tv New Day CNN April 29, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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here's what it was like on the streets of baltimore last night. >> let's just watch this. let's just watch this. let's watch this. >> the citizens are safe. the city is stable. >> reporter: big crowds return to the streets tuesday night, but this time joining them were more than 1,000 police and some 2,000 national guardsmen. >> nobody needs to get arrested tonight. we want you all to go home. >> reporter: as the clock nears the 10:00 p.m. curfew the mayor's voice over the loud speaker, stephanie rawlings-blake pleading with people to go home. >> we promised we would be off the streets at 10:00. so please just go home. >> reporter: locals determined to encourage others to heed the call but they are staying put. there are no real bullets hitting anybody here now. 10:00 p.m. comes and goes but it is not until a few bottles fly that the police start a slow advance. you can see the flash bangs. they are not gas. this is not tear gas.
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restraint rules the day for both sides though bottles and pepper bullets fly. smoke canisters to push people off streets, sometimes come back. >> we have several people. >> reporter: tense moments tick by. but only those challenging the line disappear into a wall of shields. a handful of arrests. progress compared to the hundreds cuffed for looting and assault on officers just 24 hours before. on this day less water is thrown. a little boy instead offering water to police. many agree it was the community who brought peace. as today's baltimore orioles game is closed to the public for the first time in major league history, fear of violence remains. but many here say there can be a better way. >> everybody can be met with love. >> reporter: creating a love line between police and protesters. >> it's a big systemic problem we got to deal with.
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>> reporter: rival gangs calling a truce for the first time in baltimore history, according to gang members, the real problem they say decades of poverty and police brutality. >> it started with freddie gray now we're going to take it to the next level. >> at the end of the day you need to do what you need to do to take care of your kids. >> reporter: baltimore mothers also coming together to calm their kids coming up in defense of the mom caught on camera trying to stop her son from becoming part of a riot. >> that's my only son. and at the end of the day i don't want him to be a freddie gray. >> reporter: and an amazing gathering of thousands at empowerment temple church. >> people think that it's us but it's not. >> reporter: hundreds of mixed clergy promising nonviolence the way of showing they will not be silent in the face of oppression hoping their voices and presence is enough to get the change and justice they demand. >> we need help. we asked them. we're begging you for help. >> reporter: the message from the community is now clear to be sure. we're also hearing from prosecutors.
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now, they are expected to receive the baltimore police department's preliminary report on the death of freddie gray by friday. now, at that point the state's attorney will have to decide whether criminal charges are warranted. cnn's athena jones has been following that part of the story and the entire story from baltimore. she's now at police headquarters. athena that sounds like a very clean and straight line, but ilt really isn't, right? the process in all likelihood doesn't work that quickly, does it? >> reporter: that's right. good morning, chris. that report baltimore police handing over the results so far of their investigation over to the state's attorney is just one step in what's likely to be a long process. the baltimore police investigation will continue. the state's attorney investigation will continue. so we don't expect them to see a decision to file charges or not file charges any time soon. you have things like the autopsy, examining the brain and spinal cord that's going to take several weeks. and so it's important to remind
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people that on may 1st it's not as though all questions will be answered. all questions will not be answered. it's also not clear how much of that report is going to become available to the public. it's a report for the state's attorneys office not for the public. so we'll see how much gets out. but i can tell you that baltimore police have begun to shift some of their focus to finding and punishing the people who are responsible for the violence on monday night. we had all of those arrests that night, but there were also a lot of looters. we talked with a pharmacist whose two pharmacies had been looted and he confirmed yesterday police hadn't come. police said they were getting there. the captain at the baltimore police department talked about how they're going to be using video to try to track down people responsible for the violence. let's play what he had to say. >> we're going to do investigative work. we have detectives right now that are going to look through videotape for the people engaged in lawless activity last night and we're going to find those people and arrest them.
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>> reporter: so they're going to use video to find people responsible for things like setting police cars on fire. and of course looting some of the stores and the other violence. so that's where they're going to take the next steps. keeping the city calm of course but also tracking down the perpetrators of the violence we saw on monday night. back to you. >> okay, athena thanks so much for that. well tensions from baltimore are spreading to other cities even all the way to ferguson missouri. at least two people shot overnight during demonstrations there stemming from the baltimore chaos. let's bring in cnn's sara sidner with the latest. sarah, what's happening? >> reporter: alisyn of course you remember that ferguson was really the city that started the series of protests across america concerning police and concerning police activity namely the shooting of unarmed black men. what we were seeing last niegtd was quite a bit of activity along especially west florissant. this is video you're seeing back from august when police clashed.
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you remember august 9th was the day when michael brown was shot and killed by police officer darren wilson who was later exonerated in his death. but you're also now seeing and hearing screams from people. and this is from overnight. this is from overnight when shots were fired. you can hear them going off in that video. you can hear the screaming and the chaos from those who were in the area. and that video is coming from alderman antonio french who was on the street in ferguson while protesters gathered. i'm letting you listen a little bit to what's going on. that screaming, that hollering, we do now know that at least two people were shot and wounded during this. you can see the cars screeching out of control, rolling down west florissant. the area of ferguson that saw the most violence in november and back in august. so what you're seeing here is just you know out of control
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sort of activity. police said they were having a difficulty investigating those shots because rocks were being thrown at them michaela. >> sara sidner thank you so much. we appreciate it. meanwhile, president obama is reacting to the racial unrest across the nation condemning the violence in baltimore and calling for transparency in the department of justice's investigation into freddie gray's death. senior white house correspondent jim acosta is looking at that for us. good morning to you, jim. >> reporter: good morning, michaela. after staying silent on the subject for weeks, president obama is urging the nation to do some soul searching on this issue of police brutality making his first remarks about the violence in baltimore the president described the rioters as thugs and criminals. but he also said that the tactics used by police in many minority communities across the country raise serious questions. still, he said that's no excuse for looting and rioting. here's what the president had to say. >> senseless violence and destruction. that is not a protest.
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a handful of people taking advantage of the situation for their own purposes. and they need to be treated as criminals. >> reporter: and while the president was staying away from the subject of police brutality over the last couple of weeks, a senior administration official told me the white house was quietly working on this issue even before new attorney general loretta lynch was sworn in. she was being briefed on the situation in baltimore. this official also said that the president had been thinking about this issue for some time and that is why he had that six-point statement to make in the rose garden yesterday. but the white house, chris, is deeply frustrated that its economic agenda has been stalled up on capitol hill. officials here believe very strongly that that would go a long way to reviving many of these inner city neighborhoods where tensions are boiling over chris. >> and there's no question they have to take that longer view. and they should be doing that. but specifically on the ground here jim, we've got to focus on what's going on right now and
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what's going to happen next. to help us we have a lifelong rezsident here. and we also have dan rodricks a very solemn columnist with the baltimore sun. both of these men have been around a lot of high profile cases. i see you as a little bit of the baltimore -- even those of us from the outside. this morning there's a different read from you. there was a sense that you saw things that you were worried you would never see again the day before. what changed? >> well getting out on the street yesterday and walking around the neighborhoods that were affected by the rioting on monday it was a beautiful spring day in baltimore. and people are out on the streets talking about what had happened. >> cleaning up. >> well a lot of that. we heard a lot of stories around the city yesterday about people
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cleaning up coming out of nowhere. strangers and neighbors getting together to help people clean up after all this had happened because after all it did happen in their own neighborhoods. and, you know people reaching out try to get lunch to school kids who had the day off from school. a lot of kids in baltimore city a very high percentage of our public school students are on free school lunch program. so they have lunch. so we saw churches reaching out, people reaching to the churches with food to do that yesterday. i just got back into the neighborhood in west baltimore, pennsylvania avenue to see what was going on down there you know a few blocks away from the hub of the protesting and the demonstrations. you know got a pretty good feeling about the neighborhoods and people holding strong and not giving into the vandals and looters. >> you had two big dynamic changes yesterday. one, you had the community come together. what happened at that empowerment temple church with
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reverend bryant, he had thousands pledging their assurance and go out in the streets and reclaim their communities. then you have the clergy saying just like the riots haven't been since the '60s, our resolve hasn't been since the '60s as well. then you had something else. thousands of national guardsmen and thousands of cops on the streets last night. they had their shields, they held the line they used the flash bangs. could have been much much worse. but do you think that was the right way to bring quiet to the streets? a curfew and police line? >> well it's very difficult to second guess the decision makers in this particular case. however, i think the tension in this city remains palpable. sorry, the tension in the city remains palpable. i think that the crushing use of force in this particular instance was a bit much to bear. >> you thought last night was too much? >> yeah, definitely. with the flash bang and the
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national guard in the city for last night i thought that was a bit much. >> why isn't it the reasonable extension of not being ready the night before and, frankly, being there the curfew not being heeded at 10:00 p.m. whachlt are you supposed to do? >> the curfew was in place. and by and large most of the city acknowledged the curfew. i remember leaving work yesterday and everybody was saying i got to get out of town before the curfew hits. i mean you do have a few dissident folks out there who are going to do certain things. however, i think with the amount of people that were out there last night, i think the city had the resources to deal with that without the national guard. now, i understand the need for the call of the national guard especially yesterday. but i hope today that they will start to dissipate and return to their regular stations. >> generally speaking what would you say about the clock at 10:00 and what happened out there? >> nothing happened at 10:00 because the people didn't move. there was an odd confusion about who was supposed to leave. many of the locals there who are angry were telling the media to
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leave and saying you need to leave. we were trying to warn them the curfew is not about us. it's about who they are worried about creating violence in the streets, right or wrong. but last night i think it went about as well as you can expect in those situations. i know there's talk online about who was arrested and how i didn't see anything i thought was abusive unless things happened that we couldn't see. >> only like seven arrests last night. >> right. it's also going to be about how they're doing. people don't want to lose sight of things being done the wrong way. so what happens next? that means today but also friday in a big way. i think people are expecting answers on friday, jay wendell, i don't know that you're going to get them whachlt is your expectation? >> i was expecting answers like everybody else. and i'm hopeful we will get them. we have a new state's attorney who everybody is putting their trust in. in fact she was voted into office because she had committed to the people that she would prosecute cases like this. so friday will be a defining moment for that office and for this state's attorney. and if she handles it properly
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she will pass with flying colors. if she doesn't, then she will be the source of criticism for days to come. >> argue that she's being ham strung by the process? because the words police preliminary investigative report being given to the prosecutor doesn't sound like -- yeah doesn't sound like charges will be coming right then. >> there is an expectation maybe it's too high for people. there's a date certain when this police report is supposed to be done. >> the commissioner put it out there friday would be the day. >> right. >> i think there's an expectation of public release and i'm not sure you'll see public release on friday. >> i'm confident in our state's attorney. she had told the public that she's conducting her own independent investigation. so she should not be 100% relying upon the investigation of these other law enforcement agencies. she has resources. she has a budget. she has investigators and she has attorneys. so she can do her own thing. and we are optimistic and i'm
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going to leave the caution out. we are optimistic she has conducted an investigation and she will address the public in some way. if she needs more time then maybe she needs to address the public and say that. and, perhaps if she's not going to get it done by friday she needs to come out early and tell us that she needs more time. because i think that would be most appreciated by most of the public. >> makes a little sense to me. police department conducts an investigation of the police what happened with the arrest of freddie gray. and state's attorney conducts her investigation and she looks at the results of both and then makes a decision what comes next. kind of makes sense to me. she's not completely independent from the police department. the state's attorneys and police in baltimore work closely together to prosecute cases. she's not an independent prosecutor. but it makes sense to me to have those sort of two lines of investigation -- >> i'm trying to manage expectations. the more stress you have in the kitchen the longer usually it takes to eat. >> in the past what we've seen in the state's attorneys office
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state's attorney would not conduct a thorough investigation. >> right. >> with the cases in fact involving anthony anderson tyrone west even officer torbette gunned down by his own -- >> this time you're hoping for better and see what happens friday. i just hope everybody is in the stam place about what they expect to come out. appreciate the perspective. alisyn. >> okay. chris, we'll be right back to baltimore and you in a moment. we want to get to some of our other top stories. the death toll in the nepal earthquake now sur piezpassing 5,000. we have some dramatic rescue moments. look at your screen. crews found this man after 80 hours trapped under the rubble. this 27-year-old man says he thought he was going to die in there. >> extraordinary tale of survival. my goodness. meanwhile, a potential high
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seas showdown between the u.s. and iran. the pentagon dispatching a navy destroyer after iranian forces fired upon them boarded a cargo ship in the strait of hormuz. no americans are believed to be among the crew members, but the u.s. destroyer ship will monitor the situation. now, according to iran's news agency the containership was intercepted after trespassing in iran's iran's territorial. supreme court hearing historic oral arguments challenging two states that ban same-sex marriage. the judge will issue a ruling in june that could make same-sex marriage legal across the entire country. a tense but largely calm night in baltimore. some 2,000 national guard troops helping police enforce a curfew. a major show of force, but was it too much? the new s6 hits the stores and i'm like... whoa. open the box and... (sniffing) new phone smell.
