tv Wolf CNN May 8, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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hello, i'm wolf blitzer it's 1:00 p.m. in washington 6:00 p.m. in london wherever you're watching from around the world, thank very much for joining us. we begin with -- there it is. >> this is cnn breaking news. >> we begin with breaking news. military bases across the united states are now on a heightened state of alert. the move is in response to the growing threat of attack by isis or other terror groups. as u.s. official telling cnn the bases are now at what's being called force protection bravo defined as an increased and predictable threat of terrorism. it was raised from force protection alpha. the change also applieses to u.s. national guard installations around the country. let's bring in our pentagon correspondent barbara starr.
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explain what prompted this decision specifically is it based on a specific threat? >> wolf orders were signed last night by the four-star admiral in charge of the u.s. northern command which oversees bases in the united states. not because there was a specific and credible threat meaning no information about an attack coming at a point the time in a particular place, but as one official said the temperature has been raised. growing concern in the u.s. military intelligence community, and law enforcement, about home grown violent radical extremism. we saw it this week in garland, texas. this has been something that has been growing in kidnapperconcern. james comey said there may be thousands of people in the united states on-line with groups like isis being radicalized joining militant ideologies. this is all a huge concern.
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i have to tell you we've been told the military had this order in the works for some time as it was monitoring on-line communications as it was monitoring social media, growing increasingly concerned about this trend. so what does this mean? if you have a military base in your town in your community, military bases here in the washington, d.c. area you are likely in the short term to see maybe some traffic jams more people security personnel, at gates, more checks of personnel going in and out of the military bases, checks of vehicles. do they have permission to come op base. what are vehicles and delivery trucks carrying. keep in mind this becomes as one official said a very expensive proposition to maintain this level of security. so what the military is talking about is going very public right now, but also being very random about it random security measures increasing the -- in
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order to show a higher profile for security the in these very uncertain times right now with this jihadist threat but also to keep any would-be attackers off balance. to hope that they can't look at the security measures around the military base, make predix slns about what the military is doing in some sort of planned attack. keep it random potential attackers off guard the hope of this strategy. >> what about u.s. military instaslations around the world? whether in britain, germany, japan, korea? i assume they're always on a little higher state of alert, right? >> i think that's a really good point. let's go around the globe for a second. in the middle east in the persian gulf you're essentially in the u.s. military or military family you're operating in what is the equivalent if you will of a potential war zone environment because of the high threat of a terrorist attack. u.s. military installations in
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the middle east and the persian gulf are at some of the highest states of alert around the world. also, of course, obviously in korea, on the korean peninsula because of north korea at a very high state. in europe the u.s. bases in britain, in germany, across europe they have been at this state known as bravo since late last year and, in fact personnel are restricted from wearing their uniforms off base a lot of effort in europe to lower the profile of u.s. military personnel and raise security at u.s. bases at the same time as they have seen the jihadist threat in europe grow with attacks in paris, copenhagen and other places. wolf? >> barbara starr at the pentagon thanks very much. barbara reporting the news that u.s. military installations here in the united states going on a higher level of alert. let's go and get perspective
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from our panel. joining us lieutenant colonel retired james reese, global affairs analyst, former u.s. delta force commander and j.m. burger author of the book "isis the state of terror" and a fellow the at brookings institution and founder of the website intel wire. and tom fuentes is a cnn law enforcement analyst, former fbi assistant director. colonel reese, give us a sense of what this means in a practical sense to you at these u.s. military installations, the change that the troops the civilians there are about to see? >> yeah wolf bottom line is this. military installations it's normalcy. they're used to seeing these ups and downs and the threat perspective perspective, one of the things the soldiers will go home to make sure their families understand there is increased risk to the base but they understand how to do this. the big thing like barbara talked about, this really becomes how long can you sustain these aspects at a higher risk. there's a higher budgetary
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piece. for the soldiers and families alone, to stay at a higher risk awareness, what i would call being in the red zone you can only do that for so long until you start losing your perspective of what's going on. you know like i said most of the folks this is, you know everyday aspects that happen and they'll deal with it and really like they said want to keep isis or any threat off balance by continuing to change the threat postures. >> dan berger you testified before the senate yesterday, this latest move prompted in part by comments from the fbi director james comey who says the attack in garland, texas, outside of dallas by elton simpson and his roommate nadir soofi highlights the dangers of attacks in the united states. he told reporters this. i'll put it on the screen. i know there are other elton simpsons out there, almost as if there is a devil sitting on their shoulder saying kill kill kill all day long. they are recruiting and tasking at the same time. in fact comby says he says
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there are thousands of icy supporters or followers in the united states right now. cha kind of threat is the u.s. facing from these people? >> well isis definitely casts a very wide net, wolf. i mean it's -- they're out there every day really putting out a large volume of material but they also -- they're not just broadcasting incitement and threats but trying to develop relationships with people one of the things that social media is good for, is to give you a sense of intimacy with somebody who might be on the other side of the globe and, you know, what we've seen in radicalization is very few predictable trends to show who's going to become violent but one is definitely who you know. >> tom fuentes what does it mean for u.s. law enforcement, state, local, federal law enforcement, with the military going on a higher state of alert right now? >> these days wolf it means almost business as usual which is almost always at the high heightened alert. the fbi director has been talking about this for months.
