tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 7, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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ithin our circle of love. >> you did so much for me. >> it really is a wonderful feeling that people in the street are beginning to get a voice in health care. it's something that we should take pride in when we can actually treat people the way we want to be treated. >> to nominate a hero go to cnn heroes thanks for watching tonight. i'm don lemon. "ac 360 starts right now. tom brady on the dvs. we're awaiting for his first comments since a report came out saying he probably knew the balls were deflated. he's expected to speak at any moment now. he arrived by helicopter for a speaking event in salem,
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massachusetts, that was planned before the deflate-gate report came out. and the report said employees probably did it on purpose and that brady probably knew about it. his agent said it was flawed and biassed. and joining us now. there are going to be comments from the university president, before tom brady speaks. and we're going to bring you tom brady brady. do we know the reason for the delay? >> one of the reasons is because the line snaked through the parking lot and even by 10 to 8:00 not everyone was inside. and even though we've been told by an event organizer, they're on tom brady's schedule. well he didn't start. he waited for everybody to get inside.
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we're hearing a lot of cheers people saying brady, brady, brady. all the people inside planned to be here months ago when the tickets went on sale. we did hear that someone was selling a ticket for $1,000 to get inside. and very friendly to tom brady here. nobody i asked seemed to have a problem. they thought it was heavily weighted to the nl and not fair to tom brady and the first thing we hear is look what this team does and that team does. so everybody is aware that this report came out but it doesn't riley really seem to phase the people who came out here to support tom brady and the patriots. >> how many people does this hold? >> it holds about 4,000 people and we heard initially that when the tickets went on sale they
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virtually all sold out. we were trying to get a couple of tick tootszets to get inside but the event organizer said there was no room. so the decision was to show the first 10 minutes of what he says. >> and more likely than not that brady knew the footballs were being deflated p. and there's a perception that they are cheaters. the question will they be punished punished. and what will he and should he say tonight. it's going to be interesting, obviously, rachel to hear from him and this is a favorable crowd for him. but he didn't allow his text messages to be seen by investigators. >> so there's text messages from lower level employees that seem to implicate him. there's no video of him standing over those two guys with the
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finger directing them and we live in this internet culture, so there is this room for ted. and the ted wells report is saying after gaining mountainsens of evidence that tom brady knew what these underlings were doing. >> why wouldn't he just show his text messages to investigators? if he's done nothing wrong, why wouldn't he show his text messages? >> that's certainly one of the questions they pose. and he at one point said he didn't know these lower level officials when text messages prove otherwise. and he didn't give them access to things and one thing they're going to take into account is that he didn't show his text messages. because stone walling an investigation that's something they consider an offense in
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itself. >> the nfl doesn't really have a history of being aught to get their giant stars. i mean why would the nfl -- if anything they want to protect their players. >> i've been saying if they've been trying to get tom brady for 15 years, they've done a terrible job. his agents' claim is that they needed this result and needed to have a negative result so they back tracked and proved that way that tom brady was responsible. this is a well respected investigator but this things back a conflict of interest that we spoke about months agoy.e. they pay them money and in the agent's word you pay them to get a certain result. roger goodell brisalled at that.
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and right now, tom brady's agent is using that as leverage. >> did he come out and say tom brady is innocent? >> that's one of the factors. right around when it became public he's said he had nothing to do with this. but this fire and brim stone statement today, there wasn't a statement that said tom brady didn't do this. it only said how unfair the investigation was. so i'd be interesting to hear if he says anything at all. is he going to rouse them with i didn't do it? >> yeah and whether he addresses this right off the bat, whether he kind of -- >> jim gray is the mc tonight. he's a long time emmy winning sports reporter. on the one hand he's been known to ask tough questions, on the other hand he's the guy who did lebron's decision special with
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him all those years ago where he let him throat forfloat for a while. >> let's listen to the crowd. [ applause ] >> thank you. thank you. thank you. >> so, the format is he's not just speaking extemp rainiously he's going to be asked questions. >> they also have five prescreened questions from the audience that had to be cleared before that they were asked. we don't expect to be anything that press tom brady.
