tv CNN International CNN May 12, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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saying the leader of isis has been seriously injured in an attack. and a famous investigative journalist accuses the white house of covering up details of osama bin laden's death. hello, everybody. great to have you with us. we'd like to welcome our viewers in the united states and all around the world. i'm john vause. >> and i'm rosemary church. this is "cnn newsroom." we do have some breaking news coming from bangladesh. an alarming trend after another blogger critical of islam is found hacked to death. police say 33-year-old was on his way to work in the northern city when four masked men attacked him and killed him. they were armed with cleavers, he advocated secularism and died a few hours ago. >> this is the third such attack in less than three months involving a critic of religious
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extremism in the majority muslim country, and we will have a live report on this with more information coming up shortly. in the meantime, a five-day cease-fire in yemen is set to begin in a few hours, but fighting led to that. >> saudi arabia-led air strikes continues to pound houthi rebelrebels saudi officials say one of its citizens was killed by a shell fired from across the border in yemen. >> for more on the fighting in yemen and also the cease-fire we're joined from beirut, so what do you know about the latest in the fighting? are both sides trying to scale this back? >> caller: they're trying to reach the cease-fire with a victory. but it doesn't seem that it's
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working there. most of those who were killed over the last 50 days have been civilians. yesterday alone, 25 civilians, and more than 150 injured. the idea that saudi arabia is not able to hurt the houthis is hurting them internally. this is what -- and that's why this is so tragic and huge, they're trying to show that they are victorious. right now, there is a strong hope that it could work, but, again, yemenis right now are waiting to see which side, whether the houthis or the saudis are the ones who would try to complicate the cease-fire and any, any side who does will lose the support of the people.
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>> and ha kekeem, you are in sa now. the forces are described as massive. >> caller: yes, saudi arabia has been moving toward the border. the houthis have been able to enter cities inside saudi arabia, loot, and take the weapons from the military bases there and return to yemen. this is the same thing that the houthis did into '09 when -- in the war with the houthis. so saudi arabia knows that the houthis are able to invade easily and come back with the weapons. even the planes taken down yesterday, the moroccan f-16 was shot down by the hoothuthis.
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>> okay, hakeem, there are a few difficulties with the line, understandably with the circumstances there. but this five-day cease-fire, it will hold, providing both sides hold their fire. it's a chance for humanitarian aid to get into the country, but many aid organizations are saying five days simply is not enough for the amount of assistance which the civilian population require at the home. rosemary? members of the gulf cooperation council are scheduled to sit down wednesday with u.s. president obama. the meetings will culminate in a summit at camp david on thursday, but the saudi king and other regional heads of state will not be there. as vickie anderson reports, it may not be as much a snub as an opportunity. >> reporter: it is the gold embossed invitation seldom refused. a dinner date at the white
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house. yet, of the six arab countries invited to sit down with the president, only two are sending their heads of state, qatar and kuwait. ill health was always going to ke keep one away. but the biggest is king salman. the white house has sought to down play any rift with riyadh. but it hasn't stopped speculation that the monarch is snubbing the president. but a closer look at those who will actually be in the room may paint a more nuanced picture. the gulf region is currently undergoing a generational transfer of power. meaning leaders like the saudi
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crown prince, the defense minister or the qatari amir are key powerbrokers who will shape relations with the west now and into the future. with them around the table, the u.s. president will not only have the chance to better understand the arab region's future leaders, but also the opportunity to allay his goal for their doubts with the nuclear deal with iran. the ambassador says they will likely press for a new security framework, committing to more than just a gentleman's agreement of the past. so a right royal bash without the full compliment of monday ashes perhaps, but enough heavy hitters around the table with an appetite to carve out a new direction for u.s./gulf relations going forward. becky anderson, cnn, abu dhabi. >> so is it a snub? not a snub? is the saudi king sending a
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message to the white house? if this is not a snub, there certainly does seem to be an attendance problem. leaders from four of the since nations invited to the summit will be no-shows. >> i think that's not a coincidence. you've heard of the nondenial denial, this is the nonsnub snub. there was a very influential adviser to the monarchy that said this isn't quite a snub. it's just, but there's definitely a sub textual thing here for what, six hides of government have decided to send underlings. that's very clear. that sh coordinated and strategic. they're saying forget about the
