tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 19, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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that's it for us tonight. i'm don lemon. see you right back here tomorrow night. "a.c. 360" starts right now. good evening. thanks for joining us. tonight, late details in the waco gang shoot-out, including the search for one suspect whose bail was somehow set much lower than 170 others. the question is mow did that happen? we have some answers tonight. also tonight, hillary clinton, she's gone 28 days without answering questions from reporters. questions about e-mails, the millions that she and her husband have made and more now, after nearly a month, she finally breaks her silence.
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and later, you hear a lot about the kind of people who rush into danger instead of running from it. tonight, you'll meet the remarkable individual who saved lives by running into that. we'll talk to him, ahead. we begin with the latest fallout, and there's possibly plenty of it from the warfare in waco. a biker, one of three who managed to get a much lower bail before a judge thought the better of it remains at large and is being sought by authorities. two days after five motorcycle gangs and law enforcement shot it out at a local restaurant seven people remain hospitalized. nine people are dead and there's growing concern about keeping their funerals safe from reprisals. a lot to get to starting with our kyung lah in waco. so the three bikers who were released from jail on bond, wanted? >> reporter: what happened here is that those three were arrested outside the perimeter, according to the waco police department. they were heading this way and then they were arrested. their case number didn't exactly correlate with this large group's case number. so their bond was set at
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$50,000. nothing wrong with that. they paid the amount and they walked. it does not appear to be an error. but when a police officer connected those three bikers with this large group, the judge set their bond matching the bond here at $1 million. their $50,000 bond that was revoked. there was a warrant put out for their arrest. two of them are now in custody. the police feel very comfortable they will have the third in custody soon anderson. >> and kyung, in terms of the investigation, what are you learning about exactly where this all started on sunday? >> reporter: what police are figuring out, as we talk to more people and they collect more of this vital evidence is that they're getting more of the details. they've already told us that they thought that this happened outside some sort of parking dispute. this may have been a biker getting his foot run over. but they also say there was some sort of skirmish happening inside. regardless of those details, what this all boils down to is that there was a dispute between a more established biking group and then a biking group that came into the city a rival group, and this essentially
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became a turf war. >> and the parking lot behind you, there are still a lot of cars in there, what have authorities found in those vehicles is if anything? >> reporter: well this is a laborious task because what they have to do they have to go through each of these cars one by one, try to get warrants. and what they're finding is extraordinary. we've seen them pull out long rifles bulletproof vests, handguns and this is on top of what they've already recovered. some 100 weapons, guns knives even chains with padlocks on them. so that weapons cache is continuing to grow tonight, anderson. >> kyung, appreciate the update. skbrus just a bit more now on the logistics of holding 170-some-odd suspects. it took until about 10:30 this morning for the final inmate to be delivered to the county jail. the sheriff calling the process slow and tedious, and on top of that they're having to keep all the rival gang members in separate parts of the jail for everyone's safety.
