tv CNN Tonight CNN May 13, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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r setting out for the evening or settling down for breakfast we make sure every weekend is one to remember. doubletree by hilton. where the little things mean everything. well that's it for me tonight on "360." our coverage continue said with don lemon. >> i have questions for you. cars from amtrak 188 are being removed from the track. and here's what we do know at this hour at least seven people killed an unknown number of people still missing at this hour. the national transportation safety board says it was speeding at 106 miles an hour through the curve, more than twice the speed limit and the engineer slammed on the breaks before the crash.
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and they tried to interview him but he refused to say anything more than this that he could not recall how fast he was going 37 he has not talked to the national transportation safety board either. and anderson i want to talk to you before i go to drew because i thought it was interesting when you spoke to the mayor and he said he didn't know how many were unaccounted for. >> he sent out more people to survey a wider area. because it's complicated for authorities to try to figure out who is on the train. people may have bought a ticket but weren't actually on the train. >> i know that you've lived in the northeast all of your life in new york city and i used to live in philadelphia and i've never seen anything like this. >> and the seven family tz whose
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loved ones have died the speed that this happened and all of a sudden tonight, 24 hours later, their lives are forever changed. >> and drew you have actually learned more about the train's engineer. >> we know he's been an engineer for about 4 1/2 years now and before that a condurktctoronductor. and a little bit of clarity on whether or not he's talking. he was being treated for injuries last night when authorities initially approached him. he said he couldn't recall the speed and they left. today, they brought imine for a serious interview, he brought a lawyer and he didn't answer any questions. and they said we can wait until you're over your traumatic experience but they need to talk to him. >> this is the person that holds a key to the investigation and
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how can they wait and how can he not be giving more of an interview? >> maybe his lawyers are advising and there's been a lot of question as to who has jurisdiction. >> he may very well plead the fifth. nobody can force him to talk and it will be up to the investigators to try to figure out what happened through the black box and other things. >> and he's lawyered up. do you know how long they can get the information from the black box? >> they have the event recorder and the camera that looks out from the front of the engine and that's are been taken to an amtrak facility in delaware. it's not like a plane where you have multiple systems. so the questions will now hinge
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on why was the train going so fast even if it met a piece of track not in the right spot why was this train going so fast. 106 miles an hour in a 50 mile-per-hour. >> mechanical failure, was he distracted. >> determine whether he was on a phone, texting, whatever they'll look at everything involved. >> thank you, drew. and anderson thank you. and we'll see you on cnn, as always. i want to senator bob casey and he was that crash site. you were briefed by the mayor and the first responders and ntsb. what did they tell you? >> they walked through a time line of what happened and gave us an over view. but there's still an awful lot that we don't know in terms of what happened but they wanted to give us a broad a review as possible as to what happened.
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i think one of the most remarkable things about today in terms of what i saw is not just the horror in the way that these cars were mangled and twisted but probably more amazing than that is how the city of philadelphia philadelphia starting with the mayor and the police and the fire department and emergency personnel and so many others including the passengers how people came together to save lives and to mitigate the horrors of this tragedy. >> i want to pose a question that i posed to drew griffin. that engineer he talked to investigators but very briefly last night at the hospital saying he could not recall his speed and hasn't spoken at length. do you find that frustrating? and people want to know what happened here. >> it's frustrating that we don't know more but i think we
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should allow the national transportation safety board to go through their process and it's good that we know today, at least the information that they confirmed about the spied,eed. and my understanding, in terms of the jurisdiction at the scene is the fire department is really in dharj charge of the scene because of the nature of it. and the police of cor, support them and part of it is the police talking to him last night. that's all i know. i don't know much about what transpired. it isn't simply the ininvestigators. you have a law enforce. agency involved as well. i just don't know what they were able to determine when they spoke to him. >> senator, a lot of peep rel lie on amtrak and these tracks, as we look that live pictures of the train cars being removed
