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tv   CNN International  CNN  April 30, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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protests in baltimore.
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we continue the story. the death of fred freddie gray takes a serious turn. >> to save a life in nepal. cnn's sanjay gupta comes to one woman's rescue. >> welcome to our viewers here and around the world. >> we are following a situation in baltimore, maryland. a city under curfew for the third day in a row. an effort to calm protesters upset over the death of freddie gray. >> we have learned more on the investigation and we will have more in a moment. >> a curfew approached, police took actions. lines of police cleared out protesters but it was a mostly peaceful event. >> to a major development in the case. baltimore police say during the investigation they learned the
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van carrying gray made an undocumented and unreported stop. >> and there are other reports that are raising troubling questions about what happened to gray inside that van. cnn's randy kay has this story. >> reporter: at the heart of the investigation, what went on inside the van transporting freddie gray. a van that we now know made four stops, not three. after gray was apprehended, the van first stopped at baker and mount streets put gray in leg irons. now authorities are revealing this new stop in the mix. fremont and moesher. though details are scarce. >> we discovered this new stop based on our thorough, comprehensive and ongoing review of all cameras and privately-owned cameras and this new stop was discovered from a privately-owned camera. >> the van's third stop, drewitt hill and dolphin. that particular stop is still
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under investigation. at the next stop, north and pennsylvania, gray is on the floor of the van. >> they pick him up off the floor and place him on the seat at that time. he says he needs a medic. >> at this stop police respond to an unrelated indent and put a second prisoner in the van. a police document obtained by the washington post reveals that second prisoner has his own version of what happened inside the van. he claims gray was banging against the walls and intentionally trying to injury himself. a metal barrier was separating the prisoner from gray sew couldn't see him. gray family attorney jason downs disputes the idea that gray caused his own fatal injury telling the washington post we disagree with any implication that freddie gray severed his own spinal cord. even so, a wjla report quoting multiple law enforcement forces briefed on the findings says gray's catastrophic injury was
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caused when he slammed into the back of the police transport van apparently breaking his neck. wjla says the head injury he had matches a bolt in the back of the police van. but anderson cooper interviewed a friend of one of the officers involved in freddie gray's arrest who has a different take suggesting the fatal injury did not occur inside the van. listen. >> what has that officer told you about what that officers believes happened to freddie gray. does that officer believe that freddie gray was injured inside the paddy wagon or before? >> he believed that freddie gray was injured outside the paddy wagon before. >> while predy gray was being investigated. >> yes. >> now the information is in the hands of the maryland state attorney's office which says it doesn't plan on relying solely
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on the office. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> before the curfew went into effect, kcnn's miguel cortez talked with those who don believe freddie gray injured himself. here are their concerns. >> they are taking over the street on north avenue. can i show you the crowd here. the concern that they have, that you and chris were just talking about, is -- they say freddie gray did not kill himself. so all of these leads, what they have drawn from them, is that they are strategically placed and there to claim that mr. gray somehow harmed himself. on that side of the street, other side of pennsylvania avenue there, a lot of police presence, they are starting to gather on every corner. the one important thing is the police aren't wearing the riot gear or at least they don't have as much riot gear. some have heelds.
