tv CNN International CNN May 11, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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assess. and a danger that grows by the month. mystery and confusion surrounds isis after reports the terror group's leader may have been seriously injured in an attack. plus, a famous journalist accuses of white house of covering up details of bin laden's death. and the nfl has suspended super bowl winning quarterback tom brady. >> hello, and welcome. >> it is great to have you with us. this is cnn newsroom. welcome everyone. we begin with reports from the guardian newspaper and the website the daily beast that al
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baghdadi has been seriously wounded by a coalition air strike. >> u.s. officials say there is no intelligence which shows the militant was in fact wounded. they say he remains a major player. and they believe isis is getting stronger, especially in cyberspace. >> u.s. intelligence believes isis leader al baghdadi for now remains firmly in charge. there's no intelligence indicating he's been injured despite press reports. the u.s. has already identified these men as potential successors to the isis leadership putting millions of dollars of reward on each of their heads. they're no shortage of supporters on the ground or online. the latest, this video from a fringe pro-isis hacking group threatening a cyber attack is coming. >> the thing i always look for
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is at what point do groups decide that they need to move from viewing the internet as a source of recruitment, as a way to spread ideology, we see it more from that as something of greater concern. >> those attacks are toughest to detect, especially when the internet can so easily recruit isis sympathizers. >> you have a lot of people springing up in various areas around the world that are all interested in joining this organization. >> the move to isis going viral online, even inspiring the attack in texas, as worry some for the u.s. as what is happening in syria and iraq. >> we're very definitely in a new phase in the global terrorist threat. when the so-called lone wolf could strike at any moment. >> that threat from the internet giving authorities less time to catch terrorists. >> because of the use of the internet, we could have little
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or no notice in advance of an independent actor attempting to strike. >> u.s. officials increasingly believe cyberspace is the battle field in which they must fight isis day by day, worried that online communicators from isis could inspire an attack in the u.s. barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. >> rumors have been swirling for months that bag daddy was either wounded, killed or both. michael, what do you know about al baghdadi's health and just who is calling the shots right now within isis? >> i'm very confident that the guardian and daily beast reports are correct. i've heard the same. the u.s. didn't know that they got him. they were targeting a convoy. he's suffering from a pretty severe spinal injury. he's lost the use of one of his legs. he's surrounded by a team of
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doctors and nurses in mosul. a lot of doctors who have fled and called back to mosul to the hospital and gotten confirmation that he's been treated. i also know that last friday, the now sort of nominated and considered to be the likely successors, at least as a caretaker of isis in the event that al baghdadi dies or he wants to hand the reigns over, he gave the friday sur monday at the mosque in mosul. you'll remember last year, after the fall of mosul to isis, al baghdadi himself gave the sermon there. so i think that these stories do check out. i know the u.s. government has been throwing cold water on it. >> why would u.s. intelligence -- at least publicly put out very different assessment?
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>> human intelligence in iraq has been very poor. they rely on intercepts through communication. isis has learned how to avoid getting their chatter interrupted or snared. these are multiple sources now confirming this. i can't go into too much detail, but one of the sources i know was a captured isis fighter in the town where al baghdadi was hurt. he was interrogated by the iraqis and said indeed he was injured. it could be the case that the pentagon hasn't confirmed it himself yet. >> does it make much of a difference? nobody knows al baghdadi. is he that central to the organization? >> you say nobody knows who he is, but within iseyisis lore, h quite significant and well-known.