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the fbi has active investigations in all 50 states alaska coming on recently and that there's thousands of isis wannabes would-bes, supporters that are on-line and they're just really having a hard time keeping track of them all. they have all these open investigations. so they're at this highest state of alert, almost all the time. >> colonel reese, the spokesman for the u.s. military's northern command which oversees bases in the united states, says this is the new normal. i guess the question is this how much of a target for these terror sympathizers or terrorist whatever you want to call them are u.s. military facilities. >> the facilities themselves from the outside in i'll tell you, are considered hard targets. yes, people can walk in find ways around but they couldn't get their support system in. my biggest concern for our military bases, is the insider threat. can isis do anything can they recruit anyone who might be a soldier, who's down on his luck
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who's living on base and he's already on the inside has access to weapons and this thing and can literally wreak havoc on the inside out. that's my biggest concern for our bases. >> we saw that happening, j.m. we saw that at ft. hood texas, a few years ago, as you remember. how much of a threat is there from someone on the inside whether a military or civilian who works for the u.s. military being recruited or inspired to go out and kill people? >> we've seen number of cases over the years with al qaeda where they specifically targeted military personnel for recruitment. what we've seen at fort hood it's become a recurring target now and after nadal hassan jason ab do insider threat we saw a recent isis related case which somebody enlisted specifically to get insider access. this is something we have to pay attention to. i don't know -- i haven't seen any strong signs that isis
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currently has anybody inside the military or extremely focused on that but i think this enlistment issue is probably one we will be looking at going forward. >> i think you're right. tom fuentes, the fbi leadership is having a conference call with local and state law enforcement around the country today, right, on this issue, of suspected terror plots. what do we know about this? >> it's one of many continuing conferences like that secure video conferences with law enforcement, with the joint terrorism task forces state and local authorities, to just keep them updated that, you know stay awake, stay aware, this is going on. it continues to go on. isis recruiting is increasing. not so much at their -- that they're increasing their recruiting efforts, being received more by increasing number of people who are sympathetic to it or want to join it or may carry out an attack here as we've seen in texas recent incident. >> i want all three of you please stay with us. we have much more coming up including more coverage on the
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the raising of the threat level on american military bases across the country due to the growing concerns over isis and other terrorist organizations the concerns have led to the cancellation of a concert tonight at the national museum of the u.s. air force at wright patterson air force base in dayton, ohio. joining us from new york is fareed zakaria, host of "fareed zakaria gps." the fear is that isis is targeting specifically military and law enforcement installations and people here in
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the united states. what's your reaction when you hear the u.s. military raising that threat level from alpha to bravo? >> it was a very odd announcement wolf because on the one hand they say there is no specific plot or threat that they detect but there is this general concern. well then why make it public? it sort of raises anxiety without providing anything specific anyone can do. my guess is one of two things is possible. either there is some information that remains so classified that they don't want to reveal it more likely there is this concern about the on-line recruitment that isis is able to do and there may be some chatter on the internet there may be on-line followers, this is the crucial part about isis that is different from al qaeda. they have been very good at using social media and at being able to get their message out so that it can inspire people who may not be directed by isis but in some way take the -- become