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iranian nuclear program and the negotiations over that. we fear and we suspect that the united states has embarked upon a policy with the islamic republic. they are looking to bring an iran in from the cold and erect a new post, post war condominium with iran, and this aggravates us to no en, because we see iranian hed iranian -- >> the u.s. is going to have a very hard time trying to convince them they have nothing to fear from an iran deal. >> saudi arabia has historically been quite cautious in terms of broadcasting its list of grievances and its complaints with u.s. policy. i mean, more often than not they tend to get what they want. this has been a pax americana for the last several decades. but in this case, the obama
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administration has really pissed them off. they go above and beyond. if you look at some of the dynamics taking place in syria, i didn't think this was going to happen myself. three countries with ideologically diverse views collaborating together to try and oust the assad regime and they're doing it without america. >> is that a bad thing? is that a bad thing that these countries are finally dealing with problems in p their own region? and the u.s. can stop fighting their wars for them, stop being a helicopter parent? >> they're responsible for the vast majority of hijackers on 9/11, to which i would say, if you don't like them as a friend, wait till you get do know them as an enemy. if they are working with al
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nusra, that is the official al qaeda affiliate. is that a good thing or a bad thing? i think i answered my own question. >> on that note, we'll leave it there. good to speak with you as always. . >> thanks a lot. with relations clearly strained, the u.s. secretary of state is making his first visit to russia in years. john kerry is set to meet with vladimir putin in sochi. both countries announced the visit. but russia made no mention of mr. putin saying instead that kerry would meet with sergey lavrov, well, matthew chance joins us now from moscow with more on this. and it is interesting that russia's not reporting that john kerry will meet with president putin. talk to us about what that means and what all the two men will likely discuss and achieve in these talks. >> well, the fact that it hasn't been officially announced in
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russia, it may mean that the meeting won't go ahead. it has something to do with protocol, the russian foreign ministry speaks to what the russian foreign ministry's doing and they've been identifying what his agenda is. sergey lavrov will be meeting with john kerry to discuss a whole gamut of grievances between russia and the united states, from the situation in ukraine to the nato defense shield and u.s. national defense system to other issues outstanding as well as areas of cooperation like syria and iran. that could well develop into a meeting with vladimir putin as well, but as i say, it's not clear whether that will actually go ahead at this stage. >> it is interesting. and it does seem to be an expectation on the part of russia that relations, perhaps, could be normalized with the u.s. how does russia want to cooperate with the u.s. to move perhaps in that direction, and
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why are we seeing this happening at this time? >> well, i mean, i think there's a sense in which the russians think that relations should be normalized. the fact that there are sanctions against russia from the united states, the fact that there's another, you know, there are very big areas where there's a lot of grievances and lack of understanding if you like between the two countries. it's something that russia says is unjustified. the united states blames russia for the ukraine crisis, but russia denies that and says it's the united states support of the administration in kiev that has led to this crisis. russia is accused by the west of having its military forces inside eastern ukraine. russia of course categorically denies that as well. the russians are saying we nud normalize our relations, there's a strong trade relationship between the two countries. they have identified companies
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like coca-cola and boeing and other conditions thmpanies that a lot of business interests. but it's a need for russia and the united states to cooperate on the various international agendas that they talk iran, syria. they say they need to make their relationship closer and more normal. >> matthew chance joining us live from moscow. thank you. raul castro welcomed french president hollande. he was promoting french interests. during this short trip he also metz with the former leader, fidel castro. and this was the first time a french president has visited cuba. there is growing speculation of a power struggle within isis, following reports the terror group's leader may be seriously injured.
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back to our breaking news story out of bangladesh. a third blogger critical of islam was hacked to death this morning by masked assailants armed with cleavers. we are live in new delhi with what is becoming a regular occurrence in the majority muslim nation. what all do we know about the circumstances around this shocking attack, and do authorities have any idea who did this? >> reporter: not at the moment, rosemary. this is still a developing story in bangladesh. authorities are still investigating. he is a blogger in his 30s. he was actually on his way to
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work in the morning when four masked men came and attacked him with cleavers. because it was morning, there were few witnesses. so they all questioned the witnesses who were there. he used to blog for a website which means free will. and actually, this is a website that was moderated and set up by a man who was the other blogger hacked to death, the bangladeshi-american blogger hacked to death in february. >> we're talking about three attacks. do authorities know who may be behind all three of them? do they think they're linked in some way, and are they doing anything to try to stop this happening again?
