tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN March 12, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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shoot ging two police officers last night, and one in the shoulder, and one in the face, and you never know when it gets later here what could happen and it seems that things start to happen later on here. so to continue the live coverage now, my colleague anderson cooper joins me now, and an anderson, take it away. >> thank you, don. thank you for joining us and good evening everyone live from ferguson where police and pro protesters are back on the streets behind me. and not a too visible presence and the number of protesters and maybe a few dozen here in the most and a few more have added, and in many ways it is not as much different from the last few months months, and you can hear the people playing the drums behind me, and some people are dancing, and some people are chanting for more or less the last hour or so, and two police officers have now life-changing wounds to recover from, and as don mentioned one shot in the should e and another in the face. and the bullet is still believed
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to be in his had head and there rare many good people here have taken a body bowl. some have battled fatigue, and they want their streets back home, and off of the streets, and others fear that all that they have accomplished is going to be eclipsed and this is how people will remember ferguson. -- captions by vitac -- [ gunshots ] >> well, that is what it looked and sounded like in the chaotic hours overnight on the street and the shock from it is yett to lift lift. the governor is coming to see for himself, and the highway patrol a patrol, and the county patrol have taken over security from the ferguson police department. people have held a small vigil not far from here for all victims of violence whether it was directed at law enforcement or committed by the law
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enforcement or simply within the community, and this is the stated intention at least, and whether that spirit continues, it is too soon to tell. and we have been reporting with our correspondents since the first shots rang out. here is jason carroll. >> a new blue line is on guard here at the ferguson police department. it is just after midnight -- [ shots ] >> reporter: and the shots rang out. >> it was gun fire, and now the cops have the guns drawn. >> reporter: two officers hit, and one rips through his body and exits through the back. the other officer is shot in the face, and the bullet lodges behind his ear. they were both rushed to the hospital in serious condition after what authorities call an ambush. >> several shots were fired, at least three. and two officers were struck. i don't have an official status on what their condition is right now. they are conscious.
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however, those are very serious gunshot injuries to sustain in the upper torso, and certainly in the face. >> reporter: at the scene, intense moments in the aftermath of the shootings, and some police draw weapon and others take cover for the possibility of more fire. and when the situation is calmer they approach to investigate. police are theer ror izerror -- theorizing that wherever the shots were fired was about 125 yards north up this street in that area. earlier authorities swarmed this house a half mile from the scene. dozens of police officers, and police dogs descend, and some enter the home through the front door. while others try to the pry a
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hole through the roof, and described as a tactical situation relating to the shooting situation. three people are taken in for questioning, and two men, and one woman. iresha turner was one of them. >> 3:00 in the morning we heard, boom boom boom, and it is 15 police who said we ain't leaving until you open up the door. i look down, and my chest, and i have a red dot on me, and i said, please don't shoot me. >> reporter: she said that she was protest, and she sped away, and in fear, and possibly raising the fear. >> and there was something up in the attic? >> yes, a gun. >> in the attic? >> yes, it is not to the hurt anyone anyone, but to protect myself. >> reporter: she was questioned but not charged later. >> yes. >> and good news later in the day, the officers are released by the hospital. >> we rare lucky that we didn't
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lose two officers. >> reporter: and today, the community is on edge as the manhunt for who shot the officers is continuing. >> and that man shunt very much on. and the protest continues, and there are several dozen people here tonight. >> and it is unsure today if we would see what we were go g toing to see here. and i was texting the protesters that i have been on in the last several months a ndnd in light, of what happened is there a chance that you would show up and one tofof the older protesters said, if it were my choice no and it is run by the younger people, and they are out here right now. >> we have talked to a woman who you talked to her grand daugter, and she is the one taken in for questioning today, and ultimately clear and released. the grandmother says she wishes that she wishes people would calm down and stay the off of the streets for a little while. >> in fact she didn't want her
