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tv   CNN International  CNN  April 25, 2015 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and around the world for those of you who are just joining us, we are following this breaking news out of the country of nepal. a powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake that has hit that country. less than 80 kilometers or just about 50 miles from the capital city of katmandu. the u.s. good survey say there have been at least eight aftershocks of 4.5 or greater. katmandu's old durban square has
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collapsed. witnesses say many people are trapped beneath the rubble. our cnn journalist on the ground tells us the hospitals were chaotic. he said he saw at least five dead bodies. let's get over to meteorologist derek van dam in the weather center. derr deric, there are a lot of people there. >> yes, they need to stay out of the rub. and there are reports of eight aftershocks. since this took place just before noon local time on saturday, that is significant because we already have weakened infrastructure across that region because of this extremely large and extensive earthquake that took place earlier today. that depth of around 15
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kilometers also very disconcerting as well. just because it's such a shallow earthquake, it leads to the possibility of extensive damage spreading out in all directions from the particular epicenter. if it was deeper there would be more krounts, the epicenter of this of, the 7.9 that i'm discussing. the original earthquake took place about 81 kilometers northwest of katmandu, this is obviously the capital of nepal. so let's try and put this in perspective for you at home so you can understand just how significant this is. we use different classes of magnitude to discuss the type of damage that one would expect. well, a 7.9 you can see falls beneath a major class earthquake. just one class away from being a significant earthquake. and this does not come along that often. we typically only receive a
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magnitude earthquake of 7 or 7.9 about 15 a year. if this gets reassigned to the usgs 8 or higher that would be something that does not occur on a typical annual average. this is what is called a shake map. i want to show you just where we are. this is the himalayas. inda, nepal. katmandu, the capital of nepal. and the epicenter, just about 81 kilometers north and west. this yellow line here, this is depicting the area where we saw the most intense shaking of this earthquake. and i'm also going to talk about mt. everest, because there have been reports that avalanches have occurred thanks to that and you can see the shake map extends towards mt. everest, climbers and hikers across that region. we've had tweets rolling in from
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sherpas and others saying they are okay. but in the ice fall, they're concerned by a few people impacted by this particular earthquake. and several avalanches have been reported within the mt. everest region. this is a result of two different tectonic plates. india and euasia plate. that is under the tectonic plate, that generates the journal russ earthquakes that we're receiving right now. this is also one of the most seismically hazardous regions on earth. with images filtering into social media. some of the first images into cnn, you can see the damage, that this is ongoing and the recovery effort is definitely
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ongoing for the next several days if not weeks and months. you can see panic and whateveric on the streets of nepal. earthquake safety, anybody paying attention, we do have seismic activity for the next several hours. get away from infrastructures, they're weakened at this stage. if you do not have that opportunity, get underneath a solid surface like a desk or chair. search and recovery, that's a major effort going forward. we do have a wet forecast for katmandu, capital nepal. we've had reports, we've had reports of inesco world heritage sites destroyed as well. >> you know, derek, you mentioned the images, i was doing a check on social media as well, you see the image where is people are trapped under buildings. obviously, our newsroom is
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working on getting confirmed numbers on fatalities. people are trying to assess how bad the situation is. >> i can't imagine the chaos that's going on in those cities at the moment. my heart really goes out to those people. >> we'll continue to stay in touch with you as we get information. derek, thank you. cnn journalist manesh shrestha joined us earlier. he described to my colleague natalie allen the damage and chaos that he saw. listen. >> reporter: i came to one hospital and there were four dead bodies that were brought because of earthquake and there were dozens of people being treated out in the open. the casualty will become bigger, it will be higher now. and i was turned away because i ne needed some stitches. because they were too busy with
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other patients, broken bones, broken legs, and people have been injured in the head. this is the second hospital i've come to and it is quite chaotic scene out here. >> oh, my goodness, how were you injured? and you weren't haven't able to get any medical help at this point? >> reporter: not yet, because i was turned away because i was not a priority. what happened to us as i was running out of the house i was swung. the earthquake swung me and took me off balance. and i hit against a wall. and i got a deep customer which will need stitches, it seems. but my stitches, gimp that the stitches was not a priority for the hospital i went to. so i've come to another hospital to get some stitches. >> manesh, are you walking all this way to try to get to a hospital? >> reporter: yes, i'm walking this way, because there's aftershocks as well because it's too risky. the walk was not really long, but i did walk.
