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tv   CNN International  CNN  April 12, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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>> it's amazing what science can do. it's amazing. otherwise, it would have been he said-she said, you know? but it's amazing what science can do. after decades of estrangement, the united states says it can turn the page of history with cuba and hundreds of mourners gather for the funeral of an american man whose death has reignited the nation's debate about police brutality. plus, thousands protest saudi-led strikes in yemen. the latest on the ground as that bitter fight continues. still to come, do you think you're a pro at texting, walking, talking at once? why science proves you're probably not as good a multi-tasker as you think you are. welcome to our viewers around the united states and the world, i'm paula newton and this
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is "cnn newsroom." u.s. president barack obama is now back home after the summit of the americas. now he arrived at joint base andrews just outside of washington a few hours ago from panama city, panama. just before leaving he chatted briefly with venezuelan president nicholas maduro. the white house said mr. obama told him the white house isn't in threatening venezuela. he had a meeting with raul castro. it was the first meeting in more than 50 years. senior white house correspondent jim acosta had more from panama. >> reporter: it's a cold war no more as the president and raul castro came face to face. the first exchange since before mr. obama was born. >> it was time to try something
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new. >> translator: we are willing to discuss everything but we need to be patient. >> reporter: the president told the leaders gathered at the summit of the americas in panama, he wants to turn the page with cuba. >> the united states will not be imprisoned by the past. we're looking to the future. >> reporter: though he conceded the long-time adversaries will still have their differences. >> we will continue to speak out on universal values that we consider are important. i'm sure president castro will speak out on issues he thinks are important. >> reporter: castro did speak out. castro blasted u.s. medaling in his nation's affairs over the course of ten presidents. in a remarkable moment castro said he admired mr. obama. >> translator: in my opinion, mr. obama is an honest man. >> reporter: an assessment he made after skimming through his
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autobiographies. >> translator: i admire him. i think his behavior has a lot to do with his humble background. >> reporter: there hasn't been a give and take like this between the u.s. cuba since richard nixon met with fidel castro. >> reporter: the president stopped short of saying he trusted the leader. >> do you think raul castro is sincere? >> i can tell you in the conversations that i've had with him so far, two on the phone and most recently face to face, that we are able to speak honestly about our differences and our concerns in ways that i think offer the possibility of moving the relationship between our two countries in a different and
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better direction. >> reporter: next, the obama administration is expected to remove cuba from the u.s. list of state sponsors of terrorism, a move blasted by some lawmakers, including florida republican senator marco rubio, who said i don't see how they can rationalize taking them off the list, other than the president's desire to achieve a legacy issue. the president argued, times have changed. >> cuba's not a threat to the united states. >> reporter: the president did not resolve the issue on whether cuba will remain on the list of state sponsored terrorism. the president is nearing a decision. congress will have 45 days to weigh in on the issue. jim acosta, cnn, panama city, panama. >> now while that historic meeting of castro and obama stole headlines at the summit, one key issue was drug violence in america. i want you to stay with us. in 30 minutes we'll examine how legalized marijuana in some u.s.
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states is now sparking brutal fighting between cartels in mexico. now after months, even years of speculation, today hillary clinton is expected to announce her bid for the 2016 presidential race. now at the summit of the americas in panama, u.s. president barack obama weighed in on clinton's potential presidential campaign. >> she was an outstanding secretary of state. she is my friend. i think she would be an excellent president, and i'm not on the ballot so, you know, i'm not going to step on her lines. when she makes a decision to announce, i'm confident that she will be very clear about her vision for the country moving forward, if she announces. >> that's a far cry from she's likeable enough. clinton's campaign, meantime, their staffers reportedly met
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yesterday to outline ideas to avoid mistakes that plagued clinton's failed 2008 run. now in his home homily to mark the mass killings of armenians, pope francis called it the first genocide of the 20th century. this is very significant because calling the slaughter by the ottomans a genocide has been a point of contention. the pope's comment will upset turkey. he said that thousands of armenian christian and muslim turni turks died in a civil war that began around world war i. the mass comes 12 days ahead of april 24th. now this was one of those commemorations. its government says about a million and a half armenians living under otterman rule were killed between 1915 and 1918. to the u.s. state of south
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carolina. a somber good-bye to walter scott, the man fatally shot in the back by a police officer one week ago. scott's flag draped casket was carried out of a church near north charleston on saturday followed by family and friends embracing and crying. meantime, south carolina law enforcement division met with the unidentified passenger who was in scott's car last week seen here in this video. he has been released without charges. or martin savidge reports. >> reporter: far more people showed up for the funeral of walter scott than could fit in the church. as the hearse came up to the church, it was escorted by two police officers on motorcycles. that is part of a bridge building, if you will. the community, the mayor promising that any and all resources would be brought to bear to help the family. some find it ironic given that