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>> reporter: in fact there were quite a few students who were protesting because they said authorities weren't doing enough. one person was aware of what happened in that case, but certainly, the students have been protesting. and also another blogger's death in march as well. now the al qaeda, the sub continent branch of the al qaeda actually put out a video statement just last week, saying or claiming responsibility for the death back in february. now again, we don't know the circumstances, and, you know, who put, we know that the al qaeda was behind that posting of that video, but we don't have any more details on that. the authorities say they're still investigating that as well. in gi . >> give us an idea of the number of people speaking out and
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supporting secularism. they are brave given the circumstances, but what sort of number of people would be brave enough to be doing that? >> reporter: you know, again, as you mentioned, this is the third incident just this year. but even before that, in 2013, even before that, you've, we've seen writers, very well-known writers in bangladesh who have had to leave because of the threats from fundamental fundamentalist muslims. but it has picked up with these brazen attacks against bloggers, and, again, these bloggers have said that they have told the authorities that their life isn't a threat, and they've asked for security in the past, but nothing's really happened. that's what these bloggers have been complaining about in some of their facebook posts that they're not receiving the security they should be receiving, rosemary. >> it is a big concern, and
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these are shocking details, as you say, this third blogger hacked to death in bangladesh. cnn is staying on top of this. we will get more details and share them with our viewers, many thanks to you, reporting in new delhi. and there is breaking news from roitsers. a 7.1 magnitude earthquake has struck in nepal near the base camp for mt. everest, measured about 10 kilometers deep. they always say that in these early stages. this comes after a 7.8 quake struck two weeks ago. it's about 68 kilometers west of a place that is a small village. only about 1600 people there. and to give you some perspective, it is about 160, 136 kilometers to the east of kathmandu and known as the ge a
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gateway of the high part of the himalayas. so just to repeat, it is a 7.1 magnitude quake to be part of the aftershocks striking in a remote part of the country of nepal but it continues to be rattled by the earthquake and aftershocks which have killed so many people there. we move on to reports from the guardian newspaper that al baghdadi has been seriously wounded by coalition airstrikes. >> those reports say his situation has sparked a power struggle inside isis. but u.s. officials say there is absolutely no reason to believe al baghdadi was wounded, and they say he still remains a major player. as barbara starr reports they believe isis is showing growing
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signs of strength, particularly when it comes to cyberspace. >> reporter: u.s. intelligence believes isis leader baghdadi remains firmly in charge. there's no intelligence indicating he's been injured in a recent coalition airstrike despite press reports. the u.s. has already identified these menace potential successors to the isis leadership, put being millions of dollars of reward on each of their heads. there's no shortage of supporters on the ground or online. the latest, this video from a fringe, pro-isis hacking group threatening a seeker attack is coming. >> the thing i always look for is at what point do groups decide that they need to move from viewing the internet as a source of recruitment as a way to spread ideology, do we see it more of greater concern, as viewing it as a potential weapon system. >> reporter: those attacks are toughest to detect, especially
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when the internet can so easily recruit isis sympathizerisympat. >> you have a lot of people springing up in various areas of the world that are all interested in joining this organization. >> reporter: the move inspiring the attack in texas worrisome for the u.s. as what is happening in syria and iraq. >> we're very definitely in a new phase in the global terrorist threat, where the so-called lone wolf could strike at any moment. >> reporter: that threat from the internet giving authorities less time to catch terrorists. >> because of the use of the internet, we could have little or no notice in advance of an independent actor attempting to strike. >> reporter: u.s. officials increasingly believe cyberspace is the battlefield in which they must fight isis day by day, worried that online
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communicators from isis could inspire an attack in the u.s. barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. and coming up later today, on cnn, fareed zakaria explores the origins of isis. you will see rare footage shot by a german journalist inside territory the group holds. that's on blindsided, how isis shook the world, starting at noon in london, 1:00 in berlin, only here on cnn. coming up, an exclusive interview with a north korean defector. new details on brutal executions within the regime's inner circle.
