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tv   Reliable Sources  CNN  April 12, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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removal requests but so have countries like germany and france. to score one from general sisi. while egypt may be not be blocking media, they don't have freedom of the press. overall given a score of not free by freedom house in 2014. thanks for being part of my program this week. i'll see you next week. xxx xxx good morning. time for "reliable sources." we are standing by for historic announcement from hillary clinton. she is about to release a web video confirming that it's true she is running for president. it could come later this hour. we're going to bring it to you as soon as it happens. meantime we have all the bases covered this morning, clinton beat reporters, campaign strategists and experts all standing by. but let's be honest here she's going to tell us what we all already know. the media waiting game is sometimes down right laughable. we're going to be transparent about that here and talk about
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why it is the way it is. the t.r.u. is this is a big news moment. in some ways the real start of the election cycle. did you see "snl," kate mckennon back as hillary warming up for today. >> want to do some vocal warmups and then we'll get started. >> okay. love to. hillary is a granny with a twinkle in her eye. hillary is a granny and she makes an apple pie. first female president, first female president, me me me me me me me. >> not the last time we'll see that character. hillary for americans, that's what the campaign is being called. it is a campaign like no other. that's because clinton is a candidate like no other in american history. we've been here before and yet we haven't. her rivals know it. they aren't waiting for her to actually announcement this is an interesting press strategy. we saw mike huckabee and rand paul. this is from jeb bush coming
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pretty close to saying he's going to run, too. >> in the coming weeks and months i look forward to an exchange of ideas and substantive proposals. i believe every american deserves a right to rise and the opportunity to achieve the american dream and abroad america should be respected by our allies and feared by our enemies. that's why it's critical we change the direction our country is heading. we must do better than the obama clinton foreign policy that damaged relationships with our allies and emboldened our enemies. i know we can do better. and together we will. >> bush not the only one trying to preempt clinton. marco rubio reesed friday the launch of his campaign. marco rubio standing by for an interview. the world's worst kept secret live in washington. brianna, you've been on the clinton beat for over a year kind of waiting for this day.
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is it anti-climactic for you? >> we've been traveling, iowa new hampshire, or other states a lot of times you have people ask, voters interested is she running? of course she's running. we've known this for month. it's not anti-climactic in one was kay we don't know how she's going to perform. we looked at her book tour, saw her on the stump campaigning for other candidates in the midterm election cycle and you got a sense of her getting back into things politically and really flecking some muscle. remember the book tour she stumbled on a lot of interviews. there's a question of how she's going to perform and a lot of pressure on her to do well. if she does stumble at some point, especially coming on the heels of this e-mail controversy, i think that is going to capture a lot of
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attention. anti- anti-climactic yes, because we knew she was running. but it's still very important to see what is her message going to be and how is she going to perform. >> we heard expectations game under way. seeing all these rivals weigh in it indicates with they all know what we know she is the front-runner for the democratic nomination. >> that's exactly right. she's the front-runner. you're seeing a different kind of campaign playing out than you have before. you've got republicans taking aim at hillary clinton arguably more than they are taking aim at each other in this very crowded field. hillary clinton is sort of in it alone. there are some other democrats who are toying with the idea of running, martin o'malley a lot of folks look at vice president biden, they are unsure whether he will throw his hat into the ring sanders, chaffee, jim webb. the interesting thing about these democrats they aren't taking sharp aim at hillary clinton. that's when something tells you
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they are in it to take on a front-runner and we haven't seen that yet. >> we do see with the clinton campaign emerging campaign a lot of press aides, a lot of people reporters know well. this is a sign of homefully stropg strong with the press corps and not nastiness in the past. >> i didn't cover hillary clinton in 2008 but when you talk to reporters that did, they are down right traumatized about the relationship they went through, relationship between clinton campaign and reporters, you could say, was com bassive. that might be an understatement. there was a feeling on part of the clinton campaign there was favoritism with then senator obama. what you're seeing this time is a clear of the to be less combative. you've got communications director a number of senior communications aides, the traveling press secretary. these are all people who have more collegial relationships
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with reporters. >> thank you. we've seen rand paul jeb bush's preannouncement, about to see clinton's video. as i mentioned tomorrow marco rubio's launch in california. campaign aides say they like clinton's timing. join me rubio's spokesperson. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> let's be honest. you guys have been bigfooted, right? >> i don't know. i don't think you would have had me on tv if hillary wasn't making her big announce thentment this afternoon. in many ways most americans tuning into the 2016 race thinking who they might support in 2016 and we welcome that attention. my boss marco rubio will be making a big announcement in miami at 6:00 p.m. i think a lot of people will be tuning in to see what he has to say and we welcome that announcement we welcome that attention. >> an interesting point. tomorrow might be old news,
