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tv   Inside Politics  CNN  March 8, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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make some great memories today. >> thanks a lot. "inside politics" with john king starts right now. >> take care. hillary clinton hardly seems worried. >> don't you some day want to see a woman president of the united states? >> republicans say using a private e-mail account while secretary of state broke the rules and may have put sensitive secrets at risk. >> you do not need a law degree to have an understanding of how troubling this is. >> plus, jeb bush makes his first iowa trip as a 2016 contender. >> i learned a lot by campaigning for my dad and for my brother. i learned a lot about iowa as well. >> and president obama reflects on selma. >> we know the march is not yet
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over. we know the race is not yet won. >> 50 years later, a giant km commemoration. "inside politics," the biggest stories sourced by the best reporters now. welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king. thanks for sharing your sunday morning. with us to share their insights, lisa lara, rob fournier and our newest member of the cnn team, jess eleny. it's hardly news that hillary clinton is controlling, she likes to do things her way. the big question driving national politics at the moment is whether these instincts drove her over the line. she kept it under her control at her private residence. team clinton says no big deal. everything federal law and regulation mandates is preserved safe and sound, they say.
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but critics wonder whether to trust that answer, whether her way was a deliberate strategy to delay or defy legitimate requests for documents about taxpayer business and whether her way puts sensitive materials at higher risk of hacking. so ron fournier, you've covered clintons for a long time. team clinton says, listen, you're blowing this out of proportion. it's a media feeding frenzy. critics say, we don't know zsh. >> it's not critics say, it's anybody with a brain in their head and isn't in the tank for the clintons. this is a very clear violation of the regulations. it's a very clear violation of the spirit of the regulation. those are our e-mails. she never should have tried to skirt it. it's not even a matter of debate. this is an issue she's created. it's an issue she can solve. i'll go back. let's go way back to two weeks ago to the foundation, the fact
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that the foundation was taken foreign money. i think that's a bigger controversy because we all grew up around the watergate hearings learning that you have to follow the money, follow the money, follow the money. i think there are some really big questions about the nexus between foreign donations to the foundation, corporate donations to the foundation and potential conflicts of interest. and for us to follow that money we have to go through those e-mails. those e-mails should be a public document. >> those e-mails should be a public document. lisa, the president of the united states when he was campaigning, they lined everybody in the room, they raised their hands, they took oaths. he said it would be the most transparent administration in history. we do know that the white house sent e-mails to say -- look, people in the bush administration did this, too. this is not a brand-new practice. hillary clinton was not alone in using a private account. the question is whether she should have known better and her boss said my preference is you use a government account. whether you be transparent, she's in control of the records. here's the president of the
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united states talking to cbs's -- bill plant asked whether hillary clinton kept her promise. >> you say that you have the most transparent administration ever. you've said it again a couple of weeks ago. >> it's true. >> how does this square with that? >> well, i think the fact that she's going to be putting them forward will allow us to make sure that people have the information they need. >> that's the i didn't really -- i wish you hadn't asked that question, but she will be transparent so that meets the test. he's being nice, right? >> yeah. i mean, it certainly has raised a lot of questions for the interaction. this was the first real test of how the. hillary campaign will interact with the white house. it doesn't seem like they passed it with flying colors. there are a lot of substantive policy questions like the kind you're raising. there are political strategy questions here. one thing we learned this week was that the white house knew about this or found out about it in august which is frankly a little bit late. it's an awfully long time before march and an awfully long time
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before she was talking about launching a formal campaign so i think a lot of democrats around town have been saying to me and other people, why wasn't this handled back in august months and months and months before april which is before she comes out talking about something formally. get this out there, deal with it, have this buffer of more than six months to have these things processed through? instead you have this whole scandal, all of these questions coming out before -- >> real quickly, the president wasn't being nice. that was a cover up by semantics. the only thing he should be answering is i want that server back, that belongs to the people and the administration. give me that server. >> not the first time democrats have had public support, private trepidation when the clintons are involved in a conversation that involves secrecy. >> no doubt about it. what this has given republicans on a silver platter is a new reason to ask these questions. people had largely forgotten about the benghazi committee. that's why this is all coming up now. this is fueled what was
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essentially an old fire, this is now going to go on forever because there are now subpoenas, new investigations. so exactly what's happening now, there is going to -- throughout the duration of her presidential campaign there's likely to be a congressional investigation. you're right. had they sort of dealt with this six months ago it would not be as hot of an issue at this point. so fueling these old flames to me seems so politically questionable why they thought that this would not explode at this point. >> this is christmas in march for republicans. christmas came late this year. >> christmas in march. i like that. one of the questions though, you mentioned bill clinton and the foreign contributions. one of the questions, everything she does will be reflected on him and his history and his secrecy and the investigations about him. that's what republicans will be hoping. we don't want to go back to that. we don't want to go back to the clinton days. you mentioned the foreign contributions and it is mind numbing that when she was secretary of state the president of the united states said, can't do this. no foreign contributions.
