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tv   CNN International  CNN  May 16, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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i just -- i hope i'll see sarah again. sentenced to death. boston bomber, czar czar czar to die by lethal injection. iraqi forces defend the critically important city of rahama dim. . welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm paula newton. this is "cnn newsroom." it has been just over two years since the pair of bombs exploded
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at the boston marathon. 21-year-old dzhokhar tsaranev admitted he was responsible and now he has been sentenced to death by lethal injection. sar sta tsaranev the first terrorist sentenced since 9/11. he and his brother set off two bombs 12 second apart near the finish line of the boston marathon. you might remember this horrific scene. the home made pressure cooker bombs were filled with nails and bbs and loaded into backpacks. they caused horrific injuries. at least 17 people lost limbs and they killed three people from left to right, 8-year-old martin richard, 29-year-old krystle campbell, and 23-year-old lindsay lu. three days later the brothers shot and killed police officer,
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sean collier. dzhokhar tsaranev was not sentenced to death for that shooting. fire fighter michael ward a first responder at the bombing said eit was the right decision to sentence tsaranev to death >> he wanted to go to hell. he is to get there early. >> carmen ortiz made her feelings crystal clear. >> even in the whack of horror and tragedy -- wake of horror and traj deshgs we are not in tim dated by acts of terror or radical ideals. on the contrary, the trial of this case has showcased an important american ideal that even the worst of the worst deserve a fair trial and due process of law. >> now cnn's reporter was inside the courtroom and tsaranev's sentence was announced. >> paula, the mood in the court best described as one of heavy silence. as the the sentence was read, completely stillness. and then, death on six of the 17
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counts. all six of the counts relate to the bomb that dzhokhar tsaranev placed at the forum restaurant and detonated. the bomb that killed martin richard, the bomb that killed lindsay lu, and the bomb that injured many others during the boston marathon, april 15, 2013. several of the survivors and their families were in court. i saw a number of them sort of dabbing their eyes. but no one spoke, no one said anything. didn't even hear any gasps. even the family of martin richard sort of stared straight ahead listening. they had opted for life in prison thinking that they simply never wanted to hear the name dzhokhar tsaranev ever again. well, tsaranev stood there, quietly, every now and again looking at his lawyer, showed no real emotion. his lawyer very busy scribbling notes on a pad. and then, one of the lawyers asked that each of the jurors be polled. and one by one, all 12 said, yes. that was their verdict.
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that was their sentence. right now, it is unclear whether tsaranev's lawyers will appeal. tsaranev returned to prison under a police escort. paula. >> our reporter covering the case since it began. the courtroom packed with people who survived the 2013 attack. dancer adrian davis lost a leg in the bombings and testified in the penalty phase of the trial and heard about the verdict watching tv friday at her home. >> i thought i would be happy. i thought i would be incredibly joyful and -- it was, extremely somber. my thoughts went to the families and to those that, you know, really felt strongly in the other direction, you know i'm pro death penalty. i am certainly happy with the verdict today. but my thought is with the entire survivor community. we can say what we believe.
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but really it is up to the very capable jury. and -- and i am pleased with, with the result. a lot of people say well this brings so much closure. and it's not, you know, i am affect eed every day. i haven't stood in the shower in two plus years. and, a lot of survivors haven't. and we are still going through surgeries. we being the survivor community. you know, but i do think it is a milestone. i, myself, and others have been preparing for this trial for a very long time. over a year. and so in that case of the trial coming to an end, i feel like that closure is a really good closure to have to have the chapter closed in the trial phase is goodable. this will forever affect everyone's life that was involved. >> now, a woman that lost her right leg testified in the trial and spoke friday night to cnn's
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erin burnett. >> you know there is no right answer. there is no wrong answer to it. it was definitely a heavy moment for -- for the thought of everything that, the survivors have gone through, especially more important the families of the deves ceased. it was kind of a heavy moment. i am surprised that it was the death penalty. but be it as it may, that's why i live here in america. the justice system has its way. and, and he was judged by a jury of his peers. >> clearly, ms. sdoia shaken. >> and another injured in the bombings, and attended the court proceedings at every day. >> i am sure at one point in his life he was a lovely, caring young man. what he turned into, obviously, was we know what he turned into. he turned into a monster. why did that happen? we'll never know.