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clinton's announcement and onto rubio. have you had reporter rl israeli v.p.? >> no. to the contrary we have more interest in the race. we'll give hillary clinton this afternoon and tomorrow morning. then tomorrow afternoon we're going to turn the page and allow marco rubio to make his big announcement. we're going to talk about the future challenges in america in 21st century, offer new ideas how to make this a new american century. >> let's peelle back the curtain a little bit. my sources tell me no decision about emerging campaign about any big first interview but we've seen rand paul and ted cruz give first interviews to sean hannity and to others. have you a strategy in place, george stephanopoulos then sean hannity afterwards. tell me a little about how you're rolling out interviews here. >> this is assuming marco rubio
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is running for president. >> let's go ahead and assume. >> other candidates will have more money but he'll have the best message in the race assuming he does announce he's running tomorrow. he's going to have the best message in the race. he's going to offer new ideas for new challenges facing us in 2016. we're facing very different challenges than we were. he has new ideas how to solve them. he wants to talk about them with as many people as possible. we're going to be interviews but over the course of the campaign assuming he moves forward tomorrow afternoon. we'll do as many interviews as we can. yeah we're talking to george stephanopoulos for "gma" interview that will air tuesday morning. he's talking to sean hannity, talking to npr on tuesday. we're going to talk to as many media as we can over the course of the week and months to come. >> why hannity? we see ted cruz and rand paul give first interviews to hannity. what makes him unique especially
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within fox news? >> why? i can't speak to why other candidates might have spoken to him. marco and sean have had a good relationship going back to when marco first ran for senate five years ago. he's always given us an opportunity to come on and talk about the issues of the day. he's going to have a prime time special from 10:00 to 11:00 p.m. on fox news tomorrow night. we certainly want to take advantage of that and talk to his audience about the real ideas that marco rubio is going to be proposing. >> very valuable real estate. alex thanks for being here this morning. >> thanks for the opportunity. >> talk more about the press strategy clinton, rubio and others with two insiders s.e. cup and chris. the author of vast conspiracy memo. let me start with you, chris. fundamentally is hillary treated differently by the press than any other candidate?
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if so why? is it deserved? >> she is different in a sense she's a candidate in full famous and well-known. in that lies a real competitive advantage, given the amount of press attention she can get, the amount of real estate she can occupy. her ability to give a big idea gives enormous opportunity to frame the election on her terms. she's able to exercise ball control by leveraging enormous interest in her candidacy. by the way, when republicans fighting somewhere between extreme right and far right in their primary and she has a clear shot that competitive advantage could make or break the difference in a close election. the ability to define herself, define narrative of the campaign define opposition but really ultimately begin talking to the voters from day one on her terms about what they are interested in. that's a huge competitive advantage for someone who can get the type of attention she in
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a primary where a clear shot to the nomination. >> what the campaign would say she's not been able to put out an affirmative message until today. what do you make of the fact jeb bush released the video today clearly trying to inject himself into the news cycle. >> i think you're going to be hard pressed to find any member of the media who thinks remote campaigning, whether remote announcement is a good idea. these barriers between the press and the candidate or the public and the candidate might be convenient for the campaign but i don't think they are a good idea for public service. i think the media and public should press these candidates more on making themselves more accessible. i understand it allows them to control the narrative a lot better but i don't think it's good for campaigning or good for politics. >> do you think she should give an interview right away or a series of interviews? you're not the only person who
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said this web strategy does remove her from contact with the reporters or the public. >> hillary clinton has had some problems with the press. she has contentious relationship with the press. i understand her reticent manner but she appears to be above questions, above scrutiny above reproach. she's got to get down on the ground floor of this campaign. that means talking to the press. that means talking to the public. i'm not sure this is the best way to kick off a campaign a remote video where no one gets to ask her any questions afterwards. >> chris, what do you think? >> if i could just jump in she's doing exactly that. she is traveling to iowa where she's going to be holding events in small venues typical type of
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events you do in iowa where voters are going to have the ability to take the measure of the candidate looks her in the eye, ask her a question and she's going to hear from them. that's exactly what she is doing. i think far different than what took place in 2008 i think she's approaching this race with real attitude and understanding she needs to roll up the sleeves and have the conversation. over the last few days we've seen reports where campaign seeking to engage the press in fundamentally different way. that reflects a real understanding you do have to have a positive constructive relationship. just had an off-the-record discussion with reporters a couple days ago. as you mentioned brought in the best in the country, real pros who have historically positive relationships. at the end of the day, this video is one step in a series of events there taking place over this rollout. at the center of it she's going to go talk with folks in their living rooms, coffee shops, houses about how she's going to help the middle class.