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>> well that was the head of maryland's national guard vowing to keep the peace last night in baltimore. some protesters violated the 10:00 p.m. curfew forcing authorities to deploy pepper bullets and smoke canisters to disburse the crowds. so is the show of force working? let's bring in retired u.s. army lieutenant general russell on ray who led a military task force after hurricane katrina and tom funentes. general, i want to start with you because last night was different in baltimore. we did not see police officers injured. we did not see cars lit on fire. there were fewer arrests. so what did police do right? >> well the absolute command and control was a significant difference. and the number of boots on the ground in terms of police as well as the great maryland national guard who showed up in good numbers. they showed up big. they showed up quick. and they give the appearance of
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a disciplined and well-trained force whose mission is to protect the people. that's their job inside the state of maryland is to protect the people and to do those tasks as assigned by the governor. so last night we got to remember we still in the first quarter of this game. now, many more big events will come. but last night was a good start toward the future. >> tom, the real challenge here is you have protesters who want to make a show of force. and there are different intents among them. we have some people resorting to vandalism. we have some people we've seen the community come out in force willing to try and keep the violence from escalating. i'm curious what your take is on the ground about this measured restraint that we saw last night that effectively seemed to make for a calmer night. >> well the big issue there is michaela we've got to remember when people protest that people
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protest to try and get a political action. in this particular case the people are talking justice. the government the mayor and the governor are talking law and order. people can go from a peaceful protest to civil disobedience. and a lot of times we attribute civil disobedience and we use words like thugs and criminals. but what they're trying to do is get the attention of government that the city and the state still have to address why they don't have cameras on their officers, why they're still doing internal investigation as opposed to passing it up. they have to build trust with people. the good news is they've got community leaders involved that are doing a superb job helping that mayor and helping that governor communicate with the community. >> yeah hey, tom, you just heard the general say that we're just in the first quarter of this. and a lot of people do predict something will happen on friday. i know that you think something -- when this case is handed over to the state
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attorney that more tension could flare. why do you have that impression? >> well the reason alisyn is because you have no expectation that any decision's going to be made on friday regarding that interim report. the fact that it's interim means it's an incomplete report. the investigation will be continuing. we don't have the autopsy results yet. and that means that there will be probably no action taken against any police officer that may have been involved or thought to be involved in freddie gray's death. so the expectation that something's going to happen friday or some announcement east going to be made is not true. and it shouldn't be expected. >> general honore i want sto to ask you about that as well in terms of your expertise and preparedness training you're probably looking at this in a really strategic way as well. what is your take about what needs to be done in advance of potential information coming out on friday? >> well i think you're going to have to spend a lot of time the mayor and the governor in
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articulating a strategy. right now they've been playing tactics. they've been playing checkers. the protesters move they move. they're going to have to start working toward a political merit that address the concerns of the people. and that need to be clear, address their priorities and has to have time on it. it cannot be one of these, well we're going to do something and it will happen on the calendar. they need to start taking some actions, looking at a watch and make sure by friday they are prepared the community for what is expected to come out of that report. and then to tamp down expectations that friday's a defining moment. that's just another report. so they've got a lot of more hurdles to get through to convince the people that they will focus on the justice that the people are asking for. >> so tom, given that friday all eyes are on friday and could be some form of a tinderbox, what is the police response going to look like up to then? >> i think it's probably going to look much like it looked last
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night. and, you know i think the big difference between monday night and last night is monday night you had the police on the street that basically became spectators as people started looting and setting buildings on fire and throwing rocks and bottles. and throwing rocks and bottles at firefighters cutting fire hoses. but they didn't have any backup. they didn't have anything behind them so they took no action. last night, you know all day yesterday you saw more police rolling in. and you saw the military come. the national guard came in with full military armored cars they're out there on the street right now and were all night last night in full military gear. so when you add a couple thousand cops and soldiers with combat experience behind those cops then certainly the baltimore police could take a much more measured approach to the curfew enforcement, which is what they did last night. but you knew and the people on the street knew if things break bad they're going to be facing soldiers. >> yeah.
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>> tom fuentes, general honore thanks so much for your expertise. we'll check back in. let's get back to the streets of baltimore. thanks so much gentlemen, where chris is standing by. hey, chris. >> the nice part of last night, alisyn and mic, is that it wasn't an either/or. it wasn't that it was the police or the national guard or it was the community, it was both. the community stepped up they had organized, they wanted it to be peaceful and so did the authorities last night. and you wound up having a much better conclusion. we're hopeful that that carries forward. now, a big part of what carries forward will come down to friday. this police report preliminary police investigation into freddie gray's death. each of those words matters. and what's going to happen when it gets handed up? we're going to talk with a former police commissioner about the expectations for friday and the realities. wow. sweet new subaru, huh mitch? yep. you're selling the mitchmobile!? man, we had a lot of good times in this baby. what's your dad want for it?
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briefly with police after the 10:00 p.m. curfew took hold. there were smoke canisters disbursed, there were pepper bullets, there were bottles, there were rocks that were thrown but it was a very different night. arrests were few and no open and ugly violence and destruction. schools are reopened in baltimore today. remember they were shut down on tuesday. the orioles will play baseball but it will be in this odd empty camden yards. the first time major league baseball has done that because they decided fans won't be allowed in for their own safety. good move bad move you decide. but then the big deal friday a preliminary police report on freddie gray's death is expected to be in prosecutors hands on that day. what will it mean? what will it not mean? let's talk about what's working and what's expected with someone who knows the outcomes and their potential. leonard ham, baltimore's former police commissioner. commissioner thank you for being with us. >> good morning, chris. thank you for having me. >> let's talk about what worked last night, there's always a
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battle too much force, not enough force, what worked last night? >> what worked last night is you had enough people in terms of law enforcement on the street and they were deployed the right place. and they took the proper action against lawbreakers. they also did the right things when you had peaceful protesters too. so they did the right balance. if you're breaking the law, they were going to deal with you. if you were peacefully protesting they were going to allow that to happen too. >> there's a little chatter online about, sure there weren't a lot of arrests but how were those arrests made? what i saw last night with the couple of arrests, only two we saw, was if you were flouting a curfew and you came in front of the line they would open up for a second guys would come out, grab you, put you on the ground. >> arrest teams. >> is that the way it's supposed to be done? >> that's the way it's supposed to be done. all that was orchestrated beforehand, strategyized beforehand and seemed to work well last night. >> how important was it when you saw in your own community in
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terms of them encouraging people to respond the right way, what happened at the empowerment temple church with rev rand bryant where you had thousands committing to go to the streets and talk to young people about how to behave. >> that's leadership. that's the real baltimore. that's the citizens taking ownership of their town. trying to see that people aren't hurt properties no longer destroyed. so i was very pleased. and i was very proud of the citizens of baltimore that became leaders last night. >> the governor wasn't there. the mayor we heard her voice may have been prerecorded. i know she can't be everywhere at once. but how important do you think it is to have the commissioner the governor the mayor, out in these areas to people know their leaders are there. >> it's very important to show their face. >> why aren't they there? it's one thing to stand next to me at a press conference but it's different to be on the streets.
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>> i can't answer that question. you have to ask those people why they weren't there, why they weren't there. i saw. >> you want to see things go well. you want this lawlessness to end. >> you want people to know it's not just words. that you care about them. >> exactly. >> we get to friday. please help me. you understand the process very well. you participate in a lot of high profile cases with cops and civilians and both. there seems to be an expectation that friday you get answers. do you expect that you get answers? >> oh no. what's going to happen is that the investigation that the police department has completed by friday -- >> preliminary. >> the preliminary one. they'll turn it over to the state's attorney. state's attorney will take a look at it, investigate it peruse it crawl all over it. with their investigation that they have done then they'll make a decision. but i don't expect anything to happen friday that the citizens
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expect to happen friday. >> now, shouldn't someone be telling people that? that friday is not the day. don't just say we have to hold until friday and friday we get our clarity. >> i think that we should stop misleading people. and we ought to give them good clear information so that we don't have these misunderstandings. because we have to be very very careful because we could very easily have a repeat of monday if we don't handle this right. >> another point of communication that seems to make a difference. thugs, thugs do the riots, thug dos this thug dos that. a lot of those thugs are young people who live within a society that they believe doesn't care about them. and i know the violence is the problem and never a solution. but shouldn't that be spoken to as well? the ease with which we call these kids and these adults thugs, shouldn't you speak as easily about the conditions they've lived with for generations in those society. >> what we have to do as a city what we have to do as a society, chris, is what i call solve the es and hs.
