tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN March 12, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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dangerous situation in ferguson. don't forget don will be back with a lot more throughout the evening and 10:00 p.m. eastern. you'll want to see his special report. that's it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." erin burnett outfront starts in and out. breaking news. ferguson police department told to stand aside relieved of command during protests as man hunt is on for the gunman who ambushed two officers last night. more breaking news. those secret service agents who drove their car into a white house barrier, were they drunk when they barged onto an active crime scene. capturing the moment that a carjacking victim escaped from the brothers and ruined their escape. let's go outfront.
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tonight, we have breaking news. at this hour st. louis county police along with missouri highway patrol officers will assume command of the security command for ferguson protests. they will remain responsible for routine policing services but will no longer take the lead during demonstrations and protests. this coming less than 24 hours after two officers were shot and wounded in ferguson. [ gunshots ] >> the two officers were shot as they stood guard in front of the ferguson police station at tend of the night of mostly peaceful protests. >> when they heard the shots and when they heard the bullets singing past they saw muzzle flashes. these muzzle flashes were probably about 125 yards away. many officers drew their weapons
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but no officers fired. >> both officers survived with nonlife threatening injuries. late today attorney general eric holder called the crime a heinous attack and a man hunt for the shooter or shooters is on. the head of st. louis county police saying that several people have been very forthright with investigators. sara has been covering this story from the start. thooes she's outfront in ferguson. tell us the latest as officers are looking for the shooter. >> reporter: there's been three people who have brought in for questioning. we also know that the two officers one who was hit in the the shoulder. the other hit below the right eye, they have both been able to leave the hospital just 12 hours after they were shot. [ gunshots ] [ bleep ]. >> acknowledgement nine months ago would kept that from
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happening. >> it was just after midnight three or four shots rang out. >> a cop got shot. >> reporter: police drew their weapons. many crouching down but officials say they did not return fire. police believe the officers were targeted. >> we're lucky by god's grace we didn't lose two officers last night. this was really an ambush. >> reporter: police estimate the shots came from just across the street. some witnesses saw muzzle flashes. the weapon believed to be a handgun. shell casings were recovered. >> bullets were right past my head. it was traumatic. i'm still in shock. >> reporter: the officers who were shot were standing side by side according to police. there were about 75 protesters and 40 officers still on the scene as the night's protests were winding down. >> i didn't really expect the
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amount of agitation at times that we saw last night out of the crowd based on the news that happened yesterday. >> reporter: that news that ferguson's police chief thomas jackson had resigned in the wake of a blistering doj report. demonstrators gathered to celebrate but also some blocked trachk. >> that's a kid. >> really. >> reporter: three protesters were arrested. fights broke out between protesters. neither of the officers who were shot worked for the ferguson police department. one a 14 year veteran of the st. louis county p.d. was shot in the shoulder. the other hit just below the eye from the webster grove department. both have been released from the hospital less than 12 hours after the shooting. earlier today efly armed police entered this house. three people were taken in for questioning.
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>> reporter: we have just gotten this new information in. more breaking news. the police are now saying sources with the police are saying they are looking for two people in connection with the shooting of those two officers. one of the people they are looking to question may be the shooter. the other may be someone who helped the shooter get away. that's the very latest we're getting. breaking news that police sources are telling us they are looking for two people in connection with the shooting of these two officers and that one of the people they are looking to question may indeed be the person responsible for this terrible act. >> key information there that you just got in the last minute or so. these two people identified that police are looking for. we'll continue to follow that. tonight we're learning more about three people taken into custody. our jason carol is outfront live in ferguson. we just heard that from sara that police have identified two people. with unwho could be the shooter,
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could be suspected and another who could have assisted the shooter. this is the preliminary word. you just spoke to one of the people earlier who was questioned by police. what did she say? >> reporter: right. there were three of them who were questioned by police. they came out to this protest last night right out here from the ferguson pd went home. thought everything was fine until about 3:00 in the morning. that's when they were woken up by police demanding they leave the house, get outside right away. by the time they got outside, they had their hands up and one of them was fearing for her life. take a listen to what she told us. >> i opened the door. the door's open. it's open. screaming letting everybody know. i scoot back. i look at my chest. it's a red dot on it. i had my hands up crying don't shoot me. he said come out. i said are you going to shoot me. i just stood there.