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granddaughter coming down here last night, and she did, and when the shooting happened rushed to them as soon as she could. when i spoke to her erlarlier today, she was very emotional, anderson about that, and not only what happened to the granddaughter p but what is happening with the community as well. >> i want to bring in a guest for the latest manhunt here about who they are looking for. >> well we know that one of them is the shooter, and some solid leads that the police have now. they are getting close. and perhaps the feeling is that we will see developments tomorrow. believed to be local people. a lot of the people that they have been getting information about are that they have been involved with the protests. >> and so they have been getting information? >> yes, the police have been out in the neighborhood knocking on the door d, and going into the
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home, and similar to what happened to this family or that jason profiled. so a lot of that in the community, and learning a lot of things and they are pretty confident. >> and are you hear from the police that whoever is involved in the shooting is somebody who had taken part in the protest? >> they believe it is someone here who was taking part in the protests. >> and it is a weapon that is believed that sitit is a handgun. >> yes, and they are not sure, and the other thing, a rifle or some modified rifle. there are some smaller style rifles that could be used, because the bullet if it came from where they say it came it traveled far. so it would have to have some kind of power, so the question is, was it some kind of modified rifle. >> okay. appreciate it simone and jason carroll as well. i want to go to sara sidner who is with the protesters, and not a great distance from where i am standing. sara, the mood is clearly -- well what is the mood like?
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>> well, i believe that we will win. one thing that we know is going to happen is that the thing that they keep asking for which is to indict that cop. that is the chant that is over and over again. that is not going to happen. the grand jury said they are not going to do that and the department of justice is not coming after darren wilson. he has been exonerated. the crowd is going to start thinning out here, and you are see seeing a few people here, as opposed to quite a few more not long ago, but i want to give you a look at where the police are in approximation to where they are, and oftentimes you will see a line of officers here, and that is not happening today, and it seems that the officers, you won't see them standing behind the cars and obviously, the st. louis county police now taking over again to do the patrolling here and part of that sis that ferguson has 50 officer, and they cannot handle
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doing this every single night so they have agreed to come in as they did more than the 100 days that they did day in day out before we saw the grand jury's decision. anderson. >> all right. sara sidner appreciate it. we hope it stays peaceful. with me is the witness to the shooting. bob hudgins joining us. what did you see last night when you were here? >> i was standing about right there where the crowd is, but on the sidewalk. from above and behind me to the northwest uf tiffen avenue right here i heard several shots. i have heard three and four-plus, but it sounded about eight to e me. i saw a guy go down and -- >> so you saw one of the off officers go down? >> yes, and he screamed. they immediately dragged him away, and people were hitting the ground and crawling. i jumped in the car, and we left and went that way.
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>> have you ever seen anything like this? >> no! we have felt our agencies, and sensed the power, and feeling good about this, and h my best friend from the movement at this time said that this is the happiest that i have been in a long time. >> and you felt that progress was being made? >> yes, and without the e electoral process, and without going through votes. we saw that we got results from being in the street. and then that happened. and we can't help but get smeared with that. >> you believe that you were worried that it takes away from what you believe that the protesters have been able to accomplish? accomplish? >> i do. i think it is a setback. it wasn't us and i would stake my life on it. somebody taking advantage of the situation. because we have had seven months to do something like that, and we never did and never have. >> and bob, thank you for telling us what you saw and did. >> indeed.
