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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  March 30, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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you'll want to see that. remember you can always follow us on twitter. tweet me, @wolfblitzer. i'm filling in for anderson cooper in one hour later tonight. i'll see you then. "outfront" next breaking news in the investigation into flight 9525. new information on what andreas lubitz revealed and did not reveal to his employers before the crash. plus lubitz's girlfriend opens up about his mental state and his promise to quote, do something that will change the system. that interview coming up. and protesters at this hour storming the streets of indiana marching against a law that they say allows businesses to discriminate against gays. let's go "outfront." good evening.
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i'mer i'm erin burnett and this is "outfront." the co-pilot hid his mental health issues from his employers and in a recent questionnaire, which asks specifically about suicidal thoughts psychiatric disorders, whether you're taking any medication andreas lubitz didn't reveal any information. this is crucial because prosecutors say lubitz was treated for suicidal tendencies before he got his license to fly. we're learning tonight that just before the crash in which he murdered 149 people lubitz sought treatment for what he believed was a vision problem. that would have jeopardized his entire career with lufthansa, which requires 20/20 vision. in this new and erie footage, you see lubitz as a teenager steering a glider. he turns to the side you see him smiling, full of joy at that moment. we are covering this story from
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all angles. we're in dusseldorf and karl penhaul is in the french alps and pamela brown is live in germany. what you learning about the crucial questions asked of lubitz and what he withheld? >> reporter: erin it's becoming increasingly clear that andreas lubitz went to great lengths to hide his mental illness from lufthansa. just this past summer lubitz had to fill out a questionnaire as part of a recertification exam that every pilot must go through every year. a few questions on this questionnaire. do you have any vision problems? are you taking any medications? have you ever attempted suicide? do you have any psychological psychiatric or neurological diseases? if anything that he put on there was a red flag then the aviation doctor would have had to alert lufthansa.
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lufthansa said they didn't get any indication nothing was brought to tlearheir attention that he had any problems. it's up to him to self-report. we learned that he went to an eye doctor for vision problems and it turned out, according to a source this doctor diagnosed him with a psychosomatic order. we don't know when that happened in relation to this questionnaire filled out this past summer. the prosecutor said that he was suicidal before he became a pilot and continued to seek psychotherapy treatment after that to the years leading up to the crash that happened just a few days ago. erin? >> pamela thank you very much reporting live from germany. that's deeply troubling when you think of somebody suicidal before they even became a pilot and managed to get through the system. tonight, as investigators dig deeper into andreas lubitz's past possible motives are beginning to emerge and our will
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ripley is "outfront" with more. >> reporter: chilling video of andreas lubitz in a cockpit seven years ago as investigators confirm severe psychological problems before in his past problems that threatened to ground his piloting career. >> had, at that time been in treatment of a psychotherapist because of what is documented as being suicidal. >> reporter: german prosecutors say there's no evidence that lubitz was suicidal or acting aggressively aggressively in the days before he flew flight 9525 into the french alps. cnn has learned that problems were diagnosed as psychosomatic caused by his mental state. >> we don't have any
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documentation that says that regarding his sight, that this is caused by an organic illness. >> reporter: investigators are pouring over evidence including medical records and prescription drugs seized from lubitz's apartment. so far, they have not found any notes or conversations revealing a motive or plan to bring down a plane. german newspapers report that he suffered from stress caused by work-related trauma and severe depression. >> pilots tend to hide these kinds of problems because they lose their job. >> reporter: this psychologist says he's not surprised the 27-year-old was hiding his condition from the airline. in europe pilots fear a mental illness diagnosis means losing their license permanently. >> not only have the problem that they have the mental illness but they fear that they lose their job. that's a huge huge difference.
