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tv   Forensic Files  CNN  May 3, 2015 12:00am-12:31am PDT

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manipulate ann haynes. he thought he could manipulate investigators, and he believed he was getting away with it. victim to temptation. >> he made a mistake thattium arer sure a lot of people could identify with. >> then he vanishes without a trace. for almost 20 years, the disappearance goes unsolved. until a tiny chip of paint tells of a terrifying ordeal. >> it would drive me crazy to know what a murder victim goes through every time they're killed. ♪ the copper mine outside salt
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lake city, utah, is known as the richest toll on earth and copper isn't the only valuable mineral. >> they have gold and silver. they have very expensiive equipment. you don't just go there without usually encountering security. >> so, when the security guard wasn't on duty in 1991, it was unusual. >> i went up and figured he might be in the rest room and went and found his lunch was partly eaten, his hardhat was still there. >> the guard, rhine ruyan ruth,t suppose to leave for any reason. >> it was a strange moment where he was there and gone the next
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and there was no real explanation of why he was gone. >> snow had fallen just a few hours earlier but there were no footprints around the shaq. his car was parked in a nearby lot and there were no footprints near his car. >> it looked like he may have stepped outside the door and vanished but it was in a very isolated area. >> inside the shaq, everything was in order. 21-year-old brian ruth and his wife jennifer had a 15 month old baby. work records showed this wasn't the first time brian went missing. just a few weeks earlier, brian walked off his job and ran away to las vegas. >> he felt a big biurden to provide for us and especially with a second baby and i know
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finances worried him a lot. he felt bad we had to move in with my parents that time. >> he spent six days in las vegas and when he returned he was changed man and not for the better. >> he was very cold and distant. a side of him i'd never seen before. very cold, bitter about certain things, finances, things like that and just angry. >> as investigators searched the guard shack for clues, the caller said she was brian's wife, jennifer. >> she was surprised that somebody else answered the phone when brine didn't answer and they told her that they were the police. she said that she had talked to him around 6:30 and that there
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was another employee was coming and he had to go. >> as soon as police got off the phone with jennifer, the phone rang again. >> the deputy answered the phone call and it was a different female voice and she told them that her name was jennifer ruth. somebody was claiming that they were brian's wife that really wasn't. >> a missing man with two wives. police knew right away. it was going to be an unusual investigation. fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar. imagine what it would be like to love your numbers. discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed in the newest class of medicines that work with the kidneys to lower a1c. invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes.
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shortly after brian ruth's disappearance from his security job, two women called his work phone asking to speak to him. each woman identified herself as his wife. the caller id system showed that one was indeed brine's wife, jennifer. and the other one was married to dale bradley, who was one of brian ruth's co workers. >> and that's when they sent
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detectives over to dale and christy's house. >> dale would have christy bring dinner to him and that's how they met was out that job site when she would bring meals to him. >> when questioned about brian's disappearance, christy said she had been home all evening and hadn't seen him and dale said he was running errands all day. >> when his car broke down, he kaled his friend billy who was at a local bar here. >> five days after brian disappeared, his wife jennifer, discovered a potential clue. >> i found bills of credit cards that we didn't have together and
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a phone bill. >> she discovered that he was having an affair with christy bradley. >> it was a double whamy that everything had been shattered, everything that i had dreamed and hoped for was gone. >> jennifer also discovered that christy was with brian in las vegas a few weeks earlier. when confronted with this information, christy admitted the affair to both the police and her husband. >> she told me that she thought brine was really nice and dale was controlling to her and christy didn't like to be tied down. christy and brian were able to talk to each other and i think that's the reason for the phone calls. >> but dale insisted he knew nothing about his wife's affair
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when brian went missing. but the affair gave dale a motive so, they checked the car. it was checked for gun shot residue and blood. >> nothing we found. >> and they both took poly graph tests and they both passed. and then investigators discovered another potential lead. >> a they were arrested for stealing metals off of the property and pawning them in junk metal shops for junk metal. >> in fact, one of those guards was at the guard shack just minutes after brian was reported missing. >> brian was one of those at the guard shack who reported these
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thefts going on. >> but without his body, they had no proof he was dead. officially, he was still a missing person.
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shortly after brine ruth disappeared, police in covered a theft ring run by security guards at the kennecott mine.
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>> they were stealing gloves, shi shovels, just any kind of equipment you would find around a mine. >> they wondered if brian stumbled on a theft in progress. >> and they killed him to cover up the theft. >> but none of the other security guards could be linked to brian's disappearance. >> he was basically alone out there in the mountains and it concerned him that there were no electric gates or security system like they had at the oth other gatsz. it was an overwhelming fear when i would be driving to work or to the store. it was a constant crowd over me of fear that someone could just
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disappear and never come back. >> brian's wife jennifer was forced to raise their little girl alone. six months after bryan went missing, she gave birth to another daughter. >> i couldn't move on. i was stuck in that realm of grief until i knew what happened. >> then, hikers found human remains about 50 miles from the kennecott mine. >> he still had his security outfit on. his wallet and everything in tact. >> that's him. bryan patrick ruff. >> and i got a call from detectives and i said is it bryan and that's when my world fell apart.