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it's a police officer that's now charged with the murder of wlter scott. inside, people packed the hallways. if they couldn't get inside of the church itself. anthony scott said of his brother that he had been specially selected, he said, to be a candidate for change in america, change was a common theme throughout the service. it was mentioned many, many times. towards the end it was said by the pastor there's going to be change so that walter's death will not be in vein. then the service came to an end. the burial was private. to the other side, that is officer michael slager. his mother and wife were able to visit him in the detention center yesterday. now that this funeral has come to an end, there had been a moratorium on protests today and many of the public officials had said they weren't going to speak out until after the family had a chance to grieve. the time has come and gone, which means the controversy is likely to start up again
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beginning tomorrow. back to you. >> that was our martin savidge there. now there are new and troubling questions stemming from that video, and it is graphic. officer michael slager is seen apparently dropping something near walter scott's body. at this point he is actually face down. now some are asking whether that was routine or whether slager had tried to plant evidence to justify the shooting. our kim law reports. >> reporter: officer michael slager shooting walter scott is shocking enough, but it is this moment, says los angeles defense attorney, derek cavanoke, that is something he's never seen. >> it looks like the officer is dropping an object. we see him drop the taser there or what appears to be a taser. i've never had the kind of corroborating evidence that this particular piece of tape represents, but i've heard the complaints over and over and over again.
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it's a common experience. >> reporter: frequent claims by suspects alleging police planting evidence have been difficult to prove. in the late 1990s more than 70 officers in the lapd's ram part division were accused of tampering with. thousands were accused but they never saw the lapd planting evidence. with more smart phones, there's more video capturing how the police engage with the public. earlier this year there's a police stop in suburban detroit. melendez arrives gun drawn. menendez says he was protecting himself. after seeing the video the judge dismissed resisting arrest and assault charges. the video also captures officer menendez handling what appears to be a plastic bag.
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he says he retrieved it from under the passenger's seat but dent's laura ledges the police planted drugs and charged dent with possession of crack cocaine. officer maine len dez is now on paid administrative duties while the city and state investigates. >> does it happen? yes, it happens. does it happen, no? it's very rare that something like that occurs. >> reporter: harry houck is a retired nypd officer. he says lake there are bad people, there are bad cops. what haunts them now, the fired officer's video appearance in court. >> what really caught my eye was the stoic look on his face. i saw no emotion. here was a man standing there who had just murdered a man as a police officer standing there with no emotion at all. i thought that was very, very telling to me. >> reporter: as far as whether or not there's been any effort to track this nationally, we couldn't find anything
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comprehensive done, not by any governmental agency or defense agency. they've long held the belief that this may be affecting poor minority communities but there's no data to support that. the u.s. is complaining to moscow about what it says is an unsafe and unprofessional maneuver in the skies. the pentagon says an american rc-135 u was flying in international space over the ballot particular sea when a russian military plane intercepted it. russia says the plane was flying towards russia with its trans sponder off, the u.s. denies that. thousands filled the yemen streets on friday denouncing the attacks against houthi rebels. demonstrators waived national flags and carried large banners calling on the international community to hold saudi arabia
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accountable. yemeni journalist joins us from sana'a. he's been on the ground since the conflict began. you know, i'm stunned by the fact that there are so many people that have come out to these protests. they must have feared for their safety while they're out there. do they believe there's anything they can change about the saudi offensive at this time? >> yes, there are two ways to change it. number one, by international pressure, number two, by the houthis being convinced that there's a ground wagging. there are clashes at the border and the houthis have entered saudi arabia momentarily, for one hour and came back after clashes. so there have been clashes on the border and the houthis do not want to start or launch a long invasion to give saudi arabia a chance to solve this problem and to have a cease-fire
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before it gets out of control. right now protests are massive in sana'a, in the hundreds of thousands. they are not worried about being attacked because they know that the majority of those that are killed in sana'a were civilians and they were in their homes. there are tense times in yemen f. there is no cease-fire, the houthis will launch their invasion inside saudi arabia. >> is there any indication, had a hakim, any indication that the saudi airstrikes are having any effect whatsoever? >> well, the houthis are in control, kpleed control over sana'a. they have no competition. yes, there have been airstrikes against houthi targets. these airstrikes have been on military bases and other
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houthis. they are going through everything in sana'a and nothing has changed in that order. the houthi commanders, they tell you that they are still in control. they are expanding their territory. they have entered the provinces during these airstrikes so this shows that they have not been weakened by the saudi attacks over the last couple of weeks. so there are gains on the ground for the houthis not only in sana'a. they ended other provinces this week. they are spreading. this seems to be a long-term war where saudi arabia is not ready for because you can't win wars by airstrikes. >> okay. hakim ps almasmari, thank you for the update there. appreciate it. now the leader of the muslim brotherhood received a death sentence saturday, but it could be quite a while before he learns his true fate.