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she's doing exactly what she should be doing, exactly the right way. >> quickly before i go one thing people talk about on tv she is very possibly going to be president because she's the front-runner for the democratic nomination because she's been through it before. it's very possible. let me ask, s.e., she will be president if -- blank -- happens. >> obviously i'm a republican and i hope a republican ends up in the white house, but we've imploded before. there's certainly room on the right for mistakes. i think people are ready for a change and i don't think they view hillary clinton as a change. i think they view her as an obama third term. she's going to have to make a real clear distinction, an uncomfortable distinction between herself and the last two terms under barack obama if she's going to end up in the white house. i'm not sure she's going to be able to do that effectively. >> s.e. chris, thank you both for being here.
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i really appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> what chris was alluding to we're talking about next. the part of the clinton story you haven't heard anywhere else is the part cloaked in secrecy, off the record parties between campaign staff and reporters. it happened in the last few days. i'm going to tell you which anchors were there and ask whether it affects coverage for better or worse. exclusive report after this. i care deeply about the gulf. i grew up in louisiana. i went to school here. i've been with bp ever since. today, i lead a team that sets our global safety standards. after the spill we made two commitments. to help the gulf recover and become a safer company. we've worked hard to honor both. bp has spent nearly 28 billion dollars so far to help the gulf economy and environment. and five years of research shows that the gulf is coming back faster than predicted. we've toughened safety standards too. including enhanced training... and 24/7 on shore monitoring of our wells drilling in the gulf.
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welcome back. now to something you won't hear
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anywhere else this morning. clinton's campaign private schmoozing with reporters. what's the purpose of it? and is it appropriate? one of the unusual aspect of this impending announcement is the secrecy. instead of press release that says be here this time this place, reporters started hearing leaks about a potential announcement this weekend. no one recorded it until hunter walker of business insight wrote a story thursday night. what's interesting, at the moment he broke the news a lot of rivals on hillary beat were at off the record dinner party with clinton staffers in d.c. off the record means people who attended couldn't talk about it couldn't write about it. all we really know is what was on the menu. here is what "politico" reported thursday night chief of staff john podesta held a private campaign with reporters at his washington home where he served his signature pasta as well as a pasta with walnut sauce politico has learned.
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cash carbo loading with clinton campaign. here on "reliable sources" we try to peek behind the curtains. here is what we've learned, big names, diane sawyer, george stephanopoulos stephanopoulos david muir joe scarborough, "politico's" mike allen, a bunch of others as well half a dozen reporters from cnn in attendance. the question is do these sorts of events compromise journal ises or make them better at their jobs. joining me to answer the question is the aforementioned hunter walker and glen thrush senior staff writer for "politico." thank you for being here. glen awkward question for you. you were at the events? >> yes. actually i was at the both events and i'm now completely in the tank. >> you're joking being sarcastic. this gets into the issue, question viewers might have at home about what the
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appropriateness is. what i think and what a couple of folks at the friday event said to me this makes all sides better because clinton aides get to know reporters and reporters get to have sources that call later. is that your impression as well? is that why you believe it's appropriate to go? >> i have strong feelings on this. i think this is kind of a fake story. let me tell you why. i think it's way better to have all of us together way less use to me as a reporter to be in a room with 1,000 people talking. this is not in lieu of us not talking to them this is in lieu of handpicked reporters getting direct access to principles in the absence of everybody else. this is not necessarily about them trying to woo us this is about them first and foremost trying to avoid mistakes of 2008 where it was enormously comfortal con-of- confrontational than the beginning of it's democratic not just four people getting access to the principles. do i think this era of good feeling is going to last?
