tv CNNI Simulcast CNN March 16, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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election day in israel. how voters might just react to the prime minister's last minute campaign surprise. also. aftermath of a monster storm and the devastation in vanuatu. murder charges for a former tycoon after an open mic and what might be an admission of guilt. we welcome our viewers in the united states and all around the world. i'm zain asher. >> and i'm john vause. you're watching "cnn newsroom." we begin in israel where polls were to officially open at this hour for what appears to be a very close election. by the end of the day israel
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could either have a new government or continue to be run by the right wing. >> it is a very tight race. because of the israeli election law, the last opinion surveys were released on friday. they showed isaac herzog leading in the polls. netanyahu was a few seats behind him. >> the prime minister made some final attempts over the weekend to pull in more right-wing voters and in an interview on monday mr. netanyahu back-pedaled on what was a key issue in this election, his stance on palestinian statehood. >> translator: anyone who is going to establish a palestinian state, is giving a base for attacks for radical islam against israel. this is the true reality that was created in the last few years, they who do not understand that stick their hand heads in the stand. >> reporter: so if you are prime minister a palestinian state will not be formed? >> translator: indeed.
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>> palestinians responded saying his comments were nothing new. they said he has done everything possible to get rid of the two-state solution. one of herzog's advisers also weighed in on the comments. listen. >> israelis are not going to be be bam boozed this time by netanyahu's smoke screens. we have a different policy fully support the two-state solution. herzog has said himself that he would go to ramallah and find out if there is indeed a palestinian partner on the other side with whom to sign an agreement. but this election is about netanyahu's failure on every front, primarily domestic issues a housing crisis that gets worse and worse, an unstainable and runaway cost of living and a crisis in relations with americans as we've seen in the last few weeks and months. >> opinion polls show this election much closer than many
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including the prime minister expected. and he seems to be making a last ditch appeal to right-wing voters. it could also have far-reaching consequences. for more malcolm honeline joins us from new york. malcolm, let's talk the politics for a moment. most israelis, most palestinians for that matter seem to have lost faith in a two-state solution. and those who support it were never going to vote for netanyahu anyway. is this last-minute move might this get bibi over the line? >> i don't know how many votes it actually switches. and from what he said the palestinian state today, he has asserted repeatedly that he supports a two-state solution. what he said is that the conditions are not right. there isn't a partner for peace, but i think that the prime ministers, the last prime
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ministers have been committed to a two-state solution and i think the people of israel are. >> you don't agree when the chief palestinian negotiator says that netanyahu has finally confirmed what the palestinians and many others have suspected that he is not now nor is he ever going to be interested in a two-state solution with the palestinians? >> i can only go by what he says and he has said repeatedly that he supports a two-state solution if they're given the security if they're given a partner that would really control terrorism. if you look and parse what he said he talked about the danger that would be present today, giving radical islam a beachhead to attack the heartland of israel were they to withdraw at this time from the territories. >> so you think, sorry, but you think by including the word today that gives the prime
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minister some wiggle room here in you know three months six months 12 months whatever, if the conditions appear to be right, that he could go back to the israelis and say, look things have changed. we've moved on. we can begin these negotiations? >> i think so. and i think like american politics in elections, people say a lot of things that they don't necessarily hold up to or they redefine in the months after an election or as they face the realities that they confront as leaders. so i think he has the wiggle room there. we will see what impact it had, you know there were many developments today, whether it's the dropout, netanyahu's comments because it's such a tight election and they're looking at polls constantly that show the four-vote gap, perhaps it's narrowed a little bit over the last 48 hours, but it is certainly going to be a close election. >> israeli elections are always
