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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  May 17, 2015 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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amtrak ordered to beef up its security on the tracks on the site of a deadly derailment in philadelphia. new speed controls are being installed as it prepares to restore full service in the northeast. it's sunday. i know you want to be outside but there are severe storms. look at this mondster tornado that touched down in oklahoma. more today and the threat of more wicked weather is kicking in again. good morning. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. >> reporter: the u.s. daring mission to kachcapture isis commander eye abu sayyaf. the next few days, officials will analyze that data and fbi-led high value interrogation
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group is interrogating his wife umm sayyaf. to find out more about isis hostage taking operations. >> the operation was led by the army's delta force. it had been planning this since march. we have been pulling together our sources and learning exactly how this went down. watch. >> reporter: the ground operation was led by the army's delta force who entered the target area on blackhawk helicopters and an osprey. after landing, two dozen commandoed scrambled off the aircraft and took off and hovered overhead. they destroyed the building from inside and outside positions. but special forces were able to get close to the building and blow a hole in its side. they went in and encountered isis fighters and there were more gunshots and reports of hand-to-hand combat. the is circumstances combatants tried to use human shields, but the u.s. troops managed to kill
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the fighters without hurting the women and children. isis commander abu sayyaf was killed in the raid but delta force was able to capture and lead with his wife umm sayyaf and another woman they rescued along with collected communication gear. let's bring in jomana karadsheh. we heard from the national security council and we have heard from the secretary of defense yesterday immediately after the announcement, but larger washington, what are we hearing about this mission? >> you're right, victor. >> reporter: the administration has be characterizing this kill as a significant. some are throwing cold water on the significance of this one man who the u.s. is calling abu sayyaf really is and there are a lot of questions about what exactly happened on this mission, including what his real name is. now, one of the top democrats in the house intel committee, representative adam shift, he says that we should be under no illusion that any one mission
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can have any long-term impact on isis. representative ed royce is on the house foreign and affairs committee and says what is the key how the u.s. uses that ring of data that they collected at the mission site. >> as i understand it, quite a treasure trove of information that might allow us to find out who offshore is also funding isis when you hear about money coming in from other countries into isis. >> reporter: some congressional leaders were briefed on this mission on friday ahead of time and we are also told that there will be additional congressional briefings coming up this week. >> what about some concerns from some lawmakers that not only is isis not on the defensive, but that isis might be gaining grounds in iraq? >> reporter: well, that is exactly right, victor, and what we saw coming from many of the lawmakers, reactions noting that, at the same time, isis seems to be making significant
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gains in the city of ramadi and something that speaker of the house john boehner noted in his statement. he said, of course, this one mission is good news but he went on to say, quote, i remain gravely concerned by isil assault over ramadi and sovereignty of iraq which vital to america's interests. they announced plans they will expedite -- >> an important highlight that none of these operations or decisions happens in a vacuum. thank you. jomana karadsheh, is the death of abu sayyaf a big blow to isis and why do you think we have not heard a response from isis yet? >> we have to wait from the response of isis. we have seen the group in the past admit when it has been dealt major blows and when it has lost high ranking members of
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the group. so that will be key, keeping an eye on that. of course, but, here, questions who abu sayyaf is. up until the announcement yesterday about this raid taking place, most isis experts in this region and people who have covered isis over the past couple of years, really had not heard of abu sayyaf until then. now, of course, the name could be his nomo it could be meaning father of sayyaf as it translates into arabic. it's unclear what role he played in the organization and definitely not one of the names we have heard or we have known to be on a wanted list of sorts that has raised some sort of speculation among isis experts saying were there any intended targets of on this operation and he also happened to be there? and also targeted in this operation. of course, very key is what intelligence the u.s. manages to
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gather from this, from the computers, from documents, whatever that was seized on this raid that will give them possibly insight into the group. what it is up to and the structure of the organization and whether this individual senior leader as the u.s. describes him, had contact with other senior leaders within the organization, but, of course, as we have seen in the past, these organizations, whether terror organizations or isis in this case, they are very sophisticated and adaptable and the loss of one leader or one key figure does not mean a defeat for the group. it means that they are replaceable in most cases as we have seen in the past. let's talk more about abu sayyaf. not much money about his real identity but here is what we know so far. goes by the name according to a u.s. official of iraqi.
