tv CNNI Simulcast CNN March 10, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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that for miles, life definitely does go on. i'm dr. sanjay gupta. thanks for watching. -- captions by vitac -- how hillary clinton is trying to end the uproar over her e-mails. also expulsion and apologies. the reaction in oklahoma over the racist chant that went viral. copied lines. losing a multimillion dollar lawsuit. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. glad to be with you. i'm zain asher. >> i'm john vause. this is cnn newsroom. we begin this hour with the new isis video which is sending shockwaves throughout the middle east and around the world. it shows a young child shooting
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an isis captive point blank in the head. we have decided not to show any part of that video. >> isis claims the man was an israeli spy, but the victim's family said he was recruited by isis. here's our global affairs correspondent elise labot. >> reporter: in the individualvideo, he seems to be reading a prepared statement. his family describes a very different person a kind and funny brother and son. a volunteer fireman who fell victim to the manipulation of isis recruiters. when they talked to him on skype, they saw a son they didn't recognize. >> translator: muhammad told me and his brother that isis took him. they sent him money through the western union. they said you'll have girls, money, cars paradise. but after he finished his training and spent time and
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after he trained, he discovered there's nothing. >> reporter: his father told us he tried to help muhammad get home even enlisting the red cross. but he was told his son was taken by isis trying to cross the border to make it home. the family believes muhammad was coerced in this video, forced to lie about ties to israeli intelligence. >> translator: muhammad is not an agent. muhammad is not an agent! muhammad doesn't have a she cankle. if he was an eight, we could have been living a different life. if my son was a spy, i wouldn't be cleaning houses so we could live. >> reporter: muhammad's brother, ahmed, cried while he talked about seeing his brother killed in the video. but he refuses to show the video to his parents, who still can't believe their son is dead.
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elise labot, cnn, jerusalem. >> many thanks to our elise labot for that report. london police are apologizing to the families of three girls who ran off to syria. >> they say police knew a friend of the girl's travel to syria in december. but instead of contacting the parents directly they sent a note home with the girls. >> we would have contacted the police directly you know where has this first girl gone? and i would have spoken to my sister and i would have said hold on she was a close friend of yours, what do you know and how much information can you give? >> the two families say they had absolutely no idea that the girls wanted to join isis. one of the girl's sister was
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described as a normal teenager. hillary clinton admits she probably should have used separate e-mail accounts while she was the u.s. secretary of state. >> she addressed the controversy about using her personal account for government work for the very first time on tuesday. >> reporter: hillary clinton timely breaking her silence over the e-mail controversy that's consumed her campaign in waiting. >> looking back it would be better for me to use two separate phones and two e-mail accounts. i thought using one device would be simpler and obviously, it has hasn't worked out that way. even if i had two devices, which is obviously permitted, many people do that you would still have to put the responsibility where it belongs, which is on the official. so i did it for convenience, and i now looking back think it
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would be smarter to have those two devices from the very beginning. >> reporter: at the united nations today, mrs. clinton took question for nearly 20 minutes. those two words came up again and again. >> looking back. looking back. now looking back. again, looking back. >> reporter: but now she's looking ahead to a second presidential campaign and finds herself in the middle of another political firestorm, with republicans smelling new blood on a favorite old target. she said she turned over all work related e-mail by the state department. >> when the search was conducted, we were asking that any e-mail be identified and preserved that could potentially be federal records. and that's exactly what we did and we went as i said beyond that and the process produced over 30,000 you know work e-mails, and i think that we have more than met the request from the state department. >> reporter: but this doesn't
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necessarily put the questions to rest. she acknowledged she was policing herself, making her own determination of which e-mails should be turned over from her time as secretary of state. he said she deleted all personal e-mail and said she had no plans of turning over the private e-mail server for an independent review. >> i believe i have met all responsibilities and the server will remain private, and i think that the state department will be able over time to release all of the records that were provided. >> reporter: the session today did little to quiet her republican critics. trey gowdy, head of the congressional committee investigating the benghazi attacks, released a statement saying -- >> so what impact could this e-mail scandal from on hillary clinton's run for the white