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>> es and hs. >> that's right, housing, health education and economics. if you don't do these things you're going to have what you have here. >> people go, oh please he's a softy, just obey the law like i do what everybody else does. what are they not getting? >> they're not getting that's how you solve problems. see, that is the root of most problems that happens. if you look into history of this country where you have riots in cities it was always that. it was always disenfranchised people who had no hope, who didn't have housing, didn't have jobs didn't have education, didn't have health. and then the spark was always a police-citizen confrontation. and all of these years and years of frustration balled over. it's history repeating itself. >> you're not a politician but let me ask you something. o'malley's come back here and made his name as mayor, he says how he changed baltimore, he's back here now because he's hurt by this. is this new in baltimore? is baltimore and west baltimore and these impoverished areas, did these things get so much
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better is this so out of character, is this so wrong for them to feel this outrage? >> it's not wrong for them to still feel this kind of outrage, no absolutely not. >> does this police culture have to change? do you have real problems? >> it has to change and it will change. because now and since the people have spoken. and that's the change. and we have ways we can change it. we have in this city to change how police are recruited how they're trained, how they're superviz supervised and disciplined. >> it was interesting to hear the clergy to come together last night, hundreds of them, the giant has awoken just like it was in the '60s. it's how we show our demands through change through nonviolence, through persistence. and last night they lived it. we'll see what happens. thank you very much commissioner. >> thank you. >> so you heard from someone who is commissioner about why we're seeing what we're seeing now and what we may see going forward.
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we're going to have a lot more about what's going on in baltimore right now and the potential political fallout from what may or may not come on friday. but, mic, let me get back to you. >> reminder that history is essentially repeating itself in baltimore. thanks so much chris. ahead we have some remarkable stories of rescue and survival in nepal four days after that devastating earthquake. our dr. sanjay gupta is there and brings those stories to us. why do we do it? why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people? why are we so committed to keeping you connected? why combine performance with a conscience? why innovate for a future without accidents? why do any of it? why do all of it? because if it matters to you it's everything to us. the xc60 crossover. from volvo. lease the well equiped volvo xc60 today. visit your local volvo showroom for details.
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schools are open in baltimore today. a heavy police presence and a 10:00 p.m. curfew helping to restore order in the city overnight. about 100 protesters clashing with police after the curfew went into effect last night. the police used pepper bullets to disburse the crowd. ten people were arrested. large solidarity protests are expected once again in new york city and in washington. the death toll in the nepal earthquake soaring beyond 5,000 victims. this as dramatic video emerges of a 27-year-old who survived being trapped under the rubble for 80 hours. cnn's chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta
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is live on the ground in nepal where he's helping overwhelmed doctors treat earthquake victims. what's the latest sanjay? >> reporter: alisyn we get a better idea as to why some people survive and why some people don't. obviously a lot of it has to do with where they go after they are rescued. are there medical facilities available? some of the most heartbreaking stories are people who are survived who have been saved but simply aren't getting to some of these hospitals or even makeshift clinics or o.r.'s quickly enough. that's an ongoing situation. but the person that you just mentioned, alisyn 80 hours, you know must have had a supply of oxygen obviously. some access to water or fluids of some sort. it's a remarkable story. you may have heard as well another remarkable story, a 4-month-old baby 4 months old, just remarkable. more than 22 hours we're hearing underneath the rubble. obviously unable to care for himself and yet survived. so this period is so critical right now. they say typically after about 72 hours the likelihood of
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someone surviving diminishes but doesn't go away completely. over the next couple of days you can sense this sort of added urgency, if you will. people really going out there. the missions the rescue missions getting to more and more remote areas to try and rescue these people. it is an ongoing situation here. and there are many more people who still, i think, hopefully we can tell you over the next couple days who will be rescued, who will be found and rescued and will survive. that's the goal right now. and something we're going to keep an eye on. michaela. >> sanjay, given the death toll over 5,000, it is so wonderful to hear miraculous almost to hear these tales of survival. thank you so much for bringing those to us. we head to africa here. nigerian army troops rescuing nearly 300 kidnapped girls and women in a raid on boko haram hideouts in a remote forest. officials say soldiers destroyed terror camps where boko haram has trained small children. the hundreds of schoolgirls kidnapped over a year ago, meanwhile, they were not among those rescued.
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boko haram has taken some 2,000 girls and women in nigeria since last year. >> such an important reminder. well vermont senator bernie sanders vowed to jump into the presidential race. the 73-year-old independent will reportedly make an official announcement tomorrow that he is seeking the democratic nomination for 2016. sanders known as a liberal fire brand will become the second major democrat in the race behind front runner hillary clinton. stay with cnn for continuing coverage of all the tension in baltimore. the death of course of freddie gray prompting a lot of political finger pointing. are democrats and republicans politicizing the violence to benefit their own sides? we'll tell you who might be winning that fight. huh, 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that game show hosts should only host game shows? samantha, do you take kevin as your lawfully wedded husband...
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or has his spine snapped. >> a somber president obama addressing the country about the riots in baltimore. the violence has polarized the country and also prompted many democrats and republicans to point the finger at one another. here to weigh-in senior political commentator and political anchor at new york one news arol lewis. also cnn reporter nia malika henderson. i was thinking about this listening to the president who is addressing what's been going on. he's been criticized heavily for sort of not addressing the issues that plague the african-american communities in the states. he has addressed it. but i sort of wonder what your thoughts are and the fact damned if you do damned if you don't. he's going to get blasted on one side and then the voice in the african-american community saying come on president, we need you to do more. >> i heard multilevel dimensions
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of frustration from the president. first of all he has to always tread carefully. when issues of race come up it's a mine field. and he has stumbled into that mine field before with sometimes not so good political effects. i also felt a sense of frustration it's interesting in his comments he has no illusions that this congress will going to provide the funding he's been asking for for six or seven years to provide some of the supports in these communities to help people get out of the traps of poverty and discrimination that lead to the kind of frustration that explode into rioting. he says he has no illusions about that so he's going to do the best that he can. and finally real frustration with what he called thugs. this is somebody who if you go back to his days as a community organizer, community organizers go in the streets for a reason, to make a point in a disciplined orderly nonviolent way. and one senses frustration from him that things got out of hand in baltimore on these issues he cares so much about. >> what do you think of his
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comments and timing on this? >> i think it was very much expected that he would come out and say this has become almost a ritual he has a script in terms of how he talks about this. he talks about the family, the cops and says his thoughts are with the injured cops he talks about the department of justice investigating on the ground. so he's got that part down pat. it was a very neat speech in reaction six points altogether as he ticked off when he went along there. i think there was some pushback and some upset really and disappointment with his use of the word thugs. remember if you were looking at a lot of images coming out of baltimore, a lot of those people were kids including that 16-year-old boy whose mother came out and really had to pull him out of the situation there. so this idea that these 12 and 13-year-olds are thugs i think really rubbed people the wrong way. and you saw for instance that stephanie rawlings-blake also has backed away from that language. so he's walking this tight line where i think on the one hand he
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wants to say, listen these are criminals, these are thugs. but he's also saying people are part of american fabric. these are our kids. and that we need to pay attention to a lot of the problems that are plaguing them. that community and west baltimore a very poor very high murder rate a one in five adults there are unemployed. so a lot of systemic problems there that need to be addressed. >> let's talk about the politics of this. and who might make political hay of it. the national journal has an interesting article suggesting that all this unrest across the country we've seen could bode well for republicans because they are traditionally seen as more law and order. and in fact bill crystal, famous conservative writer and pundit sent out this tweet about this. he said winning gop message against anarchy and chaos at home and abroad, cheney-giulian 2016 probably too much to hope
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for, but if not them who? >> i think he's probably right too much to hope for. the reality is you look at these situations and you poke them with a stick. and what you find is years of underfunding for education programs for community colleges for recreation programs for all of the different sort of supports that most americans i think understand are needed to help lift people up out of poverty. >> so that works for the democrats, not republicans. >> exactly. exactly. i don't think you can come in and say, well you know this long running drama that we've seen play out for, you know decades or arguably centuries that we're going to sort of take the last five minutes and call that the whole narrative and say that this is all about keeping order in the streets. not about anything else. i think most people especially if they see some of these videos about how people are getting treated by police in certain simpgss, most people understand that's not the whole story. >> we have about a minute left so i want both your takes but i want to start with you, nia. we know this is the first week for our new attorney general loretta lynch i would think wouldn't it be nice to have gotten a fruit basket instead of
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this unrest week in baltimore. as it is this is what her job is and it's going to be a very intense start to her time there. there's a difference between what she should do and what she can do. talk about that in terms of what she can, you know actually get done to effect change. >> that's right. i mean i think there will be the department of justice investigation. and she has a record of course of prosecuting police officers. i think the question for her is you had in eric holder person who was really obama's race man. in the case of ferguson obama dispatched eric holder to ferguson where he met with folks there, he wrote an op-ed in the local paper. i think people are looking to see if loretta lynch, who doesn't necessarily have race as part of her portfolio and eric holder didn't necessarily either when he came in he sort of grew into that role partly because obama wasn't necessarily comfortable with it. so it will be interesting to see if on the optics side if she takes on that role as the race woman in this administration. >> nia, we'll be watching and
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errol's written a great op-ed on thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> certainly following a whole lot of news today. so why don't we get right to it. there's certainly a heavy presence of police and national guard. >> protecting innocent lives and property is our number one priority. >> flash bangs, they are not gas. >> i just feel pain. i live in this neighborhood. i've lived in this neighborhood for 33 years. >> at this point it's somewhat of a standoff. >> this is not new. and we shouldn't pretend that it's new. >> i think this can be our defining moment and not the darkest days that we saw yesterday. >> if you don't teach them peace, then they don't know peace. you are watching "new day." alisyn and michaela are in new york. i am on the streets of baltimore where the city is waking up battered but not nearly as broken as 24 hours ago. an overnight curfew ended two
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hours ago it was from 10:00 to 5:00 largely helped restore order as did the community's recommitment to itself. there's no question that the streets were so much calmer than the previous night. that doesn't mean everything's okay but there is progress. school is back in session. thousands of police though are packing the streets here as are thousands of national guardsmen. and today there will be thousands of missing at camden yards where the otherrioles are playing but for the first time in major league history the stands will be empty they say for the safety of everyone involved. the frustration in baltimore however is not gone. it's spreading to a familiar place, ferguson missouri. there were protests there overnight. two people got shot. demonstrators were throwing rocks at police. baltimore police are preparing to give prosecutors their report on freddie gray's death. that will be a huge moment on friday mainly because of the expectations that have been put into what will happen on friday. we'll talk about the reality of those expectations.