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my feelings on him are nothing but -- what can i say? >> now we won't know where tsaranev will stay while he is on death row until the judge formally sentenced him in court. that date has not yet been set. one option is the u.s. super max penitentiary in florence, colorado. that prison is home to unabomber ted kaczynski and shoe bomber richard reid. >> tojor development in the amtrak train derailment. federal investigators interviewed an conductor who heard an engineer on a commuter rail said the train had been shot at or hit by a rock. more on the latest development and the ongoing investigation. >> today, accident investigators
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met for the first time with the train's engineer, brandon bostian as well as two assistant conductors. the interviews critical in determining what caused the deadly derailment. >> she said she heard the engineer talking to another engineer. she recalled that the engineer that had reported to the train dispatcher that he had either been hit by a rock or shot at. she also believed she heard her engineer say something about his train being struck by stomethin. >> the ntsb said the train accelerated as it approached a turn in the track. data shows 65 second before the crash, the train was moving at 70 miles per hour. 22 second later, more than 80. then 90. before exceeding to 100 miles an hour. the brakes heard as it approached the curve. >> mere second into the turn, we
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can see the train tilting, approximately 10 degrees to the right. and then the recording went blank. >> according to friends, bostian has a passion for trains and train safety adadvocate, followg a deadly crash in california, blamed on an engineer distracted by text messages. a post on a train enthusiast website, believed from bostian, "that's why it shouldn't take an act of congress to get industry to adopt common sense safety systems on their own." meantime we are hearing from em myrrh jaens crews who helped pull people from the wreckage. >> i saw a lot of people injured. a lot of head wounds. a lot of arment inearjuries. >> the officer was one of the
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first to arrive after 911 calls flooded in. >> the guy was on the floor. broken leg. broken ankle. grabbed each other's hands to make a chair so he can sit down. then we carried him the whole way. >> now, as much as amtrak has questions to answer, so does brandon bostian, the 32-year-old at the controls of the train when it jumped the rails. his attorney says he doesn't remember much. he has been questioned by federal investigator whose say he was extremely cooperative. and now many of his friend and colleagues are speaking out about the type of person he is. and how much he loved his job. >> i sfopoke with him. he said he was in the incident. he could not remember much. he couldn't remember much. he said he had -- had some staples and some stitches and he was sore. he was in some pain. he couldn't really talk to me, obviously, because he was getting -- he was getting taken
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care of in the er. >> have you ever seen him drinking? >> never. >> ever seen him too sleepy? texting, phone calls? >> no. >> never had his phone out. didn't matter what the situation was out. never had his phone out. >> let me ask you, what do you think happened? >> i honestly don't know. i believe something happened prior to -- to him getting to that curve. we all know what the speed limits are. it is not a mystery to us. again i have went up and done these rails with brandon hundreds of times. >> any body that has known bran dovenlt he loved trains. love might be an understatement. something he always talked about. something, you know, as a, 17, 18-year-old boy, he would come back from family vacations with souvenirs of, of subways, and the trains he took, and he wouldn't talk about the places he tackedlked about the trains.