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he walks in front of me and my son walks in front of him. my son. >> how old? >> he's six years old. he's the reason that i live every day. he got more sense than i have. that little boy walked in front of him and me and he had beamers on my son as well. they said come out with your hands and has us to do a 360. we walked backwards and get on our knees. >> reporter: terrifying moments there. they were questioned for several hours. they were asked did they know anything about the shooting. they told police no repeatedly. they asked if they saw anyone who committed the shooting. they repeatedly told police they did not. the only thing they heard was the gunfire and what they saw was the police go down. >> all right. also tell us about where police
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if they have any sense of this of where they think the shooter may have been standing. >> reporter: well just to tell you where i am, i'm standing here on tippin street. fp if you look behind me you can see the front of the police department. the police say the shooter was standing about 120 or 125 yards. the shooter was up here on this street committed the shooting and disappeared in the neighborhood off in that direction there. that's the working theory they have now. obviously a lot more investigating has to go on. you just heard from sara possibly two people of interest they will be checking into. we'll see if that takes them anywhere. >> we're following that information just in. jason carol for us in ferguson. we have some exclusive new audio and video of that shooting.
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exclusive. we have not seen this here yet. chris, a documentary film producer who was at the police station when the shots were fired. thanks so much for joining us. tell us you were recording audio at the time of shooting. [ gunshots ] >> we hear what sounds like two gunshots. you tell me what you think but take me through what happened when you heard those shots. >> reporter: everything pretty much calmed down about that time of night. obviously all night it was relatively peaceful but as far as the two different lines of both sides it seemed like it was kind of winding down. we were focused on picking up some shots, some b roll an
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arrest that happened and somebody being processed and brought back out. the camera was faced towards the police station. i was just having a conversation with a couple of the officers on the front line pretty casually and out of nowhere i heard those bangs. >> you also have video and we were watching it right there. it was video of right after the shots were fired. you can see on the right hand of that video, you can see the feet of one of the officer us who had gone down. you see the others taking cover behind their shields. what was the scene like? you were awfully close to this when it happened. what was it like? >> reporter: it was very apparent from where the shots had come from. the north side is the protest line. on the south side is the police line, on the police station lot facing offer each other. these shots, in my opinion, it
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sounded like they came from a completely different place just adjacent to where the subway was located. when it initially happened, i personally thought it sounded like a louder bang like mare tear gas being deployed or flash bangs. that's when i immediately went to the camera reposition and got in focus and hit record and took cover after that. >> you also have some video that you shot. this is one of the officers receiving treatment is what it looks like. tell us what you saw there. >> reporter: once the scene was secured, i had ask i could get my equipment and we were positioned in the rear of police station. at that moment i noticed there was a lot of activity on top of the hill.
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i didn't know if anybody was shot. i wasn't checking my phone. i was trying to recover my situation at that point. when i did notice that activity i began to film up on that hill. it wasn't until i saw the ambulance pulling up that i realized what was happening. >> it's an amazing look there and really you just get a sense of the chaos that broke out last night. thanks for sharing your footage with us so we can see what happened there. really appreciate it. >> you're welcome. tonight, the business manager for the city of st. louis police officers association. thanks for being with us again. tell us, because you know these officers, how are they doing tonight? >> there is a very solemn scary time for our law enforcement family. one of the officers i'm friends with. i've known for nearly 20 years. i visited with him at his home
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earlier today. he was in remarkably good spirits considering what he had been through just a few hours before. >> which officer did you visit with? >> the st. louis county officer. the officer shot in the shoulder. >> he's doing well considering. do we know about the other officer shot in the cheek, i believe this cheek and the bullet still lodged in his head. do we know how he's doing? >> that one is scary. for both of them they were just inches away from a fatal shot. it's really fortunate that the round didn't penetrate his skull and traversed the skull and lodged behind his ear. early on in these gunshot wound situations it's very difficult to gauge how much nerve damage has occurred.
