tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 18, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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that's it for us i'm don lemon. see you back here tomorrow night. "ac 360" starts right now. good evening from texas tonight, i'm in el paso on assignment, the story is further east. in waco where one outbreak of deadly violence just happened and officials are warning another could be possible. the bulletin from texas authorities obtained just moments ago, warning that additional members of two biker gangs could be making their way into the state. they are considered armed, dangerous, and after what happened yesterday, there's no reason to doubt that. already in waco, law enforcement is busy because of those two gangs and others. they've been processing inmates all day, upwards of 70 people
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have been arrested. >> nine fatalities after the worst single outbreak of violence since thein 20 years. dozens of knives, firearms, one crowded restaurant, alcohol, a rivalry and a spark. >> reporter: this is the aftermath of a deadly battle involving at least five rival biker gangs and texas law enforcement. >> shortly after 12:15, a fight broke out in this building into the parking lot as twin peaks. as that fight progressed it progressed rapidly from hands and feet as weapons, to chains a club was involved and knives were involved. gunfire broke out on the part of the criminal biker gangs.
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>> as the bloodshed spilled into the park lot, police including s.w.a.t. officers who had been monitoring this bar for biker gang activity, moved in. as we pulled up on scene, the shooting at individual bikers from bikers turned toward us. our officers took fire and responded appropriately, returning fire. >> when the shooting finally stopped, nine bikers were dead, four of which according to a law enforcement source may have been killed by police. >> what's still unclear is exactly what led to the fight between these rival biker gangs. what is clear is that the bloodshed could have been worse. twin peaks is in the middle of a busy shopping district. just imagine this. on sunday this area teeming with innocent bystanders completely unaware that a gunfight was about to erupt. >> reporter: police say the restaurant itself is partly to
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blame. >> management knew there were biker gangs, they continued to let those groups of people into their business. we feel like there may have been more that could have been done by a business to prevent this. now we have nine individuals that are dead, and it wasn't necessary. >> reporter: beyond the nine bikers killed, around 170 were rounded up and arrested. so many suspects they initially had to be bussed here to the waco convention center before being processed into the county jail. >> those individuals are being charged with engaging in organized crime in reference to the shooting at twin peaks, which is a capitol murder. it's a capital murder because of the number of victims that were killed in one episode here. >> and tonight, authorities fear reprisal attacks against the -- among the biker gangs. or revenge attacks against law enforcement themselves. it could continue the bloodshed in waco. >> nick valencia joins us now from waco.
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more violence a concern as you mentioned, what is the latest on that? >> law enforcement officials here on heightened alert saying there may be a chance they will be targeted by these biker gangs, saying a green light hit has been put on all officers in uniform. cnn retaining a statement from the local owner of the twin peaks in waco, texas telling a different version of events than what police have been saying. to the best of our knowledge, law enforcement officials did not ask the waco restaurant operator with whom they spoke several times or the twin peaks franchiser to cancel the patio reservation that was made on sunday. based on the information to date, we also believe that the violence began outside in the area of the parking lot and not inside our restaurant or our patio as has been widely reported. so you see, anderson, a much different version of events from the owner here at twin peaks in waco texas. anderson? >> nick, i appreciate the reporting. just to underscore how volatile
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this mixture was, all this went down despite as we mentioned a heavy police presence nearby, it was a visible police presence. here's police spokesman patrick swanton. >> they could care less whether we were here or not, that's the violence we were dealing with yesterday. they knew we were seconds away, and were going to respond. it mattered not to them, they were still killing individuals, and then turned their gunfire at us when we got here. >> sergeant patrick swanton joins us now live. sergeant, thank you very much for being with us. first of all, i want to ask you about this report, about others coming to the waco area, what are your concerns, what do you believe may happen? >> we think that's a possibility. we saw very early on last night, that we had a contingent of bikers coming into the area, a larger amount than we would
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normally see here. when the threat was put out toward law enforcement officers, caused us to really step up our game. obviously, it's something we're concerned about, we would encourage biker groups to stand down, there's been enough bloodshed, there's been enough death here. we don't need additional death in the waco area. obviously, we were still sorting through the scene behind us, we'll process that evidence and continue the investigation through the coming days and weeks. >> do you know what it was that actually began the fight? because now the restaurant is saying -- the franchise is just saying it didn't happened inside the restaurant or the bathroom. they believe it happened out in the parking lot. do you know what actual caused this? >> we know it started in the bathroom area initially, there was also a skirmish in the parking lot, i don't know how close those two were together. there was shooting inside the club, i won't sit here and argue with an individual. but i can tell you that we believe the shooting occurred