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>> interesting to note. u.s. safety authorities are in the process of implementing an ought matting speed control system on rail lines. that technology called positive train control was supposed to be in place by the end of 2015. the stretch of track where this crash occurred did not have it installed offs yet. u.k. rails meantime are operating a lower tech version of this kind of braking system. later in the show, phil black will explain exactly how it works. yes has taken control over government buildings from iraqi forces in ramadi. [ gunfire ] >> big push for the key city started thursday and friday's fighting left at least 47 iraqi security forces and more than two dozen civilians dead. a u.s. official says the situation there is very fluid. this map shows areas of syria and iraq that are currently under isis control. the areas in red. areas where militants enjoy significant freedom of movement,
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those areas are in yellow. now, key areas under isis control including, raqqa in syria, and portions of northern iraq, mosul, the u.s. is expa dieting a weapons -- expediting a weapons shipment to help iraq. and for more on this isis offensive, we want to get the latest from our reporter in amman, jordan and joins me live via skype. if you give us context here. they seem to have been taken by surprise by this isis attack. and yet, hasn't isis made it clear that they wanted to take this city for months now? >> absolutely, paula. look at what has been going on in anbar province. where we saw isis emerge in iraq in 2014 last year in january. you saw isis come of in. take over.
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and cities, saudi arabia, jordan, baghdad. so for the majority of the past year, isis has controlled pretty much almost all of anbar province. pockets of this province, some parts of ramadi have been under the control of government forces. as you mention we saw this latest offensive by isis taking place starting on thursday and going into friday with this wave of s of suicide bombings. they managed to take control of what they're determined to take control of. symbolic. what used to be provincial headquarters in ramadi, managed to raise the isis flag there. something they have been trying to do for months now. and government forces some allied sunni tribal forces have been pushing back isis to try to stop this advance. they're trying to get an update on the latest situation on the
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ground right now. as you mentioned, u.s. officials saying it is fluid. the governor of anbar province, late last night. describing it as a very dire situation. saying that ramadi as a whole has not fallen yet. some parts of the province under control. very small parts of anbar under the control of government forces. but describing the situation theres very dire. very critical situation there. this is a very important province. paula, mentioned, bordering syria. isis determine to consolidate its control of anbar province. that would really give it a tighten grip on territory it controls all the way from the turkish syrian border through syria, and into anbar province, stretching all way to the western outskirts of baghdad. very important development that we are keeping our eye on, paula.
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>> yeah, deaf nifinitely would them huge swaths. freedom of movement. the united states has been trying to help with air strikes. many surprised air strikes haven't been able to do more. despite the fact that people say iraqi forces aren't up to this challenge. why are the air strikes not having an effect in anbar. are they having an effect some where else? >> what we are seeing happening now, paula. underscores the limitations of the air power. and air campaign we have seen according to u.s. military numbers and figures we are seeing. they say more than 400 air strikes have taken place since the beginning of the air campaign last summer. in the ramadi and in the area in anbar province. it stopped the advance in the past where isis was moving freely in these large convoys taking over major cities.
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if you look at what is going on in ramadi. population centers like ramadi are very difficult for air power to really tackle the isis challenge. you need support of the ground forces there. that has been very difficult and very complex situation there in anbar. sunni province. and government forces, shiia. air power alone cannot really, is not enough in the fight against isis as we hatch seen in anbar. >> yes, something you have been telling us. we see the effects of the lack of air strikes and the lack of ground power there in iraq. we know you will continue to be on top of this story from jordan. for us, thank you so much for the update. isis is fighting close to historic city in iraq. they have destroyed some of the fresh us archaeological sites in the country.
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why many near for the unesco world heritage site of palmera. awa why south korea is letting a group of of people to march into the country from the north by crossing the fortified demilitarized zone.
