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tv   CNN International  CNN  April 26, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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david -- his career that david's committed to the people of texas, maybe the lord said, well, i'm going to give him a break. hello, everyone. thank you for staying with us. i'm natalie ail allen. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world for our continuing coverage of the earthquake in nepal. we have this just in to in the cnn newsroom. within the last few minutes, a major aftershock has hit nepal yet again. the u.s. geological survey says it was a 6.7 magnitude. we know that climbers on mt. everest are also reporting a series of new avalanches and rock falls. as you know, many are still
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there. the death toll from saturday, 7.8 quake, now more than 1900 people dead. thousands more are injured. those numbers are likely to climb. hospitals and emergency centers are so overrun, many are forced to treat patients outside. right now, tourists, locals and rescue workers are frantically still searching any way they can for survivors in the rubble. many times it is by hand. there's no big machinery is able to get in yet. no stores are open so people are forming communal kitchens. they are sharing meals in the chaos. it struck noon on saturday just outside of kathmandu. buildings that have stood for centuries are just rubble. it was so strong that india, bangladesh and china all felt tremors. the indian government is
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offering around $3500 to families of victims killed in india and at least 17 people are dead on mt. everest as the quake triggered avalanches. this is a photograph taken while an avalanche hit the everest based camp. whoever took that picture is quite brave and we hope they are okay. aid organizations are desperate for food, medicine and clean water. it's on the way. several countries, many countries have already started shipping supplies to nepal. as you know, these things take time when there's such a massive chaotic scene. aid workers are bringing much-needed food and water to survivors. tourists are using bare hands to try to pull survivors from the rubble. pakistan, the u.s., china, india, all among those offering help. let's go now to cnn's our
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reporter from india. we have many journalists on the way to nepal but so many people can't get in there yet and there are so many needs. i can't imagine who's going to be coordinating that. what are you hearing? >> natalie, i want to begin by telling you, the aftershock, the tremor you talked about that nepal felt in the last 25 minutes we felt that here in india as well. here in calcutta. it was 25 minutes ago. call cute ta is 900 kilometers away from nepal. we are feeling the aftershocks and tremors over here. you can begin to imagine what it must feelt be like and how badly nepal has been affected. there have been 24 aftershocks since the main earthquake yesterday. people when they say they are staying outside, many people
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slept outdoors last night. they are too scared to go to their homes or whatever is left of their homes. it is understandable because the region is still feeling aftershocks. india felt the aftershocks just 20, 25 minutes ago. in nepal today the rescue continues. rescue efforts for survivors are going on over there. they have been going nonstop since yesterday. people worked through the night in very difficult conditions. remember, the temperatures do drop at night. people don't have access to power over there. there's very little light over there. rescue efforts are going on very much over there as the streets are covered with what we heard were many hills of rubble. people as you said, are using their bare hands to sift through the rubble, looking for survivors. every now and then when they find somebody alive, there's a round of applause. people start cheering.
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that is happening less and less because as every hour goes on. hundreds of people who have been injured are in hospitals, but the hospitals are overflowing. medical teams have been setting up makeshift hospitals outside on the streets of the premises of the hospitals. a dire grim situation in nepal. >> one followup. are you hearing -- we know all of these countries are sending in aid now. that has to be coordinated but are people getting in to the country at this point? and certainly india has been affected as well and felt the aftershocks? are they getting in to the country as of yet? >> they are trying to. and people have -- i know that rescue operations of course planes, air force planes and special planes carrying relief personnel and relief supplies have been getting in. i was at the airport this
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morning myself and there was a plane carrying relief supplies had landed this morning and come back. it is going to be taking more supplies in tomorrow. some planes have begun to land. i know that commercial planes are trying to land. we are hearing a runway will be open for commercial planes to land later on today. of course, it is not just emergency crew and rescue personnel who are trying to get in. many people who have homes in nepal and want to go to their families in nepal are trying to get in. at the airport today, a i met a family and they were desperate to get one seat on any flight trying to get them in to kathmandu. they were begging and saying, look, if you have any place at all, i need to get back because my ailing mother is in kathmandu. hopefully in a few hours commercial flights will be able to land in kathmandu. at the moment the runway is only open for special flights
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carrying rescue personnel. >> i understand, as well. people wanting to reach their loved ones. of course communication very sketchy, as well, there in nepal. monika, we will get back to you later. we thank you so much. incredible images and stories out of the tragedy in nepal. we experienced one of those moments last hour live on our air. listen as our reporter is speaking on the phone to the director of the catholic relief services in india when the aftershock we were just discussing struck. >> another problem. there is aftershock. even right now while i'm talking to you there is an aftershock. and i could feel it. it is quite high. everything is shaking. it is very high. it looks like six or so.
