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tv   CNN International  CNN  April 16, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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disturbing allegations that 12 migrants were taken where they could get to shore. >> sony documents stolen by hackers last year. and pot growers in colorado cash in a year after legalization. hello, welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. this is cnn newsroom.
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it is 8:00 a.m. in sicily where a steady stream of migrants are being rescued from the sea. in the last few days alone, 11,000 refugees arrived on the italian coast. and in a troubling and tragic twist, italian authorities have arrested 15 muslim migrants suspected of murdering a dozen of their fellow passengers just because they were christian. police say the men through the victims overboard during their voyage from libya to italy. b ben wedeman has more on the arrest and italy's growing migrant crisis. >> reporter: they made it alive. revealed in a shy smile. the italian coast guard managed to rescue them from six rubber dingies off the shores of libya. this group of almost 600
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migrants from africa brings the total number of people who have arrived on the italian coast in the last six days to almost 11,000. but among them, 10 men were arrested from gam beea, mally and senegal, suspected of being human traffickers. while in palarmo, italian police are holding 15 men suspected of throwing a dozen migrants off a boat to their deaths after a fight broke out. all 12 were christianes from e nigeria and ghana. another boat has sunk. only four people surviving from the original 45 on board bringing estimated death toll so far in the mediterranean close to a thousand. some of the migrants end up here at residents in the shadow of mt. etna. until 2011, it was home to u.s. military personnel and their families.
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it's now guarded by the italian army. the news residents are free to come and go as they please. the press, however, is not allowed in. from south sudan, saying he gets work on farms and has no complaints about his treatment. while 22-year-old from darfur sudan. >> i've heard they have economic problems here but they've done what they can to help us. >> but with this steady and mounting influx of migrants, it not clear how much longer italy will be able or willing to help. ben wedeman, cnn, augusta, italy. >> that sea passage from north africa to italy has become now one of the world's deadliest journeys. still thousands of men, women and children have been willing to risk it all hoping for a
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future free from civil war and political chaos. twin brotheres from syria who survived the trip say they are lucky to be alive. >>. >> translator: the journey was very difficult. first we are a at sea for a long time. at sea for 15 hours. the motor started to die. god protected us. we were thinking we were going to die every minute. every time it shook we felt it was going to capsize. we had children on board. we were very scared. and didn't move to protect them. >> nor on the risks, migrants and children are facing when they are taken like this, i'm joined via skype by head of child protection for save the children. carlotta, thank you for being with us p. we just heard that one story. there are thousands of stories like this one. these people are december froot live a safeway of life. and now it is expected to get
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even worse. what is italy up against here and the world and organizations like yours if trying to keep these people safe? >> yeah. as you have said, the number of migrants reaching our coast is increasing and of course also the number of children that often victims of violence, torture, exploitation. unfortunately, this is what happens to them while they try to reach europe. as for now, the pressure is very high on italy and all those involved in rescue operations as well as in trying to provide support to migrants. we are at the southern borders and we believe that children are exhausted. they really need psychological support and they also need to be protected. not only from italy but i think these should be a shared responsibility of all the member states. >> yes, because this is such a desperate situation that many times these families that bring
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children don't realize that these traffickers that are aiding them abandoned the ships sometime and these children are put at serious peril. >> yeah, definitely yes. but we also hear, for example, that traffickers are very violent towards them. they pick them up. torture them. for example, we have heard accounts of children that said they were beaten up and why traffickers did it, they asked them to call back home so that families could hear the screams. we also hear about traffickers shooting at migrants while they are on the boat. you have heard also of what happened yesterday. so you know, midwrants being thrown overboard and and so it means that the risk is
