's probably some what fictitious. it's not fictitious that many want him and the fact that he took the crime back and unlawful or not. do not object to russia trying to establish a land and taken eastern backing the
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rebels and sending their own troops sochlt the fact that tey were going to release the reports that the russians are heavily involved would have enhanced the popularity, because the people do not object to that. the sanctions imposed by the united states on russia that's had a lot of damage to their economy and the falling oil prices. they just blame that on the wers. they blame it on the u.s. and it's typical of many countries. >> tom, thank you so much. we think of you as former fbi and analysis there. appreciate it so much. >> thank you joe. you now to another breaking story that we're following. protesters were in madison, wisconsin after a deadly
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shooting. >> this is the scene. they demonstrated after a police officer shoot and killed a 19-year-old african american teen. >> the police officer was responded to calls of a man jumping in and out of the traffic. >> once inside the home, the suspect involved in the incident and the one that was out in traffic, the same suspect assaulted my officer and in the context of multiple combat in that sense the officer did draw the revolver and shot the the suspect. >> now the division of criminal investigation has been brought in to investigate the incident. i want to bring in kow.
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she is on the phone with us. she was on the scene after the shooting. take us in there and explain what you saw? >> well, when we got to the scene there were up to 20 squad cars on site. news begain to trickle out that it was an officer involved shooting. she came over to the media and began to tell us that this was an officer involved. we began to have members of the local act vis groups coming down and demanding answers and the protesters started to gather and the information came out. >> i understand that you spoke to another witness as well? >> well, actually briefly saw the witnesses and they were taken to be questioned by officers. we were not able to speak to any
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witnesses on that the state representative that heard the shots fired. she saw that he was officer involved. she did not see the teen shot. >> we're looking at the pictures of the protest. where they peaceful? >> they were peaceful and loud and here. they remained calm and at one point they did march to the city hall and that's where the police is located and to fit in and they did clear out of that area. no protesters down here currently. >> okay. we appreciate the update. thank you so much. this is something that we're going to be following all throughout the morning and joe really this is coming as we're seeing more fall out over the justice department report. and new over night in that regard cnn talked to the major
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and asked him. now that two officers resigned and a clerk was fired, is the police chief next? >> we really don't know what's going on in wisconsin. >> we don't. >> it's just fascinating that we're in the situation right now where we have the stories. also we can hear from hilly clinton. what does she need to say? it's been one year since hh 370 has disappeared. we're talking to one that says does not believe this is an accident. sure! i offer multi-car, safe driver, and so many other discounts that people think i'm a big deal. and boy, are they right. ladies, i can share hundreds in savings with all of you!
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14 minutes past the hour and new this morning the mayor speaking to cnn since the latest fall out that find the wide spread systemic by the police against african americans and now two police officers have resigned and the city top clerk has been fired with what is detailed and part of the report is released this week. some critics is calling for the entire police department to be expanded and the chief to resign. sarah talked to ferguson mayor and asked if that should happen. >> if the doj notes and the e-mails are coming from your city manager and your police chief back and forth, why are they still here? why are they allowed to be here? >> well, everybody is due
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process. there's a finding from the department of justice. it's a finding that they say is a mist a probably cause. we're going to hold people accountable and people who have engaged in practices and that's against the policies of the city government and the will of the people, we will take all appropriate action necessary. right now we're not going to speculate and as we go through the report we will make the changes. we have and immediately dealt with the three individuals that are engaged with the racist and bias e-mails. >> let me ask you about that. >> all three of these do not work for the city of ferguson. >> okay. now let's bring back formal analyst and former fbi, according to the e-mails there was a focus on placing fines on
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citizen in order to boost the city's bundget. if you look on this on one hand a lot of people would say that's happened all the time and that's the way that government's raise money. how common is this practice and if it finds the way into the doj report on the general practices of the government? >> joe, i don't think it's that common and yesterday eric holder attorney general talk to go the press and said that he did not think that ferguson was typical and the practices were typical of law enforcement or villages or cities around the country. he did mention several times in this country there are 18,000 police agencieagencies. that's the way that the government was set up and that's what they wanted and every town has a police department. it makes it difficult to get the training and be able to avoid the mass training and when
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cities or little villages have budget short falls, that's a way to put pressure on it. it's still not typical across the board. >> are we at a stage of termination here? the justice department says that we're focussing on public revenue and not safety. we need find out what they're going do about it perhaps. >> well, they have given the report to ferguson and said okay what is your plan to fix it, and so far, you know, they appear to be dragging the the feet. the old add is in the navy the captain of the ship it may in the be his faumt if something bad happens, but it's his responsible. the city fathers the chief of police officer and they're the leadership in the community. it's hard to believe that they
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will have sufficient credibility going forward to rebuild or even build in the first place any kind of a descent relationship and establish the type of relationship that they need to have. >> absolutely trueue. credibility is a huge question here. thanks for putting a spotlight on that. well, president obama is going to be among the thousands of people gathering in selma, alabama today. yeah, it was 50 years ago today that police hilt marches. now the man that you see on the ground is georgia congressman now john lewis. i want to show you an idea of the bridge captured in this exclusive drone video. it stands as an atest to all people that braved the civil
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right struggle. >> they're talking of changing the name. >> yeah, to john lewis bridge. >> we will see. >> as president obama and others gather in selma, we're live to mark this historic anniversary. a year later and it sounds impossible flight mh 370 disappears and no trace. march 8th 2014 was the day and creating a greatest aviation mystery to this day and what malaysia says on finding the missing plane at this point. >> a grieving husband tells us what he is going through. first, will we hear from hillary clinton and why all eyes are on her and miami next. please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above health.
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24 minutes past the hour and let's look ahead together to tonight. hillary clinton is expected to speak at the global initiative in miami and what everyone wants to know is this. will she talk about the growing controversy using a private e-mail account. they're getting hammered on why she used the private e-mail and a home server to conduct business. erin details what goes on here. >> spokeswoman in a briefing and
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facing how the state department will review the 55,000 pages of e-mai e-mails. >> she has asked us to look and determine what is appropriate. so that process is going happen. >> after a controversy erupted over the exclusive use of the private e-mail she took the twitter saying i want to public to see my e-mail. they're reviewing the e-mails to make sure no sensitive information is public not if she did anything wrong. it could take months and she used a personal e-mail ran on her own server and never conducting business from a government issued address and leading that she had something to hide. >> whether we're going to get to the end of the line here and conclude that there was a rule that they broke, i am more cubous that it's going to be a big factor in the campaign.
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>> as she moves closer the gop is piling on and pointing to negative headlines across the country and a heading republican that's governor did use private e-mails and weighed in on radio ohio. >> for security purposes you have to be behind the the world and recognize what it is. it's a dangerous world and security would mean that you could not have a private server. it's a little baffling that did not come up in secretary clinton's thought process. >> joining us live from washington and erin, we just heard from jeb bush. what about democrats? what are they saying about this whole thing now? >> well, for one thing she addressed that she did not appear to violate any rules and
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foreign service officers and lawyers did not encourage here to stick to an account and there are ones that say that it will make a difference in the upcoming election like chuck and here is what he said yesterday. >> hillary clinton, do you think that she should be more engaged in the e-mails? >> i don't know. i think that mill erie is great. she say that is she wants the e-mails out. what do americans care about? all of that stuff is not going to matter. >> you don't think that it's going to hurt the prospects? >> no, i don't think that it's going to hurt the protects. >> others saying that they have more important things to do and by and large and those that worry about a lot seem to be
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more concerned on how long it's taking her to jump on the race so she can push back when att k attacked like this. >> okay. we appreciate it this morning. thank you. >> it's been so long since we started to talk about the plane that vanished without a trace. one year later no signs of that lay she flight. the search is going continue and how long is it going to last. then the breaking news of two arrests in russia on the murder of an opposition leader. we will have more on that in a break. sure. disrupter of supply chains. stealer of bedtime stories. polluter. frustrater. time thief. [cars honking] and one day soon, we'll see the last one ever. cisco is building the internet of everything for connected cities today, that will confine the traffic jam to yesterday.
