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tv   High Profits  CNN  May 10, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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everything in this house is falling apart. >> you can't drink the water. the sewage backed up and filled up the floor with toilet paper. >> it's miserable. >> looking from the outside in to this place it's beautiful. i mean, just like our business. people think one thing and don't realize what's going on inside. >> but perception is not reality.
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>> marijuana, pot, grass, whatever you want to call it is probably the most dangerous drug in the united states. >> i shall continue to oppose efforts to legalize marijuana. >> i inhaled, frequently. that was the point. ♪ you can feel her madness >> what we're doing now is creating the next big tobacco of our time. >> this is a highly regulated business. >> we're talking about daylighting a black market activity. >> we are on cutting edge of a brand new industry. >> and this is absolutely the next gold rush. this is the green rush. >> now the dominoes are falling, especially when they see the economic revenue. >> there's $2 billion to be had next year. i plan to take more than my fair share.
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>> so are you guys getting moved? >> the town council voted. they approved us. this is such a good location. we don't want to move for sure >> you shouldn't have to. >> 100% brian's successful business plan has been built on location. as soon as recreational was approved, we hit about $1 million a month in our high tourist season and i would say 80% to 90% that have is going to brian. >> our landlord wants to jack our rent so high we can't afford to stay where we are. the best thing we can do is get in a building that's stable for us, either a long-term lease. >> or own our real estate. >> or own our real estate. >> this is more curiosity than anything. >> might talk you into buying something. >> well -- >> i just got a text about the steak and rib building down the road. >> yes. >> i know, right? two stories. 500 feet from the school with their own parking lot. like 4,000 square feet, and we have like 1,400 square feet right now. >> we need that building.
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>> i think we do. >> our rent used to be $1,100 when we first moved in. now that's $6,000 a month. our landlord won't sell us the building because she wants a price war to happen. then we'd in a situation where someone buys it, jacks our rent so high that it's immediately not worth being down here anymore. anyone who has been at the last several council meetings has realize there had been a very strong 4-3 vote to allow stores downtown, and this falls under every zoning scenario that we've ever contemplated. >> as i think we were talking about a little bit, we can take down this panelling over here. >> covered up the door nice. >> all the weed's got to be on the second story. you can't have any weed stuff on first, and then first story could be like gift shoppy type of -- >> i'm hearing that there's votes coming up here. >> yeah. >> that might change some things.
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>> that may change some things, but that is one of the beauties of this is you could keep a food establishment and retail separately. here's more dining, more space. this could be your back entrance here. >> is that a mixed use building right there? >> that is all residential, and that is town alley. >> okay. >> i think that's okay. a marijuana establishment can't be directly adjacent to a property solely for residence. i think as long as there's a road they can't touch. >> okay. >> do you guys see this as a restaurant with a weed store on top? >> yeah. >> you got that down there, bringing in revenue. you have upstairs bringing in revenue, the front spot. people wanting to be there. >> gift shop and restaurant. >> won't get qualified for a loan from a bank so we need to talk to a private lender. >> currently advertised for 1.9 million. >> anyone who owns any marijuana business in colorado has to be a regulars dent ever colorado so real estate a way for investors to kind of get their hands in the pot without actually owning any part of the marijuana business. >> yeah. >> we are all in agreeance that we love this building and it would work great and could do so many things with it. i'd rather pay a high interest rate rather than give away ownership. >> very intelligent thinking there. >> have such a fun grand opening.
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>> so good to see you all. >> you don't know how big of a relief you are. >> i was disabled in afghanistan in 2011. we took a blast, and i have rods and screws in my back, in my spine. it fuses six different vertebras together. the cannabis store knocks out about five or six bottles of medications. it's actually a much better alternative. >> i'm hoping people understand the difference between cannabis-based medicine and the medical marijuana movement. in colorado, we sell, market, dispense medical marijuana like alcohol. if you and i walked into a pharmacy and there wasn't a pharmacist behind the counter but instead was a drug taker, you would be like what painkillers would you hike? >> what did you say the lime green skunk would do for me? >> that would be more uplifting.