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>> and they're still introducing brady. the last time he made public comments was in that press conference before. >> when they were still back in new england. and bill bellichick came out and gave an extensive pres conference of how this may not have happened. and tom brady, you saw clips of him saying i have no idea how this happened. i certainly wasn't involved in anything and super bowl week he declined to address this. so we haven't heard him talk about this for months p. and now that this report is out, there's a lot more on the table for him. >> the nfl doesn't have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he did this. >> a preponderance of the evidence. it's a comparison between a civil suit -- and this is why
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you see this language in the wells report most probably that he did this. it's a lot of lawyer language. this isn't fair, you're convicted him on a most probably according to fans. >> and right now, kind of a lengthy introduction from the university president. but as far as punishments, what are they looking at for tom brady and the team? >> there's been talk of fines taking away draft picks. and roger goodell has made the claim that ignorance is not an excuse. and we saw that with the browns and text messaging and the atlanta falcons piping in crowd noise. they actually docked the general
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managers and fined them in some cases, took them off valuable committee positions saying ignorance isn't an excuse. so we do think that they are going to hold tom brady to that standard and posthaeblsibly the patriots organization to that standard even though bill belichick and his higher ups had no knowledge. but we'll have to see if that actually means tom brady is yanked off the football field. that would be the most drastic punishment for him. [ applause ] >> thank you.
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>> this is like a patriot pep rally. it looks like you pick adpretty friendly place to reappear. >> thank you guys for being here. thank you very much. [ applause ] >> i love you too. >> so i think when we decided to do this four months ago, there was a little bit of a different circumstance than what we're facing here this evening, so we are going to keep the evening as to what it was supposed to be. [ applause ] however, there is an elephant in the room. >> where? >> you may be the only one who
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doesn't see it? [ laughter] so tom, you're in the news here and the ted wells report was just released [ crowd booing] >> jim's known for hard hitting questions. i'm used to it. >> we're going to deal with it and then move on with the evening. what is your reaction tom to the ted wells report? >> see, i can't usually say those things. but -- i don't have really any reaction. our owner commented on it yesterday and it's only been 30 hours, so i haven't had much time to digest it fully but when i do i'll be sure to let you know how i feel fwout andabout it and everybody else. >> are you that slow a reader?
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>> well my athletic career has been better than my academic career. so i'm used to reading x's and o's, this was a little bit longer. >> when do you plan to address this publicly? >> hopefully soon. there's still a process going forth right now and i'm involved in that process, so whenever it happens, it happens and i'll certainly want to be very comfortable in how i make the statements that i make. >> so since those statements right now will speak for you and you don't want to get into the details, how are you handling this controversy? is it bothering you? >> i have dealt with a lot of things in the past i dealt with this before the super bowl and i've dealt with a lot of diversity in my career and life and i'm fortunate to have so many people that love me and
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support me. [ applause ] >> thank you. life, so much is about ups and downs and certainly i accept my role and responsibility as a public figure and i think a lot of it you take the good with the bad and dealing with different adversities in life you do the best you do. and i was raised by a great mom and dad that support me and i is a lot of great team mates that support me and we'll get through it. >> what are those people telling you? >> they're a little biassed but they love me unconditionally and i love them unconditionally. like you said earlier, that's not what this night was supposed oo be about. i was here to come have fun. >> has this however, detracted from your joy of winning the super bowl? >> absolutely not.
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[ applause ] >> why not? >> because we earned and achieved everything that we got this year as a team and i'm very proud of that and our fans should be too. [ applause ] >> is the super bowl tainted? >> what do you guys think? [ crowd booing] >> neither do i. >> your answer was? >> either do i. >> no it's not, is that what you're saying. >> i asked what they thought and i said absolutely not. >> do you care what others think, say, and are writing. you're getting pummelled tom, maybe not tonight, but across the country.