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inside, moved into the open bar area and came out into the parking lot as well. nine individuals were killed in that parking lot, and we're in the process now of trying to determine exactly who all was involved, and specifically what this started over. we believe it's gang related activity, whether it's to determine some turf for one group or whether it's in the process of recruiting for another group, all of that kind of goes hand in hand. it may have been one gang trying to say, we're here in your area, and we're going to be here because we want to. >> so i mean, because these are gangs that do have a longstanding rivalry. so the fact that they were all in the same area, is that unusual? >> that they're all in the same area at one time? it's a little bit unusual. obviously when you get groups together that can't get along, we know there's a history
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between these two groups. we know there's a recent history of violence between these two groups, that may have played a part in what occurred here sunday as well. >> i want to ask you about something the local twin peaks franchise said today, they said that law enforcement officials didn't ask either the waco restaurant operator or the franchise to cancel what they called the patio reservation. i know you had been critical of this particular franchise, is that in fact true? >> no, what they're saying is not true, and we dispute that fact. >> and in terms -- are they being cooperative now in terms of cooperating with the investigation at this point? i know you had said before they had not been cooperating. >> i can tell you national is being very cooperative at this point. we appreciate their efforts. we appreciate their news release that they have done indicating their willingness to work with us, and we think that will go a long way in healing some issues here.
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we are very appreciative of their support that they have shown us, and i'm talking about the national. they have revoked the individual's permit here today. we're pleased that they did that and they appear to be cooperating, we want to thank them for doing that. >> i know you've recovered a huge number of different kinds of weapons, guns and other kinds of weapons, do you have a lot of video evidence that can help you make this case? because some of these charges may be hard in terms of assigning individual blame for activities. >> we have a lot of evidence. whether video evidence is part of that or not, i can't tell you, i don't know. >> okay. and just in terms of the sheer number of people you have in custody at this point, how difficult is that even to process? >> extremely difficult. the sheriff's department is doing quite a job in trying to
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get them all through there. you're talking about 170 individuals that need to be fingerprinted, booked in through paperwork, have mugshots taken. last i checked about an hour ago, they were halfway through that. that will be a process as well for them to continue into the night. >> and your message to any gang members that may be thinking about coming to waco is what? >> obviously, there's a heavy law enforcement presence here. we've seen enough violence in our town over the past day, we would encourage them to just kind of stand down a little bit. there's no point in them coming here to try to get pay back, whether it's on rival bike gangs or against us. we would ask them to take a cooling off period and let the healing process begin. >> i appreciate your time tonight. thank you. >> i want to talk more about the scale of this from a criminal justice point of view. it's breathtaking, the prospect
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of making dozens and dozens of major cases, murder cases is what they're talking about when all is said and done. joining us now is our senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin. how tough is this? you have 170 some, closer to 200, all in custody charged with capital murder. is there any way they're going to be able to successfully prosecute that many people? >> there is a way, but i have certainly never heard of a case on this scale anywhere. big city, medium sized city like waco, small town, i've never heard of it. what they will have to do is figure out a way to isolate the evidence against each individual. whether they can do that, i don't know. you asked a good question, is there any video, certainly that is going to be the most valuable kind of evidence. remember most of the witnesses are going to be other gang members who to put it mildly may not be the most reliable witnesses. to say this is going to be a
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difficult prosecution is an understatement. >> i mean, you assume they must have some sort of undercover personnel inside with some of these gangs, because of some of the information, it seemed like the advanced information they have, could prosecutors charge a conspiracy? and if so, how would that play into these murder charges? how would they actually prove that individuals acted in a way to further conspiracy? >> certainly that is a possibility. but even in a conspiracy case you have to isolate evidence against individuals. to prove a conspiracy you have to prove that an individual agreed agreed with the other conspirators to participate in an illegal conspiracy. and you also have to prove that they took an overt act, that they did something. it doesn't have to be an illegal act. but they have to have done something. they have to have done something, given someone a weapon, they have to have made a phone call, have done something in furtherance in support of the
