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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  April 28, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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>> i think we just lost unfortunately, a lot of communications problems but we're going to stay on top of this story. clearly, for our viewers. i'm wolf blitzer. cnn's live coverage continues right now with erin burnett, "outfront." >> thanks wolf. we're continuing our breaking news coverage of the state of emergency in baltimore tonight. good evening. i'm erin burnett. protesters lining up in the streets of baltimore just hours before that new city wide curfew goes into effect. the city desperately trying to prevent a repeat of last night. maryland's governor moments ago announcing he's doubling the number of national guard troops on the streets tonight. 2,000 heavily armed eded troops at the ready. they will join another 1,000 officers. 3,000. it's extremely tense in baltimore. while most of the protests have been peaceful today. incidents like the one i'm about to show you show how the calm
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can disappear thanks to one person. >> man is back again. he has decided he wants to throw something at officers. the officers are moving in. he's now going to be arrested. here we go. >> and the anger clearly visible on the streets today. >> jesus say turn the other cheek. i done smacked you like 16 times. how many times am i going to smack you before you smack me back, flat out? >> that's a pretty powerful moment when you look at the police commissioner and that protester telling him, f-you, f-you. president obama weighed in for the first time on the riot in baltimore. he placed the blame on in his words, criminals and thugs. also expressed his frustration, though with the number of cases similar to that of freddie gray. >> it comes up it seems like, once a week now. once every couple of weeks.
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and so i think it's pretty understandable why the leaders of civil rights organizations, but more importantly, moms and dads across the country, might start saying this is a crisis. >> meanwhile, tonight's orioles/white sox game was postponed for the second night in a row, and in what will be a first in american sports history, the game will be played tomorrow afternoon. there will be no fans allowed. camden yards, the stadium for the orioles, will be completely empty. they will play that game alone. a lot of major developments tonight. we have our reporters across baltimore covering all the angles. we want to begin with ryan young. he's with protesters. a few hours until the curfew. people have been building on the street. 3,000 law enforcement, 2,000 local guard. what have you seen? >> so far, people have been really policing themselves. in fact to walk you back in this direction. this was the sistercenter of a lot of things that happened last night. that's the cvs where you saw the
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fire burning so intensely. now the flames are out and we have seen people working together to pull some of the debris out of there to help with the cleanup. what we have really been struck by all day long is the peaceful protest that's been happening here in terms of the line that's been created between police officers and the people who have shown up to protest. we were standing here a few hours ago when that young man decided to throw that bottle toward police and it was initially a crowd that reacted rather than try to hold him, but that didn't work for a while because he came back and threw another bottle. that's when the pepper spray was sprayed across the entire part of the crowd, and of course we got some on us but for the most part the crowd here created a circle in this area. they have been playing music all day. in fact in the distance you can hear the drums still playing here. everyone was talking about keeping baltimore safe tonight. they wanted to make sure the city was seen differently. black people white people people coming out here with their families. wanting to make sure they took part in the cleanup, and that's something we have wenlszed all day long for the most part for
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about six hours, nothing was wrong until the one young man decided to toss his frustrations with a bottsle toward police. >> thank you very much. obviously, the next few hours are going to be crucial to see what happens on the streets of baltimore tonight. for most of the days the protesters were camped outside of the cvs where ryan was. that was the cvs caught on fire where the protesters cut holes in the hose to prevent them from putting it out. we're going to go to miguel. he was there. the sun will be setting soon. thash when last night everything took a turn for the worst. what are you seeing now, what are you feeling in terms of the tone? >> well look today has been sort of part political rally, part street festival. you can hear a band actually. i'm going to put the mike out. you can hear a band still playing on that side of things. last night, we were just about 50 60 feet away when those, the