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no. while it is available, i think we would be -- those of us who covered this day to day would be stupid not to avail ourselves to it. >> one of the ideas thursday night with b reporters, younger reporters, ones who didn't necessarily live through early '90s and 2000s, friday night more of the a lister types. hunter you did not go to either of them. you like more of an outsider approach. >> i would totally rejebt the notion this was not a group of handpicked people meeting with the campaign. it was a group of handpicked people meeting with the campaign. >> if you were invited, would you have gone? >> i would go. i do like coming from the outside. i'm from brooklyn. i don't report from d.c. i feel like that kind of keeps me away from some of the group think you can get when you're sitting in a group fed talking points and sort of agreeing on them over pasta. >> hold on. you think they were agreeing over pasta? >> i do think in my experience there's a lot of reporters who communicate in packs.
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people in america wonder why this conventional wisdom seems to be echoed so much. it's true the campaign has messaging that gets out there. errorers communicate amongst themselves and there does tend to be some agreement and you don't really want to break with that. >> i'm groaning here. first of all, hunter you're not the only reporter from brooklyn. i went to sheepshead bay high school. >> go sharks. >> wow. you're not the only one on the outside. i covered 2008 for news day, you couldn't get arrested. i wasn't invited to anything. in fact i remember crashing a couple of events including teresa vil main's marty in des moines i wasn't invited to. i think in general -- i totally agree with you about the outsider thing, it's an enormously useful perspective. a lot of people in either-or both of those parties this past week are going to gradually find themselves on the outside
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anyway. >> glen you said you had ptsd from covering 2008 campaign. so far are you sensing they are going to figure out a better press strategy brf the people they hired first and foremost are veterans of the white house and previous campaigns. they are able to take the incoming without getting emotional, which is important. remember clinton operatives in 2008 while i knew them from having covered new york politics and i was used to the tough rhythm of that were not enormously experienced on presidential campaigns. so i think the main factor here is you have people used to this and are not going to lose it every time they read a bad story. >> hunter what's the bigger quest you have now that we're expecting the video today? the biggest question you wish you could ask hillary clinton. >> i was at the e-mail press conference at the u.n. where they also chose a small group of reporters who got to ask questions. my big issue with her is some of the money around clinton foundation and speaking fees. knowing that it makes even the impression of impropriety, why
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did she keep taking those speaking fees. didn't she have enough money? >> you're saying more story there. >> hunter glen thank you both for being there. i think we need insiders and outsiders, all of the above there. we need to take a quick break. when we come back we'll take a loot at the biggest "x factor" in hillary clinton's run for the white house as we stand by for her announcement video. her husband bill clinton is that "x factor." what has the campaign learned from the mistakes of 2008 and what role will he make this time around. gloria gloria is here next. stay with us. using wellness to keep away illness... and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care... by connecting every single part of it. for as the world keeps on searching for healthier... we're here to make healthier happen. optum. healthier is here.
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. welcome back to "reliable sources." we are in race for white house mode standing by for hillary clinton's confirmation that, yes, it is true. she is running for president. some reporters expecting it to happen in the next few minutes, sometime around noon. it could come later today. only a few people know for sure.