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conspiracy. so again it folds back onto the original problem, which is isolating the evidence against each person who may be prosecuted. and with a melee like this, it's going to be very difficult. >> is it possible the owner of the franchise, whether the national owner or the local franchise, could end up facing some kind of charges here as well? police have been very vocal and critical, not only disputing what they're saying about where this began, and the level of cooperation or lack of cooperation they've got, but they've been critical all along of saying they've been reaching out to this local franchise, asking them not to host these events and they got rebuffed. >> certainly the owner could be liable for some sort of civil liability, under a theory of negligence carelessness. i'm not sure i see a criminal case against the owner based on
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the evidence i've seen. there doesn't seem to be evidence of criminal intent. there's just simply an intent to bring a lot of people into his or her restaurant, and that created a disaster. i think criminal charges against the owner, at least based on what i know now seem pretty unlikely. >> jeff, i appreciate the update, thank you. quick reminder, make sure you set your dvr, you can watch 360 anytime you'd like. coming up, the violent rules that these outlaw bikers live and sometimes die by. you're going to hear from two men who infiltrated some of the country's most violent gangs. and later, a murder mystery in a d.c. neighborhood that these flames may have been meant to cover up. police have a person they are looking for. we have late details on that. it's delicious! and this new kibble blend is so healthy. thank you. no, nancy, thank you. kibbles 'n bits. because every bit matters. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do
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the breaking news tonight, texas officials warning that more outlaw bikers armed and dangerous, could come to the state. the fear, reprisals against other gang members or law enforcement. even if that does not come to pass there's no exaggerating what has already happened in waco. for a short time, it amounted to close combat, what in a military context would be several platoons or even a small company. motorcycle gangs are not military units. many are not violent. even the groups involved in the mayhem yesterday also take part in other activities like toy drives and charity rides. that said, the justice department says the group that's tangled in waco have been on the radar at the justice department and with law enforcement around the country. more on their world now from sara sidner. >> this man is in a position to know just how dangerous biker gangs can be. cloaked in darkness, he agreed to speak with us. he spent five years infiltrating
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three different biker gangs for the dea. the bag os mongols and outlaws. >> how would you describe how they operate? are they different in the way they operate? >> they're very similar. very sophisticated, structured like the military, a lot of members are ex-military. so they're highly trained for combat. they're much better than your average street gang at conducting war. >> when you talk about war, who are they warring with? is it just other gangs or society at large? >> i'd say it's society at large and mostly other motorcycle gangs. >> that's terrifying. >> yeah. and a lot of these gangs when i did my bag os infiltration half my chapter was ex-marines. so they -- they're highly skilled, highly trained killers. >> charles falco and an author
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and now consults for law enforcement on biker gangs, and said a month ago he was asked to go to waco because of growing tensions between two gangs, the bandidos and the cossacks. >> the bandidos are the biggest motorcycle gang in texas and they don't allow other motorcycle gangs to enter that state. >> reporter: this is the worst violence seen in years affiliated with biker gangs. this is the chaos shown in a nevada casino as three people are killed in 2002. >> shots are being fired in the hotel. people are being stabbed. >> reporter: rival gang members shoot it out, leaving the casino crowd dodging bullets police forcing everyone to the ground as they try to sort suspects from victims. in 2011, shots fired at another casino, this time in sparks, nevada, when it's all over, a member of the hells angels is shot dead by a rival gang. the violence between gangs hasn't stayed just in the u.s. violence exploded between the
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bandidos and the hells angels. at one point the bandidos accused of using a car bomb and a rocket propelled grenade against their rivals. in america there's a way to quell the violence keep known gang members from getting concealed weapons. >> the problem we're seeing now is in states where you're allowed a concealed weapons permit, the biker gangs have been ordered by their leadership to get a concealed weapons permit if they're not felons. right now, in most of these states where they have concealed weapons permits, gang members can get concealed weapons permits, there's nothing to stop them. >> reporter: but he said the bloodbath could have been avoided. if only the restaurant could have listened to law enforcement and mandated bikers could not wear their gang paraphernalia. >> the biker gangs won't show up, because they always have to wear their colors. >> reporter: sara sidner cnn, los angeles. >> so five societies with their own rules and codes of secrecy
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and violence. atf agent billy quinos that world firsthand having spent more than two years under cover, posing as a member of the mong ols outlaw gang. the true story of the undercover agent who infiltrated america's most violent outlaw motorcycle gang. because he still has enemies out there, we're not disclosing his location we're glad he could join us tonight. >> in your two years undercover with the atf, with these biker gangs, have you ever seen anything like this, this scale? >> during my two years undercover, i never saw anything like this, we had run-ins with the hells angels, nowhere near this scale. not at all. the biker gangs are confronting each other, and the violence occurs with them all the time, just not to this magnitude. >> why would they be all together? >> if there is this tension between them? >> there was a coalition meeting going on. that's the reason they were all there. it wasn't just the cossacks and the bandidos that were there.
