tv New Day CNN April 15, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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as new video surfaces of more questionable police tactics. and an officer in arizona, look at that intentionally using his cruiser to take down a suspect who is running through the streets with a gun. were the actions of that office justified or does it speak to a wider problem? let's begin our coverage with cnn's rosa flores. >> emotions are high across the country as a number of cases involving police and questions about use of force keep growing. but hear this, this time it doesn't involve a taser or gun. it involves a police cruiser weighing about 2 tons. hundreds taking to the streets and cities across the country in protest of police use of force. crowds converging on police precincts and blocking highways leading to dozens of arrests from california to new york. >> guys we're going to send the crowd right through there. >> reporter: more than 200 protesters marching across new york's brooklyn bridge.
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police say an offduty officer was assaulted after exiting his stopped car during the demonstration. a second officer was struck in the head with a bottle just a short time later. the outrage sparked by the shooting death caught on tape of walter scott in south carolina. the unarmed black man shot several times while fleeing police after a routine traffic stop. officer michael slager has since been charged with murder. scott's death is just the latest in a string of fatal shootings at the hands of police. starting with the death of michael brown in ferguson missouri last summer. and now this new video out of arizona igniting more questions about excessive force. this dash cam video shows a police cruiser ramming into an armed suspect in a violent crime spree seen here waving a gun and firing it. >> one round just went out into the sky. it's definitely unlocked now.
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he's definitely loaded. >> reporter: the first officer on the scene warns a police unit coming towards 36-year-old mario valencia valencia. >> stand off. the gun is loaded. >> reporter: but just two seconds later. >> oh! jesus christ man down! >> reporter: now, valencia is facing 15 charges in part for robbing a 7-eleven in his underwear, igniting a fire at a church and then stealing a car from a house and then steal ago gun as well. now, police also say this man was suicidal pointing his gun to his head several times. so they believe they have saved this man's life. as for the protests those are pt kped to continue. we're expecting about 1,000 protesters here in new york. michaela. >> all right, rosa, that video is so shocking from arizona. also this morning the reserve deputy who gunned down a suspect in tulsa is out of jail after posting bond.
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robert bates surrendering to authorities tuesday. meanwhile the victim's family says the 73-year-old essentially paid for the right to play cop. they're vowing to fight until all questions are answered. ryan joins us live from tulsa this morning. >> reporter: good morning, michaela. robert bates bonded out just 30 minutes after turning himself in. there are about two dozen protesters who showed up outside the jail to show they were upset about the video that everyone has seen. this was a case where they had pulled over a man decided to buy a gun from operation, the man takes off running and they chase after him. at some point robert bates says taser, taser but instead fires his gun. across the country tasers and guns are used on the opposite side of the waist. but in this case the gun was fired by an accident. he was shot in the back. that man would later die. the attorney for robert bates says this was an accident, something he didn't intend to do. >> you know, obviously he is
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very upset about what happened. he feels badly. the incident completely took him by surprise. he has all the requisite training. he's taser certified. and if you've watched the video, you know he was quite shocked when his gun went off. >> reporter: now, eric harris would later die after being shot. i can tell you there's a lot of conversation in this community just about what exactly happened. also the fact that bates has donated cars and money to the sheriff's department over the years. so people are wondering why he was out there in an operation just like this one, michaela. >> ryan thanks so much. in our 8:00 hour we're going to speak with scott wood the attorney that represents the tulsa deputy the reserve deputy who is now charged with manslaughter. that's coming up chris. >> are we seeing a trend or cases that just capture the interest of people? let's discuss. nypd retired detective harry houk and cnn analyst and
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director tom fuentes. thank you. harry, we start with the obvious. cops out of control? >> no. we've seen a couple instances in the last year here i wouldn't say out of control. we have millions and millions of interactions with police officers every year. and this is only about four or five different problems that we've had. >> now, tom fuentes, numbers bear out what harry just said. there's like 69 million contacts with people. and i have all these stats and graphs show excessive force is about at most about 1.5% and that it's down over the years. but then when we see these cases and we see that often police forces try to excuse the behavior it does feed the suspicion that there's a culture of excess. how do you see it? >> well i see, chris, that several of these incidents have been blown so far out of proportion as to be ridiculous. and what the bottom line is with many of these is individuals failing to comply with a lawful
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order from the police. whether it's that they're under arrest whether it's stay in your car, whether in this case in arizona drop that gun, which can drop other people. you know, up to a mile away. to be calling that excessive force is absurd. >> true. but every case is different. >> that's right. this case is different. and it's absurd to call that excessive force. >> all right. well you got to look at them one at a time. i have friends and loved ones on the force tell me the same thing, harry. look at tulsa, all people agree who have been on the guy that guy should have been nowhere near task force. however he got there, he got there. but you see the guys when they run up on that guy they know he's been shot instead of tased, the undercover guy saying f your breath. i know he's ticked the guy ran. i know cops don't like that. but he's a professional. >> right. he might not have known that guy was shot yet. >> he's screaming he shot him,
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he shot him. >> all he's got to do is get him handcuffed. he doesn't know where he was shot. you've got to get him handcuffed first. the fact he made a comment like that, it's in the heat of the moment. okay. every time you try and arrest somebody they always tell you he can't breathe. you know he can breathe because he's saying he can't breathe. >> look at the case in south carolina, you got other cops walking up on the scene, lie about giving cpr allegedly. they don't have reports that echo what is obvious to everybody because they didn't know they were on videotape. and that's another thing that the stats show tom. is that these 54 or so who wind up being prosecuted for killing somebody cops they're mostly white. and almost all of the cases have video the guy was shot in the back and/or a cop came clean about a cover-up. what does that tell you? >> well it tells me if a black officer shoots somebody it's not going to get the attention as a white officer shooting a black person. i think that's part of the situation.
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we don't have adequate stats or information being furnished to the government to analyze the race of every shooter and every victim in these situations. so i think that's part of it. it's just -- >> tom, listen you know you're a trusted council on these issues to be sure. but the idea we don't have the resources to have the statistics doesn't make any sense. of course we do. and the statistics show that two out of every three cops that shoot somebody are white. i got the stats in my hand. >> no we don't have the statistics chris. that's not true. >> i have a report from the u.s. department of justice, tom. and it says in here that two out of three cops who shoot somebody "the washington post" followed it up are white. and one out of three are black. >> does that really matter? probably the majority of police officers are white. that's probably why you're seeing and a lot of perpetrators are black. here in new york majority of crimes being committed are being committed by black people. >> here's why it matters. i hear both of what you're saying and i'm testing the opposition because people are
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angry. why they hear tom fuentes say don't run away from the police. that's what starts this. okay. you are the professionals. you're not supposed to react the way the person does right? they're acting like the worst of us. >> we don't get paid to get killed. >> true. >> that's a problem. we don't get paid to get hurt. we get paid very well for what we do and we take and put our lives in danger. but we're not going to let ourselves get killed because somebody thinks that what we're doing isn't politically correct. you know you have a couple instances where officers acted incorrectly. okay. that's a small amount. you said you have the statistics there. >> no question that excessive force is a small amount of all interactions. >> right. so perception right now is reality. although it's not factual. >> do you think that the police cause is being hurt by the reaction of agencies when you do have this infrequent case of excessive force, tom, do you think that's part of the problem? >> well how do you define that? i mean we're talking about
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several officers here who have been criminally charged, one with murder in the case of slager. and then the other officer, the reserve officer also criminally charged. we had an incident earlier this year with a south carolina state trooper shooting the individual that he asked to produce id he went to his car, came out, the officer was fired that day. he's being prosecuted. so i think that, you know actions are being taken when it's necessary to take them. now, some you're right, there's probably many a case that should have been brought that wasn't but we're seeing many cases be brought when they should be. >> and it's all about progress. two issues pop up harry. one, these cases where we see a force come down quickly. >> uh-huh. >> video. >> right. >> body cameras. >> uh-huh. >> independent investigation. not state looking at local but having outside units. do you think those are appropriate changes to have on a mass scale? >> those are great. i got no problem -- >> they get fought by a lot of agencies. >> right. but if an officer acts properly
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i don't care bring in the fbi, civil rights violations i don't care. as long as you're acting properly as a police officer, it's fine. and if it makes other people happy, do it. bring in a state special prosecutor go ahead. but every time a white police officer has an encounter with somebody black that it's racist that's the problem. you have these demagogues throwing the race card around. it creates demonstrations and riots. we have to have that stop. the bigger issue is we need to have a conversation on resisting arrest. it's like resisting arrest is okay. it's not okay. it brings it to another level where somebody's life is in danger. >> there's no question that that is often an incendiary force. but when people are angry you have to unpack what the outrage is about and you've got to have the conversation otherwise you get no progress. thank you very much. i know it's not a comfortable conversation to have but it's an important one. and as we're saying every case is different and needs to be tested. we'll do that with the most recent case in arizona. we have the police chief there
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whose officer intentionally admittedly rammed a crime scene suspect with a police cruiser. was that right? we'll discuss. you decide. john. thanks so much. it was a low-key political event as long as you consider live coverage and a swarm of scurrying reporters to be low key. hillary clinton holding her first campaign events in iowa. but really there is a big difference stylistically in her campaign at least so far this time around. cnn's senior political correspondent brianna keilar live in norwalk, iowa. good morning, bringan na. >> reporter: good morning. today she's having a small business roundtable here at capital city fruit outside of des moines. and it's also a symbolic stop in this agriculture state of iowa. >> how are you? >> reporter: hillary clinton back on the campaign trail after a public stop at a small coffee
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shop in eclaire, iowa it was onto a round table discussion with students and faculty at a satellite campus of kirkwood community college in monticello. clinton telling a small group of iowans why she's running in person for the first time. >> i'm running for president because i think americans and their families need a champion. and i want to be that champion. >> reporter: she struck a populous tone taking on wall street and stagnant middle class wages. >> the deck is still stacked in favor of those already at the top. there's something wrong when ceos make 300 times more than the typical worker. >> reporter: and despite personally blessing a super pac to support her run, she said she wants to clamp down on outside political groups. >> we need to fix our dysfunctional political system and get unaccountable money out of it once and for all, even if that takes a constitutional amendment. >> reporter: it's a far cry from her unsuccessful effort here
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eight years ago. the big rallies. >> i'm in it to win it. >> reporter: and her ride with the campaign nicknamed the hillicopter traded in for the scooby van that had national and local media running for a hillary clinton sighting. >> what's it like to be back in the game? >> it's great. >> reporter: but clinton's appearance is serious business in iowa. democratic operatives in the hawkeye state tell cnn iowans are eager to connect with her, but they want substance on the issues. >> i'll be rolling out ideas and policies about what i think will work. but i want it to be informed by what's actually working. >> reporter: and we expect it to be some time before hillary clinton really talks specifics. four to five weeks, i am told by an aide. so right now she's in this listening phase hearing ideas and concerns before she addresses them. that's what her campaign is saying michaela.