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joining me cnn exercise tiff editor in brooklyn outside new campaign headquarters. when you were on the way their this morning, even the cabdriver knew where you are going. >> they did, in fact i gave the cabdriver the address. he immediately said the clinton building. certainly no surprise. people here in brooklyn and all throughout new york knows the campaign is going to be headquartered here. if there are naming rights sounds like this building behind me is going to be named the clinton building. >> are there a lot of folks that work there this morning? >> it's interesting. neighborhood starting to weighing up. they are walking by, surprised to see activity. goes to show you how busy is it going to be over the next year and a half ago so to speak. the neighborhood looking around saying my gosh what are tv cameras doing here reporters
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doing here. i think certainly disruptive to the neighborhood in some respects. >> one of the funny things about this this is a backdrop because there's no campaign rally like gop candidates so far. she's doing this low key with a video. again, she did do a video last time as well didn't she. >> she did. goes to show you power of social media, power of facebook twitter and what have you. she can reach more people that way. it's really a strategy brian, that clintons are putting into place. they saw miss taking of '07 and '08 when she ran first time. smaller events, looking like she's one-on-one rather than holding a rally where she's out of touch with those in attendance. expect in coming days small events in iowa and new hampshire, really try to connect with voters in a way she was unable to do back in 2008. >> mark preston, thanks for being there and joining us this morning.
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>> as i said big day in the race. as we're waiting for announcements, even comedians are wondering what role bill clinton will play in her campaign. take a look at this from "snl" last night. >> hillary would make a great president and i would make an easy greater first dude. >> thank you, bill. it's nice. >> isn't it crazy phones can take videos now. if they could have done that in the '90s, i'd be in jail. >> great bill. i love jokes about that. >> i got it. this election is about you. i don't want to hog your limelight. i am leaving. look at me go. >> aren't we such a fun, approachable dynasty. >> obviously bill is one of the reasons why hillary's announcement is such a big
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story. how will the campaigner in chief's view view his role in the campaign. in an interview town & country magazine he said my role should be as a back stage adviser to her until we get much, much closer to the election. i told hillary i don't think i'm good at campaigning because ipo not mad at anybody anymore. i'm a grandfather. i saw my granddaughter and i can't be mad. joining me to break down how bill clinton could be a liability. go ahead. >> i was just going to say, you know it's like trying to harness a meteor and make sure it doesn't explode before it hits the earth. bill clinton is incorrigible. they want to bring him inside the tent. they want to include him in strategy and all the rest of the big point here is they do not
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want him to overshadow hillary clinton in any way, shape, or form. you know he's such a larger than life garrulous creature that's kind of hard to do. so they have to separate them for a while. >> 2007/2008 he was a liability at times. let's play the clip in south carolina where he was talking about barack obama and brought up jesse jackson. some people thought that was racial and he responded to that. >> what does it say about barack obama that it takes two of you to beat him? >> that's just day two. jesse jackson won south carolina twice in '84 and '88 and ran a good campaign and senator obama running a good campaign here and everywhere. he's a good candidate with a good organization. >> i think they played the race card on me. we now know from memos in the campaign and everything they planned to do it all along. >> they will avoid perceived
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gaffes like that how this time? >> well first of all, i think you cannot underestimate campaign the way family members react when somebody in their family is attack. i've talked to former first ladies about it political spouses about it. it is a very difficult thing to control someone in that setting. however, this time the president understands what occurred last time. the campaign structure is such that john podesta running the whole show close to clinton, used to be his chief of staff in the white house. there are pre-existing relationships now. i think clinton understands he has to back off to a certain degree. don't forget brian, he has a 56% approval rating in the country, making him one of the
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most popular politicians out there. so they have to find a way to harness him to a degree yet use him. i think what was interesting about the interview in town & country, it let's us know towards the end maybe bill clinton will be doing big events outreach to the african-american community, perhaps, or latino community. maybe they will position him in a state like florida, which will clearly be a competitive state. i think they are trying to work it out. the big deal is keep him inside keep him involved in strategy behind the scenes so he doesn't kind of implode on them at key moments. >> a meteor right? let me ask you about one big media story that broke, bob schieffer. we know he retired from "face the nation." minutes ago he announced his successor john dickerson. you used to be on "face the nation" so wanted to ask your reaction. >> he's a fabulous journalist.
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he's been subbing for bob schieffer over the years. he's currently their political director and i think he'll do a terrific job. >> john dickerson taking over sometime this summer. gloria thanks for being here this morning. >> sure. >> questions they will ask in weeks and months to come track record as first lady secretary of state. is it possible for 2016's hillary clinton it really make a new impression? we'll talk with carl bernstein about that right after this break. being the exact thing we have to do. cross that ocean. walk on that moon. sign a 30-year mortgage on a home. scary sure, but no match for our colossal self belief. we're supposed to do scary. without scary, we don't get to be brave.