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interesting. >> that's true. >> thank you. in the next half hour we'll fine out more about mr. netanyahu's main opponent isaac herzog. and these are live images coming to us. as we said the polling stations have in fact opened. it is 7:00 local time. people are turning up we hope to cast a ballot in what could be -- we say this every time but we really mean it -- a decisive election. >> and also even after tomorrow you won't necessarily know who the prime minister's going to be because they have to form a coalition. so it's up to the king makers to decide. >> the israeli president to decide who's got the mandate. and if the president doesn't like bibi and his personal relationship it's going to be fascinating. meantime russian president vladimir putin is back to business after more than a week out of the public eye. >> he joked about his absence, saying it would be boring without gossip. on monday he met with
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kurdistan's president. he also ordered the country's northern fleet to full alert to test its combat capabilities. >> meanwhile, president putin says he was ready to put russia's nuclear forces on alert over last year's crisis in crimye crimea. >> translator: we were ready to do it. i talked with colleagues and told them that crimea is our historic territory. russian people live there. they are in danger. we could not throw them away. it was not us who commit add coup. it was the nationalists. and here we are, and this our land. >> russia annexed crimea after the president yanukovych was ousted. rescuers and aid workers are struggling to recover after the
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tropical cyclone pam in vanuatu. >> homes and churches have been destroyed. there are shortages of food and water. thousands have been left homeless. the latest death toll stands at 11. the u.n. earlier said 24. but regardless, the death toll is expected to go much higher. >> and if the devastation looks severe on the ground, take a look at how it appears from space. this is the capital before the storm hit, late friday. afterward, mud and water clearly replaced thousands of buildings. what's still not clear is the scope of devastation in vanuatu's remote areas. the country has more than 80 islands that have been cut off since the storm stuck. ivan watson visited one of them and filed this report. >> reporter: the only way to reach the island of tanna is by
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propeller plane, and the locals tell me that they have been completely cut off interest the outside world since friday night when cyclone pam struck this island. having come from the capital city today of port vila i can see it looks like the damage is far, far more expansive with massive banyan trees broken in half far more houses look like they've been destroyed by those 155-mile-per-hour wins that ripped through here. i'm outside the only hospital really on this island. you can see some of the damage behind me here. half of the hospital basically, made inoperable by the rain that broke in through windows. there is only one doctor here. he says he has not been able to communicate with the capital, with the outside world for four days now. and has just been writing up a note on paper that i gave him to try to send back to his colleagues to try to talk about
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the need for equipment to test blood that has been damaged in the storm. the need to evacuate a 9-year-old girl suffering from serious head trauma as a result of a roof that fell on her. and they simply don't have the logistics, the equipment here to take care of that girl. i saw a 1-day-old baby boy who's in a hospital ward that was flooded by water from the rain. now the chief of the community here tells me that one of the big concerns in the weeks to come will be simply food. because people here rely on farming, on tubers on sweet potato and ca sawva to feed their families and they fear that those little farms will have been destroyed by the rain and the foliage that has come down which will cause their crops to rot. so this is a stricken community that's already hard at work at
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trying to recover. but you just get a sense from this island it really highlights how difficult it is for this island nation to communicate with the other islands. if somebody is hurt they need a propeller plane or a ship to try to get them to the main island to the main city where there is some electricity. again, communities that are accustomed to severe storms but, again and again you hear from people this was by far the worst cyclone they have ever seen. ivan watson, cnn, reporting from the island of tanna in vanuatu. >> and if you would like to help the relief efforts in vanuatu, go to about 20 medical workers are now isis captives in libya. a hospital official says more than 30 gunmen attacked the
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hospital in sirte while a bus was waiting to take the workers to tripoli. most of the workers are from the philippines. the official theorizes isis didn't want the workers to leave because they're the only medical team in sirte. we'll take a short break. but when we come back an american real estate heir in a murder the case. plus police describe the terrifying shootout with the boston marathon bombing suspect. that and a lot more when we come back. stay with us. . i mean bayer back & body. it works great for pain. bayer back & body provides effective relief for your tough pain. better? yeah...thanks for the tip! meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas.
