tv CNN Tonight CNN March 10, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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first year of the rekovcovery, and it is clear that for miles, life definitely does go on. i'm dr. sanjay gupta. thank s thanks for watching. -- captions by vitac -- that was an incredibly moving hour and you rare right, sanjay life does go on. and breaking news have you seen this? a man trying to abduct a 2-year-old in washington state the, and the whole thing is caught on surveillance. and plus a sigma epsilon house at the oklahoma university fraternity house have until midnight to get their stuff out. and i'm don lemon and a number of things have been done since things were shot on a party bus, and went viral nation wooidwide.
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♪ >> well, this ist not othe only disturbing video linked to the fraternity. this is the 79-year-old house mother singing along in a 2013 rap song. bull pen are bull pen, [ bleep ]. >> so we have bleeped that word but you know what it is and fair warning for you, and this is fair warning, that is the last time that you will hear the bleeped version in this hour, because we believe it is important that you actually hear exactly what is being said so that the word is not sanitize ed to make it more palpable, and now the woman who is the house mo mother says she is heart broken and does not toll the rate any discrimination but what goes on behind the closed doors at the frat houses? we will talk about two members of the sigma alpha epsilon, but
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i want to begin with miguel marquez at the house of the fraternity there. and so parker rice is wunone of the two the students expelled for e leading that chant issued an apology, and what did he say? >> it is a full throated apology, and this is a guy who cannot apologize enough for the saturday incident where he is taped saying those word, and these are the leftovers of the protest that occurred here with 200 students of all colors came here to protest not on our campus and the only thing that upset them more than the n-word is that they were threatened with hanging, and this is the thing that struck a chord with so many people here. nin a statement here, parker rice saying that i know that everyone wants to know how or why this happened. i admit that it was fueled by alcohol consumption at the bus trip, but it is not an excuse. yes, the song was taught to us, am maizingly enough he says in
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the samt, but it does not work as n explanation, but it is more important to ak fodge what i did and didn't do. i did not say no and i clearly dismiss a value that i learned at my beloved high school dallas jes wit where ewe were taught to be be men for others, and i clearly failed in that regard and i completely disregarded the value values and the ethics this they lerped from my parents and others. and as another note we went to his house in dallas and it is empty, and he asked that the media and others leave their house, and they have to vacate, because they have had so many threats against their lives, don. >> and speaking of vacating, what is the lat esest a at the university, miguel? >> well, it is a steady stream of the moving trucks today, and this is the u-haul here at the sae house, and they may be all completely out. all afternoon, we saw the very large moving trucks here and by
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about 3:00 or 4:00 this afternoon, pretty much everybody was out of here. we saw a few guys moving stuff into this truck, and down the street, but it is looking like just about everyone is out. >> miguel mar kweshgsz thank you for the reporting, and awant to bring in two sigma alpha epsilon, and bruce james is the last member at the university of oklahoma, and always will who is the first, and i want to show you what broke it open. >> and hey, hey, they will never be a anythingg -- nigge at se and if so, thaey will be hanging be by a tree -- >> and again, we don't want to sanitize it, because that is what they said. and jonathan what is your reaction? >> well it is -- it is unbelievable and it feels like
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someone is punching you in the stomach that the -- the guys that were from my chapter of my fra tern at o.u. would say something -- and not just the nshgsn n-word, but they referred to lynching, and you know at a campaign of terrorism and cold-blooded murder p per pech pech -- perpetuated against african-americans singing about it as if it were jovial and a time to singing and partying and it, and it is incredibly disturbing to me. and not just me, but the people i am this the house with, and people i am friends with of all races to this day. and we are all just sick over in. >> and will, what is your reaction? do you feel they are talking about you? >> well, first off, i sure didn't need to hear it again.