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hose was punched two times with a knife by two different individuals. this is the scene tonight. this is north and pennsylvania avenue. just a few blocks that way is where mr. gray was arrested. you can see the people lined up here. they have been doing this all day. an amazing thing. how are you guys? they're lining up here because this is the face they want the world to see when they look down north avenue. if you look again, the police have been lined up behind them this entire time. so they front the police. the police are manning this part of north avenue. it is a little odd, only because you can drive around the block and you can get to where freddie gray was arrested. you can get down to western district. i can tell you the western district police station, that has been such a focal point for much of the anger and the protests in recent days it is very heavily fortified. they pushed the perimeter back. there are national guard troops there who are assisting police filling in for police in some cases so that police officers can be on the streets. that seems to be basically what
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baltimore is doing, having national guard fill in for some of those places, and then allowing police to be the more public face for things here. the mood still very tense. people are angry, they're upset, and one thing that i have learned since being in this neighborhood for the last couple weeks, that the anger that they have that they have focused on police is very very personal. everybody seems to have a beef everybody has a concern with police here. and that's what erupted last night. the protesters today saying that they are going to continue this clean up their community, and hope that this is the beginning of something better. erin. >> all right, miguel thank you very much. i want to go to brian todd who right now is marching with protesters. brian, who are you with? where are you going? >> erin i'm with a couple hundred protesters marching in the heart of downtown baltimore. i think in the vicinity of city hall. they're marching toward city hall. we're not sure exactly where
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they're going. they may not even be sure exactly where they're going. they have been determined to sometimes block intersections to make their point, sometimes they will stop at an intersection. sometimes even sit down. and then they will move. so they have been doing this now for a couple hours. last week we were with them for about four hours as they hiked about five miles through the heart of baltimore and through the heart of the neighborhood where freddie gray grew up and where he was arrested. so we're not sure exactly where this protest is going. the leader of the protest, his name is jay morrison. he's walking ahead of us. he's very energetic. leading them in cheers all evening long. he's told us he is very very insistent that this crowd not get violent. there's been no sign of it. we're, of course hoping there's no sign of it later on. >> of course we are. as you can see there, obviously, there's children as well. which we saw on other nights when things turned violent. a lot of people responsible for the looting and violence last night were teenagers.
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but still, important to emphasize there are children in the crowds tonight. "outfront," quasi mfume, he's been on the streets with the protesters and also with me carl stokes. i appreciate both of you taking the time. congressman, let me start with you. you just heard that one young protesters extremely upset, when you have that moment next to the commissioner of the police. he's throwing around the f-bomb repeatedly. the commissioner was stoic and did not respond to them. what's your reaction though when you hear that? when you hear what our miguel marquez said that they're angry, they're upset, this is visceral. when you hear the anger on the streets? >> well, it's the anger erer that's been here for the last 40 years. it's just that it's boiled over and now the world is seeing it. it's poverty and that's its basic root. it's disparity, disprivilege among people and a disbelief in the system that it will ever do
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anything for them. you hear the protests behind me now in cars that have engulfed this whole area downtown. people are trying to express themselves while they can under this curfew and to do that peacefully. those who can't do it peacefully are going to go to jail. it's real simple. you can't burn down property that belongs to other people. you can't put grandmothers and mothers in harm's way. you can't threaten kids in the neighborhood just because they're not joining you. >> so and i want to get more to that point in a moment. i want to ask you about the anger. are you concerned it could turn into more violence tonight or does it appear it's under control? after all, there are 3,000 national guard and police on the streets. >> i don't think it's under control because there are 3,000 police on the street. i can't predict what will happen later, but i can tell you today has been a tremendously good day in baltimore. we woke up at 5:00 a.m. cleaning up the streets, cleaning up the neighborhoods. no one is staying behind closed doors in baltimore.