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in the first place. to learn more or support the cause, go to russian state media is reporting that two suspects have been arrest in the asash yags of the opposition leader and one of president putin's critics was gunned down with a pistol last friday. joining us live from the moscow times. what is the latest there? >> well, we have two suspects that are in custody. they have founding names as the head of the russian security services told us, and they --
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all they have said so far is that there are from the north cauc caucus. that's all that we know. >> no indication of any evidence against them or motive that they might have had for doing this? >> well, you know what? right when this happened the committee said that they were pursuing a theory that it was a ukrainian security services that were using hired killers to go away with boris and so far the fact that there are two men with names that have been arrested, it sounds like it's lining up with the theory. it seems convenient for russia, but we will see how it goes. >> yeah, that's what i was going ask. this theory is an attempt to stabilize the government, but my question for you is how much skepticism are we seeing there
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about that kind of a cover story? >> well, you know even with people that are proand i would say that a majority of them is very much behind the president right now and he has incredible high approval ratings and then the majority still does not have a lot of trust in law enforcement and the security forces. is there skepticism, yes? >> and no reaction at all and nothing being said on that end? >> well, so far i have not seen a reaction. i am sure that there will be once they lay out the case. he was killed in a heavily policed area and probably used video tapes from the area to tie the two people to the crime. >> so what does the next step
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here -- typically here in the united states we would see charges pledding innocent or guilty, what happens next? >> it's the same thing in russian law. they would present the case and they will make the charges and of course you have to understand when it comes to like the russian cord system once somebody is charged there's a very, you know, a very strong case that will go to court. they're towards a guilty verdict. that whole process will take place in russia and be similar to the state. whether or not it's genuine once again, we don't know. >> what's the time line. any sense of a time before before we see the people? >> it depends. it depend approximats on how it
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be handled and the suspects right now. i would say that the next few days will determine how the case is going to go for the next few months. that's my estimate. >> thanks so much. i am sure that you will be covering that closely. we will be watching too. >> thank you. >> y we may learn more about the flight tonight. this of course coming when tomorrow is marking the one year an verse si since the plane and all a239 people on board vanished. the the boeing triple was in in route and never reached the destination. despite efforts not a single piece of wreckage has been found. we want to show you the scene yesterday. families of the victims holding
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a candle light vigil. we're live and anna, is there any early indication at all on what is in this report and what we may learn? >> reporter: well, everyone is remaining tight lip, and we're expecting it to be 600 pages. it's going to be released at 3:00 p.m. local time on sunday, tomorrow which is the one year anniversary since mh 370 disappeared with 239 people on board. now, this report has been compiled by an independent body made up of seven accident and investigation organizations comes from australia, united states, uk, china, singapore, france. they're involved because of air france flight 447 and that crashed back in 2009.
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as well as boeing and rolls royce. it's a technical investigation and the family is getting access to it three hours before publicly released some of the family facing the anger and that they're doing this on the one day and saying that it's insensitive that they could have perhaps delayed it so much. these families are going through torture. no information or clues. nothing as to what happened to the loved ones a year ago. >> the transportation administer said something and he say that is he believes the plane will be found by may. why that time line? do you have any item what makes him so confident? >> reporter: yeah, there's a search taking place on western australia. they're focussing on this
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priority search areas. it's about 20,000 squire kill meters. it's a huge expanse of water but at the same time the initial search was half the size of the united states. they have completed 40 percent of it, and they're hoping to complete the entire area by may. they're saying that if the plane is there and if the debris is there, they will find it. they have the floor vessels and use thing the the floor and looking on every in. . the terrain is horrendous. we're talking under water mountain and trenches and 4,000 meters, deep, so they're struggling to map it properly because of the terrain, and then above the water they're dealing with weather conditions and they have encountered three and waves up to 50 feet. it really is quiet
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extraordinary. as they say if the plane is in that search zone, it will be found. the families are extremely concerned if nothing is found that the search will be called off. >> yeah, you can understand that. anna, thank you so much for the update. now torks the fight on isis. iraq troops recaptured a ton on the southern town. could this be a key to pushing isis out of the region? and former vice president walter is in the hospital. latest on the condition coming up. okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu.
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we want you to know that there's gun fire in a bar and it's poplar with ex patriots, and people have died. >> yeah, it's happen in the capital and five people are dead and it includes a french citizen and bell gin. eight people did the shooting and they're warning the citizen to be on the alert. now to the fight against isis. a group supported by team capture -- this victory is seen
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as a key step to pushing them out of tikrit. ben, what is it like out there right now? >> reporter: well it does appear that iraq forces and the various associated malicious were fighting with them and gaining ground against tikrit. they took the town and we were up there the other day in an area northeast of tikrit. they have taken 200 square colocal ters as well. we're seeing unlike last summer when they did attempt to take to it this time they're going about it in a much different deliberate slow manner and trying to make sure that whatever gains that they make are gains that they can keep. this change is tributed on the ground to the commanders that
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are on the ground essentially guiding the operation. they have over 100 advisers in the country. yesterday we received a video happened out from one of the biggest malicious participate nothing the operation, and it included a trip of advisers huddled around a map, and so the difference this time opposed to last year is that they seem to be getting expert advice in this operati operation. joe? >> let's talk a little bit about that. a lot of people do not understand the significance of the iran's lending assistance. can you talk about that and tell us how the locals are expecting their help. >> reporter: well depends who they speak with and if they like this help or not. many in the community here and
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that's pcomprised of the population and they're in favor of it. they really lie that they can provide an on the ground assistance that is making a difference in the operation. when they refer to the america and u.s. lead coalition, they're complaint that is the air strikes are not enough and that the americans have not provided enough weaponry and although much of it that you see here is in fact american. it's the heavy tanks whatnot. as far athe role goes iran has had growing influence in iraq. they obviously very interested in their next door neighborhood, but what we have seen since isis started to take cities like tikrit last summer they're alarmed ton spread of isis and
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came in to bull administer the government. they provided assistance in making sure that the defenses of baghdad were strengthened as isis was sort of probing the perimeter of the city. iran has a definite interest in the country that goes back many years. keep in mind that many of the leaders grew up in iran. they were trained in iran. they had the start in iran and i ran is going to be playing a large role in iraq for many years to come. >> thank you so much for that. be safe. >> thank you ben. now, after a short break we're talking to retired general and one of the big questions besides more of isis helping or iran rather helping in the case. the big question is is the fight against iraq winnable?
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after that we will have the protest in the streets of madison wisconsin after police shot and killed an african american teenager. that's coming up in the hour. was all i was doing. ts and when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb,
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it's the birth place of one of the individuals that they were able to capture and that was the number two guy on the deck of cards below sue dam. what is critical is that this is his birth place but it's the lead in to the city of tikrit. it's a sprawling city and has probably 300,000 or 400,000 citizen, and it spreads from the north to the south along the river. pretty important and that's one of the provenenses that mr. hue san had under hihusan had under. well, the forces and the combination of the force under the general and also the
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malicious out of baghdad and the badder core that you saw the yellow flag flying above the tank. that's the core and that's a very large shia malicious and they make up 2/3 of the forces that are fighting in tikrit. the other third are the tribal members. i do not personally put a lot of stock behind all of this. what i am going to be watching closely is what happens after the fight. are there killings? are there the capture of a lot of suni -- what we call military males between 18 and 24 and are they put in prison without any trials. is there a turnover back and to prove nance and if they turn it
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back over, that's a good thing. i am not putting a lot of stock because iraq does not have a choi choice to ask for help from the neighbors. >> i want to ask you that we cannot kill our way out of this war. i thought why not? long term i understand that because we have the media presence and the recruitment. why can't we in the short term kill ourself to manage it? >> as it's defeated you have where the tribes that make up a large part of the population in the north and the kurtish region are going rebel unless there's an opportunity to pull all people and this will not work. you can kill as many as you want
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but there's more -- there's more springing up of different groups. today we're calling it isis and in the past it's al qaeda. there's something in the future that will take it's place unless the government takes over and takes it back to an agreement and understanding that day-to-day life of running businesses and sending kids to school is the most important thing. >> all right. well always insightful and thank you sochlt glad to have you here. >> thank you christie. >> sure, we will be right back. . it's a full day for me, and i love it. but when i started having back pain, my sister had to come help. i don't like asking for help. i took tylenol but i had to take six pills to get through the day. so my daughter brought over some aleve. it's just two pills, all day! and now, i'm back! aleve. two pills. all day strong, all day long.