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welcome back everyone. a powerful real estate heir has been charged with murder in los angeles. >> prosecutoring say robert durst killed a friend as she prepared to give investigators details about a crime in which he was a suspect. >> reporter: robert durtsst in his mug shot. he was nabbed in the lobby of a marriott staying uh ander a false name with a fake driver's license. it appears he was preparing to flee to cuba. are the walls falling in on robert durst? >> i would think so. >> reporter: this is the brother of kathy mccormick his first
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wife. she wrote in a journal that she feared her husband. she was planning to divorce him. january, 1982 they have a fight and she vanishes. durst takes four days to report her missing to homicide detective mark struck. >> it keeps coming back to the fact that we never found her body. we never had a crime scene. >> reporter: no evidence. >> no crime scene. >> reporter: the case grow the cold until 2000 when investigators reopen it. this time the millionaire flees new york to this run-down apartment in galveston texas, hiding out, cross-dressing and posing as a mute woman. for months speaking to virtually no one except this woman susan berman. new york investigators decide to interview her. but before she can be questioned around christmas 2000 someone shoot the berman
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execution style in her beverly hills home. the killer sends police this anonymous handwritten note shown in documentary "the jinx." the note lists an address and the word cadaver. >> he's eliminating witnesses and people who had knowledge of cathy's passing. >> reporter: in the jinx a stunning revelation. in a storage box, the stepson comes across a letter durst sent to berman shortly before she died. durst's handwriting and the killer's note to police they bear remarkable similarities down to the misspelling of beverly. on camera, he appears unfazed. he then walks away to the restroom. his mic still on. the camera records as he talks
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to himself. >> you're caught. killed them all, of course. >> reporter: durst's attorney pledges his client will be vindicated. >> he didn't kill susan berman. he's ready to end all the rumor and speculation and have a trial. let's go back to israel where benjamin netanyahu hasnow now cast his ballot. he thought it would be an easy win for him. >> he was proven very wrong. >> he is now fighting for his very survival. the last opinion polls came out on friday there's an israeli law that says you cannot publish any polls four days before any election. but it did have netanyahu behind
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herzog. we're waiting for herzog to come out and vote. >> and he surprised a lot of people with that comment that there will not be a palestinian state. >> yeah he said he was never interested in a palestinian state, he never will be interested in a palestinian state. he's speaking in hebrew with reporters, as you might expect. but this is not the position that benjamin netanyahu thought he would be in when he called that election a few months ago. he thought he would in fact be returned with an increased mandate. he wouldn't have to deal with the problems within his coalition and that he would shore up his position. and now we are in for a very interesting election which we will continue to follow. >> if he does win, if by any chance he does went he will outlast david ben gurion. in egypt the leader of the banned muslim brotherhood and 13 others have been sentenced to
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death. mow mohammed baddi and others. >> the court will issue a final verdict next month. egypt has arrested thousands linked to the movement since the army ousted mohamed morsi in july 2013. eight minutes of sheer terror that's what officers described about the shootout with the boston bombing suspects. >> they say dzhokhar and his brother shot at them, tossed bombs and tried to run them over. jurors saw photos of the bullet-riddled cars. they also saw the spot where investigators say tamerlan tsarnaev was run over during his brother's get away. >> the jurors also took a trip to see that boat where police arrested dzhokhar tsarnaev four days after the bombing. they saw the words he scrawled inside the boat which were hard
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to read because of all the bullet holes. >> three people were killed and more than 260 wounded in the boston marathon attack. a police officer was also killed after the bombings as well. 20 minutes past the hour. time for another break here on "cnn newsroom." when we come back more on the huge backlash between dolce & gabbana and the feud with sir elton john. plus britain's prince harry leaving the armed forces. we'll tell you where he's headed to next. mouths are watering, and stomachs are growling. or is that just me? it's lobsterfest... lobster's largest variety of lobster dishes all year. double up with dueling lobster tails. or make lobster lover's dream a delicious reality. but hurry this won't last long.
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word is prince harry is leaving the armed forces later this year. the presence has announced he will move to civilian life in june after nearly ten years with the british military. he's served two tours in afghanistan, made the rank of captain in 2011. >> he will serve his last years with the australian defense force and attend to royal duties while finishing his military service. a war of words is playing out on social media right now between fashion powerhouse dolce & gabbana and elton john. it happened after they criticized in-vitro fertilization.
