tv CNN International CNN April 3, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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>> a deal to curb iran's nuclear program. we have details on the frame work and the global reaction. >> and we are live in germany where investigators are finding out more about the co-pilot. welcome to sour viewers here in the united states and arnold the world. >> you're watching cnn newsroom. >> u.s. president barack obama calls it a deal that would cut off every pathway iran could take to develop a nuclear weapon. the frame work agreement was
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announced thursday after around the clock negotiations and nine years of waiting for this. >> mr. obama spoke with the leaders to discuss that deal but he says it's a good deal that meets u.s. objectives. listen. >> this frame work gives iran the opportunity to verify that its program is in fact peaceful. it demonstrates that if iran come plies then it can fully rejoin the community of nations, there by fulfilling the aspirations of the iranian people. >> we have cease differences with united states. we have built mutual mistrust in the past. what i hope is that through kroujeous limp memt tags with that that some of the mistrust could be remedied. >> so here is sort of a break down of the key points of that frame work agreement.
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iran has agreed not to enrich uranium over 3.67%, just enough to power a nuclear reactor. it would reduce the number of centrifuges from 19,000 to 6100 and it would cut its stockpile of uranium to 30 kilograms. >> iran would also convert its facility into a research center, limit the output of the reactor in iraq and enrich uranium only at one facility. international inspectors would have regular access. after inspectors verify that iran has taken all of these steps, current sanctions against the country would be suspended. the sanctions would snap back into place if the deal was violated. >> israel is blasting the deal. prescribe benjamin netanyahu
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calling it a terrible deal. israel certainly letting the world know it doesn't like this deal at all. >> nothing is subtle about this message. he has been perhaps the most vocal critic internationally about this deal and now we see him use per hapgs his strongest language. he came out very much against what's in the deal and what's not in the deal. he said the deal needed to limit iran's infrastructure, centrifuges and research. but more importantly, what this needed to do was connect the lifting of sanctions to a pull back of iran's aggression in the region. this deal does none of that. >> and let's look at what's in this deal. this deal, the frame work that's on the table that has been talked about now gives iran an extensive expansive nuclear infrastructure are mains in
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place. it's very dangerous and of course not in the deal. now they are not building the target about michels. like the united states of america. that's not part of the deal. you know what else is not part of the deal? iranian beautiful. >> again, some very, very strong laj waj. looks like he will continue to be the most outspoken critic. >> we will meet with middle eastern leaders to discuss to
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discuss this deal but what might this mean to the frosty relationship that we have seen evolve between? >> it looks like that relationship is only getting fros frostier. that's not certainly an endorsement of this deal. they will keep pushing against this deal strongly with the republicans like senator to push against this deal and lobby against this deal. we heard in the last few hours here, the last 24 hours say that a military option is not off the table here.
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>> it's unheard of to see a live broadcast so many took to twitter to mark the historic moment like this man who took a selfie with his tv screen during barack obama's speech about the agreement and here a twitter user pinches mr. obama's cheek and this young couple watching the speak on iran's national news network also took a selfie with the u.s. president. quite a different response. >> and a moment of history for a lot of people.
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for more reaction, let's check in with university professor and political a analyst. he joins us now on the phone. thank you again for taking time with us. what is the reaction there. that sanctions could be lifted. the details continue. when the fact sheet came out and people began to read the details, there is some growing skepticism. so i think it will be a somewhat difficult sell for foreign minister some people think that the deal is adequate and others think that iran has given too many confessions. but i think one thing that there
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is a consensus on right now is that this deal really gives the united states no more excuses. bombing yemen and indirectly fighting alongside. so the iranians believe that until now the united states has closed its eyes towards support for militant groups along with the turks. but now the united states should rethink its regional policy before the disaster worsens. >> what does i mean for the country there. obviously if sanctions are lifted, one would presume that
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you would see somewhat of an economic boost. is that what people are expecting? >> well, people were hoping that the agreement would be to the immediate removal of all the sanctions. but, it's not clear exactly at this stage what is going to happen because from what we read on the fact sheet, it will be carried out and it will be linked to -- it's not clear who will make the final judgment and other sanctions such as the sanction
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sanctions so there are have more questions. regardless of what i said the different opinions are in iran, i think there is a general agreement that the united states really has to rethink its policy in this region. the iranians have given huge confessions here. if the united states doesn't rethink and i think we will see a huge explosion of terrorism and extremism and the united states will only have itself to blame. >> thank you so much for your insights there. >> a terror attack in kenya is over but for the survivors and the victims' families, the pain is just beginning. the numbers are astounding.