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gunshot wounds are notorious for serious infections and the mental state of the officers. can they mentally ever come back to work? these are questions that won't be answered for some time. >> this will continue for some time. talk to us about some of the other officers. obviously, they're very aware that this went on. there's no curfew in place tonight in ferguson. how concerned are they tonight for their safety? >> i've called for a curfew and i'll continue to do so. it's unsafe for law enforcement and the protesters that have peaceful intentions out there to have bullets whizzing over their head. let's not rewrite history and pretend like this is something new. officers have been fired upon on and off for the last seven months. every night for the first two weeks of the protest in august officers were fired at with gunfire. the two nights after the grand
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jury decision and now again last night. we've allowed things to spin out of control. >> stay with us. we'll be talking a little more in a moment. we have more of our breaking news in ferguson. police looking to question two people in the shooting. one may be the shooter. we just found out about this minute minutes ago. did the secret service agents disrupt an active bomb investigation? we'll have a report. dramatic new surveillance video from the boston bombing trial. this man here seen escaping from the tsarnaev brothers. something he calls the most terrifying decision of his life.
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law enforcement officials say they have identified to people who are wanted for questioning outside the ferguson police station. this may include the person who shot the officers this morning. you can see the moment that the gunfire broke out. this was amid protests against the em battled police department. the officers were there standing guard outside the station. the st. louis county police
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chief says they were targeted just because they're police officers. don lemon p outfront from ferguson tonight. don, you saw just moments ago around you, you have state and county officers who have taken over the security for the protests in ferguson. are we expecting more tonight? >> reporter: there's a vigil that's going to be held here. since august we have been getting information, updates. i get them on my phone about where protesters are going to gather. they are expected to gather here. they will start at 8:00 p.m. the official gathering isn't until 10:00. one lone protesters there standing across the street. that's where the media is camped out.
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they have the barricades up. just across the driveway this is the ferguson fire station. that is where they are meeting right now. members of the st. louis county police department and also members of the missouri highway patrol inside meeting right now. it's believed to be ron johnson from the missouri highway patrol they have taken over the operations with keeping the peace here in ferguson missouri. the police department now just doing routine calls for that happened in the community. they're inside now. you can see some of them coming out. they are starting the go out on this shift. on the special task force after they had their briefing inside the fire department. >> we'll be waiting to see how the events unfold. hopefully everyone stays safe.
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he's back with us as well. he's with the city of the st. louis police officers association. police are saying this shooting was an ambush. how big of a set back do you think this is to these protesters trying to be heard and the protesters being nonviolent? >> i think it's a big set back. it's a moral set back. all of our priers have to go to the family members, the officers themselves and everybody who wants to be a part of the democratic process. those bull elts whiz by the protesters. no violence violence against police. that's been a consistent mess e
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message from this movement it's been a big moral setback. two men almost lost their lives and that's a horrible thing. it's a miracle we didn't have funerals being planned as a result of those acts of the shooters. >> really very very close call. they're still not out of the woods. it's still a long way to go. i want to talk about something that you said earlier. you said protesters in ferguson have thrown and this is a quote, kerosene on the fire. you said they've been aidsing and abetting the age taitators. last night it seemed the protests were peaceful and they were shocked by the shooting. you think the protesters are moving this along, the violence part of this? >> van and i don't agree on
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eerything. i agree social security a set back for the people who have peaceful intentions that have taken part of the protests out there. you can't hear their complaints about ferguson city government or law enforcement over the clang of gunfire. this is not the first time officers have been fired on. >> people who have come to take advantage of the situation and not necessarily protesters. these aren't people who have been protesting and then decide to get violent. you think the protesters are to blame for what happened last
