tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN March 10, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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that's it. see you tomorrow. "ac 360" starts right now. good eve iffing in. we begin with breaking news. the university of oklahoma now minus two students and the fraternity they belong to. sigma alpha epsilon is gone. two students who are lead tging the chant about hanging black men from trees are gone. and in a moment one of the expelled students released a statement to the "dallas morning news" said that i am deeply sorry for what i did, and made a
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big mistake by participating in the singing, and encouraging others to do the same. and sadly, our family cannot be in our home, because of frightening talk and threats on social immediatemedia. in a half hour, there is a rally on the campus and h miguel marquez has the latest. university of oklahoma has pretty much vanished. [ knocking ] at his home in dallas, no sign of him nor his family. he and members of the sae fraternity clearly avoiding publicity after the video was leaked to the school newspaper
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and ricochetting around the world. at the sigma alpha epsilon house, traditional letters unceremoniously removed. today, a steady flow of moving trucks. big job? >> i have no idea. >> reporter: fast job? >> your guess good as mine is right now. it's last minute call, so. >> reporter: at the sae house, a last minute scramble to clear out. hello? hello? how are you? cnn. can i chat with somebody? it is 4:00 here in oklahoma and the parking lot here at the sae house is nearly empty hours ahead of the deadline imposed by the university. this entire fraternity shut down. students here in full protest mode. the story football team linking arms in a powerful show of support for the demonstrators but there is fallout. one star recruit who signed on to play for ou now says no way. >> i wouldn't want my son or child going anywhere like that. don't want my brothers going anywhere like that. it was disturbing to me. i don't like it. >> reporter: bright spot out of work sae chef howard dixon hit
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an unexpected jackpot. more than $60,000 raised for him online. and those who attended ou pledged sae in love both institutions or left, scratched heads and left. when you saw this, how did you react? >> shocked. absolutely shocked. that's all i can say. i think it's wrong to judge the entire house on what a few did on a bus. >> reporter: bob burnham was overwhelmed. why did you come here to see this place after so many years? >> well, it was. >> miguel marquez joining us in front of the sae fraternity house. is there likely to be more expulsions? >> reporter: it looks like there may be more expulsions,
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certainly disciplinary actions. the school wants to know everybody on that bus, what their role was, what they were doing before any final decisions but sounds like it is very much leaving the door open to expulsions. >> this chant is used more often. in this apology statement that this young man put out he said that he was taught this chant, and he doesn't say who he was taught it by or who taught it and do we know anything more about it? >> reporter: we don't know a lot more. we're getting glimpses. it is a secretive society as all fraternities are, but we know in other areas, students have told me they have heard similar or the same chant before. it has been reported in other areas around the country that the similar or same chant has been used by sae fraternities. the national chapter said this is nothing that is sanctioned. this is not an sae chant, yet we keep hearing in dribs and drabs,
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individuals coming forward saying it is something they have heard before. it is a very old fra ternternity formed at the time of the civil war. >> yeah. miguel marquez, thank you very much. in case you're wondering about the kind of racial climate at the sae house, here's another video that surfaced. the sae house mother from ou wrapping along the trinidad and seemingly excited to be using the n word. >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> for the record the song only drops drops the n-bomb three times in the most and the house mother does it seven times, and she say s says that she is friends with all types of races and does not tolerate discrimination of any type, and she is very upset about that chant. joining us, sae associate, executive director of association, brandon, thank you for being with us. two members of the fraternity kicked out of school today. do you believe that was a just
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punishment? >> absolutely. we believe there's consequences for your actions. it's unfortunate someone has to be expelled from the university like that but there are things that you have to take into consideration and especially in a hateful message like that. they don't represent us. they don't represent anyone. >> the students in the video, certainly didn't seem like this was the first time they chanted this. were you aware of this chant before? again, the young man in the statement just released says this is a chant he had been taught. he doesn't say who taught it. >> right. we've been asked that question also on the headquarters level and also looked into these different cases that this group knows this chant or taught by the national organization, and there is nothing in the history or nothing related to the songs of course that has anything to do with the chant that is inappropriate or racist or disgusting like this. i don't understand you know so we are sort of trying to figure out how to validate that and we will hold other people accountable and other chapters accountable if we know that they
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have details about this or are participating in something like this. >> how many black members have there been in the university of oklahoma sae chapter? >> i don't know the exact numb number, a because until a year and a half to two years ago, we were not asking for ethnicity adds -- ette nishnicity as part of the background or the origin of your background as part of the character to with be a member of the fraternity. entire span of the current undergraduates across the country. >> there is an essay written by an african-american man who joined this chapter 4 years ago. he was the second black man ever