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we have the story covered from all angles. here's a night for you -- here's a look for you of what we saw last night. >> tonight i think the biggest thing is that citizens are safe the city is stable. >> big crowds return to the streets tuesday night, but this time joining them were more than 1,000 police and some 2,000 national guardsmen. >> nobody needs to get arrested tonight. we want you all to go home. >> as the clock nears the 10:00 p.m. curfew the mayor's voice over the loud speaker, stephanie rawlings-blake pleading with people to go home. >> and we promise that we will be off the streets at 10:00. so please let's go home. >> locals determined to encourage others to heed the call but they are staying put. there are no real bullets hitting anybody here now. 10:00 p.m. comes and goes. but it is not until a few bottles fly. see the area of concentration which is where they're getting the bottles from.
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the police start a slow advance. you can see the flash bangs. they are not gas. this is not tear gas. restraint rules the day for both sides though bottles and pepper bullets fly. smoke canisters to push people off streets, sometimes come back. tense moments tick by. but only those challenging the line disappear into a wall of shields. a handful of arrests, progress compared to the hundreds cuffed for looting and assault on officers just 24 hours before. on this day less water is thrown. a little boy instead offering water to police. many agree it was the community who brought peace. as today's baltimore orioles game is closed to the public for the first time in major league history, fear of violence remains. but many here say there can be a better way. an amazing gathering of thousands at empowerment temple church. >> people that it's us but it's not. >> hundreds of mixed clergy
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promising to make nonviolence the way of showing they will not be silent in the face of oppression. >> everybody can be met with love. >> creating a love line between police and protesters. hoping their voices and presence are enough to get the change and justice they demand. >> we need help. we asking we begging you for help. >> it's a big systemic problem we've got to deal with. >> rival gangs, the bloods and black gorilla gang calling truce for the first time in history. the problem they say decades of poverty and police brutality. >> it started with freddie gray now we're going to take it to the next level. >> at the end of the day you need to do what you need to do to take care of your kids. >> baltimore mothers coming together to calm their kids standing up in defense of the mom caught on camera trying to stop her son from becoming part of a riot. >> that's my only son. and at the end of the day i don't want him to be a freddie gray.
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>> you can dismiss the gang bangers, you can focus too much on the scenes of violence but the issues here are real and they go beyond any one police incident even that of freddie gray. the next big moment will not be today. it will be friday that's when the baltimore police are handing over their report on freddie gray's death to prosecutors. it's called a preliminary investigative report but the public is so hungry for some type of movement in this process. the question is will they get it on friday? cnn's athena jones has more on that. and there's reason for skepticism about friday being a day of closure, is there not? >> that's right. good morning, chris. the public is hungry for answers, but they're not going to get all of the answers to all of the questions about what happened to freddie gray on this friday. this is just one step among many steps in what's likely to be a very long process. that police investigation continues, they hand over what they have to the state's attorney. but it's not at all clear how much of that is going to become
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public. and certainly they're not going to know all of the answers to those questions. i can tell you, chris, that we're here in the center of things. this is a central intersection where a lot of the events have gone down over the last couple of days. outside of the cvs you can see behind me this was the cvs that was looted and burned on monday night. folks around here are still trying to pick up the pieces. that cvs now boarded up. that wasn't the case yesterday at this time. and also the police are beginning to turn their attention to tracking down the people who are responsible for the violence that we saw on monday night using video, examining videotape, to find people responsible for instance damaging police cars setting cars on fire that sort of thing. so on the one side trying to keep the city calm maintain the calm that has emerged over the last several hours, and also begin to bring to justice the people responsible for the violence. chris. >> all right, thank you very much athena. we'll watch the process, see what happens between now and then of course on friday. and then we have what's going on with baseball. it is a major league first and
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it's really auspicious occasion. due to security concerns this afternoon's game between the orioles and white sox will be closed to the public. the entire stand, almost 46,000 seats empty. joe johns is at camden yards, the home of the orioles. and he's got it all to himself just like he would later on today. joe. >> chris, a baseball game with no audience. it is a major league first. and it's actually an improvement over what's happened here at this stadium over the past couple days. they've already postponed two games. so why is this happening? well clearly there are issues of crowd control. and we do know that the officials with the team are saying they'd rather police resources that might be used for the game here be used elsewhere in the city. but there's another reason as well. on saturday night there was a violent protest here dozens of people arrested six police
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officers injured, a couple cars torched. so there's a real safety concern as well. meanwhile, the former baltimore ravens linebacker ray lewis, is adding his voice to those who are calling for an end to the violence. listen to this video that's now gone viral. >> young kids you got to understand something. get off the streets. violence is not the answer. violence is never been the answer. freddie gray we don't do nothing for him doing this. we know there's a deeper issue. we know what the jungle looks like. but this isn't it. it's enough of us in the streets trying to change what's going on. baltimore, get off the streets. kids go home stay home! >> the baltimore orioles were also supposed to have a home stand here this weekend. they're now relocating that game to tampa even though it's going
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to count as a home game for the orioles. chris, back to you. >> all right, joe, thank you very much. a bizarre situation there. but we're in somewhat of a bizarre time here in baltimore. so let's bring in congressman elijah cummings. not only is he a legend in congress but he is a local man made good. and he means a lot to the community here. last night he was alone in the middle of this crowd. many still hostile. and he was there right up until the moments of the curfew and then after. of course cummings is a democrat. his district includes more than half of the city of baltimore. congressman. >> good to see you. >> good to see you here. it was even better to see you last night. what brought you out onto those streets all alone like that? >> well first of all, the incident happened four blocks from my house where i've lived for 33 years. and i know a lot of these folks. and i know the pain. and i did not want it to erupt into a melee that would have
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caused more people to get arrested. and i'm proud of baltimore. and i also wanted them -- they know me. and i know them. and so i wanted them to -- i wanted to say to them look we hear you. and that's what it is. we got a lot of people who are in a lot of pain. and a lot of our children -- you showed a clip earlier from the empowerment temple where some 300, 400 ministers have joined. and i was there. but a young lady got up and she said something i will never forget. she says you see, i'm in a school where i'm reading from a book that was published in 1973. and basically what she was saying is it's my turn. i want to have an opportunity to be somebody. and so we in baltimore and across the nation by the way, need to look at our young people particularly young african-american folks. they just want a chance. they want -- i call it they want to be included. we need to have an inclusion revolution. >> it mattered that you were there last night. obviously you mean so much to
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the people here. you meant so much to how they treated the police because that was your message. and i think you meant something to how the police treated them. >> yeah. >> because they knew you were there. and they knew that the community had come out in force. and yet you know what's going on around the country right now when they focus on baltimore. they say look at them violent destroying their own communities. they say the police are the problem. clearly they are the problem these thugs. what's being missed? >> i think they're missing the fact that first of all most of the children 99% of them weren't there last night. they were at home. >> uh-huh. >> and they missed the point that earlier in the day yesterday we must have had at least 1,000 kids in a peaceful demonstration. but they're also missing the pain. you know children -- one young man told me yesterday, he said cummings, this was what was upsetting me. he said first, we don't get the kind of education we deserve. then we can't function. then we go to prison.
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then we have a record and then we can't get a job. and so some kind of way not just baltimore by the way, but the entire country needs to take a warning from this. we have got to do better by our children. and i say to all of my elected officials, i say to them we should want for these children what we want for our own. and they are not thugs. you got some people who took advantage -- opportunists who took advantage of a kind of chaotic situation. but that's basically what it amounted to. >> when you've got gang bangers coming together in the community wanting this to be addressed, they don't want to be out there. it's getting in the way of their business to be honest about it. but, you know who wasn't there last night? you can tell me i'm wrong to look at it this way that it was a public safety thing. but i know you're going on 40 years of age now. and you were there last night. >> i wish. >> the governor wasn't there. the mayor, we heard her voice but she wasn't there. do these communities deserve the
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respect of presence? do you think that it's missing and it matters? >> first of all, i really do think it matters. i can't speak for the people who weren't there, but i can tell you one thing, man. it makes me feel -- see, you got to feel people's pain. and as the son of two former sharecroppers, one with a third grade education to rise up to be a member of congress. see, when i see them i see me. and i want them to be the best they can be. and i want to send them in a destiny of greatness. and they want to be great. but we as adults have to help them. >> you know we got a little compromise last night because you were alone in that crowd. you're revered. i didn't worry about your safety. i worried about your emotional commitment to the people there. it hurts you. >> yeah. >> you know the numbers, you've taught them to us. a third of the people in those communities are in poverty. you see yourself in them. they see what they want to be in
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you. >> yeah. >> and they don't know if they're going to get it. >> that's exactly right. >> and they don't know people want them to have it. >> that's exactly right. >> what do you say -- you got almost all black elected leadership here already and it hasn't changed the fate of these people. you got martin o'malley thinking about running for president on the back of what he says he did for baltimore, not the best record of accomplishment we're seeing here in what's being lived these days. what do you say to people they say they're their own fault, they're their own problem. look what they did to their own community. >> we had some people who were opportunists. but we have got to do better. that's what i say. and i say that to the kids. i tell them we got to do better. that's why i got the respect that i got last night. i want to end with this. >> please. >> i've often said, my favorite quote is our children are the living messages we send to a future we will never see. with our young men, african-americans being shot down now i'm seeing it is our children that are sending their
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parents to a future they will never see. there's absolutely something wrong with that picture. and we can do better. and that's from the president straight on down to the city council. and society. >> now, listen elijah i know that this situation literally brings tears to your eyes. i know that it hurts you because your life is about making that better. >> yeah. >> and it's hard. >> yeah. >> you have a big moment coming friday. >> yeah. >> i don't want to hype the situation. you know you've known me since i was a kid. >> that's right. >> i don't know that clarity comes on friday. >> yeah. >> i don't know that you get charges on friday. i'm not making a statement about the case. >> i understand. >> i think there's a misunderstanding of the process here. >> one of the things i've said to everybody as a former criminal lawyer to everybody, i'm talking about everybody charging and investigating, that do not -- make sure you make the public understand that what's going to happen on friday is the police are going to present to the state's attorney what they have up until this point.