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>> and there is a lot to tell you about in the hour ahead, and just ahead, we will dig deeper into the question of where the shots came from and you have heard from bob, and look at the larger picture as well and includeing the responsibility of what happened should end with those who pulled the trig thor. we will be right back. shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. ♪ at mfs, we believe in the power of active management. every day, our teams collaborate around the world to actively uncover, discuss and debate investment opportunities. which leads to better decisions for our clients. it's a uniquely collaborative approach you won't find anywhere else. put our global active management expertise
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bullets were really go ging right past my head. it was kind of traumatic that the -- i'm still kind of in shock because of it. >> well, for h many who were here last night, it was not an easy day today, and certainly for the officers who were wounded, they are out of the hospital and amazing, because you consider how close they came to losing their lives. they suffered life changing wounds. and as the police seek out the suspects, and the question is where precisely did the shots come from. and with me is john from the times. and you were here out of your car. >> yes, because the protests had
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been dwindling down, and they were fading away. and i was thinking to go back to my hotel room and so i was thinking of going back to my room and then i heard gunshots. >> you heard the shots? >> yes, yes. >> and did you instantly know that they were shots? >> yes, i knew that they were shots, but previous protests i knew that they were gunshots but i didn't think much of them the the, and hard to the say, but it did look like some officers were dragged, and that is when i thought that it was serious, but then i did know that they were shot. >> and where was your car? >> well it was right across from the ferguson police department. and so if i were to go forward i would have been right across. >> and where were you? >> right from the hill. and it was an echo and from a distance, and it was not that close, but it was loud echos. >> what happened after that? >> and after that, people were running everywhere and cops were dropping on the ground with
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the shields, and shortly afterwards, you see them coming up with the guns drawn, and the protests, and the people were hands up and the cops were going up the hill to see if the shooter was there, and i am still sitting in the car and they were shining the light on me, and i turned on the dome, because i had my hands up, because i didn't want them to know that i was a threat. >> and you are located in kansas city for the new york time and covering this for a long time, and what impact do you think that it is going to have? >> well, it get toss to the issue, and brings them to the forefront, and beyond just covering this. and my wife is from this area as well. and we have heard the whispers, but what this does is to bring the critical mass to the forefront. and when they come to the forefront, the more people talk about it and the more people talk about it then more people get involved and then we will see the folks working on the change. and before it is isolated stories here or there, and
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people may not believe it as much. >> and tonight, what do they want? tonight, i hear that the mayor needs to resign, and the police chief have stepped down and a number of people as a result of the doj report. what do you hear? >> well, that is difficult to pinpoint, because they want resignations which they got from the chief of police and the city manager, and so it is not like you are reaching out for voting rights or something like that but you want a system to change and really how do you define that system changing, and how do you see the system changing, and it is not something to happen overnight, and it is something that you may not see for a number of years. it is something that the pro protesters are maybe just figuring out, and one of the troubling things is that they have to figure out the strategy to get there, because there sis a lot of the competing strategies now. >> and do you see a generational dif difference, because some of the
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people out are younger people, and some of the older people that i heard said people should stay off of the streets now. >> and you hear that the folks who are older won't be out here as late at night. but within the generations, you will see some of the within the protesters well, i have been here a long time the, and what are you, and what are you doing, and they are like don't block the street and who are you, because i have been here for day one, and so there is a few cliques forming, and so sometimes getting there, they are not always align eded. >> john, thank you for the reporting, and thank you so much. john el leyligon, thank you so much. and now, we have joining us van jones, former special adviser to president barack obama, and also mark o mar'mara, and neil
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bruntrag bruntrager, the attorney for officer darren wilson, and you have been critical of the justice department's report and you believe it is manipulative. >> yes, i do. i believe it is to gloss over the darren wilson's part of it and i say, give me an hour with the doj report, and i can disas sema sem able. >> you believe you can poke holes in the statistics? >> yes, and the critical part is the darren wilson part. and that is what we are seeing here and the people marching in the 109 days they were not saying that we are complaining about the parking ticket, it is hands up don't shoot, and it is a false narrative. >> they are still saying it tonight. >> and to these people, and to the brown family, and the wilson fam family, and to explain what he did and why he did it, and he owed it to the grand jury who spent the days listening, should