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news two arrests in the murder of russian opposition leader boris that was gunned down in the shadow. >> also breaking over night dozens protest in madison wisconsin after police shoot a 19 year ol african american man inside a home. it's been one whole year since mh flight has disappeared. are investigators closer to finding out what happened. >> this is cnn breaking news. good morning i am joe in for victor plaque we victor black well. >> i am christie and we want to begin with the breaking news this hour. just one week after the opposition leader was gunned down the media is reporting that two suspects are under arrest this morning. >> one of putant's critics was
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shot in the back and caught it while he was walking over a bridge with his girlfriend. >> we want to get to cnn matthew chance that's joining us live from moscow, good morning. what are you learning this morning? >> reporter: nothing apart from the news. the head of the fsb and that's the success or the organization to the kgb, so he is the key security official in the country. he went on state tell sligs and broadcast asking saying that look after a week of the investigations we found two suspects and detained them. they have not been charged yet. we have until monday to question them to decide if they're going to be charged, but these two individuals have been named and there from the north kak cuss and that's a region a long way from moscow.
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so stst a vie lenlt area. it does not mean that the killing of boris was connected with the problems in the north cob cuss. even if these people are the gunm gunman, it does not shed any light on what carried out the hilt and who hired them. >> yeah, we talked to someone ask said that murder for hire is quit common there. how often if one was hired to skmurd if they are and then detained as these two are, how often do they give up the details on what they know? >> well, in a case high profile
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like this they're key to showing the world that they're doing everything that it can to get to the botd tom of itom of it. the western governments believe that it was because of boris acti activities were -- they they he is responsible for organizing the killing and creating an atmosphere that people are opponents and enemies of the state. the property is accused by many people and also in charge of the investigation of the killing and so in that sense, i think that we have to look at whatever the government says with a degree of skeptici skepticism. >> okay. thank you so much for the incite this morning.
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want to bring in benton and the former uk ambassador. he is on the phone, and i think where we start with you am bar bast door is do you think that these two are the only suspects or is this just the beginning of the investigation with arrests? >> well, i mean we don't know where it's coming from in this. a will the of people have accused him of being responsible and they have been key to demonstrating that they're not this way and capturing someone else. they grabbed the two caucasians and they also say that it's a place where there are a lot of gups for fire. now, it is interesting to see that investigation proceeds beyond these two to look for the
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source. they have recently common vikted those that pulled the trigger and it's clear on who paid for that killing. >> they knew criticizing was dangerous. he spoke to cnn about putin. >> he had a good relationship and the people around, right? >> right. >> if there's a good relationship it does not matter. well, you have a chance to raise money to be successful, you know, to buy real-estate in france, switzerland and open accounts in swiss banks. if something happened between you and putin and the governor, you could be in jail. it's very easy.
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the company will disappear. >> you would be jailed and disappear. >> what was your reaction to that ambassador? hello. sir, tony are you on the phone with us. >> i'm sorry. i can barely hear you. >> well, we just played a clip with anthony and he said if you had a disagreement that you would be jailed and disappeared. what's your reaction to that. is it accurate? >> yeah, it's dangerous but boris was friend of mine and with a threat to them i judge and there are opposition leaders that are more dangerous they
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have not been murder, so my guess is they're they'not responsible. it's very templed to kill a man in the russian -- and you can precisely capture these two guys that have been arrested today the investigation goes. >> thank you so much for that sir tony britten the former ambassador. we appreciate your perspective. >> thank you. we want you to know that we're following a breaking news story this morning. people protesting and this after a police involved shooting in madison, wisconsin. we will tell you what we have learned this morning. plus, the it's been one year
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since hm 170 disappeared. not a single piece of debris has not been found. crews will find the boeing triple 7 by the spring. i bring the gift of the name your price tool to help you find a price that fits your budget. uh-oh. the name your price tool. she's not to be trusted. kill her. flo: it will save you money! the name your price tool isn't witchcraft! and i didn't turn your daughter into a rooster. she just looks like that. burn the witch! the name your price tool, a dangerously progressive idea. you forgot the milk! that's lactaid®.
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12 minutes past the hour and protests erupting after a deadly shooting of an african american teen. >> we don't get it. what do we want? >> justice. >> when do we want it? >> now. >> demonstrating near a government building. >> now police are saying that the officer was responding to calls that a man was jumping in and out of traffic when the incident began. take a listen to this. >> once inside the home the suspect involved in this
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incident and the same one that was out in traffic and had battered someone, this same suspect then assaulted my officer, and in the context of mutual combat in that since, the officer did draw the revolver and shot the suspect. >> criminal of investigations has been brought in but we want to talk about it with cnn legal analyst and thank you for being here. tom, based on what we heard and what you know, what is the take? >> well, i think that it's really too early to tell what the whole incident is about. we heard the chief mention in the press conference at 10:30 p.m. central time that this incident started out on the street with the suspect involved in some type of a pat erie. the suspect went to his apartment and we want into the apartment and the police later
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was summoned to go to the department and heard something inside and broke in. then the altercation happened with the police officer and the suspect resulting in the police officer shooting him. right now we do not know. obviously it's so early and we do not know the facts of. by wisconsin law, the state department of criminal investigation will actually take overall aspects of the investigation now. >> okay. there are questions on whether the suspect was armed or not. if he was not armed, what do you see happening here? was there too much force used here. gain, it's early and we do want to point that out. >> sure. here is how it's going to go. any investigation turns on three things and one of the facts and then the you law that you're going apply and then the third thing is the process. let's look at all of them. when you look at the facts to tom points it's early, and we do
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not know. at times we investigate and there are two narratives that come out. if it's the police person's narrative, right they felt that they were threatened and that the use of force was there at the time. if it's the narrative of the person who was shot, injury and the community ultimately it could be that the officer acted inappropriately. now the facts will turn on witnesses and perhaps there's some video and maybe not. perhaps there's a body camera or not. we do suspect that witnesses will come forward and they will add to clarify any questions that will occur here. next thing you look at the law. what do you look at that to be? if they're in fear of his life, obvious willy the action that's taken in terms of using deadly force would be appropriate. that would turn on is there a reasonable fear for your life,
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and did you about in those circumstances and was it proportion nit to the threat. finally if you look at the process wisconsin is only the state in the entire nation. i think that we will see more movement in this direction to have an independent outside agency that looks at and exams the shootings. now that law was passed as a result of other shootings and a community that felt that the police were too close. i should point out and i had some discussions with michael bell and that was the proponent on this law and there's some feelings that the police that are on this commission, is it really independent? ultimately the process and the trust and respect of the community in terms of the finding are very important. the community wants answers and they want to know was the shooting justified or not. who evaluates and accesses that is going to be very important in having the community trust the ultimate decision.