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from the tracks these tracks are really the heart of the northeast corridor and important to the people of the businesses you represent in philadelphia aren't they? >> they are. and today is not a day to analyze the policy. today, we have a huge infrastructure challenge and we're reminded of that on days like today. so if anything flows from the results of the investigation that tell uz as members of congress or citizens that we need to take certain actions. i think people of both parties better line up together and get done what they need to get done in terms of improving infrastructure. but it's even too early for that because we have limited details p. >> well, yeah a lot of people
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don't want to talk about that but just today, house republicans voted to cut amtrak's budget. the timing is unbelievable. >> i have a long record of supporting increased funding and i know that a lot of folks do. but i think at leastoon day like today, we don't yet know the connection if any, between what happened here and what happens in appropriation. but stepping back from this apart from this tragedy, i've always believed that amtrak is underfunded just as we could say about a number of otherer programs and agencies and of course the larger question of infrustructure. but i don't know if there's a linkage between the two. i think we need to show some humility and say that we don't
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know. but if there is a connection that will lead to a robust discussion on funding. but it's too early to know. >> thank you. and i want to bring in an advisor to amtrak. what do you think caused this crash? >> i don't know don. but i do know this there are no better professional expert people than the folks in the ntsb. it's the one agency of government that works almost perfectly. they will do their investigation, they will do their analysis they will put out a report and we'll know in great detail what went wrong and how it went wrong and what needs to be done in the future. and they'll make recommendations to congress and the public and amtrak. i know it's frustrating to say but we do need to be patient and
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threat ntsb do the work. because it will be a report that gives us a lot of guide posts as to what needs to be done in the future p. future. >> the train was going 106 mile-per-hour over that curve and the engineer applied the breaks just before the crash and he said he could nltn't recall his speed. what is that telling you that he isn't talking to investigators at this point? >> i'm not one that wants to speculate on that. i'm not in law enforcement, i'm not a lawyer. i don't know enough about the conversation that this gentleman had with law enforcement either last night or this morning. but i know this the ntsb will have their people do a very
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extensive interview with this gentleman and go into great detail about what happened, plus the details from the black box, coupled with the interview, i think will give everyone the kind of information that they need to figure out what went wrong. >> yeah. you know as an advisor to amtrak this train didn't have the most up to date technology installed to help stop derailmentderail derailsment derailsment ss shouldn't it have the most up to date equipment possible? >> you >> what i was told is to be put on passenger and freight trains across the country, has been started to be implemented by amtrak and it's a very expenseive technology a very expensive
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breaking system which could have perhaps prevented this crash and it was due to be put on to the equipment in the next few weeks, unfortunately, it wasn't. but, that implementation of positive train control has begun to take place on amtrak equipment. >> secretary luahood, these are live pictures. but i would like the go kboenow, as the former transportation secretary and advisor, what -- >> i like probably all of your viewers this evening and the people that -- the families that are suffering from the loss of their loved ones and the people
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that are suffering as a result of the injuries i think what happened? why did it happen is how could this occur and what r do we do in the fuchture to prevent it? and i think weal'll have those answers thanks to the good work of the ntsb which is on the scene and doing their work has been all day and will continue until they finish answering the questions that all of us want answers to. >> secretary, la hood we appreciate your time also. >> so many questions about this derailment and we should never forget the victims. we're learning more about them tonight and we want to tell you who they are. abid gilani was a wells fargo
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executive. and gym gaines and then there's justin zemser and rachel jacobs was chief executive of a small tech company and a mother of a 2-year-old. and a 45-year-old executive at married and the father of two teen age children still missing. and the urge nltnt search for answers in the ♪ when you set out to find new roads, you build the car of tomorrow, today. introducing the next generation chevrolet volt.