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he is actually -- i mean it's rare to get somebody with that kind of clerical background to head a jihadi organization. usually you get guys that haven't gotten the schooling. in fact, his successor was a physics teacher. not sk not somebody that has the emerges in the islamic faith. the question is, you know, the people who run isis, i've always said this, they're not quite the -- you know, to the manner born islamic fundamentalists. most of them come from the saddam hussein regime. one of the guys suggested to be the possible successor was perhaps a major general in the iraqi military. i think it's unlikely somebody like him would be appointed for that very reason. if he has a bathist history, it
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gives the lie that isis is a purist islamist franchise. >> michael, we'll leave it there. appreciate you being with us. >> thank you. my pleasure. the white house is rejecting an explosive new report from a renowned journalist. >> he says the obama administration out right lied about the raid that killed osama bin laden. jake tapper has the details. >> for a top secret military operation, it's one of the most widely reported in recent history. an astonishing mission that generated a hollywood blockbuster film. now the journalist is calling the details of the raid that killed osama bin laden a lie. >> i understand the consequences of saying what i'm saying. >> at the center of his claims
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that pakistan's army and intelligence agency knew where bin laden was hiding and helped the u.s. go after him. this contradicts the narrative that the united states acted on its own. >> of course they work with us. the alternative is you want to believe what i call a fairy tale that bin laden, the most hunted man since 2002 in the world, decided he's going -- the one safe place to live is in a compound 40 miles from the main campus of pakistan. >> they tell cnn that based on pakistan's reaction, it was clear the pakistanis did not know in advance. former deputy director of the cia said that her sh's report were all wrong. >> the president sent me to pakistan after the raid to try
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and start smoothing things over. pakistanis did not know. >> and his account is being aggressively disputed by the obama administration. >> the story is riddled with inaccuracies and outright falsehoods. >> another claim, that there was no fire fight other than shooting bin laden. >> this contradicts what the u.s. navy s.e.a.l. credited with killing bin laden that night told cnn. peter bergen who went to the compound after the raid and saw the evidence of exchanged bullets called the allegations nonsense. >> this is based really on one source and literally hundreds of people in pakistan and the u.s. government would have to be lying for years and years. it fails a lot of common sense tests. >> he won the pulitzer prize in 1970. but he has especially in recent
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years, come under much criticism for these hotly disputed stories. for this report, he says he also spoke with two other u.s. sources that have been long-time consultants to the special operations command. jake tapper, cnn, washington. >> and for a closer look at the controversial report, along with a rebuttal, you can go to there it is. there is big news to report in the world of american football. new england patriots quarterback tom brady has been penalized with a four-game suspension. >> this comes after an investigation into the so-called deflategate incident when the patriots were found to have used deflated footballs to gain an advantage. here's our rachel nichols with more. >> this punishment is a huge statement by the league offices. make no mistake, it's a message to all 32 teams around the nfl.
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first, the league office is saying that any cheating, even cheating that doesn't have a significant huge impact on the game, is something the nfl will not tolerate. they have been questioning how much advantage a deflated football really gives you. the nfl has decided that doesn't matter. second, the nfl is taking tom brady to task for what it sees as a lack of cooperation in the investigation. and they want everyone around the league to know that if the nfl comes to investigate you, it is smarter and less costly to just cooperate. tom brady's agent doesn't agree with any of this. agent don yee called the punishment, quote, ridiculous. he says brady didn't do anything wrong and that the investigator had a predetermined conclusion before he even started. brady will now appeal this
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decision. here's the kicker, he requested a neutral appeals officer. this is key. the way league rules are set up, nfl commissioner roger goodell, he's the one that hears the appeal. they have long said this is unfair. but that is the way the system works. now, goodell can appoint an outside officer to hear the appeal instead and that's what brady's agent is challenging him to do. and by the way, if the suspension is upheld, tom brady's first game back will be to play the indianapolis colts, the team against who this whole controversy began. we go to boston now, closing arguments in the boston bombing trial are expected to begin on wednesday. the deadly weapofense rested onm
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of a nun. she says she believes he is genuinely sorry. tsarnaev was convicted of 30 counts for his role in the bombings. 17 of them carry the death penalty. >> the man acquitted of the shooting death of american teenager trayvon martin back in 2013 was actually involved in another shooting monday afternoon. police say a man started shooting at george zimmerman while he was driving in florida. they say the two men actually know each other and have been involved in an ongoing dispute. the shooter spoke to this witness. >> i just shot george zimmerman. i'm like what. yes, sir, i shot george zimmerman, just please call 911. >> an investigation is underway. so far, no arrests have been made. martin savage has more details on the shooting and the previous
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incidents. >> the man at the center of the continroversial shooting death trayvon martin is now the focus of another shooting investigation. this time, george zimmerman was on the receiving end of gunfire. >> an officer was flagged down by george zimmerman in his vehicle on west lake mary boulevard. he reported he had just been involved in a shooting. simultaneously, they received a 911 call from a third party on behalf of a matthew appraiserson. a white male who stated he had just been involved in a shooting with george zimmerman. >> that 911 caller says he told him zimmerman was waving a gun and that's when he fired. however, there's a different story. that he was flashing his lights. he fired a shot was allegedly
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almost hit zimmerman's head leading to him suffering a minor injury from the shattered glass. this is not the first time zimmerman and naperson have crossed paths. they were involved in a previous road rage incident. and zimmerman has had frequent run-ins with the law ever since he was acquitted of trayvon's murder. police in texas pulled zimmerman over for speeding. he had a gun in the vehicle, apparently legal, and he was let go with a warning. in november 2013, police in florida arrested him on aggravated assault charges after an apparent fight with his then girlfriend. then in january of this year, another fight with a girlfriend. and another domestic abuse
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complaint. but the woman reportedly recanted and charges were never filed. cnn, atlanta. when we come back, we'll report on the scenes of devastation in the midwest of the u.s. after storms and tornados tore through the area. we'll have the forecast when we come back. >> also ahead, an uptick in violence ahead of a cease-fire in yemen. we're going to be telling you why the fighting over there is actually intensifying. ♪ [ male announcer ] you wouldn't ignore signs of damage in your home.