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>> we have more on the designers whose words, not fashions are taking center stage. >> reporter: motherhood was the theme of dolce & gabbana's show in milan this year. pregnant models even those carrying young children were met with enthusiastic applause. just a few weeks later, and those images are being pushed aside by controversy. dolce & gabbana are facing a social media firestorm and calls for a boy cot. what began with elton john has now spread celebrities from courtney love and ricky martin and martina navratilova. and even the beckhams have tweeted. and dolce & gabbana are not
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staying silent. they posted an image on instagram proclaiming, je suis d and g. a few years ago, they told the close bond was the cornerstone of their multi-billion dollar business. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> reporter: claire flory is an openly gay fashion designer in new york. she says she was taken aback by the comments. >> it's still shocking. people have had such a high profile in the media that they would say something so backward. i mean, it's 2015. >> reporter: dolce & gabbana have a combined net worth of around $3 billion according to forbes magazine, and their brand has a powerful international reputation a lot to lose if this controversy continues to
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spiral. claire sebastian, cnn, new york. in the meantime the bbc's top gear is off the air. >> sunday's episode was replaced by a documentary watched by only 1.3 million people. >> the trouble started when the host, jeremy clarkson got into a fracas with a producer. >> fracas. >> it's an posh way of saying punch-out. >> a petition to reinstate clarkson has garnered almost 1 million signatures. he's posed to be the next prime minister but what do we know about him? plus going face to face
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with jihadi john and living to tell the tale. hear a former isis captive describe what happened to him in syria. that's coming up. stay with us. bring us your baffling. bring us your audacious. we want your sticky notes, sketchbooks, and scribbles. let's pin 'em to the wall. kick 'em around. kick 'em around, see what happens. because we're in the how-do-i-get-this-startup- off-the-ground business. the taking-your-business- global-business. we're in the problem-solving business. 400,000 people - ready to help you solve problems while they're still called opportunities. from figuring it out to getting it done we're here to help. for many prescription nexium helps heal acid-related erosions in the lining of the esophagus. it's my prescription. there is risk of bone fracture low magnesium, and vitamin b12 deficiency. side effects include headache abdominal pain and diarrhea. if persistent, contact your doctor right away. other
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netanyahu who you see here voting a few minutes ago. final opinion polls show his opponent isaac herzog leading by four seats. russian vladimir putin has ordered the country's northern fleet on full alert to test combat capabilities. he also met with kurdistan's president on monday. it was his first appearance in public in ten days. his absence sparked speculation. people are struggling to recuperate from tropical cyclone pam. the full extent of the damage is unclear because communication is still down. parliamentary elections in israel are under way and voters are heading to the polling
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stations. >> take a look at this final opinion poll released friday. the last day opinion polls could legally be published before the vote. prime minister benjamin netanyahu's likud party trailed the zionist union by four seats. >> we have more now on the leader of the zionist union, a man called isaac herzog. >> reporter: at israel's holiest site for jews herzog said a prayer for his destiny. in a country of warriors turned politicians, he seems an unlikely candidate for prime minister. >> i've always suffered from an underestimated destination. >> reporter: even his mild voice, he poked fun at himself in a campaign ad using someone
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else's voice. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> reporter: he comes from political royalty, the israeli version of the kennedys. his grandfather, one of israel's first chief rabbis. his uncle, a revered foreign minister. and father israel's sixth president. netanyahu dismisses him as a lightweight who can't stand up to the iranians. but israeli voters for the first time in years are more focussed on social and economic issues than security, something netanyahu was not counting on when he made his high-profile and controversial speech to congress earlier this month. herzog has got and boost from a growing get-out-to-vote movement with one bid -- get rid of bibi.
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netanyahu is calling foul pointing to a world-wide effort to unseat him. >> there's fatigue. there's a lot of disappointment by, from benjamin netanyahu. i think his era is over. >> reporter: if elected prime minister herzog says he would reignite peace talks with the palestinians. and instead of picking a fight with the u.s. he would work on a deal with iran. >> security is not only the barrel of the gun. security's got much bigger than that. it has to do with original alliances. it has to do with our strategic alliance with the united states. clearly i'm ready for all of this. >> reporter: herzog calls netanyahu's security platform an empty brand, pointing to an iranian nuclear threat stalled peace talks with the palestinians and deepening odds
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with washington. he says netanyahu has failed and he is now calling his bluff. cnn, jerusalem. >> many thanks to our elysse labott for that report. no agreement has been reached just yet in switzerland. jim acosta has more. >> reporter: while iranian and u.s. officials try to make progress in their nuclear negotiations the talks in switzerland hit a speed bump in the form of a letter written by senator tom cotton and signed by 46 of his republican colleagues complaining about the nuclear talks. the obama administration says iran raised the topic with u.s. officials. >> i'm embarrassed for them.
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because it's not how america does business. >> reporter: in a newly released interview, the president blasted cotton. >> for them to address a letter to the ayatollah the supreme leader of iran who they claim is our mortal enemy, and their basic argument to them is don't deal with our president, because you can't trust him to follow through on an agreement, that's close to unprecedented. >> reporter: despite that tough talk the freshman senator is not backing down. he points out -- >> like a love struck teenager he has sent four secret letters to the ayatollah. >> reporter: dennis mcdonna sent
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a letter. the white house conceded they would rather congress stay out of the process for months well beyond the march 31 deadline for a framework event. >> for all of the hyperventilating we see on capitol hill there is no agreement that has been reached. >> and according to a new poll the republicans' letter to iranian letter didn't sit too well with americans. >> 49% say it went too far 39% said it was an appropriate response and 12% were unsure. the u.s. is clarifying its position on negotiating with syria. in a sunday interview, secretary of state john kerry was asked whether washington would be willing to negotiate with the syrian letter. kerry answered we have to negotiate in the end. >> state department and the white house emphasized that kerry was not actually referring to bashar al-assad.