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>> are you safe? make sure you are safe. >> yeah, i'm safe. i'm safe. you can hear some sirens. >> all right. so that aftershock, again, 6.7 was just happened a short time ago. people are dealing with it right now. it has reportedly triggered new avalanches on mt. everest. joining me on the phone is climber carston peterson. he's at the everest base camp. carson, what can you tell us about this aftershock and what's happened there? >> well, we were sitting in base camp and the situation was getting better. there was news about some trying to get up to camp one and two and some trying to go from camp one and go down to meet them. maybe find a route so people can get home. there's more than hundreds of people stuck on the mountain
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that cannot get off the mountain. suddenly because of the aftershock and immediately after the shock we hear avalanches all around us. you have to understand that it is in the valley. mountains on all sides and big avalanches from all of the mountains. >> the camp where you are has been described as a bowl. when these avalanches happen there's nothing you can do, right? >> the problem with the big avalanche that happened yesterday and the reason so many people got injured, at least the doctor's description, is they were trying to outrun the avalanche and you can not. so many people were hit from behind, blown off the mountain, blown in to rocks, hit by debris. tents were flying off. so when the avalanche hit, and i
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could not outrun it. i hid behind a stone where i could hardly breathe but i could stay until the avalanche was over. >> that probably saved your life, don't you think? >> it did and i was just 20 inches from the camp. >> go ahead, please. >> if we had come down. we were tracking down from camp one and met some people going up when we came down. immediately after the avalanche hit and we saw injured staff coming in to our camp, we have a camp farthest away -- we could set up a temporary hospital and treat the injured people here. so we thought immediately about the people that we met coming up. there was a big team trying to go up to camp one when we came
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down. they were stuck when the avalanches hit. >> couldn't imagine that. that's the worst plaps place they could have been stuck. no, i can't see it. the weather here is so bad, it has been snowing for the last many days. so we haven't been able to see the mountains very well. >> also, carson, you mentioned that in this most recent aftershock occurred there were some sherpas on the way trying to reach camps one and two. >> yeah. i don't know -- yeah. our base camp has a doctor and he told us this morning that some sherpas were trying to walk up. there are hundreds of people still on the mountain.
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even if the conditions are very good and you can't get a helicopter up to get people down, it's an $8,000 trip with just two persons. there are hundreds of people up there. there are climbers from many countries. >> helicopters coming in to rescue some people to base camp. >> we hear the helicopter there, carson. how often do helicopters come in? i see a lot of pictures. i can't believe where they are landing. >> the first one, i woke up this morning to a big avalanche. immediately after, the first rescue helicopters came in. before 6:00 nepal time. and there's been a steady team of rescuers rescuing people off base camp today. >> when these avalanches occur,
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can you even begin what that sounds like, considering you are stuck in that bowl at base camp? >> well, it's -- the avalanche yesterday was different. because immediately after the shock that is shaking all of the loose rocks we started running. the avalanche came in and it was so tall and we knew if we didn't run we wouldn't have a chance to get to safety. our sherpa that we were walking with, he ran so fast, he was trying to get to safety. but he made it, thank god. >> as you say, hundreds of people are on the mountain. no one really knows their fate. >> it is a mix up with some
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climbers from -- i wouldn't say almost every country but a lot of different countries. india people, american people and a lot of sherpas are there with the climbers. this morning, got news they are running out of fuel up. there one of the helicopters that rescued some people off the mountain brought more fuel up to cantu. hundreds of people up there you can't be soon enough for them to keep warm and melting snow to water. >> it is too perilous for them to try to come down? >> at the moment they cannot come down. there's no way for them to get off the mountain. if the weather is good, and resources is unlimited, you could send up helicopters, but practically impossible to get them off. there are so many people up