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you are watching "cnn newsroom." i'm rosemary church. ? i'm john vause. another 30 minutes to go. an update on our breaking news. reuters is reporting that a 7.4 earthquake has struck nepal. the u.s. geological survey says the quake struck near the base camp for mt. everest and measured nearly 11 miles deep. this comes after a 7.8 magnitude struck more than two weeks ago, killing at least 8,000 people. another blogger critical of islam has been found hacked to death in bangladesh. police say the 33-year-old was on his way to work tuesday in the northern city when four masked men killed him with cleavers. he advocated secularism. this is the third such attack in less than three months involving
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a critic of religious extremism. a five-day cease-fire is hours away in yemen. meantime, the coalition continues to bomb rebel targets, and the saudis say one of their citizens was killed by a shell fired from inside yemen. u.s. intelligence officials say there's no reason to believe isis leader baghdadi was seriously injured in a coalition airstrike. that's despite reports from the guardian and daily beast that he is badly hurt. it has prompted a power struggle within the group. an official estimates north korea could be able to launch missiles from a submarine within five years. >> over the weekend, pyongyang claimed it had successfully test launched a ballistic missile from a sub. south korea believes photos are authentic. the fate of kim jong-un's
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aunt has been the subject of speculation since the north korean leader ordered the execution of his uncle late in 2013. kim's aunt has not been seen in public since. >> one report out there suggests she died of a stroke, committed suicide, was in a vegetative state after brain surgery. some believe she is still alive. >> but now one of the most senior officials to defect from north korea in years says he believes none of that is true. he spoke exclusively to cnn's paula hancocks. >> reporter: being part of the family is not enough to save your life in north korea. arrested, tried and executed in less than a week, the brutal demise of kim jong-un's uncle shocked the world in 2013. cnn has now learned the aunt may have suffered the same fate. this man is believed to be the highest level official to escape north korea in years. we're hiding his identity and
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calling him park to protect his friends and family in pyongyang. he tells us that he believes that the aunt was poisoned on orders of her nephew. she was furious after her husband's death, he says. she disappeared from view. guards surrounded her home and she spent months expressing her anger. the late kim jong il gave them power. but the young leader soon decided he did not want their help. on may 5 or 6 of last year, park says, kim jong-un ordered her to be killed. only his bodyguard unit, 974 knew this. now senior officials also know she was poisoned. as for his uncle, publicly, kim jong-un calls him scum and says he was trying to overthrow the
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government, but he says it began with the economy. he says kim jong-un wanted to build a ski resort and water park. the uncle wanted to rebuild the economy first. that is where the friction began. park says the ski resort is effectively what signed the death warrant. he was executed in an underground secret room according to park. few know exactly how he died. but he tells us his aides were killed far more publicly. his close aides were executed not with an ordinary gun but by four-barrel machine guns. most of what he tells us cannot be independently confirmed. north korea is one of the most closed and repressive societies in the world. park paints a picture of a brutal dictator whose actions have shock even the north korean elite, a young man willing to killeen his own family members if they don't see eye to eye. paula hancocks, cnn, seoul. last week, north korean
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authorities told cnn that people are often defectors who make up stories to ingratiate themselves with south korea. we move to the white house now which is rejecting an explosive new report from a very famous renowned investigative journalist. seymour hersh says that the obama administration outright lied about the raid that killed osama bin laden. our jake tapper has the details. >> reporter: for a top-secret military operation it's one of the most widely reported in recent history. an astonishing mission that generated a hollywood blockbuster film. but now seymour hersh is calling the details of the raid that killed osama bin laden a lie. >> i've been around a long time. long of tooth in this business, and i understand the consequences of saying what i'm saying. >> reporter: at the center of
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hersh's claims that pakistan's army and intelligence agency knew where bin laden was hiding and helped the u.s. go after him. this contradict's the u.s. government narrative that the u.s. acted on its own, sending in a team of navy s.e.a.l.s to kill or capture the al qaeda leader. >> first they work with us. you want to believe what i call a lewis carroll fairy tale, that bin laden, the most hunted man since 2002 in the world decided the one safe place to live is in a compound 40 miles from the main capital of pakistan. >> reporter: but someone with deep knowledge says cnn that based on pakistan's reaction it was clear that pakistanis did not know in advance. former director of the cia said that hersh's report is all wrong. >> pakistanis were furious with us. the president sent me to pakistan after the raid to try to start smoothing things over.
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pakistanis did not know. >> reporter: and hersh's account is being aggressively disputed by the obama administration. >> the story is riddled with inaccuracies and outright falsehoods. >> reporter: another hersh claim that there was no firefight other than shooting bin laden. >> we started going upstairs. >> reporter: this contradicts what the u.s. s.e.a.l. credited with killing bin laden told cnn. peter bergen who went to the compound after the raid and saw considerable evidence of exchanged bullets called hersh's allegations nonsense. >> this is based on one source. and literally hundreds of people in pakistan and the u.s. government would have to be lying for years and years. >> reporter: seymour hersh won the pulitzer prize about the
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vietnam war. but he's come under controversy for these stories that rely on unknown sources. he also spoke with other consultants to the special operations command and pakistani leaders. jake tapper, cnn, washington. more now on that breaking news out of nepal. the earthquake, the aftershock we believe it is an aftershock which happened a short time achlgt you can see it on the map. it's about 130 kilometers to the ooefls kathmandu. it's been upgraded to a 7.4 magnitude. initially they said it was 10 kilometers. now they're saying it is 9 kilometers below the surface in kathmandu, according to reuters, people ran from buildings in fear. this quake was felt all the way
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into new delhi, a powerful quake that comes two weeks after that 7.8 earthquake in nepal which left more than 8,000 people dead and hundreds of thousands homeless right now. >> and we'll have more on this. we will talk to our reporter from nepal. she's in new delhi. we will talk to pedram javaheri. let's take a very short break. we'll be back in just a moment.