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joining me now, sergeant patrick swanton. appreciate you being with us again. first of all, do you have an update on the biker who you're still looking for who was released on bond. any closer to finding him? >> reporter: yes, i can tell you -- thanks for having me number one. breaking news as i walked up here this evening, i've been notified that that third individual has now been arrested and is in custody. >> and do you know where he was found? >> it is so hot off the press, if you will pardon me for using that but i have not got those details, as they just told me now that he is arrested in custody. i'll attempt to find that out. >> okay. the 170 people who are in custody, i mean some facing capital murder charges, are they cooperating with police at all in jail or being forthcoming with any information in interviews? >> i don't have that. what i know is you've got 170-some odd individuals that have been charged with a pretty
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significant crime, a very serious bond has been set on those individuals. if i could say anything to them my advice would be if you know something, you better cooperate, or you may be in our jail system for quite some time. >> and we mentioned, i mean authorities have to keep them all separate based on what group they're part of. my mean it's got to be just logistically i mean a challenge, to say the least. >> yeah, and i started this morning's conference with a thank you to so many of the agencies involved. for us in our county, we have a police department in the mclennan county sheriff's department. the department handles all of the jail issues all of the housing of prisoners, and i will tell you that 170 persons being brought to you at one time is quite a process to deal with. those jailers that have come in on their offtime and have been called in to active duty the extra support that they've had to bring in to do that is a huge
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effort on their part and, you know we just can't praise law enforcement enough for the above and beyond that everybody has gone to in what is an extraordinary case. >> i want to ask you about, as much of the details as possible as you know. and again it's early days in this investigation, and i totally understand that. according to a law enforcement source to cnn, as you know a law enforcement source had told cnn that there were preliminary indications, according to this source that four of the bikers may have been killed by police. obviously, the autopsies have not been completed. can you -- do you have a firmer sense today than you did yesterday of exactly what went on in the moments before and during the confrontation? >> we do. and that's what i talked about this morning. we got a little more clear picture of exactly what happened sunday afternoon. we know that it was a, a bike
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group, a gang of bikers that had access to the facility, that they had made arrangements for in advance. they came there with the intent of having a meeting. at that meeting, there were other bike gang groups that were invited to that meeting. one of those bike gangs in this local area was not invited to that meeting. we know that they then showed up and very quickly, after them arriving the skirmish broke out. we know that there was dispute inside we have a crime scene inside and outside the restaurant. we know that shots were fired inside the restaurant as well as in the parking lot. we have evidence of weapons over the entire place. it was a melee, the only way to describe it. our officers were within seconds of response. we saw the initial disturbance break out, they quickly moved to the scene, as they were pulling
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up on to the scene. shots started being fired by the biker bikers at the bikers. our officers got out of their cars were being shot at and they returned fire to protect themselves and citizens in the area. >> and you and i spoke yesterday. law enforcement officials in waco yesterday issued warnings about potential retaliation from some of these gangs to police officers. how concerned are you, still, about potential threats against your officers? >> i will tell you, that has toned down somewhat. and we are extremely thankful for that. initially, sunday we were hearing that there were threats on law enforcement, that basically, there were contracts out on us. and that has toned down, some. we said early that what we would like to see happen is we understand this was a very violent, terrible event. we've seen enough bloodshed in waco. we would ask for the cooperation of everybody involved. somebody asked me earlier, are you asking the gangs to cooperate?
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absolutely we are. we've seen enough violence we've seen enough death, we've seen enough bloodshed, and we're starting to see the rhetoric tone down a little bit. i can tell you, we absolutely appreciate that. we want to work with anybody that we can to keep peace in our community. and sometimes, it makes strange bed bedfellas, if you will. we understand there's a criminal element involved with biker gangs, but we don't have to fight each other. we would ask them and we have to stand down a little bit, take a little bit of time to take a break, let things kind of go into place. somebody asked me if we were worried about retaliation at the funerals. history repeats itself. we know that typically, violence condones violence in violent gangs. we're hoping that doesn't occur, we're asking for it not to occur. in the event that it does we have enough resources to deal with that. >> sergeant swanton, appreciate your time tonight. i know it's been a busy couple of days for you, sergeant.
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we've got a crash course in the last couple of days in outlaw biker culture. joining us now, skip hol yinsworth, executive editor of texas monthly magazine. he's written extensively about outlaw motorcycle gangs, especially the bandidos. you've been following this investigation, talking to sources. what are you hearing about this shoot-out? >> well the most recent information is that of the nine who were shot seven or eight were cossacks and one or two were bandidos. so the cossacks were a young gang or club that -- based mostly in east texas, made up of a new group of upstart generation of bikers who decided to take on the big guys the bandidos. they too, wanted to wear a patch on the back of their vest called texas. they too, didn't want to have to pay dues to the bandidos the top club in texas.