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the residents are coming out and saying this is our town our city. our issue is justice being served. there were a few aberrant and i know that was a terrible scene we saw last night and a little bit on saturday but the greater majority so a few hundred people versus hundreds of thousands of residents of baltimore city have come out of their homes and said this is baltimore. this is our baltimore. and they're showing just who we are and why we're standing up for justice. not only for freddie gray but for all of the freddie grays that have been killed or brutalized in baltimore. >> councilman it's interesting because the mayor of baltimore, who has come under a lot of criticism, scathing criticism for her handling this referred to the people doing this last night as thugs, and she got a lot of criticism about that. people said why would you call them thugs? now they're not going to listen to you. president obama also called them quote/unquote criminals and thugs. he also carefully chose to use
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that word. isn't it the right word? >> no of course it's not the right word to call our children thugs. these are children who have been set aside, marginalized who have not been engaged by us. >> how does that justify what they did? that's a sense of right from wrong. they know it's wrong to steal and burn down a cvs and an old person's home. come on. >> come on. so calling them thugs, just call them niggers, no. we don't have to call them by names such as that. we don't have to do that. that is exactly what we have set them to. now, when you say come on come on what? you wouldn't call your child a thug if they should do something that would not be what you would expect them to do. >> look i respect your point of view. i hope i would call my son a thug if he ever did such a thing. but congressman, let me ask you to respond to congressman stokes. do you think calling the bad actors last night thugs is the
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equivalent of the n-word? >> let me do something because it's important we not shift the foiks s focus into something that has nothing to do with poverty, despair despair, hunger homelessness and a sense of not belonging. whether we call them a thug a law breaker, a juvenile delink wnlt it doesn't matter. what matters is how do we take back the streets. that's what men have been doing, going around talking to the young men where they are in their face and letting them know you can't control this community. it is not yours. you can't burn it down. you can't force people out. you can't threaten people. so i understand that. that people want to talk about a word. but i'm more worried about a movement and it's not necessarily a movement for positive change. it's a movement for negative change right now unless we get it under control. >> councilman in terms of the mother that got a lot of attention, and i know you know this you have seen this picture. after the video captured her beerating her son for
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participating in the protests. she spoke to cvs about why she was seen hitting her child. she was telling him not to do it but she was doing it by hitting him. here's what she said to cbs. >> lo and behold i turn around and look in this crowd and my son is actually coming across the street with this hoodie on and a mask. at that point, i just lost it. that's my only son. and at the end of the day, i don't want him to be a freddie gray. >> now, councilman what's your response to that? you see her trying to do the right thing. of course she's doing it by being very violent against her son. what's your reaction to what she did? >> well you say violent. >> go ahead. >> violent. i mean she's trying to tell him if you don't get off this street i will drag you home. now, if that's violence then maybe that's necessarily violence and a lot of mothers are reacting that way and a lot
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of us grew up with that so you don't make the same mistake twice. she's doing what she has to do to remind him that's her son and she's his mother and she won't tolerate it. i know some people might say oh, my god, she hit him. yeah she hit him because she wants him to understand she loves him and doesn't want him out there. >> trying to save his life. >> go ahead, koernlman stokes. >> she was trying to save his life. it is clear that it's better that she hit him than the police hit him and brutalize him and take his life from him. >> all right. i appreciate both of your time very much tonight. vaung thank you very much. next as we have 2,000 national guard troops ready here in baltimore, another 1,000 police are on the streets of baltimore, protesters are gathering. we'll see what will happen in the next couple hours, and could the whole riot have been inspired by a movie? we're going to talk about the purge, and we'll go live to a baltimore town meeting that as
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the tension tonight running very high in the room. angry residents will be signing off live. we'll be right back. feel like this. with dreamwalk insoles, turn shoes that can be a pain into comfortable ones. their soft cushioning support means you can look like this. and feel like this. dreamwalk. when you're not confident your company's data is secure the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. we monitor network traffic worldwide, so we can see things others can't. mitigating risks across your business.
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narrator: join parents and experts at a free online resource about learning and attention issues to help your child thrive. breaking news. protesters marching through the streets of baltimore. you see our brian todd right now
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in the midst of a group of people. there's been some chanting. very tense, but there has been some chanting as you can see a bull horn. right now, 2,000 national guard, 1,000 police in that area. let's get straight to brian todd who is there. brian, there was a lot of chanting where you were just a moment ago. what are they saying? >> erin, they're saying all night, all day, we will fight for freddie gray. that's been a popular refrain. they have been chanting that for blocks and blocks as they marched here. they shouted don't shoot, hands up. that refrain made popular after ferguson. this is the protest leader. his name is jay morrison. he has been very energetic all night long in leading these people exhorting them to support freddie gray with his bull horn. he's had kind of a pied piper effect picking up people along the way. we have a couple hundred people with us. and we're panning to the left. we're at the foot of city hall
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and this is the dynamic the protesters have encountered that is different. the presence of national guardsmen. they were not here before. they are here now in force. thousands of national guardsmen have re-enforced the baltimore police. now they're manning city hall. we have seen them also along the route, in the harbor a few blocks that way, this protest, very spirited angry, passionate. but so far, very peaceful tonight, erin. >> all right, brian todd thanks very much to you. i want to go to jason carroll, also in baltimore tonight. what are you seeing? >> well erin we started off at that cvs and about 100 protesters started marching through the streets. they ended up here at this basketball court about a half mile away from where we were. i wanted to bring in the folks marching. there were chants of we want peace. who started that what was the meaning behind that?