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we're live now in fill delia and they are removing some of these train cars from the track business hind us. we're at the scene of the deadly plane crash that happened while we were live on the air. we saw them going through the rubble last night trying to get people out of the cars. we're live tonight and it's a
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much different scene. we know now that seven people have died in the crash and there are a number of people still in the hospital. and wrun one of the people injured, is dr. derrick griffeth who is the dean of student affairs for medgar evers college was a victim he lost his life. that is according to a spokesman for the university. dr. derrick griffith died. he is from brooklyn and survived by his son. i want to bring in cnn's brian todd. he's been speaking to some of the peachal inople involved in this. what do you know this evening, brian? >> reporter: don, what we can tell you is that right behind us several hundred yards, they are removing some of the last
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cars that were derailed off the track and we're also getting live aerial pictures of that. and show you some of the cranes and other apparatus being used. and they're lying just off the tracks. this is the tail end of the train that derailed last night. we're told that these cars are being taken to a secured ntsb facility. you mentioned also one person still unaccounted for. mr. gildersleeve. officials not giving a whole lot of information about that. only that it's hard to match up the manifest and the hospital records. but he remains missing tonight. we're getting compelling accounts from passengers on the
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train. one of them joan heflman, a nurse traveling from washington to her home in new jersey with her son max. he was in one of these last cars when her train derailed. here's what she had to say. >> people were screaming. i was slammed against the window. the car actually turned on its side a little bit and then luggage started flying at me and hit me in my chest and head. i'm still trying to come to terms with it. it's surreal and i can't quite grasp it yet. >> she suffered a conkukz is some broken ribs as a result of this accident. and her son, max, also suffered a concussion but both of them tell me that max went back and
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pulled several passengers out of the last car. he estimates he may have pulled as many as 12 people out of the last car and i asked him how difficult that was. >> you're not thinking about how dangerous it is. everyone is in shock and it's kind of like brought everyone closer together going through such a traumatic experience. >> reporter: max says that he is no hero. he says that designation should go to the first responders. but 19 years old just coming off his freshman year of college, riding home with his mother from new jersey. and he had to actually catch his mother as she flew through midair and he went back and pulled several other people out. >> i want to talk to one of the survivors, her name is gabby
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rudy an 18-year-old student heading home from george washington university. she joins me via skype in her home in new jersey. how are you doing, gabby? >> i'm fine. thank you. >> you go to george washington university you take the train home on the breaks. >> this is my usual train, everything is always fine. you're on a train and you assume nothing is going to happen. it's the safest method of transportation and there were people cat plted up into the luggage beens, a woman in front of me lost her teeth. there was just such a state of panic and shock and you never think something like this is going to happen, especially not on a train. >> you said it was a state of
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panic. describe some of the injuries but how seriously, did you see people injured around you? >> so the person behind me lost an arm, unfortunately, and a lot of the women in front of me were bleeding from their heads and that's about it that i saw on the train but at the hospital there were a lot of very seriously injured people unfortunately. >> my goodness. we saw some of the video coming in last night and today where they were saying move forward, come this way, keep walking, keep walking but was there confusion, gabby at all as far as how to get out of the train? any confusion? >> at first, the train completely flipped over and we all ran towards the doors and the train filled with gas and people were yelling that we were on a bridge so there was a huge state of panic that we were going to fall in the water.
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and someone opened a window and a lot of us left through the window. >> what happened when you got out of the window? >> everyone was screaming that another train might come along, so we had to run through woods and i was on the phone with 911 as i was running through the woods and a lot of the people in my car, because i was in the last car, made it safely over the train tracks into this little area where i could call 911 and everyone was just helping each other. the less wounded were helping the more heavily wounded and just trying to describe it to the 911 dispatcher. >> that's interesting that you mentioned you were on active tracks and at any moment another train could come by and you may have thought you were out of
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danger but you weren't, you weren't sure. >> yeah. it was terrifying. >> so you're on your way back from college. what did you say to your mother? >> so i called my mother as soon as we got to the other side of the tracks through the woods and the first thing i said was i'm okay. at that point, i didn't think i was severely injured and she asked if i was safe and i said yes, there has been a terrible train accident and my dad met me that hospital. >> you were one of the first people that hospital. what was the scene like there? >> i road in a cop car instead of an ambulance, so they got us there really quickly and i was there with a girl who hurt her back and to my knowledge, we
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were the first ones there and they were amazing, got us in wheel chairs treaushed us and the medical staff was so amazing and so efficient with everyone. >> i know it's tough to relive this and i want to thank you for it. is there anything you would like to say to folks about this experience and people who are watching. >> i wanted to emphasize how amazing all of the medical staff was at the accident and the hospital and my thoughts and prayers are with all of the viktms of this accident. >> gabby we're glad you're okay and thank you again for coming on cnn. >> thank you. >> we're going to talk to some of the people involved in this rescue when we come back. you're looking at live pictures from philadelphia.