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do you care? >> i think as a human you care what people think. i certainly care what the people who are close to me think and what they care about. i think also as a public figure you learn not everyone is going to like you either. so good bad, indifferent, there are a lot of people that don't like tom brady and i'm okay with that. so like i said i have team mates that i love and support that love and support me. i have fans and family. i'm very blessed. [ applause ] >> we move on. it sounds like good time to jump off cliff. have you done that lately? >> yes, i have as a matter of fact. >> why? >> i asked myself the same question about 30 minutes after it happened. we were in costa rica with my family and i had my wife holding
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a camera and my son was with me and it was a spur of the moment thing -- >> they're obviously moving on. it's interesting the tact he's taking which clearly he's been advised by attorneys and agents. that's how these things work but i think some people seeing that will say, they support him and other people will say arrogant and blowing it off. >> if you were looking for a reassurance, maybe all you got was him being protective and we didn't hear that from the agent today and haven't heard it tonight. we heard it in the past but the boston globe did a break down of the one major press conference compaired to the wells report and there were major inconsistencies there. and people want him to talk
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about it. so, him not doing that may ruffle feathers. >> you say he's being dragged through the mud without reason. how so? >> i think for the reason that the ted wells' report did not offergy any definitive evidence. i know rachel compared this to a civil case and that there is plenty of circumstantial evidence. that's not good enough if you're going to destroy the legacy and career -- legacy i should say of one of the greatest quarterbacks to play the game. and there must be a much higher standard than was shown in that 242 page document. >> if he had wanted to put this to rest couldn't he have just shown his text messages? >> sure he could have but i'm sure as any good attorney would say, and his is a very
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calculative representative in that statement he released he would never in a million years allow his client to release messages that wasn't necessary. he will take a pr hit but i'm sure he was told take a pr hit but do not give them any evidence. i should tell you, in that report, there were some extemp rainious text messages sited in that report text messages to his mother that had nothing to do with the investigation. who's to say that doesn't happen to tom brady and i think that was a smart decision by tom brady and ye. >> i didn't alter the bottle in any way. when i picked those balls out, at that point, you know to me they're perfect. i don't want anyone touching the balls after that i don't want
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anyone rubbing them putting air in them, taking it out, because i would never do anything outside of the rules of the play. i'm not a conspiracy theorist, i don't -- i don't know what happened. i mean i have no explanation for it. >> so i guess if brady is being dragged through the mud here then why put out a statement like his agent that did a lot of things except that brady had nothing to do with this? >> it was 243 pages, i don't know if that's not enough information for me. it's pretty much clear that quarterback touches the ball every play and everyone said they would know if the ball was deflated deflated. i play line back r and i wouldn't know. and i don't know if 243 pages was enough but if you read it it clearly says he knew about it
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and asked about it. for him to say he didn't know anything about it it doesn't make sense to me. >> and for him to say he hasn't read it or had time digest it that's a politician's answer and if that was a politician you'd say, are you kidding me this is the most important thing going on in your career and you haven't read this. >> be as hongest as possible. so if you want to get up on stage tonight saying guys i'm sorry if you want to hear me talk about this i can't. my agent will kill me. that is a more plausible explanation, than gee, i haven't read it. he's obviously taking any advice he's getting. i personally wouldn't have handled it that way. i would have said my peace or
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said hey, guys i know you want to hear it from me but not smart play for me to talk fwoutabout it. i haven't read it i'm not okay with that as an audience member. >> to what degree air has been let out. i would say certainly tom brady touches enough footballs, he knows, as he told his team mates, i like the footballs a certain way, he knows what that certain way is but if you're asking me if he knows the difference between 11.5 or 11.8 no i don't think he does. >> and we are more from our panel and what tom brady said. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready.
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made his first comments since it deflate-gate report came out. here's what he said and didn't say just a short time ago. >> there is an elephant in the room. >> where? >> you may be the only one who doesn't see it. so tom, you're in the news here and the ted wells' report was just released. [ crowd booing] >> jim's known for hard hitting questions. we have a show on monday nights and this is how it usually goes for me so i'm used to it. >> we're going to deal with it and then move on with our evening. what's your reaction tom, to the ted wells' report. >> [ inaudible ]. >> see, i can't usually say those things.