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people want to see nonviolence out here not a repeat of last night? >> it was started by members of the community, and we just basically want peace, we want justice, and we actually want media to get a glimpse of what baltimore is really about. this is exactly what it is just a bunch of unity. we're trying to come together to make a bond of peace. >> what happened yesterday? i mean where did it go wrong? >> it started with a rumor for a flier that there was going to be a purge at mondawmin mall but my question is if there was no threat to students why would the schools allow the students to leave at normal time as opposed to keeping them until the outside threat was gone? >> i think a lot of people are looking at what was done and what was not done. what about the curfew tonight? give us a sense, very quickly, do you think people will honor the curfew, yes or no? >> i think some people will
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honor the curfew but i believe a lot of people won't honor the curfew. i won't say they won't honor it just because they want to disobey what the mayor brought down. they want to do it because we had such a good day and it seems like it's just starting and we're not ready to end the protests. i don't think anyone is going to go home on time. >> that becomes the question out here tonight. will people honor the curfew yes or now, and what will the police response be if they decide not to honor the curfew? >> that's the big question tonight. the police and national guard. jason, thank you. i want to go to reverend jamal bryant. he's been on the streets, he was out there last night trying to restore calm. he delivers the eulogy at freddie gray's funeral, and he's holding a memeeting. i don't know if you heard the young man talking to jason carroll saying he doesn't think people will honor the curfew. they're not ready to go home. when you hear that what do you think?
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>> that it gives me tremendous pause and trepidation. behind you, you'll see the church is beginning to fill up with citizens who are concerned and dissen chanting with what they saw last night. earlier, a pact was signed by bloods and crips and black guerilla gang members. they're on their way here. they're going to help us enforce the curfew tonight and try to minimize the impact of any violence and any looting that may take place. i'm excited and optimistic we can in fact change the tide and the narrative here in baltimore. >> so you say some of the biggest gangs are going to be with you tonight and they say they're going to enforce the curfew. they're going to be working with police basically? >> no no no. they'll be working with men of the church and the men of the mosque not with the police. we're aiming to do it so there is not an infraction with the police. >> okay okay. now, you've been critical i know pastor of city officials, their response to the rioting. i believe your words, that they were quote, caught with their
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proverbial pants down. they say they're prepared now. they say they're prepared. do you believe them? are they prepared? are you concerned when you see the heavily armed national guard on the streets? >> i'm sorry. we're excited, but you can't hear because we've got over 500 pastors from across the city of baltimore who are now marching in are saying they're taking spiritual authority over the city. imam imams, rabbis priests, pastors. bishops, so the community is responding because the church isn't on the sidelines. the church is on the front line. you're seeing the community of baltimore make a tide shift. i didn't hear what your question was? >> i know the loud speaker was very loud. look i mean i hope you're successful tonight. i want to ask you something, though reverend before you go. the police commissioner said that they were prepared to take everyone arrest all these kids last night, but they didn't
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because they took into account that they were kids. was that the right thing to do? i mean you know because a lot of people watch and say who cares if these were teenage kids. what they did was wrong. >> well we've already found evidence that the baltimore police department doesn't mind taking people in. we've got to be reminded of why we've assembled, as freddie gray was being taken in and he didn't have any charges. there was no reason for him to be arrested. they have proven they would have done that. we're grateful more were not arrested last night and we're hoping to stem the tiede but we've got to turn around the cycle of derelict behavior and violence because it doesn't reach us to our growth which is reforming the police department. >> thank you very much and good luck with the town hall. we are moments away from the start of that town hall. as he said you have the gang members there, about 500 people. it's going to be contentious, angry, it's going to be very important. we're going to be going there live. and the mother chasing her son off the street saying she didn't
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want him to end up another freddie gray. this is a powerful and tough scene to watch and hear. we're going to have a special report. thank you for being a sailor, and my daddy. thank you mom, for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are thankful for many things. the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. our world-class service earned usaa the top spot in a study of the most recommended large companies in america. if you're current or former military or their family, see if you're eligible to get an auto insurance quote.