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>> all right. we're going to unpack that a little bit with some of our political experts joining us in a while. more now a key senate panel approving the compromise measure that allows lawmakers to have a say on any final nuclear deal with iran. this morning iran's president is responding to the move from congress. all of this as president obama is poised to remove cuba from the u.s. list of state sponsors of terrorism. a whole lot to look at with michelle kosinski. >> reporter: right after weeks of battling and lobbying this looks like a real compromise. i mean the white house is framing it this way, that this would not be an exactly up or down vote on the iran nuclear deal congress would take. but a vote on whether to remove the sanctions that were imposed by congress in the first place. that's something we knew that they could do anyway right? but if this bill does pass it would also make the white house submit the deal in writing to congress with classified materials, there would be a review period. the white house would have to
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certify periodically that iran was living up to the deal. the question is if congress is going to vote on whether or not to remove those sanctions, would this effectively then be an up or down vote? iran seems to think so. its president just said there will be no deal unless all the sanctions are lifted. now, the other big news is that president obama now officially says it is time to remove cuba from the list of state sponsors of terror. now, that is something that this divided congress would have an up or down vote on. they have 45 days to respond to that. john. i'll take it. thank you very much. >> oh chris. >> it's fine. we all look alike. there's a big situation in atlanta to tell you about. fireworks in court as former educators convicted in the atlanta public school cheating scandal learn their fate. now, most of them are getting harsher sentences because they refuse to own up to their crimes. we have victor blackwell on the scene joining us from the cnn center in atlanta with more on this. a lot of people involved.
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some did different tacts there, victor but how did it turn out? >> ten of the 11 teachers and test administrators now convicted in this case. and the judge in this case really said he wanted the defendants here now convicted felons to own up to their roles in this scandal. when some refused there was shouting and finger pointing even threats to throw the defense attorneys in jail. >> do y'all have anything to say about the decision to? >> reporter: this morning ten atlantic public school educators now out on bond some planning their appeals. after a judge sentenced them to prison on tuesday for a year's long cheating scandal, changing answers on standardized tests. >> everybody in the education system at aps knew that cheating was going on. and your client promoted it. >> reporter: judge jerry baxter dolling out prison sentences to eight of the former educators, punishments of the crime of racketeering charges normally
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reserved for violent mobsters. >> there were thousands of children harmed in this thing. this is not a victimless crime that occurred in this city. >> reporter: according to the indictment, the cheating conspiracy dates back to 2001. and for at least four years between 2005 and 2009 the educators altered, fabricated and falsely certified test answers. three of the educators face the harshest sentence seven years in prison. and 13 years of probation. a punishment that some of the defense attorneys strongly fought. >> i am making a motion for you to recuse yourself because you are not making decisions based -- apparently you're going back and forth -- >> you sit down. i'm going to put you in jail. if you yell at me point at me -- >> reporter: judge baxter actually agreed to leniency the day before sentencing allowing prosecutors to offer plea deals on monday but only two took them. >> i was trying to give everybody one more chance.
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and, you know probably going to be have tomatoes thrown at me but, you know nobody took it. nobody took it. things change. all i want from any of these people is just to take some responsibility. but they refuse. they refuse. i am convinced that your client recruited those two retired teachers and cheated on that test. >> now, the seven-year sentences were reserved according to the judge, three at the top of the scandal. they were much longer than the three-year sentences that were offered by the state as part of a proposed deal by the defense attorney. the judge when they declined those more than doubled them. the two who accepted the deals apologized and offered their apologies for their guilt in this case and were offered one six months in jail on the weekends only the other home
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confinement, john. >> victor blackwell talking about kids and schools here. thanks so much victor. >> sure. the senate overwhelmingly passed legislation overall how medicare pays doctors for the so-called doc fix. the vote was 92-8. lawmakers signed off on a measure that passed in time to avoid a 21% pay cut for doctors. the bill now goes to the president's desk. he says he will be proud to sign it. he says it strengthens the health care system. close, but no cigar. the second attempt to land a spacex rocket on a floating barge was that close but no cigar. that's how the company founder put it after the rocket came back down on the barge. but, oh tipped over. the attempted landing came after the latest launch of a cargo ship to the international space station carrying groceries, the first-ever espresso maker i'm told. and much more on a supply mission. apparently -- they're trying to have a rocket they can reuse,
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launch relaunch launch hopefully within a day at some point. that's what they're attempting. >> reuse, recycle, relaunch. >> exactly. >> and espresso maker. you may need a reasonable rocket to get them all the caffeine they need. >> it's a caffeine delivery system. we understand that's what this is really about. >> espresso is the astronaut rocket fuel. >> exactly. >> parallel construction. hillary clinton keeping it low key, except for the hoards of media following her every move. she is doing more listening and less talking, the question is this the right strategy for a return to the white house? and cnn goes to the front lines of a huge humanitarian crisis unfolding in yemen right now. thousands displaced, millions in need of food and shelter. we have a cnn exclusive you really have to see straight ahead. whoa, mister! what is that? the patio and everything on it's filthy so i'm giving it all a good cleaning. but that stuff can do a number on our grass and plants! ah, but this is scotts new outdoor cleaner powered by oxiclean. it's chlorine bleach-free,
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analyst and presidential campaign senior correspondent for "new york times." i feel like we should have catering here serve drinks to have this conversation. maggie maggie i want to talk to you -- well i don't want to say. so the slow rollout, the low key, no frills yeah except for the media frenzy that happened to follow hillary clinton. so as much as she wants it to be that way, can it be? just because you say it is doesn't mean the world is going to accept that as such. >> it gets as close as you can to it. one thing shed did when she was running for the senate is she was doing sleepovers at voters houses and they weren't really advertising those. so it had the effect of look this is real. >> no sleepovers this time. >> but i think to the extent that they are capable, they're going to try. what is striking to me about the last couple of days is they're basically running an obama '08 strategy right? which is in 2012 too, but we're engaged with the media we're trying a new reset button. it's a fresher approach but
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we're also going to bypass. we're not going to tell you in advance we're going on this van tour we're going to tell you when she's in altoona or wherever she was, and then she was a very dominated rollout with pictures that looked like she was robbing a chipotle. >> that is what it looked like. >> that is what it looked like. >> in a suit. >> this was all over twitter in that regard too. >> this is the next clinton scandal. you just launched a clinton scandal. were they e-mailing about going to chipotle? >> oh give me all of your guacamole. >> i think it was very effective. i don't know that they can sustain this. i think the question is going to be not can you keep it small and sit at a small table with 30 reporters in a warehouse looking on which is what happened in iowa. it looked like it went pretty well from the visuals. the question is when she starts getting asked questions by the press, do random voters come up and ask her about e-mails.
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things like that. >> by the way that's why reporters run around the corner like that because you want to be there when the candidate walks up because you don't know if they're going to answer or be asked a question. >> i don't fault those guys not a great optic. >> that's what she's doing. what about what she's saying? when does this candidate need to put meet on the policy layouts, economic plan any kind of plan? >> i think her experience as secretary of state sort of inoculates here from that immediate question. so while the republican field is totally fixated on they can be president, they're going to foreign policy school at night, they're trying to show they can be taken care of. she acts like she's got that covered. that in itself is authentic. >> but yesterday she dropped sort of a big policy bomb awe of a sudden campaign reform is a big deal. >> a constitutional amendment. >> the goal is $2.5 billion to
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raise for the race? >> and by the way she's going to rely on some super pacs because every candidate is going to have them and she's not going to cross the finish line without it. she knocked hedge managers high finance, it was essentially attacking the criticism from the far left the elizabeth warren wing of the party that she's trying to convince she's going to be authentically representative of them. >> she can take the heat early on. being in the van when you're not a van person and you're going to talk to these person. >> what does that mean? >> it means fake. i think she can weather the criticism if there winds up being a genuine payoff and what she actually wants to do at the end of the day. listening means i don't want to talk to you, but i'm listening to them. i really just don't want to talk to you. but when she does have to talk, and that would be the same challenge on the other side. right now their tactic is bash hillary.
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somebody's going to have to be for other people at some point to be effective. >> that's what the campaign is anticipating. maybe the delivery was casual, but highly rehearsed. i think floating the idea is a big deal. >> it was very choreographed even though it played well i think she was probably at her most powerful talking about her parents, root this midwest homespun wisdom she's grown up with. i don't know that i've seen hillary speak that authentically about herself. >> i want to pivot to chris christie. still not announced, new hampshire he's heading to today. i'm curious what you think, margaret is his biggest challenge. we know he's trailing in the polls significantly. he's like sixth i think tied with marco rubio. what do you think is the biggest challenge for him? >> the problem for chris christie is he's essentially a moderate republican and the republican primary process really relies on conservatives in iowa and south carolina in the south. so his challenge is to find his niche and have a motivated niche that will actually make him a
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player. >> why isn't his challenge -- why isn't it the rnc challenge? >> the rnc doesn't pick winners in a primary. >> don't you have to address that? at the end of the day if you're only fielding to the fringe -- >> this is why his choice of picking entitlement reform is actually very safe. it unites all the base factions of the conservative movement. fiscal conservatisms are in every faction -- fiscal conservatives are in every faction of the conservative movement. and entitlement reform is universally popular with conservatives. >> what's significant is while that's theoretically true all the other candidates have essentially run away from that position leaving a vacuum christie's trying to fill because they're afraid it's not popular with voters. >> yes. >> christie sees an opportunity to hammer home. >> he said it out loud he said raise the retirement age, cap the income level for social security. this was actually for 500 or however many days out this was pretty bold. >> he is the only one doing that. >> i agree with that.
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absolutely no question. >> he's the only one saying here's what i'd do. >> he needs to get back into this. the polling in new hampshire shows he's running behind donald trump who i don't think is running. so at the end of the day christie's biggest problem, honestly -- there's three problems. the bridgegate issue that has to resolve and it's not done yet, the fiscal situation in new jersey which is real. that is his record. he's running as look at what i did at home. and then there's the other candidates. i mean jeb bush has just sucked a lot of the oxygen out of the establishment lane. jeb bush is not dominant in the polls by any stretch of the imagination, but he has managed to take up a lot of space that would have been christie. >> well, ladies and gentlemen, i want to make sure you're getting your electrolytes and oxygen we have a long ways to go. always a pleasure to have you. >> measured in moons at this point. >> yeah right. >> good to have you guys. when we're talking about politics there's one aspect you can't ignore. if you see a good man in a race you can be darn sure there's a
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good woman there as well. we'll have kelly paul here, wife of rand paul joining us in studio talking about why she would want to be first lady. all right. harsh punishments for former atlanta teachers convicted in a huge test cheating scandal. some of the sentences as long as those hit on drug dealers. so does the punishment fit the crime? or is this a judge going way too far here? most of the products we all buy are transported on container ships. before a truck delivers it to your store, a container ship delivered it to that truck. here in san diego, we're building the first one ever to run on natural gas. ships this big running this clean will be much better for the environment. we're proud to be a part of that. ♪ ♪
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but here's the problem. iran is now balking saying the negotiations are with six world powers not the u.s. congress. hundreds of protesters in new york and los angeles taking to the streets to protest excessive force by police. in new york dozens arrested, several officers injured after demonstrators blocked traffic on the brooklyn bridge. all of this as new video surfaces of an officer in arizona intentionally using his cruiser to take down a suspect who was seen running through the streets with a gun. 34 and a half hours and still counting. that is how long the aaron hernandez jury has spent deliberating the fate of the former nfl star. he is charged with murdering odin lloyd back in 2013. jurors return this morning for a seventh day of deliberations. if hernandez is found guilty, he could face life in prison without parole. >> what is impressive to a jury is not always the same as what is impressive to the media. so do you want to meet the world's coolest boss?