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a lot of them don't. they are mixing with the crowd more freely. did you guys all go down to city hall today? and how longer you going to be out here? >> all night. all day. >> we will fight for freddie gray. >> they would love to be out here all day, all night. they have reluctantly gone home. there is concern and future days of how this is going to go. but right few, people, i think, are celebrating the fact they went downtown and were able to have -- able to come back up here and now this corner that was such a scene of violence and protest has become a bit of a corner of renewal for this neighborhood. >> we also taking a closer look at how suspects are treated in police custody. earlier, cnn spoke to journalist and professor erica benoit about
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taking suspects on a so-called rodeo ride. >> a method she said is used as a form of punishment and for police inter allegations. here she is. >> reporter: yeah, rodeo rides, like you mentioned, nickel rides are something where police pick up random people on the street and bring them into the paddy wagon and take them on a wild ride. basically. they don't belt them in and take them. it is a form of interrogation. it is a way to punish unruly or you know, quote unquote, disrespectful suspects. and also to get information from witnesses. so they take them on these rides and people are jostled around and people get hurt. in one case here in baltimore, a person became paralyzed, became a quadriplegic and the city was sued for $7.4 million. that was eventually reduced in
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court of appeals to dl$200,000. but the city itself has had over $5 million in police brutality cases and amongst them are a lot of cases where these rodeo rides have taken place. and suspects have been severely injured. >> that is certainly something that people have been asking about. answers to a rough ride or rodeo ride. they are looking closely at that autopsy report. >> thousands of people are marching in solidarity, including in cincinnati, ohio, thursday demonstrators heard from several speakers and then marched to police headquarters a few blocks away. >> and in philadelphia, ro testers showing support for the people of baltimore. it began at city hall where hundreds gathered to protest police brutality. some in the group tried to block the entrance of the highway there. two people, we understand, were
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arrested. >> cnn's poppy harlow followed the protest in philadelphia. here is your report. >> it began with the protests around 4:30 this afternoon. congregated city hall in downtown philadelphia. then turned into a march on the streets of philadelphia that so far lasted three hours. so far the protest is peaceful. i want to emphasize that chief of police inspector here is telling me that these are people that need to have their voices heard. they deserve to protest and exercise their first amendment right as long as they do so lawfully. he expected it to be a loud, large and lawful protest. it has in large part been that. there was a confrontation with police right at the entrance ipt state 95 where police lined up on their horses on their bicycles o protesters were not allowed go on to the highway. there was a clash between police and protesters for about 20
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minutes. then it opened up and protesters were allowed to continue walking on the streets. what i'm hearing from people here, from people of really all ages, white citizens, black citizens of philadelphia. saying they want answered in the case of freddie gray. but for them it is larger than that. for them it is also about economic disparity and about a lack of opportunity for african-american youth especially in this country. so clearly, one young african-american attorney tell meg she wants to see change within the system. more opportunity, more room for economic growth for many people that she feels are not getting a fair shot. so they are protesting to have their voices heard here on the streets of philadelphia. you see a lot of signs where they are lined with baltimore and the name of the protest by the group that organized it is philadelphia, is baltimore. i will send it back to you. >> many viewers may be watching what is happening, this outpouring of emotions in
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baltimore and other cities. some may wonder why. so many people are rallying on behalf of someone they probably never met. >> as a baltimore city councilman tells cnn, demonstrations stem from discrimination that lasted for generations. >> freddie gray was a culmination of decades. young guys showing frustration, showing their venting, being angry and doing it in an unproductive way.
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>>. .
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>> along with the insight of that report, here is mother way of looking at baltimore's racial divide. 15 baltimore neighborhoods have lower life expectancies that north korea and eight of those neighborhoods rachked even beneath war torn syria.
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>> that kind of spelled it out, doesn't it? the article compares two children born on the same day in different parts of baltimore. one wealthy and one poor. the child born in the upscale part of the city can live to 84. the child born in the poor part with expect to die 19 years earlier at age of 65. >> a prisoner in the same van as freddie gray says he tried to hurt himself. what the family attorney is saying about that claim. >> we will have that in a moment plus a life-saving mission for cnn's dr. sanjay gupta. his dramatic report from nepal, just ahead.
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to plan, compare & book the perfect trip, visit today. we want peace. >> curfew remains in effect after protesters spent the day marching for freddie gray. >> the family is denying a report that gray may have tried injury himself, a prisoner in the same van as gray but could not see him through a partition
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claims he heard gray thrashing around, prapgs intentionally, trying to hurt himself. the attorney says that just isn't the case. >> any suggestion that mr. gray harmed himself in the back of the van is strong that freddie gray's family strongly disagrees with. you can't check your common sense at the door just because the law is involved. in this case, common sense shows freddie gray did not sever his own spinal cord, whether in the van or outside the van. mr. gray did not sever his own spinal cord. >> in baltimore on thursday, he says he still has faith in baltimore's judicial system. >> we must allow the process to go forward. and all i can assure him and senator and others is that we will stick with this case until the end. but the fact is, is that now we have an attorney we are very impressed with and very proud of. we trust her. we believe in her. and i know that she will -- and
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i just want her to get the facts right, he he he he she will apply the law and come to her own conclusions. that's her job. that's her job, and i believe in her. >> from balt plor maryland and to other cities, great protests spread around the country including the city of philadelphia. police officials there calling the protest large, loud and lawful. cnn's poppy harlow was right in the middle of it. one protester told her why it was so important for him to be in that march. >> it was powerful. we are here to say we will not just let them walk all over us. we are citizens of this country. i'm just as important as you. and they should see that. >> we will have more on the protests in baltimore coming up. but first, we want to turn to the death toll from the massive earthquake in nepal as it climbed past 6200 with almost 14,000 people hurt. but rescuers keep searching for reasons like this.