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>> reporter: so that creates an incentive for pilots to keep this hidden? >> yes. >> reporter: but he couldn't hide his problems from everyone. his ex-girlfriend said the 27-year-old was very troubled and had nightmares his plane was going down. beneath the facade of a self-assured pilot, growing disturbance of a young man hiding a dark secret. erin as this investigation moves forward, there are going to be questions, questions about how someone with such a history of problems going back so many years was able to still get into the position where he was at the controls of an airplane responsible for the lives of 150 people. and there are also going to be questions about how pilots should be monitored. they had physical exams every year but no psychological evaluation required to self-report any mental health problems and yet a very real fear on the part of pilots certainly here in europe that
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if they were to self-report, they could be fired or lose their career or have their license revoked permanently. so many questions as a result of this and so many families suffering tonight, also as a result. erin? >> will ripley thank you very much. i want to bring in our aviation correspondent david soucie and neuropsychiatrist dr. lawrence tucker. dr. tucker let me begin with you. your area of expertise is at the heart of this. lubitz's doctor says that his vision problems were psychosomatic. in other words, to oversimplify it it was in his head. it was a psychological problem as opposed to a physical one. how is that possible? >> well when you have an anxiety disorder like it sounds he had, ptsd multiple traumas, he was very anxious. so anxiety and depression can
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present itself in a psychosomatic way where you get overfocused with body sensations, everything from eyes vision bodily functions and even diarrhea and stomach issues. another thought is if he's very anxious and going through depression does he have a problem sleeping and dehydration? that can cause visual issues as well. >> it's incredible. literally, you can't see even though it's in your head it's not a real vision issue. i think it's incredible and hard for many to understand. the prosecutor said lubitz had suicidal tendencies even before he got his pilot's license. obviously he wasn't being completely honest on the suicidal tendencies how was he able to become a pilot for lufthansa, which is one of the
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best airlines in the world? >> erin that is the question no doubt about it. these are questions that have been asked before. we've gone through this when i was with the federal aviation administration. this was a big question about how do we improve this? there were discussions, focus groups. it's really difficult to get change in the regulations and far-57 which talks about medical certification for pilots, is very inept at this point. however, there's a section in there hardly used in order to have this certificate, the airmen must give faa the right to look into their personal records which overrides the hippa rules. >> there were mountains of pills in his apartment according to one report. this guy shouldn't have been a pilot. >> absolutely. of course he shouldn't have been. how did he fall through this?
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how did it get past the system? >> again and again. >> exactly. it's not as simple as saying there ought to be psychological evaluations. dr. tucker would tell us that he probably could have passed them with flying colors. this man lied. that's how he did it. he fabricated it. >> somebody with mal intent is likely to lie anyway. people who are going to self-report are not going to be in a position to do what he did. >> you are looking at more psychological reporting. >> yes. >> a different infrastructure but don't be -- let's not cause a panic in a crisis. this is one case. >> robert boyer from "flying" magazine says there's been more pilot suicides than hostage situations. >> you're still talking about three cases, three cases. egypt air, silk and this and
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maybe the mozambeke. >> and this. >> if you start tinkering with the system which you're going to have to do -- >> of course. >> -- but look what happened with the cockpit door. >> prevent someone coming in and -- >> every solution carries with it a repercussion. dr. tucker people are trying to figure out how someone could have been this ill and have something this wrong without people knowing. another thing that we understand andreas lubitz had was severe subjective burnout syndrome. i mean what is that? that just sounds like a lot of people would feel like they have. they are burned out and they are tired. what the heck is that? >> it's kind of a form of ptsd. so you can imagine after being in the air so many times and someone who is anxious, again, if you look at some of the data that is coming out with how he
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apparently had some obsessive! impulsive behavior and then people certainly prone to that in society. think of an extreme stress disorder. when you look at the gentleman that just spoke, you look at suicidal ideations, they have been increasing in the population. 2010 there was about 40,000 and in to 02009 only about 30,000. i used to test these pilots and be part of faa as far as evaluating these pilots trying to get back on treatment or get back into treatment or out of treatment and start flying. it's pretty regulated, pretty intense. usually it takes years of psychotherapy to get them up and running if they can ever function again and fly. they are very strict in the united states. >> all right. new details about the last moments of flight 9525.
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we're going to go minute by minute what happened outside of the cockpit. our pam is back next. plus lubitz's girlfriend a chilling account about his outburst and violence we're going to talk to the editor of the newspaper that spoke with her. and who is the comedian taking over for jon stewart? >> my mom was like i don't care i want a white man. and my dad was -- you know how the swiss love chocolate. so he was just -- ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms? i sure hope so. with healthcare costs, who knows. umm... everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor....
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tonight, breaking night. the co-pilot of flight 5925 did not disclose any mental health problems in a medical questionnaire according to a source speaking to our pamela brown. we're also learning chilling new details about the final moments of that doomed flight. a german newspaper reports what they say is part of the recording of the cockpit voice recorder. it sheds light on what the passengers and pilot was doing. tom foreman is "outfront." >> reporter: at the barcelona airport, he apologizes for a delay in taking off and says
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maybe they can make it up in the air. he had no chance to use the restroom in spain and lubitz says he can do so while the flight is under way. that information coming from a transcript of their conversation published by the german tabloid. the plane is at cruising altitude 38,000 feet. lubitz says you can go now. the captain's seat is heard being pushed back and tells lubitz you can take over. moments later, at 10:29, air traffic control notices the plane is descending and controllers try to contact the crew. no response. an alarm goes off in the cockpit warning about the sink rate of the aircraft. then banging is heard and people screaming and the pilot saying "for god's sake open the door." loud metallic bangs begin as if someone in the cabin is trying to smash the cockpit open.