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at the chapter and since then, not been a third. the entire history of the chapter, there's been two african-american members of the sae fraternity and i guess i'm wondering, what sort of oversight at all do you have of your fraternities? because as a national organization, i would think if you looked and said, gee, in the past 14 years, there isn't been one black person at this fraternity, that's kind of odd. >> it may seem odd for obviously this particular case and to say, this is somehow indicative of all the chapters across the country. that's not true. there are chapters in the country right now even though there's not a statistic behind it that we know from interacting with and from training and other events there's chapters where there are white students the minority and other chapters there are other minorities or other groups that are represented. there are chapters where where people come from home where is english is not spoken as the primary first language. so it depends upon the campus where you are at. >> i'm just wondering as an organization, was there never a time when somebody from the national organization visited this chapter or looked at the
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rolls of the chapter, and in the last 14 years never said, huh, there is no black people here and there's never been two black people in the history of this thing? what kind of oversight do you actually have? >> absolutely and the thing is that the oversight of the national office is that we work with the chapters, we do visit the chapters but chapters are autonomous. in other words, we do not mandate who they can or take from membership. there are regulations from the type of individual they should extend to join too, but again, in terms of saying this is a problem, it is not something that, again, to the national organization has stepped in to say we need to monitor this more closely only in the sense there are certainly things we want and the things the organization has. >> do you think that should be something to say to local chapters, you know what, it would be a good idea to have a diverse student body as part of this fraternity. it reflects the values we care about. >> absolutely.
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>> is that something that you are thinking about doing? >> absolutely, yes. the leadership is dedicated to making sure of this. the response to the national organization isn't about just closing a chapter, the members are facing expulsion soon. but we can't control the past. it's the past. what we can do is focus on the current situation, where we are right now as an organization and what we need to do to change this to make it better, to learn from things and make sure our members understand this is the type of thing that we stand for as a fraternity because it's the right thing to do and because we need to move forward from this situation. it's wrong to vilify sigma alpha epsilon across the country based on a chapter or a couple of chapters or instances that happened even over a 10 or 20 year span. still, it's a large national organization. >> are you concerned at all though, according to the washington post online, sae talks about its roots in the pre-civil war south and antebellum south, and how the
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members fought for the union and how many fought for the confederacy, and i 'm wondering as you think about the future is that a message that you really want to be promoting? because i'm just wondering how many african-americans would really want to join something where the organization is promoting how many people fought for the confederacy and how many people fought to uphold slavery and something that you have on your web site. >> sure. we obviously looked at that to see how it is perceived by anybody who is considering join g joining the fraternity at any campus across the country, but the reality is that we were founded in 1856 at the university of alabama in tuscaloosa, and so that the erl early member of the fraternity, and the history of organization is about that and we have a lot to be proud of for sigma alpha epsilon. but we know the history of sigma alpha epsilon, what is
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affiliated and not affiliated with sae. the bigger issue, we need to communicate that and how it's perceived by people not in the fraternity. >> i get being proud of one's history. i have roots in the south as well. i understand being proud of, you know, the people who founded the fraternity. i know a lot of pledges memorize the names of the original founders and apparently this bus was going to a founder's day party but don't you think, if one of your goals moving forward is perhaps and maybe it's not but to attract african-american members, you say you think about how it might be perceived, don't you think that would be perceived differently by african-americans than it might be perceived by whites of the southern background? >> absolutely. and there's part of the discussion, i mean, we're looking at a lot of different options. our leadership is also engaged with people to reach out to us to offer their support and also the things that they think that we need to take into consideration. so that we can do a better job of being able to communicate more accurately what sae is and looking at, you know, the type of person we want because it is true that we don't look at diversity in the sense of just
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being the color of someone's skin or the ethnicity. there's a lot of diversity in the organization that is not just about that. background in terms of that. >> but some diversity in terms of color of skin might not be a bad idea? >> absolutely. again, if you look at chapters in different parts of the country, and talk to members of the fraternity they would look at that the and not be able to -- how can you say we're not di diverse? >> we're going to do that now. thank you, bran don. joining me is miguel
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r. let's start with you michaela. when you first saw this video, i'm sure you were horrified who as someone who belongs to the fraternity. >> it was upsetting, extremely disturbing to see members of the organization to have that belief and chant as a part of their traditions or whatever. it was extremely disturbing and really sad to see. >> and how many african-american members are at your fraternity right now? >> we have about a 42 man chapter. there's about four of us that are african-american. we just graduated a couple of years ago. we've had a few african-american members at our chapter. our school, delta state university in cleveland, did a good job of promoting diversity among organizations and a good greek system there. >> any concern on your part when you were thinking about joining or rushing as you call it, on the web site founded in the south and how many members fought with the confederacy. any concern on your part? >> never. and that's mainly and solely because of the people that were already in the organization. i met them and they were just upstanding gentlemen and it was absolutely something i wanted to be a part of.