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mohamed badi were sentenced to death by hanging for inciting chaos in egypt. they have vowed to appeal. 36 others received life in prison. among them is a u.s. egyptian activist who has been on a hunger strike for 46 days. they supported mohammed morsi who was ousted in a coup. the group claims they are looking for peaceful activism. in a statement the white house press secretary said we call for mr. sultan's immediate release from prison. we remain concerned about his health that has worsened during his 12-month long incarceration. the u.s. will ensure that he receives support until he can return safely to the united states per his witches.
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dozens of families fled to tikrit when it was under isis control. the iraqi city has now been liberated, but some families say they're still afraid to go home. plus, new video shows the extent of destruction by isis militants on an ancient city in iraq.
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♪ ♪ a devastating display of destruction by isis. new video claims to show militants demolishing an archaeological site in northern iraq last month. militants used explosives to blow up an ancient syrian city. they're using sledge hammers and power tools to destroy artifacts. now the iraqi government has declared the city of tikrit safe and free of isis, but some refugee families say they are afraid to return home. cnn international correspondent arwa damon has more from iraq.
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>> reporter: 16-year-old hibba and her 17-year-old sister were spared the violence that's torn iraq apart since the u.s.-led invasion. we're not used to this, she says. they're from tikrit. hippa constantly tries to call her girlfriends, but their phones are all off. their father can't stop his eyes from welling up, but they do not dare return, even if and when the government declares it safe. i swear, i just don't trust the situation he tells us. he's not alone. this partially constructed building is just one of many in baghdad's predominantly sunni neighborhood turned into make shift housing for sunni families that fled isis, most from towns not far from tikrit. they're saying they miss their home, they miss their lands,
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their farm. a lot of the families who are here that we've been speaking to are from areas that have already been liberated, but they're still too afraid to return. they're afraid of returning without government permission. they want to see an official coming out on television assuring them that it's safe shts and they're also afraid of what isis may have left behind. it's not just isis they fear, these sunni families are afraid to go home. it's not a risk they are willing to take. for eight months amaz and her family were forced to live under isis rule. it was the day after the fall of mosul, alma says, anyone who spoke against them was killed. it was forbidden to leave, she continues. there was no power, no water, no
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gas. they were caught in the cross fire of bullets and bombs. these kids, they would all hide under the staircase, alma says, of her nieces and nephews. one time they only ate eggs for a week. there were bullets that came into the house and i screamed for my father. 4-year-old rihad, the cheekiest of the bunch declares. finally a few months ago isis allowed everyone to leave. this is their street now. we spent our lives there. we grew up there, and to go back and find nothing, alma says, it's just too much. up able to return and unsure who to blame. arwa damon, cnn, baghdad. we're getting a new look at the destruction at the refugee camp. this is how 18,000 palestinians
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and refugees are living in the war torn camp. incredible pictures there. they're trying to go about their daily lives amongst all the demolished buildings there. the refugees do not have access to medical care not to mention they're lacking the basics. >> with god's will we will stay here in the camp until we die here or go back to palestine no matter what. >> i left palestine when i was seven years old but i will never get out of the refugee camp now. this is like the soul to me. >> translator: we, the people of yamook refugee camp, we are civilians. we have children and patience. there is no care or medicinal care here. we do not have anything. no water, no food. let them open the road for us. we need to eat and to drink. let them allow relief and food.
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>> the human rights agency says the syrian air force has dropped dozens of barrel bombs on the camp. the u.n. agency visited the site saturday and talked to refugees and figure out how to help relieve some of the suffering. kenya's deputy president has given the united nations refugee agency three months to relocate the 600,000 somalis at the refugee camp. otherwise, he says kenya will relocate them. this follows the killing of 147 people in eastern kenya earlier this month by the al shabaab terror group. the kenyan government believes mohamed mahoud has ties within the camp. a small kenyan village mourns the death of one of the first in their community to attend a university. that's coming up later. [ male announcer ] you wouldn't leave your car unprotected.