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night? >> i think the protesters in the situations like last night cease being protesters and being human shields for those that have deadly intentions. i called today for a curfew. as van pointed out, the bullets whizzed over the heads of the protesters too last night. it's not safe for law enforcement or the protesters after dark. that's when all the violence has been. we don't have to separate the peaceful from the violent ones because we don't have the violence during the day. >> here are some of the things i'm concerned about. not only am i concerned about the protesters and the police. we also have journalists out there tonight. nobody wants anything bad to happen. there's some things said that i think are very disturbing. first of all, there are people who beginning to lay at the feet of non-violent peaceful
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protesters who are exercising their constitutional rights under our constitution to petition the government for redress. they're saying they are responsible for the acts of these nuts. that is dangerous especially when people from law enforcement say that. why is that so dangerous? it's dangerous because in our country the police have a special role. in a police state you cannot criticize the police. the police serve the role of protecting free speech. when you start now having law enforcement officers saying you can't speak, you can't demonstrate, you can protest because if somebody gets shot you're responsible. i think that's a very dangerous road for us to go down. we have to protect the sense. >> what happened last night? what happened last night was the officers there on that line they didn't fire in the crowd
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the direction the gunfire was coming from. they didn't run and hide. they said get on the ground. get on the ground. >> they were heroes last night. >> it's disturbing when you tack last night on the end. >> did not mean that as an insult. that's what makes american law enforcement so special. in other countries you cannot criticize police. my concern is we're now starting to hear law enforcement and that's what makes them special. you're starting to hear a very disturbing chorus coming from law enforcement saying we're responsible now for the violent fringe those of us exercising our rights under our constitution. it's very bad when somebody else says it. >> it ceases to be a peaceful
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protest the moment that somebody in the crowd fires a gun. >> we'll continue to have this conversation. thanks so both of you. next iranian troops help iraqis retake most of a strategic city. this has the debate over a letter to iran's leader boils over. new surveillance video from the tsarnaev trail. this is moments after allegedly executing a police officer. seen here casually buying snacks at a gas station. like my potassium and phytosterols which may help lower cholesterol. new ensure active heart health supports your heart and body so you stay active and strong. ensure, take life in.
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exaggerate exaggerated. that comes as forces are making gains against isis. thanks in large part from help from iran. barbara starr is outfront. >> reporter: three quarters of the city of tikrit in northern iraq now back in government hands. a fight won. for now they are like minded. >> in essence we're working towards the same end. >> reporter: questions if it could all go wrong if there's no nuclear agreement with iran. >> what may occur after march 24th in the event there isn't an agreement with iran over the nuclear program, how will that affect how the shia militia, how that might affect them. >> we have no indications they
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tend to turn on us. >> reporter: iran supreme leader weighing in on that letter from 47 senators writing to him. he said i'm concerned because the other side is into deception, trickery and back stabbing. political messages on all side. >> the next president of the united states is not going to be held accountable by this president signing an agreement that i don't think is in the united states best interest. >> reporter: disagreements from the democrats is rising. >> congress does have the ability to take away from the president the power to implement this agreement. that shouldn't be a discussion until we have the agreement before us. >> reporter: the next steps on two tracks in washington two very significant tracks. what will happen next in iraq
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how much support will iran continue to give. will iraq become an iranian climate at a time an the nuclear agreement if an agreement is not reached by the end of this month. the next steps may be very difficult to predict. >> barbara starr for us at the pentagon. thank you. outfront former nato commander wesley clark. how concerned are you about the fight with isis. >> it will be difficult to turn back. let's make this simple. we overturned a sunni regime that's hussein. iraq is 65% roughly, give or take shia. iraqi leadership is now in trouble. that's isis. the iraqis go next door to the iranians and say we need help
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come on in. they now have provided that help. the likelihood in coming years it will back away from this integration is limited. >> general clark, it begs the rule that as the u.s. is involved here how does this complicate things for the u.s. and how should the u.s. relate to iran when it comes to iraq? >> in the first place we're in there to try to contain, stop to destroy isis. in that case we're right now making common clause with iraq. we didn't participate in the tikrit offensive. the commander, iranian air strike iranian artillery were in there. we stayed out of that. this is a complication as phil said.