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entrepreneurs, terrorist entrepreneurs in their own right and there might be something that is being picked up there on the internet that is of concern. >> like these two guys outside of dallas over the weekend, who were apparently inspired but not necessarily specifically trained or sent in by isispp. what is a bigger fear right now? what's the greater threat here on the u.s. homeland isis inspired attacks or isis trained attackers? >> it's a really good question. it feels to me like isis has, you know in its core mission its hands full. it is trying to establish the so-called caliphate in syria and iraq. by the way, on the ground things are not going so great. they are finding resistant, resistance from locals in syria, the iraqi army is getting better the kurds are getting better they're finding pressure partly because the u.s. has been providing some help so that part they've got their hands full. my guess is it's not isis
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trained or directed attacks but they remain very good at this social media business. this what is we're going to explore in that documentary we're doing which will air on monday night. part of what they do is they put these videos out, brutal horrific videos which go viral. that gets the message out as it will to hundreds of millions of people. the very brutality, the shocking nature of the video ensures it goes viral. and then because of that they find the 0.01% of misfits, loners alienated young men, and it's a very clever mechanism. what to do about that? nobody quite knows because it has been a very effective way to find, you know the few people in each of these countries, including the united states who are feeling that they want to do something violent, you know, to launch their own personal jihad
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but don't know quite what to do and that's the part we're all very uneasy about. >> just to be precise, fareed i'm sure you'll agree, not just young men. some young women out there who are inspired and lured into this terror organization as well? >> it is young women as well as you know wolf the vast majority of people who are inspired by this unfortunately tend to be young, alienated muslim men, particularly in western societies where they feel in some way or the other that they don't have a cause or community of a sense of belonging, an develop these very violent pathological views. >> so why are they so good at this social media recruitment if you will and the u.s. which invented all this social media stuff, not apparently as successful? >> part of it i think is generational. i think a lot of the people involved in isis have grown up on all this stuff. just as, you know, let's be
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honest wolf you and i are not as adept at some of these things as our kids might be. i think part of it is that it is -- they're young, they understand it and part of it is that they have recognized very brilliantly that this is the most important battle. you know what happens on the ground in syria is less important than what happens in the bits and bites of the internet. the u.s. government at the end of the day, is a large bureaucracy and, you know, the u.s. army is very good at what it does but large bureaucracies have not been good at this kind of social media networking. this is a young entrepreneurial micro bottom up phenomenon and the u.s. military is a large top down very well run but large top down organization. >> fareed zakaria, as usual, thanks very much. i just want to make sure our viewers know you've written a smart article on israel. i recommend our viewers read
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that as well. they should watch your program sunday morning "fareed zakaria gps" 10:00 a.m. eastern and he has a major cnn special report "blindsided how isis shook the world" will air monday prime time 9:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. up next more on the breaking news that we're following including how u.s. military commanders are trying to be unpredictable with security. stay with us.