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they wanted to be their own guys. and the way day did it was to go after the number ones. so they showed up in waco and the fight ensued. >> and you've written a lot about the bandidos specifically you spent some time with many of them. you wrote a fascinating article at a funeral. what were they like? i mean yeah what were they like? >> well this is going to sound odd in the aftermath of a shooting but they were completely enjoyable. i mean, they were rentegaderenegades. they are throwbacks to peter fonda and they love to be the tough guys in the biker bar and they are. now, here's the problem. is that when law enforcement begins to call these groups, like the bandidos, terrorist gangs, are they really these criminal enterprises that are devoted completely to raping and pillaging and creating all kinds of drug dealing and so on? and if that is true then at
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this point, law enforcement and fbi task force, dps, would have in some way, have brought them all down. but they haven't been. and i take a sort of more modest tempered view of who the bandidos are. there are plenty of criminals in the bandidos. there are certain chapters that engage in a kind of minor crime. they you know run prostitution rings. they shake down strip joints. they deal methamphetamine. but these are not like the cartels on our border who are driving tons of drugs across the border into the united states. these are not guys, like the zetas that will cut you up in pieces and bury you in a shallow grave if you look at them the wrong way. they're basically guys that like the open road. they're drawn together in this perplexing fellowship of loyalists. one of the things that just
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completely shocked me when i first began to hang around the bandidos was the fact that they kissed each other on the lips as a greeting. these are very heterosexual men. they have more than one wives or girlfriends, who they call their old ladies and these women love being with them. they have on their belts and on their patches, pbol proud bandidos old lady. and you know they are very tough men. but they see each other at one of these funerals or at a bandidos gathering and they kiss each other on the lips and say, "i love you, brother." it's a loyalty that outsiders like us citizens day call us, is just completely bewildering. >> it's interesting. skip appreciate you being on. would love to talk to you again as this develops. because with so many of these guys now facing capital murder charges, it's legally, it's going to be tough in many cases to make these allegations stick. so it will be interesting to see in the coming days how this number kind of declines. skip hollingsworth, appreciate
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it very much. coming up next, why this shoot-out in waco may have been surprising but it was far from shocking. colorful stories, notwithstanding. more on the bandidos' past history, not just of -- well we'll take a look at their history, when we continue. thank you for being a sailor, and my daddy. thank you mom, for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are thankful for many things. the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. our world-class service earned usaa the top spot in a study of the most recommended large companies in america. if you're current or former military or their family, see if you're eligible to get an auto insurance quote.
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but checks hundreds of websites so people can get the best hotel prices to plan, compare and book the perfect trip visit today breaking news out of waco. the last of three suspects released on bond in a bit of a mix-up is back in custody. before the break, we talked a little bit about some of the more colorful aspect of the ban d'dosed bandidos. more details now from nick valencia. >> reporter: it was called the bandidos massacre. back in 2006 eight members of the gang are killed and stuffed into these vehicles near a farm in ontario, canada. each victim shot in the head execution style. fellow bandidos members are charged with first-degree murder in what police describe as
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internal cleansing by the biker gang. just a year before the massacre 26 bandidos rounded up and arrested in seattle, charges include drug trafficking, weapons offenses kidnapping and extortion. one of those arrested was the national president of the bandidos at the time george wagers. >> the government they do what they call piling it on. and they piled all these charges on everyone. >> wegers eventually took a plea deal for a guilty charge for conspiracy to engage in racketeering. he says authorities are out to get the bandidos. that any crimes committed are perpetrated by a few bad apples. >> the club does not go out and appoint criminal activities. the club makes no moneys off of criminal enterprise. the individual may make something out of it but not the club itself. it's no different than if you're