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>> what would you do? is it okay to be selling marijuana as a medicine without a dosage, without a duration. >> have you ever used a topical cream? >> no. >> no one can tell me, especially a medical person. this is reckless and glamorizing marijuana use and getting as much sold as quickly as you can. >> i'll take whatever this man prescribes for me. the knowledge you all have is fantastic. >> sonny and everybody in the shop was very informative to us, and they taught us more about the new age of cannabis. >> patch was -- >> they are going to say what they do. cbn is good for muscle spasm, inflammation and insomnia. >> i want one of this and one of the blue dream. >> okay. >> i'm all for it. i'm good. i'll pay the price. i'll pay the money. good, i'm going to get it, and he's going to get relief.
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davon his morning double bogey. hey, three putt. and starting each day with a delicious bowl of heart healthy kellogg's raisin bran. how's your cereal? sweet! tastes like winning. how would you know what winning tastes like? dave knows it's also a delicious source of fiber and one more step towards a healthy tomorrow. invest in your heart health, with kellogg's raisin bran no crying today... and try new kellogg's® raisin bran with cranberries. the tart and sweet way to up your breakfast game. she'll use that educationing to get a job. she'll use that job to buy a home.
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this is lilly baker. her mom just refinanced their home and is putting an extra $312 a month toward lilly's tuition. lilly is about to take over the world. who's with her? buy in. quickenloans/home buy. refi. power. we're at the council right now, 4-3, we would like to allow some retail sales of marijuana. we had four licensees out on airport road who were upset that they couldn't come to downtown main street.
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>> the fight from an airport road perspective is for a fair an equal playing field, so about it comes to whether or not dispensaries are allowed on mainstream or not allowed on main street it's simply from our perspective either we're all allowed in a fair and equal manner or no one is allowed. >> in the language we would limit one premise per block that abuts main street and then have an additional 100-foot proximity restriction between the businesses. >> here's what you have. one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. we have one up here. if you had it exactly in the right spot you could get eight. >> this makes me nervous. because when i look at all these spaces, is that real? >> 150. >> what's physically available, but you don't know what the landlord is going to say. >> but it would like -- all the stars have to line up.
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>> correct. >> money makes the stars line up. >> yeah, yeah, that's true. >> i know that we think it's such a wealthy industry, but i don't know if it's wealthy enough to completely reshape our main street. i don't think that's going to happen. >> i feel like we're moving too quickly on it. i think it would be better and we would make a better decision if we did get more input on the decision from the people that it will affect the most. >> i want to deal with it. one way to perhaps address your discomfort is to join me and vote no on this. >> public voted on it three times, you know. i feel like that was speaking up for it. >> i think we're making it a bigger deal by continuing to drag this out. >> i don't want to move on because i'm tired of talking about it. >> we have talked about this for several years. it's just now getting the restrictions and how we're going to manage it so that's why i
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want to move on. >> we are setting very tightly controlled rules which should set a de facto limit on the number of shops available, you know, one shop per block. those kinds of rules are what we talked about. we haven't passed them yet, but council is moving much faster than would i want. i'd rather have more consensus on the issue than pass it on a divide council and a divided town. >> they are going to allow downtown stores. it's fairly restrictive. >> meaning that -- >> it doesn't qualify because of the residents. >> an alley, not a road. >> adjacent to a residence which would disqualify as a marijuana building. >> it's out because of that -- >> realistically we have a ton of other issues now facing us that we have to -- >> yeah. this is almost worse for us because we thought we'd have somewhere to go and get out of our building. our building will become a target for investors who want to buy our building simply to jack our rent up super high, bleed all the profits out without actually having to be a marijuana business owner. now we're a target. >> oh. >> let's get out of here. >> i do this every morning. waking them up, letting them know i'm thinking about them. people think the store is where the money is, but the real bread and butter is in the garden. right now this isn't worth much. give us 100 days and we'll have
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$1 million worth of marijuana here. this will greece get us out of our cash poor situation. >> little baby girls here. these plants are about a week of age, just over a week. see, they started rooting through the clone cubes and at that point once we see the roots it's time for a transplant. they need to be tagged before i transplant them. kind of a tedious process, but you're in the peaceful garden, i find it no trouble to relax and make my way through the day. >> you go out for the day and take advantage of his muzzler tag and my archery tag and see if we can't find some elk. >> bought a gun with marijuana money. >> i think it's too late to fight the pot issue, but we can at least keep it from being downtown. >> we're a family-oriented place. we don't want it overrun with marijuana shops. we can't have five to eight.