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there. they have to find a new route down. and that is our major concern now. that most of these people have been rescued off space camp is try to figure out how to help the people that are still stuck up on the mountain. we have climbers who stayed at base camp, left yesterday or are leaving today trying to get to safety lower down. >> well, carson, we really appreciate you talking to us. we know you are in a very dangerous situation. your information has been stunning, and we appreciate you and hope you get out safely with the others there and the sherpas, as well. again, that was carson peterson, one of the climbers there stuck on everest as this occurs. and i think the important thing to say that he just told us was this powerful aftershock occurred and that caused more avalanches at a time when many
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sherpas were trying to get up to camps one and two to try to help the people there. no word on what happened from that. several countries, as we mentioned and aid groups are working to help all of those affected by the earthquake back in the villages and the city. on the phone from kathmandu for us is alina, the communications manager for world vision. she has the latest on the situation on the ground. she also has new photos for us. you are an aid worker but you are also a survivor of this earthquake. you have been talking about this aftershock. our reporter in india said they felt it there. what did you experience? >> yeah. it was around 1:00. we experienced an aftershock. i think it is 6.17 on the richter scale. we were running in all different directions because we actually
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it was lunchtime. suddenly the earth started moving. it was quite unexpected and felt like a major earthquake. >> because it was. where are you staying? where are people around you staying? what's the situation as far as getting food, water and having some shelter? >>. >> i think i mentioned this before in most of my interviews. i have a lot of people, more than 50 people now who have come to take shelter in my garden. there's a lot of people trying to go to open spaces and gardens and wherever they can find some place of shelter because of the fear of aftershocks. people do have a little bit of stock and they are bringing that
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with them in the effort to distribute what they have. >> this is kind of the worst time, isn't it? you have already had a major earthquake. people are already out of their homes. communications are down. and that relief just takes a while to get in, to get coordinated and logistics to be worked out. is there enough right now, as far as you're extending your garden for people, is there enough of people helping people to get folks through the initial day, especially when they are in such shock and many still needing medical care? >> right. what we see is the city and willingness to help each other. yesterday, after the major earthquake, i think it was the civilians who came to the rescue of other civilians and it was the government, police and army
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who came next. now it's a series of communities that are driving the relief efforts right now. >> you are in kathmandu. there's been hundreds and hundreds killed there. we know that people are outside of the hospital. they are having to try to set up triage outside of the hospitals. what are you hearing as far as some of these remote villages cut off from the main supply route, as far as what kind of dire situations may be occurring outside of kathmandu? >> right. the people outside of the kathmandu valley -- one of the worst hit districts, villages have been wiped out. a lot of people have died there, as well. they have access to health facilities there, but they need to be airlifted and brought to kathmandu.
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yes, that's a big concern. in fact a challenge for the government of nepal right now. >> we have been looking at pictures of people working through the rubble to see if there are any survivors. are you hearing stories, 24 hours later after the earthquake, of people still being found? >> yes. yes. this is just the capital we are talking about. but i think when we talk about the district, neighboring the capital where the earthquake has impacted people's lives. uncovered in the days to come and we will find out that more people have died. >> we appreciate you talking to us and helping us get a picture of what people are dealing. thank goodness you have an area in your garden that you can help people find a place to stay and sleep and we know the weather
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has been quite challenging, as well. thank you so much for talking to us. we want to continue to reach out to people who are watching. if you need help finding your loved ones lost in the aftermath of the quake, head to our cnn's ireporter team is asking for posts regarding your missing family members. you have the option to upload their photos and add identifying information and we will share that data with google people platform that reconnects survivors with their family and we welcome your photos and stories of survival. head to our website crisis at the world's tallest mountain. we will turn again to the avalanche triggered by the recent earthquake. after one swept through a camp kilg climbers and leaving others stranded.