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global affairs analyst, former u.s. delta force commander, how tenant colonel james reese joining us here in washington is tom fuentes our cnn law enforcement analyst and former fbi assistant director and j.m. burger joining us from boston right now. he's the founder of co-author of "isis the state of terror" with the brookings institution. colonel reese, let's talk a little bit about the strategy in dealing with if you're a military base commander at a major u.s. military installation around the united states and they tell you go from alpha to bravo, higher threat level, what are some of the things you need to do? >> wolf, first off, they're pulling their contingency ops off the shelf for the next levels they go up. sitting down with their security personnel, military police and they have a plan and they're used to doing this there might be some extra contracted guards brought in they'll bring their dogs out, all types of things to
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disrupt any type of chatter that they're hearing on the intel nets. that's what they're doing. they now how to do this. they work through it. this is what they do for a living. we secure -- the military secures things especially the bases they work on. >> j.m. burger you testified yesterday before the senate homeland security committee, how do you deal with all the chatter that is out there on the internet the social media, whether facebook or twitter? how do you deal with that? there's so much of it there's no way officials here in washington or elsewhere can monitor all of that right? >> that's true and really there's a very large volume of threat information. isis understands that the more specifically it makes threats, the more news coverage it's going to get and attention it's going to get from law enforcement. so they're trying to flood the channels with information that's going to distract and create disruptions and then, you know when you have the actual needle in a haystack as with garland it can slip through the cracks. there was specific information
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ate the garland threat prior to it happening. >> garland, texas, outside of dallas. it's a real problem. let's say you're an fbi agent and you used to be an fbi agent, tom fuentes, and you see somebody tweeting bin laden was a great guy, love bin laden, too bad he didn't get the job done or whatever what do you do? everybody has a right, somebody has a right to say that if they want to say that? >> they do. several thousand people in this country are doing just that. praising him, praising isis praising other terrorist organizations, when an attack happens like "charlie hebdo" in europe they praise that. there's thousands of people doing this expressing support or admiration for the people to carry out beheadings and horrible acts. but you have to go from they just praise it and think it's great, to are they going to actually carry out an attack themselves. >> how do you determine that? that's a huge distinction. >> they open investigations. >> can't open investigations on everybody. >> they can't. what they're hoping for is that
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friends, neighbors, classmates, colleagues report to the fbi wait a minute this person is going too far, crossed the line indicating a desire they may do an attack or leave the country to join and hope that they get that kind of information. you have the mother of one of these attackers in garland saying i got worried when he bought an ak-47. what did you think he was going to do? hunt rabbits? >> j.m. let's talk about one of those texas terror attack gunmen who had contacted a member of isis a member of al shabaab via twitter. seemed he was reaching out for any link to terror. is that part of the fear now that these bases are open to attack from people like these two guys who, obviously, were killed and their effort to go after the controversial event outside of dallas? >> that is part of the concern and, you know, i think this really the garland incident really highlights the fact that when you're looking at these kinds of threat information as we were just discussing
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relationships are often more important than the content of what's being said. relationships in sort of the tempo of activity a lot of the analysis i do on social media looks at those elements to figure out who's really more deeply engaged with this stuff. for isis this is a pretty easy proposition. they can, you know, they have ample number of supporters both in and out of their territories they control. they can deploy two, three, four five ten people if they think they have somebody who might act out. if they want to put pressure on that person if they want to encourage them. so they have a really large, large on-line presence that they can deploy even in very inefficient ways. if they get any kind of a win, it's a win for them. >> not just the inspiration, the isis inspired activities people have to worry about but the directed isis plots that could be out there as well. so it's a double pronged threat. thanks very much. tom fuentes, j.m. burger james
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reese. coming coming up baltimore city police getting more scrutiny from the feds. the justice department says it will look for any systemic violations of the constitution. we'll have a live report on what's going on when we come back. ♪music continues♪ [announcer] everyone works hard for a reason. working together,we can help you prepare financially for when two becomes three. wells fargo. together we'll go far. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy
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this after the jobs market here in the united states showed positive growth today. the labor department reporting the u.s. economy added 223,000 jobs in april. unemployment ticked down to 5.4%. that's the lowest i think in almost seven years. stay on top of this story for our viewers. other news we're following. the federal investigation into the baltimore city police operation grew larger today. besides looking into whether his civil rights were violated when suspect freddie gray was arrested april 12th and died in police custody, now a separate investigation will take a closer look being described as patterns and practices of the entire city police force. the u.s. attorney general lor tet ta lynch announced the wider probe a little while ago. >> this investigation will begin immediately and will focus on allegations that baltimore police department officers used excessive force, including