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>> strategically there's about seven spots that might qualify for recreational sales of marijuana. >> not everyone agrees with the breckenridge town council and we've not had the opportunity in the community to have this debate, and we want you to let us have this debate. >> i think the town council made a wrong move whenever they were like all or none. all of a sudden going from removing the pot shop to one on every block, where did that come from? >> the position of the majority of this council is to place breckenridge as the number one pot destination in the united states, if not the world. >> there's a petition going on right now. i think that a lot of people are speaking up. >> this whole petition is ridiculous. we're just trying to work, you know. my job is at risk, my employees' jobs is at risk, everyone that i employ. livelihoods, just because these people have nothing to do but shut us down. >> i'm pro business for everyone
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in this community and i want everyone to have every opportunity to do well. that's what i'm about. >> i've got no service. >> and we've got a ways to go. >> we're probably a quarter. >> maybe half way. >> maybe halfway there. you're welcome.'re the valet? yea, sorta the valet. both drive for a living, both like to save money on car insurance, and we both know you may not get this car back in the same condition. watch your toes. wo! ya boy... get it! sorta you isn't you. with drivesense from esurance, you can earn a personalized discount based on how you drive, not how someone sorta like you drives. you'll even get a discount just for signing up. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call.
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the outdoors. >> why does that [ bleep ] look so much like antlers. >> we love to snowmobile and ski and fish and be outside but we don't have time to do that if we don't have time to run the business the way it needs to be done. our recreational days are limited to maybe a dozen in a year now. >> nothing. >> hi. >> how much does it cost? >> for a kids' duck it's $10 and you can -- >> my day job i work for the summit foundation. >> we're an overall nonprofit in the county, similar to united way and we give back to other non-profits through grants. >> duck race, 27th annual, 10,000 ducks will come down the river. this fund raiser is the largest fund-raiser in summit county to the tune of over $100,000. it's crazy. it's really crazy for me like how different this place looks in just 24 hours from now.
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it will look totally different. >> this is my day job. this is my livelihood, what i do. it's also my passion. here i am $20,000 under what i normally am. i was the pro pot person. i was the champion for it on main street, and now am i causing this? i have taken this pro marijuana stance pretty far, and i've also had conversations and comments. i man a really respect came up to me at an orchestra concert and got right in my face and said you're an idiot and are ruining your town and i don't like what you're doing on council so let me target your day job. i see them as threats. people that supported my campaign, won't even look at me now. do i worry about how this affects me, my daughter. it keeps me up at night, for sure. i also don't think no matter what kind of campaign people do that i'm going to change my
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mind. i'm not benefiting from this in any way. like, i expected brian and caitlin to make a much bigger contribution to the foundation than they did. sally filled out the form and it said one, and i said oh, do you have another form and she looked at me and said no. i'm like huh. so bull [ bleep ]. this was the sinking heart, you know. here, oh, look what i did for you and this is what i get. >> three, two, one. raining ducks. >> it's going to be 20 bucks on the dot for it. >> why did i do that? >> i've been working on that marijuana tracking system and i
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have to take everything and transfer it into one of our mixed tags, super annoying and complicated, but i've already found one mistake here that i'm not exactly sure what to do about it. i accidentally put purple dream instead of blue dream. >> the marijuana division is responsible for implementing a number of programs that licensees will be responsible for, public safety and consumer protection. we have some pretty stringent labeling requirements. we have a system that tracks their inventory from the time they have immature plants until the time the plants are harvested and packaged and sent to the point of sale. >> it should be accurate. if you need to do a quick count, leave the bags as they are and count the quick cash for a quick solution. >> you know what i mean? >> yeah. we have some mitt things that we're supposed to be doing. our state system and point of sale system is not lining up. huge pain in the ass. important that we do do it because iffy with don't get it done or don't figure out the problem they can shut us down for 30 days and then they decide
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how to punish us which sucks. >> the inventory is so hard to keep track of and right now we have two different system to keep our inventory straight on, and it's difficult. we have every single day's worth of sales in here, and can you click on that day and see exactly what was sold throughout the day, and we do actually use another system as well, biotrack. biotrack and mitts communicate with each other that we can update our system to that is is legally required at the end of every single business day. >> i don't know what to do. i guess we'll find out. i messed up something. it's pretty small. i'm sure it happened before. everything is perfect except for one thing. >> what did you do? >> the ones with dots on them are the ones i already put on successfully, but i put purple dream instead of blue dream. >> that's fine. >> are you sure? >> no. erik. >> my question is did you make it said --
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>> you've got to be kidding me. >> erik, oh, my god. >> people don't realize the hoops you have to jump through, the rules you have to follow. it is what it is. >> [ bleep ] it, move on. >> elisabeth lawrence sent me a text. i'm just going to read it to you. >> okay. >> she said any chance to chat later about what's going on? i just haven't heard anything from you all and i have no idea where all this is going anymore. do you know people put in an open records request to see which candidates received money from you? it's gotten so ugly and dirty. >> open records, request for money. >> yeah. >> you know, the three of us who accepted money, now people are saying that it's basically we paid them to vote the way that they are voting which we know isn't true. we never would have supported a candidate that wasn't supportive of marijuana to begin, and they actually supported marijuana before we donated anything. >> here, we said are you pro-marijuana? if so, we want you to win.