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a minute and a half later, another alarm. terrain, pull up. the captain yells, open the damn door. the plane is dropping perilously to the tallest mountains. 10:40, two minutes later, a noise roars through the cabin, possibly the right wing scraping a mountainside say investigators. the screams grow louder and the recording ends. >> and one of the most astonishing thing from this account of the recording is that through this entire process, even as he guides his plane to his doom the co-pilot says not one word. they can hear him breathing the whole time on this transcript but he doesn't say anything to his captain, nothing to his crew and nothing to his passengers about what he has in mind and certainly not why. erin? >> all right, tom. thank you. i want to bring back our panel, david soucie dr. lawrence
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tucker and richard quest. the captain said look i need to go to the bathroom. he did something that i'm curious about. he asked the co-pilot to prepare the landing and they went through the landing. that was only a half hour into an 1:40 minute night. he was going to use the bathroom and come right back. why would he have gone through the landing process before that? would that have indicated a lack of confidence in that co-pilot or was that standard operating procedure? >> well it depends on when he did it during the flight but more than likely he was doing his prelanding check so that when he came back into the cockpit he would be ready to go into the landing maneuvers. but there's something, erin that's very curious to me in this recording and they never mention this. but if that pilot had tried the code to get into the cockpit, there would be a 30-second buzzer and that 30-second buzzer would have gone off during which
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time the co-pilot would have had time to unlock the door. that buzzer according to these accounts never went off. does that say that he never tried to get into the cockpit with the proper procedure? >> so he should have known the code but he didn't know it? >> it's a possibility. >> no. no. just to clarify on this it could have been -- david, you were about to get to the other example. or it could have been that the captain -- the co-pilot had pushed the lock switch. >> to override the buzzer? >> which inhibits the process. >> exactly. >> or remember lufthansa's ceo said specifically they don't know the answer to that question. >> and so the other thing i'm curious about, what was happening in that cockpit. at this point we understand there was normal breathing, no accelerated breathing and no talking. that could change. we don't know everything from that recording. passengers were screaming in the background and we know that was not just in the last minute or
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two, it was at least seven minutes. there are microphones in that cockpit. so for seven minutes while the captain is desperately trying to get in human beings are screaming. lubitz is hearing all of this and he does nothing. even his rate of breathing does not change. what causes someone to do that someone to have whatever is wrong with him, to have no empathy for those 149 lives? >> it's almost a form of what we call a disassociation where they kind of check out. and apparently at this point in time he was intent on doing what he was doing and thought it was reasonable so disassociated from reality and circumstances, really not hearing or thinking about what is going on behind him. totally oblivious. >> and richard, one thing that we know here the plane -- the captain went to the bathroom. about a minute after he left the cockpit, maybe he stopped to talk to a flight attendant, whatever. a minute after that descent started. but it took him, from our understanding of the timeline
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now which could change but the understanding we have now is three or four minutes went by before he tried to get back in the door. does that surprise you at all that the pilot would have waited three or four minutes to actually try to get in instead of going immediately? >> first of all, it's a like. >> that's why i emphasized it's a like of the transcript. >> but to your point, the flight -- the first officer flying just making a mean nor change -- >> so for a minute or two it may make sense? >> yes. he's been told by air traffic control to do something different and then the captain comes back. what i do realize, of course is 3,000 per minute as it goes on and on. >> that's obviously a problem. david, to that point, the pilot is desperately trying to get into the door. at one point you hear loud metallic bangs on the cockpit voice recorder which is the captain hitting the door with
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something. we know that door after 9/11 became strong enough to withstand a grenade. someone reported it was an ax he was using. would there have been something on that side of the door? what could he have been using? >> an ax would have been a stretch. i would suggest it was probably a fire extinguisher and the only metal he'd be hitting against would be the locks itself because the rest is a composite structure on the outside. i would suspect that's what he was trying to do but it was futile to do that. this was designed to withstand hand grenade or larger explosions. >> my thanks to all of you. "outfront" next we have the story from andreas lubitz's girlfriend. the promises he reportedly made before the crash. we have that from her. plus america on the verge of an historic deal with iran. can the united states trust the ayatollah?