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other than jeff -- >> pandering. >> that's right. i know who signs my check. head of gravity payments raising the minimum wage at his company to wait for it again, $70,000. >> wait what an hour? >> no that's a full year. he's taking a bit of a cut himself from a million dollars to $70,000. that's the new company minimum. now, some of his employees will see their paychecks double. he says he took the action after hearing some of them talking about their money problems. >> that's extraordinary. >> it is. and it is just showing that capitalism doesn't have to be a certain way. you can find your own peace within it. and that's what this guy's doing. >> only need so much money. >> we'll see how they do. let's see how the company does. >> let's see if it goes under. >> are you skeptical? >> no i'm curious to see what the effect will be with stock prices and -- >> listen to you. >> you two. this bromance is something else.
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ahead here saudi-led air strikes, houthi rebels leaving thousands homeless millions hungry in yemen. we're going to take you to the front lines of an enormous humanitarian crisis unfolding now. denver international is one of the busiest airports in the country. we operate just like a city and that takes a lot of energy. we use natural gas throughout the airport - for heating the entire terminal generating electricity on-site and fueling hundreds of vehicles. we're very focused on reducing our environmental impact.
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and natural gas is a big part of that commitment. introducing new flonase allergy relief nasal spray. this changes everything. new flonase outperforms a leading allergy pill so you will inhale life. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance, flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. so roll down your windows, hug your pet dust off some memories, make new ones. new flonase. six is greather than one. this changes everything.
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the dire situation in yemen is getting worse this morning. the united nations is reporting nearly 16 million people are in need of humanitarian aid. a rare cease-fire allowed a plane-load of supplies to land in sana on tuesday. cnn's senior international correspondent nick paton walsh takes us exclusively inside the struggles of that nation. nick. >> reporter: john a very complicated mission for this plane from the united nations emergency fund for children to land yesterday. negotiated just a two-hour window which the saudi air force and the houthis in control of that airport happy with the runway being used. remarkably that strip of concrete in tact. two hours very busy unloading 75
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metric tons of food and medical supplies for those you say millions desperately in need now. they were in trouble before this bombing campaign began. it's now on the verge of collapse and i know 75 metric tons is huge for us to behold but nothing frankly compared to the scale of the emergency now unfolding in yemen. u.n. resolution just passed blocks arm sales to the houthis, yes. and russia who back iran who back the houthis, they abstain. some signs the world wants this violence to stop but no political -- collapse really unfolding now. >> the greater need of the world doesn't really matter when you have the fighting inside that country and you have the immediate neighboring nations directly involved with the saudis bombing. what is the prospect for any kind of greater humanitarian pause in the coming days? >> reporter: well you just see the chaos on the ground really. i mean frankly for us on that piece of tarmac it seemed like
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three armed men controlled that entire concrete space. yes, there's yemeni air traffic control still functional but certainly chaos in the capital. makes hard for petrol to move supplies. some contested by fighting right now. so yes, the needle on the ground is going to be very hard to move because much of that fighting is being done by young houthi men who have light weapons and military weapons they've taken from the yemeni army and frankly doing pretty well despite the enormous onslaught of saudi air power. >> nick paton walsh, interesting to see that perspective. thanks nick. sentenced to 20 years for cheating is it too much not enough? the judge gave them a shot to escape jail time they didn't take it. now, there's a new cnn original series "high profits" that's telling the story of two of the
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first legal marijuana entrepreneurs. very different topic, but very equal impact. it's going to be on this sunday. and here's a sneak peek. >> we got cash. it's cash only. everyone's cool with that? all right. sorry, guys. end of the night. i'm sorry. >> i thought you closed at 10:00? >> our last transaction has to happen at 10:00. i apologize for confusion. 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. thanks. well you kicked some ass, first day working there. >> do you guys count your tip jars yet? they made like an extra 60 or 70 bucks over there. >> all right. kate how'd we end up? >> over $47,000. >> $47,000. holy [ bleep ].
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all right. as you're getting ready for the morning, this one is worth listening to. this case in atlanta with these teachers is very unusual for what they did, but also very unusual for what the judge just did. in open court on camera. all right. now, he sentenced eight atlanta teachers to as much as 20 years. they're going to serve seven in jail. that's a harsh sentence. a lot of felons don't get that. and a big reason they got the sentence was because according to the judge they ignored his advice to take a plea deal. turns out they didn't want to admit their guilt and the judge was fuming. did he go too far, or is this justice? to discuss paul calan and mo
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ivory. lives down in the area in this school district. we should mention one more educator is awaiting sentencing which will take place later this year. it's not all done but we now have a feel for it. paul what's your first blush reaction to the judge's expressions and reactions? >> you know i'm not somebody who criticizes tough judges. i think tough judges are good. and these teachers essentially robbed children of their education in the cheating scandal. all of that being said these sentences are over the top. you're sentencing a person to 20 years in prison for a non-violent white collar crime. i've never seen somebody who stole money at a bank or in a securities fraud or some place else given a sentence of that magnitude. these defendants are being punished because they didn't want to go along with the deal that was offered by the prosecutor and the judge. first he offered them a slap on the wrist, the judge, and then he said all right i'm going to punish you. >> okay.
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i want you to hear mo you've heard it and you too, paul. for you at home listen to what the judge said and then we'll take the next step. >> i am making a motion for you to recuse yourself. apparently you're going back and forth -- >> you sit down i'm going to put you in jail. if you yell at me point at me. >> you're yelling at me judge. >> now, that's just instructive of the antics. the lawyer is saying you can't sentence my client because you have to recuse yourself get yourself out of the case because you're obviously emotionally involved in this. but the part that mattered is the judge said look i gave you a deal. i told you i want you to take responsibility for what you did. and you didn't. so now you're going to pay the price because things change. mo paul callan says i've never seen this with white collar. this isn't regular white collar. these are kids. this went back as far as 2001. it was orchestrated it was flouted, they had parties about
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it they robbed these kids of their future. why shouldn't they be punished? >> well you know there you see a little bit of southern justice. let me say that i do think that the judge was over the top. i do think that the sentencings were excessive. but on the flip side of it i do also think they were given an opportunity for all of that to be sort of put in its place by these plea deals. there was a group of preachers, of civil rights activists including andrew young that came out and begged the d.a. paul howard, for some leniency for these teachers. to only have these educators to turn around and say no thank you. so it's sort of like what is happening? first the judge is being really excessive, then you get this whole group of advocates coming to say leniency. you get the leniency in a plea offer and then you refuse to admit guilt and take the plea. >> what's their defense to the charges? >> well the reason they didn't take the plea they don't want
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the right to be able to appeal at a later time. >> yes. >> and if they took the plea they would not have that right. >> i'm not going to their guilt or innocence. i'm assuming that they're guilty okay. but punishment is supposed to meet the crime. that's what it's all about. and a just judge hands out sentences that do that. here the punishment is meeting the attitude. he's given these defendants harsh sentences because they gave him attitude in court. and they said you know something, we want to take an appeal because we think what you're offering us is unjust. and some of them actually thought they were innocent. and you know something, i think an appellate court is going to look at this judge and say, you know something, how can he be offering them a slap on a wrist in a plea deal and 20 years in prison if they don't go along? punishment's not meeting the crime. >> you ever see that happen in criminal law? >> it happens all the time. but i've never seen it happen in a white collar crime where there was no -- >> why is there a difference? >> because there's no violence here. and i think these defendants should be treated like other
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defendants like white defendants are treated in white collar crimes. these defendants are being treated overly harsh. >> do you think this is about race or kids? >> no chris, it's about a lot of things. it's also about politics. there were a lot of school districts in georgia having cheating scandals. this was the only one that went to trial. that these teachers were prosecuted. under a state legislature that is completely republican. it is -- wort with racist undertones and things that have not come out to play as part of the discussion on the specific aps prosecution. >> those all may be valid, but mo and paul at the end of the day either you took a pass on your responsibility as a teacher and you did it in a flagrant way with these parties, which not only robbed the kids of an education but inculcated in those kids a culture that this is the way to do it. >> you know what happens? >> that's a big crime. that's bad. >> you know what happens in courtrooms in america? you get a felony conviction
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maybe you get a year or two in jail you put on probation, and pretty much your life's ruined as a white collar professional. you don't get 20 years in prison. >> you want them teaching your kids? >> no i don't. but you get 20 years when you kill somebody not when you cheat on a test. >> that's right. >> moral equivalency, why does this have to be tan tantamount that -- all we complain people are getting robbed of education, you catch people doing it in the worst possible way and say they're being punished too hard. is that what's happening here? >> i understand that. i do understand about the fair laws across the board for anybody that commits a crime. i don't even really have a problem these teachers got this sentence. but there are so many things offered part of that and when they were offered a plea deal it could level out the field and put in perspective they are teachers they are not criminals that have put somebody -- you know killed somebody or mobsters or anything like that. that's where i think the plea deal came in and gave them that
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opportunity to be able to just come on the weekends. and they didn't take it. so for whatever reason they felt they did not need to take it. >> mo thank you for offering one side. i contested with the other. you can decide at home. there's a lot of news. let's get to it. hundreds of protesters outraged by excessive force. >> new video out of arizona igniting more questions. >> stand off, stand off, gun is loaded! >> we are inching closer to the 2016 presidential election. >> i've been fighting for children and families my entire adult life. >> i can serve this country at this moment in history better than anyone else who is running. >> are we ready to make america great again? >> we've come to take our country back. >> hundreds of commercial jets could be vulnerable to hackers. >> this is "new day."