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hello. i'm paula newton. here's an update on the top stories we're following at this hour. thousands of protesters filled the streets of yemen's capital against the houthi attacks on rebels. they're calling on the international community to hold saudi arabia accountable. the saudi defense said 500 shia rebels have been killed in clashes since the airstrikes began last month. today former u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton is set to officially announce her candidacy for the 2016 presidential race. her campaign in waiting met
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yesterday in new york to outline their goals and strategy. a source says clinton will make the announcement in an online video. u.s. president barack obama is back in washington after his historic meeting with cuban president raul castro. the two met for an hour at the summit of americas in panama. mr. obama said he would lift them from the state department of terrorists. they may be neighbors and allies, but mexico disagrees with one major new u.s. initiative adopted by several states, the legalization of marijuana. mexico and other central american countries say it means more violence for drug cartels now fighting over an ever smaller market. rosa flores filed this report just ahead of the summit of americas. >> reporter: we're escorted to the most dangerous neighborhood in san pedro.
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the city dubbed the murder capital of the world. >> reporter: the gang comes in and charges them a war tax. it's an extorsion. painful choice for residents, pay the phony tax, leave or face the wrath of the gangs. for a while most people did leave. similar communities are also plagued by violent criminal gangs whose power is connected to the drug trade. in el salvador the lawless emmis 13. >> you can still see bullet holes. >> reporter: lattin american leaders will be discussing the drug war, a potential new concern coming from an unlikely source, the united states, where pot is increasingly becoming legal. recreational marijuana is already legal in four states. all eyes are on 2016 when voters could see marijuana ballot
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initiatives in five more, including two along the u.s./mexico border, the frontier of the u.s. war on drugs. as much as 67% of the pot consumed in the u.s. comes from mexico putting about $1.5 billion in the hands of drug traffickers. some experts say that as states legalize marijuana and require it to be grown in state, the cartels could find themselves fighting for the shrinking marijuana market or just move on to other illicit business dealings. >> they're not just only involved with smuggling drugs into the united states, there's also kidnappings, human smuggling, extorsion. >> reporter: all contributing to the deadly mexican drug war, which has claimed more than 60,000 lives from 2006 to 2012. >> translator: personally, i'm not in favor of legalizing drugs. >> reporter: but mexico's president could be caught between two pot friendly
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countries, guatemala's president pushing for the legalization of marijuana as well. >> translator: there is a group of drugs that don't create addiction or problems to health. those drugs we can lib ber rallize. >> reporter: caught in the middle of the drug war, honduras. >> translator: my country is the battleground of a war that is not ours, a drug war whose policies are decided outside of honduras involving the countries who consume drugs to the north and those who produce drugs to the south. >> reporter: as for this area, military police have taken over the area and families return. a small battle in honduras but the war is far from over. many hearsay the u.s. is partly to blame. rosa flores, cnn, panama city, panama. police have lifted a lockdown at the u.s. capital building in washington, home to the u.s. senate and house of
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representatives. no one was allowed to enter or exit after a shooting, suicide, took place in front of the building. richard reeves from our affiliate wjla reports. >> reporter: it was a total heavily armed lockdown at the u.s. capital. >> didn't sound like a gunshot, sounded like a balloon pop. >> reporter: police locking it down. >> made me nervous. >> reporter: urgent police and fire response after a single gunshot rang out just after 1:00 saturday afternoon. >> 50 people, 60 people easily up there and everybody just kind of just started scrambling. >> reporter: robert bishop was snapping this photo when he heard that shot. >> he had just walked right ou and, like i said, when i heard it, i turned and saw him fall. it was an odd place to do it. >> reporter: an off duty u.s. police officer spotted the man's
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backpack and ordered people back. >> because of the packages by him we locked down the capital. >> reporter: bishop said after the shot he saw no movement. >> it's a tragedy somebody would do that in the midst of so much beauty. >> reporter: the fbi and other agencies tried to learn why the man carrying a protest sign about taxing the 1% would do this. >> we don't live in fear of these type of things. it can happen anywhere, any time. we can't let it change who we are and how we operate. >> that was richard reeves reporting. a police spokeswoman says the west front of the capital will remain closed until further notice. now women's education activist malala youf saz zi's career has been honored with a nobel peace prize. she's made it into outer space. inspired by the teen's story after recovering from a taliban
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gunshot to the head, a nasa astro physicist wanted to name an asteroid after her. it circles the sun every five and a half years. they believe malala's teachings should be immortalized. put down your cell phone and play close attention to me. i get it, i'm no challenge for that cell phone. scientists say you can't do more than two things at once or do them well. we'll tell you why. that's coming up in just a bit. ♪ ah, ♪ h it. ♪ push it.