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affiliate and you can see in the darkness there's a tractor removing some of the debris from a car overturned in this horrific accident last night. an urgent search for clues as to whautd cause what caused this amtrak to derail. more than 200 people treated at local hospital here. and at temple university medical center where critically injured crash victims are being treated. >> reporter: that's right. 8 people still inside this hospital and fighting for their life. this hospital is the closest to the crash site. so they took in the most patients from the crash last night. 54 passengers in all treated here. we know that half of those remain hospitalized in here and
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among those, 8 in critical condition. according to the medical doctor there, he said that most of the passengers had some sort of rib fracture and others with partially collapsed lung. we're starting to learn more about those that died in this crash. and one of those is zemser who is a midshipman in the navy. and then from a -- also 39-year-old rachel jacobs a mother of two and a chief executive of a small tech firm. and lastly abid gilani. there are a number of passengers still missing this evening. among those, gildersleeve who
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is traveling to new york on business. we are told that they are working with the working to compare the manifest with the people at hospital. >> i want to talk about the treatment involved in this. and dr. gupta is a doctor in pain sque drexler university college of medicine. and sarah is the associate director at temple university ems. dr. gupta, to you first. as you're looking that types of injuries that doctors are seeing here what does that tell you about what happened inside of the train? >> you can imagine with a crash with the magnitude of this there are going to be fractures.
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and these are the injuries that people have had. this is what physicians train for. as an an steeshiologist this is what emergency personnel are ready to do. >> you arrived on the scene early on here. so sarah, when you arrived, did passengers know what happened? >> passengers seemed to be pretty disoriented, they were confused and had a lot of anxiety as to what happened and they were complaining, they heard a lot of loud noises and things got dark and they didn't know exactly what was going on. so kind of reorienting them was part of our treatment. >> and you said a passenger was hanging from the ceiling. describe that. >> when she got to temple hospital she was in the back of a police car and we took her out and she said that her legs were
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trapped in the ceiling of the amtrak car and she was unable to free herself and had to wait for rescue crews to come in and get her, which for her seemed to take forever. >> sehe was hanging upside down -- >> and fractures and traumatic injuries. >> do you know what happened to her? >> when she got to temple hospital she was severely injured, but alert and oriented and conscious and aware of her surroundings so that's obviously good for her but i'm unsures to how she's doing tonight. >> and danielle a patient you were treating had a heart attack on the way to the hospital? >> as they were arriving actually. we were taking him out of the police unisqutt and started showing
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signed of a typical myio cardial infraction. >> and you saw what happened. you said some people were arriving by police car and some by police van. it was an all out effort here. when you think dr. gupta, seven people lost their lives. it's amazing that as many people survived. >> locally, where this crash happened level one trauma centers were ready to go emergency response was there. we're very fortunate there wasn't more injuries. >> and we appreciate people like you running in and jumping into danger. thank you very much. we're going to continue on with this breaking news coverage as you look at live pictures here. people around the country, we
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want to remember the victims of this derailment. the philadelphia phillies held a moment of silence before the game for those who lost their lives. anyone have occasional constipation diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these occasional digestive issues... with 3 types of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips' we all enter this world with a shout and we see no reason to stop. so cvs health is creating industry-leading programs and tools that help people stay on medicines as their doctors prescribed. it could help save tens of thousands of lives every year. and that would be something worth shouting about. cvs health, because health is everything.
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back now with our breaking news coverage and live pictures from here in philadelphia of them removing the train cars from the track there at the scene of this horrendous accident that happened last night. we toldia just iayou just a little while ago, another person has been identified. griffith who is survived by his son. i want to talk on the phone, the president of medger evers and a former chancellor of the new york schools. tell us about derrick griffith. >> thank you very much. it's a pleasure to have a chance to speak. he was an absolute stand out in every dimension. he was a scholar, a gentleman, had tremendous respect. and we are all really really pained by the virtue of his loss.
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>> how did you at the school find out today? >> we actually got a call from the corner's office and it was based on that that we made contact with his family to ascertain that this was actually true and upon doing that issued a press release. >> how is the family doing tonight since you spoke to them? >> i mean how would any family be at this point. they are distraught they are absolutely destress mode his mother his son, both of whom are stellar people have been contrib urts in many ways to the college, has given so much time to the students here and they
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made the ultimate price, in some ways by being without him. it was really listening to them was a very difficult thing and they are under tremendous stress and obviously in our prayers. >> i can't even imagine. and he is survived by his son? >> he's survived by his son and obviously, his mom. and as i said this is nothing that i can say that would give adequate verbiage to the kind of person he was. he was an advocate for students spent a tremendous career as a principal before coming to medger and has tremendous following back there. and they're also proud of them that he ended up --
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[ inaudible ] and now find ourselves caught in life's clutches. >> thank you very much and again, our thoughts and prayers go to you and the family of dr. griffith. we appreciate you joining us here. the engineer has been identified and the mayor blasted him. >> clearly he was reckless and irresponsible in his actions. i don't know what was goong with him or in the cab but there's really no excuse that could be offered. literally unless he had a heart attack. >> so joining me now is george bible, the author of train wreck, the forensics of rail disasters. and professor that university of north dakota and a former washington reporter. thank you for your time this
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evening. first to you, don, you heard what the mayor said making it clear in his statements that he feels there is no earthly reason why this train should have been going over twice the speed limit. do you agree? >> in general, yes, i agree. however, if you don't know all the facts yet, it is going to be difficult to say that with any level of certainty until all the facts are out. >> the full emergency breaks we're told were applied before the wreck, slowing down the train to 102 miles per hour. does that tell you anything? >> it says that the engineer was alive, aware, and he knew that something bad was happening. i think the question becomes, what happened before that?