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house? ron, can we now at least do away with the will she, won't she run story? because clearly she's running, otherwise she wouldn't have had the news conference. >> i think that's a very good observation. i think she is running. i think that this is something that is not going to go away for the people who don't want it to go away. but stories like this depend on oxygen new revelations to maintain their intensity. and her revelation today that she destroyed, deleted the e-mails that she did not turn over makes it unclear where this story goes next. my suspicion is it will not be a significant impact one way or the other whether she's elected president in 2016. >> we're talking 32,000 e-mails which were deleted or that abouts. so i guess it comes down to this issue of trust. i'm just wondering if mrs. clinton wants to put this all behind her, will she have to agree to an independent audit of
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her private e-mail server? >> i think she was very clear today that she's not going to do that. you know the clintons have very painful experience of allowing investigations to begin that ultimately migrate in very different directions than anticipated, such as the white water scandal that mutated into the monica lewinsky investigation. i think she will resist that. really almost at any cost. >> we know the republicans hate the clintons like the devil hates hollywood, to quote james carvel there. but what about on the democratic side? is there now at least a questioning that maybe hillary clinton isn't a slam dunk for the nomination maybe we're being reminded of the '90s and all the baggage the clintons brought with them.
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>> i think the latter is true and the former is not. i think this is clearly a reminder to democrats that there is a lot to the clinton package. there are a lot of assets. they're creative they connect well with voters. on the other hand they tend to push the envelope on matters of transparency. on questions of kind of personal constraint they are aggressive. whether it's the contributions to the foundation the speeches controlling e-mails. this is what you get with them. i think democrats kind of -- it's been an uncomfortable reminder that if you have hillary clinton on the ticket you're going to have some questions. but i don't think it rises to the level where they are going to kind of wipe out all the other things in the ledger and look to someone else. there's no indication of that yet. >> so very quickly, does this have any resonance out there with the voters, or do you think people just don't care? >> i think historically the
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press and the political class care more about process issues than the public does. i think for people that don't like hillary clinton, it's another reason not to like her. but i don't think absent new facts, and there's always that caveat that this won't have a significant impact whether she's elected president in 2016. >> he makes a very good point whether or not this will be a hangover a year from now. >> especially since she was policing herself, that raises a lot of eyebrows as far as which e-mails were personal or not. >> if we're still talking about it a year from now, clearly it's a problem. but hillary clinton did condemn republican senators on that message to iran on nuclear talks. this letter warned if an agreement is reached, it would be void as soon as president obama is out of office. >> vice president joe biden
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called it a message that is dangerous. the decision to undercut our president and circumvent our constitutional system offends me as a matter of principle. two of the republican senators who signed the letter are basically standing their ground right now. they say an agreement with iran poses such a threat that it requires an unusual response. listen. >> the konsconstitution requires any treaty reached requires ratification by the senate. but president obama has defied the law and the constitution. this iran deal i believe, is a historic mistake. i believe it endangers the national security of this country. >> this is an unusual moment with an incredible risk to the world and our region and it required an unusual method to deal with it. i would send another one tomorrow. the risk of a nuclear iran is so great, that we need to do everything possible to keep us from minding ourselves in the
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situation where we will have a nuclear iran. >> ted cruz and marco rubio there. self-republican senators did not sign the letter. >> i just didn't think it was productive to -- during this time when there are very duff negotiations going on. they're tough enough without introducing this element. i know that there are a lot of people who don't think that this agreement is going to be a good one. i think we all have our doubts whether this is going to be in agreement worth pursuing. but i can only speak for myself we ought to take every opportunity to have a negotiated agreement rather than the alternative. the alternative isn't good. >> and flake also opposes additional sanctions on iran. a short break here. when we come back a university in the united states has expelled two students for leading a racist chant. now one is apologizing. plus, a city leader in
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ferguson, missouri has resigned after a scathing report blamed the city's police and court for abusive behavior. stay with us. sir, we're going to need you on the runway later don't let a severe cold hold you back. get theraflu. it has the power of three medicines to take on your worst pain and fever, cough and nasal congestion. theraflu breaks you free from your toughest cold and flu symptoms.