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isis is advancing on the ancient syrian city and leaving a trail of bodies in its wake. a few hours ago we received word militants executed 23 family members of syrian government workers in a village near palmyra, the syrian observatory for human rights says nine of the murdered were children. as isis gets closer to palmyra there are concerns it will bulldoze the unesco world heritage site as the it has done in syria and iraq. palmyra is home to ancient roman ruins, statues, monuments and architecture are thousands of years old. senior international correspondent shows us why palmyra is significant to syria and the rest of the world. >> reporter: palmyra for 2,000 years, columns and temples loomed over the oasis of syria,
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crossroads of roman, greek, persian, and babylonian influences now in a renewed territorial push. isis militants stand poised at the gateway of this so-called venice of the sands. this is what's happened in other towns and territories taken by isis. pillaged, hacked. sold. artisfacts standing for thousand of years as testaments to man's flights of imagination, deemed idoltry, winged gods dating back to 900, the museum, priceless artisfacts, isis left rubble the world helpless. palmyra, recognized as one of the most significant monuments
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in the middle east. now the u.n. is pleading with the world to find a way to save this symbol of our shared past. >> i don't know what is happening in palmyra, i am worried. alarmed by what is happening. let's hope this wonderful monument will not be destroyed like we have seen unfortunately in some of the other in some of the bulldozing and bombing of these sites. >> reporter: across iraq and syria, palmyra and seven other ancient sites and cities are on the u.n.'s cultural agency unesco danger, old town, the list goes on. this in a year where nepal alone, 200 heritage sites were damaged during the recent earthquake. nature, of course, can't be stopped. whether isis who is just outside palmyra can, remains to be seen.
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awe saw. secretary of state john kerry urging china to take action to reduce tensions in the south china sea. secretary kerry and his chinese counterpart met in beijing earlier. they discussed china's claims of sovereignty over much of the hotly disputed waters. now he said they beth agreed the region needs smart diplomacy. china recently reclaimed land on numerous sites there. a move that is aggravating several neighbors who also claim the territory. >> south korea will allow a group of women peace activists to march across the demilitarized zone between north and south korea. that is according to a reuters report. the women cross dmz group says it plans to march on may 24th from pyongyang to the dmz. now, two members of the group spoke earlier on cnn and ex-planned what they're marching
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for. explained what they're marching for. >> we will make a call for action to end longest war in 21st century, and 20th century. korean war never be over. we only have a cease-fire. when we make armistice, 1953, they said we will have a peace treaty within three months. that three months became 262 years. so we tried called for ending this korean war. and also to reunite the -- the 10 million divided families between north and south. and pew put wisdom is in every step of the process. >> i think nonengagement is risky, naive. and i believe that the kind of intellectual and strategy that this group has put together. i'm honored to be part of it. if not, us, and now, who?
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this is -- a game changer. i don't think this ever happened certainly this many international women -- crossing -- the most -- militarized border in the world. after a 70-year war. wish us luck. >> now as was indicated this year marks the 70th anniversary of korea's division into two states. a move that sparked the korean war from 1950-53. come offing up we will explain why thousands of migrants are stranded at sea and why the nations are refusing to let them come ashore. bulldog: get a queen serta set for just $397.
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i'm paula newton. an update on the top stories we are following this hour. indian prime minister is wrapping up his trip to china, meeting with several top ceo's saturday. india/china have signed agreements to boost economic ties over a wind range of issues, education and renewable energy. the deals are worth more than $22 billion. the two nations hope to show the world they can both cooperate and compete. >> the former president of egypt will be back in court today. morsi will learn his fate in two separate cases. morsi charged with espionage and breaking out of prison along with many others in 2011. now he is looking at the death penalty if convicted. morsi was sentenced to 20 years in prison last month for inciting violence against protesters. dzhokhar tsaranev sentenced to death for his role in the boston marathon bombings in april of 2013.
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three people were killed in a police officer fatally shot during the manhunt that followed. 21-year-old tsaranev showed no visible emotion during his sentencing. just days after a failed coup, the president of burundi says peace has returned to his african nation. president pierre nkundinza returned after a summit in tanzania. he said an army general and others were arrested in the failed plot. the coup follows weeks of protesters. demonstrators angry the president is running for a third term. u.n. agency for refugees, believes 100,000 have left the country. tanzania taken in 70,000 refugees. rwanda, 26,000, and 9,000 in the congo.