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24-year-old woman found alive in the rubble of the hotel where she works five days after the quake. they pulled her out. then this 15-year-old boy dehydrated but otherwise okay. he spent the past five days shielded by a motorcycle under a collapsed apartment building in katmandu. >> it is amazing that he simply survived. you know, the full extent of the destruction from that earthquake is still not clear. rescue teams are still trying to reach those remote villages in
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the country's mountains and foot hills. >> cnn's chief medical correspondent, sanjay group that, is a highly skilled surgeon and he put his skills to the test thursday in one helicopter ride. >> sometimes it takes a village to reach a village. and right now, they are trying to save a village. just east of katmandu, is the hardest hit district in nepal. more devastation and more deaths here than anywhere else. they need everything. anything. first of all, helicopters, getting a lot of assistance from other countries. noodles, instant noodles. providing instant calories. and finally, the tarps. so badly needed because of the weather conditions where we're going. one of the challenges we are told, this team has no idea what they will find when they arrive. we quickly see what that means.
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the propellers never even stop as we drop off aid supplies. and suddenly, an 18-year-old mother, is at the front door on a makeshift stretcher. we only know her name. we see her husband and 1 1/2-month-old baby. as i examine her, i quickly realize, she has no movement and no sensation in her legs. she is paraplegic. then things get worse. minutes into our flight now, sabina stops breathing. we can no longer detect a pulse. either on her wrist or in her neck. i checked her pupils and tried desperately to rouse her as we blast over the countryside. there are no iv fluids on the
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helicopter. no defibrillator. not even a first aid kit. and this young woman is going into cardiac arrest. it was aggressive, but i just delivered a cardiac thump, a quick strong hit to the chest in a last ditch effort to shock sabina's heart back into action. whether it worked or not, i can't say for sure. but she came back. and for a moment, everything calmed down. i slowly try and rehydrate her the old-fashioned way. we touchdown once more at a makeshift hospital high in the mountains. we realize as dramatic as that was, it is a scene playing out everyday. maybe every hour in the skies above nepal. >> the idea of just how challenging these missions are. look at the very small space which this helicopter had to land on top of the hill. hardly if i room to spare. badly-needed supplies as quickly as they can because there is a
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woman on the helicopter who nearly went into cardiac arrest. they got to get letther back as quickly as possible. >> here come the patients. one by one. i'm handed a precious little baby to fly back. whose mother is too weak to hold her. sabina's iv bag now tied with a disposable mask. anything to make it work. a single moment to celebrate the lives on this chopper. we touchdown again and this time, there are stretchers. medicines, fluids, and prayers. dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, nepal. >> simply amazing story from our dr. sanjay gupta. and so many resilient stories. lining the story of an 8-year-old girl crushed inside her home and somehow managed to make it out alive. >> we have documented the
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remarkable tales of survivable we are learning about. you can see our photo gallery on we were both on the air when we first heard about this earthquake. we all kind of new that it probably would be really bad. >> just the stories of people coming out of the rubble, still to this day. just incredible. >> in a moment, we turn back to the news from baltimore. police cleared the streets. this protester, live on cnn. that is next. it has magnesium and works more naturally than stimulant laxatives. for gentle cramp free relief of occasional constipation that works! mmm mmm live the regular life.
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welcome back to our viewers
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in the united states and around the world. we continue to follow eevents in baltimore maryland. protesters spent the day protesting for freddie gray. >> here is the latest we know on the investigation. baltimore police revealed the van carrying gray to jail made a previously unreported stop. but no more details beyond that so far. our tv affiliate wjla has been reporting new information. it sites sources close to the investigation saying there is no efd suggesting gray was injured during his arrest but say his head injuries do match a bolt inside that van. just after baltimore went into that city wide curfew, police lined the streets telling protesters to clear the area and go loam. >> that's right. our own brian todd was reporting live on air during tense moments with police as they were pushing crowds back. [ bleep ].