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tonight, disturbing new details about the man behind the crash of flight 9525. a prosecutor con firms that
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27-year-old andreas lubitz was at one point treated for suicidal tendencies a french newspaper is reporting that he even got injections of an anti psychotic medicine. we haven't independently confirmed that but also tonight, the german newspaper has new information from someone who says she dated lubitz last year. "outfront" tonight is the editor-in-chief, julian. the ex-girlfriend said it was very chilling to -- when i heard about the crash, i remember a sentence he said one day i'll do something that will change the system and then everyone will know my name and remember it. why does this woman think lubitz committed this heinous act? >> his impression was he was
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under a lot of stress from his employer from the airline. now, to us it's not clear if it was just his impression in the mental state he was in or if he was really given that impression by the airline. it seems more his impression that he was under a lot of stress and pressure from the airline and that's what he told his girlfriend back then was that he would probably never make chief pilot at the airline, never be pilot on one of the long-haul flights he dreamed about and that was something that apparently put him under a lot of stress. now, we do not know where he got that impression from or if he just basically made it up in his own mind. but that was something he felt very angry about, from what she told us and, you know he told her that some day they would pay for that. >> that they would pay for that. of course she couldn't even comprehend what he ended up doing. i know she also told "bild" that
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lubitz mentioned he was in psychiatric treatment and, of course that's an important statement because we know that he was keeping a lot of that from the airline. she was also a flight attendant with the airline. did she at that time think it was significant that he was in psychiatric treatment? did it make her afraid of him? what did she say about his behavior? >> well, from what we understand she wasn't the only one he told about that but no one in his direct surrounding and obviously she was among those people you know didn't find it significant enough to report it to the airline probably because what you know he ended up doing, crashing that airline into the mountain was just incomprehensible to all of them. but what she did tell us was his overall behavior became kind of disturbing to her at some point, became kind of a threatening or at least annoying. so she ended that relationship you know she told us that he
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would lose his temper out of nowhere, that he would start screaming or yelling in conversations and just you know suddenly get out of control. and that was the cause why she ended that i are. >> all right. julian reichelt thank you so much the editor-in-chief of "bild". and tonight authorities are looking to build a road so family members of flight 9525 can get there. karl penhaul is "outfront." >> reporter: families torn apart. all with the same question why? milad was a sports journalist from iran. he was her big brother. >> he said to one of his friends, if someone was killed in the flight crash, it would be okay because you'd be gone and you are in the sky and your soul
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will go and -- but he spent eight minutes to -- >> milad had been in spain covering the game between real madrid and barcelona. >> now he's laughing because he knows that one day he will see us. >> reporter: the local village mayor francois understands that the family members need to see the crash site so they can one day have peace. until now, only accessible by helicopter. "i felt the families wanted this and they asked me to get them as close as possible as if every meter mattered to them," he says. the terrain is so dangerous that for even now recovery teams had
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to drop in by helicopter. it was tough going but we managed to hike up to the crash zone. it took hours over rugged trails. getting up here is litter low happeninging on to tree roots and grass. you can see why they have to fly anything out from the crash site by helicopter. finally, in a steep-sided gully, this. swinging on a woir they recover the remains. forensic teams marked body parts and wreckage with small red flags. expert mountaineers help them stay safe clinging on to the mountain face. high winds make flying treacherous. a few days later, when i meet heartbroken mahsid i describe the spot where her brother and others perished. she said she can sense her brother looking down.
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>> everything is good for him but for us we just -- we just can't calm ourself down with this picture that he's now the king of the alps. >> reporter: the kings of the alps. >> that was incredible hearing that woman talk. karl i know that they are desperately trying to find remains of every single person on that plane so their families can have some measure of peace. obviously it's going to be incredibly difficult. do they have hope that they will be able to find every person? >> reporter: erin it is absolutely incredibly difficult, not only because of the rugged terrain that you saw in that report but also because the plane was traveling at more than 430 miles an hour when it slammed into the mountain and that means that bodies and the plane are in very small parts. but against predictions, recovery teams have been able to work very fast 78 body parts
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identified so far. the bad news is investigators now say that some bodies may have been so pulverized that they will never be identified and that that means relatives will not be getting loved ones back for burial. erin? >> that's a tragedy. one can only hope some of their belongings or something to give them a measure of peace. thank you, karl. "outfront" next negotiators are working on a nuclear deal and protesters on the street of indiana. a new religious law would allow you to say, i'm not going to make that wedding cake for you because you're gay. we'll be right back. know your financial plan won't keep you up at night. know you have insights from professional investment strategists to help set your mind at ease. know that planning for retirement can be the least of your worries.