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>> was secretary kerry was saying is that he does believe that it is appropriate for representatives of the regime to sit down with members of the moderate syrian opposition to try to make some negotiated decisions about the political transition in syria. the secretary kerry was referring to assad as a proxy for the regime. he did not envision a scenario where assad would participate in those conversations. >> regardless of what he meant or did not mean kerry dismissed the remark all together. >> the syrian people have the final say. whatever has been said on this since the first day of the crisis up to today does not concern us. >> and syria's conflict has given rise to extremist militants like isis. it's also put a massive burden
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on neighboring countries as they deal with a huge number of refugees. the ferguson suspect says he was roughed up. we'll have the allegations as well as police response. financial noise financial noise financial noise when it comes to your credit, in the know is the place to be. makes it easy. we give you 24/7 access.
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weapons, iraq's defense minister visited a base on sunday and thanked members of the spanish military for their support. >> the same day, the coalition carried out 17 air strikes from iraq to kobani syria. meanwhile, saddam hussein's tomb was found leveled. it wasn't clear who destroyed the grave. a spanish journalist kidnapped by isis in syria is speaking out about the terror he faced by jihadi john. he said jihadi john enjoyed scaring him and performing mock executions. >> reporter: reunited with his son in spain, xavier saw the end of a hellish journey that led him face to face with jihadi
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john. he described the torture he suffered at the hands of jihad eye john in an article he wrote for the sunday times in the u.k. he said at one point he held a sword to his neck and said feel it? cold isn't it? can you imagine the pain you'll feel when it cuts. unimaginable pain. espinosa says jihadi john relished scaring hostages with gruesome details of how he would slaughter them telling them the first blow hits the veins. you all squirm like animals. the third blow will take off your head. i put it on your back. when he was finished with the sword, jihad eye john put a pistol to his head pulling the trigger three times. >> he wrote this as a decorated war correspondent, and he explains why people haven't been talking. they were told by isis if they talked about their captivity, all the remaining captives would
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be punished. there's essentially one captive left john cantlie. >> reporter: he was held with more than 20 other western hostages in syria, including james foley, steven sotloff, peter kassig and kayla mueller who are now all dead. kassig told of his own torture, saying when they realized that i was american and that i'd been a soldier in iraq they went crazy. they hung me from the roof and started beating me. i thought they were going to execute me. sometime later, kassig was beheaded. and a defector who witnessed some of the beheadings said that the terrorist group reveres jihadi john as the big boss and says that he is the only one in the group allowed to kill foreigners. pamela brown, cnn, washington. >> many thanks to our pamela brown for that. a 20 year old man accused of shooting police during a protest
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in ferguson, missouri says the officers beat him up while in custody. >> jeffrey williams is charged with assault after last week's shooting. his attorney says williams is bruised and scarred, but police deny roughing him up. details from ed lavandera. >> [ bleep ]. >> reporter: the gunfire set off a frenzy of fear outside the ferguson police department. now prosecutors say jeffrey williams admitted he fired the shots that wounded two police officers during protests last week. but the 20 year old insists he wasn't aiming at officers. prosecutors say he may have been aiming at someone else in the crowd. >> any statements that he made, i'm not confident that those were voluntary statements. one thing i can be clear from my conversation with him was that this was no police ambush as it was stated earlier. there was no intent of any to target out any police. and that he's not part of the
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protest community. >> reporter: but prosecutors say they found a .40 caliber handgun in his home that matched shell casings at the scene. he has been charged with assault, firing a weapon from a vehicle and armed criminal activity. he was already on probation on a charge stemming from receiving stolen property. the st. louis county prosecutor is skeptical of williams's story. >> he may have had a dispute with other protesters. we aren't sure we completely buy that part of it. >> reporter: they are still trying to interview witnesses and learn more about the altercation which led to the officers being shot. bishop also accuses officers of abusing him. >> he was brutally beaten by the police. he was sore still had bruises
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around his neck back and entire body and also was denied medical attention. and also he was placed in isolation when he asked for medical attention. >> reporter: monday the st. louis county police department called those allegations completely false and added in a statement that every person who enters justice services is seen by a nurse who evaluates each inmate to see if they are fit for confinement. the nurse released williams as fit for confinement. one of the officers was hit in the cheek, the other in the shoulder. both have been released from the hospital. and we're told by law enforcement officials here in st. louis that both of them are making a good recovery. ed lavandera, ferguson missouri. it's written in the bible it's better to give than receive. many are upset at what one u.s. pastor is asking his congregation to give him.