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breaking news 2000 heavily armed national guard troops lining the streets of baltimore. protests erupting in the city. this is in addition to over 1,000 other law enforcement officers on duty tonight. tensions are high. they're desperately trying to prevent the horrific violence looting, that unfortunately the whole world had to watch last night. moments from now, the community is going to voice their frustrations. more than 500 people there. there are three of the biggest gangs in baltimore there. many of the pastors. chris cuomo is in the room. we expect to hear a lot of outrage in the room where you are. >> well there's no question that there's a motivational outrage that's been going on in parts of baltimore for many
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years. and now it has found an opportunity in what happened to freddie gray. however, what's going on in here and the reason for the applause is that they're saying that violence is the problem, not the answer. and you have some 2,000 people who have come into hear the empowerment church where you have reverend bryant who was with you shortly before. they're planning how to battle from now until friday. they see that as the critical period. friday is when the investigation findings are supposed to be held up. and that is their goal right now. how do they keep this community nonviolent and productive. they're all hugging each other obviously, in the spirit of coming together as one baltimore, which they introduced as a hash tag, and they're going to fan out and go into downtown and deal with the curfew to try to keep it calm until friday. that's how they see time right now, from now until friday to try to keep the young people who made so much violence as a display last night, into
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nonviolence, and then after friday that's going to be a function of what comes out. they say only clarity will build consensus. as you can see, there's a lot of enthusiasm for a better way forward. >> all right, chris. thank you, and as chris points out, if there are no charges, you know in a sense, all bets are off, and what the reaction might be. in terms of the freddie gray case and those police officers six of them what will happen. now, mary cook an attorney for freddie gray's family is with me along with pastor dwayne simmons. his church is a block away from the cvs that went up in flames in yesterday's riots. it was your neighborhood pastor that was destroyed. this has got to be pretty heart wrenching for you. i know but sadly, also something that you expected. >> yes. it was extremely heart wrenching. and it is nothing short of what i anticipated, because whenever you leave a pot on the stove too
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long the pressure build-up will blow the top off. and last night, last evening, was indicative of the pot blowing. >> and mary what about, as chris cuomo was pointing out, how crucial this is going to be the next couple days as they're trying to get to friday when we see what police are going to do and if there are no charges, if they do not go ahead and charge the police officers then what happens? >> i have to tell you that i would be surprised if the police department actually is the one that levies the charges because normally what happens in this kind of process when you're contemplating charges is you present your investigation in this kind of case to the state's attorney's office the state's attorney's office then reviews the evidence makes the decision on what is the appropriate charge and who should be charged and typically presents that to a grand jury. so i hate to say this but i think if people are waiting for answers or charges to come on friday i don't think that's
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going to happen based on the way the process works. and i think that the government officials need to advise people of how the process honestly works and to lower their expectations about what's going to happen this friday. >> pastor simmons, just a moment ago, counselman stokes baltimore city councilman was on the show and we were talking about the fact that the mayor of baltimore and the president of the united states had referred to the violence last night, those who participated in it as thugs. he took issue with that word. he said it was the equivalent of using -- well let me let you hear exactly what he had to say because i won't say the word he said. here he is. >> come on. so calling them thugs, just call them niggers. no we don't have to call them by names such as that. we don't have to do that. >> pastor simmons, do you agree with that defense, or is what these kids did thuggish behavior?
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>> no of course not. i believe that what's going on now is nothing more but the distance the repercussions of the distance between a crime and punishment. because in case no one knows or understands that the greater distance you have between the crime and punishment is called no justice. and i'm praying, i'm praying in lieu of all that has taken place, that the community is satisfied with some kind of perception like we're moving in the direction of justice. >> so -- >> i think that is the only thing -- >> i want to ask each of you, pastor and also mary. should every one of those kids that went into cvs, that burned down the buildings, shouldn't they be tracking every one of them down and arresting them?