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have been vindicated because the report left it clear, and to the people who said that it is a different standard well shgs, he stated it. there is a is a crime committed and we can prevail in court, and they found neither. they didn't say worried about the -- they said neither existed. >> what about that van jones? was enough attention paid to the fact that the darren wilson was cleared of the wrongdoing, and hands up don't shoot did not happen? >> well, first of all, i want to say that my condolences, and prayers are with the two officers who almost lost their lives last night, and it is easy to use this moment to start a political fight with eric holder. listen, it is a miracle last night that nobody lost their lives, and that is important. this movement is kon sis stent that we are against violence and needless violence from the police or against the police. the vast majority of the people
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today, including eric holder, and including the president and the mike brown family and every responsible protest leader across the country has condemned this the violence, and that is very, very important. another thing is that i'm very disappointed to hear the attorney for darren wilson showing such little sympathy and such little regard for the people in ferguson who do feel that the police department has been unfair to them and treated them badly. the report maybe you can poke some holes in it but it does point to a vindication for a set of concerns that i think that if i were the attorney for darren wilson, i would take the opportunity to express concern and solidarity for what the people are going through, and thaey are not making it up and protesting for no reason. and we need more unity on all sides now given what happened last night. >> and i want to get to mark o'mara but neil i want you to respond respond. >> look, this is not an issue that i am condoneing the racism
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or anything like that and if people have complaints i am all in favor for them to address the complaints, and the government to address them but this has nothing to do with me saying they don't care about that sort of thing, but what i do care about is the false narrative and the attorney general who has a duty to explanin this to the community, and meeting that duty. that is what i am saying is get out there and tell us why you did this and found it, but he glossed right past it. >> mark o'mara what do you make? can you separate the actions of darren wilson from the overall policing situation in ferguson? >> well, you can. the doj minimized the exoneration of darren wilson and they owed him a better explanation, but sitting that aside, that report is there, but much more significant, and even though neil can say that the statistics can be manipulated, but the reality is that there is a problem with the way that the black community is being treated if ferguson. first part. and now the second part the
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entire nation is focused on ferguson because of the mike brown shooting and the doj, and the ferguson and everybody owes it to their own citizenry, and the rest of us to say to ferguson, we are not going to allow this to continue. that is why i think that the ferguson police department should be reconstituted under doj supervision, not because every officer is bad, but because there is so little trust, and we have such an opportunity to say, look we found it in ferguson, and we know it exists in a thousand other towns in america, but we want to show you that when we find it in ferguson, and we can fix it, and five years from now, or three years from now, we can look back and say, ferguson is a police department that has respect and earned the respect of the community. if we don't do that, the frustration is going to continue and more ferguson and more problems. >> van, do you believe that the ferguson police department should be reconstituted and
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disbanded and have the st. louis county police patrol the streets? >> i do. and i also think that darren wilson's attorney does make a point that is worth hearing. by putting out both of the reports at the same time and the one on the one hand that exonerates the individual officer, and at the same time condemns the whole department, it did not give enough space for either conversation, and i'm not saying that he does not have any point to make but tone matters right now. it is a dirty little secret that nobody in the nonviolent movement wants to talk about, and the dirty secret is that no nonviolent movement and not gandhi's or dr. king's was able to escape some violence from the fringe. gandhi had to stop his movement because of the violence from the fringe fringe, and dr. king's movement in memphis had to stop because of the riot and he got kill
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canned when hecan ed -- got killed when he came back again. and so you have to be honest about the danger, and be aggressive with the hint of that in the rhetoric, because o otherwise you open up the door for these types of things. so i think that all of us have to be be a lot more reflecktive, and we almost had a tragedy of unimaginable proportions, and let's listen to each oother, and look at the tone and try to, and we don't agree on the stuff, but get through this better than the past seven months. >> neil? >> well anderson, listen, i think that the tone is very, very important, but what we have to do is to get through the rhetoric and my argument with the attorney general is that he could have done, that and he could have cleared up so many of the issue, and he didn't and so now we do have to go forward and with what mark said, there is no intent to reform this department department. this department is going to be closed down. >> no doubt about it? >> no doubt in my mind. and the justice department has set it up so they can't succeed, and what is going to happen is