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increasingly high and of course children are the most vulnerable. >> yes, we just saw a baby being brought off a boat there. the migrant season also is beginning now that weather is improving. last year 170,000 people crossed into italy. this year there's expected to be more. at the same time, the italian government's maritime resource operation was scaled back because of concerns it was encouraging migrant crossings. what's your reaction to that? >> yeah. that is what is happening to 2014. unfortunately, we believe that only if the italian government, but the european union in particular and also other member states, increased their resources, increase their capacity to rescue at sea, then of course there is a chance to save lives. so we in fact call on them to
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have operations like mar mari nustrum, that was really successful. so this is what is needed right now. >> carlotta belini with save the children, thank you for joining us. >> thank you so much for your interest. >> yes, we hope something happens to remedy the situation. the migrant crisis will no doubt be on the agenda when prime minister renzi visits the white house later today. renzi and barack obama are also expected to discuss support for ukraine and the fight against isis in iraq and syria. isis has mosted new video on-line of its attack on a huge oil refinery in iraq. the top u.s. military general said isis the outer perimeter but the refinery is not at risk. u.s. air forces helped detain forces in ramadi. they are hoping to take control
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of the capital nor than a week. at least 150,000 people, that's them right there, have fled the cite. u.s. military resources and attention are split between the civil war in yemen and the fight against isis in syria and iraq. chief u.s. security correspondent jim sciutto has more on that. >> reporter: fighters from the most dangerous al qaeda, overrunning an airport in southeastern yemen. chaos engulfing the lawless area. u.n. secretary conceded that withdraw of u.s. special forces and closing of u.s. embassy in yemen have all reduced america's ability to fight the terrorist threat. >> it is hard to imagine for people at home to imagine there's the same control and response -- >> it's easier if there's a
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government with which we can cooperate in existence in that country. we're not going to find that all the time in all places in the world and that's why we have counterterrorism capabilities that don't depend upon that. >> in iraq, it is the terror group isis that is on the advance. with punishing assault on ramadi. iraqi officials inside western iraq's largest cities tells cnn it is on the brink of falling to the terror group. adding desperate calls for reinforcements from the iraqi army and more air strikes by the u.s.-led coalition. today joint chiefs chairman martin dempsey conceded that iraqi forces may very well lose ra maddie to isis. >> i would much rather than ramadi not fall, but it won't be the end of a campaign should it fall. we've got get it back. >>. >> reporter: coalition forces on
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thursday cut routes used by isis. tens of thousands having fled the city in just two days. ramadi is in iraq's sunni heartland. today the new defense secretary, ashton carter, expressing concern that iraqi government is still relying too much on shiite dominated militias. >> lasting victory over isul, includes gov urnance in baghdad and respect for local populations of all there is liberated from isul control. >> as isis pushes on the oil refinery, important piece of infrastructure for the economy, they released new pop began da video, showing their rapid assault on the city. >> once the iraqis have full control over beijing, they will control all of the infrastructure, north and south, and deny the ability to generate revenue through oil. >> u.s. chief calling for immediate cease-fire in yemen's civil war.
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travel together besieged port on thursday as fighting is fierce where the rebels fight for control. at the hospital, doctors are so overwhelmed by casualties, they've given up counting the dead. meantime, saudi led air strikes against rebels are going into a fourth week. and yemen's new vice president warned any ground incursion by the saudi coalition would only makes matters worse. for more on the dire conditions in yemen, can you check out a harrowing trip and dangers faced getting in and getting out. elections in the united kingdom are less than three weeks away and the opposition leaders have wrapped up their final tv debate. prime minister david cameron and liberal democrats leader nick clag did not take part.