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the true gentlemen spells out everything i want to be as a man in life and so there was never any concern about that on my end. >> about being a true gentleman, something sae talks about in their fraternities. naomi, i know your group hasn't had time to discuss the expulsions but personally, do you think the ou president has done enough? >> i wouldn't say it's enough but we are standing behind our president's decision and we are very grateful that he's moving swiftly and not taking this situation lightly. >> i know it's important that the conversation doesn't end with these expulsions. what do you think needed to happen next on your campus? >> for us, as unheard, i know we're not really focusing on expulsion or any punishment. we want this to be a learning moment for not just sae, but for organizations across campus, even nationally. we're so glad this thing has gained national attention because this can be the change.
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it can start change and really just bring people's attention and allow people to notice these things are happening. people aren't making this up with microaggression in the city or anywhere else. >> it's interesting. when you look at statistics and polls, often you have african-americans in this country saying, you know, this is a conversation we need to have more of and oftentimes, caucasian americans in polls say, this isn't something we need to be talking about so much. you're saying, this is actually a good thing it's become part of a national discussion. >> definitely. these things are happening. and for people, whether they be white, black, blue, or purple, who are experiencing them, it's easy to say this isn't happening. this isn't real. we're in post-racial america. but for people like myself and people representing the group unheard, this is happening. this is something we see everyday. a lot of people if you ask, they'll say they weren't shocked
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this happened when they saw the video. they were not shocked. i heard that so much. this is why. so i'm definitely glad this is a conversation that's now happening nationally. >> to mickle, what would you say about what needs to change if something needs to change, does there need to be more oversight, more effort to attract or to at least let people see the organization that you see and, i mean, does something need to change in this organization? sorry, nay yoeomi, that is for michel. >> it really varies from chapter to chapter. there's a lot of chapters i know of that promote diversity. our chapter at delta state and, you know, there's a lot of chapters that may not and an organization that's 15,000 undergraduates, you're going to have bad apples and it's really unfortunate when that happens but, you know, not necessarily sure of the best solution or the best, you know, way the national
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organization can go about fixing the problem, but i think the first step is recognizing that there is a problem and then, you know, brainstorming different ideas on how to solve that. >> naomi, i will ask the same question to you. do you believe that the national organization has done enough? >> as far as doing enough, like i said, no. there definitely needs to be a teaching aspect of this. punishment, okay. it will go so far. but if we don't teach and hone in on the issue of why it was wrong, it's not okay. it's not enough. >> naomi, appreciate you being on and mikel. thank you. watch "360" on dvr whenever you want. coming up next kicking out the students by whatever they say. was it justified this time? can the university do that? what about the first amendment,
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freedom of speech. also, hillary clinton ending suspense about why she used a private e-mail account the entire time she was secretary of state. will it end the controversy? financial noise financial noise financial noise i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit some questions can't wait until morning. so i'm one of many nurses at cigna
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welcome back. breaking news tonight. one of the students expelled from oklahoma university for leading a a racist chant is ap poll jidz take a look. >> there will never be a [ bleep ] at sae. >> there will never be a n word at sae. we just got the top of the program, i want to read more now. he said, quote, i know everyone wants to know why or how it happened. it was fueled likely by alcohol consumed but that's not an excuse. yes, the song was taught to us but that too doesn't work as an explanation. it's more important to acknowledge what i did and what i didn't do.