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then she left office and they started taking contributions again. listen to bill clinton saying, look, we're transparent about this. don't worry. >> i agree with all the foreign policy of saudi arabia? no. my theory about all of this is disclose everything, and then let people make their judgments, but i think there are more than 300,000 people, you should know this, in some form or fashion that have contributed money in the work we've done over the years, and i believe we've done a lot more good than harm. i believe this is a good thing. >> there is no question the clinton foundation does some remarkable work around the world. however, he says disclose everything and everything is okay. if it was just him, just a former president, i could process that. you know, a, she was secretary of state and, b, she's probably going to run for president. isn't that a higher standard? >> absolutely. you're seeing that right now. if there's not more disclosure,
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that will pose a problem for them. these are questions you don't want to be answering as you launch your presidential campaign and we'll all assume hillary clinton will run for president. she's forcing us into an uncomfortable position. it gives republicans in the house ammunition to run with. this will dominate a lot of what she was hoping would be a clean launch for a campaign. >> there's been a lot of whispers about pay to play from inside the clinton team, pay to play at the clinton administration. those will become shouts unless she releases the e-mails. >> one question, do republicans overreach? the history of the clintons is forgive me you had the monica lewinsky scandal and two republicans lost their jobs. the public believed the republicans overreached. ted cruz is talking about this e-mail controversy. look, there are very legitimate issues about why it was at her home. listen to ted cruz's take.
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>> well, the allegations that have been raised against hillary clinton appear very serious and on the face of it it certainly seems that her conduct was in substantial continuing with if not in clear violation of federal law. there needs to be an investigation as to whether she violated the criminal laws of the united states. that rule should apply to her just as it applies to everyone else in america. >> turn them over, disclose them, give us a full accounting, i get it completely. is it safe ground for republicans to say violated the laws of the united states? may have violated the laws of the united states? >> you're absolutely right on the overreach. that is the pattern. it could happen here. we don't know what's in the e-mails. are voters, democratic voters going to be concerned about this? no. the most important part is it shows sort of how nimble they are in handling things like this. this has not been handled. she needs to talk about it.
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overreach is something that republican leaders are slightly worried about. speaker boehner has essentially kept pretty tight control over the committees not overreaching. we'll see if that continues. >> you say not handled well. this is part of the disconnect. the clintons think this is the way we do things, we react when necessary, do the minimal amount to disclose. we'll move forward. the state department investigation will work for us. it's worked in the past and it will work. >> they do. what they don't realize is the world has changed. in the 15 years since there was a clinton in the office, there's a little thing called the internet. back in the '90s there was 12 gate keepers basically. if we decided not to print something people didn't find out about it. now there's 300 million reporters and researchers. they can see through the spin. they can see through the lies. they can see the conflicts of interest. so i think, you know, this is going to be less about will the republicans overreach and are the democrats playing it right and just the facts. those are government e-mails. she did violate government
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regulations. turn over the e-mails. turn back the contributions and the story's over. >> it's also particularly damagdamag damaging because it plays into the narrative that the republicans have been setting up, this is the old hillary clinton. she left the state department with the sky high ratings. they want to bring it back to the '90s, secrecy, do anything for political gain. is an individual voter going to say, you know what, i am or am not voting for hillary clinton based on this e-mail issue? that seems hard to see. does this play into a larger narrative? for most people, let's be honest, they're not paying attention to the presidential race. we're still pretty far out. republicans are getting the chance to set the narrative for her. >> let's be honest, a lot of voters don't remember the clinton days. most people in camp clinton think this will be fine, this will pass, the election will be about foreign policy but i did
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talk to one veteran of the last clinton administration. the big question is transparency and authenticity matter more. we'll see. next, selma 50 years later and what the commemoration tells us about today's politics. politicians say the darndest things. hillary clinton and that darndest dress. >> i want to answer one question right at the start before it stirs up twitter. over the years people have read a lot of different things into my pantsuits, so let's settle this once and for all. despite what you might think, this outfit is not actually white and gold. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis from the inside out... with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain,
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welcome back. crowds will be back at the edmund pettus bridge in selma, alabama, to mark the 50th anniversary of bloody sunday. yesterday our first african-american president stood at the bridge and declared we know the march isn't over yet. it's a moment in history and a moment in politics. the iconic photo of 50 years ago. dr. king, coretta scott king beginning to march. the vip list of politicians including the president of the united states, former president george w. bush. why wasn't the house republican leadership going to be represented? at the last minute, kevin mccarthy did go, the number two in republican leader ship. tim scott, they're at the event. this is about history. this is an iconic event, sentinel event. you think about politics, president obama in 2012, 93% of
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the african-american vote. the republicans got 6. 2008, 95%, the republicans got 4. the last time they were in the white house, george w. bush did get 11%. this is an important number going forward. should that be part of the selma conversation? that's a debateable point. you were there in 2007, hillary clinton was there. i'm sort of flummexed. if you're the republican party and you know the biggest dilemma is non-white votes, why not? why not join as president bush did to his credit. why not say this is a day to mark history, bipartisan, nobody can have the political conversation if you all show up? >> it's the question i ask so many republican offices and no answer. i don't think they realized how significant this will be. of all the things speaker boehner and mitch mcconnell can't control. fly down there on a government plane and all of the presidential candidates were in
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iowa campaigning for the iowa caucuses. why weren't any of them there? it is an absolute point. the next democratic nominee is probably not going to be an african-american so it gives republicans a big chance to return to those '04 numbers. it makes it very difficult when they're not reaching out doing the easy things like this. >> if you want to make progress, you have to start somewhere. >> yeah. >> right. i mean, looking at the party overall, right, the republican party has struggled for the past decade or more with a party of inclusion as they're growing more diverse not just with african-americans but with latinos. this was an easy opportunity to change the image. whether they win 11% of the african-american vote or 4%, it's sort of about the global make crow image and they didn't take the opportunity. >> whether you agree or disagree with this president's poll six, he's made history. it is 50 years since the march on selma. that's what brought the voting rights act to selma.