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mill ban is hoping to convince voters he is prime minister material but he is faces opposition from a flub of parties including the scottish nationalists and the greens. >> all of these questions about what happens after the election. i have an old fashioned view, let the people decide on may 7th. but i want a majority to lead the government but i think it is best for the country. >> in the next parliament we want the british people to have a full fair referendum so they can decide whether we have a trade deal with the eu or trade membership with the european union. >> i would never ever do a deal with them, let me make that clear. >> like nicola, i would not back a conservative government but also will not prop up a government hell bent on the poli policies. we can have an alternative. >> we can have a vote by vote basis. but as nicola said, there is an
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alternative and sadly that is not what labor is offering. >> uk voters go to the polls may 7th. a ugovuk poll published thursday shows a tie between the labor party an cone serve tifss both at 34%. the labor party is slightly down from earlier this week. keep in mind there's 3% margin of error in this poll. the uk independence party is third in the poll with a clear lead over the liberal democrats and green party. again, the vote is may 7th. some immigrants in south africa find themselves homeless after a wave of attacks against them. what the zulu king had to say that made the situation even worse. that's coming up here. also, the u.s. volunteer sheriff's deputy who fatally shot a black suspect, now stands accused of falsifing his training records. also this hour, sony's secret exposed once again.
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welcome back. you're watching cnn newsroom. thousands of immigrants in south africa have been driven from their homes after groups of angry citizens targeted them with gruesome violence. many of them took to the streets thursday begging for the trouble to end but recent reports show it's only spreading. here's cnn's diana magne from johannesburg. >> reporter: on south africa's eastern coast turned into a battle ground. foreign nationals taking up weapons, rudimentary and vicious. to defend themselves for attacks by south africas after several were hurt over the weekend. shops burned. this latest wave of violence was sparked in part made by comments by the zulu. saying parliament dirtied south
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africa streets. waiting in refugee camps, afraid to return to their homes. even beginning the process of repatriating some of its citizens. the word on every radio station, on social media, on the president's lips, as south africa watches these angry scenees. despite the outcry and thousands marching for peace in durbin on thursday. it is a label the rainbow nation cannot seem to shake. i used to think that south africa is a good country. because in our country, we can say that we want to go back home because it's even there two days, they killing people. and now i say south africa is a good country because they are killing us for no reason. a good country because they are killing us for no reason.n a good country because they are killing us for no reason.o a good country because they are killing us for no reason.not a are killing us for no reason. now the violence is spreading to johannesburg. nationals gathered at a local police station seek prague teks. in january, somali, ethiopian
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and pakistani shops were targeted. two teenagers died. now people aren't taking any chapses. johannesburg is near durbin where most of the violence has been going on. this south african owned shop is still up and running but so the mall sew mally shop is boarded up. everyone knows how quickly the situations can spiral out of control. in 2008 more than 60 people died in attacks across south africa. foreigners, easy scapegoat for broader socio economic problems. where one quarter of the population have no job, and live in poverty. and yet, the allure of the south african economy still shines bright across the continent. promising opportunity despite the risk. cnn, johannesburg. >> just one day after convicting former nfl star aaron hernandez of first degree murder, the entire jury spoke with cnn's
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anderson cooper. they deliberated for more than 35 hours over receive seven days before deciding hernandez was guilty of killing his friend, odin lloyd, nearly two years ago. the jurors talked about the emotional toll of the trial and questioned why hernandez didn't speak in his own defense. >> it was very emotional for me. as soon as we read the verdict, people were calling congratulating me. congratulate me. i felt like, you know, who won. odin lloyd's mother didn't win. she didn't bring back her son. did mr. hernandez win? no. because he is going to serve the rest of his life in jail and he is 25 years old. and the worst part for me, too, is how about that little girl that is never going to see her father again. it was very emotional. >> if we were wrong, if he had something else to say, he maybe