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147 people dead, 79 wounded and al-shabaab militants have claimed responsibility. we have the latest and it seems unreal that an attack larger than the attack on the mall as far as the victims goes has happened again in kenya and it looks like it's al-shabaab. >> it's very sad indeed. a lot of people expected lessons to have been learned after that. a lot of people expected a bit more vigilance from police forces, more security in public places. al shabaab has attacked schools, churches, and a lot of lives have been issues in the past months regarding imminent attacks in kenya.
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some parts of nigh roby like italy. this was not acted upon fast enough or well enough and people wonder if there is accurate communication or integration. a lot of people say that is still lacking. i believe there there be an investigation into this attack and a lot of expected to come out of it. >> i certainly hope so. it's very, very hard to fight such vicious criminals like al shabaab. >> in the country of yemen there has been a big set back for the saudi led coalition. those rebels have now seized the presidential palace in the city of aden. the advance comes despite a week
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of continued air strikes. >> a big break in france. what shape is the flight recorder? that's next on cnn newsroom. >> an american who carried a picture of osama bin laden around is now in jail. the charge, though, plotting terror attacks against the united states. that story next. let's take a look at your credit. >>i know i have a 786 fico score, thanks to all the tools and help on so how are we going to sweeten this deal? floor mats... clear coats... >>you're getting warmer... leather seats... >>and this... my wife bought me that. get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out
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>> if anything there was a little bit of good news coming out of the press conference because he says now 150 separate dna profiles have been recovered from the crash site. that in plain english suggests that remains of the 150 people on board have been recovered. let's listen in to what he had to say. >> of which, 150 dna profiles were isolated. 158 dna profiles were isolated by the lob tory. that does not mean that we have identified the 150 victims.
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>> the french prosecutor made a pledge that as soon as the remains have been identified those will be handed back to the families for burial. >> sit the one and only full tv debate. we will have the results of the post debate polls for you ahead here. >> plus, in the united states, indiana's governor signs a revision to his state's controversial religious freedom bill but the fix has not silenced some critics. that story next. you forgot the milk! that's lactaid®. right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so, no discomfort?
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>> there are 7,000 diagnosis every year for those who are hiv positive but 60% of them are not british nationals. you can come into britain from anywhere in the world. you can get the drugs. i know there are some horrible things happening in many parts of the world but what we need to do is put the national health service there for british people and families who have paid into the system for decades. >> this scaremongering is dangerous and it creates sigma to people who are ill and i think you ought to be ashamed of yourself. >> we have got to put our own people first.
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>> lawmakers in indiana have approved revisions just days after the governor promised a fix. >> with wha a week of reversal? he asked his own legislature to clarify or fix that bill to a governor who caved 180 degrees different with this little piece of paper. they specify sexual orientation and identity. it's the first time that those words have appears in a piece of
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legislation that is statewide. the governor when he signed the bill very quietly after a heated debate in both houses here, he only said that he prayed during what he called a furious week. also says it is behind them now. and time to get back to work. c r cnn, indianapolis, indiana. >> iran strikes a preliminary deal. just ahead we will go live to moscow for a look at russia's role as the talks continue here on cnn.
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>> welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and arnold the world. this is cnn newsroom. >> let's check our top stories for you. iran and six world powers have announced the frame work for an agreement to keep the country's nuclear program peaceful. in exchange the u.s. and european union would phase out sanctions against ta han. >> some of the 79 wounded in thursday's terror attack in kenya are now being air lifted to nairobi. 147 people were killed in the al shabaab attack. authorities say the massacre finally ended when the four gunmen were killed. >> prosecutors say he researched inside methods online in the days before the crash.
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>> let's point out that this is only a frame work agreement and there are many details that have yet to be sorted out and negotiated. as the saying goes the devil's in the details. could we still see set backs? ar absolutely. it's possible that iran and the world powers in particular the united states, you know, would not agree on the final details. but let's focus on the big point. the big point here, george, is that both iran and the united states and we're talking about iran and the u.s.