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but i don't have any reaction. our owner commented on it and it's only been 30 hours, so i haven't had enough time to digest it fully but when i do i'll be sure to let you know about it and everybody else. >> are you that slow a reader? >> well my athletic career has been better than my academic career. i'm used to reading x's and o's. this was a little bit longer. >> when do you plan to address this publicly? >> hopefully soon. there's still a process going forth right now and i'm involved in that process, so whenever it happens, it happens and i'll certain certainly want to be very comfortable in those statements that i make. >> so since those statements speak for you and you don't want to get into the details, how are
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you dealing with this controversy? is it bothering you? >> i've dealt with a lot of things in the past. i dealt with this before the super bowl and i've dealt with diversity in my career and life. i have so many people that love me and support me. [ applause ] thank you. life so much is about the ups and downs and i certainly accept my role as a public figure and i think lot of it you the good with the bad and dealing with different adversities in life you do the best you can do and i was raised by a great mom and dad who support me and i have a lot of great team mates that support me, so we'll get through it. >> what are those people saying to you? >> they're a little biassed but they love me unconditionally and i love them unconditionally and like i said -- like you said
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earlier, this isn't what this night was supposed to be about. i was supposed to come here and have? fun. >> has this however, detracted from your joy of winning the super bowl? >> absolutely not. [ applause ] >> why not? >> because we earned and achieved everything that we got this year as a team and i'm very proud of that and our fans should be too. >> and rachel nicholls and former nfl player sean marryman. and he raised an interesting point of why didn't he just release his text messages which he didn't from this report and he brought up other text tt
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messages that weren't germane to this case and you're saying there is a reason those were released. >> he put those text messages to the officials mother because it talked about memorabilia of tom brady's that he wanted to pass to her and the implication was that he paid these lower level equipment officials, not in many but giving them extra favors signed posters, sneerkz, things like that and that's why those things were included in the report. the investigators say when they talked to him about getting access to the text messages, he would allow them to go through it first and only release what they thought was germane or relevant. obviously, he isn't going to want to give up his private text messages to gisele so they tried to find a way around that and they never came up with one.
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and he said would you want to give up your text messages and that's a fair point, but they did try to go around the privacy issue and get something from him and they were not able to work out a deal. >> what do you think should hap within the new england pate ri riots riots. >> suspended, definitely. and if he's not suspended at this point, it will be so many guys outraged that the same penaltyties -- if this is anyone else they would have already been suspend or talking about suspension. the only reason this hasn't happened is because this is tom brady. >> i disagree. i think the only reason you have a ted wells investigation is
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because ofthe nfl clearly wants to make this look on the surfs that this is totally independent and goodell is going out of his way making sure that no favors are going their way. and as you mentioned earlier, one of the league's most popular players in history and as i wrote back in january, if roger goodell had handed down a stiff penalty, perhaps a draft pick or two when the balls were found to be deflated 10 of the 11 were underinflated, this story would have gone away right away and what this wells report smells to me of is they were dig for something much more deeper and cynical and the fine should be of the patriots quarterback tom brady and some type of organizational penalty and leave it at that. >> i don't know. the ted wells report is the
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league's official investigative arm. that report found fault with the orgization organizeation organization. and otherwise, you're sending a message that you can cheat the rules and get away with that. we're telling you that our investigative arm found cheating and in that preponderance of evidence whether you like it or not, that's the rule that's the standard. they found that they vieolated that standard and you may think it's too low, but that's the standard and you have to punish them or every uth r player in the league is like it's fair game now. >> and just ahead, there is more breaking news tonight. re reports of a tornado in texas right now. and the midwest is already cleaning up for at least 40
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quarterback, tom brady made his first comments since the deflate-gate report was released. and i want to show our viewers two statements that you put out earlier. "it's omission of key facts and lines of inquiry suggest the investigators reach a conclusion first and then determine so-called facts later" and then "this report contains significant and tragic flaws and it's common knowledge that reports like these are written generally for the benefit of the purchaser" and he said he is part of a process and this process is ongoing. what kind of a time line are you looking at and do you expect tom brady to come out publicly and say something? >> thanks for having me on by the way. and the report just came out
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about 1:30 eastern yesterday and he's had a lot of commitments since then as well as any human being would to try to emotionally digest this and so in terms of process, i actually think, anderson, he was referring to a question by tim gray about the nfl's process and as of now, we have not yet heard from the league. >> do you have plans for tom brady to come out and address this eventually? >> he will eventually address this but keep in mind anderson he had a rather chaotic press conference right after the afc championship game where he faced all of the media then as well as we spent one entire day in front of four investigative returners from mr. wells' law firm.