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should have testified at some point in the trial. maybe there should have been more so we could have heard his side of the story. >> hernandez once helped lead the new england patriots to a super bowl. now he will begin his sentence in a maximum security prison one hour from the stadium where the patriots play. cnn's jean casarez has more on the 25-year-old's new life behind bars. >> reporter: convicted murderer aaron hernandez may be known for wearing 81 with the new england patriots but now has a new mub with the massachusetts department of correctiones with his first full day of processing complete at mci cedar junction, maximum security facility down the road from where he played in the nfl. next day will have medical assessments and full evoevaluatn including his state of mind. he mouthed the words, you're
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wrong and told a service days before, i'm getting out of here. and when i do, get a hold of obama and tell him you should be doing security at the white house. hernandez is awaiting trial for a double murder in boston where the motive prosecutors say was anger over a spilled drink. >> how do you plead this indictment, gimty or not guilt oo. >> once hernandez is processed, he will be brought to the correctional center where his actions will be documented 24 hours a day by 366 surveillance cameras, much like the video evidence captured in his own home used against him during the trial. he will be confined it a cinder block cell and can expect to be put in the boss chair or body orifice security scanner. magnetic rays can see contraban or weaponsfully where on or in your body. hernandez can start out with $30 a week to spend on snacks, toiletries and even authorized clothing. a far cry from his $40 million contract with the new england patriots. but there is no limit to how
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much money hernandez can have in his commissary account. >> but he would be foolish to do so. because other people who are poor, you know, will be very interested in helping him spend that money. and buying them things. >> many jobs will be available to hernandez in time, such as cleaning, scrubbing, sweeping, or mopping around the prison. but hernandez won't have to work if he doesn't want to. inmates earn about 50 cents an hour. and as far as doing what he loves, there is rec time, even for someone in protective custody. and yes, the prison offers touch football. jean casarez, cnn, new york. >> a new report is raising troubling allegations against the volunteer deputy who killed a black suspect allegedly mistaking his taser for a gun. the tulsa world newspaper is reporting some of robert bates is up advisors were told to forth his training records and
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the three who refused were reaziened to other less desirable duties. the sheriff's office said bait's gun certification records are missing p. bates is charged with second degree man slaughter in the death of eric harris. a veteran journalist in china has been sentenced to prison for allegedly leaking communist documents. but her lawyer said her fight is far from over. our expert weighs in next. on this story. also, more drama at sony wikileaks just posted a massive archive of every document stolen in last year's cyber attack. hey, girl. is it crazy that your soccer trophy is talking to you right now? it kinda is. it's as crazy as you not rolling over your old 401k. cue the horns... just harness the confidence it took you to win me and call td ameritrade's rollover consultants.
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and welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm natalie allen. here is an update on our top stories this hour. italian police arrested 15 people suspected of murdering a dozen christians at sea. by throwing them overboard. authorities say they were all migrants being smuggled from libya to italy. just trying to find a more peaceful place to live. the victims were from nigeria and ghana. new isis propaganda video shows attacks on iraq's oil refinery. top general saying isis targeted the outer perimeter but the refinery is not at risk. coalition air strikes hit ice in ramadi on thursday. investigators recovered more remains from the shoot down of
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malaysia airlines flight 17 in eastern ukraine that happened last july. the body parts were reportedly found in an area that was considered too dangerous to reach any earlier. investigators say locals turned over passengers personal belongs including jewelry. sony is firing back at wikileaks after the website posted a complete archive of hacked data from sony pictures. the searchable data base put on-line thursday includes more than 200,000 e-mails and documents from last november's cyber attack p. that hack temporarily shut down the movie studio and exposed e-mails from top executives. bringing in cnn's will whiply, joining us live from tokyo. will, we already learned a lot from the leak et documents. what more is contained in this release of all the hacked data from sony? >> well, yes. essentially, natalie, there is information that was already out
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there. now as opposed to before where it was difficult to sift through raw data, wikileaks made it easy to search, basically as easy as googling something. you type in a name or search and a list pops up. we are hearing more about the interesting relationship between hollywood and washington. sony pictures executives including the ceo mikal linton, closely involved with the democratic party. linton under a fund-raising dinner with president obama. other sony executives raising money for the democratic party as well. wick wikileaks is defending this, julian saying quote this archive shows the inner workings of the multinational cooperation. it is muse worthy and at the center of a geoo political conflict.