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tunisian citizen and involved in oil and gas operations and let's bring in retired lieutenant general mark hertling who has been with us all morning. general, one thing that stands out to me and i'll let you weigh in on if there is great importance here, but if the pentagon, when they release these statements, if they know the man's real name, why not just release it? if he is that vbaluable, who he is? >> it gives information to our enemies. i know it sounds ridiculous and i know everyone wants to get more information, exactly what does this guy do and exactly who does he work with and how much affect does he have on the organization and how is he going to be replaced? i've watched the flurry of questions being asked. truthfully you gain a lot by having the upper hand on intelligence when other people don't know what you have. so i think the next few months,
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the next few days especially in terms of the intelligence gathering and the sifting through information that was located at the scene, are going to be critical. and not everything can be released or should be released to the public for public consumption. this is a continual unraveling of an organization and you have to keep some things in a classified realm so you can go after other people. i would suggest there are going to be a lot of targets that are going to be resulting from this raid and i wouldn't want to give those who might be targets the information that they have been found on these computers. you want to go after it and get more data so you can further execute the desired end state of the campaign. >> i wonder. as a journalist, i always want to know but if this was successful and no serious injuries we hear someone suffered bloody knuckles but there no serious injuries or no
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fatalities, why release the details? fr so many delta operation forces never released and this had no fatalities of u.s. servicemen why release it? >> that's a big question and i would say you shouldn't. i'm kind on the other side of the reporter where i would like to continue to execute the campaign and get more information. i had to smile yesterday at all of the commentary about the bloody knuckles and hand-to-hand combat. there are no missions at all where you can go in and out of an operation like this that has this much carnage and fire power you won't get something bloody. to relate that to a hand-to-hand fight. we have images of people wrestling on the ground and stabbing each other and what probably happened the guy skinned his knuckles. the first five minutes of a delta operation is extremely intense and no room for knuckle fights.
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it is an intense kinetic operation and it's just the way reme, victor, only 1% of america serves in some part of the military, so 99% of the american public is enthralled by this information and they want to learn more and curious about it. in fact, some of the information should just be kept secret. >> retired general mark hertling, thank you so much. >> you got it. amtrak scrambling to get the northeast corridor up and running again. first, it's going to have to beef up safety on that specific stretch of tracks where the deadly derailment happened. how pivotal could this be to stop another incident? what they have in store. plus, look at this. that is one of eight tornadoes reported in eight states within 24 hours and that thing is a monster, isn't it? severe weather, oh, buckle down, friends. there is more of it coming. start the interview with a firm handshake.
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13 minutes past the hour right now. amtrak we know is installing new speed controls today along a stretch of track where a passenger train derailed killing eight people and more than 200 injured. >> amtrak must also carry out a risk assessment on all of the curves on the northeast corridor and limit a speed limit sign there. it's looking to get all this done by tomorrow, maybe tuesday, to resume full service. >> so let's bring in john, a former board member of the ntsb and transportation expert safety. thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> of course. amtrak is under this order to put new speed control breaks on the northeast corridor but the system is already on the southbound tracks. why would it not have been installed elsewhere?