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>> there are people that are boycotting their annual contribution to the summit foundation unless she changes her mind, and also that erin has had clients pull clients advertising from the station until she changes her mind and now she is council members are -- personal lives are being affected. >> do we just -- i mean, i'm so tired of all of this. it's kind of messed up that the same people that are trying to say we were affecting the process through corrupt -- >> making a campaign donation and now they are withholding probably way more than $100. >> tens of thousands of dollars. >> like who is behind this? >> i need -- that's what i'm going to find out.
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oh, yeah. do i know what you're talking about. >> weed, lube, awesome, cool. i'm definitely going to look into that. so i just got this phone call for a lubrication for your nether regions. >> oh, my god. >> with weed in it. >> who was that? >> gets your genitals high. >> might be the lager for women, every person comes in saying what's the best for sex. >> marijuana heightens your senses that it makes -- >> i feel like it makes everything better. why leave sex out? >> what's the deal?
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what happened with that lady that came in the other day about the council? >> they had a lady come up at the one town council meeting that was a couple weeks ago, and she got up and she was like i am the spokesperson for all of the dispensaries on -- on airport road. >> really? >> yeah. >> heard of certain dispensaries having like negative things to say and stuff, but i didn't know -- >> they all conspired together. >> i mean, it's getting personal. >> it's a good thing that we have a lot of the council members on our side. >> we get to keep our jobs. >> i know. >> hi, y'all. it's been forever. >> i like your haircut. >> thank you. >> it's cute. >> stuck in this bench, contorted. >> how are you? >> good, how are you doing? >> it's so awfully awful, i have no idea where to begin. >> mark and i were talking about it on friday, and they are like they must not even care. >> they have no idea. >> see, that's what we were thinking, right? >> i thought this all settled into nothing.
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>> you know, gary freese who spoke at town council and owns the breck gallery, i don't know if you've had a conversation with him. his wife put in a cora request, which is colorado open reports act request. i got so inflamed by it and sat outside her shop and said i'm going to save you some time. you don't even have to look into this. i'm going to tell you. yes, they gave me money. she said, well, they paid you off. that's not it at all and she said i feel like i should tell you something. okay. a group of people have got together recently in a party and have all decided they are not going to contribute to the summit foundation. they are going to withhold their funds. >> specifically -- >> on me, unless i change my mind. that is a real threat, only because some of the people that are against this, i know what they contribute. it is a huge amount. i mean, we get over half a million dollars. we're talking like $750,000 a year just off that annual
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campaign, but regardless, like it's unsettling because it's my job. >> yeah. >> i have to have a job. like i'm a single mom. >> yes, do you. >> i have to have my income. >> no one wants you to lose your job. >> no, no, and at first i was so scared when i heard it just because of the threats to my job, right? i was so terrified. i was like i have to change my vote. >> yeah. >> that's the first thing i thought, too. >> but then i thought then that's giving into them. what happens in a year when someone is upset about our next issue? >> want to do that every time. >> they want to do that every time. >> right now the tides are kind of shifting a little bit. if council sends it to the voters, brian has to fight to stay on main. he didn't want to work with anyone else, so is anyone else, myself, am i going to now stand up behind him and support him in this campaign, or am i going to support all the money that's anti-marijuana on main street. makes way more sense to support the money anti-money on main street. >> i get frustrated because the best bet is to support no one on main.