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good morning everyone. welcome to your "new day," it is tax day wednesday april 15th. it is 7:00 in the east. allison has the day off today. john berman joins us here onset. outrage from coast-to-coast over excessive use of force by police. hundreds of protesters filling the streets of new york and los angeles. dozens arrested. some officers injured in all that chaos after folks blocked traffic on the brooklyn bridge. the protesters marching in defiance on the heels of two controversial police shootings caught on video. >> and now a new case this time in arizona. watch for yourself. that officer just used his car to take out a suspect. suspect was armed, had fired into the air. the sheriff there says this kind of force warranted. now, that video looks bad, but the suspect wasn't hurt. this is part of our coverage. we're going to begin with cnn's rosa flores. rosa. >> good morning. police say that this police officer who used his vehicle, rammed it into the suspect actually saved the suspect's life because the suspect was
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suicidal. but the suspect's attorney is saying no way. the use of a 2-ton deadly weapon is excessive force. now the country is weighing in. hundreds taking to the streets in cities across the country in protest of police use of force. crowds converging on police precincts and blocking highways leading to dozens of arrests from california to new york. >> we're going to send the crowd -- >> reporter: more than 200 protesters marching across new york's brooklyn bridge. police say an offduty officer was assaulted after exiting his stopped car during the demonstration. a second officer was struck in the head with a bottle just a short time later. the outrage sparked by the shooting death caught on tape of walter scott in south carolina. the unarmed black man shot several times while fleeing police after a routine traffic
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stop. officer michael slager has since been charged with murder. scott's death is just the latest in a string of fatal shootings at the hands of police. starting with the death of michael brown in ferguson missouri last summer. and now this new video out of arizona igniting more questions about excessive force. this dash cam video shows a police cruiser ramming ingming into an armed suspect in a violent crime spree. seen here waving a gun and firing it. >> one round just went out into the sky. it's definitely unlocked now. he's definitely loaded. >> reporter: the first officer on the scene warns a police unit coming towards 36-year-old mario valencia. >> just stand off, stand off! the gun is loaded. >> reporter: but just two seconds later. >> oh! jesus christ man down. >> reporter: now, valencia is facing 15 charges in part for allegedly setting a church on
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fire. earlier that morning for stealing something from a 7-eleven and then stealing a gun and stealing a car as well. as for the protests we're expecting more protesters today here in new york city at least 1,000, chris. >> rosa thank you very much. also this morning the reserve deputy who fatally shot a man in tulsa when he mistook his gun for his taser is now out on bail. his name is robert bates and he surrendered to authorities tuesday. and he will be facing manslaughter charges. we have ryan young live in tulsa with more. ryan what is the latest? >> reporter: well we watched him walk inside that jail about 30 minutes later he walked right back out. his attorney gave us a short comment just about what was going on with robert bates right now. but i can tell you a lot of people have been focused on this video we'll show you. many times across the country tasers and guns are separated from deputies and police officers when they go to grab one they know it's the taser or they know it's a gun. in this case you can hear his response as soon as he shoots
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the man. he says i'm sorry, he thought he was reaching for his taser. i can tell you we talked to his attorney about the emotional uproar that's been going on not only in the community but with his client. >> you know obviously he is very upset about what happened. he feels badly. the incident completely took him by surprise. he has all the requisite training he's taser certified. and if you've watched the video you know he was quite shocked when his gun went off. >> reporter: now, eric harris was shot there and died later on. i can tell you there's been a lot of questions in this community about the training that bates received. they also want to know if his close role and relationship with the sheriff's department allowed him to be on a sort of tactical detail like this one. the sheriff's department saying he had enough training to be there, but that's the question that has to be answered chris. >> ryan, thank you very much.
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in our next hour we'll talk to attorney scott wood he's representing that tulsa deputy charged with manslaughter for, again, mistaking his pistol for a taser. does he think this 73-year-old should have even been at this scene? john. here's a question for you, just what does iowa sound like? one person who should know hillary clinton because her campaign says she's doing more listening than talking in her first campaign swing through the state. the former first lady the former secretary of state, said to be holding what are called low-key events in that state with a big media circus following her every step of the way. i want to bring in cnn senior political correspondent brianna keilar with the clinton campaign in norwalk, iowa this morning. brianna brianna. >> reporter: good morning, john. yesterday clinton took on corporations and big money. today she's talking with small business owners having a round table here at capital city fruit in norwalk not too far outside
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des moines. this is something we heard her yesterday really taking on big money. and today we expect that she will also do a little bit more of that listening. >> how are you? >> reporter: hillary clinton back on the campaign trail after a public stop at a small coffee shop in le claire iowa a town of fewer than 4,000, round table discussion at a satellite campus at kirkwood community college in monticello. clinton telling a small group of iowans why she's running in person for the first time. >> i'm running for president because i think that americans and their families need a champion. and i want to be that champion. >> reporter: she struck a populous tone taking on wall street and stagnant middle class wages. >> the deck is still stacked in favor of those already at the top. there's something wrong when ceos make 300 times more than the typical worker. >> reporter: and despite personally blessing a super pac
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to support her run, she said she wants to clamp down on outside political groups. >> we need to fix our dysfunctional political system and get unaccountable money out of it once and for all. even if that takes a constitutional amendment. >> reporter: it's a far cry from her unsuccessful effort here eight years ago. the big rallies. >> i'm in it to win it. >> reporter: and her ride with the campaign nicknamed the hillicopter traded in for the much more humble scooby van that had national and local media running for a hillary clinton sighting. >> what's it like to be back in the game? >> it's great. >> reporter: but clinton's appearance is serious business in iowa. democratic operatives in the hawkeye state tell cnn iowans are eager to connect with her, but they want substance on the issues. >> i'll be rolling out ideas and policies about what i think will
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work. but i want it to be informed by what's actually working. >> reporter: that's going to take some time as we understand it. i was told by an aide to hillary clinton yesterday that we're looking at about four or five weeks before some specific policy proposals come out, chris. we should also note that yesterday the hiring of her wonks, i guess you could say, her top three domestic and foreign policy advisers they were named. and so we should be expecting that they'll be doing a lot of work putting the meat on the bones of those policies. >> all right, brianna, we have a key adviser sitting across from me now. let's get to testing. joining us clinton campaign strategy -- get the important questions out there, kairn finny, senior spokesperson for hillary for america. you just looked at our clock and you winced. you said you're already tired. >> 572 -- i mean to the second yeah. that's something i like to keep reminding people actually. we do have 18 19 months to lay out policy to have this
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conversation to debate the issues. so it's interesting because people were asking why is she starting small and why are you starting slow and again if you look at numbers like that and say because we have the time and because it gives her the opportunity as she just said to make sure that the ideas that she has are actually informed by what people actually think. and their own ideas. >> what's the plus/minus on this strategy? on the plus side you know what happened last time and what worked and what didn't work. how does that feed into what you're doing now this optics of going small? >> i think a couple of things. number one, i would say it's not just optics. it's really i think where hillary clinton is at her best. i mean a lot of people kind of tuned in for a portion of that conversation those of us at campaign headquarters listened to the whole hour. and let me tell you they got down into the weeds about issues like college affordability, issues like how this community center provides classes both for high school kids and then for older people who are trying to
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re-enter the workforce. those are some of the issues our economy is dealing with. part of it really gives her an opportunity to have that conversation. the other thing, i think, chris, that's really important, i think people think they know hillary clinton a lot better than they actually do. i think this also gives people an opportunity -- a lot of people don't know for example when she first graduated yale law school she worked for cdf and went door-to-door talking to families to find out why it was that kids with disabilities were not getting adequate education. a lot of people don't know that about her. there are a lot of things like that experiences that motivated her. that i think it's important to know those things and know about her values and then also talk -- because that informs why she wants to do the things she wants to do. >> once she starts engaging the media more wholeheartedly she's going to deal with a whole bunch of punch points they want to come at her about. and that's the price of entry, if she doesn't like it too bad. you got to deal with it.
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>> right. >> two we have to have a constitutional amendment to get money out of the game. at the same time the price tag is $2.5 billion they believe your campaign is going to try to raise. how can that be taken as a serious situation? i want a constitutional amendment when you are anything -- going to raise more money than anybody, hypocrisy? >> the $2.a billion i'm not sure where that came from. i think that includes people counting outside money. that's not a number that came from the campaign. but i take your point. but i think the point is you can't unilaterally disarm but that doesn't mean you think it's ridiculous to spend that kind of money and don't necessarily think we shouldn't keep trying on the other end. it also means, look yesterday she talked about things like the carried interest loophole for hedge funds. if that happens to be your business and you give to hillary's campaign you know where she stands. you know you're giving to someone that's what they believe. i think it was important for her to talk about the idea of a constitutional amendment, because again, you've got to push on the issue.
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but there's the practical reality you can't unilaterally disarm. >> that's the problem. leaders have to go first. nobody wants to disarm unilaterally. what kind of change are we really going to get? another issue, people look at what she's doing with this strategy and say this is her trying to control the game. she wants to stay away from the media, saying she's keeping it small, but really keeping her away from us. that issue highlights the e-ma it's a tired subject, but you got the report that comes out that says hillary got a letter in office in 2012 from darryll issa that said tell us if you're using personal e-mail. she never responded. the state department responded after she left in march. she left in february. and they stated basic propositions that you're not supposed to be using it for work. it seems like this is evasion of the e-mail issue. she won't turn over the server. she won't deal with it. fair criticism? >> no i'll tell you why i have a problem with the story that came out this morning. number one pointed out
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congressional staffers happened to have turned these letters over to this reporter. letters from several years ago that just happened to pop up the same day that hillary clinton is doing her first campaign event? that timing is a little fishy to me. not to mention -- >> the letter was written or wasn't written, answered or not answered? >> it was answered. >> not billy hillary. it wasn't a great answer. >> that's not her fault. it was a pro forma letter. the state department gets -- trust me they have a lot of requests departments from darryll issa. and some of the language was pro forma language. the thing i thought was unusual was don't use personal e-mail but three weeks ago when the state department was hacked basically said you have to use your personal e-mail. hillary's not the first secretary of state to use personal e-mail. >> understood. >> i hear what you're saying. i take the point in terms of we're going to have to deal with these issues. let me tell you, we're going to deal with these issues as they come as appropriate. but at the same time our job is
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also to make sure that she has the opportunity to keep doing what she needs to do. there may be some fair criticism, but i think there also can be all kinds of attacks that we need to call them out for what they are. >> when they attack you, the big ask is to give them the server. any chance she's going to turn over the hardware? >> i know her lawyer is having that conversation. i don't know where it stands but i know they're having that conversation. again, she said i want the 55,000 e-mails released i want to come and testify. i'll come let's do it in public. they said let's do it in private. so she's been very forthcoming. the other thing i would say about these e-mails is it wasn't a secret that this was her e-mail address. she was e-mailing over like a hundred people. and republicans actually were on that list as well. so it wasn't this big secret that they're trying to make it out to be. and at the same time so, sure, will we deal with those issues? absolutely. but she wants to stay focused on talking about people and the future. and i find it interesting that the republicans want to make this about hillary. >> she's the one who's running.