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>> well, the risk assessment for the northbound section of track just assumed the risk was low because he was coming out of a station going slow and that he wouldn't have the same risk that is associated with the southbound track, because the southbound track has a long straightaway coming into it with a very high speed limit on it. so when they were putting these intrameasures in, it was deemed that the risk was lower on the northbound side of the track. maybe that risk assessment wasn't proper or the factors weren't considered, but that's what they did. >> okay. so knowing this, are there routes on your radar that raise red flags elsewhere about the safety of amtrak? >> i think amtrak's safety record has been improving. in my days at the ntsb, we had lots of accidents with amtrak and lots of fatalities so it has been improving. now there is room for additional
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improvement for sure. >> but there are -- nothing that pops out? >> nothing that pops out at the moment. >> if there are these places there might be some vulnerability as we talk about this particular corridor, what makes them problematic and risky? >> well, because it's high-speed rail and we are trying to run it on rail lines that were designed a hundred years ago, there are turns in there that wouldn't exist, say, in europe. if you've ridden the train in france, you notice no sharp turns in that track at all, but they had benefit of laying out their tracks after the world war ii where we had more knowledge about high speed travel and that they took the land before the land was developed. in the northeast corridor, it's very, very difficult to find another way around philadelphia
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or in new york, we go underground. we are going to have to reassess on how we put our train stops in and around high density metropolitan areas. >> when you talk about a hundred years ago, why do you think it hasn't been reassessed earlier, before now? >> they have been reassessing it as an ongoing activity, but there's not much they can do about it. >> why is that? is it funding? what is it that is keeping them from doing more? >> of course, it's funding. amtrak has never received the funding that it needs and it's also the land. nobody wants to put a train track in their neighborhood and if you're going to reposition these train tracks, you're going to receive tremendous amount of pushback from the communities and you get the ones that want to get there quickly. it's a real balancing act trying to satisfy a whole bunch of folks who are difficult to
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satisfy. >> knowing all of this, how confident are you in the overall safety? >> i ride the trains. i still would ride the trains. i think the risk is really low. but is there a risk in all transportation. a risk when you fly. a bigger risk when you drive. so we take risks every day. >> when you talk about how you might have to reposition things, when you're talking about reassessment, why do they have to be repositioned necessarily? why can't they just improve what they have, where it is? >> well, that's what is going to happen. they are going to improve on it on the existing track bed. they are going to improve on it. but the absolute best option would be to have a new track, new layout of the track that has more sweeping turns. it doesn't make a right turn very quickly. sweeping turn, much like a nascar track. you're not going to tip the train over but you're going to have to have a wide sweeping turn because we know the trains want to go over a hundred miles
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an hour. people will travel more in that corridor if the trains are reliable, which they have proven to be lately, on time reliability, i'm talking about. and they can get there safely. so we need to, as a society, we need to take a look at that and how we want to handle it. do we want these trains to stop -- the politicians want the trains to stop in their cities all the time because they want to move the people. >> former board member of the ntsb and transportation expert john goglia, thank you. >> thank you. some of the gop contenders for 2016 spent the weekend in iowa and how much the clintons made last year. what does hillary clinton need to do to get the focus off the big explosion this weekend, her cash, and back on her candidacy? ♪
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at the other stories developing right now. police in washington, d.c. are looking for this man in connection with a house fire that killed four people. there are lots of twists and turns to this story but officers believe the four bodies found inside this house are a wife, husband, son, and their housekeeper. they say that all of the victims suffered various traumatic injuries. look at this wedge tornado as it's called. it barely fits the screen here. in elmer, oklahoma, over the night. it damaged buildings and yanked
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up trees and a couple of cars. the good news, nobody was seriously injured. however, much of that region, we have to tell you get ready for more severe weather today ahead. a close encounter with wildlife at yellow stone national park took a dangerous turn for a teenager. a 16-year-old exchange student from taiwan was gorged by a bison when trying to take a photo. her injuries are serious, but, fortunately, not life-threatening. we are continuing to follow two developing stories. top story this morning on "new day." what amtrak is installing on the site of the deadly train derail the and hope to improve safety on the tracks. an isis raid in syria. the u.s. claims the man killed was behind money and oil and
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♪ bottom of the hour now. thanks for staying with us on "new day." we have new details on the u.s. raid that killed an isis commander identified by u.s. official as abu sayyaf. this operation was led by the u.s. army's delta force. >> had been in the planning stages with we know since march. cnn's senior international correspondent nick payton walsh has the details for us. good morning, nick.