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>> dental records confirmed the victim was bryan ruff. an autopsy showed he'd been shot five times in the back. >> i thought that somehow he had gotten in the middle of something illegal and they killed him for that. >> search teams found five spent shells from .22 caliber pistol from the body. they believe he was shot just a few feet from where he was buried in a shallow grave. >> the next day, we're out there working again and one of the dogs and the k9 unit uncovers a black cowboy boot that was recovered about 200 feet east of the grave site. never did find a second boot. >> but so much time had pass said and so much rain and snow had fallen, that no other clues
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were found at the scene. >> it's really frustrating. there's no other way to put it. >> with no evidence to tie anyone to the crime, the case went cold and the years passed. until 14 years later when tod parks a cold case detective with the salt lake county sheriff's office received a phone call from neighboring carbon county. >> when that call came in, it gave me a fresh breath of air to really dig into it. >> police in carbon county were investigating dale bradley on suspicion of murdering his wife crystal. he had been a suspect in bryan ruff's murder.
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>> when detective clark contacted her 14 years after the fact, she was surprised that the case hadn't been solved because dale told her somebody else had already been arrested for it and she assumed it was done. >> but that was obviously a lie and christy told police something she hadn't mentioned during the initial investigation. she said the day after bryan went missing, dale cleaned the inside of his car. >> he had never cleaned out that trunk as long as she'd known him, as long as he'd owned that camaro. >> why would dale do this? police wondered if bryan ruff had been inside that trunk. >> we were looking for blood in the car. >> but after 14 years could police find dale bradley's camaro.
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14 years after bryan ruff's murder, investigators never lost hope that they would solve bryan's murder. >> the thing is he was a really good kid and i think he would have really made something out of his life and his family but
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that was cut short. >> when they learned that their original suspect was yet a suspect in another murder. so, they decided to look again that evidence. and the boot that they found near his burial site, they spotted something, a scuff mark that looked like reddish, orange paint. >> when i saw that swauch of paint, it flashed back to me that that was the same color of paint that was on dale bradley's car and i kind of got a little bit of butterflies and thought, i got him. >> forensic analyst examined this with a microscope. >> it's actually smeared into the leather at the bottom of the boot. there was tremendous force to
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get that paint smear on to the bottom of his boot. >> was it the kind of force like trying to kick your way out of the trunk of the car, for example. they needed to know if the makers of the camaro, had painted the inside of the truck. >> and he popped the trunk and indeed they have original paint in the trunk. so that was useful. >> dale bradley drove a 1974 camaro at the time of bryan's murder. the mission now was to find it. >> through a lot of investigation, we found that the car was sold. >> and the new owner sold the car for scrap metal. >> it had been melted down. >> but an examination of the case file revealed a surprise. 14 years earlier, a detective
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had taken paint samples from dale's car. >> there wasn't much else to take. >> he placed them on slides with an emersion liquid. this eliminated any air trapped between the sample and the slide. using a poleerizing litght microscope magnified up to 1,000 times. >> i received a paint chip known standard from a 1974. >> and he now did a three-way comparison. he examined paint from the boot, from the car and from the file sample of a 1974 camaro. all were identical. and with this evidence, dale bradley was arrested and charged
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with bryan ruff's murder. >> it was shocking that anybody could do something so horrific, let alone somebody who claimed to be such a good friend. >> prosecutors believe dale either knew or strongly suspected bryan ruff was having an affair with his wife christy and was afraid she was going to leave him. >> i think he was so angry that christy and bryan betrayed them that he was going to make them pay. >> the forensic evidence suggests that his plan was to eliminate the person he perceived to be his competition. since he knew bryan's hours and when there would be the least amount of traffic, he knew when to strike. dale probably forced bryan into the trunk at gunpoint. brin tried to kick his way out
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of the trunk during the 30 minute drive when a piece of the paint became embedded in his boot. when dale got to the burial spot, prosecutors think he ordered brian to remove his boots so he couldn't run away. he then forced him over to a shallow grave, which prosecutors think he dug earlier that day. then shot him with a .22 caliber pistol. the murder weapon was never recovered. >> it was so typical of dale's personality to be coward enough to shoot somebody in the back and not face him when he was going to take his life. >> the paint and circumstantial evidence were difficult for dale bradley to refute.
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he agreed to plead guilty to second degree manslaughter and was sentenced to 14 years in prison. what heç didn't realize was th bryan's boot held an important piece of evidence that told a story. dale bradley remains a suspect in the murder of his second wife. it's ironic in a way that bryan's ruff's desperate efforts in the trunk of the car lead to captu capture. >> the paint samples coupled with all the circumstantial evidence in this case and the physical evidence that you have, that was just a clincher in this case. >> and even today, there's a lot of detectives focusing so much on dna, they're forgetting about all the other avnews of trace
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evidence. >> i hope this sends a message that you're going to continue to look at these cases and you're not going to get away with murder and that the more they try to cover up their tractiks, the more tracks they leave. up next, three college students are murdered. >> he picked on young women, pretty women. >> police immediately have a suspect. but not everyone was convinced he was the one. >> if he's going to brag about three, why not four. >> he never mentioned her. >> and it's terrifying to think there's more than one monster in your community at one time.


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