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>> and one question is why not -- why didn't he show his text messages even preapproved ones to investigators? if there's nothing to hide why not share them? >> well that's a good question anderson and without really getting into my communications with my client i have to observe attorney-client privilege but if you're in a situation, anderson when it comes to nfl disciplinary process where you generally assigned guilt and asked to prove innocence. proving innocence is essentially proving a negative f you proclaim an innocence. and so that's a very difficult situation to put yourself in. second with the text messages the scope was very very wide. i probably should have made the letter public that we received
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from the nfl's lawyers but in any event, if we would have provided the phone or text messages you have to understand tom is also a member of the union and commissioner office does not actually have knee subpoena power. if a prominent member were to provide all of their text messages absent a subpoena that place as dangerous precedent. and any information we would have provided and the wells investigative team did ask us to go through tom's phone on our own and provide them with information if we chose to go that oroute and ifas you might surmise, any information, we probably would have had skepticism about anyway so, when it came down to it anyway you turn you rr really not
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playing on a level playing field. >> part of me would say though if there were a bunch of text messages saying wow, i can't believe i heard about this deflate-gate this is shocking. i can't believe it. you're telling me you wouldn't give them those text messages? >> nearly an entire day of answering questions from four different lawyers, that area was broke pretty vigorously. >> hey, don, it's rachel nicholls. >> oh hi rachel. >> some of the seal has already been broken since it's in the wells' report and you made the statement that in your eyes it's circumstantial and stacked against the client while you felt anything left out would be illuminating his innocence. so can you share with us at
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least some of the testimony that you think would help people say, what's tom's side of it? >> that's a fair question rachel but without getting into the depth of it -- because frankly, i don't want to necessarily reflect badly on the lawyers from the investigative team that were asking questions because there were several times when i had to interject to give them context. so to give you one example, the report kind of spotlighted the fact that tom had autographed items for members of the equipment team and rachel you've been around -- >> that's common practice not necessarily kwid pro quo. >> exactly. and unless you're rachel nicholls and been around sports your entire life to know that's common practice rather someone from outside the sport and
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culture of football it's not a distinction that people can easily grasp. >> but were there parts in his testimony, between the equipment officials or parts of his testimony where he said according to the wells' report, the text messages made it clear that he -- can you illuminate something where tom actually said this. >> letsds's go back to the report. they talked about the fact that there were texts going back and forth between tom and the equipment manager and let me just say, these equipment managers are very loyal and dedicated and they work long hours for very little pay and do a great job but the report was discussing these exchanges and i just lost my train of thought. the exchanges between tom and
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the equipment manager, one of the things they glossed over was that they found those exchanges to be unusual and there's a very human element to this and that is that the equipment managers largely toil in their jobs in anonymity. the next thing they know the morning after the afc championship game there's this giant spotlight involving their job and tom's human. he's very connected and very supportive of all the staff there and for example, it was pointed out to the lawyers, look he's just checking on their status how they're doing. these people are not used to being the subject of a national spotlight. >> let me ask you point blank, did he have any knowledge of these balls being deflated?