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>> tom, i want to get your take on this. within hours of this shooting we saw people out protesting. i don't know if we have any pictures. i know that there was a sit in at one of the department buildings there. we saw people holding signs up that said stop the racist killer cops. they were not signs that were written in hand writing but they looked like ready made signs and within hours of this shooting. is it fair to judge this so quickly for one before, you know, any of this information is released or is is this just -- it's obviously a sensitive topic, but does this reflect a distrust that will be released and the people in charge of it? >> i think both. it's early and unfair to be putting that out at this point.
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i command the chief for not waiting a few days. his department will not conduct the investigation. it was important to get out there and say that. the facts that he knows them and get to rest that they will do a cover up or anything more with this. the state and division of the state department of justice will be conducted in the investigation in accordance with the wisconsin law and no member of the mad police department can participate in the investigation. from that standpoint i think that he is trying to get out in front of a narrative of anything worse than what actually already happened and that's bad enough. >> sure. well tom your perspective is always enlightening to us. thank you for being here. >> thank you christie, have a great day. >> you too. the may wror of ferguson, mississippi speaks.
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you want to hear about wide spread racial bias against african americans. could the city police department be disbanded. plus, president obama is heading to selma alabama today for the first time since taking office to make an occasion. the 50th anniversary of bloody sunday. mensure active heart health.r heart: i maximize good stuff, like my potassium and phytosterols which may help lower cholesterol. new ensure active heart health supports your heart and body so you stay active and strong. ensure, take life in.
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after the fall out. they found wide spread discrimination against african americans. >> yeah, two police officers have resign and the city clerk has resigned. so some critics are calling for the entire police department to be disbanded. now, cnn asked the mayor noels about that. >> reporter: is there any sense from your part in saying you know what, this is going get shut down and let the county come in here or let the feds over see it? >> no chance. >> so you're trying to fix it? >> the justice department said that it's fixable. on that, i will agree with that. >> start with that. let's bring in sacedrick.
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i want to start with the demonstrations popping up when there's a police shooting. do you think there's that much distrust in the country? >> that's where we have been for a couple of months post the michael brown shooting. people are sensitive right now and any time that you have an event, people are becoming more attentive to what is going on it's creating a pause and concern for everyone across the nation. >> they're not going to dismantle the entire department. what would that entail? if you're disz membering a department, how do you have a form of security in terms of police being available to respond? >> well, before that happened
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there would be a ban put in place where there's some transition. i think that's to be determined as to whether that's going to occur or not, but that community. >> do you think it should occur? >> well, here is what i think to be honest with you. the people that live in the the community need to have a voice. i think that the leadership as well owed the community leadership. i 100 percent agree with everything that ag has put forth and has stated in terms of the finding and rk mecommendations well too. going forward the most important thing is building the community trust and how do we go about doing that in the country. >> how unusual is it for an allegation to arise of a government or a police department and preying on individuals that live there for
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financial purpose and to fill the treasury? does that sound way out of line to you or something that happens? >> it's way out of line and appears to be some what planned. if we look at the report and what's been evidence in that report as well through the justice investigation, through e-mail, it's certainly clear that that community was making a living off people who reside in that community, and government was not maybe as responsible as they have should have been to the community. >> okay. alexander of noble, thank you for coming in on this saturday morning. >> we appreciate it. >> good seeing you. it's been a year since malaysia flight disappeared and
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no single piece of debris has been found. why the crews will find the triple 7 by this spring. >> we're going to be live from selma, alabama on the 50th anniversary. took a look who is expected at the ceremonies. it's an iconic moment on the several rights movement. there's nothing more romantic than a spontaneous moment. so why pause to take a pill?
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we may learn more tonight on one of the biggest mysteries of aviation history. what happened to malaysia flight 370? >> they have withbeen trying to answer since vanished from the sky a year ago. it was headed to beijing but went off course and never made it to the final destination. the final words were food night. >> that sign off is routine, but since then nothing. as we said we're supposed to
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learn later tonight into tomorrow when a report is released by the viinvestigators. it could be up to 600 pages long. >> yeah, and the ceo says that the planes captain is not a suspect. that's something that came up in and people talked about more months and mores after the plane disappe disappeared. >> we do not suspect anyone of our crew. there's no evidence of such. the captain was a capable man, and a 777 flight examiner, so he is not an instructor, but examiner of the fleet. we have no reason to suspect. >> so let's dig a little bit deeper with david. he is the author of the book flight 370 and we're joined by
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cnn analyst david and thanks to you both for joining us. david number one i want to start with you. you have written a book on the disother appearan disapeerngs disappearance of the flight. what do you think happened? >> well, we have narrowed it down and that means is that they're practical and reported and that they're literally facts about the investigation, so comparing those that compares those all to each other has come up with the fact that there's the most probably that there was a fire on board or mechanical. now the first term was commanded to human hand. there's no doubt about that. the fact that the captain or co-pilot made a decision or
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someone got in the cockpit and made the turn. there's no question it made the turn. no, there are very close runners here. there's not enough data to specifically separate the two, but the four runner in my mind and in this analysis that there was no mechanical failure on board. >> that's what came out early on and david you have been so involved in under water deep searches and how much harder does it take to try to find an object like a plane and give me some sense of depebding where it is and what kind of condition it could be in. >> yeah, you have the conditions at the bottom and it could be mountain or flat and deep. it could be flee or four miles three or rough as well. then you have the ships and they must be exhausted now. it's 24/7 and they go for weeks
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at a time and have to be alert every minute of every day. i am sure that they're tired and weather has been cooperating with them. it's been fairly good. they're exhausted, and that's what they signed on for. they're professionals and know how to pass themselves. >> many experts say that finding the the plane would provide and answer a lot of unanswered questions and maybe even lead us to decide if all planes need to be tracked in a better view? >> well, it's interesting that we look at that as two different things. it's really not. what happened in finding out, we already know enough to determine that we need to have flight following and flight tracking on aircra aircraft. this was learned four or five
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years ago. the recommendations from france, recommended that we do this and that we change the way that we search for aircraft and adding floating things to the aircraft. several of them and none of them implemented. i do not think that it's too early to make the changes as civil aviation authority levels and the organization to make these things better and start to do something about it today. it's far too late already. >> i have to ask the both of you and we have the report coming out and it's 6 h00 pages and wee going to get a look at what the government says about the investigation so far. all right so much has been written about it, and we have not found the plane. >> what else can they possibly say until the plane is located? i will start with you. >> what the report were will be in my estimation is basically a
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summary of what has happened. i doubt that we're going see any new revelation as to what they might do or could do and learn. i believe that it's a documentary type approach to say this is what happened on this date. this is what happened on that day. i have been speaking to people about the report, but to me what it is is kind of a reset and saying here is what we knew -- here is what we know now and here is what we expect to do in the future. >> do you see any new information in here about the search area and where the plane might be? do you forsee that? >> i see the facts as the mel melee -- see them. so here is their chabs nce to p it in.
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you're absolutely right. we have to find the plane period in order to find out what happened. >> david and david good talking to you. tomorrow we will have richard quest giving us his take on the report that's going to be released tonight. >> thank you gentlemen. here is a lot of questions that people are are talking about. did hillary clinton break her own rules when she was secretary of state. why she used a personal e-mail account for state business. find out who is coming to her defense now. also an about face from top gop when it comes to attending the selma marches. there are some republicans that are standing with the president and thousands of others to commemorate this day. in just this one moment, your baby is getting even more than clean.
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all right. within hours we could hear from litt hillary clinton. >> the former secretary of state is expected to speak at the university conference in miami. the questions are increasing by the day frankly on why she used a personal e-mail account instead of a government e-mail account when running the state department. there's some top democrats that are breaking the silence at this point. will listen. >> i think that hillary is great. i think she already said that she wants the e-mails out.