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that st. louis county can happen. and if you put a consent decree on that they cannot afford it. they can't do it so they will close them down, so again, the idea of reform won't happen that way. it is going to change and we do have to have change, and talk about these things, but talk about real facts. >> mark, the final word here. do you think that shutting down the department is what needs to happen? >> i think it sis absolutely necessary, because it is going to help the community, and the nation heal from now ferguson being the example of how it is wrong to the community. take the opportunity and reconstitute it and do it in a a way to regaining the faith that we absolute areally have to have, because without faith in the system, we will continue the have problems, and the black communeity knows that there are real issues here. if we fail to address them, then we are not doing what we are supposed to be doing. >> and america o'marra, and van jones, and neil bruntrager thank you all very much. >> and i want to talk about a
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welcome back. we are live in ferguson missouri where again protesters are out on the streets tonight. not a lot, and there are a lot of reporters covering the protesters protesters, and it is hard to know exactly how many protesters are are, and maybe a few dozen, but it is mostly people milling around and watching police, and a few people chanting and sometimes playing the drum and some are holding signs. and the police presence is not visible. there are several suvs which are parked between the fire department, and the ferguson police department. there are a number of police officers and some of them
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behind the suvs, and others are standing out. you will see some of the officers there from a number of different department ss. i saw four or five police sufficient ears wearing the kevlar shields with the helmets, and not riot gear, but closer to it than the officers who were just wearing the kevlar vests underneath their shirts. earlier, i talk toded to a woman named iris turner, and her granddaughter was actually taken into custody, because she had been seen leaving the scene of the protest and the shooting. and her grandmother said she was leaving the scene because she said you need to get out of there, because shots have been fired. she was questioned with by police, the granddaughter was, and as were two other people, and there is a manhunt going for for two other suspects right now, and one of whom police say may have been the shooter, and
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that is very much under way. and i talked to iris turner about what happened to her granddaughter, and what she believes the protesters should do now. >> reporter: thank you for coming to the talk to us, because i know it has been a difficult 24 hours for you. and your granddaughter was here when the shots rang out. >> yes. >> and what did she say to you? >> she said that they have shot a police. and i said where are you, and she said, that she was at the protests, and i said get you get your -- home. and she said me and the baby and we are going home. and we call her son mj, and i said you get and mj get in the car, and i said, are you all in the car, and she said, yes, and she said, i am going straight home and i will call you in the morning. so the next morning, she did not
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call. and i got a call the next morning at 7:00-something and she said, girl, your granddaughter house is surrounded with the s.w.a.t., and a mess, and they got iresha and her house is surround eded. >> so you went down there? >> no, i don't have a car. so after they called me i had trying to call a ride. i was historic and i was running around the house like a chicken without a head and i was his tear rick, and so my daughter dropped her kids off and she came to get me. >> and now it seemed that they held your granddaughter for many hours, and then came to get you. >> yes, by the time i got there, they said that she was around the corner in the police car. they could not let me go down, there because i could look down the street and see them walking around in her house. and then i saw a guy with the
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ax, and tearing up the house on top on the roof. >> yes. >> and it seemed that they focussed on the granddaughter, because she got in the karcar, and took off. >> and that is what one police said, we seen her taking off, and we followed her, and then after we followed her we follow d followed her back, and she came back to her house. no. >> and did you tell the police well, she got in the car, because i told her to do that. >> yes. and this is the thing, she can't be two places at one time. she was dropped him off way a waiway from her house, and then she came back and went into the house, and then the police came. >> and so what do you think, should the protests continue? earlier in the day, you were saying that the time people should let it cool down and stay at home for a while? >> i think that they just need to let it rest.
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rest their minds and let everybody rest for a minute, because all of this here is confusion confusion. just like my granddaughter got caught up in a bunch of lies. >> you feel like it went on too long? >> yes, too long, and this right here has got my grand baby so devastated and my granddaughter, well where she stay at she has to move. and they have to fix it. they went around and tore up her house, and my grandson is scared to go home. and the police can be wrong, too. and they had said they had a tip, and somebody sent them to the house. they to the house, and they said we just picked it. well, no, it is a mistake. >> so you are hoping that people don't protest, just let it rest. >> yes, just let it cool down, and yes, please. my granddaughter and we thought she was in a world of trouble, and come to find out, she didn't do anything. >> iris i am glad that she is
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doing fine, and you are fine. >> and yes, they need to fix it and they need to fix it and she needs a place to go and my grandson is scared to go home. >> thank you, iris. very glad. thank you. >> thank you. >> and this may deter other protesters from coming to join the few dozen or so people who have come out to sar. some powerful words from michael brown's family who condemned the senseless shootings of the police officers. more on that just ahead. i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424.