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>> last journalist tolding us -- >> reporter: there have been a lot of casualties in katmandu. there are buildings, i saw a person that was crushed. i saw another old woman lying in the hospital who was dead because i mean, because of the earthquake, she was injured in the earthquake, i was told in the hospital that i just went to that there were four dead bodies. four people who died. i can see around me, people giving people needing help and bleeding all over. this is just two hospitals dozens in katmandu. >> that does not sound like a good sign as far as what we're going to continue to hear as far as people being injured in this. are you seeing any signs of police and ambulances or rescue
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vehicles able to get out? >> reporter: yes, as i walked through the hospital, as i -- i could see people, all the people, from these standing out in the streets in the open areas, because aftershocks continued as i was waiting, i see people being rushed, taxis and private cars. but the doctors that i just went to did not want to respond and there was -- there did not seem to be enough preparations for this kind of situation. and people -- the hospital being evacuated. those people who could be evacuated were being evacuated because they were told there was going to be a big earthquake. because of aftershocks, people are not sure. i can see in this hospital, a lot of dead bodies. i counted five myself, dead bodies. >> in the hospital, you say?
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>> reporter: yes, i'm at the hospital right now. >> you're at the second hospital. >> reporter: and everybody is being treated, they're trying to -- i can see somebody's heart being pumped by a doctor nearby. trying to bring somebody to life back. so it is chaotic situation. people are wailing, crying. >> oh, my goodness, well, this is just tragic news and you are right there at this second hospital trying to get help. you've now seen several people who have died, people who are trying to be resuscitated. and manesh, i have to ask you, what -- as you experienced the earthquake, you said that you were thrown up against the wall and you got a deep cut. our last guest said this felt like it lasted a really long
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time. >> reporter: it did. it did last a long time. it did last a long time. i mean in all these years i've never seen such a big earthquake. we get small tremors once in a while. but i do not exact magnitude of the earthquake, but it lasted very long. and it was -- all was shaking. there have been -- houses must have collapsed. the house -- the floor in my house cracked and was strong. >> and you get a sense there of what people are dealing there with on the ground. for viewers who are just joining us, we're following this breaking news out of nepal. a 7.9 magnitude earthquake that has hit near the capital city of katmandu. you can see from the video yourself. buildings have been destroyed or severely damaged. we're still waiting for
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information about fatalities and injures and what happened in this very strong earthquake. we'll continue to follow this had story and bring you updates. >> the italian coast guard said 308 migrants were rescued from the mediterranean sea on friday pulled from boats on the verge of sinking. it also involved fishing boat it's in area. earlier some migrants came ashore in sicily. one man was so thankful to be alive, he drawed to his knees in prayer. the italian authorities are expected to soon charge the captain of a ship that capsized last weekend. more than 800 people are presumed dead. the 27-year-old tunisian denies being at the helm. he appeared in a sicilian courtroom for a preliminary hearing. rescuers are not only patrolling the seas near libya but also the skies. cnn's correspondent ben wedeman went on surveillance with
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italian police. >> reporter: we observe a dinghy with people on board the lieutenant calls out on the plane's radio giving its coordinates. it's about 15 meters long with 150 people on board. he's part of the crew of an italian financed police surveillance plane on patrol in the mediterranean. down below, the italian coast guard ship gregoretti steams toward. it's a wide ranging effort. we're only about 45 miles off the libyan coast. within minutes a smaller boat dispatched arrives, the plane's high-powered cameras capturing the moment when it sidles up to the dinghy.