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what do americans care about? good paying job and country and family. all of that stuff is not going to matter. >> you don't think that it's going to hurt the prospects? >> no. >> transparency is required of governing in the modern age. >> so far this is all we have heard from hillary clinton on the e-mail. she took the the twitter late on wednesday night and said that she wanted the public to see the e-mail. is that really enough? joining me is douglas and when you look at this thing on one hand there are people that are supporters of the clinton's for year and they may actually be irritated by this. at the same time they might see it as part of the clinton landscape if you will. it also kind of empowers r
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republica republicans. >> well, i think hillary clinton is taking a dent with this. i don't think that it's fatal or too serious. it's going begin the narrative on here that she is not transparent. do you want to o go back to clinton she nan gans of the 1990s that connects and that's what last discovered this e-mail crisis. that's a problem and she is a gigantic candidate and this is a road to the white house. >> it's assumed that she is is going run for president. she has not come out and said it. does she need to do that at this point, or should she wait? >> no, she needs to wait. look this did hit her at an unusual time. the food news is that this is happening now. people are going to forget about
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this 18 months from now. republicans are going to remind people but if if happens sooner and down the pike here when the campaign is up and running they have been able to have a faster response time. there's a lag in the tweet and it's created a lot of speculation what she could be hiding. that will not go away. there's a group that thinks that hillary is hiding e-mails and something in the closet that she does not wants us the know about. >> no, the state department of the state white house is reviewing 55,000 pages of e-mails that the former secretary of state turned over, but says it's not looking for wrong doing. it's just looking to see which e-mails can be released pub lucki
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lickly. do you think that there needs to be or is that too much? >> well, maybe she had 150 and the question is did she break the law? is this something ton prosecuted for. most think no. it's a breach of protocol or maybe bad boss behavior. to do one thing while you're telling everybody else something. there's a enough ways for hillary to get out of this this. it will schismly tarnish here and it's going to be a scar on her and a burden to carry in the couple of months. it's nothing too big and you're seeing it in the republican commercials. if she is the nominee they're going to be running against her and saying this is the woman that's constantly hiding things. >> likely not to hear the end of this for sure. thank you doug for were austin,
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texas. >> thank you. coming up history was made 50 years ago on an alabama bridge. we will take a look at the bridge this morning. the nation coming together in selma and a top lawmaker is making the trip after reporting that he would not be there. we will have a live report for you in a moment. that's what is going on right now. okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu.
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mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™. >> this week's ones to watch series examines the art of commercial dance. frank gatsen, behind the beyonce's single lady routine shows you the best place to go. >> from the tap to the charleston, the jitterbug to the twist, most popular dances began as underground sensations. every decade it seems these communities create something
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fresh and vibrant. pop stars have been long tapping into this hidden treasure chest of moves, often transforming them into crazes. >> michael did not create the moon walk. the moon walk was done on every street corner in america. they have done that in new orleans for the last 20 years. ♪ this is one guy named big frieda. he was upset because he was like wow, i've been doing that forever. look, miley cyrus doesn't do it the right way. i'm trying to keep up with the latest dance. like the na-na. i don't know if you know what that is. i don't even know why it's called that. >> like it's wind through the leaves in the trees. >> l.a.'s get0 has been a laboratory of street dance.
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one of its residents is credited with creating the clowning style which evolved. the style that defined them. >> here you struggle. it's a struggle to dance. these kids go through so much and broken homes, single parents, gang violence, drugs and stuff. it's a lot of anger can be built up that they are able to release through the form of dance. they battle one by one, somebody flip through the air. tear your head off. without touching you on the dance floor and then the crowd is going to be the judge. >> that is awesome. for more check out to watch.
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>> both of them amontgomery those gathering. 50 years ago alabama state troopers attacked, clubbed and tear-gassed marchers on the edmund pettus bridge as they march for voting rights. let's bring in athena jones live from selma. what's the mood out there? >> reporter: good morning, joe. the commemoration gets under way several hours from now. we arrived near the bridge more than an hour ago and we saw people out on the street so this is going to be a bigevent, a much anticipated event of course. but i want to tell you about a very special place we were able to tour. it's a home that played a central role in the movement here in selma. it's where martin luther king slept, ate and strategized when he was in selma. >> if these walls could talk they would tell a story of a family here in selma, that has tried to give and contribute and
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they would also tell a story of a movement. >> in selma, alabama, sits a house where time has stood still. >> this is the bedroom in which dr. king would entertain all of the phone calls that would come into this home from president johnson and the white house. this is the actual phone that he would use to take the calls. >> did you hear his end of the conversation? >> i would hear a voice, i could not understand but i could hear the tones and the intonations of what i now know to be very, very serious conversations. >> this home and a young jackson were depicted in the movie "selma." >> you were 5 at the time. >> i was 5. i remember the wonderful bedtime stories that he used to read to me. humpty-dumpty was one of his favorites. >> tell me about this room. >> this is the exact room where
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dr. king, who was still living in the home, was sitting the night that president johnson gave his famous we shall overcome speech. this is the actual chair, this is the television. all of the furniture in this room is original. >> how many people are we talking about would be here at one time? >> on some days there would be 20, 30 people. >> there were times when people had to sign up for bathroom and bathtub space. very often people would sleep in the bathtubs. this is the room that dr. king and his staff met the morning of the selma to montgomery march. they booted up in this room. and they also had a prayer session in this room. this was the home that sheltered the movement. it was the home that gave the people that led this movement comfort. >> thanks to athena jones for that report. we'll have more live from selma, alabama all morning long.
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>> we'll take you there. also, the latest on our breaking news coverage of two arrests in the assassination of boris nemtsov, the russian opposition leader gunned down. the next hour of "new day" begins in a moment. oh yea, that's coming down let's get some rocks, man. health can change in a minute. so cvs health is changing healthcare. making it more accessible and affordable, with walk-in medical care, no appointments needed and most insurance accepted. minuteclinic. another innovation from cvs health. because health is everything.