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in congress and you commit a crime, that doesn't mean every congressman committed a crime. >> reporter: some experts, however, say violence and criminality are baked into the dna of the bandidos noting they plot being 1% apart from the 99% law-abiding bikers. >> 1% is a -- first of all, it's a symbol that they wear on their colors both physically and symbolically. it used to be the extreme, the most dangerous, and the most absolute of the outlaw bikers. >> reporter: the bandidos biker gang or motorcycle club as they call it was founded here in texas, in 1966 by a disillusioned vietnam war veteran. the group's colors red and gold are an homage to the marine corps. today they boast members of 2,600 in america. they're battling with the hell's
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angels to be the biggest and baddest motorcycle gang. >> the bandidos are often involved in various drug trade, guns weapons, extortion, prostitution stolen goods. those are their main areas of criminality. >> and a part of that battle is which gang can rack up the biggest war chest. >> nick valencia joins us now. if this criminal activity is so pervasive within the bandidos and has gone on for so long how can law enforcement have not completely cracked down on them like they have organized crime in other groups? >> anderson experts we've spoke to say while they are an organization each chapter is autonomous. and for all they're accused of publicly the bandidos contend that them being a violent group is a vestige of the past but
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events like this sunday make rebranding difficult. >> my harrowing inner circle jay dobyns joins us now. we had a previous guest that said that a lot of the guys he met in the bandidos were just kind of, you know interesting characters who were not necessarily, you know, while there were plenty of people prone to violence, they weren't all prone to violence. how do you see it? one of the gangs in this brawl, the cossacks that are said to be affiliated with the hell's angels group, which is also the gang that you infiltrated. what are these gangs like? is it a matter of individuals committing crimes not kind of an organized crime? >> the individual members in the gang not everyone who wears a patch, a hell's angels patch, a bandidos patch, is a murderer or
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a rapist. but they all fall under the umbrella of their gang. and they benefit from the name of that gang the intimidation of it the influence of it. they all come to war when there's a problem, when there's a fight. and so is every single member a hard and violent criminal? no. but they all benefit from the ones who are. >> and is there -- i mean you know law enforcement says there's gun running, there is narcotics trafficking, prostitution in some cases, is that common? >> it's the tools of the trade. there's a myth that they promote, which is they're just these big, rough-looking teddy bears who don't want to live by society's rules and they want to live by their own code and the romanticism of the motorcycle and the freedom and the liberty of riding with the wind in your hair. it's counterfeit.
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it's a fraud. these guys are violent, they're an international crime syndicate, and they're about territory, they're about money, they're about hate they're about control. >> and the size and the location of this fight were certainly unique but these groups are they constantly taking aim at each other, fighting over territory, fighting over their reputations? >> absolutely. i think what was shocking to the public i wasn't shocked by it was the size of the fight, the number of people involved nine gang members dead dozens more in hospitals. it takes place in a public venue. and then all of a sudden the public's eyes open up and they're like wow, these are dangerous boys. this kind of conduct is going on all the time. maybe not to that scale or scope, but it's going on all the time. we just see it in public and we are, as a culture, are shocked by it. and we shouldn't be. >> if it is so such sort of organized crime syndicates why haven't authorities been able
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to, you know weaken it or take it apart like they have the mafia in many places? >> really difficult to do. difficult to investigate. there's a code of silence. there's very little cooperation. very difficult to get inside their wire. they have great techniques and tactics to prevent infiltrations. and law enforcement is so spread so thinly with the terrorism, with gang events with riots, with all the things all the things that are damaging america that there's really just not enough to go around. that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be we're just not. >> jay, it's a fascinating look into this culture. thank you very much for being with us. jay dobyns appreciate it. coming up next hillary clinton answering some questions, finally, for the first time in a month, including questions about when the public will get a look at all those state department e-mails.