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i didn't say no and clearly dismissed an important value i learned at my beloved high school, dallas jesuit. we were taught to be men for other, and i failed in that regard and at that moment i complete completely ignored the core values and ethics i learned from my parents and others. parker rice a few moments ago. what he and the others did was hateful and ugly. should hateful and ugly get you expelled where free speech is so valued. michael myers and charles blow. was the expulsion of two students justified? >> no. >> why? >> first of all, this is a public university. not a private university. public university means government. we have a first amendment to the united states constitution, and this is the united states of america, and we believe in free speech, and you only have a first amendment to protect the speech with what we disagree, and we can disagree vehemently
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but it is speech that can be protected by the constitution, and it can be hateful speech and guess what? free speech cannot just apply to white people on a bus. i could imagine black students on a bus to the million man march, racist march chanting similar anti-white chants. would they be expelled because of their speech as hateful? would the president of the university of oklahoma feel hurt, have a sleepless night because black students don't like whities? i remember the chant. whitey, white power, black power, get your mama. i mean, that can chill people. that can hurt their feelings. but hurt feelings, sleepless nights, is not a basis for violating the first amendment to the united states constitution. >> jeff toobin, i know your opinion has changed several times today. >> three times today. i think this is a hard question. ultimately, i think the answer is the university is justified
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in dismissing these students because context matters and what might be appropriate speech in front of the u.s. capitol where political speech is supposed to be free and unfettered, is different at a university because universities are supposed to be welcoming communities for everyone. and there's a code of conduct and i read the ou code of conduct today and it really does seem to cover this kind of speech as intolerable at the university. now, i know it's a tough line to draw. you can't throw a student out for saying vote for the democrats or vote for the communists or vote for isis, probably. but i think this speech was so unwelcoming to african-americans that i can see why expulsion might be okay. >> but, charles, jeff is saying that free speech is not so free. that you can't have free speech. >> that is what the supreme court has ruled. free speech in schools including colleges is not unfettered. the schools have a say. and that they can have a code of
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conduct and that code of conduct in particular can include hate speech. >> even on a bus not on the college campus? >> has not said that. >> in 1988. >> the supreme court has not said people cannot get on a bus off campus and engage in hateful speech, racist speech and say, that they can be expelled for that. i'm surprised by that. no, of course they didn't rule on this particular incident. of course, they didn't do that. >> but the difference -- there's the difference between speech in a classroom on a situation where you are making a truly disruptive classroom. >> jeff -- >> speech itself, but by itself is not the basis for expelling because they don't like what you said. >> did you read that opinion? >> yes, i did. >> the 1988 opinion? >> i have read the supreme court jurisprudence on this matter and let me tell you, the supreme court agrees with me, not with you and not with jeff.
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>> jeff, does where the speech was said, the fact it was said on a bus off campus toward the party, does that make a difference? >> i don't think that helps and this was obviously a frat function, a university frat. if it were in on a field trip to istanbul on the other side of the world, perhaps it would be different but here you have an immediate right outside ou leaving from the fraternity. they've been drinking at the fraternity. this was obviously a fraternity function. i don't pretend it's an easy question. but i do think that universities are allowed to police and that's an ugly word when it comes to speech, but to police what is said in their environment. to make everyone feel welcome. >> but charles, isn't it a slippery slope here to have the university deciding what you can say? so what, some group of republicans on a bus making fun of democrats, that would be -- that would hurt the feeling of democrats on campus?
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>> i think you can make a case either way and probably make a strong case. i'm just saying what the supreme court found is free speech is not unfettered in schools and that if you have a code of conduct, in particular in this case, if that code of conduct includes hate speech, you can act on that code of conduct. >> there is no code of conduct that is allowed to trump the constitution's first amendment. jeff, you know that. you know that. >> you're right, but -- >> i'm shocked! i'll have a sleepless night. i want an apology. i want an apology. >> you won't be the only one having a sleepless night over this. >> michael meyers, good to have you. charles, jeffrey toobin as well. coming up next. how hillary clinton's answers jive with what we know.