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and we have to move faster. to learn more or support the cause, go to ♪ in texas, they're shifting through what's left of their homes after an ef-3 tornado struck the city on supposed. three people were killed in the storm. three others reported missing have been found. more than seven tornados were reported across the western u.s. over the weekend. >> i want to bring in our meteorologist. this is actually the strongest tornado to hit the down in more than 70 years. just looking at some of the images, they are quite startling. >> they had so little warning too. about five minutes. so kind of shows you not often
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you're going to get the ten, 51, 20 minutes warning you might get with storms that come through. want to draw your attention to southern texas, tremendous rainfall. some of the radar estimates put this at up to 6 inches per hour. isolated tornados. most of these storms are not exhibiting any sort of rotation. literally, the entire state of texas, at least the eastern half of it, dealing with flash flood watches and warnings in place here. for the past couple of days, indication in white, over 10 inches of rainfall. that is about 250 millimeters. same out of cores ka na. this is van, texas. so here are the 71 reports that we saw over the united states. notice the concentration right
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along tornado alley. early may, the highest likelihood of tornados in the united states. you see with the second highest likelihood beyond that. this is very much the norm as you would expect for this time of year. look at this. this is a basement right here. we have the fuse box. we often say get to the lowest point of your home. that is one of the only structure with any sort of walls surrounding it. you take a look at the extensive damage. very little room as far as survivable abilities. we take you to western europe. record heat in place. some of the hottest temperatures we've ever seen in madrid, spain. that is about 100 fahrenheit. they should be close to about 80 fahrenheit in madrid. even in london, warm weather well above the norm. it's going to change here. hot air displaced a little off
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to the east. severe thunderstorms possible. similar to what you see in the united states although to a smaller scale. and tornados around portions of switzerland. some of the largest tornados we see in europe occur across eastern france. that's an area we're watching here for severe weather. a cooling trend is in the forecast. london, about 70 or so fahrenheit. much cooler towards thursday. so the cooling trend coming back into the forecast. even madrid cools off from the upper 30s in the coming couple days. 38 on wednesday, that would be the hottest day they've ever seen this month. >> incredible. >> thanks. the obama administration is giving shell conditional approve to begin drilling in the arctic off the western coast. environmental groups argue there would not be enough time for emergency response if anything goes wrong.
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the u.s. interior department says a number of environmental conditions must be met before drilling can begin. a five-day humanitarian pause is due to start in yemen. but before the calm, both sides are actually stepping up the fighting. houthi rebels say they shot down a fighter plane that was taking part in saudi-led air strikes. saudis say one of their citizens died from a shell fired into their country. here's nick payton walsh with more. >> simply hours now until a five-day cease-fire is supposed to kick in. the humanitarian aid pause being another phrase used to describe what it could be. but no let up in the military activity around it. intense saudi arabia air strikes over the past 48 hours, they say hitting houthi positions would have been used to target
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southern saudi arabia. civilians were caught in the cross fire, more specifically this day in the capital, an enormous explosion. hit by multiple ir strikes it seems. residents reporting the noise of shells when i hizzing in the sk. police saying 26 people by the first count died in that explosion, over 140 injured. real fears that often you can see ahead of a cease-fire violence escalate, each side trying to establish on the ground, we may be seeing so much intensity here it could be hard to turn it suddenly off when 11:00 on tuesday strikes in the evening there. many concerns about how much
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humanitarian aid can be flooded in. the runway of the capital's airport damaged and the key ports often conflict zones themselves. of course one remaining question being so many of the groups fighting here are not unified, the houthis have fractured elements. there are other tribes fighting alongside them. loyalists on the ground fighting. the current president recognized by much of the world. so much could go wrong, so little that could be coordinated. so much riding on it. hundreds of thousands of lives badly needing that food. a lot of violence leading up to that potential cease-fire. >> a journalist who worked for al gentleman syria ra is accusing the network of what he
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calls epic negligence. he says the network aired his reports on its egyptian channel which w which was banned. they did not respond to request for comment. they do seem to be in the news a lot for all the wrong reasons at the moment rnlts we're going to take a quick break. a summit meeting in the u.s. has an attendance problem. four of the six leaders from the gulf countries are not coming, but they don't call it a snub. also, the u.s. secretary of state heading off to russia. a long lists of items for discussion. we'll take a look at what's on the agenda when we come back.