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quickly. she said so on the campaign trail in iowa where she was asked about that and some other uncomfortable subjects. more on that from our senior white house correspondent, jeff zeleny. >> hey, are y'all ready?! to tell me something i don't know? >> reporter: it wasn't exactly hillary clinton unplugged, but for the first time in 28 days she did what most presidential candidates do. she answered questions. >> well hello, everybody. >> reporter: she started with the long wait to see her e-mails as secretary of state. >> i have said repeatedly i want those e-mails out. nobody has a bigger interest in getting them released than i do. >> reporter: the state department initially said it could take until january to release all 55,000 pages of e-mails. but a judge said today they should come sooner in smaller batches. clinton said she agreed never mind her decision to use a private e-mail server is behind the whole controversy. >> i'm repeating it here in front of all of you today. i want them out as soon as they can get out. >> reporter: on her second visit
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to iowa, she planned to talk about reviving small businesses today. >> how are you? >> reporter: but criticism for not taking questions followed her. so she relented and even flashed a smile as she defended her relationship with some controversial clinton allies. >> i have many many old friends. and i always think that it's important when you get into politics to have friends you had before you were in politics and to understand what's on their minds. >> reporter: the particular friend in question is sidney bloomenthal, who sent her private e-mails about libya, who she then passed on throughout the government. she didn't say today whether she was aware he had a business interest in the country. >> he sent me unsolicited e-mails, which i passed on. i'm going to keep talking to my old friends, whoever they are. >> reporter: on the iraq war an issue tripping up republicans, she made her regret clear. >> i know that there have been a lot of questions about iraq posed to candidates over the last weeks. i've made it very clear that i
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made a mistake, plain and simple. >> reporter: finally, she also said her wealth wouldn't make it more difficult to connect with voters. she reported last week that she and her husband have made $30 million since 2014. >> obviously, bill and i have been blessed and we're very grateful for the opportunities that we had, but we've never forgotten where we came from. >> reporter: it's that piece of her biography, her midwestern roots, raised near chicago, that she wants voters to remember. now, hillary clinton took questions from reporters today, because all the talk of not taking questions was threatening to drown out her message. now, she knows better than most this is not the end, but only the beginning of answering those questions from reporters, but even more importantly those voters here in iowa. anderson? >> jeff thanks very much. a lot to talk about. union joining me gloria borger and nia-malika henderson. gloria these revelations about this guy, sidney bloomenthal, he's basically the personification of a clinton
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insider, was advising secretary clinton on libya while he had business interests there. not clear if she knew he had business interests there. he was trying to make money, basically, in libya. he's not a diplomat or an intelligence expert. what do you make of this? >> well at the very least, anderson it's embarrassing and i think there are legitimate questions that you can raise about a conflict of interest since he did have business interests there. again, we don't know whether she was aware of that or not. but when you talk to people even inside the clinton campaign as i did today, and the name sidney bloomenthal comes up they're like really? because sidney bloomenthal is controversial, he's a clinton partisan he's been in their orbit for decades. and it's not someone they ever expected to kind of be sending e-mails to the secretary of state, about libya. now, you know she passed it on she said today, look you know you don't want to live inside the bubble.
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it's always good to get information from people outside the bubble pass it on and she made the point it was unsolicited unsolicited, which is also important. but, again, embarrassing at the very least. >> but, nia-malika he's not a lobbyist but, you know, it's kind of as if some lobbyists had an inside track to the person who was going to be president of the united states and was sending them e-mails saying oh, this is happening in libya, and she's passing it on to the diplomats, who it seems like are discounting a lot of the stuff that he's saying. a lot of it just apparently seems to be rumors or just plain wrong. >> that's right. and on some occasions, she notes that some of the information that she was looking at seemed wrong. but she did often pass it along. and one of the things about the information that he's passing along, it normally wasn't vetted. normally if you're getting access to not only secretary of state, but other officials in the u.s. government a lot of that information is going to be vetted. that wasn't the case here. i think somebody like sidney