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welcome back. the politics world and media world standing by for social media campaign launched by hillary clinton could come at any moment. we've sort of been here before haven't we in 2007. here is a look back at how she announced her candidacy last time. >> i announced today i'm forming a presidential exploratory committee. i'm not just starting a campaign though i'm beginning a conversation with you, with
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america, because we all need to be part of the discussion if we're all going to be part of the solution. >> a lot has changed in the eight years since. joining me now to discuss in detail cnn carl bernstein who wrote definitive book last time when she announced, "a woman in charge." i'm thinking visually between 2007 and now, people watched that announcement on laptops and tv. they are going to watch this one on their phones of a much more intimate announcement. i wonder if she will be more casual conversational. >> wait and see. i think what i've seen on television all day this morning, we're so far down in the weeds, exactly what the clinton campaign wants. it's inconsequential. >> he want it. why is that? >> because the more we focus on so much going up in the ether nobody will pay much attention to.
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look she is generous one of a kind most famous woman in the world. an election unlike any other in our history partly because of this dynamic. she wants to make the issue in this election and rightly so the republican party and her opponents. she's going to run against the press because the press doesn't want to put up with just that. >> run against the press. tell us more about that. >> the press is her biggest obstacle. she wants to stay on message. the country is behind her on most issues. the press is going to want something besides canned answers. they are going to want more and more to go into these controversies that have to do with her persona, have to do with the history of the clintons. she's going to push back. that's going to be the dynamic that we're going to watch. that's going to be the dynamic we're going to be paying attention to. i also i think it's very important for the press in this election to start drilling down deep and not get taken in by any
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of these candidates. i watched the rubio stuff we just saw. it's nonsense. >> what was nonsense? >> it's just rhetoric. pure rhetoric. it's the job of the press to really look for the best attainable version of the truth, about the candidates whether the candidates are addressing the issues how they relate to the issues what is the history of the issues what are their personal issues how much of this is scripted. we need to take a look at how we cover these campaigns. we're going to get circles around us unless we start doing things differently. >> fundamental problem always focus on personality more than policy. >> personality is fine character has to do with personality. >> where are distractions silliness. >> allowing these candidates hiss rubio, jeb bush or anybody else to get out talking points and for us to just focus on
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talking points they want us to or to have silly discussions about mechanics. we're having too many discussions already about the mechanic answer instead of looking -- using our air time to really look at the candidates the people the issues. we're going to have a lot of time to do that. also the candidates are going to try to make us the issue, too. they want to get past us. >> we saw that this week with rand paul and his testy interviews with a couple interviewers. i want to drill down on what you said about the press being her biggest obstacle. sometimes it's obligation of the press to be challenging, make the conversation be about more than rhetoric on television. is it appropriate for press to be her biggest obstacle because there are candidates polling as well as her. the press is going to take that role and be an adversary. >> it's about drilling down for the best attainable version of
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the truth. about this whole campaign about the fact we're spending $5 billion on this campaign $2.5 billion spent by clinton organization. >> that's the biggest story of all. >> we need to be looking at all these questions, taking these candidates and saying what do you really think? throw aside your script. i want to know what you said to your husband last night about citizens united. i want to know why are you taking this money from x, y, z. not just hillary, all of them. our system is broken campaign system broken. congress of the united states is totally dysfunctional. we've got cultural warfare going on now for almost 40 years in this country. one of the big questions for these candidates is how can they or one of them end, or get a cease-fire in the cultural wars. that's going to be the big question. really hillary clinton is going to go after republicans and their record. their record during the obama
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years is one of not just noncooperation with the president of the un,ited states it's a kind of obstructionism very rare in our history. she's going to be very effective at going to that point. the clinton years look pretty good in many regards, especially compared to the disastrous war in iraq most disastrous war in our history. if jeb bush is the nominee, he's already got some of his brother's foreign policy advisories, wolfowitz who gave us this. this will go in surprising directions. we need to keep a great focus on what it is the country is interested in how it is the candidates relate to issues. what is the campaign of each of these candidates doing to get to real solutions about our
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problems and does jeb bush does rand paul does hillary clinton, do any of them have real answers about how to fix what's so broken in washington. you can't separate any dysfunction of washington from the larger culture that the -- the cultural warfare going on in washington is going on all over america and it's kept us from becoming the country we ought to be. hillary clinton knows this. she knows it. bill clinton knows it. i don't know if the republicans quite understand it as well but they are going to have to start to understand it. that's the next task the president is going to have to do how to make our system functional again. can she do it? is she too much of the past? does she bring too much baggage to it? is there a republican who might be able to come up with better answers? also she's going to run with the idea that we cannot afford
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to trust three possible branches of the government being in the hands of a radical party and that also is going to be part of the message. >> you mentioned a lot of potential stories there. i think the most interesting one and hardest come cover is money in politics, but it's a good challenge. >> talking about social media to announce her candidacy. social media means so many different things. i want to explore with an expert after this break what it means, how she'll 345 the announcement and if any of that matters. stay tuned. we'll be right back.