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lieutenant pulici has done this for years with the finance police but he still can't believe the dinghies crammed with migrants bobbing in the water. we can't leave people at sea like that, he says, we would feel guilty if somehow they disappeared from our screens. as long as we can see them, we're like guardian angels. those are human lives down there. this plane flying out of the italian island of lampedusa every day. lampedusa is italy's southernmost territory just 70 miles from the north african coast. lieutenant colonel sanitillo is the pilot. >> this situation, likely, coast guard was in the area.
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about ten mile distance from the target we intercepted. >> reporter: target is how they describe is whatever they're looking for. this plane has no weaponry. during the flight they also came across a half submerged fishing boat and a half deflate e e ed with no people. >> the vast majority of these dangerous sea crossings start in libya. and the european union is pledging new action that they hope will stem float of migrants. one option that is under consideration now, taking military action against boats used for human trafficking before they leave shore. the head of libya's army told cnn he does not thimbnk that is good idea.
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listen. >> translator: military action against libyan territory is an unwise decision. you need to deal with the libyan crisis as a whole. we are a sovereign country that needs to be respected despite what we're going through right now. we will certainly not cooperate because we were not involved in resolving this issue. the decision was taken without consulting the legitimate libyan side. >> united nations refugee agency has been called for more involvement since the beginning of the crisis. the group's high commission spoke with cnn earlier. >> what should be built is a cooperation between europe and the other side, and it's a big problem because in libya, we have nobody in charge at the present moment, but there should be is a cooperation in order to arrive a comprehensive set of actions to correct down migrant
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traffic, and namely to make an effort as determined as the effort that countries in the world fighting smuggling the drugs. i think that we need to have against the smugglers, the people, even more determination than the ones shown against the smugglers of drugs. >> according to the national association for immigration more than 1600 might rants have died trying to reach italy by boat alone. saudi-led air strikes against houthi rebels continue despite the call for an end on tuesday. coalition air strikes carried out on friday, the u.n. says more than 1,000 people have died in conflicts since it began in march. on the humanitarian front, saudi officials have called for a meeting with major u.n. aid agencies to try to improve aid
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deliveries which have been disrupted by naval blockades but in a possible sign of de-escalation, u.s. officials say a convie of iranian ships are now moving away to make sure iran wasn't delivering weapons to houthi rebels inside yemen. we want to go back to our top story that we're following. this 7.9 magnitude earthquake in nepal. let's go to our journalist manesh shrestha who joins us from katmandu. manesh, we've been following your reporting. we heard what you had to say from your conversation with my colleague natalie allen, what are you seeing now? >> reporter: i just talked to the ministry. the spokesman of the ministry and he tells me there were so far more than 150 people have died in katmandu. and the figure is expected to go up. and the government is still
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making an assessment about the amount of damage and the number of casualties that have happened because of after the earthquake. there is a cabinet meeting that is going to meet soon. and it is going to decide whether the government is going to ask for international aid to cope with this disaster. and the death toll is expected to go much higher. because the information still has not come. and there have been two people who have died at everest base camp as well. pass that is the being mountaineering season and the government is still collecting information. >> manesh shrestha joining us by phone, please stay with us because i want you to speak about some of these images that we're seeing on social media. and we're seeing on television images of buildings that have
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collapseded and reports of people under those buildings. you have seen that as well? >> reporter: well i was at a hospital. i saw in the hospital, people covered with dust. dead people covered with dust, and that is because they were inside a building when this -- when the earthquake -- when this earthquake happened. and that's why they died. and it is not surprising that all of these buildings have collapsed. and that is because there are centuries old buildings in the cities of katmandu. and this is an earthquake that katmandu has been waiting for years and years, decades now, since 1990, we've been told that a big earthquake is due in katmandu. because we -- we lie in a fault line here. >> it is just after 3:00 p.m. your time. what efforts are being made
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right now by government officials to get to these people who may be trapped in buildings? >> reporter: well, the government has mobilized army. mobilize the police. the government has called on all government officials to report to work, even though today say public holiday. and not to send people away from hospitals if they come for any kind of -- any kind of -- any kind of treatment. at the moment, that there's also appeal to the people not to use the telephone too much because it might jam the system. and telephone services are running, according to the government, but at the moment, the government is still assessing the extent of the damage. the information is still coming. the rescue operations are going on. and the government is also focused spreading information
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about the extent of the damage. and the state-run radio informs the people that the danger is not over yet. because even as i speak now, i can feel slight tremors. there have been tremors that have been going on, you know, for the last three hours on and off. and people are still not inside their house. people are still sitting outside in open spaces because they're too afraid to go in and the government has not given a green signal that the danger is over. >> cnn's manesh shrestha on the phone with us in katmandu. manesh, if you can stand by, i will come back to you. but i also want to bring in c.k. love. he's a journalist from the nepal times. good day to you, and certainly a very desperate situation there as people are basically getting out of the rubble from this very strong earthquake.