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there are lots of things that could have distracted him. some of them legal, some of them illegal. such as you're not allowed to carry a cell phone, for example, into a locomotive cab, but there's only one person in these cabs running amtrak trains up and down the corridor. so he could have figured he got away with that. i don't know that and don't know if it's true or not but there's so many factors that have to be considered here. >> and we don't know. we know that they have asked for his phone. so we don't know if he was on his phone or even had it with him. >> and the man heading the ntsb
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investigation, had strong words about the mayor's comments. here he is. >> i'm going to distance myself from such remarks. we're here to conduct a very fact based, nonemotional investigation and to make comments like that is inflam tower at this point. we just want to find out what happened so we can prevent it from happening again. >> do you think the mayor was wrong in making statements like that? >> well you're not going to hear the ntsb makes comments like that. >> does it surprise you that he called out the mayor like that? >> not at all. he's basically saying that we don't odo that as professional investigators. it's what happened and what are the facts and to jump ahead and
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say it's reckless and as don said there are lautsz of factors. i would be looking at were the throttles retarded before the break was applied? if not, possibly those throttles were failing and didn't respond in the way they were asked to respond. so there are other explanations. and i'm surprised that the mayor would also make those comments at this early stage just to cause inflam tory remarks. >> it could have been an out of control. but the engineer spoke briefly last night saying he didn't know how fast it was going and hasn't spoken to the ntsb. and shouldn't he have given the information already? shouldn't have gotten it as soon as possible after this accident?
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>> well they're following standard procedures too. the union gets him a lawyer and i'd want one. i can imagine break failure, i don't think that happened. i haven't seen one since 1953 sk and the breaks have redundant systems, so it's not on my list of expectations. >> but, george, anytime something happens, anytime tlsz something happens, anytime there's an accident, i was told you recall your story as soon as is it happened because the longer it goes on the chances are that you may forget some of the details, no? >> i don't know what to tell you. i'm a mekanchanical engineer and
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not a human factors engineer. >> that is understood. i'll talk to the other folks right after the quick break. don't go anywhere. hier. it begins from the second we're born. after all, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned... every day... using wellness to keep away illness... and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care... by connecting every single part of it. for as the world keeps on searching for healthier... we're here to make healthier happen. optum. healthier is here. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you wouldn't ignore signs of damage in your home. are you sure you're not ignoring them in your body? even if you're treating your crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. and if you ignore the signs, the more debilitating your symptoms could become. learn more about the role
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back now live in philadelphia as we look at these live pictures of them removing the train. i want to bring in my guests again. they've got this on a flat bed, david and can you answer my question because one would think that you would want the information to be as fresh as possible in the mind of this engineer. why are they giving him so long to talk? >> well it's for his protection. which it seems counterintuitive but at the same time rest assured he is with his attorney and they're questioning him and getting the story that they can. it's not under oath but it is be reg called and recovered and talked about but unfortunately,
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not being talked about by those who may want to accuse him because they blame him for this right now. but again it's too early to say, like the mayor did, about the fact that he was careless or anything like that. this is to try to get the facts and they really are being recorded right now. they're being grilled and he will remember what he can. >> yeah. so again, i want to continue to look at these pictures for a moment. this is pretty amazing to see. they're putting parts of this train on a flat bed and driving it out of here and will be taken for examination. we're going to be right back live in philadelphia as investigators hunt for more clues in the deadly amtrak derailment. don't go anywhere. who offers the most horsepower? lincoln mkc.
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