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the state's attorney investigation which by the way is independent, is going on. the police commissioner investigation is going on. so it may be weeks before and if any charges are filed. but what i'm also saying to people is we live in a democracy. and we've got to be -- it's a fair process. we'll go through that process and we will get there. but don't expect any charges next week. >> am i wrong on something that when we were there with you last night, and again i got to make it clear we have security here very often in situations. one of the guy's a former d.c. cop, representative cummings ran from us like we weren't even there because he wanted to make sure elijah was all right. i was only concerned because you were so committed to being there. >> i love these people. >> and it hurt you to see them. when that one young man was saying you need to hear me you're either with me or you're not. some people turn away all this grand standing you didn't. you stayed locked onto that man. >> and he hugged me in the end. >> and he was hugging you. and it was a don't leave me hug.
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how do you handle that? >> i had my turn. i want them to get their turn. simple as that. >> what can you do for them? >> what i can do is fight for them. and i've got to make sure people hear them. they feel as if nobody hears them. and i think we're beginning to get that. but i'm telling you, baltimore can happen anywhere. and you've got people looking at us right now saying oh that will never happen in my community. but yes it will. but you've got to have people that will listen and begin to act on it. let's be honest you cannot send children to the ninth grade reading on a third grade level. >> but if he waits for everybody else he's going to be waiting too long. >> going to be waiting too long. >> what did you say to him when we left you guys alone and he was holding onto you? i saw how he was looking at you.
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i look at people -- my father -- >> i said i love you, man. >> he said i love you back. >> i said i promise you i'm not going to leave you behind. i promise you. and he said can i call your office said done. but they don't want you just to hear them. they want to know that you're going to do something about their pain. and see they're trying to get -- they're reaching for a future and they're trying to get it. it just seem like they just cannot touch it. and so we as adults we've got to say, okay how do we improve our schools? how did the ones who missed getting the kind of education they really felt they deserved got to retrain, we've got to do remedial quests. i worked with a high school here in baltimore and a lot is remediation. but adults have got to deal with this. you know we can help young people learn. we can help them discover their talents. but if we don't nurture those
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talents and don't support them it's like any other kid. i say to every elected official damn it want for these children what you want for your own. you don't even have to tell me what it is. >> where's the fire come from? >> my fire? my parents. >> because you were the only one there last night. and that was the place to be. that's the metaphor the cvs, the community eating its own, cvs didn't want to put it here and now look what you did. >> yeah. >> that's where people are supposed to be. we heard the mayor's voice over the loud speaker. i know you can't be everywhere but that was kind of the place. where are your people? >> i can tell you first of all i was watching it on television. i said i got to be there. so i went over. i got -- you know my parents, god bless them were two pent kosal ministers, they didn't have much. but one thing they taught us is we want you to go and get an education and get blessed so you can bless. in other words, you know become the lawyer so you can represent people. become the doctor so you can
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heal people. and that's what it's all about. and so again, you said it a little bit earlier. it's you know they do see something in me. but i see something in them. but if they can't get it out, it becomes trapped. and the next thing you know you have explosions we are seeing. but again, most of our kids majority 99% of our kids are not what was shown in by the way, what would be the equivalent of a third of a football field of the whole city. >> there's no question. we were trying to be careful early on baltimore was burning, it was never the case. you had small pockets where situations were bad. >> yeah. >> and there are areas ordinarily challenged. there's no question people can exaggerate the view. we know that's why you were there. i'm sorry it brings tears to your eyes but i know there's a trade on that that it also fuels your passion. >> oh yeah. i've often said it is your pain that leads you to your passion
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to do your purpose. your pain passion, purpose. >> i got it the first time. [ laughter ] >> congressman, thank you so much. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> representative elijah cummings showing what is the best of leadership on the streets of baltimore right now. and it is certainly never been needed more than it is needed right now. we're going to take a quick break. when we come back we'll have your news from all over the world including what's happening on the streets of baltimore.
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our community leaders, clergy that is a statement. that's the kind of organizing that needs to take place if we're going to tackle this problem. and they deserve credit for it and we should be lifting them up. >> president obama calling for soul searching after the violence in baltimore. how can local leaders help maintain calm? how concerned should other cities be about the possibility of similar protests? and what action needs to be taken? joining us now reverend robert white pastor of peace of mind church of happiness. senior pastor for the first corinthian baptist church in harlem new york and sits by me here in studio. pastor mike you said it's okay for me to call you that. >> it is. >> i know all our hearts are heavy as we see what's unfolding in baltimore about the unrest we're seeing. but we also want to understand very well there's something behind the unrest. and this is where community leaders and religious leaders are coming into play.
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you're probably talking about it in your church right now. what are you hearing from people? >> no question. i think there's a tremendous amount of disease among people about the violence that took place on monday. but at the same time there's a tremendous amount of hopefulness scenes we see yesterday in baltimore where community leaders came together and clergy came together gangs came together. >> what is it that you could have those groups come together? when you think about it that's extraordinary. >> what i've discovered in my own life is that in times of despair and when people reach a point when they are weary of experiencing the forces that seem to mitigate against them they will come together. and so my real hope in this moment is that we in this nation move beyond a cursory glance of issues around poverty and income inequality and wealth polarization. that we begin to look seriously
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at the issues that impact cities like baltimore on a consistent basis. >> reverend white, we have been talking to you so much. pardon me. in light of ferguson. and you were on the ground there. we saw how instrumental you were in the conversations with protesters in the conversations with law enforcement and local officials. really i want to peg off of what the pastor said here about what we saw happen. and chris was telling us about it. what happened in baltimore. thousands gathering at the empowerment church praying, talking, asking questions. but also teaching the young people about nonviolence. that's a really important message. how do we get through to our teens to make them understand the cause is important but the way you handle it is even more vital? >> well michaela as pastor mike said there is a disease but it really is a disease. this country is suffering from a disease that no one's paying attention to. and that's what we say in baltimore, we saw in ferguson in
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august and even last night is the disease that has gone untouched. these students are not equipped to be successful. the local leaders are not equipped to help. we're fighting a battle with an empty gun. >> how do we bridge that gap, pastor? >> well what we do is folks like the honorable elijah cummings who has put together and has been working for the last 30 years to have congress get more involved. we need the government to get more involved to make sure that city school systems like baltimore are not as far behind as their counterparts in the county. it's all over this country where we're not being educated properly. our jobs are being moved out of our neighborhoods. and so you have a powder keg that is eventually not only going to explode one city at a time but if we don't do something about this disease our entire country will go up in flames because the young folk are unsatisfied with the lack of attention that they're getting. the only time they get attention is if they decide to hit a police car, set a building on
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fire. but nobody's paying attention to what's going on in these schools and in these neighborhoods. >> a pivotal figure in what's been going on in baltimore that has played outd on screens and has gone viral is our mom. we got to talk about toya graham. we saw how she handled her own kind of justice, family justice, by going down and finding her son and essentially giving him the whooping of his life. i heard another mother say if you don't teach peace, they don't know peace. so pastor talking to our youth now is vital. these are teaching moments right now to help them understand especially black youth that want to be heard. you can't have this kind of unrest and believe that there isn't a problem. but how do you direct the message to something impactful? >> i think that yes these are teaching moments for our young people. and i think one way we begin to embrace and engage our young people is to be honest about the conditions which many of our young people live especially in baltimore. it is difficult to begin to talk
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about not being violent and not having an eruption of emotion when you experience in places like baltimore and places in the village of harlem like where i live in some respects where you see the criminalization of noncriminal behavior. when you see how one's very being and existence is being problemtized in so many ways. when you experience the eclipse of opportunity and live in the environments and cities and communities where an underserved communities and communities of color where you find thissin equitable distribution of educational resources. you find in my ways young people are dealing with the erosion of possibility, the erosion of dreams the erosion of hope. if we're not honest about that and honest about the conditions that cause that and create that then we will always be living in this illusion that we will visit every now and again with something like this happens. so we must transcend that moment and begin with honesty, conversation and then policy. because protest plus policy equals cultural shifting and transformation. >> that's what we need.
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reverend white, pastor mike we know clergy and faith leaders have been vital in this. in fact they are suggesting using a hash tag #onebaltimore. thank you for joining us. >> great conversation michaela. what will happen on friday when baltimore police turn over the fienldings of their investigation into the freddie gray's death to the state's attorney? we will talk with the city's former police commissioner about what comes next.
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better. that is the word that i think you have to use about baltimore this morning. overnight a curfew came into effect 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. and it certainly made a difference. as did the thousands of police officers and national guardsmen that were standing at the ready as well. we hear from police only ten arrests were made. you will see in social media this morning there's discussion of those arrests and how they were done. we did not see anything where we were last night that would be sparking any controversy. but that conversation will
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continue. there is less of a threat on the streets, so school doors are reopening this morning. they had been closed for a day. however, a very odd situation with the orioles. i know you think sports doesn't matter but there's a metaphor here. there will be a game today, but there will be no fans. that's for the first time in major league baseball history. no fans in attendance because of safety concerns. there's also a huge day coming on friday cannot underestimate its significance but why? the police are going to present their preliminary investigative findings to the prosecutor's office on friday. does that mean you're going to see a perp walk? does that mean you're going to hear that nothing's going to be done? in all likelihood no and we're going to discuss that right now with bob maloney. he is the director of emergency management for the city of baltimore. and we're happy to have you here especially because we know how busy you've been all through the night. >> good morning, thank you. >> let's start with the immediate and then go to the eventual. >> all right. >> what worked last night that made it so different than the
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previous? >> you know i think we sensed after the last fire was put out that you know immediately people wanted to get back to normal. we had the first buses running. and, you know people out helping us sweep. and it just took on. and then through the course of the day i think what we saw is you know the true baltimore where people came out and worked with the city workers and, you know -- >> curfew necessary? having the guys in the line last night, the way you did it do you think that was the minimum standard of force necessary to achieve the effect? >> i think, you know we needed to calculate things. and, you know we didn't want to meet violence with violence. and i think it worked out well. and i think the results show that. >> the canisters last night, were those tear gas or just flash bangs and distracting smoke? >> i'm not sure. i think the term utilizes pepper spray. but, you know just to -- >> was there a range of things
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used? we know the pellets were pepper pellets. >> what i saw from my vantage point was pepper. >> okay. the arrests that were done there is some drama online going on about how men were taken into custody. as far as you know did anybody get hurt last night while being arrested? >> no. >> do you have anybody who needed any medical attention? >> no. >> so that's a good sign. >> that's a great sign. >> do you believe you will need to stay this way? you'll have to keep a curfew in effect for an extended period that you'll have to have the streets shut down, you'll have to have national guard come into play? >> look i think, you know those decisions will be you know made. in a calculated way. and i think what we have to understand is we're going to have a lot of people in the city as we have for the protesters as we had for ferguson. and, you know getting ready for people who are demonstrating large crowds is difficulty enough. and when you have the threat that it's going to erupt in what we saw monday night, you know we have to be prepared. but, you know i think yesterday
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was a great day. and we'll build on that and we'll keep moving forward as a city. >> number of cops anonymously obviously they got to worry about doing their job keeping their heads down said they let us do their job tonight. they didn't let us do our job the other night. >> i haven't really heard those internal conversations like that. >> do you share that? that last night was different in terms of what the rules of engagement were and how much you were allowed to be on the street? >> well you know the curfew dictated how long people were allowed to be on the street. but, you know clearly the officers have had tolls and authority to do what is necessary under their command. and i think, you know the majority of officers will tell you that. and what we've done is try to do everything we can to support the police as the lead agency. keep the hospitals going, answer the 911 calls, make sure that we clean up debris as necessary, function as a city. you know we have major universities and institutions and all that has to keep going.