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it belongs in the public domain. sony saying we vehemently disagree with wicky looks assertion version that this material belongs in the public domain and will continue to fight for safety security and privacy for our company and its more than 6,000 employees. there could be more information coming out just because of how easy it'll be for every reporter, every blogger with curiosity to search through this data. >> yes. as this story moves forward, it'll be interesting to see if there is any lichk between the original hackers and wikileaks. will ripley for us live if tokyo. thank you so much. a veteran chinese journalist has been sentenced to seven years if prison for revealing state secrets. she is 71. they is accused of sharing quote a highly con if i den document issued by the kplu any of the party central committee. her lawyer tells cnn she will
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immediately appeal the ruling. i spoke with former journalist bob deetes who met her before and now spends his time advocating for reporters facing prosecution. he talked about the crack down on the press in china and the document at the center of this case. >> she denied releasing them to a website in the united states which covered chinese politics. the website called ming jing in the u.s. said that it had never received the document from her. although they did have the document. i have to say, the document was really widely spread and hadn't been made officially public but a lot of people knew of it and had access to it. >> what does this say about china's crack down on free speech and freedom of expression? she got a seven-year jail term for these accusations. >> this isn't the first
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seven-year jail term she's ever gotten. she had another one back around 2009, i think it was. i think what you're seeing in china is a government that has come into power in 2012, the ping government, which is committed that found stifle media within the country. that the document that this document number 9 that gao released, that specifically dealt with several of the issues. there was a rejection, an order to the party to reject this concept of universal code of human rights. western style democracy. and any concept of a free or open media. and i think that's an indicator of just how far this government, the current government is ready go in china. you know, china, at this point, has 44 journalists in jail. that's the highest number they nd jail for as long as we've
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been keeping records at cpj. and that number looks only set to increase more this year. gao, bringing the number i think up to 45, 46 or 47, frankly. because there have been several other arrests since we conducted our census. >> 45 journalists in jail. i was reading that china is the leading jailer of journalists in the world. is that correct? >> that's correct. and for the last decade or so, it more or less held that record ef year. there have been some exceptions. iran and turkey were up there. but china has always been very near the top of the list. >> and we did mention she so veteran journalist. she is 71 years old. and you met her, correct? >> i did. i met her in 2008 in paris just before the olympics were to get under way in the summer. and we were both speaking on the, you know, for the olympics
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china made promises it would allow foreign media and would release or ease up on media restrictions. and i was making some positive comments about this, that there might be hope for china. and she took me down a peg. or maybe more than one or two pegs. she said i was foolish and naive to think there would be any long-term concessions from the o government. >> do you believe her now? >> gao yu was right, and i was wrong. >> bob deets there from the committee to protect journalists. staying in china now. an experimental plane powered solely by the sun has been grounded indefinitely by bad weather. it is attempting to fly around the world on solar energy alone. cnn's david molko reports from chung ching. >>. >> reporter: call it the world's longest layover. a plane meant to fly around the
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world without a single drop of fuel is grounded it here in china. it's been more than 2 weeks and there is no departure date in site. that's because in order to take off this plane needs perfect weather conditions. clear skies, calm winds and good conditions not only for the take off but for the entire route and landing. right now the team says despite these set backs, despite the fact that the plane is only about a quarter of the way through it around the world journey, they are still feeling in good spirits about the flight ahead. >> you can believe that your will can inflew enthe weather, then you would be really disappointed because it doesn't work. or you just know that it is an adventure you do with the forces of nature and you wait for the good conditions to go. but of course, sometimes it is a little bit long, and we wait. that's for sure. >>. >> reporter: once the solar impulse reaches its stop in eastern china, the team will prepare for what they call the moment of truth. the pacific crossing.