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what are you seeing from your vantage point? >> reporter: thank you. more than a good day for nepal and katmandu, massive destruction, the extent is difficult to imagine. three hours after the event. even as i talk to you, a slight tremor here, more than 15 iconic, 200-years old craft, a very famous dharahara square damaged. in my locality, people are still out in the open. and the city seems to be taken over somewhat of a dust storm over buildings that have crashed. there is panic in the city. no television signals,
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telephone, taxi, it's a difficult time. >> a desperate situation, as you mention a difficult time for people. >> reporter: me and my wife we have been hiding underneath tables. we counted 15 aftershock tremors. they're still going on. >> let me ask you this, have you seen, you know, any sign of government officials getting tout people who need help. >> reporter: i just went out, nearby, did not go far, people are being rushed and roads are damaged, ambulance movement is obstructed. so those should probably be in hospitals. >> do you have any sense right now of whether the aftershocks are continuing? we've heard reports that there have been several? but do you get the sense that
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things are celsettling down a b? >> reporter: actually, about an hour or two, we felt two, then there was a huge one that we thought, no, it's still not safe. >> c.k. lal, you can stand by. let's bring back in manesh, do you get a feeling that the aftershocks have slowed down. >> reporter: that's what i said, about 15 minutes ago there was a big one as mr. lal said. people are still not going inside of their homes because they're too scared. and in the streets that people were standing when i was walking back from hospitals i could see that. and hospitals are not able to cope with the number of people who have been injured. we do not have the exact figures of people injured.
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it's overwhelming for the hospitals. and hospital staff cannot work in the hospitals. working outside in the courtyard in open spaces because they're too afraid. when i went to the hospital to get stitches because i was injured i was sent back saying we cannot handle you right now, you're not bleeding. you're in a stable condition. so it is difficult. but nobody knows the extent, they're still counting. when i was in the hospital there was a government official there trying to count home people had died. in the hospital i went to there had been seven people who had been brought to the hospital. and some of them died while being treated out there. some people's head was completely damaged. and completely damaged. and i mean, there were a lot of people with head injuries who died. >> manesh, and c.k. lal, one
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other question for you, sir, we will continue to keep in touch with both of you gentlemen. c.k. lal, you mention allowed you're dealing with the situation yourself. what would you tell people who may see this broadcast or hear this? what can people do after the aftershocks continue, what would you suggest? >> reporter: inside katmandu, stay calm, my appeal to the medicine closed, please open, please open, despite the risk because it's a public service. and outside the world pray for us and whatever help which government cabinet meeting is going on and conditions are met in conditions -- i'm standing here holding the telephone. yes, prayers. >> i want to ask you one other question before we go to break and return with you gentlemen, but c.k. lal, to you, are you
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seeing any efforts there, neighbors trying to help neighbors? >> reporter: yeah, everybody is trying to help everybody else. but the problem is the streets are narrow. and even walking is difficult. because most of those compound walls, you know, they have fallen down. so even walking is difficult. but, yes, everyone is trying to help everyone else. >> c.k. lal a columnist for the nepali times. and manesh shrestha, a journalist. a very strong 7.9 magnitude earthquake has hit the country of nepal, near the city of katmandu, a very densely populated area of a lot of older buildings, reports of fatalities and injury. we will continue to bring you the latest as the news continues right after this break.