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arrested to last week's murder of opposition leader boris nemtsov. >> glad to have you here. 8:00 on the dot. we begin with that police shooting out of madison. protests overnight after an officer shot a 19-year-old african-american teen. investigators say he tried to attack the officer. so, what you're looking at are the demonstrations that took place later. people shouting black lives matter. police saying the officer was responding to a call, actually to several call, that a man was jumping in and out of traffic. and that's when this incident began. take a listen. >> once inside the home, the subject involved in this incident, the same one that had been allegedly out in traffic and had battered someone, this same subject then assaulted my officer and in the context of
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mutual combat in that sense, the officer did draw his revolver and subsequently shot the subject. >> the division of criminal investigation has already been brought in to investigate the incident, but i want to bring in reporter kristin right now with our affiliate wkow on the phone with us from madison. kristin, thanks for being with us. i understand you arrived on the scene sloyrt aft scene shortly after the shooting. what did you experience? >> when we got down to the scene there were upwards of 20 police cars on scene. we quickly started to hear it was officer involved, actually one of our state representatives, representativee street. she was told to get down. she came over to me and told me this was an officer-involved shooting. we began to see protesters gathering as word spread this was a black 19-year-old shot and
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killed by an officer. >> what do we know about why the officer went into the house? can you walk us through what we know happened? >> so, the police chief has told us that originally they got calls that there was a person causing a disturbance in the street running in and out of traffic, acting unsafe. as officers were responding to the call, the police chief tells us that the call was upgraded to a disturbance inside this apartment. when the officer arrived on scene, he says he heard a disturbance in the apartment. he actually forced entry into the apartment. the police chief says that the officer was knocked down, sustained a blow to the head and that's when he pulled his weapon and did shoot the teenager. >> when you say a disturbance, i saw the word battery, they suspected there was some sort of assault or battery going on? >> the information we've gotten is that earlier this subject was involved in a battery according to the police chief but it's unclear if it was a battery that
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was the disturbance going on in the apartment when officers arrived. they haven't elaborated on what that officer heard or what that disturbance was inside the apartment when the officer forced entry. we don't know details about that. >> certainly early in the investigation. kristin, appreciate your insight. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. let's bring in cedric alexander, president of the national organization of black law enforcement executives, also a member of the white house task force on 21st century policing. still too early to say what's happened in this particular situation. but as we see across the country, situations like this developing, creating tensions between the police and the community. tell me about what your task force was able to glean, would be the best way forward to try to resolve and defuse situations like this. >> it was the president's task force and i just happened along
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with ten other real extraordinary people to be part of that task force and that process as well, too. let me say this, joe. if any one goes and pull up, go to 21st century policing, interim report, pull down that report, take a look at it, what you're going to find is six pillers in there that go from police trust to police wellness, how do we develop trust in relationships in communities across this country. because there's a very apparent obviously clear suggestion that many communities across this country don't trust their police departments. one thing we're certain will is that we have to have police. >> so it's dialogue first or -- >> it's having that opportunity. and many police departments do it well across this country. there are some that struggle still. but yes, it is opening up that dialogue, having an opportunity to sit down to talk so that when you have issues that do occur in your community, oftentimes that
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meaning that the leadership in the community, the law enforcement leadership, criminal justice leadership, can sit down and resolve. when there is a community, atmosphere and environment of mistrust that may have been long standing, so any time you have an incident that is of question, it start to create pause in the mind of citizens, what you have is often what we've seen very much of the last number of months. >> so this police chief in wisconsin, he did get out in front of it. you see him in front of the camera talking about it almost immediately as opposed to waiting for a series of reports to come in. >> that is critically important that any time you have an incident involving a particular police-involved shooting it's important that the leadership of that department get out front and tell the community as much as they can about the incident. but of course we also have to be mindful and respectful of the fact, too, that you do not want to compromise the investigation by revealing too much
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information before all the facts are in. >> one of the things that we noticed in this protest was we saw signs that were ready made. some of them, they were not handwritten. one said stop the racist killer cop. this is just hours after this incident happened. and i'm wondering how do we -- how do we bridge that gap and help people understand or make sure that everybody's voice is heard? because clearly, this is not ferguson, this is early in this investigation, but ferguson has resonated obviously with a lot of people. we've got the dialogue, you said we've got the police chief coming out. is there anything else that can be done to make people feel like their voices are heard? isn't that what they want? they want to feel like somebody heard them. >> absolutely. communication is basic and fundamental. frankly, that's the first thing that has to happen. but unfortunately, you take a
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community like ferguson, there has clearly been no relationship between that community and that police department. or its criminal justice system for that matter. they find themselves in this awkward position that they are in. and what i will continue to say is that if we take a look, if you take a look at those recommendations that have been put forth and for the public across this country, to take a look at and police departments as well, too, it's an opportunity to get from that report a number of recommendations and action items that we all can put into place. >> it is an opportunity. yes. >> absolutely. >> thanks so much. good to see you. >> good to have you here. thank you. listen, we want to tell you about this developing story we're watching this morning. arrests in the assassination of boris nemtsov one week after the russian opposition leader was gunned down. russian media reporting two suspects have been detained now.
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>> nemtsov is one of president vladamir putin's most vocal critics, he was shot in the back steps from the kremlin. surveillance video captured his assassination while he was walking over a bridge with his girlfriend. let's get to senior international correspondent matthew chance, he joins us from moscow. matthew, what's going on there? >> reporter: well, a flurry of excitement i suppose at this news which was announced on national television by the head of the fsb, the main security service in russia, that two people, men, had been detained on suspicion of involvement in the killing of boris nemtsov on friday night as you mentioned, as he was walking home from a meal with his girlfriend. they had been named, they are said to come from the north region of southern russia which is a long way from moscow but a very restive region, a number of conflicts, chechnya at the heart of them. and the fact they are from the
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north caucuses isn't necessarily an indication that the killing was linked to the caucasus. there are guns for hire. vladamir putin for many opposition figures in russia is ultimately responsible for the death of this kremlin critic if not directly giving the order, then at least for creating an atmosphere in russia in which kremlin critics are killed. we've spoken to family members, the daughter, 30 years old, the daughter of boris nemtsov action bereaved daughter. she had little faith authorities would get to the bottom of her father's killing. take a listen. >> do you have faith that the authorities will bring those responsible to justice? >> no. it's a short answer. no. i don't believe in that. and i think that it's now we
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have -- russia has crossed the line because after this murder, and people will be frightened to express their views which contradict to their official standpoint. >> well, also saying that she holds, again, this idea she holds vladamir putin responsible because he is the leader of the country. she said, and this was a bare faced murder in the heart of the russian capital. >> no doubt a lot of suspicion there about whether the suspects are the suspects but we'll learn more about that in coming days. matthew, thanks so much for that. isis pushed out of a key city in iraq. it's a huge victory some say. however, there is concern by some with the fact that iran was helping iraqi forces. we'll discuss the potential
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repercussions. >> plus, the president along with thousands of other people planning to commemorate the historic selma marches, we'll speak with georgia congressman john lewis who was one of the marchers attacked 50 years ago on bloody sunday. . at humana, we believe the gap will close when healthcare changes. when frustration and paperwork decrease. when healthcare becomes simpler. so let's do it. let's simplify healthcare. let's close the gap between people and care.
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only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. it penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells.. don't tough it out, knock it out, fast. abreva. 15 minutes past the hour. so glad to have you here. the french embassy in mali is warning citizens be on alert. this following a deadly shooting at a bar in the capital. it killed five people, eight people were injured. i want to show you this new video. it's just coming in. that is the bar that's been roped off by police yellow tape. according to officials the dead include a french citizen, a belgian, three malians. malian forces have been battling islamic militants for years. >> there has been a blow to
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isis, iraqi troops recaptured a town friday on the southern outskirts of tikrit. this victory in al dur is seen as a key step toward pushing isis out of tikrit. iraq did not do it alone. they got help with the military and artillery backing from the iranian government. >> that part makes a lot of people uncomfortable there, so let's bring in analyst lieutenant colonel james reese. we thank you for being here. why is iran getting involved in the fight against isis now? >> judge good morning. good afternoon from baghdad. the bottom line is the iranians feel they are here to help the iraqis who were their neighbors destroy isis. they have a religious background, as many know from shia, predominantly shia, and they are here to do the same thing the americans are, they have special forces, advisers
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and assistance teams on the ground supporting the iraqi military as well as the iraqi militia forces to destroy isis. >> i'm wondering, do iranians see this war in iraq and the instability as an opportunity for them in terms of their influence in that region? >> yeah, they do. there's really two ways of looking at it. tactically, several people even general dempsey, the chairman of joint chiefs said it's probably a good thing to have the iranians on the ground assisting. unfortunately, at the strategic or national level, this could be catastrophic for some of the countries in the region, like the saudis, or the majority sunni countries. that right now is everyone trying to figure out which strategically, dock turnlely or they want this end state to look at with iran in the mix. but at the end of this, iran
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could be the big winner in this region. >> general martin dempsey you mentioned chairman of joint chiefs of staff said he is concerned about ethnic cleansing in iraq at some point. do you all there have that same fear? >> you know, christi, i followed ben wedeman to tikrit yesterday. and it was just -- i was very impressed with the pmu, the people's popular movement unit, along with the iraqi police and some of the military forces we had. they were very motivated. they were helping both sides discussing about shia and sunni and i did not see any, and i spent years here fighting and seen some of the conflict and i was impressed. >> isis is a catch 22. you can't negotiate with them, they have proven to be difficult to squash, particularly in the social media and recruitment aspects as well. do you believe, are you
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confident that defeating isis is truly possible? >> i do. and i think, again, the forces we saw the other day, again i was very impressed with the way they secured for the iraqi veterans out there, the old route tampa that went north out of baghdad all the way to mosul. they had that secured very well. now it's like a ghost town while we traveled north to tikrit, because really, everyone had moved out of the area. and we only saw a few shepherds along the way. but the iraqis have done a great job in securing it and right now they are trying to do mop up operations and take the rest of tikrit which isis has pretty much left the foreign fighters and put the sniper teams out which will cause the iraqis to take time to clear the city which could take time. >> well, lieutenant colonel james reese, so appreciate your insight and service. take good care. thank you. still a lot of domestic news to tell you about the mayor of
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ferguson, missouri speaks to cnn, hear what he's saying about the justice department's blistering report on widespread racial bias against african-americans. and could the city's police department be disbanded? plus, families of militia airlines flight 370 are still, still clinging to hope. why we could learn new details about what happened to the boeing 777 later today. vo: 85 percent of people who travel will go someplace they've already been. where's the fun in that? it's time to find someplace new. book the hotel you want with the flight you want, and we'll find the savings to get you there.