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i don't think that anyone does. i understand. but it is not getting out of my head whether i hear it anymore or not. that being said, it is extremely painful to hear it obviously, and i can't watch the video. but the most shocking thing for me is that just -- it doesn't represent what i remember at all, and i don't understand how the house got there. that is not indicative of anything that i experienced at all. >> and what do you think of parker rice's apology? first will and then john. >> well you know if he's being sincere in the apology, then that's great. but honestly i feel a little
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bad for him, because he now is going to experience something that very few people that he associates with understands of walking into a room and being prejudged because of how he looks, and people knowing something about him, and i am suggesting ta his pap poll ji is not true, and he is not going to foe who believes him, and who he can trust a a, and that is going to be new for him, and that is going to be an education, and it is going to be tough. i feel bad for him that he is going to have to go through that. >> why are you shaking your head john? >> well that that is spott-on and incredibly well stated. i, yeah his apology -- first of all, i want to say that you know, it is disturbing to think that he is getting death threats over this, because that whole,
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that is exactly what was done to african-americans, you know that the threat of the death threats and the lynchings in the south, you know back in that era, and so i think it is very disturbing that people would perpetuate that same feeling against he and his loved ones and his family and so that is the first thing that bothers me in the statement. there is to place in the united states and in our society for that type of violent reaction, and that extremism, and the extreme thachl is perism against african-americans african-americans, and that needs to stop immediately. i think that obviously h hayes gone through a massive displacement in his life and i'm sure that he is doing the soul searching right now. i don't believe that he fully and currently understands the
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depth of the pain that he has caused or why really this is a big deal. i think that if maybe this video had not come to light, and there was a party next weekend, would you be singing the song? so -- >> did you ooeteither know him personally? >> no. >> no. >> and john, i understand that the you were the song leader of the chapter at one point, and did you ever come across something like this that surfaced, because some people think that it is a tradition? >> absolutely not. i have had quite a bit of discussion via the social media with the fraternity brother, and to this day, i count them among my lifelong friends, and closest friends and of all ethnicitys and socioeconomic backgrounds, and none of them have ever heard of this song. now, if it were sung there in a different era a bi-gone era, but definitely not ever when i
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was there. >> and i want to talk about the house mother, there and it sis bae baeton gillbo and is that the correctly pronounced? >> yes, mom bee. >> i feel like the rug has been pulled out from under me, and this is my life for 15 years. this is tough, and i thought they made it up on the bus or something, because i had never heard of it. >> and this surfaced and she is being scrutinized for the 2013 individual video, and she uses the n-word. ♪ niggan nigga nishgs gga
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sthoet ♪ >> she says that i have been made aware of the video of me and i have friends of all race, and doit not tolerate any form of discrimination in my life. i was sing inging along to a trinidad song, but completely understand how the video must appear in the context of the events that occurred this week. do you believe there is a difference in the context? >> i believe that she believes there is, but i don't believe there is. i don't believe that the word should be used in any contextt. i don't believe ta she should have sung along with that song, and that song should not have been made. that word needs to die, but that being said, i don't believe that mom bee has hatred in her heart.
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i was there with her for four year. she took great care of me and i could be naive in that maybe, but she cares about me, and my family, and she had pictures of me and my wife and the children on the entry way table, there there, and mom bee means a lot to e me, and i reached tout e her, and i said, hey, don't you ever use that word again even h a song, but, from me you are forgiven. >> john? >> well i would not hesitate for a split second to the say that mom bee is undoubtedly not a racist. i see her caught nupup in the moment. she does like to mix it up socially. she likes to have fun with the guys and their dates that they bring over to the house. i see this as something that her getting caught a waiway in a moment.
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but i don't believe it is uncommon for people who are non-african-american to sing along with a rap song with the n-word in it and to use it. that is what i would say from the interpretation of the video knowing mom bee, i would say undoubtedly she is not a racist. she cared deeply about me, and i spent quite a bit of time talking to her about life's ish issues in college, and she always had an open door for me and always as sweet as she could be. and the timing of the video release is unfortunate, but again, i have no doubt that she does not have hate or racism in her heart. >> and it seems that you two african-american members of the fraternity but i am judging from the satellite video but it seems to have hit both of you hard. and john it looks like you want to cry, and it is that the
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emotional for both of you? >> it is really, really difficult, because we love that place. and while we were members there, and you know, we worked hard and we won the national zeal award for sae as a group of people who did have different races involved, so it is really really tough to see the place that you loved and called home in college and some of the best times of my college and the best days and nights of my life were spent, and i you know laugh eded and cried with the guys at that house. it is devastating. >> i will give you the last word will. i have to go, but i will give you the last word. >> i agree with john. i think that what we had back when we were there was a beautiful microcosm of what all of society could have been. i hate that our chapter is going to be be a marred in this, because we saw some pretty impressive things and a lot of growth out of a lot of people in
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our years there. i hate that those steps forward didn't last through the years inside of that house. but i believe they did reverberate across the university to some extent are from the outt reach that i have received in the last day and couple of days. the sae that i remember did make a difference and that makes me feel different, but it is not the sae that was there recently. >> and william bruce james and jonathan davis, thank you. >> thank you for having us. >> we will have much more to come on the sigma alpha epsilon frat house after the racist chant that is closed this evening after that racist chant. we have live pictures in a moment. is greek life a breeding ground of trouble?