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>> not particularly well known in terms of isis leadership circles. a name the united states say was behind the money. was behind the oil. was used to make isis so much of its money and increasely involved in that military operation. we don't know his real name. abu sayyaf means the father of sayyaf and his wife who was captured who was killed in this raid umm means the mother of sayyaf. u.s. will look to provide why this man was so important because they endured an enormous risk in going to get to him. we are told this was a capture mission, not a kill mission. had it been a kill mission they could have simply used a drone. they were after intelligence and they were after the things he knew and the things his computers and phones perhaps had on them as well so complex indeed they decided to take this risk because they flew into one of the most dangerous parts of isis territory deep inside of syria. the oil field known to be a isis military base had a 3 to 5
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millimeter perimeter around it. delta forces came on in. hand-to-hand fighting, bloody knuckles amongst those soldiers and an extraordinary fight for this man abu sayyaf who they hoped they could capture alone. so a complex task. certainly for u.s. commandos here and one that leaves them with, they say, substantial intelligence about how isis works and this detainee umm sayyaf. 19 isis fighters killed in this and some said to be foreign and questions, of course, being asked as to why the u.s. is willing to endure this substantial risk and a difficult operation to explain to the american public. had it tragically gone wrong, given the promises that president obama said he wouldn't put soldiers in the middle east during his tenure. maybe seeing high risk tolerance for the white house is doing. a spark intervention one here the white house said it was
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successful in killing a man they hoped to capture but so many questions as to what exactly was entirely in the u.s. cross-hairs during this raid. nick paton-walsh, cnn. >> cnn takes a unique look inside isis "blindsided how isis shocked the world." amtrak could run at full capacity on the northeast corridor as early as tomorrow after last week's deadly derailment but it depends whether new speed controls are fully installed and in place. workers are busy installing the automatic train control system while amtrak assess the risk of all curves on that corridor where the approach speed is higher than the curve speed it
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seems. this morning, let's talk about the legal angle here. investigators are focusing on what happened in the second leading up to derailment, of course the possibility the train may have been struck by an object before hurdling off the tracks. the fbi is investigating a fist-sized crack on the left side of the windshield. let's talk to cnn legal analyst mel robins and hln legal analyst joey jackson about this. mel, throwing projectiles at trains, apparently, we have been told is common. so much so it has a nickname "getting rocked." yak tram train might be one of three trains hit by somebody before this crash. we still don't know what caused the derailment obviously. looking at what we know up to this point, what does this mean for the engineer's liability? >> reporter: it's a great question. this is going to be a puzzle that all of these agencies are going to be needing to figure out. you know, the thing that is interesting to me about this and you got the fbi involved, while it does sound, at first watch,
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like it could be something that is common, you know, that projectiles are being hurled at trains all time, i think the fbi is involved because they are concerned it might be something more nefarious than simply a kid chucking rah rock outside of philadelphia at a train, given the convergence of other trains, that had had the same thing happened in the same vicinity around the same time. so they just want to make sure to rule out that it wasn't something more awful, but what, you know, is interesting in this is that as you probably know, congress passed the amtrak reform and accountability act in 1997 and their liability on a civil side is capped at $200 million and i'm sure the claims will far exceed that. as far as criminal liability or liability on part of the engineer, they are going to be looking at not only whether or not he remembers anything, what the black box says, what the source of this particular projectile was to the train, how that impacted his actions,
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whether or not those actions were reasonable from a criminal setting, what you're going to be looking at is whether or not he acted reasonably or reckless or criminally negligent. >> you mentioned his memory. joey, that could be an issue here. because investigators say that engineer brian bostian is being incredibly cooperative but he can't recall anything about the crash. they asked him specifically about that projectile. he didn't remember anything about it. i want to point that even dr. sanjay gupta says traumatic injury could cause post-traumatic amnesia. what bearing does this have now on the investigation? >> good morning. in any investigation that is undertaken, obviously, the person who is at issue in that investigation and what they say, what they remember, is critical. but remember that you don't base an investigation on what someone tells you. you base it on the surrounding circumstances. and so as you mentioned, certainly, his memory, it's typical when you get involved in a crash of this magnitude,
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you're going to have some type of memory loss and potentially that memory will come back. so i think what he remembers, if anything, could be important to the investigation. but they are not going to overly rely upon that investigation. just as to a couple of other matters. in terms of a projectile hitting that amtrak train, if it does, we don't know. that is something suggested as a possibility. i think it could affect certainly any criminal responsibility that the engineer has. from a civil perspective, i don't know that it makes much of a difference. obviously, you know, people will beg to differ with me along those lines. i think what the argument will be if a projectile hit it, if it is so common, certainly there should be features on the train could guard against it. number two, if you weren't going 102 miles an hour, i'm not blaminging the conductor, we don't know what accounted for that rate. potentially there was a mechanical failure or something wrong with the track, i don't know. the issue would be if you