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skpnchts welcome back to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. you're watching cnn newsroom. >> just gone 30 minutes past the hour. that means time for headlines. fighting has intensified in yemen ahead of a truce set to begin in a matter of hours. saudi led air strikes continue to hit targets and saudi officials say one of their citizens was killed by a shell fired from yemen. >> they say there's no indication that al baghdadi was injured in a coalition air strike. that is despite reports. the reports say his injury has start add power struggle within the militant group.
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closing arguments are set for wednesday in the boston bombing trial. the defense rested on monday after testimony from a nun famous for her opposition to the death penalty. she believes dzhokar tsarnaev is genuinely sorry. he was convicted of 30 counts. new england patriots quarterback tom brady has been slapped with a four-game suspension without pay. this comes after an investigation into the so-called deflategate incident when the patriots were found to use deflated footballs. the patriots were also fined a million dollars. members of the gulf corporation council are scheduled to sit down on wednesday with u.s. president barack obama. >> but the saudi king and other leaders will not be there. becky an ser son reports on the reasons behind the absences.
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and it's not so much a snub they say. >> it is the gold embossed invitation seldom refused. yet of the six arab countries invited to sit down with the president, only two are sending their heads of state, qatar and kuwait. they were going to keep the u.a.e. away, but the biggest no show is this man, saudi arabia's king. they say he's staying to oversee a cease-fire that's supposed to go into effect in yemen from tuesday. the white house is sought to down play. noting that the crown prince and his defense minister would be at the meetings. but that hasn't stopped speculation that the monarch is snubbing the president. but a closer look may paint a picture. the gulf region is currently
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undergoing a generational transfer of power. meaning leaders like the saudi crown prince, the defense minister aren't key power brokers who will shape gcc relations with the west now and into the future. with them around the table, the u.s. president will not only have the chance to better understand the arab region's future leaders, but also the opportunity to allay his gulf allies' doubts over washington. they will likely press for a new security framework, committing the u.s. to more than just the gentleman's agreement of the past. so a ripe royal bash without the full compliment of monarchs. but enough heavy hitters around the table with an appetite to
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carve out a new direction for u.s.-gulf relations going forward. for the first time in two years, john kerry will travel to russia where he will sit down and meet with president vladimir putin. >> they report the wide-ranging talks come after a russian military display that heightened western concerns. >> vladimir putin celebrating russia's power and glory. parading more than 16,000 troops and its newest weapons of war through red square to mark the 70th anniversary of the world war ii over the nazis and the soviet army's key role in the defeat. the guest list was more notable for who wasn't there. most of europe's leaders boycotting putin's show of
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military might. even german chancellor angela merkel skipped the parade. the rest giving putin the cold shoulder as tensions grow over russia's meddling in ukraine. today, civilian deaths mounting and clashes between ukrainian troops and russian-backed separatists. >> this is a disturbing trend in the wrong direction. >> for the first time in two years since the crisis in ukraine began, the u.s. secretary of state is headed to russia to meet with putin. in sochi, where putin last sought to project russia as a world power in the 2014 winter olympics. the u.s. needs putin's help striking a nuclear deal with iran. and ending the civil war in
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syria where he is one of the president's closest allies. >> this is part of our ongoing effort to have these lines of communication, to talk about all of these issues. >> the u.s. relations remain at an all-time low over russia's role in ukraine. and putin's latest display of military prowess even more concerning given this recent warning. >> many of their actions are consistent with preparations for another offensive. >> and there is a sense putin may be ready to end russia's isolation. the foreign ministry said in a statement it hoped kerry's visit will try and normalize relations with the united states. he will try to assess whether putin is serious about peace in ukraine or content on continuing muscle flexing in ukraine and throughout europe. cnn, new york.