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cnn, since the latest fallout over the justice department's scathing report that found widespread and discrimination by ferguson police against african-americans. >> two proofs have resigned, the city's top clerk fired over racist e-mails that were detailed in the report released last week. this is video of one of the officers who resigned. the report followed all of the protests and riots after last year's shooting death of an unarmed black teen michael brown by a white ferguson police officer. >> cnn's nick valencia joining us. what have we learned about the moments leading up to this shooting? >> this department of justice report, teaches us a lot. we learned a lot including that physical evidence does not support the mantra hands up don't shoot, that made famous by mike brown supporters. it goes on to say widely circulated witnesses that of dorian johnson with brown at the time of the shooting may not have been true. even still, to your point this
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department of justice report also found a pattern of unconstitutional policing and perhaps even discrimination. sarah who made ferguson her second home sat down with the mayor of that city and asked him pretty point blank questions. >> if the police department is still here is there any sense from your part that you say you know what, this is going to get shut down, we're going to let the county come in. >> absolutely not. >> no chance. >> no. >> so you think this is fixable, you're willing to try to fix it. >> the justice department said it's fixable. our harshest critics said it's fixable. i will agree with them. >> that was the mayor from the city of ferguson. it's a slightly different message from what we heard from u.s. attorney general eric holder. >> we are prepared to use all of the power that we have to ensure that the situation changes there. and that means everything from working with them to you know,
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coming up with an entirely new structure. >> does that include dismantling the police force? >> if that's what's necessary we're prepared to do that. >> if that's what's necessary dismantling the police force all options are essentially on the table. the divide in ferguson is just as big as ever with mike brown supporters saying that this latest report is intended to demonize the victim. now the police union had in ferguson saying its community at fault for not listening to the facts and the evidence. that's why the police and the community seemingly can't see eye to eye. >> all right. nick, appreciate it. you know, hours from now we could learn new details about what happened to malaysia airlines flight 370, why search crews haven't found a piece of wreckage. hopefully we'll get updates. >> that's right. and tonight we could finally hear from hillary clinton, her first public comments since this
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private e-mail controversy sort of spiraled out of control. what is she going to say? what does she need to say? 'm re. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™. [ bottle ] ensure®. introducing data stash. now at t-mobile, all your unused data rolls forward for 12 months.
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erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover. it's one of the biggest mysteries in aviation history. what happened to malaysia flight 370. officials are expected to release an interim report on initial findings. >> tomorrow marks one year since the boeing 777 vanished en route to beijing from kuala lumpur. 239 were on board and so far not a single piece of wreckage has
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been found. >> i want to bring in anna korin live from kuala lumpur. is there an early indication what is going to be in this report? >> reporter: we don't know. everyone here in malaysia very eager to obviously learn what is in the report. expected to be 600 pages long. we know it's coming out 3:00 p.m. local time on sunday. this of course coincides with the one-year anniversary of the plane's disappearance. families telling us that they are infuriated about the timing of the release. they feel it's insensitive and completely inappropriate. but what we can tell you about the report, it is independent, it's been made up of seven air accident and investigation organizations from the u.s., uk, australia, china, france, boeing, as well as rolls-royce
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have participated. we'll find out the technical details into the latest in the investigation. now, the families also concerned about the search. we know it's under way in the southern indian ocean, 1,000 nautical miles off the coast of australia. there are about 40% through this priority search area. families, however, believe that if this area is completed by may, which is what authorities are saying, and nothing is found, there is no plane debris in that priority area, that the search will be called off. i pushed this with the transport minister here in malaysia, take a listen to that. >> we will rely on expert g guiding us. as a government we would like the expert view before we decide further. >> is malaysia committed to searching if it's not in the priority zone? >> we'll listen to the expert
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view. we are guided by the experts. >> minister, you're not answering the question. >> i'm saying that because if the expert views that it is not this area then the expert tell us where it is. >> you believe that the plane will be found? >> yes. yes. >> so, obviously the transport minister here deflecting as to whether malaysia will commit to a search. you have to remember, $120 million from malaysia and australia has been put into this search. that money will be exhausted by may. it will be up to the international community as to whether they want to continue searching for mh 370. as far as the chief executive officer of malaysia airlines is concerned he believes that the search must continue because the world deserves to know what happened. christi. >> the families certainly, right, deserve to know what
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happened to their families, in terms of aviation i think people want to be confident in the planes they fly and the people who are commanding them. anna, thank you so much. appreciate it. even before that report comes in, many people say it's clear from what happened to flight 370 that better tracking of planes is needed. the international civil aviation organization is proposing that airlines get position updates from the aircraft on long haul flights every 15 minutes instead of 30 to 40 minutes which had been the norm. the proposal is being tested by australia, malaysia and indonesia. let's bring in captain chris ter buddy, the officer for the seventh fleet aboard the uss blue ridge off the coast of japan. how much do you think this tracking system is overdue? >> given the changes in aviation, particularly the
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expansion of transcontinental routes, probably is overdue. but the technology hasn't always been there. satellite band width to send those updates certainly had to come down in cost significantly before airlines could make it viable. >> this tracking system is expected to be in place by november of next year. and the simple question there is, if it's such a long time coming, why is it taking so long to actually institute the change? >> well, to understand on long haul flights there is no way to communicate with the ground particularly over the ocean. so, it cannot be done by regular line of sight radios like a cell phone, for example. so it's got to go via satellite. and setting up a worldwide satellite system for this does take time. it's a bit of a technological
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problem as well as setting up channels, setting up who's going to get that information, how it's going to be relayed around the world. just takes time to do. >> you took part in the search for airasia flight 8501 that went down in the java sea in december, and you sent us some of the images of the navy divers, the sonar used. tell us more about that search you did there and whether your experience with flight 370 helped you in this newer search. >> well, first i'd like to emphasize that the united states did not organize that search. that was the u.s. navy, the united states seventh fleet, supporting the indonesian government who did a fantastic job of organizing that. now, the lessons learned from that, we took from mh 370 into
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the latest disaster, were some changes to our military sonar equipment, to allow us to process at a frequency that at very close range can hear black box pingers. we also kind of took the lesson away to get equipment moving into this theater a little faster. we don't keep, for example, pinger locators with the operational fleets. so getting equipment moving, getting it staged on a ship and out to the search area was a good lesson we took away from the last time around. >> the common sense question that started about a year ago with flight 370 and continues to this day is, why aren't all airliners using gps to track planes? and why are they just using radar? do you think that will ever change? why is it the way it is right now?