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welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world. we are following a major developing story in the country of nepal. a 7.9 magnitude earthquake has hit that country, less than 80 kilometers. we're just about 50 miles from the capital city of katmandu. nepal's ministry of home affairs says more than 150 people have been killed. witnesses say many buildings have collapsed in the city of katmandu. police and rescue workers are trying to reach people buried in the rubble. u.s. good survey say 13
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aftershocks of 4.5 or greater. let's go to derek van dam tracking the aftershocks answer the origin. >> yes, that's right, george, just from the usgs, two of the aftershocks have been of the magnitude of 5 or 5.3. it shows how significant the aftershocks are. keep in mind, the initial earth cake, 7.2 magnitude. that weakened infrastructure considerably. then you get the aftershocks coming that far. you can imagine what that does to an already weak infrastructure. things can collapse. bricks concrete, wood can come down easily. people need to stay away from buildings, glass and windows as much as possible. i want to talk about this particular tower. this is called the dharahara tower in the central portions of
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kathmandu. it's an historic landmark. it collapsed. and there was a viewing tower about eight floors above. there's still unconfirmed reports of people here trapped in this rubble. it just goes to show you, some of these older buildings, old structures have crumbled underneath the strength of this brute force. this 7.9. here's the latest from the u.s. good survey. epicent epicenter, 81 kilometers northwest. if it was deeper we'd have more ground, more earth to absorb the shock waves. unfortunately, this is a rather shallow earthquake.
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and that can oftentimes, more often than not, result in significant damage. in fact, the class in tellers of the earthquake intensity, this was considered already a major, major earthquake from the u.s. geological survey if it was reassessed to be an 8 or higher on the richter scale, that would be considered a great earthquake. something that only happens about one time a year. unfortunately, this has happened in a very populated part of the world. and the pictures that are streaming in on social media and from reporters on the ground show significant damage. we already have reports of fatalities as well. what you're looking at here is what is called a shake map. it gives you an indication of the epicenter. this is northwest of kathmandu. this is nepal, india. it gives you the idea of the intensity or the shaking that took place. i know it's difficult to see, that shading of yellow
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stretching into the orange attributed to the lines around the epicenter indicates strong to very strong shaking that took place just outside. and you can see how the lines and circles also encompass the nation's capital indicating that the shock waves were felt in that area. of course we've seen the damage and heard the reports of fatalities. i want you to see how this has stretched into the northern portion of india. there have been fatalities in that region. severe shaking for the northeastern half of india. also, we've had reports of this particular earthquake and the preceding aftershocks creating avalanches on the mt. everest region. we've had climbers tweeting. sherpas have been in communication. obviously, the earthquake happened midday. so everybody was back at base camp, that was from their morning climb. however, there's still unconfirmed reports of the
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situation there. particularly a dangerous one with avalanches and these aftershocks that continue to happen. george, we've got lots to talk about in the cnn world weather center but we'll pass it off to you for now. >> derrek, you bring up the point that this happened in the daytime when obviously a lot of people were on the streets. they're out and about. you know this, is a situation that, you know, it's just not looking good from the images that we're seeing. by people who may be trapped under buildings. we'll don't stay in touch with you and get information as you get it. thank you. >> thank you, george. let's go to mark south, he's a spokesperson for the red cross. he joins us on the phone. mark, a very difficult situation, i know given what's happened there. tell me this, are you seeing government officials doing whatever they can to get to people who have been trapped under the rubble? >> yeah, i think everybody is doing everything they can to get people out of the rubble. and i work for the red cross, we're a community-based
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organization, so we train people in communities in first aid. and we spend years here training people in light first aid and light search and rescue. there are people in the community who have had training. they knew it was coming. >> mark, people ask if this is the big one. that has yet to be determined. obviously, we're still getting information about fatalities and injuries. the latest information as you heard from reporting earlier, i'm sure, more than 150 people have been killed from the ministry of affairs. what are you seeing on the ground? you can give us what you've seen from your perspective there, please? >> well, since the earthquake happened i've been keeping nice a safe place. i haven't seen that much damage myself. during the quake it was an extremely violent shaking. i was on the fifth floor. we were thrown around.