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bloomenthal, he is obviously a consummate clinton insider, also just a consummate washington guy. one of the things you often hear about the clintons is their intense loyalty to folks in their circles. but in this instance it is certainly, in some ways seeming to come back to bite them. and you have seen obviously, conservatives pick this up and say, there's something going on in terms of all of these people all of these circles, whether it's the clinton foundation whether it's the clinton white house, whether it's the clinton gears in secretary of state, in that there's all of this sort of swirl of scandal that conservatives are trying to pick up, but if you look at the polls so far it hasn't quite stuck to hillary clinton quite yet. >> here's the interesting thing about sidney bloomenthal, he actually wanted a job in the clinton state department. hillary clinton wanted him to have a job in the state department. and the obama people said no way. because they didn't like him because he'd been so partisan in the campaign they kind of
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blocked him. and so he still had an open line to hillary clinton, even though he didn't officially work for her. >> but i mean gloria it sort of raises up. for those who distrust hillary clinton and believe, you know, that there's shady dealings going on or questionable dealings going on this certainly plays into that narrative. >> sure. it does. and that's why trey gowdy, the head of the congressional committee investigating benghazi has asked for sidney bloomenthal to come in and have kind of a private session with them so they can talk about this so you already see that happening with republicans on the hill and it's going to continue on the campaign trail. the question is why give them the fodder. >> gloria borger thank you. nia-malika henderson, thanks as well. just ahead, the feds take action to shut down four multi-million dollar cancer charities that our drew griffin has been investigating since 2013. and wait until you hear what the family that runs all four of these charities allegedly did
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correspondent, drew griffin, and his producer david fitzpatrick, have spent more than three years exposing a wide array of fraudulent charities across the country. their reporting resulted in lawsuits and eventually settlements against some of those charities. and now a crackdown that the federal trade commission is call historic. today the commission and the attorneys general of all 50 states filed court papers allegedly, quote, a massive nationwide fraud on the part of four so-called cancer charities that had been the focus of much of drew griffin's reporting. now, these four charities are based in knoxville, tennessee, and mesa arizona, and they're controlled by a single family. here's drew griffin, "keeping 'em honest." >> reporter: we called them some of the worst charities in the u.s. and they responded with silence. >> don't -- don't -- don't turn your camera on me okay? >> reporter: shutting doors in our face. >> if you have any other questions, please send them to her e-mail. >> okay. my question -- >> reporter: mr. reynolds! even giving us the finger. >> hey, where you going, mr. reynolds! >> reporter: the question they wouldn't answer where is all
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the money? 2 1/2 years later we now have a pretty good idea. >> this is an historic moment. >> reporter: a federal investigation has found $187 million raised in donations to four separate cancer charities has largely gone not to cancer survivors, not to cancer research but somewhere else entirely. scammers and fund-raisers. if you gave a dime to the breast cancer society run by james reynolds jr., the cancer fund of america run by james reynolds sr., the children's cancer fund of america, ran by reynolds sr.'s ex-wife, rose parkins, or the cancer support services run by kyle efler, you are not going to like it. >> this is about as bad as it can get. taking money away from cancer victims. >> reporter: in a massive crackdown on this family of charities, the federal trade commission and attorneys generals from all 50 state have announced two of the charities
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will be dissolved. the complaint also includes potential fines including $136 million and in explicit detail have outlined how donations for cancer charities were spent, instead, on luxury lifestyles the personal spending, says jessica rich with the ftc's bureau of consumer protection appears to have had no limits. >> cars for the individual defendants and others working at the companies, interest-free loans and college tuition for the individual defendants. meals at hooters, gim memberships, cell phone apps and games, movie tickets, carnival cruises in the caribbean, a trip to disney world, jet ski rentals, and babysitters for the kids while people were on these boondoggles. >> reporter: james reynolds sr. is the only member of the family fighting back. he now runs both the cancer fund of america and its sister group, cancer support services. he's refused to talk to us for the past three years and apparently is refusing to shut down. a federal trade commission will