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[prof. burke] it's easy to buy insurance and forget about it. but the more you learn about your coverage, the more gaps you might find. like how you thought you were covered for this. [boy] check it out,mom! [prof. burke]when you're really only covered for this. or how you figured you were covered for this. when you're actually paying for this. you might be surprised at what's hiding in your coverage. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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it was an ugly stay on wall street. look at that damage. investors have about eight hours to see if u.s. stocks rebound from the worst one-day drop of the year so far. >> the dow jones industrial plummeted more than 300 points tuesday, erasing all the gains for the year. experts say it's because of the strong u.s. dollar low oil prices and a potential interest rate hike. a u.s. college student who was expelled for leading a racist chant is now apologizing for his actions. >> parker rice said it was wrong and reckless. i made a horrible mistake by joining into the singing and encouraging others to do the same. >> rice also says i'm quoting here for me this is a devastating lesson and i am seeking guidance on how i can learn from this and make sure it never happens again. my goal for the long term is to
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be a man who has the heart and courage to reject racism wherever i see it or ex-perience it in the future. >> two students were expelled over the chant. their fraternity was also kicked off campus and now a new video has surfaced with another person within that fraternity using a racial slur. >> reporter: the fallout over this racist video has been swift. two students now expelled from the university of oklahoma for "playing a leadership role in the singing of this racist chant by members of the fraternity." the fraternity house now sits nearly empty, the greek letters gone. students seen moving out remain silent. where are you guys going? >> no comment. >> reporter: the campus paper has identified parker rice a
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19-year-old freshman from dallas as one of the students leading the racist chants. matthew lopez is a friend who says that's not the person he knows. >> parker rice is a kashgcharismatic person with a good soul and spirit who i feel did not believe in or truly understand what he was saying. >> reporter: new video shot in 2013 has also emerged of the house mom, which shows her singing along with a rap song, repeatedly using the n word. gilbo, known as mom b, released a statement saying --
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>> the only one i know is someone who treated us regardless of the color of our skin our economic background she treated all with dignity, respect and love. >> reporter: joshua joined this chapter more than 15 years ago and said the fraternity then was diverse and the racist chant is not part of the frat's tradition. >> when i was here i had no knowledge of the existence of that chant. >> reporter: you never heard it? >> i never heard it i never read it. i just want to set the record straight that this is not something that's been ongoing in this chapter for many years. >> reporter: alina muchado, cnn, norman oklahoma. >> and in his apology parker rice said his family had to leave hair home because of the threats they've been getting on social media. >> it did seem like a genuine apology. we'll wait and see. more fallout in another u.s. city over accusations of racism
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as well. the sitting manager of ferguson, missouri has now resigned. >> his name is john shaw. he stepped down in the wake of a scathing report by the justice department. it blamed ferguson's police and courts for abusive behavior which targeted african-americans. ferguson has been at the center of worldwide attention and controversy since last year's shooting death of black teenager michael brown by white police officer darren wilson. shaw said his office never instructed police to target black people. france has launched a manslaughter investigation into a deadly helicopter crash in argentina. the bodies of ten people who died arrived at a morgue on tuesday. two french olympians and a well known french sailor were among those killed when two choppers collided mid-air on monday evening. they were on their way to film a reality tv show. two pilots were also killed in that deadly crash. witnesses say the crash happened