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weren't going at that rate, if something hit it at a slower rate, then it would not come off the trails. still a lot to be determined and digested in this case. i think if a projectile hit it that could alter the amount of it. the positive track controls if they were in place and if it was going slower potentially we would not have this disaster. >> i want to talk about that now. only a minute left. real quickly now. official say that trains getting hit by rocks, bricks, even bullets is a longstanding problem. some of the fences near these scenes apparently are not in the best shape. the question could amtrak be held liable in some way for not p proactively implementing this if they knew it was a problem? >> what would happen you discount that argument in letting them off hook for this. look. they are responsible for their passengers. they operate these trains all day long. they carry almost a million people up and down the corridor. they know what they are doing and if this is a common
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occurrence, it basically goes against their argument that it somehow puts them off the hook. they are going to be found liable in this. i mean, because it's a civil standard. but i agree with joey. i think that the projectile issue has more to do with the engineer's criminal liability, not the civil case. >> all righty. joey, last word. >> very quickly to mel's prior point about the $200 million and people don't think it's enough. i think it could be fixed by congress. you could see potentially a fund in place and you could also see, again i'm speculating, but i think it may be reasonable for congress to set up a fund saying this accident was tragic and most unfortunate and set up a pot of money to compensate because we know the wrongful actions maybe $7 million or $8 million they give out and $200 million there we are talking 20 million over a lifetime and those people who had nothing to do with this certainly should not have that loss so we could look to congress to set up some
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kind of fund to compensate fairly and appropriate ly people who have been injured in this tragedy. >> mel and joey, great thoughts this morning. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> great to see you. >> have a great day. bi, mel. >> you too. the top republican presidential candidates are in iowa this weekend but with jeb bush's poll numbers sagging? he's at the back of the pack in iowa. should he, will he skip iowa and focus on new hampshire? my name's louis, and i quit smoking with chantix. i had tried to do it in the past. i hadn't been successful. quitting smoking this time was different because i got a prescription for chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. the fact that it reduced the urge to smoke helped me get that confidence that i could do it. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some people had seizures while taking chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix or history of seizures. don' take chantix if you've had
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hillary clinton is head to go iowa tomorrow and this comes just days after new disclosure
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forms have been revealed that she and former president clinton had made $30 million since january of last year. now most of that money comes from paid speaking engagements. republicans were also in iowa last night making their pitches for the presidency and taking shots at the former secretary of state. we have got with us cnn politics digital reporter eric bradner who is joining us. let's start with former secretary clinton because she is trying to make this case and present herself as a kaentcandi who is about income equality and looking out for the poor but she pulled in more than $30 million in 16 months. that is difficult to reconcile. >> right. keep in mind, hillary clinton has taken very few questions from the press and she has clearly made the decision to suffer the swings and arrows off these sorts of stories throughout her campaign, at least in the early stages, in order to stay focused on the issues she wants to talk about.
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hillary clinton is never going to be able to come off as, you know, an average joe type of candidate. and so she is trying to let her style do the talking. she is going back to iowa and she's going to hold a couple of more of these round table type events where she hears from regular people, does more listening than talking, and the hope is she can at least portray herself as someone who is in touch with the concerns of regular people, even if her personal finances show that she can't personally share those concerns. but these stories have created a pressure buildup. she hasn't addressed questions not only about her personal finances, but also about where she stands on issues like trade and there's an expectation that she will deliver a big policy speech here at some point soon with a bigger crowd. >> yeah. moving away from the van and getting into the larger, i guess, more traditional -- of the presidential campaign and still more than a year in the
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primary season liter. let's move to jeb bush now. he is also in iowa this weekend. he has said he will skip the iowa straw poll but if you look at his numbers of the declared candidates he is still undeclared. the quinnipiac poll, bush is in seventh place here of the declared or potential 2016. he says he is going to campaign hard in iowa, that he is going to skip iowa and move on to new hampshire? >> yeah. right now, it's all about momentum and managing expectations. listen. iowa caucus-goers are much more conservative than republicans nationally. the dream scenario for jeb bush here is that he can do basically what mitt romney did in 2012 which is sort of skip iowa and make connections there and make a late push and come in with a surprisingly strong finish. romney very nearly won the state even though he looked sort out
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of the running and skipped the straw poll and things like that. the problem for jeb bush, this is a much stronger field than mitt romney faced in 2012 but he knows that he is not going to be able to compete in iowa in the same way he is going to compete in states like new hampshire or perhaps nevada which is considering moving from a caucus like iowa has to a primary process. so for jeb bush, it's all about making some connections, easing some concerns from iowa republicans who think he is paying no attention to the state in order to sort of position himself for a late push there. >> we will watch both sides carefully. eric bradner, thanks so much. >> thank you. the end of an erka this wee. david letterman is saying good-bye to "the late show"! what does it mean for late night tv? without dave? really?