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another aftershock has caused more avalanches. more coverage after this.
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the photographs that we continue to get in from this earthquake -- and we have a new death toll in nepal as the fresh tremors shake the country. there are 1958 confirmed dead. this is a powerful 6.7 magnitude aftershock, hit within the past hour. our journalist in calcutta was 900 kilometers away and they felt it there. that gives you an idea what people in the region are experiencing. the country is still digging out from saturday's initial earthquake. this latest aftershock, one of dozens that have hit was closer to mt. everest than saturday's
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disaster. climbers say they are seeing a new series of avalanches. here's an avalanche photograph from saturday. the avalanche flattened a base camp killing more than 17 people. well, derek van dam is join 0ing us on the conditions of everest and we were talking about the interview i had with the climber on everest. as you could hear, we could hear the sound of an avalanche in the background on the phone. can't imagine what it is like for them there. >> the aftershocks are very disconcerting, natalie. i want to put it in perspective for our viewers. a 7.9 magnitude was 80 kilometers west of kathmandu. here's the epicenter. here's kathmandu. the new aftershock, 6.7 is that red dot, right there. here's everest. keep in mind, this is east of
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kathmandu. we're now even closer with a strong earthquake to the base and the summit of the world's tallest peak. this is significant for the sherpas that have gone up to try to perform rescue operations for some of the stranded climbers impacted by the original avalanche. take a look at this. very deep crevasse across the south-facing section of everest. it doesn't take much for an earthquake to trigger avalanches with gradients of 25 to 55%. we have got gravity, unfortunately, working towards cooling down that slab of snow and rock. by the way, that can travel at upwards of 100 kilometers per hour. that's a mixture of rock, ice, all kinds of shrapnel and that can obviously pummel anything in its path, including what was at
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the base camp. we have had reports of faith fatalities with the latest aftershock. i'm concerned that more avalanches and the people in the way of these potential avalanches will obviously have to deal with the potential for more injuries, more casualties. take a look at this image. unbelievable stuff. it is stunning to see the type of shrapnel and just debris that can be caught up in that roaring mixture of snow and ice. we have had considerable cloud cover over the mountains. here's kathmandu and everest. indicating more snow for the tops of these mountains, including shower and a few thunderstorms expected across the valleys in to the lower elevations. one concern for the kathmandu region for the search and recovery effort there, natalie, is the cold overnight lows. that could set in the
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possibility of hypothermia for people waiting to be rescued. >> you know, the hiker told us there were some sherpas on the way up to camp one and two to help people when the latest avalanche in the last hour occurred. >> terrifying. >> certainly is. more coverage on the devastation ahead here. including eyewitness accounts of the initial earthquake, which happened just about over 24 hours ago now. [ male announcer ] you wouldn't leave your car unprotected. but a lot of us leave our identities unprotected. nearly half a million cars were stolen in 2012. but for every car stolen, 34 people had their identities stolen. identity thieves can steal your money, damage your credit, and wreak havoc on your life. why risk it when you can help protect yourself from identity theft with one call to lifelock, a leader in identity theft protection? lifelock actively patrols your sensitive, personal information, helping to guard your social security number, your bank accounts and credit,
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held he again. i'm natalie allen. welcome to our continuing coverage of the earthquake in nepal. it happened a little over 24 hours ago. i was on the air when we first got word. we started to talk to people and had seven dead at that time. look at what we have learned now. now the number sadly, over 1900 dead and we still don't know the fate of people in rural areas. thomas a photographer for the "new york times," is in the capital of kathmandu and he gets the suspenus a sense of why the search for survivors is so difficult. >> i was in a coffee shop and there's little structural damage where i was. a lot of fallen power lines but as i made my way back to the hotel, a half mile away, a hotel restaurant had collapsed. i went and approached it and passed a few of the local women said okay. one woman mentioned that two of her children were trapped
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inside. we checked it out. wentd around the building. and there's not a chance they survived. in an historic area where local women gather to do family's laundry, the hotel had collapsed in to this pit. there was a cement wall and under that wall were three people trapped. there were a group of remarkable tourists. there one from italy, one from ireland, another from the united states. and they were panicked. you don't know what to do. there's no emergency response for a couple of hours where we were. so joined some of the locals, they got anything they could. old pickaxes, hacksaws, metal rods from buildings that had fallen and started hammering a hole above the man -- one man survived. they started to hammer a hole in the concrete and broke it wide enough, maybe 2 1/2, three feet across after cutting it through
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with rebar and about that time the nepin th nepalese army show. they were able to pull him out alive. >> what an incredible story there. certainly there are more stories like that that haven't been told yet. people helping people in the early hours of this devastation there in nepal. let's bring in asia pacific director of the international federation of the red cross. the is joining us via skype from kuala lumpur, asia. listening to stories like that gives you hope of people pulling together of helping people that could be still trapped. i know the people need so much coordinated help and assistance.