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...i mean that's really interesting, then how do you explain these photos?! [people gasping] objection your honor. sustained. with the x1 dvr library you could take anywhere, xfinity is perfect for people on the go. well even in the grief, michael brown's parents have urged protesters in ferguson and across the country to remain peaceful while pushing for the police reforms. and today, the statement says that the family of michael brown condemns the shooting of two ferguson police officers and we reject any violence against any
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member of law enforce. it cannot be tolerated. and now, ben crump, when you talked to the family of michael brown, with what was the initial response? >> everybody woke up this morning to the horrible news and michael brown's mother leslie she said that i feel sympathetic towards the families of the police officers that was shot shot, and, you know, i would just hope that the law enforcement community would extend the same sympathy to her, but it was important for them to say it is wrong. it is not what anybody wants, anderson anderson. think about what was going on the momentum where they were finally getting the city to respond to the terrible findings in the justice department -- >> by the doj. >> and this throws all of the
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momentum off. it is a distraction to try and get some positive change. >> you are saying that apart from the horror of two police officers being shot here and being injured and the horror for the family and friends, that the objectives for protesters want it gets you farther away are from the objectives. >> farther away from it, because nobody is talking about the doj report and rightfully so, any time you have senseless acts of violence, you have to condemn it and you have to be stern. you have to be away from it. this is something that violence is never ever the solution as dr. can king said. the majority of the peaceful protesters have been pushing it. how many days went by a, and you never had anything like this to deal w and now set the distractions and we are
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prayerful, and thankful that the officers returned home the today. >> and should the protestrs continue now, and i talked to iris turner, a grandmother, who said, maybe things should cool down and some said absolutely not. >> well, the peaceful protesters you know, even peacefully protesting is honoring them as well, because it is not an anti-campaign against police, but it is an an anti-campaign against bad police officers and good police officers should say, we want to work with the community, and we want to make sure that this is a lesson for everybody in america to say, let ferguson be the example, and let's talk about how we never let this happen again. >> and a lot of the people look at the protests and say, you know what this is actually you know, it is not a surprise that some police officers have been shot given some of the vitriol
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that have been said and the words spoken and the animosities that have been you know, the displayed, and totally justifiable. >> and anderson, it is on both sides. you will have the fringe element on both sides, and neither one of them is good. we really need to say as americans, we all need to come together, aed on the tondand understand ta that we need the police. and the police need to hopefully understand that they need the community to work with them to achieve the law and order, and we can't achieve it without one another. we have to work together and that needs to be be the legacy here of michael brown, jr. and not this heinous violence. i want to have positive change and i don't want to talk to you about another person being unarmed being shot and killed by a police officer. >> thank you, benjamin crump. >> and just ahead, as police are
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investigating the shooting of two of their own, there are some accounts of where the shooter was located. ♪ is it the insightful strategies and analytical capabilities that make edward jones one of the biggest financial services firms in the country? or is it 13,000 financial advisors who take the time to say thank you? 'night jim. gonna be a while? i am liz got a little writing to do.