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as the offensive moves forward and we're looking at what we're going to do with respect to syria, isis and syria is even more complicated. turkey doesn't want iran to encircle its opportunities. with an iraq it's a client state of iran and iran itself there's going to be a solids belt of shia support surrounding turkey. turkey's going to strike out against that. >> general, is it possible is it sustainable for the u.s. to fight in common cause with iran but to avoid any sort of cooperation here. >> well in the near term yes. it's sustainable. what we have to understand is this is a very long term set of issues in the middle east that has to do with islam. it has to do with shiia versus sunni and turkey's desire to
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regain a larger role on the international stage. we need to be prepared to stay for a long time and that means no u.s. ground combat troops in there. keep our options open. be very light footed where we're in this area because we don't want a lot of casualty of our own forces and we want to be able to be very flexible and agile. >> i want to ask you about this isis audio tape. it's accepting this pledge of allegiance from boka haram. does this strengthen either group? should the u.s. be concerned? >> i think it strengthsens both short term but exposes an isis vulnerability. al qaeda was very concerned about the brand. don't affiliate with groups and i think they would include boka haram. these groups like boka don't represent what al qaeda was all about. attack the americans, be careful
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about being too extreme with the locals. what isis has done is said we'll diluteaffiliateing with a lot of groups. i think this gives them a foothold and it gives boka haram an opportunity to say we're on a word stage, longer term i think this is weakness for isis. over time i think boka haram will be turned back by the nigerians and other african forces and isis will look foolish. >> thanks so much for being with us. next new details on the secret service agents who drove their car into white house barriers. one of them a supervisor on the president's personal detail. at the boston bombing trial new video capturing the moment this man escaped the tsarnaev brothers. did his actions help police catch up to the brothers. d stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424.
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about allegations that two secret service officials crashed into a white house security gate disrupting a bomb investigation after a night of drinking. officials say president obama is disappointed to learn of the allegations. one of those agents, mark connelly was the second in command on president obama's personal detail. he spent countless hours keeping watch. lawmakers say they are furious. michelle outfront tonight from the white house. you're learning some new details about this. what can you tell us? >> reporter: the agent that you mentioned, he was not the one driving this car. it was two agents driving together. now these law enforcement sources federal with the investigation are pushing back against the outrage that's throughout as well as this reporting the agents crashed
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into a gate or barrier. they're saying didn't quite happen that kwaway. they said they were traveling one mile an hour. they went into the restricted area and nudged an orange sort of barrel one of those barrel type barriers you see on a highway. nudged it out of the way with their car a few feet to get to a check point. the sources say they rolled down their window showed their badges for about 25 seconds. nothing seemed amiss. they were let to go through that check point to a second one where their car was checked by a dog, checked for explosives and then they were on their way. they said this lasted one minute. there was no crash. they never got out of their car. there was no damage to the vehicle and that's it. the sources are not commenting on didn't they drive through the crime scene tape through a restricted area where there was an active investigation going on and where did this alcohol allegation coming pup was it
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later on. somebody else they encountered. who smelled alcohol and supervisor who let them go home even though some officers thought they should be tested for alcohol and even arrested. some big questions still out there. >> big questions definitely. tonight, we have sean henry. he's a former fbi director. he worked with the secret service in that role. you heard michelle's report there. we have some officials who are down playing what happened. this is not nothing. you don't have the president saying he's disappointed and you don't have two top secret service agents being reassigned if this isn't a big deal right? >> well i think that's right. i think there is some concern especially on the heels of a number of other incidents that have occurred over the last couple of years. you've got to do a thorough investigation and follow the