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deadly force, conduct unlawful searches seizures and arrest and engage in discriminatory policing. >> let's bring in our reporter evan perez. there's two federal investigations civil rights investigation into the arrest of freddie gray and now a bigger investigation into the whole conduct, the operation of the baltimore police department. >> there are three if you count what they call a collaborative reform which is something the justice department started doing last year with the baltimore police at the invitation of the city wolf because they had for years just done this settlements with the police department whenever there were these excessive use of force complaints and so what this new investigation is by the civil rights division it is going to look at whether or not the police department routinely violates the constitution of the people it's supposed to serve and protect there in baltimore and as the attorney general said we're looking at everything from the pattern and practices of arrests, of police stops, whether they're
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discriminating against people everything it's going to be an invasive look at the police department and take a couple of years, probably to do this. >> we know the mayor of baltimore, stephanie rawlings-blake day or two before this announcement the attorney general was there in baltimore, she asked for this kind of federal investigation. here's the question did she publicly ask for this investigation by the federal government because she knew it was already in the works, it was coming or did she spark loretta lynch to go ahead and declare they needed to do this kind of investigation? >> i think it's a combination. i think the mayor knew that the -- there's a lot of anger in the police department i'm sorry, in baltimore against the police department and frankly, i think it's needed. i think just from the reaction on the streets, wolf you were watching all of this go down on the streets of baltimore, especially west baltimore, and repeatedly we heard that the relationship was frayed that it was a broken relationship so i think they knew the justice department was likely to go here. why not ask for it and invite
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it. >> to make it look like they weren't being forced by the federal government because the question is would there have been this investigation, there probably would have been even if the mayor had not asked. >> the direction the justice department was going to go. >> politically smarter for the mayor to go rather than being forced. >> exactly. >> thanks very much evan doing good reporting for us. we're waiting for a live news conference from the national transportation safety board on the plane that crashed into a major interstate highway in the atlanta, georgia, area. as soon as that begins we will bring it to you live. also what's in a name? quite a bit if the name is bush. potential republican presidential candidate jeb bush insists he's his own man. yet you may be surprised who he says is giving him major advice when it comes to the middle east.
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conference from the ntsb national transportation safety board. take a look at this. these are the remnants of a small single engine piper p 32 that crashed on a major interstate outside of atlanta, georgia. it was a brutal crash all four people inside were killed. three males we're told one female. they haven't released the fames yet. you see the plane on fire on that interstate causing huge traffic disruption in the atlanta/dekalb county area. once that news conference starts we'll have live coverage of that. once again this is from just outside atlanta, georgia. plane crash. plane landed on a freeway, killing all four people. other news we're following, the former florida governor jeb bush says his brother george w. bush advises him on issues concerning the middle east. jeb bush made the remark at a private off the roar meeting in new york city on tuesday. some in the audience were surprised to hear him invoke his brother's name since he's gone
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to nans recent months to escape the shadow cast by his father and brother. listen to this. >> i love my brother, i love my dad. i actually love my mother as well. i hope that's okay. i'm my own man and my views are shaped by my own thinking and experiences. >> all right. let's bring in our team jeff zeleny joining us malia henderson and sarah, you reported on this story, generated a lot of buzz out there. tell us what you've learned. >> i talked to a couple people in the room and this just stunned them to hear the words come out of jeb bush's mouth that he said when i turn -- the person i turn to advice for foreign policy on the middle east is george w. bush. i think the reason he said this because he was trying to reassure this crowd of people about the people he's turning to for advice. in this room it was a lot of hawkish republicans and the name george w. bush to them sits differently than it does with the broader american public. obviously this is a problem more
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broadly because people still have a lot of negative feelings about bush's policies particularly in the middle east. >> there was -- i take it no cameras or individual as far as we know, audio, nothing along the lines from the private meeting? >> an off the roar event, hosted by paul singer a hedge funder in new york having these events to let donors kick the tires with different candidates they might want to support. to the best of our knowledge there is no video, no recording. people are not supposed to be taking recordings or notes but a couple people jotted down this remark because it struck them as jarring. >> is this going to have a political impact do you think? >> he already owns his family's legacy and he comes with all the good and the bad of that. but he has been trying to distance himself as sarah said he's been saying i'm my own man, so by him saying this this is certainly not something he's going to go out and campaign on. even in republican circles the name george w. bush is not as golden of a fame as it used to be. i think it's got great for him but long term it's a long, long