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breaking news u.s. and iranian officials are working late into the night tonight to reach a deal which will have huge implications for the security of the world. that deadline is tomorrow. elise labott is "outfront." >> reporter: as nuclear talks reach the end game secretary of state john kerry shied away from predicking success. >> do you think you'll be able
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to get a deal by the deadline? >> good question. >> reporter: kerry told cnn there was, quote, a little more light in the talks today but acknowledged there's still what he called tricky issues. world powers are seeking the outlines of a deal they say would stop iran from getting a nuclear weapon for at least 15 years. in exchange iran would get out from punishing sanctions that have crippled its economy. diplomats say there are key sticking points. iran wants to conduct advance nuclear research while the deal is still in effect. the international community wants to keep restrictions in place for the entire 15 years. iran wants all u.n. sanctions lifted on day one. world powers want to phase sanctions out as iran complies with the deal and wants the flexibility to reimpose sanctions if iran is in violation. diplomats here say it's yes or no time for tehran. >> iran has got to take a deep
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breath and make decisions. >> reporter: israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu warned this makes the evolving deal worse than his deepest fears. >> as israel and the arab countries see iran progressing with its talks, aggression goes on and a deal from everything that we hear paves iran's way to the bomb. >> reporter: as tuesday's deadline looms, negotiators are, working around the clock mindful that congress is promising to slap new sanctions on iran if there is no deal. >> negotiations in the 11th hour become fast and furious and you see all kinds of horse trading going on to finish the last final steps. >> reporter: secretary kerry says negotiators will be working throughout the night and into tomorrow and all day with the aim of getting a deal and says everybody knows the meaning of tomorrow. erin? >> thanks, elise. and "outfront" tonight,
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fareed zakaria, host of "fareed zakaria gps" and author of book "liberal education." fareed this deal is enormous. if there was to be another deal on the nuclear program, how significant would it be? >> well if you think about it this way, iran is the most significant country in the world today that is sort of outside the international system. there's north korea, cuba but iran is huge and it's also a pivotal player in the middle east. it's a pivotal player in all of the conflict areas that the united states is engaged in with syria, iraq afghanistan, yemen. if we could manage to have a working relationship with iran and i just say a working relationship nothing more it's a huge step forward. >> it would be a huge step forward but the twitter account widely believed to be from the
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ayatollah, iran seeks peace and empowerment of nations and u.s. seeks regional instability and dismantlement of islamic awakening by arming terrorist groups isis. when you see that it makes you want to chuckle but this is real life. i asked jen psaki, how can you do business with people that say stuff like this. how do you deal on something this significant when you do not trust the person that is signing the dotted line? >> look at some level, she's right. the reality is what did reagan say about the soviets? trust but verify. if we trusted them you wouldn't need all of that stuff. what you're trying to do here is to get some kind of a relationship going where there
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isn't trust but there is dialogue. >> so saying this isn't a perfect deal may not be a a good deal but -- >> iran has been able to do that even under sanctions or a military option which is a series of very significant war in the middle east. >> which is now not on the table for the united states right now. fareed thank you very much. and "outfront" next protesters in indiana are in the streets right now rallying against a religious freedom law that they say is about hate. and we'll show you the new face of "the daily show." here he is joking about ebola. >> it was like a scene from forrest gump. everyone is like you can't sit here. can't sit here.
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accident. switch to liberty mutual insurance and you could save up to $423 dollars. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. breaking news. there are protests in indianapolis right now against a new state law critics say allows businesses to deny services to gay people called the religious freedom restoration act. the government cannot infringe on your religious beliefs. if your religion says gay is
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wrong, you don't have to for example, make a wedding cake for a gay couple. governor mike pence is standing behind his new law. but some are balking. angie's list said it's halting plans for a $40 million expansion of its indianapolis headquarters that was supposed to create 1,000 new jobs. here's tonight's money and power. >> reporter: protests and anger across indiana. gays lesbians and their supporters rallying in opposition to sb-101 the so-called religious freedom restoration act. >> i have two kids who could possibly not be served because they don't believe in me being married to another woman. >> reporter: they say it will turn customers away if a religious freedom is being violated. it came about after indiana was forced to allow same-sex marriages last year.