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>> in southeast asia, another migrant crisis as thousands are left to drift at sea. the u.s. is criticizing thailand, indonesia and malaysia for refusing to let migrants come ashore. ships are carrying passengers, fleeing myanmar or economic migrants from bangladesh. on the boat people begged for help. they're desperate for food and water. some boats have reached shore only to be turned away. >> we are told, reports, thailand, indonesia, malaysia have been pushing boats back out to sea which will lead to many avoidable deaths. >> the united nations refugee agency, uhncr wants agencies in area to help rather than pushing the migrants away. >> the uhncr urged regional countries to do search-and-rescue missions for the boats. there seems to be very little effort, steps being taken to do
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that at this point. we are expecting a meeting on may 29th. between different countries in the region. hosted here in bangkok to discuss whats to do next. perhaps we'll see steps then. for the moment it seems to be a game of -- human ping-pong. >> according to the international organization for migration, there are an estimated 6,000 migrants stranded at sea right now in six different boats off the coast of indonesia, thailand and malaysia. many migrants are victims of human trafficking. to find out more how you can help, head to our website. you'll find a vetted list of charities, fighting to end modern slavery. that address, we now know there were no survivors from a u.s. marine helicopter that went missing nan pal tuesday. now searchers found wreckage friday on a mountain east of kathmandu. body of the six u.s. marines and two nepalese service members on
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board have been recovered. the crew was delivering aid for survivors of last month's massive earthquake. another strong one hit the country tuesday. the day the helicopter lost conta contact. is was near the epicenter of that earthquake. >> we are hearing from the parents of the pilot of that helicopter. captain chris norgren from wichita, kansas. the 31-year-old marine played football at missouri university and returned to his high school to coach after college. his father said norgren joined the marines to become a pilot. >> he loved to fly. he loved to help people. and you know, i got to hand it to the marine corps for stepping up, going to may pal, i want to thank all the people that said prayers. i know i have got a lot of friend out there. but i have also got a lot of people out there that don't know mow. i want to thank them because of their faith. faith is going to pull my wife
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and i through this. i hope that faith of the families will pull them through too. >> i know in my heart, that chris is doing what he wanted to do. he has always loved flight and loved god and his family. and he was doing what he needed to do be able to help them. and i am so proud of everything that he has done and accomplished. >> now, 300 americans are on the ground in nepal helping with earthquake relief. the number of people killed in both earthquakes has passed 8,400. u.s. officials underscored the tremendous loss felt in nepal since the two earth quakes struck. now a conductor on the amtrak train that crashed in philadelphia, pennsylvania, says he heard the engineer saying the train had been struck by something just minutes before it derailed. that according to the national transportation safety board. the engineer, brandon bostian was interviewed friday for the first time since the deadly
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crash. an automatic braking system wasn't installed on the treach of rail where the in the dent occurred. the technology is to be in place by end of 2015. u.k. rails are operating a lower tech version of the automatic blakes. phil black explains how they work. >> reporter: west london, september 1997. a passenger train and freight train collide killing seven, injuring more than 100. two years later, another collision. involving a passenger train in london kills 31 people. these accidents refocused safety efforts on the british rail network. >> a matter of the will, really, from, from, the country as a hole. >> the chief of safety on britain's rail network says it led to a system now rolled out in high risk areas across the country. >> it was deemed the technology was available to overcome human error. >> reporter: called train
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protection warning system. the grids between the tracks are located in areas where speed is dangerous. ahead of curves, stations, signals. first, a warning alarm sound. if the driver fails to slow down. it automatically triggers the brakes. its specific purpose is to prevent accidents like this week's derailment in philadelphia. that train was traveling at more than 100 miles an hour on a bend with a 50 mile speed limit. >> in that sa fair their yo, with -- in that sa theirnathe scenario. >> in theory that should not be possible. >> that should not be possible here. >> reporter: the other advantage it was rolled out quickly in 2002. and relatively cheaply for $700 million. >> look at statistics, history over time. and it is more made up for that in terms of saving people's lives. >> reporter: the uk is upgrading
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to a sophisticated. automatic system that should be even safer. but it will take decades. experts say this 2013 derailment in spain shows transition carries great risk. investigators say the driver was distracted, as the train left a high speed section of track. with automatic safe guard. and moved into a slow bend with an older manual safety system. the result. 79 people were killed. experience proves, driver concentration is enough to guarantee rail safety. phil black,. cnn london. >> finally rain in southern california. derek van dam at international weather center with details. can you actually everstate how much they dearly want the rain. >> absolutely. to give you an idea how serious the drought has been. it actually took 22 months for this young boy from dana point, california, to experience his
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first rain shower. believe it or not. made nor a nice photographic moment for mom. capturing the first moment with dad and his son. enjoying that much needed rainfall. the storm system responsible for the rain over southern california. that actually rerouted flights near phoenix, arizona. they had their wettest single day in may. with us and inch of rainfall. we also have showers over the eastern parts of the u.s. remember the preakness taking place. 140th thoroughbred horse racing event taking place saturday afternoon into maryland. the storm system from the west coast. central plains. a round of severe weather to day. this time around 20 million americans under the risk of large hail, damaging winds. and tornado as well. want to end with this. this is fascinating in atlanta, georgia. a baby beluga was actually born at georgia aquarium. take a look at this phenomenal footage.