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the house was a complete mess afterwards. i'd say. housing is a problem, and i would say, there are a lot of old buildings, poorly built buildings, and i think the theory is that many, many buildings will have come down. >> mark, talk to us about infrastructure. i'm sure we can answer these questions ourselves, but i can imagine, what you're seeing on the ground, phone lines, can people use the phone or are people discouraged from using the phone? >> well, the phone lines amazingly apparently are working. i think it's patchy across the city. in terms of infrastructure, i think the rick is more wide, you talk about landslides with evere everest, getting in and out of
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the city will be a major challenge. >> what's it like for crews, look, i understand that you're staying inside which we hope many people will do, but i want to ask you this question if you have any insight on it, can crews get around? i mean, is there rubble in the streets? can crews get around, or is this a situation where neighbors have to get out and walk where it's safe to try to help other neighbors who may be in a bad spot right now? >> i think it depends what area of the city you're in. in the area i am, it appears that a lot of buildings have stayed up. it's mostly okay. there are areas particularly in the old center if buildings have come down there will be whole areas where you can't access. >> mark south, stand by one second for us. i want to recap for viewers who may just be joining us. again you're looking at live coverage here on cnn of this 7.9
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magnitude earthquake that hit the country of nepal in the densely populated area of kathmandu. rubble on the ground from buildings that have collapsed. we that you understand the o olddubar square has come down. mark south, tell us what you're seeing are the aftershocks continuing? >> the aftershocks are continuing. we had one about two minutes before you called that have been going on since the quake happened. they're significantly smaller than the big quake but enough to get people scared. >> certainly. i would imagine. our meteorologist van dam just a few moments ago, if you're
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listening or able to see it, gave the advice to get under something, as you mentioned, stay indoors. what would you tell people who may be scared right now. what would you tell them to do with the aftershocks continuing? >> well, i think the main thing, people are -- if you are inside, get under something, if you feel an aftershock to make sure. the biggest danger is that something will fall down and hit you on the head, especially now that many of the buildings have been weakened. i think people are gathering in open spaces which is another thing to do. but how long people can stay in open spaces is a question. we've had a lot of rain recently. it's likely to rain again today. it's looking like it likely will. what happens to people in open spaces i don't know. >> rain is not welcome news just given what must be a very chaotic situation on the ground. mark south, please stay in touch
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with us because we may want to ask you a few more questions as this hour continues. but i thank you so much for taking time with us. we're following breaking news out of the country of nepal. a 7.9 magnitude earthquake. we will have more information on this right after the break here on cnn. i'm brian vickers, nascar® driver. i'm kevin nealon, comedian. and i'm arnold palmer, professional golfer. know what we have in common? we talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. me, when i had a blood clot in my leg that could have traveled to my lungs. that's why i took xarelto®, too. xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. i took xarelto® for afib... an irregular heartbeat that can lead to a stroke from a blood clot. xarelto® is proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. hey, well i'm glad we got together. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke.
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back to "cnn newsroom." i'm george howell. a volcano in southern chile has forced 1400 people from their homes. the volcano left 60 centimeters
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or ash in that area. >> reporter: these days all eyes on southern chile on the cabuco volcano. we finally made it in. >> reporter: the volcano erupted for the first time in 40 years on wednesday. a second eruption just a few hours later. now we work wour way closer to the still smoldering crater. past one, two -- three checkpoints to get into the zone. we are finally here, you can hardly breathe when you roll down the windows. the sheep, the cattle are left behind. they're trying to get them out now. if you just look ahead there are just clouds of ash wherever we go. this was one of the first towns evacuated.