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plus, we will talk about "blurred lines" and did pharrell williams and robin thicke cross the lines with marvin gay's song song? the family thinks so and forced to give up $7.3 million. the traffic jam. scourge of 20th century city life. raiser of blood pressure. disrupter of supply chains. stealer of bedtime stories. polluter. frustrater.
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shout ♪ >> reporter: some of the most memorable comedys have zeroed in on frat houses "revenge of the nerds" and "the good and the bad and the ugly" and saying that greek houses focus only on the drink ing drinking, and recently it is greek houses behaving badly. just this last week university of michigan two houses were sus suspended for causing damage at a ski resort. and then there was a fraternity that was a chapter of sae, the same one at the center of the growing storm in oklahoma suspended for sexual harassment. and then a phi kappa pledge committed suicide after a family claims he was repeatedly hazed.
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>> unfortunately, many of the stereotypes are true and you see it happening again and again. >> reporter: there sis alex robertson the author of "pledged." my advice is get to know the group before you join and do not rush your freshman year of college. >> reporter: accord ing to the north american inner fraternity of college, 40% of american presidents have been a member of fra tern fraternities, and 50% of the fortune top 500 ceos were members including tim mcgraw, and many hollywood akctors, and including sally ride, and journalist katie couric and condoleezza rice and singer sheryl crow. for all of the bad things ta are
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badly publicized there are positives. for instance they raised millions for charities and nearly 4 million of community service. >> why are they doing it? are they doing it to balance out the other things? >> reporter: for generations people are debating the merits of the greek system, and it is a debate that grows loudly when the members behave badly. dan simon, cnn, san francisco. >> let's talk to a former member of the sigma alpha epsilon of dartmouth, and also peter smith hizler the president and ceo of north american interfraternity conference and andrew, you saw the interview that i did with the two black members of sae, and there are people saying that these young men who are too close it to, and they could not
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see the racism directly to them, and do you believe they were delusional? >> well, i don't know if delusional is the right word and i could not speak for the them but i mean i would say that it is hard when you are in a fraternity to see the problems that go on around you right in front of your face, and sometimes you need a little perspective and do some reading on the topic to come backkck with a fresher perspective. >> what about you, pete? >> it is important that the undergraduate students come to look at the broad angle and understand the impact of the each of the actions on the general public so it is important for the fra terp tis to have the step forward to shine a light on the experience as a positive as a whole. >> they wanted to talk about the positive experience, because they were proud of the fraternity as a whole except for
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the instance that has come to light. but the streak of scandal that was heard there in the report there by dan simon, and why would anyone want to join one now? >> i think that the opportunity to join a fraternity is important for young men, because it is a place they go to treat a really home away from home while they are on the college campus. >> but it is a a place they go now to be racist if you look at the latest incidents. >> and that is disappointing, don. what we have to do is to step forward and say, that is not the fraternity experience that those of us who are working so hard to advance it believe in. we have to hold those who act badly accountable for it. i am so proud of s.a.e. for stepping forward and taking swift action nin this matter. they stood up, and said, this is what sae stands for and they put the action right out there in front. i am proud of them. >> and as a member of a dartmouth chapter of the sae in
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the book, you said that you suffered or endured extreme hazing and inflicted on others as well. do you believe that the greek system is beyond repair at this point? >> well, i mean don, you have to quit looking at the things as if they are isolated incidents and we can't keep saying that this is a isolated incident of racism or rape when a woman is assaulted in a fraternity and so we can't say it is isolated, because it is something that we have to look at the structural system of greek groups. >> are you saying they are a greeding ground of rape and misogyne and racism? >> yes, it is encoded into the society from the first inception, from the found inging. and you know, by letting them remain on the college campuses today, we are bringing back the ideas from a time that we worked so hard to get beyond.