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>> i think that when people commit crimes those crimes have to be dealt with. they have to be dealt with appropriately. i don't think you can condone criminal actions. i think, and i would speak for the family in this regard what they really want is they want people to be peacefully protesting to honor the memory of their son. to insure that there is an honest transparent investigation, and to use their son's legacy to attempt to help all of those in the future and to resolve some of those issues between members of the community and the police department. whether or not it's possible for everyone who was involved to be arrested i don't know. >> all right, well i appreciate both of you taking the time to be with me. pastor simmons and mary cook. >> nedz, president obama addressed the unrest in baltimore for the first time. he called the rioters in his words, quote, criminals and thugs. and baltimore police seemingly incredibly outmanned
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on the streets during the riots. that's why so many people responsible were not taken into custody. did the mayor fail by waiting to call in the national guard? ♪ ♪ when you're living with diabetes steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. i'm a bull rider make it part of your daily diabetes plan. so you stay steady ahead. when the moment's spontaneous, why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to
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breaking news tonight. protesters marching through the streets of baltimore. these are live pictures of baltimore city. it is very tense there tonight. police trying to prevent last night's rioting, looting, and burning. 2,000 national guard troops are on the ground. there's another 1,000 law enforcement officers there, and there are thousands more national guard on call if things do detearierate. hillary clinton weighing in saying quote, baltimore is burning. and the president of the united states talked about the riots today. >> what i would say is this has been a slow rolling crisis. this has been going on for a long time. this is not new. and we shouldn't pretend that it's new. >> i want to bring in our political commentator, vann jones, and lee maddox and get at two ishsues here. first of all, has the president done enough?
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let's just lay out the geography here for people. the baltimore washington parkway is a very short road. the president is about 30 minutes away from baltimore. if there's traffic. should he be there? >> he absolutely should not be there. also i think it was very important, people said last night he should have been on the air, should have been talking to the country. that would have also been very bad because you needed to have the mayor and the governor who are in the middle of a crisis there was no loss of life last night. there could have been. if you had the president of the united states grandstanding on tv last night instead of giving the mayor and governor a free shot at the airwaves, that would have been bad. you need every asset focused on protecting life and property. the president can talk about it next week, next month, but right now, the most important thing is protecting the life and property in the city. >> in terms of life and property. 144 car fires last night. 15 structure fires, including a home for the elderly.
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then of course that cvs we have all seen. there were only 235 arrests, though, lee, and the commissioner for baltimore police said it wouldn't be appropriate, his words, to use heavily armed officers using force to arrest students. i'm trying to understand why it wouldn't be appropriate given what they did. why wouldn't it be appropriate to take them all in? >> well i think the leadership of the baltimore police department the governor the mayor, the maryland national guard, they understand the importance of de-escalation. it's very important right now that we focus on keeping things at the lowest level possible. and you know arrests will wait. if it's determined later, you have a year and a day to arrest for a misdemeanor and longer for a felony. you don't need to do that today. we can wait and do that later. >> interesting point, you have a year and a day. vann let me ask you because you heard part of what the president said. he also at one point referred to those responsible for last night's heinous acts as
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criminals and thugs. thugs, of course a word also used by the african-american mayor of baltimore, but a lot of people take issue with that. one is the councilman carl stokes from baltimore, earlier on the show. i play this soundbite because he used a word i will not use, but i want to play it for you and get your reaction. here's councilman stokes. >> come on. so calling them thugs, just call them niggers, no we don't have to call them by names such as that. we don't have to do that. >> vann what do you think? is the word thug the same as the n-word? >> i understand where he's coming from. i wouldn't use that term i don't use that term because it's becoming kind of a fashionable way of almost dehumanizing folks who are doing stuff that i make no apology for what those young people are doing. they need to hold themselves to higher standards. they keep saying black lives matter. we know black jobs matter and black businesses matter and black homes matter and black
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neighborhoods matter. there's no excuse for what they're doing. at the same time further alienating them by pushing them away and calling them names i think is counterproductive. i would not counsel the president to use that term, i would not counsel the mayor to use that term. it shows the indignation, but there's a backlash of making the young people feel even further marginalized. we have to hold them to high standards. let's hold ourselves to high standards, too. >> a fair point. lee, what should the national guard and police do tonight if as some of the young member have said earlier on the program earlier tonight, said they're going to violate the curfew. who knows whether they will. they say they will. what do you do if they do it? >> last night, we saw an uprising of young black youth in baltimore city. tonight, i don't know what we're going to see. if we see outside agitators who come in with no regard for the city and no regard for the property and no regard for the people then i urge all police to use restraint, but i do not want to see police harmed. i don't want to see anybody hurt