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and that's what we're trying to do. >> friday has been set up as the big day by the police commissioner. what is your expectation for friday? does this end one way or the other on friday? or is this just one more step in the process of the administration of justice? >> yeah. i think as far as the activity goes in getting back to you know where we're not having peaceful demonstrations things like that i think we all expect that that's going to continue. i think friday is a milestone. and that will happen. and then i think we have some major organizational marches planned on saturday. and i think what we all want what every citizen wants and every city worker is for things to be peaceful. and, you know we're americans, right? and we want -- this is how we do things. and i think people from baltimore will tell you, you know we're a special group of people here. it's a very diverse city.
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and, you know very close-knit community based and what we saw monday night is not us. >> it was just one night. and there's a reason that baltimore's called charm city. bob maloney. >> thanks a lot. >> i hope your work becomes less necessary each night. >> thank you very much. i appreciate that. >> so baltimore police they were using what bob was saying may have been pepper spray, there was certainly smoke and flash bangs being used. and it made a difference last night in terms of keeping the streets quiet. what will happen next here in baltimore, we'll tell you when we come back. apples may fall, but the apples of your cheeks don't have to. defy gravity with juvéderm voluma®. the first and only injectable gel approved by the fda to instantly add volume to your cheek area. as you age, it's not just about lines and wrinkles. your cheeks lose volume and can sag. voluma instantly adds volume to create contour and lift
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back to our top story. it's calm in baltimore this hour after a markedly more quiet night than monday. some 3,000 police officers and national guard keeping the peace. so what happens next? we're joined by harry houke, a retired nypd detective, and marc la mont hill cnn commentator. gentlemen, thanks so much for being here. harry, what did you see last night in baltimore? >> last night i was so happy about the measured response by
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the police department. what happened last night with the police department the national guard, other law enforcement officers coming in and the community shows you what can be done in the event something like this happens. it should be a model of what happened last night. >> meaning you always bring in 3,000 officers if you sense any unrest? >> well you should have an overwhelming force in the event of something like this happens. maybe if we had acted this way in the beginning, all right, maybe we would not have had the violence that night. but all being said and done all right, we now have a model for whatever occurs in any other city in this country that we can go by. >> marc what did you think of the relative calm? sdwl. >> i thought it was a testimony to a range of factors. one factor harry didn't mention that i think is important as well is the community engagement. community also helped police itself community activists, community organizers even gang members all came out and said we're not here for violence. we're here to organize our community and fight for justice.
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a few days ago i said other gang members were coming together and calling truces and doing work together and some said that was crazy. don lemon did a great package on this last night, we saw that's exactly what happened. we saw mothers pulling their children out of the street. i'm not just talking about that spectacle going around on the internet every mother and father who did work to keep their children in safe places. i think all of that is a testimony. community matters. nation of islam was involved. everybody was involved. it was a beautiful sight. >> what about what we saw at empowerment church sort of taught them civil disobedience and what peaceful protest looks like. harry is talking about model from the police perspective, but what about this model from the community perspective? >> i thought it was beautiful. jamal bryant has done an amazing job for the last week and really for decades now organizing and working with young people.
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i think sit-ins, nonviolent approaches are an important tactic. i don't think they should be our only philosophy. i think they can't be the only game in town but i think sit-ins and march-ins are a big part of the work that need to be done. jamal bryant actually reached out and engaged young people and that's why it worked. >> i agree with you, marc fully on this 100%. which is odd for you and i. but the fact is that you know i did forget to mention the community that came you know came in to work with the police here. that's a very important factor. >> they were working in tandem together. >> right. >> last night. >> it was amazing to me how people came out and wanted to take their city back from the thugs that ran through the night before. >> oh so you mean the love line protesters set up you think was working with the police. >> right. i'm sure they coordinated with the police before -- some time before 10:00. >> do you think that's right marc? do you think the protesters were
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working with the police? >> i think some were. and i think some simply organized themselves and did the work. i think both might be true. but i think it's important for us to think about this not just in terms of what happened last night and what might happen tonight and this weekend, but also to think about it as a model for how we engage going forward. if people perceive the police purely as an occupying force and a group of people who only engage at the level of protest and when we're responding to an act of police violence we don't get anywhere. but imagine if we had a model where people actually engaged with communities, people actually asked questions and people actually knew who lived in neighborhoods. that would be an entirely different circumstance. we can't see community members as the enemy of police work. that's oftentimes how it's framed. >> last night was about as close to perfection as you can get. from what i saw. we're going to have to go back now. here we're knocking the baltimore police department and the city for not acting correctly in the beginning. but now this has evolve into where this will be a model.
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>> police can stop the looting, they can stop cars from being lit on fire. but how do they get to the underlying issue, which is that color -- communities of color don't trust the police to do right by them? >> well that's why we have to after all this is over or even while it's going on now we've got to reach out to the community. but you've got to remember it's a two-way street. the community's got to reach out to the police also. >> but shouldn't the police start? i mean the police have the guns. >> i agree. the police should start. would reach out first. get together with all the clerics and meet with the people out there. we need to get back to the beat cop. because police officers are driving around in police cars and answering calls. they don't get to know the police officer. >> yeah. great point. harry houck, marc la mont hill thanks so much guys. great to talk to you. we'll have much more from chris who is on the streets in baltimore. he's going to speak with a pastor about his role in keeping the protests peaceful. we'll be right back. i'm caridee. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling.
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what we are seeing here in baltimore is a process. we took a good step yesterday, any way you want to look at it the curfew helped and having the national guard seemed to help, and there's a learning curve for all of us as the community and police figure out what works, and we figure out what works, and brook baldwin has been reporting from here and you jumped into it yesterday morning while it was going 100 miles per hour and there was a learning curve for you as well.
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>> there is and i wanted to come on this morning and say i made a mistake yesterday. we were in the middle of live tv and i was talking to a member of congress and i was recounting a conversation i had referring to police and i absolutely misspoke, and i inartfully chose my words incorrectly, and i wish speaking to you this morning, i wholeheartedly retract what i said and i thought tremendously about this and two of the nation's veterans to you, i want to speak to you, i have the utmost respect to our men and women in uniform. to awful you, i owe you a tremendous apology, and i am truly sorry. >> let's leave it as that. >> the story is going to keep
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going, and we need you here and everything that happens, you learn as you go and this kind of situation is like that for all of us, and it's good to have you and we all need you on the team and we all know how it's to do that and i have done it more than you have. let's focus on what matters most. i can't tell you how often things in the moment wind up not thinking what they are, and part of the skill is when to go back and make things right. >> give her a hug from us on the set here as well. could emotions boil over again? we hope not. we are live on the ground after the break. you're selling the mitchmobile!? man, we had a lot of good times in this baby. what's your dad want for it? a hundred and fifty grand, two hundred if they want that tape deck. you're not going to tell your dad about the time my hamster had babies in the backseat, are you?! that's just normal wear and tear, dude. (vo) subaru has the highest resale
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leave the officers alone. >> they are putting out flash bangs right now. >> they are shifting over now which is where they are getting the bottles. >> it's not a protest. >> protecting innocent lives and property is our number one priority. >> that's my only son. at the end of the day, i don't want him to be a freddy gray.
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>> and nobody hears them. when i see them, i see me. you are watching "new day." it's wednesday, april 29th 8:00 in the east. alisyn and mich are in the studio. the streets overnight were very quiet, largely in part because of thousands of police and national guard, and also because of community resolve. you are seeing the worst of it, smoke canisters and maybe pepper spray and bottles being thrown, and this was after the curfew time and the streets quieted, and there was drama online about how they were arrested but we did not see anything and there have been no reports of any type of injuries that were sustained during the night. that was a big change in the night before yet the frustration in baltimore is
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real. ferguson missouri demonstrators throwing rocks at police and two people shot as a result of that there, and we did not see anything like that here and the orioles are going to play the baseball game but the stadium will be empty, and camden yards will be tens of thousands free because of the safety concern. friday. the question is should the police hand to the prosecutors the finding of their preliminary investigation, and what will happen and what won't happen. here is a look for you of what happened last night. >> tonight i think the biggest thing is that citizens are safe the city is stable. >> big crowds return to the streets on tuesday night, but this time joining them were more than 1,000 police and some 2,000 national guardsman. >> nobody needs to get arrested
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today. we all want you to go home. >> as the clock nears, the 10:00 p.m. curfew the mayor pleading for people to go home. >> locals encouraged others to heed the call. >> there are no real bullets hitting anybody here now. >> 10:00 p.m. comes and goes and it's not until a few bottles fly. >> see the area of concentration which is where they are getting the bottles from. >> and the police start a slow advance. >> you can see the flash bangs, this is not tear-gas. >> restraint rules the day for both sides, and smoke canisters to push people off streets sometimes come back. tense moments particular by. but only those challenging the line disappear into a wall of shields, and a handful of
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arrest, and progress compared to the hundreds looting and assaulting officers 24 hours before, and a little bit offering water to police. and it was the community that brought peace. and fear of violence remains, but many here say there can be a better way. >> i connect my faith with your faith. >> an amazing gathering of thousands at empowerment temple church. hundreds of mixed clergy showing they will not be silent creating a love line between police and protesters hoping their voices and presence are enough to get the justice they need. >> we are begging you for help.