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there were a number of other clubs that were in this coalition, and they got together to try to iron some things out. one of the things that they were going to try to iron out, from what i understand was this turf battle or the right to wear the texas rocker out there. and things went from bad to worse, anderson. what i understand it all started over a parking space. but the cossacks and bandidos had been at each other for the past six months over the right to wear that texas rocker out there. >> they're fighting, beyond just the parking space, it's about a patch on a jacket? >> yes. >> patch on the colors, yes. the right to wear that texas rocker. >> when you say texas rocker, this is probably a stupid question, what does that mean? a texas flag or? >> no, they'll have the colors on the back of the jackets, they'll have a set of colors. on the bottom side of those
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colors will be a territorial patch. and it will say texas, or california, or it might say a specific area like dallas. that rocker on the bottom stands for that state that they're operating in. the bandidos were the big kid on the block. and they were approving who could run that texas rocker on the bottom of their patch. >> it seems like the police, they had tactical units on scene nearby. it seems like they were able to respond very quickly, and probably at least authorities believe helped save lives ultimately of any civilians who may have been injured. do you think this is going to continue? is this going to escalate, or given the public nature of this, are they going to try to cool things down? >> i think given the public nature, they are going to try to cool things down, they do a lot of stupid things but overall they're not that stupid especially when it comes to law
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enforcement. they're going to let it cool down but not necessarily let it go. anything might happen. the unfortunate thing, they're a small club, compared to the bannied os. -- bandidos. they're one of the biggest if not the biggest outlaw gang in the world right now, outlaw motorcycle gang in the world. so the cossacks would be less than smart to try to take them on in a full-scale war. >> incredible glimpse into this world, a lot of people don't know a lot about it, i appreciate you being with us. thank you. >> thank you, anderson. more breaking news ahead. new details about the isis commander killed over the weekend in a u.s. raid in syria. and reporting about the role he might have had in dealing with an american hostage who was killed. they bought the place four months ago on what was arguably the scariest day of their lives. neither has any idea what the future holds for them. but they bought into a 30-year mortgage anyway.