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>> no. >> so you're saying he's completely innocent in whatever happened to those balls? >> in my opinion, yes. >> because in your statement, that's not something you came out and said point blank. was that intensionally? what was the thinking? >> i was more trying to focus on the report and how it was written and the fact that it really truly was not an independent investigation. >> and as far as your concerned, if tom brady was to make a statement, he would make a statement saying he was completely innocent and had no knowledge? >> he's already said that in the press conference after the championship game. >> and you believe he would continue to say that? >> yes. >> what do you guys anticipate are the next steps? >> that's a good question rachel. i really don't know because as
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you know the league has had recent struggles with its disciplinary process and they've brought in new personnel. so i don't know how they're going to approach this. plenty of people there who are probably chiming in on what to do but i really don't know. >> don, we both appreciate your time tonight. thank you very much. >> thank you very much for having me on. and next more reports on a north central other clinical antiperspirants didn't work. then i tried certain dri. it's different. it stops sweat before it starts. add some color to your life with certain dri. when a moment spontaneously turns romantic why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use, you don't have to plan around either. it's the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right.
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i meant to say that. switch today and get the no mistake guarantee. comcast business. built for business. . well breaking news tonight, reports of a tornado in north central texas, just after texas and three states got hit with tornados. and what's going on out there, jennifer? >> this is a dangerous one. we've been tracking it for almost an hour now. and reports of a very large tornado on the ground. and this is continuing to track to the north and east at about 125 mile-per-hour and just north of denton. denton is in the clear but if you're in the gains vill area you definitely need to be on the
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look out and take cover. this tornado warning is in effect -- but they keep extending it. keep a look out. and oklahoma city has cleared out. but a lot of rain again tonight. in fact yesterday, they set a record seven inches of rain. a little bit more. that was the rainiest day on record. and third rainiest day ever in oklahoma city. we're not only talk about the severe weather, we're talking about snow in the forecast and that's going to make the next couple of days very very tricky. and a moderate risk of weather in oklahoma city and does continue for saturday as well. and we're going to watch it the next couple of days. >> and as we mentioned, many parts in the midwest in clean up
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mode. and today, a lautd of peepot of people it was about surveying the damage. >> reporter: multiple twisters tore through four states in the southern great plains snapping trees and downing power lines. >> i have trees coming down on me i have to back out of here. >> reporter: the weather service reports touching down in kansas oklahoma nebraska and texas. and even in downtown oklahoma city a town of 500,000 travellers of the will rogers airport were evacuated into a pedestrian tunnel for hours. the local hospital lost power and had to resort to emergency generators to stay active. >> this is has been my life for
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27 years and i think i'm a little bit in shock. i just couldn't blievelieve it, the devastation devastation. you wonder how you're going to recover from this but we will. >> reporter: and in kansas it flipped cars and scattered debris. >> if you're in lincoln, kansas or highway 14 you need to take shelter immediately. this is a large tornado continuing to grow incise. >> reporter: by this morning, winds had died down but people in oklahoma kansas nebraska and texas had to deal with turential down pours. and flash flood warnings were declared. >> and more details about the warning fbi gave to texas police hours before gunman attacked the
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i feel like i've been here before. switch now and get the fastest wifi everywhere. comcast business. built for business. . here to tell us tonight about the tear attack that isis has claimed credit for p. and gunman were shot and killed outside the building. one of the gunman elton simpson wassall allready on the fbi's radar. and they learned that fbi had sent a warning. and what do we know poutabout the warning? >> reporter: we're learning that the fbi sent a bulletin to authorities three hours before
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elton simpson arrived and was ultimately killed. so we know that this bulletin was prompted by his social media activity. and elton simpson openly tweeted about the controversial event and that he was angry about it. so fbi agents saw these tweets and alerted authorities on the ground in texas but we're told that the fbi had no idea that simpson and his accomplice left their home in phoenix, arizona and on their way to texas to launch that attack when the bulletin was sent. >> there was a heavy police pres presence there, do we know if that was because of the alert by the fbi? >> a bulletin was sent out about the fact that this could anger -- and there was already security in place.
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and simpson was one of many people on a list of possible extremists who may want to target the event. and police will tell you they already had a plan all right la thank you very much. that does it for this edition of 360. thanks for watching. mike rowe's somebody's gotta do it starts now. iemp mike rowe and i'm on a mission to find people on aition mission. >> on a scale of one to ten, how much do you like what you do? >> 25. >> what are they doing? how are they doing it? and why? >> i love to make things that make people smile. >> it's very fricking exciting. >> come on we've got to get it. >> oh!
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