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how do you be anti-anything marijuana? how do you say yes, you're right, we shouldn't be on main street? we should be hidden away or we shouldn't be accessible to the community? >> i would say to tell your people get behind having a vote of the people and actively campaign against the issue. >> aren't we too late for a vote of the people? >> no. this petition, it has 560 signatures on it in like five days. >> right. >> should provide a clear signal to the council that they need to have a vote of the people. >> i guess i'm just hesitant to really believe that despite how many signatures are on a petition that any of the council members are going to flip at this point. >> my conversations today have a different perfective. >> okay. >> i think they are hearing via this petition that there are voices of discontent out there and that they may not necessarily be representing the will of a community to have shops on main street. >> my next step would be to make the same phone calls and stand also in support of the vote of the people. >> yeah. >> am i surprised that wealthy business owners have less regard
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for someone else's business? no, that's why they are wealthy business owners. that's how it works. you don't become a wealthy business owner by trying to be nice to everyone. >> i have a target on my back specifically. >> right. >> and why is that? do people think i'm weak? is that why i'm a target? >> i think it's because you're more vulnerable from everyone else, from a job perspective, from a life perspective which is so, so horrible. if you could go back, would you do it different? would you start over? i mean, that's an impossible question, but would you? >> i don't know. it's marijuana, and it's not that big of a deal, but now maybe my personal views have to be my personal views, that it's not a big deal. >> sure. >> and -- and, blah. i hate myself currently. >> it sucks. it sucks.
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>> and do i really want to put my job on the line for a pot shop? no, i don't. >> other than standing up for what's right, what's it worth? >> right. >> who are you fighting for? >> brian and caitlin? what's the harm of just sending it to your voters? >> i'm tasked with a business decision. >> just send it to the voters. >> yeah, god, i just feel like things are so [ bleep ] unfair right now. i can't say what will happen on tuesday, but of right now i just would like to wash my hands of it and say let's send it to the voters.
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we plan to shut down that garden that we have in breckenridge. it's entirely too small for what we need, and we can just produce the product here at a much better price per pound so we don't need the cost that have other garden. it expires in a couple of days now, and we were hoping to just take the plants from over there to over here. well, we were told that we just needed written permission from the state, and i -- i've been calling for weeks now to get confirmation of what exactly their protocol was, and they told me that basically it was legally impossible for me to take these plants.
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we were planning on having 900 plants come from that garden over there here. >> these plants are worth about $500 wholesale or maybe $1,200 retail or something, so each plant. >> that's 1,000 times 900. >> $900,000. >> $1 million. >> almost $1 million worth of potential revenue off of those plants. >> damn it. >> we will have a discussion about what to do with it. >> you know, i've been reading the petition and reading the -- >> do you refresh it every ten seconds? >> oh, completely. >> here are the latest. >> i've talked about it and i'm sure you have, too, about how this issue is turning into a generational thing, you know, something very generational. >> i hear all the time from people, especially on that board, if only you were older you would understand what you're doing. but these are the people that i work with all the time in my job
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and they want to have an opinion and they feel like they can give me an opinion what. they are passionate about, their orchestra, their arts, and they know that i'm all about that so that's why they elected me. it seems to be just this one issue that we're so different on and divided. so obviously i'm worried about my job, only because i'm dependant upon, it just like you are. like i know at our last meeting i was like absolutely not put it to the voters. like i was so adamant against that. >> right. >> obviously things have changed since then. i mean, i just keep going back and forth, back and forth. i just wonder if that comes up again where we'll all fall or if you think putting it to the voters is okay or not. >> i still believe that we're a representative democracy and that's what we signed up for. we're not going to make everybody happy, that's for sure. that's how i -- that's how i see it. >> so then maybe that's our job.
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we're the elect officials, and it's up to us to make these hard decisions. at the risk of putting ourselves on the line. do we have the stomach for it i guess is the question? i think you do, more than i. %-p about main street. people really value it here. obviously, i mean. it's what we put in all of our advertising. it's -- it's important to people. people question morality when it comes to marijuana. they question how they were brought up. there's a lot of fear surrounding it.