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facts where they lead. through this investigation i think by the inspector general you'll make a determination whether or not the agents were intoxicated or took actions that really exceeded what they should be doing in that particular area. >> it seemed like it's been one after the other. you have the fence jumper that got all the way inside the white house. we're on our third secret service director within two years. we have a new director in. does more need to be done. is this an issue of leadership. is this something else? >> i think leadership is always going to be questioned by people when you see something like this happen. joe clancy is the new director. he needs an opportunity to assert himself in this role. there are 6500 employees in the secret service. more than 3200 agents and 150
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officers around the country. we've heard about the incidents that should raise some concern but they are quite a minority when you think about the number of incidents that secret service is involved in. we shouldn't have a black mark against the entire organization. let joe clancy do his job. he'll have to make some actions here. >> he gets some time. thanks so much. >> thank you. next just in to cnn. we have new video from the boston bombing trial. this is carjacking victim escaping the tsarnaev brothers. did he ruin the suspected bombers escape plan? an intimate portrait of the last super and judas' betrayal of jesus. that's ahead of the sneak peek "finding jesus." 80% of the poor in africa are rural farmers. 96% of them are doing rain-fed agriculture. they're all competing with each other;
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breaking news. new details about what may have prevented the boston bombing suspects from getting away. a man testified today he was carjacked by tamerlan and dzhokhar tsarnaev and then he made a run for it. his narrow escape and call to authorities likely prevented further carnage. deb feyerick out front for us. >> reporter: kidnapping and carjacked by the boston bombers, 27-year-old dunn maing anxiously waited to run. when a car pulled in the gas station, he found an opening and raced as fast as he could across the street to another gas station. watch as maing frantically tries locking the door, begging the confused clerk to call 9-1-1,
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fearing the tsarnaev brothers will follow he hides in a storeroom. the clerk gets police on the line and hands maing the phone. >> did they leave? >> i don't know. i don't know. they took my car like half an hour ago. >> reporter: following collier, hijacked the suv. tamerlan pointed a gun and said do you know the boston marathon explosion? i did it and i just killed a policeman in camebridge. drove meng to a bank where dzhokhar used meng's atm car to withdraw $800 in cash. driving around meng testified tamerlan tsarnaev made small talk asking him where he was from. meng replied, i'm chinese. tamerlan's response i'm muslim. muslims hate americans. just before midnight they stopped at this shell station. meng says to fill up the gas
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tank intended to drive to new york. at the gas station, dzhokhar goes inside to buy snacks taking his time picking out chips. that's when meng decided to run. surveillance video shows tamerlan going to his brother, meng has escaped. he leaves the snacks and follows tamerlan. meng alerted police had gps tracking a crucial break that helped police close in on the tsarnaev brothers. >> unbelievable deb. and tell us again how, because we've been monitors dzhokhar each day of testimony, how did he respond today to this testimony and to this evidence in incourt? >> reporter: he seemed more engaged. usually he's in his chair. he was slouching, looked disinterested, made eye contact but watching himself on video listening to the stories of this
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man saying, dzhokhar kidnapped me it was very very powerful. understated but extremely dramatic and extremely powerful brianna. >> he had been stoic many days except for yesterday and today. deb, you'll continue to monitor this in boston. thank you. outfront next the drama of the last supper as never seen before.
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this week's episode of "finding jesus" takes a closer look at the disciple judas and his betrial. >> the tension is really building up. through the week that they'd been in je reduce lumrusalem, something big was about to happen. >> i think there's a real sense of foreboding at the last summer in the way that it's portrayed in the gospels. >> there's that moment at the meal this intimacy to eat a meal with somebody is to be
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family with them. jesus announces that one of you, one of the 12 will betray me. >> jesus and judas airs sunday night at 9:00 and "ac360" starts right now. good evening from ferguson where the sun goes down about 3 minutes from now and it sets on a far different place than less than 24 hours ago. for all this community has been through, for all this community has seen never before had to with the two police officers have to fully face the reality their peaceful message could be quickly overshadowed as attorney general eric holder played as some damn punk with a gun.
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