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their interests lie in reaching an agreement. both sides have committed themt s is to begin the process to end the state of hostility over the last four decades. for iran it wants to lift sanctions that have basically done a great deal of damage to the iranian economy for the united states, and particularly for president barack obama. he does not want a military confrontation with iran because the status quo is basically you cannot maintain it. and also i think it believes that iran, if a deal is signed, iran could play a positive role in the region. the entire region is in turmoil. >> iran playing a positive role in the region but if you look at officialeous talk to official
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from israel they would say otherwise. what does a stronger iran, what impact does it have with the continued fighting? >> the george, the question is the region is deeply divided over the nuclear deal between iran and the world powers. the israel prime minister has fought tooth and nail to derail the agreement. benjamin netanyahu is not interested in a deal. he wants the united states basically to carry out military strikes and destroy iranian nuclear infrastructure. we know what a war with iran would be. would have major implication for reej y'all and global security. the gulf states as you mention ed fear that it would allow iran
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to flex its muscles further in the region and expand its influence in lebanon and yemen. the americans believe that if iran is integrated into the international system, if iran's regime, the elite feel secure about the system, this could really somehow change iranian's political blaifr. the first idea is obviously the obama administration and american leadership would like to basically acknowledge iranian role in the gulf region. it's a proud nation state. the second agreement, the second underlying premise is that one would hope that the iranian
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leadership basically would no longer define the position and would begin to play a positive role in the region. you have many promises. you have to wait and see how this particular agreement unfolds in the next few weeks and months. remember as you said we're talking about contours and parameters. we have to walt until june and see how the is carried nout the field in realtime. >> and we have to see. a lot of details have yet to be sorted out. >> has been a fixture at the iran nuclear talks in switzerland. let's find out about his role leading up to the announcement of his agreement. matthew chance is live for us in moscow. matthew?
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>> thank you very much. obviously russia has been a key aspect of these negotiations over the many years that they have been taking place. i's part of the same p5 plus one group that includes the united states and so yes it's been instrumental in bringing these negotiations to a relatively successful if only interim conclusion at this point.
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for the moment, this is something that the russians are pleased ab. >> i read in the report if i read it correctly that iran would not be allowed to build any new nuclear facilityies you mentioned that russia has contracts for eight nuclear reactors. so our nuclear reactors allowed under this frame work agreement? >> i haven't examined the frame work agreement in detail. we have got other statements that have been made by the joint statements and the u.s. fact sheet that has been put out. but up until now i would be very
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it will open it up to very intrusive inspections which means if it does violate any of the terms or does try and break out and manufacture highly enriched uranium, the world will know about it because of these inspecti inspections. that's the main achievement from my reading. >> i want to show you these pictures. students and staff leaving the campus. a day after militants killed 147 people and left 79 wounded. many are speaking out about the government's failure to prevent such attacks.
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>> we are afraid when the situation continues, that it is not a possibility at all. >> it is important to point out that all shabaab and other groups from been terrorizing this region for many years. >> there is a fear that they will continue to spread beyond kenya and somalia. here's nick parker. >> thursday's brutal attack is only the latest in al shabaab's latest reign of terror. there numbers are not even clear. they have linked to other terror groups, most noticeably allying themselveses with al qaeda. al shabaab has long fought for control of somalia.
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the terror group has continued to strike back in somalia as well as in surrounding countries. just last week, gunmen opened fire in a popular hotel killing at least 20 people before security forces stopped the i-tack. the victim, prosecuting a dozen suspects were accused in a dozen poppings. did claim support for the bombings and said they were in retall nation.
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in december in a kenyan quarry, gunmen separated muslims from non-muslim and executed more than 30 non-muslims. >> what if an attack was to occur in the mall of america. >> a tape was released to launch attacks against high profile shopping malls like the mall of america. the area is home to the largest somolian population living in the u.s. and a non-recruiting ground. the video and continuing attacks only raising fears that al
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shabaab is now seeking to go global with its brand of terrorism. >> a top u.s. senator is fighting nor his political life. his defiant defense after being indicted. we will have that coming right up. ds] it's so shiny. i know mommy. but it's time to let the new kitchen get some sleep. if you want to choose wisely, choose angie's list. with in-depth reviews, an exclusive scoring system and real people standing by to help, you can get a finished project that you'll love. pretty. call, click or download the app for free today.