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>> joining me now to discuss john kerry meeting with lavrov in sochi, william, thank you so much for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> on the one hand, the u.s. want to the isolate russia, but at the same time, the u.s. is clearly to work with russia over issues. >> it is a contradiction. the issue with this meeting in sochi that's going to take place tomorrow, is that it's unclear how the united states wanted to cooperate with russia and to what extent russia wants to cooperate with the united states. there really is no clear agenda that's been announced so far and it's very your honor certain what sort of reception john kerry's going to get when he aroois in russia. >> we know that syria, yemen, ukraine and iran are going to be discussed. and speaking of syria, how much
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influence does russia have when it comes to getting al assad to negotiate. as we all know, he's extremely stubborn when it comes to doing what the united states wants. >> it's very stubborn in terms of doing what russia wants. russia has tried to organize peace talks this past year in moscow and they've really gone nowhere. so it's unclear to what extent russia brings assad to the table and actually is able to get some sort of agreement in syria. i'm not quite sure exactly what kerry expects russia to do in terms of resolving the syria situation. >> if it hasn't worked in the past, why would this time be any different? >> that's my question as well. it's unclear as to what john kerry expects russia to deliver on syria at least at this meeting in sochi. there's been no apparent movement that suggests russia is about to bring assad to the
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table. >> let's say a miracle happens and russia succeeds in cosponsoring some kind of resolution in syria, how does that change russia's international standing when it comes to dealing with the west? sgli think russia will view it as a significant victory. it will show that russia stood by an ally and was able to get some sort of resolution. i don't anticipate that even russia's participation in syria talks really changes the western's perception of russia. it still has annexed crimea and subject to u.s. and european sanctions. i'm not sure that paragraph advertise occupation is related to a change in western stance towards russia in light of developments in ukraine. >> all right. thank you so much. we shall see. we appreciate you being with us. thank you. >> my pleasure. >> cuban president castro
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welcomed french frent hollande on monday. during his short trip, he also met with the former leader, fidel castro. this marks the first time a french president has visited cuba. >> coming up, we have an exclusive interview with a north korean defector. find out what he has to say about the regime's brutal executions. and who has one starting price for gas or hybrid? mkz hybrid again. mm-hmm. upstaged them. the lincoln luxury uncovered event is on. lease the mkz or mkz hybrid for $289 a month. plus for a limited time competitive owners and lessees get one-thousand dollars bonus cash.
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and welcome back. a south korean defense official believes north korea could be able to launch missiles from a submarine within five years. >> they claimed they had successfully test launched a ballistic missile from a sub. a u.s. official says it was likely just a simulated firing. >> north korea in the fate of kim wrong unever since the leaders ordered the execution of his uncle. he has not been seen in public since. >> reports suggest she was in a vej staytive state. >> now one of the most senior officials says he believes none
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of that is true. >> being part of the family is not enough to save your life in north korea. arrested, tried and executed in less than a week, the brutal demise of kim jong-un's uncle shocked the world. they now learned the leaders aunt might have suffered the same fate. this man is believed to be the highest level official to escape in years. in his first ever interview, he tells us that he believes the aunt was poisoned on orders of her nephew. he says she was furious after her husband's death. guards surrounded her home and spent months expressing her anger. he gave his sister significant power. she and her husband chang were
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hand picked to guide kim jong ill's son in his early years. but the son decided he did not want the help. on may 5th or 6th of last year, he says, kim jong-un ordered her to be killed. now senior officials also know she was poisoned. as for his uncle, kim jong-un called him scum. but park says the issues began earlier. a year and a half into his reign, kim jong-un wanted to build a ski resort and a water park. the uncle wanted to rebuild the economy first. park says the ski resort is effectively what signed chang's death warrant. few know exactly how he died. he tells us chang's aides were
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killed far more publicly. they were executed, he says. much of what park tells us cannot be independently confirmed. north korea is one of the most closed societies in the world. he paints a picture of a brutal dictator. a young man willing to kill his own family members if they don't see eye to eye. cnn, seoul. last week, north korean officials told us that defectors are often criminals who make up stories to justify their actions. we'll be back with more news right after this break. stay with us. there's some facts about seaworld we'd like you to know. we don't collect killer whales from the wild. and haven't for 35 years.