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>> okay. whoa. whoa, whoa. >> okay. they just -- they just apprehended that man. don, they just got this man, apprehended him. he was walking slowly, they walked up behind him and started pushing forward and they just endeveloped him and took him back there and apprehended him. as they were pushing us forward. so he is has just been basically evaporated into that wall of police and taken away. i don't know whether he is being taken over there. there is movement over here. but we got pushed. >> so that was one episode as the curfew began. as we watch these protests unfold, the baltimore city prosecutor maryland mosby is
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urging patience and calm. >> she is set to determine if there is sufficient efd of evidence to pursue charges against anyone in the case. >> the youngest chief prosecutor of a major american city and she's been on the job less than four months. >> but now, 35-year-old marilyn mosby has a huge decision to make that could calm anger in the city she loves. >> police cars they are vandalizing right there. >> or possibly reignite riots. >> i know the state's attorney is committed to seeing justice. >> mosby said she will review the police findings of freddie gray's death as well as independent investigation by her office as she considers any criminal charges involving the officers in his arrest. >> we have much more confidence in her than we do on the police. >> her views of crime and
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punishment was shaped when she was young. >> i come from a long line of police officers. >> her mother, father, grand father and all four ufrpg els all wore a badge. >> despite what we want to think, the police officers in our city are doing their jobs. >> it hit close to home. >> she said she decided to become part of the justice system after crime hit home. >> my cousin, extremely close to me, like my best friend, was killed on my front door steps. >> as protests spread across baltimore and the nation, there's a enormous pressure on mosby to prosecute the officers who arrested freddie gray and to give the public answers about how he died. some of that pressure may come from her own husband. the father of her two young daughters, who also happens to be a city councilman. nick mosby represent parts of baltimore where the riots broke out. >> she is a strong woman. she was built for this. >> she's got a big job ahead of
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her. that' don lemon for us. >> the controversy over freddie gray's arrest and death is not isolated. there have been numerous recent confrontations between police and citizens in the u.s. specifically with african-american citizens and it's focussing attention on law enforcement and how it is carried out. >> cnn takes a look at how we got to this point. we want to caution you, some of the images in this story are quite disturbing. >> a police officer in south carolina shot a fleeing unarmed man in the back. in arizona, an officer intentionally using his car to run over and injury a suspect with a rifle. a 73-year-old volunteer deputy in oklahoma killed a fleeing suspect. he says he meant to fire a taser but used handgun instead. all three incidents caught on video and broadcast widely.
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watching u.s. television is easy to think suddenly police are using force in troubling ways. intense media coverage is escalating with the shooting of michael brown, unarmed black teen in missouri last august. only the aftermath caught on camera but it led to violent demonstrations and national debate about the use of police dense african-americans. hardly a new concern. the beating of rodney king in los angeles under 1991 led to riots and soul searching for many americans. but police violence captured on television is relatively rare. not any more. deaths of eric garner who kid to after being put in a choke hold in new york. or jamie powell who approached police in st. louis shouting shoot me, shoot me. are those kinds of fatal police encounters any more common, there's no way to tell. no one comprehensive data base that covers police use of excessive force nationwide. from 2003 through 2009 the fbi
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estimated that state and local police made nearly 98 million arrests. fewer than 5,000 arrest related deaths were reported. that's 1 in 20,000. and there's no way to tell how many of those deaths were to protect the public and police or may have been unwarranted. those statistics are also silent about something else. the use of cell phone cameras. it has become so easy to record anything anywhere and share it that we can scrutinize events or at least what the video shows of them. when there is no i'd video, as in the case of freddie gray, who died from spinal injuries sometime after his arrest, we're just left wondering. jonathan mann, cnn. >> and again, the autopsy report may be released today or it may take a few days. but it might happen today. the full extent of destruction in nepal won't be known for weeks. access to remote village says completely cut off by averages
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and landslide. >> cnn team traveled for days to reach the quake's epicenter. here is evenory international correspondent are a want damon. >> reporter: overnight rains with overnight tremors bring more fears of landslides. the earthquake visible in the distance as we try to make our way toward the epicenter. destroyed homes in the valley mp mountains populated with small villages whose residents are so desperately in need some have decided to walk to help rather than wait. we had nothing left, this man says. we arrive at the only assistance around for hours. a makeshift aid and distribution center set up by a paragliding group and volunteers. like retired paramedic american stacey baker who was in nepal on vacation. she is treating her sickest patient of the day.