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breaking news tonight about the isis commander killed in the u.s. raid in syria over the weekend. his wife was captured. the army's delta force carried out the operation. barbara starr joins me now with more information. what do we know about what led up to the raid? and how it all unfolded? >> reporter: anderson it's
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really fascinating. what we're now learning the u.s. had this man, abu sayyaf not his real name we don't know his real name yet, they had him under surveillance since march in eastern syria. this mission had been planned for some time we were told, they were watching him, knew his pattern of life knew his movements. when they took off in their helicopters and made their way to that area they knew at that time he would be there when they got there. they had to blast a hole in one of the walls of the building, in the middle of a firefight, go in. there it was hand-to-hand combat. a lot of drama here, they killed him in that firefight. his wife undergoing interrogation. think about this little piece of information right in front of all of us. the u.s. able to monitor someone inside syria, where presumably we have no intelligence assets
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since march. anderson? >> and in terms of american hostages who are held or have been held in syria, is there any sense of whether this isis target was in any way connected to them? all reports are that he was some sort of a financier. he was the so-called oil and gas guy of isis, but in recent months, we are told by our u.s. government sources, he had taken on an increasing role in military operations planning, communications with top isis officials, and the u.s. believes at this point both he and his wife had been involved in hostage-taking operations. one of the things they wanted to do is get his laptop, his computers, cell phones, everything they could out of that house. and analyze it for any information about some of the hostages, who have been killed. we now know that the white house after the raid called some of the american families of the deceased hostages, to tell them the news, to tell them that they
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hoped they could find some information on those laptops and cell phones. no word yet on what if anything they found. anderson? >> i appreciate the update. i want to bring in jennifer bryson former interrogator at guantanamo bay. also colonel james reese. what kind of tactical planning goes into a raid like this, the target inside syria, it's obviously incredibly dangerous even for delta force. >> it is. it's a high risk mission, we've been running these high risk missions since 2001, and it turns out to be like mowing the lawn for these guys. but what it really takes is every part of this task force looking at this intelligence every single day. looking for the indicators to go. and once the joint special operations command feels that the interagency task force with their intelligence feels with actual intelligence, they have the charter, especially the high value targets to launch. and the tough thing is, we
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talked about this before, the three elements of these types of raids, surprise, speed, action. you go on an assault, you lose that surprise of action and it becomes a fist fight as soon as you get on the ground. >> in reality, is the mission to kill this person, or is it to try to capture? obviously his wife has been captured, i guess she will be interrogated. we'll talk about that in just a minute. i think publicly the u.s. says the objective is to capture someone. is that really the objective? >> well it is anderson. in the jsoc mission statement for both tier one forces which is the delta force and seal team six. it will say capture or kill. because we want the intelligence. we want the sitdown, to interview these people. once we kill them, we lose it, and we hope they don't, but unfortunately, if they pick up a welcome and become a threat, they killed just like uday and
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kusay did when delta got them in the early days of iraq. >> you think it's important that the u.s. has the wife of this leader in custody. why is that significant? do we know if she had an operational role or how much intelligence she may have had access to? >> well i agree with colonel reese's point that capturing is vitally important, because then you have access to the human information, even if i, at a far distance now, don't know exactly the nature of it. human beings are an amazing source of information. and in addition to the wife we apparently also have a yazidi woman, who was kept as a slave. and as an interrogator she's the first person i would want to talk to. >> why is that? because she had eyes on everything and listened to things? >> because she's most likely to be easy. she is likely to be the
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american -- to view the americans as heroes and rescuers and view isis as the enemy and most willing to help. but certainly the wife i think, is also more likely to have valuable information. >> colonel, obviously the u.s. has been putting a lot of focus on this raid given they got some intelligence. they killed this operative, and they captured the wife. not good news obviously inside iraq where ramadi now said to be in the hands of isis. isis has held positions, even closer to baghdad than this. but the fact that the iraqi military, the -- and the militias that are aligned with them, were not able to hold a city so close to baghdad, what do you make of that? >> anderson, the pictures that are coming out of ramadi right now, one, there's no question. it's a tactical setback for the iraqi government and the iraqi military security forces at all. the pictures coming out of ramadi right now from western
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and northern ramadi. i believe what we're going to see over the next week, the iraqis decided they were having difficulty getting logistics pushed up to their front line troops, they decided to pull back some, and i think what you believe -- what i believe we'll see here over the next week is a very stringent bombardment and air assault from the coalition air forces to come in there and start pinging off isis. the other thing is, isis has al -- al raqqa, their headquarters the entire yuferaties river valley. if it was me i'm making that entire row out there, and killing anything moving in there that's isis. i'm killing that to allow the iraqis to get back in the fight and seize the terrain again.
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the investigation into a murder mystery in a rich section of washington, d.c. now includes a text message, i burned-out poshy and a grainy image. still many questions about the circumstances that left a couple their son and their housekeeper dead this a home that was set on fire. gary tuckman reports. >> reporter: it was the middle of the day. fire breaks out in a home in one of washington, d.c.'s most posh neighborhoods. blocks away from the vice president's residence and embassy row. four people are found dead inside, tragic, and as it turns out, very sinister. washington, d.c.'s police chief. >> the fire appears to be intentionally set. >> reporter: but before it was set, police also say three of the four victims had suffered blunt force trauma. it's been declared a quadruple homicide.