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>> it's a big systematic problem we have. >> the crips, and the bloods and the black guerilla gang here. >> at the end of the day, you needed to what you do to take care of your kids. >> standing up in defense of the mom caught on camera trying to stop her son from becoming a riot. >> that's my only son, and at the end of the day, i don't want him to be a freddy gray. >> church bells ringing here in baltimore telling us what time it is and also kind of marking a moment. it has been ten days since freddy gray's death, and tension is building here. a big reason why is the underlying factors that don't get talked about enough and also that they are waiting, they are waiting for friday because they have been told about the police commissioner and others
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that that will be the day. there will be a day that the police will hand out their findings to the prosecutors office who is doing their own investigation, and is that the day we will see charges? probably not, because of how the system works. are we right to assume there are a set of expectations that may not be satisfied? >> good morning, and you are right, chris, there has been a lot of talk about friday may 1st as being a big day, and it's just one more step and a step of many in a long process. this is just a part of the way to getting to the point where maybe the state's attorney office will be able to file charges, and that will not come on friday and may not come next week and there is a lot that has to be determined to figure out what happened to freddy gray and what should happen next. this is a city that is trying to get back to normal. outside of the cvs, this is the
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cvs looted and burned friday night, and this time yesterday it was not boarded up. the area around us is largely cleared of debris, and the police while on one side to keep the situation calm here, they are turning how to track down the people responsible for the violence on friday night, and they are using camera footage to track down the perpetrators that set police cars on fire and damaged other vehicles and looted stores and burned them, and they are working on two fronts making sure things remain calm and they track down the people who were responsible for the unrest. >> thank you very much. we will follow the events and president obama weighing in once again and condemning looting and rioting following freddy gray's death, and a new interview with steve harvey jim acosta is live
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at the white house. there is no question there has been a hunger for leadership and the president always in a tricky spot when it comes to race being pushed to do more once again, and now this. >> after staying silent for weeks, and president obama is speaking up and urging the nation to do soul searching. the president described the rioters has thugs and criminals and he continued the message on the steve harvey radio show earlier this morning, and while he did complete the criticism that loot something not actaivism activism and he asked police officers to do more to crack down on abusive police departments. >> police departments need to understand if they want to be successful and create a safer environment for their officers they need to build more trust
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and it's in their interest to root out folks not doing the right thing and to hold people accountable when they do something wrong. >> and between police departments and minority communities, the flare ups, he said absentee fathers and economic inequality is the equation here and the senior administration official told me president obama had been having this thought for a long time, and the president was venting frustrations on the radio program saying too many americans will likely forget about baltimore once the fires are out and the cars are flipped back on their right sides, and many americans will go back to their reality tv shows, and it's hard to disagree with him, and the president said while he may
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not go back to baltimore right now, but ones things clear out he may go back up there. >> that may be him right now calling you to say he changed his minds. thank you for the reporting. what actually happened here last night? was it just because of the police presence? i would submit to you, no. the community changed last night and a big part of it was coming from the faith community. let's bring in somebody who is very much been motivating that kind of change and his name is reverend jamal bryant, and he held a town hall here in baltimore last night. we were at it and i would submit reverend it was a lot more than that. before you had the thousands of people there airing their grievances and many of them heart rendering, there was a meeting of clergy and i heard somebody there who had been
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there whole lives say haven't seen riots like this since the '60s, and something like this either and what was like this? >> coming together and priest coming together under a common banner we are going to build one baltimore, and doesn't matter -- >> not just a hash tag. >> no from phd to ged, we have to help rebuild and come out of the ashes. >> what happened on the streets last night that was different other than the police presence? what did the community do? >> we got assistance from gang members that signed a truce, the bloods the crips, and the black guerilla family and they went out on the streets telling our young people to go back and so i am very pleased the community is standing on the front line saying this is not going to be the record of what baltimore has written for.
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>> you have taken by proxy and purpose a leadership role. engage the frustration on both sides. there were young people at that meeting and you had a lot of young people that came because they were not in school to teach nonviolence, and they say i don't want to hear about your god, and don't tell me not to be angry when they are trying to kill me and you are saying pray it away. >> one of the things that is so significant is many times the church at the end say the doors of the church is open waiting for somebody to come in. in this hour the doors of the church are open and the church has to go out to the community. all day today, i am going to visit different high schools to share with them what is at stake anding what is the main focus of the drive. >> they are saying,i am not goinggo going to be another freddy gray. >> yeah power concedes nothing without a demand and i am going to say to them in no uncertain
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terms we are not going to show them not only is the mayor wrong but the president of the united states are wrong, these are not thugs, but these are upset and amazing, and you don't call police officers who kill a man without probable cause thugs, but children without a outlet you call them thugs, and thugs is the 21st century for the "n" world, and it's offensive to everybody who is a parent and trying to raise their children. >> i would hear others say, you kill your own, and we dismiss your leverage you are as bad as the problems you say you don't like? >> that's for those who believe that broken glass is a higher premium than broken spines. where is the priority? i think humans are a greater
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commodity than property and america is looking at it through the wrong lens. why did the president wait for outpouring of children until he spoke, and he did not speak out on the death of this black man. within hours the president has not called the parents of trayvon martin and michael brown and there has to be an equity and the children are seeing it and they don't feel like their lives matter and that's what they have felt. >> friday they are looking for resolution. they do not get it and how do you manage expectations. >> sunday we are coming to city hall thousands within the faith community are going to converge to show the world what a peaceful demonstration is supposed to look like and we are not going to be distracted by what happened earlier in the week, and we still need police reform and we need the officers
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bill of rights to be modified and i am so glad the governor has moved here so we don't have to go all the way to annapolis for our grievances. >> you had elijah cummings and he was surrounded like a rock star because that's his hood and where are the electives, and baltimore is different because you have so many black electives here. >> yeah i think what we are finding is there is a clear difference between a public servant and a public celebrity, and what our children and those who are frustrated are looking to see what are you doing tpwh this hour? it's a great time for a wake-up call because in one year we are going to have a critical election where the u.s. senate and the presidency, and these young people are going to be poised and in position to not just be elected, but to run.
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>> the cops are showing restraint and they are doing what they have to do and there's a lot of drama online about the arrest were savage and i didn't see it but there is that complaint. you are saying the people we have to fight for change and we have to have our voices heard, and the other said don't fight the cops so much and don't run away all the time, and if you don't resist arrest or run away you don't have the altercations with the police. is there truth in that? >> absolutely not. one, the police did show restraint but if we use the freddy gray case as an example, is why in the world, even with running, you don't have a charge in the police report you don't have a charge and you are taking him to the station to ask him, what? and the question still abounds if those six officers cannot testify, where is the precinct captain and why has the precinct
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captain not given any accountability for those in his unit. >> does the running matter? >> you have to ask why did you run, and why were you being asked if you had not did anything. >> i am saying what the cops may say, you ran, and i have reasonable suspension and i chase you? >> reasonable is a question which is a cloaked word for prejudice. >> always? >> in this instance if you are going by that community, why would they be running? look at the gray level of arrogance that i am going to rush you in broad daylight 8:48 around an entire community when i know you have not been charged pwaz i feel like i am above the law.
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you want us to be accountable to the law, but the police at the same time can act as if they can't govern. >> i appreciate you in letting me engage you about what is being said on both sides. >> i want the world to see one baltimore and see us rebuild, and i don't want the stain to be rioting and looting but i want to see a city focused and committed to making radical change. alisyn back to you. that video from inside the meeting was really compelling. the earthquake in nepal now reaching 5,000 victims. the 27-year-old man was stuck under the rubble for 80 hours. we are told he banged
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relentlessly around the debris around him until he was found. >> almost four days amazing. and then a naval destroyer has been ordered to one region in iran and they fired shots across the bow before boarding that vessel. no americans are believed to be among the vessel. and then the court hearing historic oral arguments. the justices will issue a ruling in june that could make same-sex legal across the entire country the key vote could come from justice anthony kennedy who expressed doubt about whether the high court should even intervene. freddy gray's death is the
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latest to provoke the question, why don't all police wear body cameras. we will speak with somebody ahead trying to bring body cameras to police nationwide. ver card you can now use freeze it to prevent new purchases on your account in seconds. and once you find it you can switch it right on again. you're back! freeze it, only from discover. get it at introducing new flonase allergy relief nasal spray. this changes everything. new flonase outperforms a leading allergy pill so you will inhale life. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance, flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. so roll down your windows, hug your pet dust off some memories, make new ones. new flonase. six is greather than one. this changes everything.
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carolina. he was shot at eight times as he ran from police. senator tim scott grew up in charleston north carolina where scott was killed and he is pressing on body cameras on officers, and senator scott joins us now. good morning, senator. >> thank you for having me alisyn. >> if you had six officers with six different police cameras and angles we would know exactly what happened as much as possible. i think what happens is we should always have as much evidence from the scene as possible and body cameras provides us opportunity to gather that information real time end of story, to use it in criminal investigations and i think today we would have a different outcome. what we have seen from studies in body cameras, a 60% drop in the use of force. i believe body cameras will help keep more people alive and will
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help to restore confidence that communities have in law enforcement officers. >> is it so interesting, because at first flush you would think that body cameras might serve to hamstring the police somehow, they would have to check their own level of aggression and so you can imagine why it would curtail excessive force, but what you are saying it actually also curtains complaints against police officers. how does that work? >> absolutely. what we have learned is that when you are on film your behavior changes. i think it makes your officers safer and communities safer, and that's a good thing, and study after study shows that when people are on film and they know they are being filmed everybody's behavior it goes down a couple levels and allows for a more peaceful covernversation
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conversations. >> do you know where the mayor of baltimore vetoed it? >> i do not. i will tell you in north charleston our mayor and police chief ordered 101 cameras, and there was 150 more coming so that every officer on the streets of north charleston would have body cameras. i think it's a critical piece of equipment, and we should view it as 100% necessary when having interactions of the public. >> what is confusing the mayor vetoed the city council bill, and she said she didn't like the funding that the city council bill was proposing and she didn't think the city council should have authority over the police and she proposed her own bill in february, and now she, the mayor, wants body cameras and the city council wants body cameras and yet they don't have body cameras. >> i am sure they will figure
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out how to get body cameras faster than ever before, and i hope we have a national conversation, and this is not ferguson north carolina or baltimore, and how do we make sure that our police officers are doing their job with the highest level of integrity are safe, and for those bad apples not doing their jobs right are caught and punished. >> what one of the interesting things about those cases, freddy gray and walter scott from your hometown they were both caught on camera and both were caught on camera by a bypasser and some surveillance cameras and both of them miss critical points that would help complete the story, and with freddy gray we missed the moment we think, of when his spine might have been so severely injured, and today that would make all the difference in this case wouldn't it? >> it obviously seems like it would have made the biggest
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difference, and we would have been able to see what happened with mr. gray. whenever i get into mini taxis now, i will say very often in taxis there is a camera pointing back at the passenger, and just imagine if we were able to see what happened inside the officer cars as well, and i think it's important to restore trust and heal communities and we are going to have to look at the next step which is making sure we understand what happened because we saw it and not because we heard it. >> what do you think is going to happen on friday when the police have to turnover the findings of their investigation to the state's attorney? >> it's difficult to tell. i certainly hope that justice is done and i hope that we have more illumination on the issue and we understand the entire process that we don't understand today. it's very difficult to predict the future but i am looking forward to the police turning over every bit of single information important in this case. >> and we will see if your calls
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on body cameras on police nationwide are heeded after a situation like this. thank you for being on "new day." let's go out to chris on the streets of baltimore. >> when you are talking about heated responseses, we got one for you here. this mom was praised for her heated response to the protests in baltimore, but that was before the city descended into riots. remember the mom that took on her own son, we will talk about that and the politics here as well. did the mayor deal with this the right way? what does the former mayor think? all of this ahead. right on cue. [cat meows] ♪meow, meow, meow, meow...♪ it's more than just a meal it's meow mix mealtime. with great taste and 100% complete nutrition, it's the only one cats ask for by name. apples fall, but the apples of your cheeks don't have to. defy gravity. juvéderm voluma® is the only fda-approved injectable gel
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the police came and the national guard game and the curfew game and the community came together and there was quiet. no question the 10:00 p.m. curfew did help restore the peace for now, but that's just one step. there were clashes and nothing was perfect, that's for sure and police had to make their line and walk forward and use
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smoke canisters and pepper spray and received some bottles in return, and the crowd eventually dispersed. the schools were shut down of course as a precaution and they are now open. now, there will be two big moments coming forward, one is the sportsman, and camden yards will be empty, and that's going to be weird. you will have on your screen right now, a big moment friday that's when the police hand up their preliminary investigative findings to the prosecutor and that does not mean you will see an arrest or findings or there will be no charges or arrests, it's just one step. there are big expectations set for friday and i think it's a false one. >> we will make sure to keep telling that point. we will head back to baltimore in moments, but first let's turn
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to nepal. the death toll surpassing 5,000 victims, and officials expect that only to rise. this is video of a man being rescued after spending nearly four days under rubble in nepal. sanjay gupta is in nepal and has more. >> reporter: there are amazing stories of rescues, and we are in the critical period where there may be people out there who have been trapped for sometime under rubble and they must have adequate oxygen and enough to drink and they can be saved. there's an added sense of urgency to go out and help them. it's something that we saw firsthand. in trauma there is something known as the golden hour. get a patient treatment in that hour and their likelihood of survival goes way up. in disasters zones, it's about the first 72 hours.