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now try to force him out of business. according to the federal complaint, specific promises made by all of the charities, to help cancer patients were untrue. these were lies the complaint says. and instead of helping cancer patients the reynolds family charities helped themselves. lavish six-figure salaries to the leaders and what the ftc says rampant nepotism hiring relatives and friends for big salaries too. want an example? according to federal investigators, james reynolds jr., who runs the breast cancer society, and gave us that one-finger salute hired his assistant, christina hixson to be his, quote, operations and public relations manager. he then married her. his salary $286,000. hers $135,000. the charity also hired miss hixson's two sisters, her son by a previous marriage her mother and her step-nephew. none qualified for any of the
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jobs said the government but all paid with donations. >> they spent virtually all of the money on themselves. >> the total haul in donations from 2008 to 2012 a whopping $187 million. >> there were many victims here. there were the people who donated to cancer patients there were the cancer patients that didn't get the money they needed and there was the trust that we all have in our charitable institutions. >> it's unbelievable drew. i mean did any of this money that was raised the $187 million that was donated, do any good? >> at most 3 cents on the dollar went to something that you might call charitable but there isn't a lot of proof that it really went to any of the people that they said it was going to go to. >> it's outrageous. and these charities, i mean they're fined more than $130 million. is there any money left? >> no there's no real money left. those are symbolic fines. the goal here is to shut these charities down. in fact if the charities that
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voluntarily are going to dissolve do so give a complete accounting then the fines go away. the biggest priority was just to stop this scam, anderson. so sleazy. >> how do these people live with themselves? >> i don't know. >> drew griffin, appreciate the reporting you and david have done. just ahead, the dramatic video, a fiery crash in north carolina. one of the rescuers an off-duty army captain from ft. bragg, who says he was just in the right place at the right time, i'll speak with him, coming up. it's part adrenaline and part adventure. it's part geek and part chic. it's part relaxation and part exhilaration. it's part sports car and part suv. and the best part? the 2015 gla. it's 100% mercedes-benz.
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an off-duty ft. bragg army captain was driving in north carolina on sunday when he came across a horrifying scene. this scene. i'll speak with him in just a moment but first, jean casarez has the story. >> reporter: lives were changed in an instant. a head-on collision sunday afternoon in rural north carolina. people in both cars trapped, as fire began to engulf the vehicles. police say a chrysler suv traveled over the median line colliding with the red acura. >> they were trapped in there, the windows were up the doors were locked. >> reporter: neighbors had to act fast. everett bacon grabbed fire extinguishers from his home to
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try to smother the escalating flames. u.s. army captain steve boggleson just happened to be driving that route with his girlfriend on their way to the local mall. he took a fire extinguisher thought fast and physically used it bashing out windows in both vehicles. that's him, getting 67-year-old william thompson to safety. his 63-year-old wife kathleen also was saved. >> i was called to be there, at that spot at that time. >> reporter: also rescued was the driver of the suv, 59-year-old mark rickets, now charged with driving left of the center line. >> that was jean casarez reporting. now, army captain steve vogelson joins me. captain, this video of you rescuing this man, just incredible. can you tell us how this unfolded? did you see the vehicle go up in flames? >> yeah i was there when we -- we were going to the mall actually. we pulled up one vehicle was on its side it was smoking, and
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the other vehicle was heading towards the ditch. we never saw the actual crash, but i saw, you know, the aftermath. >> and when you got to the car, were they unconscious? >> no i got to car -- i got to the first car, the silver suv, and when i got there, he was conscious. i came to him first, because the car was upsidedown and smoking. so when i went to him, you know he was moaning and screaming, soy so i reached my hand into the car and squeezed his hand and he squeezed back so i knew he was coherent enough to do something. that's when the sheriff's deputy arrived and we went over to the red car. afterwards the explosion, just a pop and boom. i looked up and that's when i saw the car was completely engulfed in flames. so i ran over to him next. >> so what happened then? >> i think that's where the video picks up of us going through the window to get mr. thompson he was the first one