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woooooah you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow northeastern australia has been dealing with heavy rain as a pesky cyclone circles the region. let's get more on tropical cyclone nathan. this nathan, it seems to be strengthening, and it's working its way towards queensland australia. >> it is. this storm system has been very little in the way of moving this region. and typically we've seen three to four cyclones make landfall
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across queensland. at this point, 75 kilometer per hour winds. look at the satellite imagery, four days ago, three days ago, two days ago. it's meandered over this region, produced tremendous amount of rainfall. about 31 inches of rainfall that has come down offshore. while around cooktown around the order of 150 millimeters. 6 inches has caused damage to roads. the storm system on the return here. so more rainfall expected. and we know, of course the great barrier reef stretches here the largest reef system in the world. about 900 different islands dot this region. 3,000 different reefs dot this region as well. this is problematic. it decreases salinity breaks apart some of the coral. and that could take upwards of ten years to repair.
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so this storm system sitting in place for six days has not helped out. it looks like landfall sometime toward the latter portion of this week. some of the models suggest this could be a strong tropical storm. other models indicate this as a potential to strengthen quite significantly. look at the core of the storm. when you see the color of the pinks and purples kick in it would be in the category three equivalent storm. a lot going for this storm once it moves onshore. now quick glance of what's happening over the united states. record temperatures. some of the hottest we've ever seen in the winter season. into the 80s fahrenheit in the upper 0s in20s in celsius. take you to hong kong with incredible fog set up in some of the buildings, looking down toward some of the buildings,
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this has been in the last 24 hours. a bureau in hong kong says a similar scene is playing out in hong kong as dense fog comes in. and typically, march is the foggiest time of the year as we have warm air come over the south china sea. >> it is fog, not smog? >> it is fog this time around. often it is the other way around. the pastor of a u.s. megachurch is feeling the wrath of public opinion. it's because the georgia pastor has asked his congregation to purchase a new jet, it's not for him. it's for the church. >> not just any jet, a $60 million church. >> for the church. >> i have sinned against you, my lord. >> reporter: okay. tv evangelists can be a little over the top. but dollar's appeal for a
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private jet may take the cake. >> we are believing for 200,000 people to give contributions of 300 u.s. dollars or more. >> reporter: doing the math that's $60 million. the head of the world changers megachurch in atlanta asked for the donations in this almost six-minute video, project g-650. as in gulf strategy. dollar's already a high flyer. but it seems his current jet built in 1984 is showing its age. engine trouble on a flight to australia and more recently when his wife and daughters were taking off from london it ran off the runway. >> it's not like a car where you can pull over on the side of the road when something goes wrong. i knew it was time to believe god for a new airplane. >> reporter: it didn't take long for the jesus jet, as some have
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dubbed it to take off. this parishioner showed up to protest but was told to leave church property. >> he didn't have a jet when i was here, and now he has one and is asking for another one. >> reporter: but parishioner mary jones says she'd happily give to the jet drive. >> most definitely. most definitely. we support our pastor. >> reporter: dollar asked parishioners to give 10% of their income to the church but gives no public accounting of how the millions are spent. the website tells the good from the bad. >> we have in the past identified 30 of the top ministries and 30 of the worst ministries. unfortunately, he fell into the worst category. the main reason was the lack of financial transparency. >> reporter: to find out more how dollar wants to spend his dollars, i called daniel jennings he's a big seller of private jets. this isn't an entry-level jet,
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it's not even a mid-level jet. >> this is a top of the game jet. >> reporter: it's the largest, longest distance, second-fastest private jet in the world. and to get one, dollar may need more than money. he may need divine intervention. the wait for a new one is four years. and there are only four used ones for sale in the entire world. if i wanted to buy a gently-used one, what do you think that would set me back? >> low 70s, $71 million, $72 million. >> reporter: do they finance? it . >> it's heartbreaking. a lot of those parishioners don't have the money to be donating four a private jet. >> i'm saying nothing. >> thanks for watching. i'm zainasher. >> i'm john vause. for all the news around the world, you're watching cnn.
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it is 8:00 a.m. in tel aviv, and voters are making their way to the polls. could benjamin netanyahu's long reign as leader of israel soon be over? plus cnn cameras take you inside a hospital in vanuatu barely functional after cyclone pam. and a millionaire's son sits in an american jail charged with murder.
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