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tonight. so let's stick to the lowest level of force possible. have open communications. listen closely. and hold the line. >> all right. i appreciate both of your time tonight. next after a night of violence many are asking whether the mayor waited too long to call in the national guard. a special report. and jeanne moos with moms across america leading the cheers for this woman. her son not going to be participating in more rioting. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ across america people, like basketball hall of famer dominique wilkins, are taking charge
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and we're toing the breaking news out of baltimore. hundreds of protestors heading toward the downtown area. they are angry over how they are treated by police and sit official -- city officials, include the mayor, appearing at a hastily convened press conference haste illy addressed and receiving scathing criticism for us. and brian, you were there and pepper sprayed by police and what was that liked, and how is that approaching curfew that
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none of us know will honor? >> reporter: and that pepper spray was a new experience. and everyone was held back. and the line is gone because no one is challenging police. people have been addressing them and this way, you can call this intersection the intersection of redemption -- we have officers moving through the crowd now. they are moving out. we don't know why this is happening. this happened just a second ago. we don't know why the officers are moving toward the crowd. they have pepper spray in their hands. once again, we haven't heard any noises. no one is threatening the officers. they have decided to walk right down north avenue. we are walking right behind the officers. not sure where they are going right now, erin. we're going to follow this as it is happening live. so they are pulling up into this
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intersection where everybody was playing drums and everything else and we are following, not sure what is going on right now. not sure if there was a call of a threat or anything like that. we are following these officers who have being surrounded now by the crowd. the crowd is walking faster behind the officers. we'll continue to follow them. there are at least 15 toif 20 officers -- 15-20 officers, some s.w.a.t. officers. the crowd wants to know what is going on. pepper spray is in the hands. there is some -- there is somebody -- here we go. there is a confrontation here in the middle of the crowd. the officers are trying -- they are walking down the direction -- so we are trying to see what the officers are doing right now. so right now the officers have decided to confront somebody. they are putting their hands up. now they are saying it is a medical emergency.
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we are being told it is a medical emergency and the officers are trying to come over here and help. this is happening live. we are being told by people in the crowd it is a medical emergency. they're bringing a medical in to help somebody who needed an emergency. [ expletive ]. >> you could hear the crowd. [ expletive ]. >> reporter: so erin this is all happening live right now. we are in the crowd. the officers are here. they are bringing in the e.m.t. to help somebody who may have helped somebody who -- who may have passed out live. >> you heard some expletives and there may have been some pepper
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spray but you may have heard -- >> reporter: we have heard it is a young person who may have needed some medical assistance. there is a perimeter. they are not trying to arrest someone, they are trying to help somebody out, right now. >> ryan young, thank you very much. live on the scene as they are moving through the crowd to go to help someone. and you can hear the expletives and the officers were laden with pepper spray. these are live pictures in baltimore as darkness falls. crowds are gathering. we'll take a brief break and we'll have more on the baltimore mother who decided this was the best way to get her riots out of the riots and back into the house.
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[♪] and in the restless depths of human hearts... [♪] the voice of the wild within. and now a report on the most talked-about video of last night from baltimore. here is skbreeny moose. >> it was the one moment from the chaos in baltimore that had people cheering for more. >> mother of the year. >> i leaped out of my chair and said yes. >> i was captivated. >> from a baltimore more reading the riot act to her 16-year-old son. to remove him from the riot --
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[ expletive ]. her name is toya graham and she's a single mom of five girls and a boy. her is what she told cbs news about her brand of tough love. >> that is my only son sand at the end of the day i don't want him to be a freddie gray. >> the baltimore man whose death in police custody sparked protest. her tough discipline one muttered admiration. and outright applause. >> as a mother desperately trying to keep her son from joining the rioters -- [ cheering and applause ] >> she quickly started to trend on twitter. #baltimore more mom. >> he said mom, when i see you, my instance was to run. i'm a no tolerant mother. he knew he was in trouble. >> the video was shared and analyzed from the right. >> right there is the moment that i think just gripped my heart. >> here is a grip will take a
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[ inaudible ] from the top but run from his mother comes arunning. >> send in the cops. maybe you are the mother of all moms when you can inspire this kind of look in your tough-guy son. jeanne moos cnn, new york. >> and we can report that boy is staying home. thanks for joining us. our breaking news coverage continues with anderson in baptist -- in baltimore. erin thank you very much. we are a couple of hours from the curfew and the worst riots in baltimore. and more than a thousand police officers and deputies from all corners of the state and beyond are backed up by 2,000 members of the maryland national guard. can you see some of the members of the national guard standing behind me toni