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we pulled from the car. we took him to safety helped to carry him out there, more good samaritans were there as well. one was a doctor. he was wearing a red hat. he was wearing a red hat and he was on the scene as well. >> i know you're going to play this down but you acted incredibly courageously and totally selflessly. were you frightened at all? >> i get that question a lot, but to be honest looking back now, i see the video and it's crazy. but in the heat of the moment at that time you know, i didn't really have time to react or time to think, time to get scared. just time to react. i saw people who needed help and, you know, i guess the army programming kicked in and i went from there. >> i've got to ask, are you wearing a captain america t-shirt? >> yes, i am wearing a captain america t-shirt. >> do you always go around
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rescuing people wearing a captain america t-shirt, or is that just a coincidence? >> it's a coincidence. i actually bought the t-shirt about a year ago, as a joke you know we were in the mall i guess, and everything centers around the mall nowadays. my girlfriend and i, we were in the mall and it was just a funny shirt, so i bought it. and, you know, that morning, sun morning, it was clean, so put it on. >> it was clean -- end of the laundry cycle and that was what you had that was clean. >> yeah. i mean you know i have t-shirts in the top of the drawer reach in pick one up put it on. >> it's appropriate that you were wearing that captain vogelzon thank you so much. it's an honor to talk to you. >> no problem. >> captain america. just ahead, it is truly the eve of the end of an era. we'll say good night to david letterman, next.
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well it is truly the end of a late-night era. david letterman's last episode is tomorrow night. tonight, cnn airs a special report, looking back at his incredible career in broadcasting. it's hosted by our own jake tapper. i want to show you a clip about letterman announcing he was retiring. >> in 2013 david letterman became the longest running late-night host in show business history. >> my name is david letterman, the one fixed point in the ever-changing late-night sky. >> then last april, letterman made a shocking reveal about a phone call he had with cbs honcho les moonves. >> and i said leslie it's been great, you've been great, the network has been great -- >> there was no indication until we were in the wings, before we
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went on he said can i just -- you know come with me took me into a little alcove and he said, i've told the guys that -- >> i'm retiring. >> and i said this is really -- >> yep. >> you actually did this? >> yes, i did. >> the special airs here in a few minutes here on cnn. that's incredible. i have not heard that story, that paul schaefer told you, and it really gets to something that i think is very true about david letterman. as much as people feel they know him, people don't really know him. even paul schaefer who he's worked with forever, finds out minutes before the announcement. >> he is as adam sandler referred to him last week he is everybody's tv best friend. but there is so little we know about him, it's one of the reasons why when there have been these moments where he showed a little bit of himself, either after his heart surgery or after 9/11 during his sex scandal, it's almost as if a reminder like oh, my gosh this is actually a real human being. >> it's interesting, i've been on his show a couple of times,
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and unlike a lot of late-night hosts, he doesn't see you before you go out. like jay leno used to stop by all of them real stopped by before. the only time you see him is when you're out there and when you're gone you're gone. it's not like he's hanging out with the guests. >> no. and he hates the phoneyness of show business is how he views it. and he can be a tough toast. less so now than the '80s or the '90s, but that was part of the electricity, if he didn't like somebody -- and i know he liked you, anderson -- but if he didn't like somebody like cher or shirley maclaine, somebody who didn't come jackie collins or joan collins, if they didn't come to play you know his attitude was, this is an entertainment show. we're putting on a show here and if you aren't going to bring something, i'm going to bring something to you to create something. >> you talked to a lot of great names in late-night in this documentary, that's about to air. you're talking to kimmel they
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all talk very reverently about the impact that david letterman made on them. >> i think it's true. jay leno won the rathings war between them no question about that. david letterman, without question had a much bigger impact on popular culture. >> i'm so glad you did the special. that does it for this edition of "360." our coverage the u.s. policy on fighting isis is under scrutiny as the militants threaten to grab more iraqi territory. >> the largest auto recall in history, details on which cars are affected and why. and the cnn exclusive along with auto hunt ir trying to get a black rhino. but he says he's doing it to save the species. >> hello, everyone. we want to welcome our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. >> this is "cnn newsroom."
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