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residents now allowed back for a short time to clean the ash off their houses and save what they can. the first thing we did was to grab the dogs and run, he says. now, we're cleaning up because it's going to rain soon and it will make the ash very heavy. friends and family scrambling to clean off roofs before they collapse under the weight. literally buckets of ash fell on the town. ensanata. it fell so fast that people dropped what they were doing. right here at this restaurant, they were preparing a meal. they left the pots, the pans, the foot is still sitting out. now, bracing for a possible third eruption that experts warn could be on its way. ash covers here like a blanket of snow. always in the background, once
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again sending up smoke. shasta, darlington, cnn, chile. on to turkey, thousands are honoring the australian and new zealand troops at the anzac days in gallipoli, turkey. at the lone pine memorial thousands of troops died in 1913. earlier britain's prince charles and tony abbott attended a service. the anzacs hope to get turkey out of world war i. mr. abbott gave service to the troop. >> -- the hardest possible test and they did not flinch. the gallipoli campaign was a failure, of course. the only really successful part was the evacuation. but the survivors of gallipoli
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and their reinforcements meant on to become some of the world's finest soldiers. >> australians in thailand also laid wreaths in the a memorial there. we're following a developing story, breaking news, out of nepal. this 7.9 magnitude earthquake. we'll have more digits for you just after the break here on cnn. back pain? motrin helps you be the side-planking, keeping-up-with- your-girlfriend- even-though-you'll-feel-it- later kind of woman you are. body pain? motrin helps you be an unstoppable, i-can-totally-do-this- all-in-one-trip kind of woman. when pain tries to stop you, there's motrin. motrin works fast to stop pain where it starts. make it happen with new motrin liquid gels.
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former u.s. olympian and reality star bruce jenner says he is becoming a woman. in an exclusive abc interview with diane sawyer, jenner says he's always been confused about his gender identity. that his brain is much more female than male. >> are you a woman? >> yes, for all intents and purposes, i am a woman. people look at me differently. they see you as this macho male, but my heart and my soul and everything that i do in life, it is part of me that female side is part of me. that's who i am. i was not genetically born that way.
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a male, have all the male parts, and so in a lot of ways, we're different, okay? but we still identify as female. and that's very hard for bruce jenner to say because, why? i don't want to disappoint people. >> following that interview, jenner is expected to share his new life as a transgender woman in a reality show for the e! channel. the eight-episode series will debut july 26th. let's now bring in some of these pictures that we're getting out of naof nepal. i want to show you some of these images because you get a sense of what people are dealing with, then this 7.9 magnitude earthquake that has struck near the capital city of kathmandu. keep in mind, these are older
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buildings. nep nepal's ministry of home affairs say 150 people have been killed so far. police and rescue workers are trying to get to people. the u.s. geological survey says there's been at least 13 aftershocks, a 4.5 or greater. a desperate situation there. obviously, as people are doing their best to dig out of the rubble. and figure out how bad, how extensive the numbers and fatalitieses may be. we thank you for joining us for this hour of "cnn newsroom." i'm george howell, for viewer it's in the united states, cnn "new day" with christi paul and victor blackwell starts after the break. for everyone else, a check of the headlines. kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats®... have 8 layers of nutritious wheat...
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♪ no excuses. police in baltimore admit they should have provided medical care to freddie gray during his arrest. protesters have been bussed in now and planning to shut the city down today. as his family demands answers about what really happened to freddie gray. plus, it is the story blowing up on twitter and facebook, frankly everywhere. former mrnian bruce jenner says he's a woman. new revelations about his journey, his gender and his family. look, incredible pictures from chile,


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