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watch the speech that touched on the history. listen here as he responds to recent critics who suggest maybe he doesn't love america. >> that's what it means to love america. that's what it means to believe in america. that's what it means when we say america is exceptional, not stock photos or air brushed history or feeble attempts to define some of us as more american than others. [ applause ] >> not stock photos or air brushed history or feeble attempts to define some of us as more american than others. some people will say don't politicize selma. the president did right there. he was answering his recent critics. >> he absolutely was. i think there is a large camp of people on the left who say those critics are very racially motivated. this is an important moment. i was surprised to see the
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republican leadership's response not to attend the event. where we're talking about ferguson, where we're talking about eric garner, where we see another unarmed young blackman killed by police. i know the people i talked to are outside the beltway, they don't remember mccarthy decided to come or that alabama representative martha robie had a large roam. republicans didn't show up. >> neither of the clintons didn't show up. >> exactly. >> first, was this a political speech? yes, it was a political speech. selma was a political event. secondly, look who was there. president bush. the fact that president bush was there who did authorize the vote -- >> yeah. >> -- there's a reason why more people should follow president bush's example. lastly, the president's speech in that moment was worthy of grant. that will be covered in grant. that was american exceptionalism.
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works. "inside politics" table and ask
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our great reporters to get you out ahead of the political news around the corner. lisa? >> all eyes will be on senator rand paul this month as we near the deadline for talks on nuclear policy between iran and the united states. he's been trying to shore up his foreign policy credentials, satisfy the more hawkish elements of the republican party. this past week he signed on as a co-sponsor to legislation giving congress final say over any approval that -- any deal that's struck by the administration. it's unlikely to be enough to satisfy parts of the republican base and also satisfy key donors for the party who are very concerned about israel. he also came under fire this past week for not applauding vor sie vociferously enough bebe netanyahu's speech. all eyes will be on him. >> fascinating place for him. keep your ron paul space moving
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into rand paul. >> florida will double down on his contrast with hillary clinton on transparency. we know he released self-selected e-mails from his time in florida and issued one chapter of his book. what we didn't know is he's in serious negotiations with amazon that will have the full memoir printed. he'll use the e-mails to draw his narrative of his time in florida, the highs, the lows, but also some mistakes, errors. >> coming soon to a kindle near you. keep an eye. >> it is probably an understatement to say last week was not a particularly pretty week in the house of representatives and things won't get any easier. house lawmakers have to deal with the doc law fix before getting to october or november's debt ceiling fight. that raises two really big political questions i'm going to be watching over the next couple of weeks. first is was what we saw with the department of homeland security an isolated flap or is this a pattern an tag gee
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niezing the republicans. the second is when it comes to big deal legislation, is boehner going to antagonize his party or will he be passing bills with only republicans? that will tell us what the congress will look like. >> the next chapter of government by case os. mr. zelany? >> another talk of is there going to be another democrat jumping in. keep your eye for cedar rapids, iowa, for al gore. he's going back for perhaps a decade. he says he's not running, i'm sure he's not. he's doing a climate leadership workshop. by then hillary clinton will probably be in the race. democrats in iowa who are hungry for a different type of politics might be signing up for these workshops may 5th through the 7th in cedar rapids. al gore back on the road. >> the return of al gore. >> it couldn't be better. >> it couldn't be better. you're absolutely right.
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aisle he close with this. one of the early tests to prove you can raise the money, the big money for the long haul, especially in a wide open race. the first lap in the money chase ends at the end of this month. that's when candidates have to report their first quarter fundraising tolls. there's no doubt there will be the strength of the jeb bush money machine. team bush got a bit dismayed when several allies started talking about a record smashing $100 million quarter for his right to rise political action committee. now some bush allies are bragging a $50 million figure would still be a big deal. are they trying to over state expectations? we'll know in three weeks. that's it for "inside politics." we'll see you soon. "state of the union" starts right now. chaos and confusion on mh flight 370 and heavy blow back over hillary


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