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>> well, all airliners do use gps for navigation. so ground controllers using -- in order to use a gps position from an aircraft, would have to have the radio link with the aircraft relaying that position that aircraft is generating from gps. so as i said earlier get zboos the technological requirements of establishing a worldwide satellite-based network to move that information around. >> and you think it's purely technological and wasn't pilots objecting to the notion? >> i honestly couldn't see why a pilot would object to the notion of being able to more accurately track their aircraft. but i'd have to defer to an airline pilot for anything further on that. >> got it. thank you so much. good talking to you. cnn's richard quest will be going through the report when it
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is released and we'll have him here tomorrow morning. for more on how you can help those affected by the crash of malaysia flight 370 check out potential republican presidential candidates in iowa and a lot of people looking straight at jeb bush. details for you. most of the products we all buy
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43 minutes past the hour. within hours we could hear from hillary clinton regarding that e-mail controversy swirling around her right now, expected to speak at the university conference in miami tonight. so the questions have been increasing steadily as to why clinton used a personal e-mail account rather than a government one when she was running the state department. now, remember, she did get on twitter wednesday night at 11:30, saying that she wanted the public to see her e-mail, some top democrats are breaking their silence now. >> i think hillary's great. i think she'll you know, she's already said she wants the e-mails out. what do americans care about, good paying jobs, a good
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country, good family, all that stuff isn't going to matter. >> you don't think it's going to hurt the prospects. >> i don't think, no. >> openness and transparency are required of governing in the modern age. >> possible presidential rival jeb bush says he thinks it's baffling, clinton used a private e-mail and a home server for official state business. >> ask republican candidates for president are in iowa today for the agricultural summit. cnn executive political editor mark preston is there also. mark, gearing up for 2016 and i know they talk more than just about agriculture. what's happening there today? >> reporter: well, you know joe, oftentimes when we talk about iowa we talk about the social conservative vote. this morning and today we'll hear from nine potential republican presidential candidates, they are going to talk about something you don't often hear, agriculture issue, immigration, trade, gmo, issues
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that presidential candidates don't often talk about on the stump but are important in iowa including the issue of ethanol, added to gasoline. the american petroleum institute and the gasoline folks don't want to see it added. it's an added expense. in iowa it's a big issue. we're going to hear q and a by a wealthy business man here who will spend 20 minutes with each, ask them what they think about these issues. >> jeb bush making his first appearance in the state for the 2016 cycle. how's he being received? >> reporter: well, i'll tell you, we saw him last night, his first appearance last night, a fund-raiser for a congressman. he did a q and a, 15 or 20 minutes. after he spent time working the room, taking selfies, shaking hands. i got to tell you, during his q and a he was critical of the obama administration, also
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critical of hillary clinton. saying it's worse off than it has been. >> we have new threats that didn't exist a decade ago, threats of terror, defending the homeland and protecting while we protect civil liberties we need to be engaged to make sure no attack takes place in our own country. there's a lot of things we need to restore. this president and by the way, his former secretary of state have let us down in this regard. >> reporter: there you have jeb bush last night talking about the state of the united states when it comes to national security. a lot of questions whether he is going to run for president, joe. i think it's fair to say it's very likely he will seek the republican nomination. >> so we're about a year out from the caucuses now. and certainly important for all of the potential candidates who are there. but it also says something about the potential candidates who are not in iowa right now, doesn't
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it. >> reporter: right. you know, this is the running of the gauntlet. there's going to be a lot of these forums. we're looking at over 1,000 people here on a saturday morning today to hear what the candidates have to say. it's a good way for the candidates who have decided to come to make in roads, talk about issues important to iowans, the ones who can't make it will be at a disadvantage. i got to tell you the question is going into next year will iowa be competitive in the sense will we see all the republican presidential candidates making a play here, in the past we've seen the more centrists republicans decide to skip iowa. i think this time around that might change. joe. >> very interesting. skip iowa, go straight to new hampshire or something. so we'll see what happens there. mark preston, thanks so much. remember that dress, yes, the dress, it's back again. but not in the way that you're thinking about it. it's quickly going viral, thanks
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to an ad campaign. a lot of people calling this powerful. [ r&b slow jam playing] ♪ yeah, girl ♪ you know, i've been thinking about us ♪ ♪ and, uh, i just can't fight it anymore ♪ ♪ it's bundle time ♪ bundle ♪ mm, feel those savings, baby and that's how a home and auto bundle is made. better he learns it here than on the streets. the miracle of bundling -- now, that's progressive.
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blue and black, white and gold, the dress is going viral again but in a different way. it's the focus of a new ad campaign that brings attention to domestic violence. speaking to the creator and the people behind this ad, i did not know it was the people of the salvation army. >> the public relations officer for the salvation army gets a call on thursday afternoon from an ad agency that she's never heard of, and they say to her,
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we've got an ad you may be interested in. she takes a look at this ad, this image and says it's so in keeping with our campaigns to combat sexual abuse, domestic violence, sex trafficking which is so prolific in south africa. she says i love it. they say you have 45 minutes to give us your logo. it's going to print tonight. the next morning it was in the times and she got calls from all over the world because the picture went viral. >> there it is. >> there it is. you can see it really brings about the discussion about domestic violence, abuse and she said sex trafficking. then i spoke to the creator of the ad who had contacted her. >> the fact that we have actually been part of the global movement, the social network and the on line community, being able to just do something that
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feels so right, we believe in being able to do portraits like this, we've done work for south africans against drunken driving, and now salvation army, we wanted to give back and especially the creative juice from the team that came to life to be able to do something different. >> you notice the black and blue in the ad is on her. the bruises on her body. that's the black and blue they speak of. this is going viral all over the place. not just in south africa. what does this cost? >> absolutely nothing. it cost the salvation nothing, and the advertising agency only used volunteers, so the girl in the picture is in fact a woman who works for the agency. they even got the makeup artist to donate the makeup. they got people to donate time. because when that picture came out is this black and blue, is
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this white and gold, they said all of this buzz about a seemingly meaningless conversation, what if we could create this about something meaningful. and so they created this remarkable ad which, up until this morning had millions of hits on social media and just continues to be looked at. but they showed the dress on. they photo shopped her in terms of that. and had a lot of people come together and really speak about the discussion, you were speaking about no more. about domestic violence, abuse. salvation army have a shelter in south africa and hoping that this ad will result in that kind of conversation and donations. and karen said to me, if that picture just results in the awareness of one woman or one situation, you never know what the ramifications are. >> it's done its job. right, no more, no more week starts tomorrow on march 8 to
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here are stories we're following. >> police investigating what caused a medical helicopter to crash last night in missouri. take a look at the pictures. the chopper went down on the parking lot of st. louis hospital, killed the pilot. the pilot's identity has not been released. no patients, employees or visitors were injured. >> a dean at a boston high
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school shot execution style one of his students. the assistant district attorney says 55-year-old shawn harrison was running a marijuana distribution ring, harrison allegedly hired the teen he is accused of shooting to sell weed for him. the 17-year-old victim is expected to survive. boston public schools say harrison has been fired. >> and former vice president walter mondale is in the hospital now. mondale, now 87, was admitted to the mayo clinic after he was diagnosed with the flu. former president jimmy carter said mondale is doing well. mondale served under carter between 1977 and 1981. he later ran for president but lost to ronald reagan. >> a dolphin trainer from spain that was supposed to work in atlanta's aquarium is missing. authorities searching for the 59-year-old on the resort island of may orca. his employment was put on hold
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when a dark grainy video surfaced that many say show he and other trainers abused dolphins. >> that's it for us. we'll see you back here at 10:00 eastern time. i'm michael smerconish. welcome to the program. we begin with breaking news. demonstrations through the night in reaction to a police shooting of an african-american teenager this time in madison, wisconsin. this comes as thousands are gathering now in selma, alabama to commemorate the historic civil rights march there 50 years ago. we'll get to that in a moment. >> first, to madison. a 19-year-old is dead, police say it happened because the teen attacked an officer, as word spread of the shooting a crowd gathered at police headquarters. kristin is a reporter from our affiliate wkow and joins us on the
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