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five days and five nights across the ocean all the way to hawaii. without fuel and without stopping. now there are a lot of questiones about that mission. even the pilots aren't sure they can make it all the way. there have been emergency preparations put in place. training continues for that crossing. about 8,000 kilometers. one thing is clear, though, it may be the ultimate test. in pilot endurance. david molko, cnn, chong ching china. >> once it takes off, we wish them lots of sunshine. dan is here with us. yeah, that is a -- you could get a full-time job with that guy. >> i think his boss will be the sunshine. that's for sure. >> for sure. >> without that, they're not flying anywhere, right? so they also need, natalie, a certain set of weather parameters in toward get this, well, relatively light airplane off the ground. let's put this into comparison, by the way. a typical 747, which is aircraft
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that we would fly in typically for trans continental nights, that's roughly 9,000 pounds. the weight of the solar impulse 2 is only 2,300 kilograms, significantly less. so you can imagine what that means in terms of any kind of wind and how that would impact this particular plane. so it actually have to wait for any kind of cross winds to be less than 4 knots or about 7 kilometers an hour in order for this aircraft to actually fly. and by the way, for the cockpit, where the pilots actually sit, if their insulation was to fail, they could experience temperatures in the range from 40 degrees celsius above 0 to negative 40 degrees celsius. unbelievable stuff. okay, they are starting in abu dhabi. quite a check to eastern china. but they still have a long way go. as they travel across the pacific which is the next long duration travel, the true test of this particular lane, they
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have to wait a few more months because they need the northern hemmis feel daylight hours to be able to power that plane all the way across the ocean. natalie? >> we wish them well, matt. >> we sure do. >> thanks. here is another plane story for you. alaska airlines has permanently banned a baggage handler from working on its aircraft after he fell asleep inside a jet's cargo hold. the plane took off. well it returned to seattle shortly after take off after the pilot and some pass not jers heard the worker making banging noises. the man also called 911 after realizing he was stuck in the belly of the plane. listen as the 911 dispatcher trying to figure out where he's calling from. >> 911. >> hello. i'm stuck in this plane. and i called my job but i'm in this plane. >> you're where? >> i'm inside a plane. and i feel like it is moving in the air.
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can you please tell somebody to stop it. >> where are you in a plane at? >> i'm inside the plane. alaska airlines plane flight 448. >> the plan pleaded for help until he lost the phone connection. after the plane landed, as you can see there, he was taken away. taken to a hospital where he was checked out and released. he must have been terrified to wake up and realize the plane had taken off. traveling around india has gotten high-tech. coming up, the look at how smart phones are changing one of the oldest ways of getting around. each day was fueled by thorough preparation for events to come. well somewhere along the way, emily went right on living. but you see, with the help of her raymond james financial advisor, she had planned for every eventuality. ...which meant she continued to have the means to live on... ...even at the ripe old age of 187.
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in india, low tech rickshaws are getting high-tech and making it much easier for passengers to commute. as cnn reports, drivers are
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raking in the rupees. when it comes to commuting across delhi's chaotic streets, these brightly colored three-wheelers are the undisputed favorite. >> i feel safe in it because you can jump off any time. >> most convenient and cheapest way to travel. >> don't be fooled by the bare-boned appearance. some of these auto rickshaws are actually quite high-tech. that's right, autos on demand, by gps enabled mobile apps. we don't have to drive around wasting fuel looking for passengersfully more. they find us. his income has also gone up by 20%. auto rickshaw apps are relatively new here. but smart phone obsessed commuters are already sport for choice. there is a delhi government and
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a government rickshaw and now uber. >> it is a normal life for most people and we are expanding the reach, just expanding the convenience that it provides. >> india is the second biggest market in the world for uber after the united states. hundreds of drivers come here everyday to sign up. even though there is no advertising, no formal outreach program. it is all word of mouth. >> many indians don't have credit cards, they take cash or charge 50 or 60 rupees per ride as bonus. >> they come to us and tell us how their kids can go to better schools now. drivers working on saturday and not entrepreneurs. that's the kind of change we bring about in the lives of people. >> his days are simply less
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stressful. >> translator: we always had to haggle. customers would try to bring down the price. we would raise it. now it has go by the fare meter and whatever the app says, he says. maneuvering through delhi is hectic enough, he says. the obstacles here, unlike anywhere else in the world. but at least he's now taking home more than ever. and he has the freedom to switch on and off whenever he feels like it. cnn, new delhi. >> the uberizing of the world. glad to see those hardy rickshaw drivers are making more rupees. they deserve it. thousands of people in the u.s. state of colorado are seeing a sea of green. and we're not just talking about the marijuana bud that you see here. how big are the profits from legalization? that's next.