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what's the number one priority 24 hours after the initial earthquake? >> thank you for having me. the number one priority continues to be search and rescue. still many, many people are trapped. many, many haven't been able to reach. they have been inaccessible. the roads have been really damaged. search and rescue remains top priority. but at the same time we are seeing hospital capacities overcrowded. a lot of people treated on the streets and roads so medical capacity needs beefed up. we are seeing people spending nights on the street. just had a 6.7 aftershock. so people continue to stay outside on the street overnight. it is chill any kathmandu.
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what we are -- create another way, infections and diseases. so medical is a top priority. from the red cross, we are trying to get some supplies to the country and had some success today. we have been trying tonight. and colleagues from bangkok tomorrow morning. getting experts and planning and coordination is top priority today. >> i was going to say it must feel good to you to know there are people getting in there right now that planes are landing and people are moving in. let's break it down as far as medical help. we know hospitals are overwhelmed. people are treated outdoors. all of the assistance coming in. will people like your organization be able to create
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makeshift hospitals and do much more than first aid for people that need serious medical attention? >> absolutely. you know in the red cross we have self contained basic and surgical hospitals. we are trying to organize two health care units. these are fully equipped hospitals with electricity and capacity. this is what we are trying to organize now. as soon as the airport is ready to receive them we will start to mobilize them. >> hope that can happen as soon as possible. >> you have a lot to do. we appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you, natalie for having me. our coverage of the earthquake continues in just a moment. we will have the latest on the rescue effort. as you heard, of course the
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nepal ese army is helping but they are digging with anything they can to pull survivors out of the rubble.
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coverage. ban ki moon released a statement on the tragedy in nepal. saying on behalf of the united nations i send my deepest condolences to the government of nepal and everyone affected, particularly the family and friends of those killed or injured and the u.n. is coordinating an international search and rescue operations. that can't start soon enough. the united states secretary of state john kerry also commented saying the u.s. offers its quote deepest condolences to all of those affected. he talked about an initial $1 million being released in humanitarian assistance.
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secretary kerry added that u.s. aid is preparing to deploy a disaster assistance response team and have an urban search and rescue squad. nepal is one of the world's poorest countries and it is urging others to send aid to help it cope with everything they are dealing. several countries and aid groups are stepped forward including pakistan, france, india, the united states. india's foreign secretary was among the first to announce an emergency aid operation. he spoke saturday from new delhi with details on that. >> oo >> as i speak to you, a helicopter is on the way to be landing in kathmandu airport. it is carrying three tons of supplies and 40 members of the national disaster response force. and with their equipment.
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later today we having two more aircraft, c-17s, which will be taking off from the airport. >> all right. that's the latest from india on the help heading in to nepal. you can continue to find ways to help, as well if you go to our website it has up-to-the-minute information, including a list of groups already on the ground getting aid those who need it urgently and we will have more about all of this. it is on our website, we will have more stories from around the world after a short break and of course the latest in the search for survivors after the break. my advice for healthy looking radiant skin. a good night's sleep... and aveeno®. [ female announcer ] only aveeno® positively radiant has an active naturals® total soy formula. it helps reduce the look of brown spots in just four weeks. aveeno®.