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>> it's just so much misinformation is what it is. oh, here's a guy, joel brule. he doesn't live here. impeach town council members and also boycott their businesses. that's in the petition. i mean, you know, people are vicious on this. >> this got out of hand, and it got out of hand fast. the council wasn't going in the right direction. they were the ones that had started this in saying one per block. that's when the town erupted. >> i'd like to call to order the breckenridge town council regular meeting for tuesday, september 9th at 7:38 p.m. be happy to open up our meeting to citizens' comments. come on down, gary. what we'd like you to do is come to the podium, state your name for the record and we'd like to hear what you have to say.
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>> the cannabis club lease was to expire september 1, 2014. this was a non-issue at the time of the spring's council elections. for the cannabis club not to start the relocation process on june 1st, 90 days ahead of that september 1 deadline raises the the ethical question of contact with this council on the extension prior to any public hearings. through the freedom of information act my wife janet freese accessed the election contributions of newly elected and re-elected town council members. the three candidates elected this spring, each received a minimum of $500 from the cannabis club. it appears that these three candidates did not attempt to recuse themselves prior to any discussion or vote of the main
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street marijuana issue or extension of the bcc lease. these donations in conjunction with the delayed change of location appear to be a conflict of interest on the part of this council. at this time, mayor warner, we request that the council recuse mark burke, elisabeth lawrence and erin giglio from all voting on main street marijuana issues. >> i don't think i will, gary. my understanding of a legal contribution is that if it's legal, it's been reported, there is no conflict of interest if you choose to act in favor or against the proponent who gave you considerable contribution. >> i have no financial gain whether they stay or leave airport road or come on main street or anything to. have someone stand up here and speak the way you're speaking,
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it's offensive quite frankly. >> gary, i just find it ironic. you yourself, you're a bmf supporter. more than four times the amount of my gain contributions came from people who are current or recent bmf board members, so here in a month when we talk about our bmf funds next year should i recuse myself? would you like me not to be a part of the conversation? do you see the correlation? >> no, i don't. that's a separate issue that you have chosen to position yourself candidly. somewhat biting the hand that's fete feeding the summit foundation currently is an issue. >> gary, i would like you to -- >> gary, that's you and your threats of your friends to my job. >> elisabeth and mark, i would like to keep some order here. appreciate your comments, gary. i think we should leave it at that. >> elisabeth asked and i responded. >> well, let it be known for the record. >> thank you. >> any other comments from the
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public? >> my name is brian rogers, and i would just like to thank the last participant for openly committing a class four felony by intimidating a public official with public reprisal. that very nice of it. >> let's not be cute. let's not be sarcastic. >> i wouldn't have said a word of it if he hadn't done it. i'm sorry, john. >> i didn't threaten any jobs with regards to elisabeth. there are people that are extremely unhappy with the position that she's taken. if her job is in jeopardy because of their lack of contributions, interpret that as you may. the charge is there. it's 4,200 voters approximately that are out there, and i think every one of those voters are going to be contacted, and the chips will fall where they may, you know. game on.
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so what we really have is two questions. who is in favor of a vote? and who is in favor of a moratorium? >> i think if we don't take it to the voters in a timely fashion, i think all hell -- i think all hell is going to break loose. >> you know, that's a reasonable measure to take in this situation. i'm not opposed to it at all. >> you know, i think we've done this to ourselves and every time that leadership flounders, your community flounders and everybody is finding a position for themselves so i think the
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best way to address this is get the guidance of the electorate. i have faith in our citizens. >> i for one am for a vote. this is a chance for our public to react to something that's in paper, that's been written by us and that is factual. >> let's take it to the voters and figure out the format in which we want to do it, because otherwise i'm going to ask to recuse myself from this because i'm going to have a mental breakdown. this is crazy. we are going -- we are a great soap opera right now. >> well -- >> these guys filming it are loving this. we've got to end this. we've got to move on be and i think we're hearing people say let us weigh in. let us vote on is it and whatever format you want to take it to us. that's where i am. >> gary, appreciate that. elisabeth? >> a lot of you have heard, you know, the threats against my job and various other things, and i have to have my job and can't risk that so i -- i think putting it to a vote, even though i still feel the way i voted before is the right way, i feel putting it to the vote is the only thing -- my only choice
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i can do to protect my job so that's why i'm going that way. >> thanks, everybody, for your thoughts, so our short discussion is over. with that being said, thank you all for being here. >> just because the same vocal 10% has gotten to the point where they are breaking the law by threatening and intimidating council members to vote one way or the other. >> three months we've been listening them to say fair, fair, fair, fair and now it's a specific attack against us. >> it's completely unfair.