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karen finney good luck in the new role. >> thanks so much. >> i look forward to more of this. >> we've got plenty of time. >> michaela over to you. pace yourselves. that's what we're going to go with. all right. in other news breaking overnight, there are growing fears that isis may take control of the key iraqi city of ramadi. within hours an official telling cnn isis now have ramadi surrounded. officials are not sure how much longer they can hold the front lines. desperately calling for air support and reinforcements. a secret al qaeda operative killed by u.s. drone strike. the terrorist organization confirms he died sunday on yemen's southern coast. spent five years as prison at u.s. guantanamo bay. newer planes are great, right? not necessarily. a government report says the newer and more computerized they are the more vulnerable they are
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to hacking. aviation and government regulation correspondent rene marsh is in d.c. for us. what is this about? >> reporter: this is all based on interviews with cyber security and aviation experts. this report says someone with a laptop and access to the plane's wi-fi could in theory commandeer the aircraft put a virus into the flight control computers and jeopardize the safety of the flight by taking control of those computers. also could impact the warnings systems or the navigational systems. that from this report. now, the type of aircraft that could be vulnerable the boeing dreamliner airbus 350 and 380. the author of this government report tells me there are about 200 to 300 aircraft flying that could be vulnerable. i did speak with airbus they say they are constantly assessing its aircraft to make sure it is in the highest safety standard. boeing also points out that
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there are multiple redundancy systems. so if a pilot saw a problem, it could be addressed. michaela. >> wow. they're going to have some work to do. thank goodness we know about this now. maybe they can start those efforts. thanks rene. >> reporter: sure. new jersey chris christie hitting the road to new hampshire. how will his brash style play as he looks to revive his white house hopes? we'll ask john king next. and behind every great male candidate a greater woman. we're talking to kelley paul rand paul's wife coming up. there she is. welcome to the show.
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first lady. >> she also has a new book. here to discuss all of that and her husband's place in the 2016 republican field senator rand paul's wife. i actually just want to call you kelley paul instead of saying rand paul's wife or the wonderful woman behind the candidate because you're a fabulous lady in your own right. good morning to you. >> thank you, michaela. >> congratulations on the book. we're going to talk about that a little bit. i don't think i've ever met a secret weapon. what does it feel like to be a secret weapon? >> it was obviously very flattering to be called that but it's awkward answering that question right? i was teasing one of my kids. i said i hope i don't see a headline that says secret weapon bombs. >> what i read about you and see your book i know this marriage. i mean this marriage seems very familiar to me. i mean, he moves to kentucky because of you. he changes his name from randy to rand essentially because of you. but at the same time you know he goes ahead and runs for president even though perhaps
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maybe you're not so into it. it has this incredible give and take that i think a lot of us can identify with. >> like any marriage we both support each other 100%. but there's give and take skm it was a process for me to get used to the media spotlight. we spent 20 years in a small town and still live in bolling green, kentucky. it's a very comfortable life as a small town doctor and then suddenly being sort of thrust into this media glare was a bit of a challenge for me four years ago. >> and i want to ask you about that because it's not -- every marriage as john was alluding to in his own marriage and any relationship you encounter stuff. whether it's an illness or elderly parents or whatever. this is kind of a different thing. a, it's by choice. but b, it really thrusts you into a limelight that is unlike any other and your family too. what were the discussions leading up to? was it sort of let's make a list? how did you guys come to the decision? >> i'm a big list maker. i actually did attempt that.
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i'm like let's do the pros and cons. and that's not really his personality. he's like come on, do we really have to write them down? don't we know what they are? i wouldn't say there was one moment that you know i really came around to the idea this has obviously been a while coming. the last year we talked a lot. you know every time our college sons were home i would try to make sure that i talk to them one-on-one rand talked to them one-on-one. >> how do they feel about it all? >> they are excited about it. they're really proud of their dad. and i will say i think it's a great example for them in life to really be bold enough to withstand criticism and put yourself out there for what you believe. and i'm really proud of rand for that. and i think he does set a good example for our boys. >> let's talk about criticism because he's what been in the race all of ten days? and already dealing with his share as a candidate right now. i want to play you a couple of the interviews that people are talking about right now. >> i probably know. >> i'm sure you do.
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this is your husband talking to cnbc and also the "today" show. >> let me finish -- hey, hey, hey, kelly, let me finish. >> i'm sorry. go ahead. >> calm down a bit here kelly. why don't we let me explain instead of talking over me. >> sure. >> before we go through a litany of things you say i've changed on why don't you ask me a question have i changed my opinion? >> have you changed your opinion? >> better way to approach an interview. >> you watched it again, i'm sure you've seen it before. when you see the shushing right there as we play the video, what do you think? >> you know i see his frustration in trying to you know not have his ideas represented -- misrepresented. and being eager to get into the conversation. any time you see political pundits they're all trying to jump in. and i think he was trying to do that. it's not anything about women. i think he would have responded to a man exactly the same way. >> you can see how as a woman you can see, in fact i'm wondering if you would have --
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if that had not been your husband and seen that would you gristle at the fact he's sort of hushing? >> it doesn't bother me as a woman. i think he would react to a male interview the same way. you're trying to win over people for your ideas. i think that's legitimate. but it does bother me reading headlines does rand have a problem with women. one thing i poipted out yesterday that many don't know about rand is his long-time partner is a female surgeon, they worked together for ten years. they practice together and had a great relationship. if you know anything about medicine you know your surgical partner is your key person in your business and professional life. and you have to trust them and respect them. and she's a big supporter of his still. so his entire career has been working with strong women. i'm a strong woman. his family is filled with incredible role models. i don't know if you read the forward of my book. he writes a lot about his
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grandmother and mother. >> both of your grandmothers -- >> yeah. i want to talk about that. it's really kind of a beautiful book. i was sharing with you beforehand i'm a beneficiary of strong females and a lot of strong women in my family and my circle. why did you decide to write this book? why did you decide to write it now? it was one of those things where you think i'm going to look ahead and lean on these women in my life. >> when you talk about politics in life bringing you unexpected things in many ways politics did bring this to me. when rand was elected i was asked to give speeches. and i wasn't comfortable with political speeches. i wanted to write about the person that embodied the american spirit for me and immediately for me that was my grandmother. she had a profound influence on me as a young girl. and she had this incredible optimism and work ethic. and she was a larger than life personality. and so for me i have these strong memories but as i grew older and my mom started sharing with me just how difficult my
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grandmother's life was. coming to this country at age 19 with just a little bit of money sewn into her clothes. she was an irish immigrant. she was the daughter of an invalid who had been gassed by the germans in world war i. and her family had no money. she had to quit school at 12 years old to go to work. and her aunt saved enough money to bring her to the united states. and she started working as a live-in maid for the founders of the saks fifth avenue store. >> wow. >> so her years working as a maid in new york you know exposed her to these wealthy families. so she had incredible style and love of home decor. she embodied for me the idea of your outside circumstance doesn't define who you are. and the importance of doing a job and doing it well is important. so when i wrote that speech people would come up to me afterwards. >> how much it resonated. >> like you, they wanted to tell me about their grandmother or someone in their life. that's where i got the idea for
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the book to explore who these people are in our lives. wlo in other peoples lives. >> you talk about your group of friends here that you lean on when times are good and times are tough. do you expect -- what do you expect you will be needing from them in the next several months say around iowa? >> you know they're amazing. and they've been there for me for 30 some years. and we're there for each other in good times and bad. they make me laugh, you know sometimes when things aren't going great i get a funny e-mail or great phone call or something. they're here to celebrate with me. they're coming to new york next week. we're doing a watch party and they're all coming in which is going to be an amazing experience to come together. >> have you had the conversation with them? because i mean potentially we're sitting here talking to someone who potentially could be the first lady of the united states. >> they're all thinking have you met her, right? >> have you had that conversation or have they brought it up with you about what that will look like and how that will impact your relationship and your
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friendships with them? >> you know i don't know if they're thinking that. i'm certainly not. i'm still a little stunned that we started on this journey. and i consider it a marathon. >> you want to have that conversation with your girls. >> we've had some laughs probability of life in many ways certainly nothing i expected for myself and i don't think they expected from me. >> we asked about some of the troubles your husband has had on the campaign and some successes. but i think there's a big scandal right now, he cuts his own hair? i need some explanation. he's a senator. this man is a u.s. senator and he cuts his own hair? >> it's terrible i know. he does. rand is -- you might have picked up he's a bit of an impatient person with things. >> is that what this is about? it's not frugality? >> no he doesn't like to make appointments for things. i know he has curly hair and
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i'll go in the bathroom and he's sort of standing there giving it -- >> he has beautiful hair. >> he does have nice hair. >> what about the mock turtle necks, do you get grief about that? >> it wasn't my favorite look for him. but you have to let him be who he is. >> absolutely. >> i thought cuomo was the only guy who cut his own hair. but now -- >> look at the face oh my goodness the face right there. well kelley it is really a delight to have you here with us. i can imagine this is a bit of a mind bending experience for you, all of it. the two of you with your children potentially, you know looking at a presidential run here. thanks so much for bringing the book to us. it's been a fascinating journey. and as a woman i appreciate that you're writing about the sisterhood and importance in our lives. really a pleasure to meet you. thanks so much for being here. >> thank you. >> chris. >> mrs. paul you picked a man with curly hair because you know that that means something significant in a partner. good for you for doing that. good for him for keeping his curls the way god intended them
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a lot of fireworks going on in politics. everywhere you look there's a story. so let's get to inside politics on "new day" with mr. john king. what do you got, j.k.? >> all in new york michaela john we're going to start with the almost-forgotten man of the 2016 republican field. with me this morning to share reporting and insights we talk about chris christie in a town hall in new hampshire. for a weekday audience that's the first time i've said that. you're a new addition to the team. we're proud to have you with us. chris christie is going to have a town hall today. he's in new hampshire for a few days. he's in eighth place i think in the polls in new hampshire now. he was once viewed as somebody who would be a credible top tier player in this race. and he may yet be. let's be careful nobody's running away with this. he's going to do a town hall today. that's his trademark in new jersey. yesterday he said let's means test, essentially cut social
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security and medicare benefits for older american. said he's going to be the truth teller. john mccain, mr. straight talk but chris christie we're waiting for final reports on bridgegate. he said this yesterday, at my core i'm a trusting person. i believe in the honesty of other people. and i think for me i'm also someone who likes to delegate responsibility to people and let them perform. so i'm probably going to have a tighter reign on that. essentially, peter, what he's saying is gee, his own people undermined him and he gave them too much authority. that's not really how he's known to be in new jersey. >> no he's not. but that's sort of been his primary excuse since this happen that i sort of let my aides do this and i had no idea. he said that in the press conference afterwards. he hadn't really been asked about bridgegate for a while. at least kind of a high profile setting like this. only when ed board be a high setting in presidential politics. but he also said i don't know what's going to happen. he said "we have to wait and see what happens with the u.s.