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nothing runs like a deere. i care deeply about the gulf. i grew up in louisiana. i went to school here. i've been with bp ever since. today, i lead a team that sets our global safety standards. after the spill we made two commitments. to help the gulf recover and become a safer company. we've worked hard to honor both. bp has spent nearly 28 billion dollars so far to help the gulf economy and environment. and five years of research shows that the gulf is coming back faster than predicted. we've toughened safety standards too. including enhanced training... and 24/7 on shore monitoring of our wells drilling in the gulf. and everyone has the power to stop a job at any time if they consider it unsafe. what happened here five years ago changed us. i'm proud of the progress we've made both in the gulf and inside bp.
11:51 pm
"what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. (ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh) (hush my darling...) (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) (hush my darling...) man snoring (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) woman snoring take the roar out of snore.
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yet another innovation only at a sleep number store.
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now pot profits. thousands striking it rich because of the state of colorado's booming marijuana industry. one dispensary owner is projecting a $15 million profit this year. anna cabrera got the full story from the newfound millionaires. >> i've heard monikers the willie wonko of weed. >> i'm an inventor at heart. >>. >> reporter: three men in their late to mid 40s now marijuana millionaires. >> i can tell you're the loose cannon. >> very much so. >> reporter: pete and andy are brothers and co-owners of medical marijuana dispensary. >> probably doing 15 million this year. report 15 million for 2015. about 9 million he said made last year. what began in 2010 with a few plants in pete's basement. >> look at this beautiful leaf here. >> reporter: blossom need a
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40,000 square foot facility. >> uvc bulbs -- >> reporter: high-tech family grow operation with 80 employees. sister, sally and shelly, and even mom. are among them. >> chief money counter. >> reporter: sorting a sea of grown. planting, then selling. 50 plus different strains of recreational and medical marijuana. >> this is a plant that's been harvested ready for trimming now the purple urkle p. what i'm holding her retails for about $1,000. >> dixie eliks iris also a best seller. >> reporter: dixie elixor going over night. 46-year-old trip keever is ceo of one of the most successful marijuana edibles in the country. his sophisticated oil extraction and purification machines help pump out about 8,000 pot products a day. >> most popular product?
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>> reporter: the eliks ir. about 50% of our revenue. >> drinks and cannibis chocolate bars sold in hundreds of pot shots around the country. he predicts his business could be worth $1 billion in the next two years. >> this is more than a full-time job p. in some respects it is a movement and have you to be fanatical in your commit tomt it. >> report they say most of their money goes back into the business. >> i have dreams, though. >> reporter: what are the dreams? >> i want a house with a dock and boat so i can just go fishing any time i want. some day. >> reporter: for now focused on building an industry that is still federally illegal. looming risk that their pot profits could still go up in smoke. anna cabrera, cnn, denver. >> well you can say there's been a disturbance in the force. a new trailer for star wars episode 7, the force awakens, hit youtube. luke skywalker narrates the clip
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which has sci-fi fans launching into hyper space. >> force is strong in my family. my father has it. >> reporter: darth vader's burned helmet and r2d2. here is another. >> my sister has it. chewy, we're home. >> reporter: episode 7 comes out in december which right now feels like light years away. but we're getting there. thanks for watching cnn newsroom. i'm natalie allen. i'll be back with another hour of news for you right after this. ♪
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lithe lexus ct hybrid with an epa estimated 42 mpg. the further you go, the more interesting it gets. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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12:00 am
while iraqi forces say they are losing control of ramadi to isis, al qaeda gains strength in yemen. disturbing allegation tlaes 12 migrants fleeing for freedom were murdered before making it to shore because of their religion. families


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