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look at the scene last night are where two officers were wound and hit and the officers were among those in front of the police station behind me and there were 100 protesters in front of me across the street and they feel that the shots came from tiffen avenue. tom foreman has the report. >> reporter: it is possible that they could have come in from tiffen hill and struck the police officers from over to the hill. be but if you rotate the around, you can see why the investigators have doubts about that, because the shots would have originated from the limit of sight there and traveled 100 to 125 yards to get here based on that account, and that is a long shot for a pistol. they can be effective at a that range, and lethal at that range, but very hard though to be controlled very well and put the shot where somebody might want to put it. that is much more likely to happen with a skilled marksman
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at a range of a quarter or less than the distance we are talking about. it does not mean that it was fired from over here at the protesters, but it means that the investigators have to look very seriously at that possibility. >> and so as we said a manhunt is under way, and two people that the police are looking at two names of people that they are looking at and one may be perhaps the shooter. and again, these are very early reports, and we will have to to see that once the case develops. joining me is neil bruntrager a attorney for officer darren wilson and frequent guest, and also attorney derrick french. and now, some are saying that the protesters are pouring care
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seen on -- kerosine on the situation situation. >> well, person who is responsible is the person who pulled the trigger. and i don't believe that the protesters protesters up there, irrespective for the tone they are not are responsible, because it is a simple criminal act, and they are assassins, and they need to be treated that way. >> and antonio, you would agree, i assume that this sis the act of an individual or individuals and it should not impact the protests. and do you believe that the protests should continue? >> well, we should not be distracted for what the po folks are out here for, because they want systemic change out here in the region to right the wrongs that have been going on for a long time. and especially the ones that have been outlined in the doj report. but they have to be respectful that two people were harmed last night, and protest in a way that is respectful. and there are not many protester
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protesters out here tonight. >> and there is supposed to be a vigil tonight whether it is violence against the police or the civilians. >> yes, and i hope that there is a tone here to come together, because we want the violence to end on both sides, and what happened last night did not help anybody, and it acts to the make our community less safe, and further could possibly divide the police in the community. >> and neil what about the doj report? if the federal government did not settle this, and the community is faced with resignations what needs to happen now? because obviously, a lot of the stuff, and the doj report, they have talked about darren wilson and the whole hands up and don't shoot, and actually occurred as the theirnarrative early on developed from the witnesses, and we have seen a number of witnesses in the res signations here in the right of the doj report? >> well i am glad you brought
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it up, but it is a hot button for me, because you have to understand the way that the federal government has handled that report. two things that were released on the same day, and anybody who says that we are not being manipulated by the federal government isn't paying attention. the leaks that came out were done to manipulate us and the way they relees dased the doj reportal long with the darren wilson finding were done to manipulate us. what should have happened on the day that it was released is that the attorney general should have sat down and said you need to read the 8 66-page report, and go over it in detail, because if you do you will have confidence in the investigation that was done, and they went page by page, and witness by witness, and piece of evidence by piece of evidence and this is why it supports the decision, and the only decision that we could make which is that there was no criminal activity but when you listen to attorney general, what he said was that there was no prosecuteable conduct. that is distinctly different
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from justifiable or no criminal activity activity. what the attorney general should have done is to vehemently and carefully gone over all of it and to make sure that people of the grand jury understand that it is the only decision that could have been reached. he let the community down, and the country down and let darren wilson down. >> and you clearly believe though that the focus of -- do you believe that is true? >> no i disagree. i think that the attorney general went out of his way to present both the department of justice report and he is right that there was not a prosecutable case under federal law which is a much higher threshold. >> thank you both very much. we will be right back. been staring at that for awhile, huh? listen, td ameritrade has former floor traders to help walk you through that complex trade. so you'll be confident enough to do what you want. i'll pull up their number. blammo. let's get those guys on the horn. oooo
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utah where a 18-year-old girl survived in a partially submerged car is now out of the hospital. her father says she is doing great, and even singing. anderson. >> thank you for watching. -- captions by vitac -- i know a mystery that has rocked the world of honey bees. millions of bees dying or disappearing. >> something is killing the bees at an increasingly alarming rate. >> since first reported in 2006, the united states has lost over one-third of its bee colonies every year. >> given all that bees do in the natural world, this could be catastrophic. according to usda, bees responsible for one out of three bites of food we eat and help crops globally worth over $200 billion. so why are the bees dying? i'm going to find out.
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