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aquarium. shortly after birth, the female calf swam with the aid of her mother to the surface. >> love watching mother nate chur. actually holds up her calf so he can get her first breaths of air. really mother nature at its best. beautiful sight. love seeing this stuff. paula. best part about the story is that calf was born on mother's day. >> what a special day for that. amazing individually they were able to capture at georgia aquarium. thank you, derek. >> symbolic victory for palestinians this weeken. >> as christians this is a soon of hope. this is a light in the tunnel. the dark tunnel where we are living. especially now in the middle east with all of the events, all the violence. >> pope francis prepares to make saints of two palestinian nuns. oh. see that? great job. ok, now let's get ready for the ball... here it comes... here you go.
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good catch. perfect! alright now for the best part. let's see your pour. ohhh...let's get those in the bowl. these are way too good to waste, right? oh, yea. let's go for it... around the bowl and... [ male announcer ] share what you love... with who you love. mmmmm. kellogg's frosted flakes... they're g-r-r-reat! good catch dad. [ laughs ]
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within ape hath hour, pope francis will meet with mahmoud abbas. and sign a treaty to formally recognize palestinian state hood. israel said it is disappointed with the decision and doesn't believe it will help the peace process. the vatican favors a two state solution to the israeli-palestinian conflict. >> is it a busy weekend for the pope? as per usual. sunday he will canonize two 19th century palestinian christian nuns, the first two palestinian saints in modern times. palestinians have been waiting decades for the honor. oren liebermann has the the women's stories. >> reporter: it is the perfect celebration of saint hood for two palestinian nuns, humble offer of prayer to mark an historic moment for christians and palestinians. in the land of jesus christ and the virgin mary and beginnings of christianity, the two nuns,
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are the first palestinian saints in modern times. >> as christians a sign of hope, a light in the, in the tunnel, dark tunnel where we are living now especially in the middle east with all of the events with all of the violence. we are celebrating the lives of two saints who worked humbly for everyone and who proved to be true followers of jesus christ. >> reporter: one born in jerusalem in the 140s to a devout christian family. she became a nun dedicated to quiet servitude. in bethlehem she said she received visions from virgin mary to start sisters of the rosary. her hard work, devotion led to the rosary sisters convent, here, her home, dedicated to the convent to spread education and culture. >> sometimes god creates from this weak people something
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great. >> reporter: her can norization comes one year after pope francis visited the holy land. one of his first trips skreover as pontiff. a roone to celebrate the triumph of the christianity. the sister was born in a small village in the 14840s. the 13th child in her family and the only survivor. and her parents died at 3 years old. her uncle raised her. one of the servanted tolls told her to convert to christianity. mary became a martyr and went to heaven, she saw the crown of grace, mother, father. and heard a voice saying your life is not yet over. you should return to earth.