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this tiny baby arrived feverish and lethargic. >> many people are coming for pro vigs and food and stuff like that. we think the sicker people that need to be seen can't get here. >> a bit further down is as far as we can get by car. where more aid arrived. though barely a fraction of what is needed. the landslides have cut off roads to entire villages like one that we are trying to reach. crossing paths, now covers in the rubble of homes and pieces of shattered lives. this used to be a >> reporter: there's child's homework here. my name is -- our guide is from kyota this area is filled with lives who perished. >> in the distance, more destruction.
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overhead helicopters circle regularly. we reach one village at the top. the ruins of a home where three children died. their mother also killed in a landslide. her husband was with her. i heard her screaming and then nothing. he says. the devastation here is endless. overwhelming. four hours after we started out we finally arrive in kyota. also entirely in ruins. 13-year-old back was crushed when a wall collapsed on her. >> there is no aid so they've today use herbal medicines. >> she can barely walk and is in constant pain. the family only has rice to eat. we make our way back down at dusk. >> these are some of the villages that we met earlier on in the day making it up here with a little bit of the aid that they were able to get.
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>> it won't last long. the populations here among nepal's poorest. left with nothing. and no one to really help them. cnn, kyota, nepal. >> it will take people a long, long time to recover. >> heart breaking. >> just unbelievable, the damage there. later on cnn, we return to baltimore maryland. we will hear from the city's mayer who is making a fiery vow for justice for freddie gray and his family. don't just visit orlando
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the 2015 nfl draft, tampa bay buccaneers select jameis winston. florida state. >> you heard it there, florida state's quarterback jameis winston now a tampa bay buck here in after being selected first over all in the nfl draft.
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winston won the heisman trophy and led the seminoles to national championship. in 2013. well pick number 2 went to tennessee titans. who selected oregon quarterback marcus mariota. nfl commissioner roger goodell had trouble with that name. >> the second pick in the 2015 nfl draft, tennessee titans select marcus mariota, quarterback, oregon. >> and he didn't seem to notice as he celebrated with his family and his friends in hawaii. >> how about that. nice place to be. when your life takes a great even -- >> go to the beach. >> before and after. >> we turned to a boxing now and i guess you know there's a little fight coming up. fight of the century gets
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called. floyd mayweather and manny pacquiao. i love the stare-down, don't you? >> they are so serious. >> okay, pacquiao says he is especially proud to represent the philippines. some people there are asked to unplug their appliances so that they will have enough power to actually watch the fight. cnn world sports anchor don talked to pacquiao. listen. >> manny, thanks very much for being with us on world sport. i want to ask you about the press conference yesterday where you seem sewed hpy you were laughing and smiling even during the staredown. what were you thinking about then in. >> i'm thinking for excited for the fight, excited for the fight and relax and have peace of mind for the fight. and i'm rel ready for a fight. >> floyd mayweather seemed subdued. some people are reading into
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that that maybe he is a bit anxious about the result. what do you think? >> i don't have any idea about him. but you know, yesterday i'm happy. >> you've been fighting for 20 years. this is going to be your 65th professional fight. this one is very, very different though, isn't it? tell me how it feels different to you. >> this one is different and i'm excited for the fight on saturday. and i'm sure the fans will love it. >> what does it mean to you to be representing your country, the philippines again on such a big stage? >> it mean a lot. people are excited for to watch this fight. >> reporter: i've been speaking to freddie roach. apparently you've been hitting him very, very hard in sparring. he told me to ask you, are you going to hit floyd as hard as you've been hitting freddie? >> in training, in preparation, we will use it in the fight. we will do it in the fight.