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robert menendez has pleaded not guilty to criminal corruption charges. the politician walked free after the federal judge released him without bail thursday. >> menendez is also charged with accepting over $1 million in lavish gifts from a florida eye doctor all in exchange for political favors. >> cnn's andrew stevens is in hong kong and has more on this high profile case. >> the charges ian if they were expected by many are still a bomb shell. he's easily the highest ranking official caught in the
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president's anti-corruption drive. in fact they don't come much more powerful than him. when he retired in 2012 he was chief of all internal security. he was also part of the nine person standing committee which reportedly ruled the country. follows his arrest and expulsion in december last year after an internal party investigation. that investigation took advantage to seek profits from others.
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critics say he is using it to purge political rivals. he was close to the former party leader jailed for life on corruption charges but was considered a powerful political rival as well. but the corruption has also been welcomed by many ordinary chinese. tens of thousands of people ranging from low level officials and the military brass have been caught up in the so called tigers and flies campaign so named because of corruption both big and trial. the trial will be a huge event. and the president's evident in taking such a powerful player to the courts underlies to many just how powerful he has become as supreme leader of the country. andrew stevens, cnn, hong kong. >> you can read more about him on an article at a sailor is lost at sea for more than two months.
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>> some blowing sand. >> it closed schools in portions of saudi arabia because of sand, blowing sand, gusts were so bad. we also have some images as well. look at this. over the last 24 hours or so but the dust and sand is everywhere. people are struggling. on the roadways in dubai, already a very know turs place for driving. it looks like they did have quite a few car accidents. it's very easy to pick up and that sand can blow for thousands of kilometers. the visibility was less than 500 meters. we have got a risk of severe weather extending to jackson mississippi.
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about million people in the wake of this system. >> and i don't mean to produce snow on anybody's easter bas kelt but it looks like across interior new england. >> no, no, no. >> no snow. >> but boston was w 61, the first time since december 2014. >> wow. >> they have been in a deep freeze. >> i am sure they want to hear nothing about snow. >> you know i wanted to mention boston because it was so crazy there over the winter. >> thank you.
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>> a technology breakthrough is connecting with autistic children in ways that adults have not been able to. >> a robot named milo. >> meet milo, partially plastic, two feet tall and a rising giant in the autism community. >> you do it, too. >> okay. >> okay. >> dancing. >> this robot programmed to teach kids about a wide range of social interactions is proving more successful than humans in helping children with autism by a long shot. pamela rollins is working with a company called robo kind to develop milo. >> all children with autism have problems in social interactions. milo creates that bridge where
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he is humanoid, but cartoonish so children on the speck rum are engaged with him. >> how engaged? children with autism often have a hard time talking with or looking al human therapists like this boy. but look at how he lights up with milo. >> we found especially with the fluent children, they were engaged with milo, 87% of the time. we looked at how much they were engaged with the therapist and that was about 3%. >> that was fun. >> the robot speaks 20% slower than an average human andhas a broad but still limited range of facial expressions so he is less likely to display emotions that get in the way of learning. >> he's not judgmental. he just interacts with you. >> he can repeat it over and over and over and never get frustrated. say it in exactly the same way,
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take his time. >> and that's what awe 'tis etick kids need? >> that need a lot of repetit n repetition. >> they also need a lot of milos. one out of 68 children born in this country has some form of autism and roll lyns is convinced a great many could benefit from a friend like this. >> is this how robots going to take over the world? >> it's good for autism. >> cnn washington. >> what a nice program there. hope they build more milos. an american man rescued after 66 days lost at sea. says he lived off of raw fish and rain water. caught both with his bare hands. lewis jordan's family reported him missing back in january there with the beard. on thursday a passing ship found him on his disabled sailboat. >> what's interesting to me is
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he's just walking right away from that helicopter after all he went through. a coast guard helicopter picked him up. jordan is now at a virginia hospital. he tried to fix his boat but couldn't sail back to south carolina where he departed. i'm sure his family was happy to have him back. >> took 66 days. thank you for watching. >> early start is coming up neck.
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. nuclear break through. iran and world leaders reaching an outline after months of negotiations. not everyone is celebrating the progress. live coverage breaking down the deal and reaction. university massacre. dozens murdered by terrorists. kenya now in mourning. we are live with the latest. breaking overnight. stranded at sea for more than 66 days. now reunited with his family. how the sailor managed to stay alive ahead. good morning. welcome to "early
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