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welcome back. cnn, cable newsers, tv newsers,
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newspapers websites all waiting for hillary to break out her big announcement on social media. what does it actually mean? we should point out, she is not the only candidate to roll out a campaign online. before ted cruz took the stage at liberty university last month and said the words outloud. he actually tweeted them "i'm running for president and i hope to earn your support." earlier this week we saw rand paul do an online chat as well as all of his tv interviews. my next guest is a mastermind when it comes to designing a digital strategy. very important for campaigns nowadays. he was the chief digital strategist for both of obama's campaigns. now the ceo of blue state digital. i want to run through all the options a campaign like cnn has. facebook is so much bigger than all the other options out there. >> it is also the core of the identity you have when you log on to lots of sites than aren't facebook. the ability to build connections with those people in real time from the beginning will be part of pulling them into the volunteer process later on. >> twitter is the most talked
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about, perhaps. >> i think that seems to be what all the reporters and my twitter feed are waiting for. >> it is all the refreshing checking seeing when it comes in. there is something anticlimactic about this. at the same time because she's announcing this way instead of a rally, that's the only thing we can do -- refresh her web pages. >> there is kind of an echo chamber on twitter with reporters but political activists and those who get involved very early in the political process are also paying very close attention today. >> couple more networks to talk about. instagram has continued to gain popularity. an opportunity to share photos and videos. >> yeah. it is a very active community. you see a lot of people spending a lot of face time inside instagram instagram. that's going to be a key place, not just to show incidental things from the trail but also to communicate key pieces of information. >> this all allows them to control the message in a way candidates in the past only dreamed about. i want to ask you about
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snapchat. sounds like a joke sometimes, you share pictures it's sometimes parodied as a site where you just share dirty pictures but it is actually becoming an important news source for cnn and for political campaigns. >> i think it is important people understand the factors involved in each platform. snapchat has its own attributes. facebook is in a way sort of the opposite because the algorithm remains hidden until it is popular. >> meerkat is a live video app. you can start broadcasting from anywhere any time. maybe she'll go live today, though i doubt it. >> i think it is a great opportunity for campaigns to be able to communicate with their supporters in real time where they are and that's something that will be key to building an organization and the capacity and culture to build towards election day. >> now every campaign can stream every speech live. reporters can also look for gaffes on those streams. even compared to the last time she ran for president. >> that's right. but i think the idea of being
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able to show a more human face and a more inside the campaign is a good one and hopefully we'll see a little bit more behind the scenes than the typical campaign before. >> joe, thanks for being here. we'll be right back with more "reliable sources" after the break. the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we're born. after all, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned... every day... using wellness to keep away illness... and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care... by connecting every single part of it. for as the world keeps on searching for healthier... we're here to make healthier happen. optum. healthier is here.
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that's all for this televised edition of "reliable sources." let's head to washington now. "state of the union" starts right now. team clinton trying to build suspense telling us her big announcement may come at any moment. and republicans, they're already firing back. this is "state of the union." hillary clinton is ready to launch another bid for the white house. republ