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moment and the huge aftershock that occurred this past hour in just a moment. right now we want to turn to other stories we continue to follow, as well. it appears hackers got in to the u.s. president's e-mail. russian hackers apparently read some of barack obama's unclassified e-mails last year when they breached a white house computer system. earlier we spoke to cnn prime and justice producer about the breach. >> cnn was first to break this story back in the beginning of april. we have reported it was believed that russian hackers were able to get inside the white house server. this is the unclassified server, not the secret site of the white house basically, it appears they were able to read a lot of e-mails. a lot of people who work at the white house who were
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communicating with the president, his staff, with the secret service, anyone who had any sort of communication within the white house outside of the white house through their e-mails, through their server, it appears the russians were able to get access to. one of the most important things that we reported earlier this month is the russians were able to monitor the president's movement in realtime. so whatever his schedule was, whatever the changes, whatever changes were made to his schedule, they were able to see that. they were able to read it. and resources we talked to and i have talked to people who have all indicated that the hackers were acting on behalf of the russian government. working for the russian government and were doing this on behalf of the russian government. >> unbelievable revelations there. the white house is not formally
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acknowledged the hack. well, most of the people that work at the white house and in washington were all at the correspondent's dinner on saturday. it's a big deal. washington elite are there, celebrities, v.i.p.s and correspondents. it is one of the hottest tickets in washington. the president made jokes about the media and his own presidency, but the event took a more serious tone at the end of his speech as the president spoke about the imprisonment of one journalist. >> remember the journalist unjustly imprisoned around the world, including our own, jason. for nine months he has been in prison in teheran for nothing more than writing about the hopes and fears of the iranian people. as use mentioned his brother is
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here tonight. i have told him personally we will not rest until we bring him home to his family safe and sound. [ applause ] >> serious note by the u.s. president on a night that is usually just full of jokes and such. it was hosted by "saturday night live" cast member ceasely strong. >> they showed anger by fighting with police and breaking windows over the death of freddy gray. he died from a spinal injury while in police custody. in the latest street outpouring, 12 people were arrested. in chile, thousands of people are out of their homes because of a volcano that threatens to erupt for the third time this week. this volcano which has been silenced until this week for 50 years.
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entire towns covered with gravel-like ash. people in the region are looking to salvage what they can including their livestock. we have more from chile. >> reporter: john rivera finally back home. looking for his cow three days after the volcano blew its top. calling him out of the woods. the corrals them and heads to safety but says he'll be back. the volcano took everything away, he says, but this is my life, these animals. we continue up the mountain, closer to find what's left of the ranch. crunching through golf ball-size rocks, thrown up by the volcano.
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>> over here is the feed shed. the owner told us that rocks and burning lava actually landed on it and burned it to the ground that. left all of the cattle without food. you can see it still smoking. you can smell it. look at. this it is still on fire. we should be careful here. i think this is part of the roof and walls. across the region, families and emergency workers scramble to save what they can. when the ash came crashing down it was too much for so many homes and establishments like this restaurant right here the roof caved in but then next door you'll see a lot of houses were left standing. people come back in trying to clean the ash off the roofs, make sure even if there is another eruption there is something to come home to. with the threat of another eruption looming, cattle, sheep and horses are rounded up.
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even the salmon gathered up in water tanks and trucked out. too late for many of the majestic waterways of the region. layers of thick ash turned roaring rivers to little more than ash-clogged creeks. cnn, chile. >> the threat of a roaring volcano continues there in chile. of course the threat of more aftershocks continues in nepal, which was rocked by a powerful aftershock a short time ago n the past hour. the jolt left building shaking in new delhi and triggered avalanches yet again in the himalayas. we heard one when we were talking to a climber. this is the death toll in saturday's earthquake, at least 2,000 in nepal, india and tibet. climbers on mt. everest report a series of avalanches and rock falls on the north and south face as sherpas were headed up
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to try to help more climbers. we continue our live coverage next with george howell after a short break. i'm natalie allen. thank you for watching cnn.
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♪ welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world. we continue our breaking news coverage. nepal's worst earthquake in 80 years and in the last several hours, a strong aftershock. climbers are reporting a series of new


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