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way to go. >> if you remember dan, you remember because you cover this he did put out a list of his foreign policy advisers a few weeks ago and that generated buzz as well. >> that's right. he put out a lot of his foreign policy advisors. we remember they were in george w.'s administration some of them worked for his dad too. another dust up where he tried to distance himself from james baker, because james baker to some people isn't as hawkish on israel as people want to hear. so he's going to have to walk this fine line for a while, i think, as jeff said he's got this baggage, it's not going anywhere. he has to know what he says in the private meetings will likely become public. let's remember 47%, the remark that mitt romney famously made. so, you know you talk to some donors about this and activists and they say he's rusty, he has to get better and he will. >> sarah, gotten any feedback or reaction from the bush campaign? >> the bush campaign is saying he was not talk about foreign
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policy broadly, be only israel. the problem with this a lot of those campaign aides weren't in the room so they don't exactly know what he said and the people who are talking to me in the room said it wasn't just israel. it was foreign policy broadly. when we think about this logically, jeb bush is the brother of a former president. he's going to talk to him at certain points. i can't imagine he calls him and says i just want to talk about israel but don't mention any other part of the world while on the phone. >> the former president was seen as very pro-israel whereas some of his policies as far as iraq, for example, are concerned not necessarily all that popular out there. the jobs numbers today, very good numbers. job creation unemployment now a seven-year low in the country. presumably if this continues, that's good news for hillary clinton assuming she gets the democratic nomination. >> much better news than if the unemployment rate was going up. 5.4% the lowest of president obama's time in office. it is good news for her.
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i'm not sure how much that gets her. history is sort of against her in the sense of voters electing three democratic presidents at a time or three democratic terms at a time. certainly campaigning in the stronger economic sense is good but it's important to remember here that not everyone is feeling this economic success. so many are still being left out. the unemployment number is not necessarily all that revealing, i don't think. >> that's what you'll hear republicans say, do average americans sitting around their kitchen tables feel it they will talk about wage stagnation whether or not that means they want to see a higher minimum wage is another question. you saw mitt romney have this problem with the economy when it went from 8% to 7.8%. the 8% a talking point for him. you saw hitch switch to foreign policy and you will see that also for republicans do that too. the problem is that elections often don't turn on foreign policy so i think you're going to see republicans try to figure
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out a way to make this a less of an impact. >> those that covered the '92 campaign it's the economy stupid. if the economy is good or seems to be the perception it's good that's presumably going to be good for any democrat who's seeking to replace the current president. >> i think that's right. i think you will see republicans turn this into a broader argument of how secure you feel right now. if you had a young kid, how secure do you feel they will get a job as soon as they graduate from college, how confident do you feel you will be able to go further than your parents did and how do you feel about america's place in the world? when we're seeing things like people in the u.s. we're going and getting training abroad and coming back to launch attacks on u.s. soil there is an argument republicans can make where they can tie that together and say how secure do you feel in your life right now that moves it beyond what the jobs numbers are. >> and the income inequality has changed so much since 1992 the divide between the rich and poor is growing and growing so that is a central issue.
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bernie sanders one of the democrats running against her is going to make that an issue for hillary clinton. this is going to be happening inside their primary. >> we have to leave it on that note. you'll all be back down the road jeff mia, sarah, thanks for joining us. still ahead, a fiery fatal plane crash shuts down one of atlanta's major highways. the ntsb is about to hold a news conference. we'll have live coverage when we come back. vo: today's the day. more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemir®. as my diabetes changed it got harder to control my blood sugar. today, i'm asking about levemir®. vo: levemir® is an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. and levemir® helps lower your a1c.
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one of the beziest highways in america shut down for several hours today when a small plane crashed into atlanta's north end perimeter. four people are confirmed dead in that crash, all of them passengers on the plane. let's go to cnn's martin savidge. >> reporter: we're looking now as the wreckage is being gathered. the ntsb has been on scene for a couple hours. the wreckage is going to be crucial to their investigation to figure out what went so terribly wrong. this is i-285 eastbound. it is perhaps one of the most heavily traveled highways in the atlanta area. it is shut down right now. the good news is the westbound lane has been open. roughly about four hours ago around 10:00 this morning, this small airplane a piper single engine aircraft took off. it was apparently headed for mississippi. it suffered some kind of problem and came down a short distance away from the peach tree dekalb airport, which is right next door here. then it impacted the highway.