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and sae was founded in the an e te bell lum south, and transmits the values to the culture now, and we have to stapd up now, and say they have no place on the campuses. >> thank you, andrew lohse and peter smithheiser, and we have so much more coming up and should words even ugly racist words get you taken off of the campus? and now, are robin thicke and pharrell's song compare too close closely to marvin gay's song? ke pics of mr. bones. time the next launch. calm down principal jones. i can do all that with my android from tracfone. 90-day plans start as low as $20. unbeatable nationwide coverage. no contract. for a limited time save $20 on the new unimax maxpatriot. now just $49.99. tracfone. do everything for less.
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two students expel and the frat house is about to close the doors for good, but it is not the end of the fallout from this racist chant of university of oklahoma, and here to talk about it are ben ferguson and mark lamont hill. welcome back gentlemen. and so we have the video to talk about, and first the bus chant, and let's listen and unsensored by the way. ♪ there's never going to be a ni nigger at sae ♪
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♪ and never going to be at sae ♪ >> okay. so the student has apologized for that and for those words, and parker rice. he has said, you know, that is not him, and it does not represent him or the university or what have you, his family. but words that the ugly and should that free speech with be allowed at the universities? >> well, everyone should have access to free speech, and that is part of the first amendment rights, and everybody should be saying what they want, but it should not be without consequence, and the school has a code of conduct to not create unhealthy environment for everyone and he violated the code of conduct, and violated the rules of the school and created a hostile environment for other people. >> okay. listen to, this the house mother mama bee.
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♪ nigga nigga nigga ♪ ♪ and what go ♪ >> that is what she said and then responded, i have been made aware of the video circulating of me on social media, and i am heart broken, because i have friends of all ethnicitys and also singing a trinidad song and she believes there need s tos to be context to everything. ben ferguson, what do you believe? >> well, one of the fra tern the ti brothers said it right, the word needs to be be dead and it is not going to be in a sopg and it should be dead and as he said to miss bee, it should be dead and never, ever use it again and it should not with be in a words of a song that people are going to be singing to, and it is not should be in a song and miss bee should not be
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singing it to and if we want to stop it, then do not -- >> this train is never late when a white person uses the word nigger, and -- >> no, no, she is not calling the black people a nigger, but she is singing the lyrics of the song. >> and i can see, and i'm not saying that, the but if you are saying it is in the rap music, and that is confusing the white people, because black people are saying it, and so white people can say that. >> and marc, marc, be honest here. this simis important, you and i should both be able to agree that the n-word should not be use and we should do everything that we can to kill it no matter who is saying it, and no matter the color of the skin, and you think that the n-word should use in the culture for young african culture to sing about it, and use it? >> isn't that the hypocritical?
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>> no, i don't. >> how can you say that? >> i will tell you, because it is possible for there to be a rule that white people can do something, and black people can't, and not because i want to reverse the rules of oppression, because there is a anyone? >> marc, that that is something that you can't. >> so you are saying that because you are african-american, and you want to be saying the n-word and sing about it and teach it to young african-american children, and you don't want to have anyone white to the say it because they
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are racist which they are 99% of the time. >> i am saying that white and black people are on the opposite side of the coin. >> marc, people get what you are saying, but if you have something that is in a song -- >> no, they don't. >> and if you have something that sis in the song, you dance it to, and say the lyrics of the song and if it is a popular song, why wouldn't somebody say the lyrics? you think that somebody doesn't sing along to the lyrics in the song? >> i don't think that some 80-year-old white woman was so turned up on the lyrics of trinidad lyrics that she had to sing along. no i don't. >> and you know artists do borrow some times that artists will reach a verdict that robin thicke and pharrell williams cocop cocopied "got to give it up" by
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marvin gay, and listen to both of them and then we will talk about it. ♪ i'm part of the it ♪ ♪ and i want to get down ♪♪ ♪ and if you can't be from the same thing ♪ >> okay. the family was awarded $7.4 million which is a drop in the bucket, because it made $16 million and i have to be be honest, because i said oh, someone redid marvin gay's song and it turns out they said they didn't. and first to you, marc lamont hill, is this a fair verdict? >> i think it is. because when i heard it, it felt like "got to give it up" and the drum corps is enough to be be feeling differently, and james brown can go up to a whole bunch
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of folk and not just james brown, because bunch of people who copied the syncopated rhythms, and other folks from different eras and say that, but we are opening up a huge of can of worms that we are prepared to deal with. >> and ben? >> well any time the excuse in the court is that i was on drugs, and i wrote it in an hour, you copycatted it, and that is the thing, and i don't care who you are, and you play it, it is the same song. they deserve to pay the money. it is $7 or $8 million, and they are still famous, and i hope it is a huge black eye for the careers and they should have to look at the other music that they got high and had to copycat it as well. >> i love it, because you agree on every single subject. we will be right back. [ laughter ] don't let a severe cold hold you back. get theraflu. it has the power of three medicines to take on your worst pain and fever,
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later, the the boy's brother running after them screaming. police say that is what got the attention of teenagers who chased that kidnapper, and now joining me is one of the teenage heroes is isaiah and what happened sunday? what did you see and do? >> well to begin with it was a normal sunday noon. and we heard screaming coming from somewhere, and it was at first it seemed like the normal child scraped their knee, but then it turned into a more blood curdling scream. after that our, my friend andrew saw, saw the suspect running across the street with the baby. >> with the 2-year-old.