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according to the account, a young woman, nun dressed in blue healed her, cared for her, led her to church. the virgin mary. led a life of service to the poor and church. her room a symbol. few possessions on display. a bone from her arm has become a shrine in the bethlehem monastery in the west bank. faithful visit to pay their respects. eager to celebrate the message of this canonization. >> a message for the world that palestinian christians do exist in this land. palestinian christians have heritage of 2,000 years. and the journey continues. >> reporter: this day has been decades in the making for palestinians, christians of the holy land. mary of jesus, and thousand of faithful will travel to the vatican for the canonization and will for a moment forget current difficulties in the middle east and remember thousand of years of religious history.
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oren liebermann, cnn, jerusalem. >> history in luxembourg after the prime minister visited his gay partner on friday. now he is the first e.u. leader in a same-sex marriage. the union less than ape year after a new law allowed same-sex marriage s in the country. the newlywed couple greeted and congratulated by well wishers before bethel spoke to the crowd expressing his gratitude. >> translator: i wish for everyone to be as happy as i am. thank you to luxluxembourg's people. thank you to everybody. i make no distinctions, thank you, everyone. thank you. >> fellow e.u. prime ministers from belgium and estonia, attended the ceremony. no one can say they dent look happy. celebrities lending its voice to a new campaign. why they are trying to get schools to sing a different tune when it comes to food.
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♪ this stomach of mine ♪ ♪ revolution ♪ >> veggies are the better. ♪ the revolution
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an historic performance, the minnesota orchestra became the first major u.s. orchestra to play in cuba since the two countries announced in december they would pursue closer relations. it is their first visit to the island nation since the 1930s. >> now, jamie oliver is calling for a revolution. the tv chef and activist is turning to some big names in music to help him do it. ♪ my name is jamie oliver i am here to say for frz i want to talk ♪ >> out of the kitchen into the studio. jamie oliver has gone political telling the g-20 it should be a human right for children to learn about food in school. but does he rap as well as he cooks? ♪ revolution more are spoken words.
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luckily i was propped up by ed sheeran, paul mccartney, we created a song that is a like an anthem that points people to the petition, i have to take my opportunity to change, and it takes 30 seconds. probably the most important thing, best thing you could do this week. >> did ed sheeran give you coaching on the rapping? >> no, ed said you have to rap this. i don't think i can. i will give it a go. it sound good. the message is clear. and the song is catchy. it makes you have little goose bumps. ♪ the revolution >> the public has far more power than they realize. in the last 24 hours, 20 million views on the video where i am doing my apparent rapping. we are 1.25 million signatures on the petition. on anyone's, that's amazing. look if you are watching this and you are a parent.
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you shouldn't feel comfortable when i tell you that your precious child statistically will live a shorter life than you. that shouldn't sit well with you. ♪ yeah ♪ i'm only joking, man >> the schools, there are many things that need to fix this crisis as we'll explain. >> i want to see children learning about food, growing food, from the moment they can lift a spoon. if there is any mess, forget it. they will improve. the infrastructure of school is working 190 days of the year. and this is where, this is at the front line of obesity and to put it in context, when it is the biggest killer in most countries on the planet this needs to be the thing to do really. >> to those people who say the g-20 has more weightier use to get involved in than interfering with people's whole -- for frz. >> let me be a little radical
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for a sequester cond. at g-20, we know national security, global security, terrorism will be at the top tough the bar. >> thank you for joining us. i'm paula newton. next hour, another hour of "cnn newsroom." to tripping over a rug, to just losing their balance. and not being able to get up from a fall can have serious lifetime consequences. being prepared is important. philips lifeline with autoalert is more than just a medical alert button. it's an advanced fall-detection system, designed to get you help quickly. if you fall and you're unable to push your button, the fall detection technology within autoalert can trigger the button to automatically place a call for help. philip's lifeline has saved more lives than any other medical alert service. this is philips lifeline, we received a fall detected signal. do you need help? call now about philips lifeline with autoalert,
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1:00 am
a jury sentences dzhokhar tsarnaev to death. and a city hopes to move on. overcrowded migrant votes arrived in droves to asian countries that don't want them. and


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