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being trapped in the rubble longer than that with little water or oxygen it's what drives these rescuer kurz. this happen is taking care of patients and they have saved 584 of them but those golden 72 hours are coming to an end now. to make matters even worse, rain. >> this is the worst case scenario. this is what they were hoping wouldn't happen. in the middle of the field, they are able to have an army field hospital, and they are trying to do whatever they can to treat people who have been injured. let me give you a quick peek here. a couple pieces of tape on the ceiling, and it threatens to double over with water and concrete floors and intermittent
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power, and they are trying to do everything to save their own. here is a singer and he was practicing when the world exploded all around him. his right leg was pinned for 60 hours, and his mother could barely speak to us and she was all but certain he died. after a three-hour operation the doctors are confident his rescue within those critical 72 hours will pay off. just when it seemed the rescue would be stalled by weather, a burst of clear sky and the sudden sound of a helicopter. >> we are officially more than three days out, more than 72 hours since the earthquake and there are still rescue missions underway and you can see the army taking the stretchers and they have no idea what sort of idea of how many patients are on the helicopter, and this is what they have to do to get the care to the patience in the most remote areas.
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so many patients so much pain trapped for days on end, and also proving the power of the human spirit, and the will to live. i think when you see the patients coming in now, there has been a renewed sense, alisyn of urgency and it's a critical moment as i mentioned, and this is part of the reason we are seeing the helicopter pilots go into the remote areas. we are planning to going with them tomorrow. and these patients are often sicker because they are trapped longer without adequate resources, but there is an energy and a sense of urgency that we will see firsthand. >> the video you have been showing us is incredible and it's wonderful to have you on hand there. is baltimore's mayor getting the job done? there has been harsh criticism and also praise. we will talk with a former mayor of the city about how she has handled the protests.
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fix many of the problems that plague its less privileged community today for years, and here is the then-baltimore mayor back in 1994. take a listen. >> we are conveying a message we want a safer community, that we want them to lift their vision and think about hope and not despair. >> sounds like today, doesn't it? that's because many of those problems that then mayor schmoke was trying to fix. he joins us now, and he was the first african-american mayor of baltimore and now he is the president of the university of baltimore. it's good for you to be with us here on "new day." i am sorry it's under these conditions that we are talking now, but give us the benefit of context. we have somebody that may run for president, o'malley who was
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governor and mayor here running largely on the back of his record here who says i made baltimore much better and it seems the same to when you were in office. what is the reality? >> the reality is ours is a tale of two cities. you can come to like in our inner harbor area and see the best of america and walk ten blocks away and see some of the worst. we have very large concentration of poverty in this city and yet we have just also some wonderful things like the johns hopkins hospital and university and our great museums and, you know i could give you the whole chamber of commerce speech about the great things that are going on but we do have this concentration of poverty that is challenging for all the mayors. >> but that is not a story unlike what you hear in most big
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cities, that there is a tale of the two cities the have and have nots and it becomes what somebody does about it and somebody is getting ready to run for president on the back of his record and if this area is begging for relief on the same issues they always had, and not just that they don't listen to the police which is one version of reality, and the other is you don't give us education or jobs and what do you think is going to happen? >> you have to understand what you saw in the last couple of days has been a minority within a minority because most of the african-american leaders, and i am not talking about elected officials, i am talking about clergy and community association of leaders, and some of the fraternities and sororities and things like that, and they are talking about peaceful protests and trying to make changes in the krill criminal justice
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system and in the last days we have seen flash mobs, and when you say no education, the people that attacked the shopping center they came right out of high school they came from the school that is across the street from the shopping center so educational opportunities are being offered, but clearly much more has to be done. but i wouldn't characterize the whole community nor all african-american young people by what you saw with those flash mobs the last couple of days. >> nor would i, and we know perception often dominates reality. the critical question would be do you think the person who is mayor now elected with 87% of the vote is seen as a changed agent and the governor who has the rare distinction of being a nondemocrat in charge of baltimore, do you believe they are doing what they are supposed
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what they are supposed to? >> i think things have gotten better over the last 24 hours. there was some confusion at the beginning about responsibility for particular areas of safety but that has been coordinated much better now, and i think they are really operating from the same playbook and much of this could not have been anticipated because most of the protests since the freddy gray died in police custody, most of the protests have been very well organized and peaceful and folks have dispersed, and so that was the expectation, i think, that the mayor and the governor had, and this flash mob did catch them a little bit off guard and they have been recovering and doing well and last night was a good example of peace prevailing in the company. >> i suggest it was a better
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example of the community stepg up itself and whether it's the clergy coming together and also for parents to step up and fill the vacuum especially if kids are going to be involved, and it races who becomes an instant celebrity, the mother that spotted her own high school son getting ready to get involved and she took her own action and what she did and why she did it has become a spectacle here. let's see what she said on tv about why she did what she did and what she represents. >> i find myself shielding my son on a lot of different incidents, where these young kids are shooting each other and a lot of his friends have been killed you know and so my thing is i just want to keep him in the house. >> you know, mayor on one level, she is a standout and that's
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why she is on tv and getting attention for smacking her son up side the head like that and keeping him out of trouble hopefully, and there are a lot of grahams, single moms and trying to do it my themselves and not enough help from supporting communities, and the hope is that it gets better. do you see that hope? >> i agree with you that more needs to be done that elected officials definitely have to lift the vision for these young men, community leaders also have to be involved but i do think that there is -- that there are brighter days coming and particularly when you look at most of our young people who stayed in school who continued to work hard they recognize that education is the path to improvement, and we have got to do a better job overall providing them with opportunities, and i think that will come. >> mayor, thank you very much
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for your perspective and we appreciate you on "new day." the lesson you taught me with the kids you work in l.a. people want it to be easy and simple, and blame one everything for everything. this siren, too many of these kids know the sound of it better than they ever hear any beautiful music. >> it's a sad reality. ahead a. group of lawmakers introducing a bill demanding an end to questionable police tactics. ♪ ♪ ♪
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lenses. visit to learn more. protesters are demanding answers about police violence and actions and not just in baltimore, but nationwide. tuesday, there was a call on the bands of police choke holds after gardener a man who died after being restrained by police. i want to bring in a congressman from new york king jefferies. >> good morning. >> before we talk about baltimore, we have to talk about what is going on right now. i want to talk about your excessive use of force prevention act. i want to make the case for us as why you think this needs to be a nationwide band?
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>> there are departments all across the united states of america and los angeles and philadelphia and washington, d.c. and of course in new york that prohibit limit or discourage the use of choke holds but they continue to be used with deadly affect all across the country. so it's not sufficient simply to ban a policy through the depart mental practice and we have to elevate it and embed it in law if we want to end it. it's an unreasonable and we want to make it a forbidden practice. >> a bill was put forward to also prevent choke holds, and de blasio says he thinks it's a mistake, because there could be a scenario when an officer finds himself on a one-on-one officer
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where that officer's life is in danger? >> for the life of me i can't understand that thought, and the new york police department prohibited the choke holds from being used for 20 years, and they are still being used. there are hundreds of complaints of choke holds being deployed by police officers pending before the civilian complaint review board over the last few years, and this is not a new york city problem. when you have a high-profile tragedy like the eric gardener case it exposes an underlying issue and it demands a response that will hopefully lead to a change. that's a result as what has been put forward before the american people. >> police tactics are come into
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question and right now obviously all eyes are on baltimore. we want you to listen to what the president had to say when he was asked about this. he addressed it. >> if our society really wanted to solve the problem, we could, and it's just it would require everybody saying this is important, this is significant. and that we don't just pay attention to the communities when a cvs burns. we don't just pay attention when a young man gets shot or has his spine snapped. >> congressman, how do we get america to pay attention and say that's just a black issue, or that's a baltimore issue or ferguson issue? >> this is really an american issue. first of all, you have young people in america who are under educated and over policed, and that's resulting in unnecessarily intanglement in the criminal justice system that
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leads to a loss of hope and they have life sentences of disadvantage and despair. one of the things we can do is end massive incarceration, and you have people on the left and right and democrats and republicans who engage in serious conversation about fixing our broken criminal justice system and that would be a wonderful step to make sure that this is not just a passing moment, but a permanent movement towards change. >> let's hope you and your fellow congressmen can link arms and work in that way together. thank you for joining us today on "new day." chris is doing such a great job for us on the streets of baltimore, and i know you will be reporting more throughout the day because cnn's coverage of the baltimore state of emergency will continue in the "newsroom" with carol costello that starts right after the break. ed about these milk-bone brushing
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