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attorney request this investigation." we'll have to wait and see where it goes. he's professing not to know anything. now, what's interesting is if you talk to christie world about this and his supporters they actually seem ingenuine. they seem more concerned with his deflated political standing self-inflicted wounds over the winter with the sit down and shut up moment the vaccination thing. >> yeah. >> they seem to not be too worried about bridgegate, but with the u.s. attorney you just don't know what they're looking at. >> you don't know. but we would be wrong to discount anybody. and chris christie believes in the power of personality and the power of ideas. we'll see how the town hall thing goes. if you need an exclamation point to know there's no republican front runner in this case. we just talked about a brand new poll this morning scott walker at 14%, jeb bush at 13% and ted cruz lindsey graham, chris christie 8, 8, 6, 5, this is the democratic party. >> that's right. >> this is wide wide open. >> wide open.
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so many choices. people obviously still not in who will declare people like bobby jindal people like mike huckabee. so it's a field that feels like maybe there's kind of a top tier and maybe walker and maybe bush are in there and then a second tier where everybody's bunched all together. it's going to be a conversation about all the different wings of this party whether it's libertarian, evangelicals and more of the chamber of commerce. but each field of those fields is crowded. >> and because of that the presumptive democratic nominee, and we'll see if a challenger emerges to hillary clinton. again, it's very early. somebody may emerge and challenge her. but at the moment she doesn't see a challenge. monticello iowa yesterday doing a small casual setting. she likes this. the people of iowa like things like this. the news media might whine it doesn't get enough access. but it's early in the campaign she can do it the way she wants. but listen to her talk about why she wants to be president. >> we need to build the economy of tomorrow not yesterday.
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we need to strengthen families and communities because that's where it all starts. we need to fix our dysfunctional political system and get unaccountable money out of it once and for all. even if that takes a constitutional amendment. and we need to protect our country from the threats that we see and the ones that are on the horizon. >> couple of interesting things there. one, you know a populous economic pitch. you know let's help families. trying to make sure she doesn't create a lot of space on her left to say she's not doing that. but campaign finance plays well with liberals independents. but even if we need a constitutional amendment? >> i thought that was pretty smart. campaign finance reform you know in the wake of citizens united these are things elites dismiss. if you live in washington you're like that's not getting done any time soon. but if you talk to voters money and politics comes up all the time. republicans say it, independents
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say it democrats say it. i think if she's veering in kind of a populous space, i think it's kind of a smart thing to say. >> but it of course won't prevent them from raising gobs and gobs of money. i think it's something like $2.5 million -- >> you don't unilaterally disarm. a story in "new york times" back in 2012 darryll issa asked hillary clinton specifically do you use a personal e-mail account. and the state -- here's the thing in the letter. have you or any senior agency official ever used a personal e-mail account to conduct official business if so please identify the account used. that's what she was asked. the state department sent back a litter essentially saying these are our policies that did not specifically address the question of secretary clinton. now, the replacement committee, the select committee wants to review her in private and then probably public testimony. how significant will it be she didn't give an inactcurate answer
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but didn't give an answer. >> i think it's a drip drip drip. trying to roll out this campaign sort of being the first lady next door secretary of state next door everybody's familiar with and comfortable with. all of this with scandal hanging over her. they aren't done with answering questions about this. i think for -- it's to their benefit that it's still so early. i think the countdown clock says 572 days or something. they've got time to sort this out. but they haven't figured it out yet. >> let's end on this i'm going to call this the knucklehead of the day award. if we had one of these every day we'd only talk about these. this is wayne lapierre, pretty powerful guy in the conservative movement. you might not like his positions or you might love his positions, this is him at their convention on saturday talking about presidential politics. >> when he's finished he intends to go out with a coronation of hillary rodham clinton. yeah. yeah.
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i have to tell you, eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough. >> so you insult barack obama, you insult hillary clinton. im you see what's changing in america. don't take it from mainstream media guys like me. really? there's a way to criticize. >> i think some people might interpret this as let's go with the white guy next time. >> really? >> unless we get back -- if your strategy is let's go with the white guy next time go to watch the romney campaign study these things. sorry, but the demographics are changing. if you insult women and african-americans, good luck winning in presidential politics. >> all right, john from one kwhiet e white guy to another i'll take it back. thanks so much. why is this day different from all other days? well we were crying at the
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all right. it is time for cnn money now. money correspondent alison kosik in our money center. huge merger to talk about this morning. >> exactly, michaela. good morning. this is a big story. a new giant in the telecom industry to tell you about. nokia is buying alcatel-lucent for $16 billion. it's been clobbered by apple and samsung, so it sold itshandset business to microsoft. ding ding check your calendars. the deadline to file your taxes is today. if you haven't filed yet, i say don't panic. contrary to what john berman just said. first of all filing your paperwork even if you can't pay because it will generally cost you more to file late than pay
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late. and if you can't get the paperwork done on time go ahead and file for an extension. but remember this with this extension what you're really doing is only pushing back the deadline of the paperwork. you still got to pay any taxes you already owe. few tips there. >> so she's saying file first, panic second. >> panic in general. whenever it gets close to tax day, panic. >> just file your taxes. don't give people bad advice like that john berman. >> my goodness. there was a scary moment in cleveland last night. some video really tough to see. >> oh! >> we'll tell you all about what happened in the bleacher report next. the world is filled with air. but for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily
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anoro ellipta. it helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. anoro ellipta is the first fda-approved product containing two long-acting bronchodilators in one inhaler. anoro is not for asthma. anoro contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, or high blood pressure. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, prostate or bladder problems, or problems passing urine as anoro may make these problems worse. call your doctor right away if you have worsened breathing chest pain, swelling of your mouth or tongue, problems urinating or eye problems including vision changes or eye pain while taking anoro. nothing can reverse copd. the world is filled with air and anoro is helping people with copd breath air better.
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carefully to work. and every day brian drives carefully to work, there are rate suckers. he's been paying more for car insurance because of their bad driving for so long, he doesn't even notice them anymore. but one day brian gets snapshot from progressive. now brian has a rate based on his driving, not theirs. get snapshot and see just how much your good driving could save you. we have been discussing police brutality a lot laty and with good reason. and now an nba player is accusing the police of breaking
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his leg. we are talking about chef loafa. he was not involved in a stabbing incident but soon after he was arrested by police because they claim he was interfering with the establishment of a crime scene. you can see police taking him to the ground and he suffered a broken fib yao law and torn ligaments that night and he says the police are to blame for his injuries. >>. >> i hope you can appreciate i cannot discuss the facts of the case, and this question will be answered by my lawyer in a court of law. i will simply say i am in great pain that i suffered significant injury and those were caused by the police. >> he will have surgery this week and is going to miss the
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entire nba playoffs and the police said the investigation has been turned over to the a internal beauo. and he was okay. he suffered a bruise jaw. the white sox with lose that game. and going after this foul ball, and he makes an amazing over the shoulder catch and it bounces off the tarp and then he can almost get the runner at third. you have to take another look. catch of the year seven games into the season, and i will go out and say he will get a third
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gold glove, and he bounced. the man bounced. >> yeah, and he almost gets the runner out. >> if that is me i probably have some type of labrum and hip issue, and that's a dislocated shoulder. >> almost got the shoulder out, too. >> yeah a good collection of bleach report stuff. mass protests breaking out against police as new dash cam services of a cop using his cruiser to take down a suspect. necessary force or excessive force?
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normally people wear pants. yeah that's why i'm hiding captain obvious. not very well. i found you immediately. you know what else is easy to find? a new hotel with the app. i don't need a new hotel room, i just need to get back into this one. gary? it's wednesday gary! i know that janet! is more helpful than janet.
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build support for a run. >> 34.5 hours and still counting. jurors return for a seventh day of deliberations and if hernandez is found guilty, he could face life in prison. this is "new day." >> good morning, and welcome to your "new day," and alison is off and jb is here with me and mich for you, there's a lot of news. dozens of people handcuffed after blocking traffic on the brooklyn bridge, and protesters arrested after laying down on light rail tracks in los angeles >> all of this comes as another video emerges after an arizona officer uses his cruiser, and the sheriff said deadly force was warranted. we begin our coverage.
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>> the video is disturbing and it shows the cruiser ram into the suspect. the suspect's body flying in the air, and police say they saved the man's life because he was suicidal. the suspect's attorney says no way, this is excessive use of force. hundreds taking to the streets in cities across the country in protest of police use of force. crowds converging on police precincts and blocking highways leading to dozens of arrest from california to new york. more than 200 protesters marching across new york's brooklyn bridge, and police say an off-duty officer was assaulted after exiting his stopped car during the demonstration, and a second officer was struck in the head with a bottle a short time later. the outrage sparked by the
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shooting death caught on tape of walter scott in south carolina and the unarmed black man shot several times after fleeing police during a routine traffic stop. scott's death is the latest in a string of fatal shootings at the hands of police starting with the death of michael brown in ferguson, missouri, last summer. and now this new video out of arizona, igniting more questions about excessive force. this dash cam video shows a police cruiser ram into an armed suspect in a violent crime spree, seen here waving a gun and firing it. >> one round just went out into the sky. it's unlocked now and definitely loaded. >> and the officer on scene warns a police unit. but just two seconds later -- >> oh jesus christ man down.