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within moments of takeoff. we know that it was good weather conditions. you can see the aftermath there. prosecutors call it a manifesto. coming up how the boston marathon bombing suspect's own words are being used against him in court. italy's former prime minister off the hook again. details of his acquittal, up next. bring us your baffling. bring us your audacious. we want your sticky notes, sketchbooks, and scribbles. let's pin 'em to the wall. kick 'em around. kick 'em around, see what happens. because we're in the how-do-i-get-this-startup- off-the-ground business. the taking-your-business- global-business. we're in the problem-solving business. 400,000 people - ready to help you solve problems while they're still called opportunities. from figuring it out to getting it done we're here to help. [ r&b slow jam playing ] ♪ yeah, girl ♪ ♪ you know, i've been thinking about
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welcome what canback to cnn. i don't know what his parents thought when they saw this video, but a child was playing in the park with his older brother and sister when a man grabbed the toddler from his stroller. the siblings gave chase until the man let the little boy go. the suspect as far as we know is still at large. >> call it an occupational hazard a journalist as his tv crew was mugged before going on live tv. take a look at this. this is in south africa. >> reports say the muggers demanded money and phones from the reporter and his crew. the crew is not seen on the
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camera. the mugger were armed and no one was apparently hurt in that incident. police are investigating. >> italy's high court has upheld the acquittal of the former prime minister. >> he was convicted for having sex with a minor, but an appeals court acquitted him. the high court rejected the prosecutor's appeal. a little bit complicated. >> he and the 17-year-old dancer denied ever having sex. a new key piece of evidence in the boston marathon bombing trial. jurors saw the words dzhokhar tsarnaev wrote inside the boat where he hid from police. prosecutors called it his manifesto. here's our alexandra field. >> reporter: the final moments of the manhunt, infrared cameras
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confirm the target is alive and moving. a series of flash bang xwre madegrenades then dzhokhar tsarnaev comes out hands up. what was he thinking hiding out? prosecutors submit his own words as evidence. god has a plan for each person. mine was to hide in this boat. i ask to be among all the righteous people in heaven. the message is written in pen ail. the u.s. government is killing innocent civilians, but most of you already know that he writes. i can't stand to see such evil unpunished. we muslims are one body. you hurt one, you hurt us all. evidence prosecutors say, of radical beliefs. the prosecution pointing the
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these tweets on the night of the bombing. ain't no love in the heart of the city. stay safe people. the next day, i'm a stress free kind of guy. and this one posted a year before they will spend their money and regret it and then they will be defeated. the prosecution suggesting it shows dzhokhar tsarnaev spent ample time plotting. the defense countering the majority of his tweets were about girls and cars. the then 19-year-old manipulated by his brother and pulled into a deadly plot the defense says. tamera tameralan dies and he says i'm jealous of my brother who received the reward before me. so far jurors have only seen pictures of that note that was left behind.
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but the prosecution would like to cut the note utout of the boat and present it to the jury. they want jurors to see the entire boat. the judge has agreed to inspect the boat before making his final ruling. alexandra field, cnn. well, still to come, activists in london try to stop teens from joining groups like isis and say their job seems to be getting harder by the day. stay with us.