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the victims, a ceo of a company called american iron works, his 47-year-old wife amy, a washington philanthropist, and socialite. their 10-year-old son philip and a woman named ver leasia figueroa their 57-year-old housekeeper. she was one of two family housekeepers. the other housekeeper said she too was supposed to be at this house when this all happened but she wasn't because of a strange text message. >> i almost have heart attack. it's very hard to believe. >> reporter: the other housekeeper is nagit. about three hours before the fire broke out, she received this text from amy, it reads in part, i am making sure you do not come today. and the day before she received a voice mail telling her not to come the next day, because his wife was sick. >> sometime you never understand all these thing happen but i'm lucky i'm still here.
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>> reporter: police say no evidence was found of forced entry into this home. was anything taken? was it ransacked? because of the fire damage, authorities say they don't know. so what is going on here? were the voice mail and text sent out under duress? and why are police not saying who suffered blunt force trauma and which one did not, and what that all means. police are staying relatively quiet. gentlemen, are there any updates you can give us? >> i can't. sorry. >> reporter: but the d.c. police have released this video of what they call a person of interest. it is literally and figuratively a shadowy image of someone walking behind a building after taking their porsche from the crime scene. it was found ditched in a maryland parking lot, where it was torched. authorities have released pictures of the car. police are going through evidence, literally going through the garbage and also looking at the other cars the
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family has here. a range rover, audi, and a vehicle in the garage known as a moseler, a rare and expensive sports car. the sifting through the trash is meticulous. the odor of the smoke still sifting through the neighborhood obvious. as police continue working to solve what is a deadly mystery. >> gary tuchman reporting for us tonight. just ahead, the death of a man who had cheated death so many times before and the remarkable life he led. lilly baker is preparing for college. she'll use that education to get a job. she'll use that job to buy a home. this is lilly baker. her mom just refinanced their home and is putting an extra $312 a month toward lilly's tuition. lilly is about to take over the world. who's with her? buy in. quickenloans/home buy. refi. power.
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the bodies of two base jumpers were found in yosemite after an illegal jump that went horribly wrong. dean potter is his name. he's very well known in the world for his climbing tightrope walking, and wing suit jumps. stephanie elam has more. >> reporter: from jumping off cliffs and wing suits, to high lining dean potter was an extreme sports legend and pioneer. leaping from fixed points, base jumpers fly dangerously close to the surface as they drop thousands of feet, it's illegal, but that doesn't stop people from doing it. >> they're doing it because they love it, they don't brag about
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it or talk about it much. >> reporter: on saturday shortly before sunset, potter and graham hunt attempted a jump from yosemite. a cliff with a 135 foot drop from the valley floor. friends reported the two were missing that night. then on sunday a helicopter spotted the bodies of the two men. they reportedly jumped together and were found at different locations. neither man had deployed his parachute. sean rueter knew both men and said hunt was like a brother to him. >> graham and dean were two of the best wing suit jumpers in the world. while i think both of them never had a death wish, they were honestly choosing to live life to the fullest, they were aware that what they were doing brought the chance of death. >> reporter: 43-year-old potter pushed those limits traveling around the world, in search of the next thrill like rock climbing without a rope or
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tether just a small message parachute on his back. potter recently posted this picture on instagram, first ever free base solo. he was known to take along a companion, his dog whisper, in 2014, potter talked to cnn about their adventures together. >> i always like to bring my dog and my best friend with me. the idea came from not wanting to leave my dog in the house or car. i want to bring my best friend with me everywhere. potter took his final jump without whisper, she's now left missing her best friend. stephanie elam, cnn, los angeles. >> it's a very big loss in the world of extreme sports. alex is one of the best known adventure rock climbers in the world. watching him in action is not for anyone with a fear of heights. he climbs tall cliffs without a rope to protect him if he falls. alex joins me tonight. i know you were friends with dean. can you start by talking about what dean was like?
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what drew him to these sports? >> you start with the hard questions. i don't know. dean was super passionate about what he called his arts, you know. being outside and climbing and slack lining base jumping. he loved the magical places he got to go climbing in. i don't know exactly what motivated him. >> he viewed it as an art? >> yeah, he always did. it was like a spiritual practice for him to be in these beautiful places, and be pushing himself that way. >> i understand you said he shaped the direction of climbing for this generation, how so? >> well, he certainly shaped the cutting edge, you know, he pushed the directions of the -- that the sport was going in. he was very much responsible for bringing base jumping into climbing. and bringing so many climbers into base jumping.