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>> valencia is facing 15 charges for allegedly robbing a 7-eleven that morning and setting a church on fire and stealing a gun, car and ammunition, and the protests are continuing and we are expecting hundreds of people here in new york today. >> that video is something else. and then a victim's family saying the 73-year-old paid to play cop, but should robert bates been part of a sting operation in the first place. let's turn to ryan in tulsa this morning. >> reporter: that is part of the conversation here in fact many people want to talk about all the donations that robert bates has made to the sheriff's department over the year and donated five cars and donated money to the re-election
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campaign, and this is the video that made so many people around the country talk about here and robert bates was on the outside of the operation, and you hear somebody say, taser, taser, and bates' attorney says this is an accident and you can hear him say, i'm sorry. that suspect, mr. eric harris died a short time later. and now there's conversation about how mr. bates ended up on detail like this and it's a conversation that will continue as mr. bates faces second degree manslaughter charges. >> thank you ryan. >> let's bring in mr. bates' attorney and he is a reserve deputy and mr. bates charged with manslaughter. thank you for joining us counselor. the charge of manslaughter is inappropriate because? >> this was truly an accident something that occurred by accident and misfortune, which
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is the essential element of exexcusable homicide defense, and there was no culpable negligent under this circumstance and i want to make sure that everybody understands that this is three distinct events. the gun, and the incident where the shooting occurs and everything that happens afterwards which my client didn't have any part of it. >> isn't it by definition that you see in the law that it's reckless disregard of a situation? yes, it was accidental but you want to play top and you put on the taser and weapon and you don't know which one to use and you are taking a risk when you go out there and mr. bates had to know that and his lack of experience ended in another man's death. >> i don't think characterizeing his lack of experience is a fair
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description under the circumstances. he has been on hundreds of these cases, and he has always been on the outside parameter, and in this case mr. harris so to speak took the fight to him. when this buy bust occurred my client was over one-third of a mile away sitting in a gas station parking lot waiting to go on the surface of a search warrant and he was never intended to be in on the arrest and the way the circumstances unfolded that's what happened. >> you have ever heard of another case of a trained police officer, a regular duty police officer mistaking their taser for their weapon and killing somebody? >> absolutely. i think there is at least nine or ten other documented cases in the last ten yeas. >> that will be helpful for you in formulating a case that
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already happened by somebody that is trained. you say he has done hundreds of these, that's more concerning not less counselor, because a 73-year-old man whose family says paid to play cop, shouldn't be in an operation like this. don't you acknowledge that? >> no we don't. that's simply not true. he is a certified reserve officer in the state of oklahoma. if he wanted to go get in a patrol car and make an arrest he is legally authorized to do that in this case, and he chose to work with a the drug task force, and has a certain affinity to fighting the drug problem in the community, and his contributions to the drug task force and the sheriff office has had a dramatic impact over the last five or six years. >> you say mr. harris brought the fight to your client he was one-third of a mile away but
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isn't it true that your client ran up on the situation and unilaterally decided to use force? >> no, he decided to use his taser, and i know we have explained thoroughly the slips and capture which is also a known issue with some people but it's well documented in many other different kinds of occupations, and like i said over the last 15 years, other incidents like this have occurred and so i think it's an unfair characterization to say that he intended to use this force. a taser would have been the weapon of choice or the tool of choice in trying to get mr. harris into custody. he had not been searched and he just sold a gun to an undercover deputy, and it was of paramount importance -- >> there are a group of people around him and you hear the
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other officers when they realize he has been shot their shock and their awe of what happened, and it was not just harris and your client he ran up on a scene and that is supposedly beyond dispute of the facts. you can in the camera that he runs up on to the scene? >> you have to remember too, if you are just a reserve deputy a certificated reserve deputy you have taken an oath of office to perform your duties and if you see somebody in peril, you are obligated. >> you can't have it both way. you are painting him as an observe observer and you are saying he had an oath to run up on the scene and use the force to use the taser, and it's one or the other and can't be both? >> this is not the first time he
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had to get directly involved with a fleeing suspect and he has all the requisite training and you can cast duh superpur dispersians on him for his philanthropy. >> there is no reason to cast a dispersian. what i am suggesting something a 73-year-old man that makes lots of nice donations to the police force is a good citizen and not necessarily entitled to being a police officer with deadly weapons. >> he has the training. every news out let checked with the certifying agency in the state of oklahoma and everybody has been told he is a certified reserve deputy in the state of oklahoma and has all the requisite powers that come with that. he has done the training and proven himself on the firing range, and --
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>> and he made a mistake that cost a man his life? >> yes, and it's happened before. >> and that makes this okay? >> i think it makes it excusable homicide. it's not okay. mr. bates feels horrible about what happened and is extremely distraught over the loss the harris family has suffered. >> do you think he will stay as a deputy sheriff after this? >> i don't know. we will see how the criminal case that rolls out and that's a decision we will make sometime down the line and it will be his decision to make? >> i appreciate you coming on "new day," and it would be good to hear from your client as well. thank you for addressing the issues. >> thank you. >> what do you think about the situation, and you just saw both sides of it laid out, and please tweet us or go to facebook
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and we are live this morning in iowa. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, john. today she is doing a lot of listening when she comes here outside of des moines where she will be talking to small business owners, and this comes after yesterday where she made a stop, a rather low key, but still this was her public first outing to a coffee shop in a town of less than 4,000 people, and she made conversation with patrons inside of the store, and she had a roundtable at a satellite campus of a community college, and she talked about family issues and struck a populous note taking on wall street and stagnant middle class wages. >> the deck is still stacked in favor of those already at the top, and there is something wrong with that. there is something wrong when
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ceo's make 300 times more than the typical worker, and there's something wrong when american workers keep getting more productive as they have and as i just saw a few minutes ago, is very possible because of education and skills training but the productivity is not matched in their paychecks. >> one policy proposal that she put out there, a constitutional amendment to do away with unaccountable money, and what about her super pack or blessed by her to support her in this run? we heard from the campaign that she doesn't plan to unilaterally disarm and that is going to go ahead. i want to show you interesting video if you have not seen it. talking to iowans, reporters showed up.
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they thought hillary clinton was coming in the front of the building and turned out she was going into the back of the building. it looked like total silliness, and it's haurbdrd to get in the cardioon the campaign trail. >> all right. thank you so much. and there's a wildcard that could make a difference on the republican side if he decides to run, and chris christie is looking to revive a candidacy that once seemed much stronger. let's turn to joe johns live from manchester this morning. >> reporter: good morning, and we are waiting for chris christie expected to be here in a few minutes in west manchester. he will appear at the event and the forum that seems to work best for him, a town hall where he can be more spontaneous with
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people and talk about other things like social security. he has done about 100 town halls in new jersey, and the challenge for the governor is not about the forum, it's about the timing. the investigation continues in his home state over that bridge gate situation, indictments could come we're told any day. he denied wrong doing and it has affected his polls and he's around 5% or 6% and he gets questions about it all the time and a question about whether he is holding off on making a decision on his political future until he knows what the prosecutor is going to do. listen. >> i have been the u.s. attorney and was it for seven years and i understand these investigations take however long they take, and i am certainly not going to be urging the u.s. attorney to do anything other than to do his job in a fair and responsible way, but other than that it's
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certainly not what will make my decision. >> so he has made some headlines just yesterday in an editorial, a board meeting with a local newspaper, he said among other things that was he learned from the whole controversy is not to be so trusting and not to delegate. he said that before quite a few times, all the way back into 2014 but making news here and now because a lot of people see a federal prosecutor as a very critical thinker. >> i will take it and thank you very much for the reporting. a story about compromise in washington and it's good but causing fury in iran. iran is fuming. the president saying iran is negotiating with six world powers not the u.s. congress. he adds, there will be no deal if congress interferes and sanctions are not lifted. a judge throwing the book at
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several educators, and two of them were spared prison after admitting their guilt, and one will be sentenced at a later date. the city of boston will pause for a moment of silence to march the two-year anniversary of the boston bombings. banners will be raised near the finish line to honor the victims and survivors. what is going on in the sentencing phase next week and that will happen one day after this year's marathon and the marathon happens on monday it's patriots day, and thousands and thousands of people will go and run and celebrate what is the greatest day every year in boston. >> two years. hard to believe. >> we will have good stuff to commemorate that. >> look forward to that. compromise in washington supposed to be a good thing, and
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the president give's way so congress can weigh in, and should he have done that? cer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients. [ aniston ] because beautiful skin goes with everything. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. denver international is one of the busiest airports in the country. we operate just like a city and that takes a lot of energy. we use natural gas throughout the airport - for heating the entire terminal
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generating electricity on-site and fueling hundreds of vehicles. we're very focused on reducing our environmental impact. and natural gas is a big part of that commitment. the promise of the cloud is that every organization has unlimited access to information, no matter where they are. the microsoft cloud gives our team the power to instantly deliver critical information to people, whenever they need it. here at accuweather we get up to 10 billion data requests every day. the cloud allows us to scale up so we can handle that volume. we can help keep people safe and to us that feels really good.
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we have three pressing questions for the president. does he have a plan for the economy? should he given in to the senate in iran? where is he on the rash of excessive police use of force. we have valerie. >> reporter: as you know we have made a great deal of progress over the last 61 months 12 million jobs so the economy is certainly moving in the right direction compared to losing 750,000 jobs a month when the president took office, and we have a ways to go and the president will head to charlotte, and he will have a series of roundtable meetings, and he will talk to women and talk about issues that they talk
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about around their table, and 60% of children live in families where all of the adults are working, and it's more important than ever that we focus on what can we do to create an atmosphere where we are growing our economy, and addressing the issues not just women and men demand an order for them to tpau sill responsibilities inside and outside of the home in the office and enable them to be productive workers that are going to be lead to greater profitability for their countries. these are the issues the president will be talking about today. >> era, and raising wages. does the president hold either of those arrows in his quiver. >> beginning in the state of the union well over a year ago called on congress to raise the minimum wage and congress has not done so but he has taken our efforts to the cities and states, and so far 17 states have raised the minimum wage,
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and the district of columna and 26 cities raised the wage. 43 million americans do not have a single sick pay. and at the same time we are going around the country, and tom perez, the secretary of labor and i, we are traveling around and talking in cities and states also working on legislation to provide paid sick leave. equal pay also very important. workplace flexibility, and changing scheduling to accommodate workers' needs, and child care affordable child care the president in his budget includes a measure to make it easier for families and two-thirds of our states you spend more on child care early child care than you do on tuition in a state university. we need to help families afford that so everybody can go to work and not have to worry about
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whether their children are well taken care of and whether they can afford that. all of these issues are so important to working families, and that's where the president has the spotlight, and today is going to be a terrific conversation in charlotte, north carolina. >> it's doughnext issue, iran why did the president give into the senate and he knows it could compromise the deal with iran skprbgs we are seeing the backlash already, and why didn't he hold strong? >> the single most important concern for the president is insuring that iran does not develop nuclear weapons. he believes the path to diplomacy we are following that secretary kerry has been leading is the right way to go. and he is very confident if we continue on this path we will be able to ultimately reach a deal in june. what the senate foreign relations committee did was a compromise. the president said he would
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vottoing thesroeveto the legislation and now it provides the framework where congress can an oversight on the process, and life is about compromise and it's very good to see the senate democrats and republicans have been working together, and we have done a great effort to try and include effort and had 130 meetings and calls up on the hill and as recently as yesterday, secretary kerry was making sure the members understand what we are trying to achieve here and including them in the process. >> it's ironic the president didn't have the ability to go alone and now he did and he is going with them and we will see how it plays out. >> chris, let me push back on you for a minute there. >> please. >> ultimately the agreement itself the president has always
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and will continue to have executive authority to do and that has not changed. what congress is debating right now is the framework to which the president will consult with congress and they have always been the decision-maker on whether or not you can remove sanctions. >> it injects risk into a process, but i get it was a political compromise and we will see how it plays out. let me ask you another question. excessive force. either the media is playing up the examples of the exemption to the rule and leadership has been silent on it in too many levels including the white house. where is the white house on this because leaders go first and we need leadership on this issue of policing? >> the president has been extremely outspoken on the issue, and that's why he created the task force several months
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ago, and this grew out of the violence that we saw last summer in ferguson and the peaceful demonstrations that followed there, and in staten island and ohio atlanta, many examples have been caught on video, and there are thousands and thousands and thousands of police men and women who go out there every day and put their life on the line and do right by the people -- >> no question police overall are positive influences and the excessive force cases are down. how about body cams? >> the president has included in his budget $75 million to help fund body cameras, and more importantly with that we have to have training. one of the goals of the task force was to highlight what are the best practices around the country, and what we heard time and time again, you can't put on the body camera, you have to have training of the police in
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general and training on using the body cameras, and citizens are capturing cell phone video which is important to the investigation, and the president has been leading on this issue and that's why the task force report is so important and we are working with cities and counties and states around the country to implement the recommendations of the task force, and, you know just on a personal note when you see the videos of violence of course our heart goes out to the families and to the people who lost their lives, often times over committing a minor offense. it's important to be transparent and important to put the spotlight and the video camera to gain evidence not just to protect the citizens but also to protect the police. there's nothing like a video that protects everybody. we are very supportive of that measure and we need a comprehensive solution. there has to be a building of trust between the communities and the police to serve and protect them.