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supporters say businesses will no longer be forced to support same-sex marriage. indiana governor mike pence, who signed the bill in private, dodged over and again on abc's this week on whether the bill could prompt discrimination. >> yes, or no if a florist in indiana refuses to serve a gay couple at their wedding, is that legal now in indiana? >> george this is where this debate has gone with misinformation and -- >> it's just a question sir, yes or no. >> there's been shameless rhetoric about my state. people are trying to make it about one particular issue. now you're doing that as well. >> governor pence said the bill would stand, no changes. members of his own party today in the state legislature weren't so sure. >> clearly there's unsettled waters right now. all right? that could have far-ranging impact. we determined we needed to step in and make sure those waters are calm and if that requires a legislative clarification,
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that's what we're working on. >> reporter: 20 states currently have religious freedom laws on the books, another 21 some of them specifically protect rights based on sexual orientation. opponents say the problem with indiana's law, it's fraud, any person or business could seek protection based on religious beliefs. unlike most states the government doesn't have to be involved. utah has a similar constitutional amendment just introduced in the stated house which would take effect in 2017. the governor in arkansas has a similar to indiana's on his desk. arizona's governor vetoed a similar law in 2014. indiana's law has put the states in the line of fire. apple's openly gay ceo tim cook declared in the washington post on behalf of apple, i'm standing up to oppose this new legislation wherever it emerges. even the head of the ncaa who is holding the final four in indianapolis says they are especially concerned about the
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legislation. it's even being mocked on "saturday night live." >> you'll be able to tell which stores are supporting the new law because they'll have these helpful little signs. >> the city council here in indianapolis has just passed a resolution opposing sb-101. the mayor today here in indianapolis signed an executive order asking the government here to fix it. the republican governor just posted an op-ed in "the wall street journal" that he said is the right thing to do and he is not backing down. but the legislators said they will fix it. how? it's not clear yet. when? next week is probably the soonest they can get to it if they get to it at all. erin? >> thank you very much miguel. miguel pointing out this op-ed from the governor in the "wall street journal." here's what he says. our new law has been grossly misconstrued as a license to
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discriminate. that isn't true, and here's why. later tonight make sure to catch our special showdown in indiana. the battle over religious rights. chris cuomo is staying up late and will host it live at 9:00 eastern time. on the comedian taking over for jon stewart on the "daily show." as long as a shadow can get. a 401(k) is the most sound way to go. let's talk asset allocation. sure. you seem knowledgeable professional. i'm actually a dj. [ dance music plays ] woman: [laughs] no way! that really is you? if they're not a cfp pro you just don't know. cfp -- work with the highest standard.
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meet the new face of the "daily show." jeanne moos has the story. >> reporter: he went from rookie contributor, to host of the "daily show," question being asked is who? trevor noah or is it noah trevor. no it's trevor noah. he's a 31-year-old comedian from south africa and has graced the covers of south african's edition of g"gq" and "rolling stone." his dad is a south african and his mother a swiss german. mixed unions weren't allowed under the old apartheid law. >> i was born a crime. >> reporter: audiences abroad he's joked about americans. >> they don't know much about africa as a whole.
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most of them don't know much about anything but still like -- >> reporter: and when he did three segments on the "daily show" recently the laughter was underwhelming. reaction to a word he had been named host ranged from trevor noah is kind of smokin'' hot to excellent dimples, so they couldn't find an american for the job? that's pretty sad. one thing noah will have no trouble doing on the "daily show," accents, from american -- >> have you been in contact with ebola? >> reporter: to middle eastern. >> you probably want to check that gentleman over there. >> reporter: to what he called crazy guy. >> ask me why! >> reporter: own when he described black hitler. and then oprah-esque imitation pegged to her african school. eventually he'll be beating up on the media when say, a leatherman finds a hanger he
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left in his suit. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. we'll see how he does. it will be fascinating, and we'll be righting for him. anderson starts now. good evening. i'm wolf blitzer. anderson is off. whether by leaks or official sources, we're getting a flood of new details in the crash of flight 9525. so much new reporting on what the co-pilot first officer andreas lubitz may have been carrying around in his head before locking his captain out of the flight deck and flying the plane into the ground. reports that he had been treated with anti-psychotic medication. that he was being treated for vision problems possibly psychosomatic in nature. investigators believe he was once suicidal yet he still got a job flying. he once made chilling remarks to an ex-girlfriend about