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welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world. you're watching cnn newsroom. i'm john vause. >> and i'm zain asher. let's get to the headlines. hillary clinton is confronting a controversy over her e-mails for the first time. the likely presidential candidate says she used her personal e-mail account for state department work out of convenience and has turned over thousands of e-mails for review. she admits she should have used official accounts. >> parker rice is one of two students expelled from the university of oklahoma over racist chants. their fraternity was also kicked off campus. the house was closed as of midnight tuesday. the parents of an israeli arab man killed by isis say their son was recruited by the terror group. an isis video shows 19-year-old
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muhammad being shot in the head by a young boy. cnn has decided not to show that video. his parents say their son was taken captive when he tried to leave syria. community activists in london and other cities are reaching out to young people there to warn them about the dangers of radicalism. but many say their job is more difficult than ever. >> cnn's chief international correspondent christiane amanpour went back to visit one activist she spoke with back in 2007. listen. >> absolutely beautiful outside. >> reporter: eight years ago, i met this man. he's a youth worker in london. >> street crime, gun crime, drugs, car theft, credit card fraud. but then you've now got another threat. >> reporter: what's the new threat? >> radicalism. it's a cause. >> reporter: that threat has
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mushroomed. today, radicalized muslim teens are a major worry for the government and police services. and his outreach workers are on the front line trying to stop young muslims from joining isis. >> you have a lot of young muslim boys who do not understand the religion per se. they're brought up in britain, they're born muslims and the radicalization takes place because of a lack of understanding. >> reporter: muhammad hands out magazines saying isis is unislamic and warns everybody not to get involved. but the message doesn't always get through. >> quite a few youth of this area have left and gone to syria. they do not understand what they're doing. and they've picked themselves up without giving a warning and they've left the country. and at this moment i don't think the family knows if they're dead or alive. >> reporter: and his job has gotten much harder in the eight
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years since i first met him. recruiters from moved from mosques to online. >> the recruitment techniques and the ideologies have rapidly changed. we have young men and women on social media platforms in the middle of the night being groomed, even though they may not know it. >> reporter: some say the videos of bloodshed in syria can help drive people to radicalization. >> since january, i've had six cases come to my attention. the majority don't even understand islam. they haven't been radicalized through islam, they have been radicalized emotionally. >> reporter: he tries to warn people about the dark side of social media reminding them that these three girls were groomed online. and have now turned up in syria. >> these are innocent little
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girls. they've been ripped out of their household to join a network of individuals that clearly haven't got their best interests at heart. >> reporter: these teenagers don't think they're vulnerable. while some leave convinced tonight, others are more skeptical. >> we have college friends that will talk about it. >> that was cnn's christiane amanpour reporting there. lawmakers in the u.s. state of utah passed a bill which will bring backfiring squads to execute some inmates. >> the state banned firing squads in 2004, but law maishgmakers want it as an option again. >> supporters say it's more hue maine because lethal injections
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can be botched. the governor has not said if he will sign the bill into law. we're going to take a quick break. when we come back, it appears the film "blood lines" may have crossed the line. the singer found plagiarizing martin gay's song. mouths are watering, and stomachs are growling. or is that just me? it's lobsterfest... lobster's largest variety of lobster dishes all year. double up with dueling lobster tails. or make lobster lover's
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welcome back everyone. the host of a hit television show "top gear" is in hot water again. the bbc says clarksn has been suspended after hitting a producer. >> the suspension is the latest controversy involving clarkson. >> reporter: on sunday's edition of "top gear," jeremy clarkson was his usual, excitable self. the show has made the presenter and the bbc a lot of money. but this afternoon, it said in a statement jeremy clarkson has been suspended. "top gear" will not be broadcast this sunday. until now, the bbc has stuck by clarkson. last year the crew was forced to flee argentina.
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then there are the frequent accusations of racism. the derogatory term used in burma found them told off by the broadcaster. then the use of an offensive word. >> i realized in the mumbled versions if you listen carefully with the sound turned up it did appear i used the word i was trying to obscure. i was northmortified by this. it is a word i loathe. >> reporter: clarkson was put on his final warning. >> it just never shuts up. it would drive you mad. >> reporter: the bbc now has to decide what to do with the star and the program, which is one of its biggest money spinners. >> wikipedia founder says the
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mass surveillance of the nsa is illegal. >> he and other groups have filed a lawsuit to stop the nsa practice of tapping into the hardware that moves internet traffic across the globe. earlier, he told cnn's maggie lake the privacy of internet users is now under threat. >> we have a constitution for a reason. we have laws for a reason. they need to follow the law. we have a long history in this country of institutions involving probable cause, warrants et cetera to short circuit all that and spy on everyone is not accepted. >> is there a way to balance user privacy and the needs? we clearly see organizations like isis which are very adept at using social media to recruit. we know that threat is real. is there a way or a middle
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ground to balance that very real threat and the privacy of users? >> absolutely absolutely. these are the traditions of american law. traditions of gathering evidence probable cause, getting a search warrant. those are the things that we do. but we what we don't do is spy on the entire american public and sort of collect data on almost everyone using the internet to go on fishing expeditions. >> the u.s. government has said upstream surveillance is protected by the 2008 surveillance law. robin thicke's "blured lines" was the number one song in 2013. >> when it comes to copyright infringement a jury says they crossed the line and now it will cost the singer millions. listen. ♪ i know you want it i know you want it ♪ ♪ good times ♪
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♪ ♪ >> theon tuesday, a federal judge in los angeles said the song was plagiarized. >> thicke and williams admitted "blured lines" was reminisce sent of marvin gaye's song "give it up." listen to marvin gaye's song and judge for yourself. ♪ ♪ emotional moment for his daughter who broke down outside the courthouse.