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it appears to have hit the center median exploded into a ball of fire. witnesses say it just looked horrific. right now what they're trying to determine is why. why did this happen? what's the tragedy? the investigation is -- we're about to get some sort of briefing from the ntsb. all we know is four people lost their lives tragically. beyond that though the good news is fortunately, incredibly nobody on the ground was hurt which is remarkable given the amount of traffic this area sees. a couple vehicles were damaged, but nobody was hurt. authorities consider that miraculous. >> certainly is. we'll stay on top of this and await that ntsb news conference. martin savidge, thanks very much. let's take a quick break. we'll be right back. why weigh yourself down? try new aveeno® sheer hydration. its active naturals® oat formula... ...goes on feather light absorbs in seconds... ...keeps skin healthy looking... and soft. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results. you're driving along, having a perfectly
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once again, we're awaiting a news conference from the ntsb. a small piper plane crashed on a highway outside of atlanta. four people inside all dead. no one, fortunately, injured on the ground. we'll have live coverage of the news conference once it starts. meantime cnn has another exclusive look inside one of the most secretive societies on earth. we're talking about north korea. the education system plays an integral role in getting students to think one way, and only one way. here's cnn east's will ripley.
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>> reporter: the north korean education system is designed to turn out discipline devoted citizens with a heavy focus on the group over the individual. above all else devotion to their supreme leader. if they didn't look so young you might not believe they're first graders. by the time they reach elementary school pyongyang students have typically learned their country's most sacred lesson shedding the individualism of youth for the collectivism of north korean society and most importantly loyalty to the leader. what do you want to be when you grow up? i'd like to be a journalist she says so i can spread the greatness of the marshall kim jong-un throughout the world. you'll find the same photos of the late leaders in every classroom, in every home. and the same level of discipline. even outdoor exercise is
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critiqued. classes are praised for moving in unison. these pyongyang orphans will practice for hours until their routine is perfect. demands are even more rigorous at the international football school. north korean athletes are expected to be the best in the world. all students get free uniforms provided by the state, even at the prestigious kim il-sun university. how much is the tuition to come to university? >> there's no tuition fee. >> it's free? >> yes, it is free. >> there's a lot of students who would really like that i think. >> i mean all of them actually study for free. we don't even know the meaning of tuition fee. we just know it by books. >> reporter: the main focus at the university level is science and technology. north korea strives to be strong and modern but only a rare few can access the internet. >> have you ever been on
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facebook? >> facebook? what's -- >> never heard of facebook? >> no. >> reporter: for all the discipline there are brief moments when kids can act like kids at least until it's time to go back to class. north korean students are now required to finish the 12th grade, and all are eligible to apply for university though entrance exams are highly competitive. north korea teaches its own version of history and current affairs. it's one of the reasons why access to the outside world is so tightly controlled. wolf? >> will ripley thank you very much. excellent job all week inside north korea, reporting on what's going on there. he was reporting from pyongyang. that's it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'll be back 5:00 p.m. eastern in "the situation room. in the meantime, cnn continue ss its special coverage of the increased threat level on u.s. military bases all over the country and that tragic crash of a plane into an atlanta highway,
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four people confirmed dead. in the meantime thanks for watching. "newsroom" with brooke baldwin starts right now. all right, wolf. thank you so much. i'm brooke baldwin. you're watching cnn. we have breaking news for you here at the top of the hour. the growing threat of jihadists in the united states leading to something huge today. the security threat levels at all united states military bases in this country have just been raised. i want to show you something. this is a chart here. you can see all the different colors and how this is all significant. the threat level now today jumped from alpha, which means there is a possible threat of terrorist activity to bravo, which means that threat is now increased and predictable. scratch that. we're going to actually jump to other breaking news here. this small plane has gone down on this massive highway in atlanta. four people dead. let's listen to this news conference. >> on behalf of the ntsb
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