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>> and the more voices the better valerie jarrett. guildy? not guilty? the seventh day of deliberations coming up. what is taking so long? that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] he doesn't need your help. until he does. three cylinders, dual overhead cams and 50 horsepower. go bold. go powerful. go gator. get 2,500 dollars off select gators at a dealer near you. ♪ ♪
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two-thirds of american adults are overweight or obese and millions trying to lose weight every year, and which of the diets have science on their side? so we have dr. sanjay gupta. why is it so hard for us to lose weight? not you. >> you know obviously as you point out, this is an issue for a lot of people out there. our bodies are evolved to put on weight and not to lose weight because human beings want it to survive, and we are part of the
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evolutionary history for sure, and there's more to it as well, and people have high expectations to lose the weight and if you do the math and look at how many calories comprise a pound and you get an idea of how challenging it is to lose weight, and 3,500 calories equal one pound, and if you cut out so many calories each week you lose one pound. if you eat and exercise the same right now as you did when you were 20 you would gain two pounds a year and -- >> that's a depressing fact dr. gupta. there's a study that looked some of the programs and found that some of them worked better than others. what else did it find out to you? >> what i took away from the study, and it looked at all the various commercial weight
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programs and the big takeaway for me is there was not much data at all and hardly any long-term data and a lot of the weight loss programs are not studying their clients and so few stick with the program, so keep in mind as i give you some of this in terms of who did the best there was little data overall. jenny craig, comparing that program to just going it alone and hitting your own weight loss program, a 2.6% losing wait with jenny craig, and weight watchers 4.9%. weight watchers seemed to do the best but it had people that had the longest term data 12 months at least. >> was there any data as to how they do eating less and exercising more and going it alone?
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>> that was the control group, and it was the people that do these programs and everybody else people trying to lose weight but not joining a particular program. weight watchers and jenny craig, they did so some although modest improvement over that going it alone. >> this is why we love talking to you. dr. gupta, thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> i like that sanjay gupta. in other news an arizona officer rammed his vehicle into the suspect who was firing a gun on the street. was it excessive, and this is for the chief to answer and he is here next. the bed reacts to your body. it hugs you. it's really cool to the touch. this zips off so i can wash it-yes, please. (vo) visit your local retailer and feel the tempur-pedic
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police in arizona are defending an officer's stunning actions to take down a suspect. you can see the dash cam video for yourself. he drives his car into a man that had been firing the gun into the air and had been on a violent crime spree, and the question is was it excessive force or was it justified. >> when we look at this it
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looks terrible. do you think this was appropriate use of force by your officer? >> i am going to agree with you, chris, it does look terrible and the first time i saw it i had the same reaction probably everybody else has. when you look at the totality of the circumstances and the decisions the officers had to make and the time in which they had to make it i think they absolutely did the right thing. you have an individual that has a 30-30 rifle walking through a very busy business complex area and is he going to go into a building to take out his ex-wife, and somebody had to stop the threat and somebody did. is it unconventional? it is. but everybody walked away from that and the suspect is okay and awaiting trial for the crimes that he committed. >> we do have the benefit of
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what the others officers were doing on video with their dash cams they were not pursuing him at a high speed and bucking him off their hood, and they were following him and recognizing him as dangerous and armed and obviously disturbed, and the question becomes if they were doing that why did this officer wind up being justified doing something so different and violent? >> well i think everybody's perceptions are going to be a little different. the initial officer on the scene comes across the individual and the subject has the gun and turns around and puts the gun to his throat. was that officer doesn't see is the individual does turn around at one point and points the gun at him and turns and shoots the gun in the air. so when you look at the totality of the circumstances, you have an officer responding to the scene thinking big picture and an officer who is dealing with the individual and thinking about what is going on right
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there with that individual and the bottom line is if that suspect continues to walk towards those businesses officers are going to be forced into a situation where they are going to have to use deadly force with a firearm, so this situation, we didn't use firearms but used the vehicle and the suspect is okay and our citizens are okay and the officers are okay and the suspect is okay. >> isn't that more luck? i know you don't train to use the cruiser as a weapon but how could it not have killed him unless he got lucky? the guy was flying into him with a car, which certainly is recognize as a deadly weapon, and it was more luck than tactic that the guy is not dead, isn't it? >> it may be luck that he is still alive, and the fact also remains, if he ends up dying in that situation, he ends up dying
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and that's unfortunate, and that's not the desire of everybody. >> i get he was approaching a business area, and i get there was agencies that might have evolved down the line but was it too much too soon? couldn't you have had an emotionally disturb officer talking to him? >> we can second guess if he would have waited another five or ten or 14 seconds, but the officer had a very difficult tough decision to make, and he made that tough decision. if he doesn't make that decision we don't know if he let's him go for another ten seconds he takes somebody out in the parking lot, and then we are asking why didn't you act sooner? this guy is a lunatic and shooting it off in the neighborhood, and why didn't you stop this guy before he shot my wife and husband -- >> if he died during that
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accident, you would be answering different answers also. you have these other officers that made very different officers than that other officer, so which one was reasonable? >> you have one officer who was making the decision to try and talk the subject into putting the gun down. that subject did not obey those commands and did not do what that officer was saying and you have another officer that sees and seized an opportunity to end the threat and put an end to the situation. you know i am not really sure that we'll ever know what the intent of that individual was, but i do know that we ended up in a situation here where we did not have mass casualties and we didn't have any casualties. >> at this point, chief, is the officer involved under investigation or are they going to be back on the job or do you
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expect any action to be taken? >> obviously this incident took place back in february so the review took place by the county attorney's office and we received clearance from the county attorney's office on the officer's actions, and we are currently still doing a board of inquiry. the officer has been back to work for sometime as standard protocol he was on leave for several days following the use of force and also saw a police psychologist before returning to work. >> thank you for answering the questions. we appreciate you doing it on "new day." good luck to you in the course of your job, sir. >> thank you, sir. the seventh day of deliberations in the aaron hernandez murder trial, and any possibility for anything now other than a hung jury? that's next. scotts ez seed uses the finest seed, fertilizer, and natural mulch that holds water so you can grow grass anywhere!
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changes in urination and runny nose. ♪do the walk of life♪ ♪yeah, you do the walk of life♪ need to lower your blood sugar? ask your doctor about farxiga. and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. jurors are about to enter their seventh day of deliberations in the aaron hernandez murder trial. one big question. what is taking so long? are we headed for a hung jury? joining us to talk about this and i want to break down the big questions for you, and the biggest question as we head into the seventh day, and it's flowing right off the screen there is it, six days, no verdict, and any explanation right now other than this is a
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hung jury? >> yes, there's an explanation. i think it's desepcentptive to think they have been out all this time, and it took a day and a half to get the case to the jury and a couple days have been half day sessions and i am thinking it's not really six days. they have been deliberating a lot less and it's a complex case and i think there's a possibility of a conviction here. >> don't we know there is at least one person in there that says somebody could be saying not so fast? >> yeah the administrative process boils down to 27 hours of deliberation and it's early in the process, but if i would have to guess, i would guess this jury is struggling with motive and jurors like to know why is it i am convicting to
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life without patrol or life without the possibility of patrol -- >> what about the prosecution? the da they were out lawyered and did not prove a motive and yeah the prosecution out classed here? >> they have been out lawyered. people who have been watching the trial closely say it's a suburb defense team and they looked to be what was a strong prosecution case and picked it apart making it looks like there is reasonable doubt. however, what i have seen for the most part when a jury sifts through the evidence long enough evidence wins rather than good lawyering. >> we keep hearing this is all circumstantial this case is purely circumstantial. we are hearing that now, but when this all happened a couple years ago, it seemed oh, my
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goodness there's all this evidence aaron hernandez was there and not only that there are a couple other murders he is allegedly connected to? >> you made a excellent point in your question and there's all this evidence and it's circumstantial which means the jury has to go over all the evidence and the testimony and the exhibits that have been entered into evidence and decide whether it adds up to the conviction beyond the reasonable doubt, which is a high threshold for them to meet. >> i am a patriots' fan, and i at this point don't recommend aaron hernandez playing that much and his actual play on the field doesn't come into my memory on the field, and there was a notion is this going to be a celebrity trial and does the celebrity factor weigh in and do people still care that he was a star for the patriots?
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>> you are a typical patriots fan and are trying to forget about him now, but he was a major player? >> do you think they are looking at him as a star when they are in the room right now? >> yes, i do, and i have been involved in some high profile cases, and jurors look at famous athletes in particular and they say he is rich he is famous, and he must be smart, how could he be stupid enough to do a killing like this and throw it all away, and that factor looms over the case and he gets the benefit of an extra doubt with the jury because of his fame? >> midwin quick last word on that? >> aaron hernandez had a $40 million contract at the time this killing of oden lloyd occurred so he is right, why would he do this risk a terrific career and money, and the fact they did not give a motive to work with is probably
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♪ >> good song. >> so two years ago today the boston marathon bombing, we all remember that april 15th. what is being done going forward? that's what makes this one the good stuff. the mayor ask everybody in the city simply do something nice for everybody else on this day, as of what will be called one boston day. >> do an act of kindness for somebody and it doesn't have to be in the press or in the public but a nice and quiet thing. >> and in typical boston strong fashion, one hotel collecting shoes for a homeless shelter. >> this ties in beautifully with the mayor's initiative, and at francis house, they need these. >> and the human toll that the
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boston bombing called and more than 260 hurt and three people lost their lives, and it's about what you do with it. john covered so brilliantly up there, this community took the worst and became its best. >> thank you, chris. let's head to the "newsroom" with carol costello. >> thank you, and you have a great day, and "newsroom" starts now. happening now in "the newsroom," a key panel votes to give congress final say on any new deal with iran but could that decision derail negotiations? plus isis making big moves. another key city in iraq could be hours away from falling to isis. are more air strikes on the way? a hard video to watch. an officer rams a suspect with his car, and the man not only waving a rifle but shooting it into the air and pointing it at officers
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