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>> right now, i feel free. free from -- honestly free from pharrell williams and robin thicke's chains and what they tried to keep on us and the lies that were told and the fact that we were able to break through any way. >> thicke and williams say they are disappointed in the verdict and they are considering their next move. the executive editor of the hollywood reporter joins me now. matthew, pharrell williams says that the songs just sort of have the same feel. how do you distinguish between being influenced by another artist like marvin gaye creating a song that has the same feel as another song and basically stealing copyright infringement?
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>> that' what we've seen today. the jury found it was plagiarized. but they found it wasn't willful, which means they didn't find they purposefully went out to try to steal this song only that they incorporated elements and ultimately plagiarized the song even subconsciously, to create their version. >> so they did it subconsciously. but does this set an interesting precedent? are we going to see more lawsuits like this? >> that's the big question whether the flood dates will open to more of these types of case. now we live in an age where every song is searchable and everyone who owns a very famous song is going back and looking saying, is it similar to something that has come after it and become successful? the fine line between influence and infringement is very thin. >> i'm guessing this is going to
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open up whole other can of worms. how much damage does this do to pharrell williams' and robin thicke's reputation as artist? >> it does do some damage. it was revealed in the trial that the song itself made more than $16 million in profits, and they were ordered to pay about $7.3 million. so they still did make some money on the song. but it does -- especially pharrell williams, who is known as one of the top songwriters. for him to be publicly branded now someone who has stolen song does damage. i don't know if fans necessarily care very much when they buy music, but it does brand him with this kind of taint. >> it's got to be embarrassing. marvin gaye's family's lawyer wants to block future sales. is that realistic? >> that is realistic. on a finding of copyright infringement you can make a
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motion and say we want to stop the sale of future songs that are infringing. but what i think is really going on here is their positioning for a big settlement. they're trying to get the labels and the artist to come together and say we're going to make a big payment to the marvin gaye family. make this go away and we'll stop all of this before there's an appeal before there's an effort to stop sales, make this go away. >> robin thicke and pharrell williams have both said they are considering their next move. but at least for the time being this verdict puts to rest some legal drama that we've seen brewing. matthew, thank you so much. >> thank you. so all the hipsters who are enjoying that new hip beat coming out, it was '70s music. and that's my music on my ipod. >> how old are you, john? >> really old. hillary clinton finally breaks her silence over her e-mail controversy.
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that's after the break. alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are ya? good. aleve. proven better on pain. the lexus command performance sales event has begun. command track-tested precision with the fastest-growing automotive luxury brand on the road. including the exhilarating is. powerful gs. and first-ever rc coupe.