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welcome back. hillary clinton stepped up to the mike today and talked about her e-mailing habits with secretary of state. answered questions why she did all of it, both government and personal using a private account on her own domain and mail server. she said she didn't do anything wrong but wish she had done some things different. >> well, i have to tell you. as i said in my remarks looking back, it would have been probably, you know, smarter to have used two devices, but i have absolute confidence that everything that could be in any
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way connected to work is now in the possession of the state department. >> her answer, as you might imagine, satisfied some. not others. fueled what is a 20 year running conversation on the clintons. more with cnn's jeff zalani. >> it's close to an apology or an act of contrition as we get from secretary clinton. and she basically said take my word for it but that is the problem, because more than half of the people are not willing to do that and half of the people r but it left a lot of hole s ins in the explanation of these things w but the biggest thing is that she said that she deleted all of the personal e-mail and she is deciding what is personal. she deleted some 30,000, and turned over some 30,000, and that is where the rub is. >> are those truly deleted? will anybody actually look for them? because all of this was on a server at her house. >> she said, look. we're not turning over the server. it's a private server. that's where congressional
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republicans smell blood. they said we're going to subpoena, go after this. this could end up in a legal fight but she said that she's not handing this over. she has given hard paper copies and based on 1995 law that actually allows you to do that. that's an antiquated law, so that's what people say. why not turn over the electronic copies, get so much more from that. >> i want to play what she said, and then whether this would impact her political career. >> i trust the american people to make their decisions about political and public matters and i feel that i've taken unprecedented steps to provide these work-related e-mails. they're going to be in the public domain. >> for those who don't like hillary clinton, this certainly kind of jives with their feelings about her being secretive, both the clintons, obviously. for those who do like her, they'll give her the benefit of the doubt. i want to bring in carl
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bernstein. he knows a thing or two about politicians under pressure, and a thing or two about hillary clinton. best selling author of "a woman in charge: hillary rodham clinton." did it help or hurt? >> probably hurt. didn't help that we are deep into clintonian paranoia. her lawyers and enemies, it's a terrible and dispiriting mix that's very familiar. and what this is really about is hillary clinton wants to control her correspondence and words to determine who sees what she said. it's a difficult position to be in, particularly now and it's going to be a hell of a mess for a while. >> but carl, for people to be acting, her using her personal e-mail is by itself a huge transgression, but if this were
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some other former candidate other than hillary clinton, would bit a huge story? >> it would no, but hillary clinton is hillary clinton. the most famous woman in the world, the former secretary of state. it does deal with official papers, with official e-mails, and she wants to control them. she does not want others to have really unfettered access or control over them. it's a difficult position to be in and at the same time, given the viciousness of her enemies, given what she and bill clinton have been through before and those who will give them no quarter, you can understand why she wants to control this and at the same time, we also know we've been here before. we are now back into one of these titanic struggles over what words mean, what this point of law means. who's at fault here. splitting hairs. and it's not fun for anybody and it's going to determine an awful lot of how this campaign goes
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unfortunately. >> yeah. i mean, jeff, there might be people who say, you know what? i don't want to be reminded of all this controversy and if she runs and if she gets elected, does this mean four or eight years of this kind of nitpicking? >> it certainly is a reminder. i talked to top democrats today and said, how long do you think this is going to go on? they're asking us that. the media environment that was totally different than any other clinton scandal we've seen. we move on from things faster, things move faster. i'm not sure this will affect her campaign but it will be a soundtrack to her campaign. she'll be called to testify before the benghazi committee twice in the middle of the campaign, and subpoenas and other things will be going on, but that builds the supporters and going on the offense as well to get the democrats to rally to e her defense. and the republicans have to be worried about overreaching here.
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i heard that as well. we didn't hear that much from them today. they're sort of staying out of it a little bit for now. >> a lot of people kind of stay out of it letting it see where the chips fall and not going to get in the way of a train wreck if it becomes a train wreck. for a politician who wants to run for president, what's the safer route, having all the e-mails out there to read or deleted ones were about yoga? >> there's no easy answer to that question and i wouldn't know what to advise. what i know and understand is that hillary clinton is generous, the most famous woman in the world. not judged like any other person in our political system. everything about her and her campaign for presidency exists by itself with no parallels. including this situation. because she's damned if she does, damned if she doesn't and one more reminder of the kind of territory that we're in because it's all about her relationship to the truth. that's always been a difficult relationship as i say toward the end of my book and at the same time, you understand why there is secrecy when you listen to
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her enemies, listen to those people on the benghazi committee. they're ready to draw and quarter her. there's the most outrageous kind of knee jerk response to the clintons from the other side and this just sets this fight in motion once again, and also to, listen to jeb bush for instance the on a high and mighty platform going after hillary clinton on this, and dotting the is and crossing the ts and there is a lot of hypocrisy to be thrown around. >> shocked to hear there's hypocrisy in washington. thank you so much to have you here at cnn. we're all very excited. the madison police officer who shot and killed an unarmed police officer was involved in a deadly shooting before. details are now coming out. the family of an unarmed changing investing forever. i am a fully automated investment advisory service. i can help you choose the right portfolio. monitor it.