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let's go back to that breaking news now. 7.4 magnitude earthquake has struck nepal in the past few moments. >> the u.s. geological survey says the quake struck in the western part of the country near the chinese border at a depth of 11 miles. the country is still reeling from that 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck just over two weeks ago, killing at least
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8,000 people. and we do want to bring in our reporter now in new delhi. so you are from nepal. you covered that earthquake two weeks ago extensively. this is a real concern. you're talking about 7.4 magnitude compared to that 7.8 weeks ago. talk to us about this particular part of nepal where this struck. >> reporter: that's right, rosemary. there is a lot of fear that another earthquake, another big earthquake will strike again. and a lot of people refuse to go back to their homes and continue to stay out in their tents because of that. and, you know, even while we were there, there were so many aftershocks continuously. so right after this earthquake hit, even in delhi, we would feel the shake. i called up a few people, my family and a few friends there as well. they're all outside right now,
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obviously, too scared to go back in the buildings right now. we know one person whose house has collapsed. this is a matter of huge concern, because a lot of the houses were already cracked interest the earthquake two weeks ago. so people were worried about that. this is in kathmandu, obviously in the villages, a lot of the houses had already collapsed, vanished completely in a lot of the areas. the epicenter in this case is around namche, when trekkers go to everest, that's where they first arrive, so if it's in that area, there is that concern, of course, that there could be avalanches, again, and of course there were a lot of trekkers had who were on everest base camp, around the area who had returned to namche and hopefully were trying to get back to kathmandu and other parts of the world. so a lot of questions, a lot of concerns, but, again, quite
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early right now to say, to talk about any sort of impact. >> and talk about namche. it is a small village, i did a quick check, what, about 1600 people live there, there is an airport there that is not used, at least commercially. but what more do we know about this part of nepal? >> reporter: so the main airport is considered one of the most difficult airports to land in because of a tiny, tiny landing strip on the cliff of this very high up, actually. i think it's about 4,000 meters, roughly. so people arrive and you have to walk about two days to get to namche. that's the hub for the whole everest trekking expeditions and trekkers in general. now something to mention, actually, everest expeditions
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had been canceled because of the earthquake two weeks ago and avalanches. but still people who want to do regular treks around everest were in namche. so we don't know what the situation is, but it's an area with a lot of, it was already reeling because of that avalanche and the earthquake, and now you've got all these trekkers there possibly stranded in namche. we don't know the situation, but there is a lot of concern that this could be quite big. >> if rescuers wanted to get into this region, it's going to take them a long time. did you say it was going to take a two-day walk? is that right? >> reporter: that's right. namche is a two-day walk. if you're a really fast walker, then you could possibly do it in one day, but it's a two-day walk. and you can go by helicopter as well. so that's what the rescue workers have been using in the
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past. but again, because we're talking about very high altitudes, only certain kinds of helicopters can go there and only maximum three or four people. that's why the whole relief operation has been so complicated, so difficult because of the terrain, very high altitudes, very spread-out area. and in this case, we still don't have much information about where exactly is the epicenter. >> you mentioned the fear here, the concern over the possibility of avalanches. now talk to us about that particular region again. presumably, because there's lots of little huts up there, certainly in the lowr regions o the himalayas where people actually live. talk to us about whether those people have all come down to lower levels. do you know about the situation there?