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with the hightest standard of animal care in the world, our whales are healthy. they're thriving. i wouldn't work here if they weren't. and government research shows they live just as long as whales in the wild. caring for these whales, we have a great responsibility to get that right. and we take it very seriously. because we love them. and we know you love them too. [ male announcer ] you wouldn't ignore signs of damage in your home. are you sure you're not ignoring them in your body? even if you're treating your crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. and if you ignore the signs, the more debilitating your symptoms could become. learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at and then speak with your gastroenterologist. with the expert advice tool at it's more than it's multi-layered security and flexibility. with centurylink you get advanced technology solutions.
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[ male announcer ] diagnosed with cancer, he didn't just vow to beat it. i vowed to eradicate it from the earth. so he founded huntsman cancer institute. ♪ everything about it would be different. ♪ it would feel different. ♪ look different. and fight cancer in new and different ways. with the largest genetic database on earth that combines 300 years of family histories with health records to treat, predict and in many cases, prevent, cancer. [ huntsman ] we made it welcoming and warm with a focus on beauty, serenity, and getting on with life. [ male announcer ] huntsman cancer institute is the only cancer hospital in the world designed by a patient, with the vital understanding that cancer moves fast.
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and we have to move faster. to learn more or support the cause, go to ♪ somebody out there spent a lot of money on monday night. >> i gasped when i heard the amount. >> it's a new world record for the highest price paid for a work of art at an auction. it sold for $179 million at christy's in new york. >> who has that kind of spare change? >> yeah. >> the painting was sold to an
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anonymous buyer after just 11 minutes after bidding. it's considered a masterpiece of contemporary art and picasso's to his friend and rival. >> okay. at the same auction, this sa bit of a head-scratcher. a piece was sold for another record, $141 million. there it is. it had been in a private collection for 45 years. there you go. $141 million. >> nothing. >> for that? >> so cheap. >> while we're at it, let's take a look at the highest prices paid, not counting the picasso. three studies sold for $142 million back in 2014. >> and the very famous, we've all seen it of course, sold for more than $119 million back in 2012. >> another picasso, new green
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leaves and bust sold for $106.4 million back in 2010. >> and andy war hall, of course, silver car crash, also cleared the $100 million mark selling for $105.4 million back in 2013. >> makes you wonder. >> incredible. >> okay. it really is amazing. so "american idol" fans are probably singing the blues. fox, they're pulling the plug. the one that started it all. >> idol was once the most popular show on u.s. television averaging more than 20 million viewers from 2003 through 2011. since then, sadly, the ratings have taken a nose dive. >> it's had a big impact on pop culture for the past 15 years. you may remember kelly clarkson, she rose to fame after winning
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the first season back in 2002. >> clay aiken was also a runner up in 2002. jennifer hudson, has made quite a name for herself. she's probably the most famous. >> and carrie underwood. and of course the most memorable moments, not really the performances, but those really horrible terrible auditions. here's one of them. ♪ on a steel horse i ride ♪ dead or alive ♪ and i'm -- >> i remember that girl. i remember watching that episode. it was awful. the final season will begin on wednesday night. >> not to mention what it's done
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yeah. there's here. ♪ did you just share a listing with me? look at this one. it's got a great view of the lake. it's really nice mom. ♪ your dad would've loved this place. you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow and when you bundle your home and auto insurance through progressive, you'll save a bundle! [ laughs ] jamie. right. make a bad bundle joke,
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a buck goes in the jar. i guess that's just how the cookie bundles. now, you're gonna have two bundles of joy! i'm not pregnant. i'm gonna go. [ tapping, cash register dings ] there you go. [ buzzing ] bundle bee coming! it was worth it! saving you a bundle when you bundle -- now, that's progressive.
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conflicting reports are emerging about the leader of isis and when he's been seriously wounded in an attack. plus, a reporter accuses of white house of covering up details about the death of osama bin laden. and george zimmerman is involved in another shooting conflict. welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. thanks for joining us. this is "cnn newsroom." and we begin with the latest on isis leader abuba car al baghdadi.
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