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>> you've got 48 hours and a bit more to go until the fight now. i know that training is over. it must seem like a long time to go until the fight. how are you going to pass the time? >> i'm excited. relax. rest in the hotel. and focus. focus for the fight. >> what is your prediction for the fight, manny? what are you going do? >> i don't have prediction. but i will do my best. to make the fans happy and they deserve to have a good fight, to enjoy this fight. >> floyd mayweather says this fight is all about money. what do you think it is all about? >> not only about that. but all about how we entertain people. entertain the fans. and they deserve, fans deserve to have a good fight. deserve to be satisfied on
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saturday. because they are paying more than double the regular fight. >> so there have you it. how manny pacquiao is feeling just before the big fight. we also spoke with floyd mayweather. >> your critics would say you've been a little bit subdued this week. you know boxing writers, they try and read something into that. what would you put that down to? >> may mayweather's answer and much more of his interview here on cnn. >> can you check out exclusive photos from our cnn sports anchors in las vegas. go to don radell cnn and i couldwire on twitter. >> it wasn't just the candidates throwing jabs, audience members got in on it too. that's coming up. >> and keeping track of events
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in baltimore, maryland. new evidence of the death of freddie gray emerge. working on my feet all day gave me pain here. in my lower back but now, i step on this machine and get my number which matches my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts. now i get immediate relief from my foot pain. my lower back pain. find a machine at we don't collect killer whales seaworldfrom the wild. to know. and haven't for 35 years. with the hightest standard of animal care in the world, our whales are healthy. they're thriving. i wouldn't work here if they weren't. and government research shows they live just as long as whales in the wild. caring for these whales, we have a great responsibility to get that right. and we take it very seriously. because we love them. and we know you love them too.
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welcome back. let's recap our top story.
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the city of baltimore where police are enforcing a curfew. this is the third night in a row after sometimes vie leapt demonstrations shook the community earlier this week. crowds marched peacefully through the city on thursday. protesting the death of freddie gray in police custody. there are also varying accounts emerging about what exactly happened after gray's arrest. our affiliate wjla found that gray's injuries happened in the back of the police van, not during his arrest. according to a washington post report a prisoner in the same van with gray told investigators he thought gray was intentionally trying to harm himself. >> in other news we are following, the united kingdom most highly anticipated general election now less than a week away. >> and in bbc's question time event thursday, candidates went face-to-face with voters.
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>> david cameron walked away the winner with 44% of respondent's saying he perform had the best. >> miliband came in second and clegg was third with 19% of the vote. but questions from the audience were contentious at times. the prime minister explaining his party program an one man accused him of deceiving the british people. deflecting on the distrust that many brits harbor fon hire politicians. >> if you believe as i do we should reform welfare, making sure work pays, helping people back to work an keeping working people's taxes down. that's my program. if you want more increases for welfare and more taxes, that's miliband, that's for him. >> i'm sorry, but i think that you're either deceiving the british public or you know
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exactly what you're going to do but you're refusing to give specifics. i find that very, very difficult to understand. how could i possibly vote for you on that basis. >> giving it back. even labor party leader ed miliband couldn't escape the wrath of the audience. >> a global financial crisis causing the deficit to rise. president obama isn't dealing with a high deficit because we built more schools and hospitals. he is dealing with a highç deficit because there was that global financial crisis. but spending's got to -- this gentleman here, spendings got to fall. that's why we will reduce spending p. >> in the financial crisis, australia didn't suffer this. canada didn't suffer this. other countries didn't suffer. this country suffered because golden brown sold gold because
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the -- [ applause ] how can you say there and say you didn't overspend and didn't bankrupt this country. that is absolutely ludicrous. you are, frankly, just lying. >> another topic of discussion with scotland, polls show the scottish national party could see overwhelming victory there. that news is frightening. the lthe labor party has a history of dominating scottish voters. >> would you rather not have led the government -- >> if it is a government or scottish policy, it is not going to happen. >> then to top it all off, miliband lost footing and tripped. he was waving to the audience on his way out. just hate it when that happens. >> he just wrapped up a very passionate closing speech. >> we're not giving him a break, are we? >> oh gosh. you got watch that part after a big speech.
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>> that's not cool. that's it for this hour. but we are here for another hour. you've been watching cnn newsroom. >> stay with us. ugh... ...heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm... amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief.
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