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>> yes. >> and here's the thing, and listen, you don't have to be nervous, because you are fine. i want to play this 911 call for you, and it is andrew's grand mo grandmother. take a listen. >> county 911 and the location of the emergency. >> washington downtown on the main street. a man grabbed a little kid, and we got the kid, but the man is loose somewhere. >> so we have andrew on the phone with us. andrew, are you there? >> yes. >> okay. so that is your grandmother calling. and so isaiah was telling us the story, and what got your attention? >> well, the point that got my attention is the point like isaiah is the point at which the child started to scream. >> after that, what did you do? did you see where the man was running to, and after he let the baby go? >> i did not see him letting the
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baby baby go physically, but i did see where he was running off. he was running down an empty lot nex next to the building that we were next to. >> so as we keep looking at the video, did he look familiar to you? did you know this person? >> i did not know him. >> yeah. so then describe him for us. >> as far as i could tell from what i saw i saw a brown kind of a tannish jacket going on and a pair of blue jean and ten nis shoes, and wire rimmed glasses, and he seemed to have a little stubble beard going on. >> so i want you to take a listen to what the dad of the toddler said happened. >> okay. >> you are soer in voushgs and you know, nervous, and you can't think straight. i can't explain the feeling, you know, the feeling of the anxiety, and everything that it goes into the finding out that your child is p missing or something has happened to him.
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>> listen, it is awful for anyone anyone to experience this but isaiah this man is still out there on the loose. what do you want people to know about him? >> i hope someone actually knows him, and sees the footage of him grabbing well running with the child down the street and will turn him in so that it does not happen to the guy succeeding to take the child to another family. >> andrew, people are just hoping that law enforcement or someone catches up to him. and people are describing you as heroes, and do you believe that you are a hero? >> personally i don't. i believe that i did what had to be ghoen the moment,done in the moment and i did it because nobody deserves that
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to have their lives changed or ruined because of one man. i did what was acceptable, and what was needing to be done at this moment in time. >> and if we can, can we please put up the description of the man, because this man is still on the loose. he is a white male, thin build and 6'0", to 6'2" inches tall and make sure you call the law enforcement the if you happen to see this man, because we appreciate it. eye yak y-- isaac yow and andrew crane, thank you both. sghoo and now, we will talk to the man who found the boston bomber hiding in his boat and the manifesto found there. >sghoo and now, we will talk to the man who found the boston bomber hiding in his boat and the manifesto found there.
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>sghoo and now, we will talk to the man who found the boston bomber hiding in his boat and the manifesto found there. and now, we will talk to the man who found the boston bomber hiding in his boat and the manifesto found there. the lexus command performance sales event has begun. come experience what's made lexus the fastest-growing automotive luxury brand on the road. featuring the stylish es sporty ct hybrid and versatile rx. with more new models than ever there's never been a better time to drive a lexus. during the command performance sales event. get great offers on your favorite lexus models. now through march 31st. see your lexus dealer.