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indianapolis demonstrated in the streets of new delhi protesting a pakistani court decision to free the alleged master mind of the 2008 mumbai massacre. protestors set the pakistani
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flag on fire during that demonstration. he was freed on bail friday after years of detention. india strongly condemned his release. now here's a look back at the mumbai massacre. the four-day siege began november 26th, 2008. gunmen attacked ten sites taking over three hotels and a jewish center. 164 people were killed in the terror attack. nine of the gunmen also died in the attacks. mohamed was the only gunman to survive. he was later executed. the majority of the victims were indian. 26 were foreign nationals. among those killed from 12 countries including the united states, brittain, france and germany. now the first funerals of many have started in kenya since the attack at garissa university this month. robyn kyril reports. a 21-year-old man was the first
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person from the small kenyan village to attend the university. >> reporter: mourners gather in the kenyan village not for the death of an elder, but for 21-year-old bryson. he was in the prime of his life described as a role model by those who knew him. his family had little money for education but showing enormous potential, the entire community came together sending bryson to university. >> he also had a problem of getting the fees. teachers also had to go into their pockets to do fundraising so that this boy could be admitted to the same university. >> reporter: and their dream came true. bryson enrolled at garissa university to study education. he hoped to be a teacher and wanted to return to help people.
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his family and community were extremely proud. they say he was the first person from this village to attend a university. that was until their dream became a nightmare the early morning of april 2nd. when bryson, along with hundreds of his fellow students and teachers, were woken up by rapid gunfire. al shabaab militants had stormed the school shooting anyone they saw. bryson was one of those who died that day. his family had to make the long trek to nairobi to identify his body, then return to the village to bury him. >> i'm shocked as a teacher and may god keep his soul in peace. >> translator: when you start educating your child, it's like you have gun preparing him for his life later, but then it is cut short even before the vision you have for him comes to reality. >> reporter: but those who are able to bury their dead are actually the lucky ones.
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here at nairobi's main mortuary, dozens of family members have been waiting for more than a week to identify their loved ones and to finally take them home. relatives of the garissa attack victims arrive at the morgue early each morning and leave late. waiting for the inevitable conclusion. dozens of bodies are here. in the coming weeks there will be more than 100 burials like this across the country. families and friends saying their last good-byes to young, driven, passionate kenyans who planned to return home one day with a university degree, but not like this. robyn kriel, nairobi, kenya. you're watching "cnn newsroom." still to come, what appears to be more debris from the japanese tsunami in 2011 is now on the u.s. coast of oregon.
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this breaking news just in to cnn. a group of islamic militants
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opened fire on the south korean embassy in libya killing at least one guard. now seoul's foreign ministry says an unknown number of militants fired at the front of the embassy from a car. they say there are no reported casualties of south korean nationals. it's been more than four years since the deadly earthquake and tsunami struck the japanese coast. you might remember the scenes of the destruction and aftermath, still unbelievable. debris appears to be turning up thousands of kilometers away. a section of a fiberglass boat was reported in the u.s. state of oregon. inside, officials found live specimens of fish normally found in japanese waters. unbelievable. the debris will be dried out, inspected, taken to a landfill. the fish will go to a local aquarium. now as we were just saying, four years since that deadly
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tsunami. it's incredible to see all of that debris washing up some 800 kilometers away. darryn van dam is standing by the international weather center. i know you've been looking into this. i'm fascinated by it, especially when you see such large pieces coming ashore. >> me, too. in fact, you know, what we're talking about is 8,000 kilometers from the coast of japan to the west coast of the united states, but to think of something traveling that far in a span of four years and actually making that trek and that distance is just incredible. of course, you know, we can never forget these images that have come out of the coast of japan, but it is important to note that now we're starting to talk about fish inside of these abandoned fishing vessels that were actually damaged during the tsunami and set adrift across the pacific ocean eventually making their way into a coast or the coast of oregon. unbelievable stuff. that was yellow tail jax, that
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was the name of that particular fish. there was striped beak fish. both of these native to the waters of japan or the western pacific. they have been found in the central holding docks of this abandoned fishing boat. so we have to go and look at the ocean currents to determine just how this could have possibly happened. make that 8,000 kilometer trek and also over a period of over four years. unbelievable stuff. so we know there was an earthquake. 8.2 magnitude. that triggered the tsunami that moved across the pacific. we've got several smaller currents, the california current, the north equitorial current. that forms one larger current known as a guier. this is a combination of weather patterns and winter patterns as well. this is also known as the great pacific garbage patch. you may have heard of that. that large 20 million square kilometer area of plastic bottles, sludge, all kinds of