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he pushed speed climbing and many of the different aspects of climbing he brought them to sport. >> how conscious do you think dean was of the risks? i mean, you know, there's some people who say they don't feel fear. was he someone that felt fear and was able to do it anyway? >> dean definitely felt fear, that's what made his climbing and base jumping so impressive. was that he cared so much about his arts that he was able to overcome that fear. there are a lot of quotes from dean about how he would gravitate toward his fear. like some things terrified him. and falling was one of those things. he sort of overcame that by learning how to fly, by learning how to base jump. and i don't know, i mean that's what's so amazing about dean. a lot of the things he did were terrifying for him. but he was also drawn to them in an inexplicable way. he was able to overcome that fear. >> does something like this -- you don't base jump, does something like what happened, does it make you rethink
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anything? as someone who climbs and climbs intensely, does it give you pause at all? >> yeah, it certainly gives you pause, i spent most of the day yesterday reflecting on this, i was just biking around by myself pondering, it's heavy questions for sure. but i think anybody who's doing these kinds of sports thinks about it quite a bit to begin with. you can't be willing to risk your life without constantly evaluating is it worth it to you, why are you motivated, what's the appeal all those kinds of things. i'm sure dean thought about it quite a bit. i do as well any time somebody near you dies i mean it definitely causes you to reflect on life a little bit, you know. >> the spot where this happened, do you know it, and if so, what's it like? >> it's one of the most beautiful points on earth.
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it's a beautiful overlook looking down on el capitan. and the cathedrals. i was just there last week. it's just a beautiful place. but, you know. >> alex, i appreciate you talking to us. thank you. >> of course, thanks. >> coming up tonight, could a hacker get into a plane in flight's entertainment system and somehow change the course of the flight? one cyber security consultant said he actually did that and now the fbi is involved. details next. s! and this new kibble blend is so healthy. thank you. no, nancy, thank you. kibbles 'n bits. because every bit matters. there's some facts about seaworld we'd like you to know. we don't collect killer whales from the wild. and haven't for 35 years. with the hightest standard of animal care in the world our whales are healthy. they're thriving. i wouldn't work here if they weren't.
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comcast business. built for business. the cyber security consultant says he's only trying to improve aircraft security. the way he's gone about it has drawn the attention of the fbi. chris roberts said he has hacked into computer systems on planes up to 20 times and once overwrote a code for the plane to climb. this guy claims he was actually able to control the plane's movement is that what he's saying? >> this is according to an fbi affidavit, he's a cyber security consultant, he told investigators he caused a passenger plane to move sideways after manipulating the plane's engines while he was on board. that's one of up to 20 times since 2011, roberts claims he
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took control of a commercial flight system. according to the fbi, roberts told investigators that all he does is reach under one of the passenger seats to the seat electronics box, plugs his laptop in and hacks into the plane's entertainment system. that allows him to connect to the flight and navigation systems on the plane. the fbi seized his electronics in april after he tweeted about possibly activating the oxygen masks on a flight from denver to chicago. before that roberts went to the the fbi himself to tell him about the vulnerabilities he found on these planes. >> that's amazing. i don't think anyone realized that's possible. does the fbi believe he was able to do this? >> i'll tell you, there's certainly some skepticism, but the fbi is concerned enough about roberts' claim that it issued this affidavit for a search warrant of its electronics. and so that tells you right
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there that there was some concern, and in the affidavit, it says that it -- they believe it is possible for him to do something like this and that's why they want to search his electronics. anderson? >> pamela, thanks very much. pamela brown. that does it a deadly biker brawl in the u.s. landed more than a hundred people behind bars. we'll bring you the latest on the violent gang fight that left nine people dead. plus the fall of a strategic iraqi city. how they plan to retake ramadi. and a look at how the world of late night television is about to change in a very big way. thank you so much for skbroin joining us. >> we are your team for the next few hours. a big welcome to our viewers in the u.s. and all around the world.
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