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he's out there. there's a guy out there whose making a name for himself in a sport where your name and maybe a number are what define you. somewhere in that pack is a driver that can intimidate the intimidator. a guy that can take the king 7 and make it 8. heck. maybe even 9. make no mistake about it. they're out there. i guarantee it.
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welcome to the nascar xfinity series. the family of an unarmed biracial teenager killed by police in wisconsin said they take some comfort knowing it won't be the police department itself handling the investigation. he was killed by matt kenny after calls after a man jumping in front of cars and then tried to strangle someone. the police chief said the robertson assault of kenny who then shot and killed him. because of a law in wisconsin, the state, not the police department, is handling the investigation of the incident. robinson's uncle said he trusts it will be handled with integrity. connecticut is the other state that has the law. this is not the first time that officer kenny has killed someone. it happened in 2007.
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not only exonerated but received an award. gary tuchman reports. >> reporter: at this house in madison, wisconsin, not far from where last week's fatal tony robinson was, a father of two made a call to 9-1-1 in july of 2007. [ phone rings ] >> 9-1-1, what is the address of emergency? >> [ bleep ] there is a man with a gun. >> where is he at? >> sitting on the porch. >> reporter: but for reasons we'll never know, the man with the gun he was talking about was himself. ronald brandon had the gun and he was sitting on steps with it as three police officers raced to the scene, his ex-wife, who also lived in his house with him, made her own call to 9-1-1. >> 9-1-1, what's the address of the emergency? >> my ex-husband is sitting outside and i think he just called 9-1-1 and he's got a pellet gun and i think he's saying -- >> did you already call us? >> my ex-husband is calling you right now. he just called you.
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i want to let you know he doesn't have -- he's calling to say that somebody has a gun outside. he's drunk. >> okay, does he have a gun? >> no, he has a pellet gun. >> is it loaded? >> no. i hear the sirens coming. it's not a real gun. jesus criminy. i think he wants to be taken away. >> reporter: matt kenny was on his way, the same officer who shot and killed tony robinson. what happened next in the call with susan brandon even shocked the dispatcher. >> oh, my god. what's going on, susan? >> oh, god! >> tell me what's going on, susan. >> he shot him. >> he got your husband? >> they shot him! >> oh my god. >> stay calm. okay.
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okay. >> we have shots fired on camden. >> stay calm. okay. is your husband shot? >> he's shot. >> stay in the house. stay in the house. >> oh god. it is a pellet gun. >> regardless of the gun that he had, he must have brandished it at the officer. >> i am sure that he did, that is why i tried to tell you. oh god. oh, jesus. >> ronald brandon's ex-wife did the proper thing. calling 9-1-1 to give police some warning of a potentially dangerous situation that wasn't quite what it seemed. but the police officers here on the scene, one of them being officer matt kenny, never got that message. records show the 9-1-1 call made 40 seconds before they arrived here. brandon pointed his pellet gun at the police and officer kenny shot him dead. no charges were filed against officer kenny in the shooting. and he went on to receive the
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police department's highest award, the medal of valor, for a police employee who performs extraordinary acts of bravery and heroism, all related to ronald brandon's shooting death. brandon's son and daughter did not want to appear on camera but they told us in a written statement that says in part although we acknowledge our father's decisions led to his own fate in july of 2007, we do not think it was appropriate to award matt kenny with the medal of valor and a standing ovation that day por trag him as a hero. >> oh, god. oh, jesus. >> the hurt that the family has long felt made more acute now that officer matt kenny is now back in the news. ronald brandon was killed on july 15th. on july 17th, the district attorney at the time came up with this finding he saw no basis for any criminal liability against any of the three officers. that investigation took two
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days. regarding the award said the police chief now that was not the police chief back then, you can't monday morning quarterback. it's based on perceptions at the time. not the reality you find out afterwards, especially regarding ronald brandon. the children of robert brandon said that he was a troubled soul, but a loving man and a wonderful father and a hearts have been broken everyday since he died. anderson? >> gary, thank you very much for the report. just moments ago, breaking news out of ferguson, missouri. >> and we will talk to miles o'brien about the moment that changed his life forever. they'll help with the hassle by guiding you through the whole process step
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coming up at 9:00 p.m. miles o'brien is going to have a powerful report on what it is like for when he lost an arm. he had an equipment case in the philippines that fell on his arm, and dr. sanjay gupta describes what happened miles a waiaway. >> it was a bruise, and it was not a traumatic incident like a skydiving accident. it was just a case that fell on his arm. so miles did what we all do ignore the pain. it is an honest, but all too