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debris that have just continued to circulate across the north pacific. there are some models off of the tsunami debris coming off the coast of japan moving them over over the following year since the tsunami. it's just amazing what they found. 5 million tons of debris washed into the pacific on that march 11th, 2011, event. they estimated about 70% of that actually will sink to the ocean floor overtime but of course we are now starting to see and continue to see debris that have reached all the way on the west coast of the united states. i'm going to leave you with this particular image because what we're actually noticing here is even floating houses in the middle of the central pacific. it's these ocean currents that are just leading to that debris field eventually moving across the entire pacific. back to you, paula. fascinating stuff, huh? >> absolutely. can't get enough. remember, those communities trying to get over what happened
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there. it's incredible to see all of that move on to our shores here. thanks so much. appreciate the explanation. now it was love and match for tennis star for andy murray. i couldn't resist. he said i do. he married his long-time girlfriend kim sears. now the two-time grand slam winner wore a blue and green kilt. they had a reception with family and close friends. fortunately, unfortunately, i don't know, murray is going to compete in the french open next month. i'm assuming the honeymoon will not be too long. gosh they look happy. here's something you don't see every day. flying fitch attacking students on a lake. a cnn ireporter was watching a rowing team practice when asian carp, they shot out of the water. no students were hurt, but the racing -- oh, my gosh. he said it did smell a little fishy. in case you're wondering what
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it's like to get hit by flying fish, one rower said, it's slippery. i'm sorry, that would have absolutely freaked me out. i know a lot of people are worried about the asian carp in the lake for many, many reasons. wow. now we all do it, check an e-mail or text while walking. watch tv while cooking or even listen to books while driving. okay, that's not recommended. it's called multi-tasking and chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta says we may not be as good at it as we think we are. >> a lot of people think they are good at multi-tasking, but the sad truth is they are probably not. our brains are multi-tasking, aren't nearly as good as we think they are. let's say you're working on an activity over here and suddenly you're trying to multi-task another activity. you're not doing both activities at the same time but in fact you're diverting the attention from one part of your brain to another part of your brain.
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that takes time, that takes resources, that takes brain cells. what happens over here now is that you're starting a brand-newaktivity so in fact you're probably slower and not nearly as good at doing both activities at the same time. we can shift our focus very fast. sometimes it takes .10 but the time doesn't matter as much as the band width that the brain requires to move back and forth. that might affect the performance. it might affect the quality of the work that you finally produce. take an everyday activity like driving. when you look at the mri of someone who's in driving mode, see how much of their brain is activating there? now if you just layer in one more thing, that is the person is listening while they are driving and all of a sudden the amount of attention, the amount of brain band width going towards driving decreases by about 37%. so they're not multi-tasking, you in fact reduce the amount of attention you're now paying to your driving. there's about 2% of the population that are super
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multi-taskers. it's sort of a genetic gift. most of us don't have this gift but these are people who are truly able to do several different activities at the same time without losing efficiency or losing quality as they do all that work. this may or may not surprise you depending on the perspective but there are studies that show that women are better at multi-tasking than men. people who thought they were the best at multi-tasking are almost always in fact the worst. perhaps they were multi-tasking too much when they thought they were good at multi-tasking. >> sanjay gupta there. i wonder what motivated him to do that piece because he doesn't multi-task, not at all. i'm paula newton. thanks for joining us. i'll be back with another hour of "cnn newsroom" right after of "cnn newsroom" right after this short break. -- captions by vitac -- but a lot of us leave our identities unprotected. nearly half a million cars were stolen in 2012. but for every car stolen,
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with the historic meeting behind them, what's next in the relationship between the u.s. and cuba? war torn and displaced. for some residents of tikrit, all that's left is tears. and four years after the japanese tsunami, remnants are still washing up on the u.s. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm paula newton. this is "cnn newsroom." the president of the united states, barack obama, has now returned from a historic summit in central america. his next step is to determine whether he will remove cuba from the u.s. list of state sponsors of terror. that announcement


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