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real madrid have about 450 million fans. we're trying to give them all the feeling of being at the stadium. the microsoft cloud gives us the scalability to communicate exactly the content that people want to see. it will help people connect to their passion of living real madrid. carson, leno, and now letterman, the world of late-night television saying good-bye to another legend. he is set to host his final shows this week, and you know they are going to be good. and also waiting in the wings, stephen colbert will take over his desk. let's go to our guest, brian. what are you hearing?
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what is the rumble about? >> it's going to be an hour filled with surprises, and we know tom hanks, and bill murray and bob dylan will be among the final acts this week, and letterman is responsible for an entire new generation of comedians, and jimmy fallon and others say they were influenced by him, and maybe that will be one of his best legacies in the future. >> those guys have to have letterman on as a guest is what i think they need to do, when it's all said and done. when he is done. he is going to pop up somewhere. >> letterman has started to hint that he doesn't want to be disappearing entirely, and he says he is retiring from "the
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late show." he is getting the walter cronkite treatment. what does that mean? when he stepped down, he kept an office at cbs for the rest of his life, and he was given that support, and letterman is just as important to cbs in some ways. let's talk about colbert, and it's -- is he going to change his name or not? >> it's colbert, and he has been in hiding for several months now. he signed off the "comedy central" show, and he has been taking a break for a few months getting ready for the new show, and he is not entirely off, and he is meeting with advertisers and trying to warm them up to the show, and he was here in new york onstage in front of all the advertisers, and he paid tribute to letterman, and he said he will strive to honor letterman
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by making the network mad at him. colbert is saying all the right things and getting ready to take over, but it's going to be a different show. everybody knows it's going to be a different show than letterman, because colbert is not only a different comic, but of a different generation. it's a baby boomer stepping aside. what are you talking about this morning? >> the future of the "mad men" show, and stephanopoulos, we will talk about whether his apology will be enough and whether the scandal will fade away or will it be with him for a long time to come. >> thank you. >> don't miss brian's show tonight.
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just a high school senior when max gomez lost a leg after a motor cross competition. >> he is back at the top of the sport he loves, and dr. sanjay gupta has the story. >> nothing can stop max from
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racing, even when the sport costs him his right leg. he was competing in a national race. >> i was coming up to a jump and i came short and it kicked me forward and off the bike, and it was a 30-foot drop and the impact exploded my ankle. >> five operations later, doctors gave max a choice. >> they said you can keep the foot and not be able to do with it or amputate it and live the rest of your life. >> after losing his leg, max never thought he would ride again and his dad even sold his bikes, but he was inspired with another amputee. >> if he could do it, i could do it again. >> and max was back on the track just six months after his accident. he took home gold at the extremity games, and he just missed the bronze in an adaptive
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moto at the x games. he qualified for a regional race with able-bodies drivers. >> i didn't lose my drive. where there is a will there is a way. i am christi paul. >> the u.s. has computers seized in the raid loaded with data on how isis communicates and earns his money, and over the next few days, officials will evaluate that data. >> to find out more about the hostage taking operations and it was led by the u.s. army's delta force and had been in the
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planning stages since march. >> a lot of people had been wondering if he was the target of the raid. >> reporter: the administration is characterizing this mission as one that is a significant blow to isis, and there are, as you know, a lot of questions that remain about the mission, including at the most basic, what was sighoff's real name. lawmakers on capitol hill, they seem to be throwing goldwater on the significance of the mission, and the top democrat, he is saying we should be under no illusion and the extent of what impact of what one mission can do when we are talking about isis at large, and a republican, ed royce, on the house foreign affairs committee says what will be key is how the u.s. uses the reams and reams of data of


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