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we appreciate this. new video was released yesterday showing the moment of the two bombings and i want to show you this, and then we will talk. >> okay. it is really quite disturbing, your son is standing right next to 8-year-old martin richard. martin richard is killed in the explosion, and explain to us what your son endured a allen. >> so, we were fortunate that he was not hurt more severely, because he was so close to martin and jane. obviously, martin passed away in the bombing, and jane lost her leg. aaron was right next to them and maybe being taller than them helped, because most of the injury was to the lower extremities, and he was a little bit farther away, and so he had a little severe wound to the outer thigh as large as my hand and it was mangled flesh.
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a lot of blood. i was not able to see that he had other injuries as well up and down the leg. we did not find out about those until later in the hospital and e both of the eardrums were perforated a and the hair were singe and the eyebrows and the hair full of soot. some people did not realize him, but i did recognize him, because he was my son, and a friend of ours did not recognize him, and he was standing right next to him. >> you know, it is such a horrific event, but you say that so much good came from it and so much goodness in people, because you realized that someone was tie thing a tourniquet around aaron's leg, and even to this day, you don't know who did that? >> well i later met three of the people who helped us, but i don't know who put the tourniquet on his leg, because which was kneeling down and talking to him, and mostly
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trying to make sewer that he knew that i was there with him, and i wanted to make sure that i told him that i loved him before he left. i was not certain what was going to be happening after we got him to the ambulance. so i did then't really know who was helping us at that time. and last year when we went back to boston, i met the three gentlemen who helped aaron on the street that the day. i'm not sure if one of the guys was the one who put the tourniquet on them but a few people around us helping. >> and he was communicating by ipad just a couple of days after the -- >> right. >> and so by ipad he typed a message about the bombing, and what he did he say? >> he did. >> he asked about the david, his friend who had been hurt, and catherine, my wife if she had made it through the race and if she was okay and then one day it was disturbing because he wrote to the ipad to kill all terrorist, and he had, and that is when we had realized that he
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had total recollection of everything that happened to him and the understanding of what had taken place. >> so you testified last week. and you had to face dzhokhar tsarnaev and what was that like? >> well shgs, honestly, when you go into the courtroom, it is kind of intimidating, because you are in a little box, the room next to you, and the courtroom and they say it is your time to go in and you walk through the double doors and you walk up to the witness stand. it is a little bit overwhelming and so after being sworn in, i did not make a lot of eye contact with anybody except for the u.s. attorney. i glanced at the jury, and i glanced at him. i glanced at the judge, but i did not take any of it in, because i was focused on the questioning. i noticed him more when i state stayed for the testimony after i was done, but i was behind him, so i was not able to see the face -- >> what did you think of him?
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>> he was kind of disengaged and seemed from the proceedings, and he did not make contact with anybody, and i talked to some of the witnesses after they spoke, and they were purposefully trying to get him to look at them, and he generally avoided making eye contact with anybody. i'm a high school teacher, and he has the body language of a kind of adolescent young man that is indifferent. not seeming to care about the situation. >> tough question though since you are talking about your body language and that he is sort of adolescent. >> yes. >> do you forgive him? >> i don't know that i have thought a lot about it. i don't think about him really. people have asked that before, and it is not something that we in the family talk about very often if at all, and even sitting there and people had real areally strong reactions to him and what should happen to
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him, and i found myself not really sure what i thought that what justice is for him and it is a hard question, because i think that for some people, it would be better if he had life imprisonment and without parole, because he would go away and no more news cam can ras, and some of the families would be able to go on with their lives, but then other people would feel that the only true justice for him is the death penalty for all of the lives that were damage and destroyed as a result of his actions. so it is hard to noeknow what the right answer is. >> well, alan, we thank you for coming on, and we hear that the aaron has a new sister, and you are all doing well shgs, and our thoughts, and prayers are with you, and thank you very much. >> sure. thank you. >> we will be right back. tes, sketchbooks, and scribbles. let's pin 'em to the wall. kick 'em around. kick 'em around, see what happens. because we're in the how-do-i-get-this-startup- off-the-ground business. the taking-your-business- global-business.
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that's it. see you tomorrow. "ac 360" starts right now. good eve iffing in. we begin with breaking news. the university of oklahoma now minus two students and the fraternity they belong to. sigma alpha epsilon is gone. two students who are lead tging the chant about hanging black men from trees are gone. and in a moment one of the expelled students released a statement to the "dallas morning news" said
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