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>> brian, what's happening? yeah, man. just doing payroll and getting it done, friday and all. >> nice. we got out of that meeting with m.e.d. and unfortunately even though when they told us earlier that we could transfer the plants. >> with special written permission or whatever they wanted. that was apparently not the case, and we cannot transfer plants from one location to the other. only clones. >> how many plants do you think you have in there? >> close to 1,800. >> my gosh. >> so we're going to have to kill quite a few. we're going to have to destroy maybe 20% or 30% of those plants. >> that sucks. >> that's a lot -- >> that sucks. >> that's like my last three months of work. >> we're still going to harvest 30 or 35 pounds. at least we're not harvesting zero. >> we've got winter right around the corner here. leaves are already changing.
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>> we're going to be blowing through pounds a day, and now we're killing plants. this isn't -- this isn't good. >> i mean, we've got to follow the rules. >> this one hurts, man. we put a lot of time in this over here. all of us have. >> this is -- this is us pioneering a new industry and learning the rules as we go. >> well, let's go get taken care of this then. >> 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, still got 18 times two, 36 per side. >> okay. >> we're talking about hundreds. >> we're talking about hundreds of plants now. i honestly think we're going to kim half of these plants now. there's not enough space here. we grew enough plants for a 10,000 square foot area and this place is only 1,600. we were planning on taking all them over to oak creek. there's no way to flower them
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out. at retail this is about 1 million bucks worth of plants that we're shredding that we could have had in 60 days, but there's always something. >> if brian loses or if anyone loses and there's no more dispensaries on main street, who is going to win? from a business perspective you can be the cheapest and have the best quality, but this is a tourist market we're fighting for. you have to actually be able to have enough supply to provide them. so we are here at mine and my partner's new warehouse. i personally really start to look long term.
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rather than try to set up a franchise of particular dispensaries, my focus at this point and the smart money is on wholesaling. it is always going to be a fight to open a new dispensary and always going to be piddly, piddly crap. it's retail. i hate retail. gosh, it's so much more finished than it was when i was first here. i love this industry because it's a gold mine, but i hate retail. i don't want to run 50 dispensaries. i don't want to run 50 liquor stores. i want to be coors. i want to be sam adams. i want to be supplying the 50 liquor stores. >> we're hanging the lights right now. >> the difference in two pounds per light versus three pounds per light. >> huge. >> at 100 lights, 200,000 every two months. >> yeah. >> so $1 million a year if we can get an extra pound per light. >> yeah. >> whatever it costs to bring a consultant in if that is something that worked is so very valuable. >> absolutely. >> i mean, can you only make so much out of one dispensary. when i'm looking at one five, ten years down the road when
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this becomes legally federally, when i can start transporting across state lines, i'm going to be prepped and ready. i can't walk into every state that legalizes it and open a new dispensary. however, can i up how much product i'm growing and ship it out to them? absolutely. absolutely. >> we're in trouble for winter. thanksgiving is 60 days away. this one's not good. >> i feel like you're in a situation where you need to find some friends. >> where's your skin in this game? >> i don't have any skin in this game. >> we don't have any weed and we don't have any money. this is a kink in our plan. >> this is 88% thc. >> it's worth double the price worth a gram of gold. >> i also don't want to be the center of controversially. >> that's the biggest load of [ bleep ]. i will challenge them. >> i'm boiling inside just
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thinking about it. >> everyone is playing everyone. >> i'm fed up. >> i don't [ bleep ] trust any of it. a surprise announcement about the trip to the u.s. plus trapped at sea the life of enslaved fishermen in southeast asia in a latest freedom project series. and intense weather batters the u.s. ripping removes from buildings and causing flash flooding. hello, everyone, welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. this is cnn newsroom.


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