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often an almost fatal mistake. >> so you went to the beach? >> yes, i was in the philippine, so i did not have medical infra infrastructure right there at my fingertips. so it was on the 12th of february. and by the night of the 13th into the 14th, it, the pain started to it got worse. and by the time i got up in the morning, i knew it was like shooting and throbbing pains. it was very obvious that this is much more than a bruise. >> miles found an english-speaking doctor who told him that it looked like texbook case of acute compartment syndrome. it is the first time that miles had heard the term. >> he said it and i tried to wickky what i had. and i did not like what i had. >> and miles has reported from all over the globe, and this
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time he came close to almost dying just from the freak accident. i talked to sanjay about what happened when that case hit his arm. one of the tings that you talked about is what happened early on and all of the places you have been and the dangers that you have faced and to have something like this happen is so bizarre. can you explain just medically what happened here, sanjay? >> yes thankfully, it is a rare thing, but at the time that miles was struck with this case, and it caused this damage essentially to the muscle underneath the skin. the muscles, and the arteries and the veins and the skin is wrapped in this layer of tissue called the fascia. so when the veins were hit, it swells which is the response to the injury, but the problem is nowhere to swell, so it starts to die and push on the arteries around it cut canning off the blood flow. and eventually when it dies it releases toxins into the blood which can be a life-threatening situation.
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the goal was when we were looking at the beginning, to open ul the komcompartment around it, and give it room to swell to curtail the damage but the problem is that by the time that miles was in the hospital, it was too far gone and too much muscle that had died. >> you had not heard of anything like that? >> no, anderson. when i got to the doctor, and they said acute come partability syndrome and i said can you say that again? when he ordered up the surgery, i am wikiing it on the phone, and the first lines were amputation, and fatal, and i thought, oh boy. >> that is how you found out? >> yes, that is exactly how i found out. >> that is quite a wikipedia page. >> yes, one that i will not forget seeing. that was, you know at that point -- >> were you in tremendous pain? >> yes, a bruise is a bruise is a bruise and then suddenly the pain in another direction, and when it dissipated it was
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painful, and numbness and not a pretty picture and i knew that i was in trouble, but i didn't know how much. >> miles, thank you so much for doing this, and sanjay you, too. "miles o'brien, lost and found" and the cnn team produced it a are so incredibly proud of miles and sanjay. thank you. be sure you stay and watch it. >> and coming up next what happened when a little boy saw a man kidnap another little boy? she had planned for every eventuality. ...which meant she continued to have the means to live on... ...even at the ripe old age of 187. life well planned. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables
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he's out there. there's a guy out there whose making a name for himself in a sport where your name and maybe a number are what define you. somewhere in that pack is a driver that can intimidate the intimidator. a guy that can take the king 7 and make it 8. heck. maybe even 9. make no mistake about it. they're out there. i guarantee it. welcome to the nascar xfinity series.
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a lot happening tonight. amara walker joining us with a 360 bulletin. >> jurors in the boston marathon bombing trial today saw the writings of dzhokhar tsarnaev from inside of the boat he used right after the attack. he wrote that the u.s. government is killing innocent citizens and i can't stand to see such evil go unpunished, end quote. ten people were killed when two helicopters collided in argentina while filming a french reality tv show, featuring famous athletes blindfolded and dropped into remote locations. eight passengers including contestants and crew and two argentinean pilots died in the crash. and in washington state, a kidnapping attempt caught on surveillance video. you can see the suspect running off with a 22 month old boy who was playing in a park with his 10-year-old brother and 8-year-old sister. the siblings chased after the suspect and were screaming which got the attention of two teenagers who joined the pursuit
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and the man left the little boy go and ran off. the suspect though still at large. >> terrifying. amara, thanks. that does it for us. miles o'brien, a life lost and found coming up next. -- captions by vitac -- the following is a cnn special report. ♪ ♪ hello and welcome to the cnn special report. i'm dr. sanjay gupta. for the next hour, i'll bring you a story that may be hard to believe. it's a personal story for me because the subject of this hour is my friend, miles o'brien, a reporter and a cnn analyst. as journalists, we usually don't report on our friends, but miles' story is extraordinary. a little over a year ago, he suff accident after a case of camera equipment fell and hit his left forearm.
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