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especially i guess places like kentucky. so we've got the flood warnings because there's a lot of water which is coming and also huge chunks of ice falling and hitting cars that kind of stuff. >> you knew this was bound to happen with so much ice and wintry weather. look at these temperatures. a lot of yellows and oranges, mild setup across much of the eastern united states. much of the u.s. in general. 75 fahrenheit. we're talking low to mid 20s celsius. charleston south carolina 84 degrees, that is near a record for this time of year. places like minneapolis, we're sitting at minus 7 just one week ago, and now warming up to 56 fahrenheit. so impressive sight and the mild weather continues. all of this coming at a price, because the snow coverage just ten days ago across the united states 63% of the u.s. had at
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least an inch of snow on the ground. now we're down to 19%. here is the cutoff for all that snow beginning to melt across this region of the u.s. and ice, of course melting very quickly, as well. we'll touch on that momentarily. on december 21st the first day of winter the sun angle quite low in the sky. a lot of atmosphere for that sun's energy to travel through, so the snow melt is slow. now in march, the snow melt becoming very rapid. and june 21st peak sun angle, with the warmest weather approaching thereafter. in ohio a lot of problems shaping up ice jams causing issues across ohio. this is the sciota river, ice breaking apart.
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the significant ice melting is a major problem for a lot of parts of the u.s. with frozen water. look at the great lakes of the u.s. this was 88% ice coverage as of about a week and a half ago. it is down to 68%. so the ice even on the lakes melting very quickly. all of this of course leading to a lot of fog. so if you're traveling across the u.s. it will be very foggy. >> there's also these ice bolders around the cape cod area that washed up on the beach. it's an indication of the brutal weather. >> plenty of snow on the ground in new england. >> thanks pedron. parents had an unexpected surprise on tuesday at a fashion
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know. ♪ ♪ >> in case you didn't recognize it zoolander is back. they showed the models just how it's gone. >> i love that song. ben stiller immortalized his pose in the 2001 "zoolander" film. >> what would you say your trademark is? >> i guess the look i'm best known for is blue steel. >> what does that look like? ♪ ♪ >> impressive. >> am i the only person that hasn't seen this movie? >> yes. >> the best line of the movie is where he said to his said i wanted a mermaid, i was a merman. hillary clinton finally addressed the controversy surrounding her personal e-mail on tuesday, it was the big talk of the day.
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the former secretary of state says she used her private domain for official work to carry one device instead of two. and insists she did not break any of the rules. >> so how kid her press conference compare to the "saturday night live" comedy skit mocking the potential presidential contender? here's jeanne moos. >> reporter: rarely does a comedy skit -- >> i want to address that pesky media. >> reporter: precede the actual event it's mocking. if nothing else "saturday night live" correctly predicted some of hillary clinton's gestures. >> in any way. >> if i decide to run. who knows? >> reporter: snl's hillary revealed specific e-mails. like the one she sent to bill. >> take a look at this sexy e-mail i sent on our on versery. >> reporter: the real hillary said she didn't keep the personal ones. at least she didn't have to
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confess to senator graham's cyber sin. >> you can have every e-mail i've ever sent. >> i was born 67 years ago and i have been planning on being president ever since. >> reporter: the real hillary side stepped every question about running, though at an earlier event, she was described as -- >> a future president. i'm just saying. >> reporter: some are saying what a past president once said. >> i did not have sexual relations with that woman. >> reporter: but then twisting it to fit hillary's situation, i did not have inappropriate e-mail with that server. hillary's smile served her well. >> one last question. >> what a relatable laugh. do i really laugh like that? >> well. >> reporter: better to lol about
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those e-mails. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> it was like you said at least she went away from the will she, won't she. thanks for watching. i'm zain asher. >> i'm john vause. errol barnett is up next. you are watching cnn. >> he's here. is he here? with my android from tracfone, i can... order safety goggles. play music for seedlings. post science fair projects. schedule guinea pig feedings. video chemical reactions. take pics of mr. bones. time the next launch. calm down principal jones. i can do all that with my android from tracfone. 90-day plans start as low as $20. unbeatable nationwide coverage. no contract. for a limited time save $20 on the new unimax maxpatriot. now just $49.99. tracfone. do everything for less. bring us your baffling. bring us your audacious. we want your sticky notes, sketchbooks, and scribbles. let's pin 'em to the wall.
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