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on the ground? >> reporter: in general, rosemary, while we were there, it was mostly the people who were injured who were coming back, because, again, you can't just come back to kathmandu. you have to be airlifted with these helicopters. and the army, the police, they were only airlifting or evacuating people who were injured who needed to get back to, who needed to get to kathmandu asap. so a lot of people who had lost their homes but were fine, they were left behind. but there were still, obviously, many of them living in tents, sleeping outside in kathmandu. my family is still sleeping outside because of that fear. so, you know, it's, again, because no, most people were sleeping outside, a lot of people may have survived this because it happened in the daytime. you know, a lot of people would be outside anyway. that's something a lot of people kept talking about in nepal during the earthquake two weeks ago. they felt lucky that it happened
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on a saturday when schools were closed. when people were outside. so in this case, again, a lot of people presumably outside or already sleeping in tents. it's too early to gauge or have a sense of what the impact will be. but it we're talking about avalanches, that part of nepal, then yes, quite a bit of concern, rosemary. >> it is a big children. we are covering this live from new delhi, she knows this particular of nepal very well. we do appreciate you covering the situation. >> just came back from covering the earthquake. 2 million people still need food and medicine from the 7.8 quake two weeks ago. >> this is still a fairly
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shallow quake. >> how widespread was it felt? >> we have all the maps, and we'll kind of show you what we think is cushing over this region. you're talking about is it a fresh quake? is it an aftershock? difficult to tell. this is an impressive aftershock. >> 7.4. >> with a 7.8 you expect a 6, but to get up close to the initial shock, it is pretty impressive in that sense. so show you the perspective. about 18 or so kilometers deep. this is pretty close to the china border. some 22 kilometers from the china border. when you put yourself in the 7 magnitude, this is considered a major earthquake. it is quite shallow, usgs giving us data as to what the fatalities, 50% chance of 100 fatalities and 30% chance from
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100 to 1,000 fatalities. we'll go in for a closer perspective, michael, if we can go back to that map and show you the shake intensity. the actual area where the quake occurred, right over this region, it is extremely mountainous, near the top of a very large scale feature out there. but you see the original quake, historically, you would expect one 6.0. we've had multiple in the aftershocks continue with this for potentially years to come. >> if we're looking at fatalities, and they're projecting somewhere around 100. >> at least 100, yes. >> this is not a built-up area. we're talking about a very small village, 1600 people, maybe a few trekkers. many will have left because of the quake a few weeks ago. >> the yellow circle around the epicenter is where we've had the strong to very strong shaking. some villages of 60,000 people
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feeling the strong shakes. as we zoom out you can see where kathmandu is in relation, 80, 90 kilometers but our calculations. and they felt moderate shaking. so the shaking would be far less than the initial quake. >> talking about the shaking felt all the way in kathmandu, but i know you're still with us there in new delhi. there were some reports out there that in fact this earthquake was felt in new delhi. did you feel it when it happened? >> reporter: we certainly felt it here, john. my whole table started shaking. and it felt like it lasted for at least 45 seconds. our plants started moving around, obviously the water. so we definitely felt it. i know some friends scrambled their way down from their apartment buildings. in the beginning, there was
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some, some reports that it could have been in afghanistan. but they were frantically making calls -- >> we're having a few problems with her link there from new delhi. so we'll leave her for a moment and she'll find out exactly what's happening in kathmandu. she just got back from there. the usga initially said 10 kilometers. and then they revise it and look at it closer and work out. why do they revise it up? do they get a bad reading to begin with? >> no, they're looking to see where the depth is coming in at. every quake will have that and you analyze that to see how far down it is. something worth noting with this, the reason we had this 7.8 quake is you have the plate going right underneath thethe e
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asian plate. you would expect these aftershocks and this quite a dramatic one as far as how large scale of an aftershock it was. >> very quickly, what about avalanches in this situation? >> the threat is pretty high. it is. because of the location, it is right atop this mountain area. you can see the satellite imagery. the threat is very high, if there were people around this aftershock here, it would definitely be a lot of fatalities maybe coming from that region. >> we'll let you go find out some more about the quake. we appreciate that pedram. before we go, recap of our breaking news, a 7.4 magnitude earthquake has struck nepal. >> this has happened just in the last hour or so. the u.s. geological survey says it happened near the chinese border, officials continue to worry there about the potential
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of avalanches. >> and the country is still reeling from a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck over two weeks ago killing at least 8,000 people. a cnn producer says he saw some houses damaged near kathmandu in the previous quake collapse in this tremor. and you are watching "cnn newsroom." i'm rose mary church. >> i'm john vause. stay with us. early start is up next. >> and for the rest of you, another edition of "cnn newsroom" begins after this short break.
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. >> john berman here along with christine romans. welcome to "early start." we have breaking news. a magnitude 7.4 earthquake hit nepal. there was an earthquake of 7.8 that hit earlier this month that devastated. the epicenter is near the city of namche. the depths of 11 miles. that is not deep. there is a large possibility of widespread damage. there are reports of buildings collapsing and tremors felt as far as
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